Amateur Surgeon 3 iPhone Cheats


You need to be very precise when it comes to pulling out sharpened objects from a wound using the forceps. If you want to avoid causing serious injury that is.

Be very slow, deliberate and methodical when using the chainsaw.

For small creatures, simply zap them a few times with the car battery, then delicately place them in the tray using the forceps.

Larger creatures first, shock them to keep them in place, then hold the chainsaw down on them without moving your finger. When the shock wears off, shock 'em again and repeat this process until they can be scooped up with the forceps.

There are two things you need to keep a very close eye on in Amateur Surgeon 3 - the time left on the clock, and the patient's heartbeat.

Completing all stages of the operation quickly will help you get more stars.

Keep the heartbeat ticking over by using the hypodermic needle to inject a little extra life - just push that plunger down very slowly.

Unlike the adrenaline needle, you can move red needle as fast as you like without damaging the patient.

There are two essential steps for making use of the artery clamp, and you need to perform both of them before your patient gets into serious trouble. First, immediately double-tap any areas that have spurting blood. Next, you need to turn the wheel on the clamp - turn it with your fingers until the blood has stopped spraying completely. Now's a good time to check on the patient's heartbeat, as they may well need a shot of adrenaline before you move onto the less pressing parts of the operation.

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