GoldenEye 007 Cheats: Cheat Codes For XBOX 360 and How to Enter Them

GoldenEye 007 Cheats: Cheat Codes For XBOX 360 and How to Enter Them

GoldenEye 007 XBOX 360 cheats will let players get infinite ammo, weapons, and useful abilities. Here’s a GoldenEye 007 cheats list and how to enter and activate cheat codes in the game.

GoldenEye 007 cheats list for XBOX 360

Here’s every GoldenEye 007 cheat code for XBOX 360:

  • Abilities and Modes:
  • All weapons — Down, Left, RS-Up, Right, L + Down, L + Left, L + Up, RS-left, Left, RS-down
  • Dual RCP90’s — Up, Right, L + Left, R + Down, L + Up, L + RS-Left, L + Left, RS-Right, RS-Up, L + R + Down
  • Infinite Ammo — L + RS-Left, L + R + Right, RS-Right, RS-Right, R + Left, L + RS-down, L + R + Left, L + R + RS-down, L + Up, RS-right
  • Invincibility — R+Left, L+Down, Left, Up, Down, R+RS-Left, L+RS-Left, L+R+Left, L+R+Right, L+RS-Left
  • Silver PP7 — L+Left, L+R+Up, L+Right, L+R+Up, L+R+RS-Left, L+R+Left, L+R+Down, RS-Down, L+R+Right, L+R+Left
  • Gold PP7 — L+R+Right, L+R+Down, L+Up, L+R+Down, RS-Up, R+Up, L+R+Right, L+Left, Down, L+RS-Down
  • Paintball Mode — L + Up, RS-up, R + Right, L + R + RS-Left, L + Up, R + RS-Down, L + RS-Down, L + R + RS-Down, L + R + Up, Hold L + RS-Down
  • Slow Motion — L+R+Left, L+R+Left, L+R+Down, L+R+Left, RS-Right, L+R+Down, L+R+Down, L+Down, RS-Left, RS-Up
  • Small James Bond — L+R+Down, R+Down, L+RS-Down, Left, R+RS-Left, L+R+RS-Down, Right, Down, R+RS-Down, R+Right
  • Turbo mode — L + Down, L + RS-Down, L + R + Up, R + RS-Down, Left, R + Down, L + RS-Down, Up, R + Down, L + Right
  • Mission Unlock:
  • Unlock Bunker — L + RS-Down, R + Right, L + RS-RIght, R + RS-Left, L + RS-Down, L + R + Left, L + RS-Right, L + R + Up, R + RS-Right, L + Up
  • Unlock Bunker II — L + Down, R + Down, L + R + RS-Up, L + Left, L + R + Right, L + RS-Left, R + Right, L + RS-Up, L + Left, L + RS-Down
  • Unlock Caverns — L + Down, R + RS-Down, L + R + Up, L + Right, R + RS-Up, R + RS-Left, R + Up, L + RS-Left, L + Up, R + RS-Left
  • Unlock Control Centre — L + RS-Down, R + Down, L + Right, R + RS-Right, R + RS-Down, R + Left, R + Left, R + RS-Up, R + Left, L + R + RS-Up
  • Unlock Cradle — L + R + RS-Up, L + Left, R + Down, L + Down, L + RS-Up, L + Down, R + Right, R + RS-Up, L + RS-Left, R + Right
  • Unlock Depot — L + Down, L + Down, R + RS-Down, L + RS-Right, L + R + Right, R + RS-Left, L + Down, L + RS-Left, L + RS-Right, L + Up
  • Unlock Facility — L+R+RS-Up, R+RS-Left, L+Left, R+RS-Up, L+Left, R+RS-Down, L+RS-Right, R+Right, L+R+RS-Up, L+Right
  • Unlock Frigate — R+RS-Up, L+Down, R+RS-Right, L+Left, L+R+Up, L+R+RS-Down, R+RS-Right, R+Up, L+R+rS-Down, R+Up
  • Unlock Jungle — R + CRSDown, R + Left, L + R + Up, R + Right, R + Down, R + Down, R + Up, R + RS-Left, R + RS-Up, L + R + Left
  • Unlock Runway — L+R+Left, R+Left, L+RS-Up, L+Left, R+RS-Up, R+RS-Down, R+RS-Right, R+Right, L+Down, R+RS-Left
  • Unlock Silo — L+Up, R+RS-Down, L+Left, R+Down, L+RS-Left, L+R+RS-Right, L+rS-Up, R+Right, R+Right, R+RS-Right
  • Unlock Statue — L + R + RS-Down, L + R + RS-Down, L + Right, L + R + Left, R + Left, R + RS-Right, L + R + Left, R + RS-Up, R + RS-Down, R + Right
  • Unlock Streets — L + R + RS-Left, L + RS-Right, L + Up, L + R + RS-Down, R + RS-Right, R + RS-Down, R + Left, R + RS-Down, R + RS-Up, L + Down
  • Unlock Surface — R+RS-Left, L+R+RS-Up, L+Left, R+Up, R+Left, L+Up, R+RS-Down, L+Right, L+RS-Right, L+R+Down
  • Unlock Surface II — L+RS-Down, L+R+RS-Right, R+RS-Right, R+RS-Up, R+RS-Left, L+Right, L+R+RS-Up, L+RS-Up, L+R+Down, L+RS-Right
  • Unlock Train — R + Left, R + RS-Down, R + RS-Right, L + R + Left, L + Right, R + RS-Down, L + Left, L + R + RS-Left, L + Up, L + RS-Up
  • Unlock Archives — R + Left, L + R + Up, L + R + RS-Down, R + Left, L + R + RS-Right, L + Left, L + R + Right, L + R + RS-Down, L + Up, R + RS-Down
  • Unlock Aztec — R + RS-down, R + left, L + right, L + R + RS-right, L + down, L + R + RS-up, L + left, L + R + RS-up, L + R + right, L + RS-left
  • Unlock Egypt — L + R + up, L +R + RS-right, L + down, R + right, R + up, L + down, L + left, L + RS-right, L +R + RS right, L + left
  • Single Player:
  • All Guns — L Button + R Button + Down, L Button + RS-Left, L Button + RS-Right, L Button + R Button + RS-Left, L Button + Down, L Button + RS-Down, R Button + RS-Left, L Button + R Button + RS-Right, R Button + Up, L Button + RS-Left
  • 2x Hunting Knife — R+RS-Down, L+Right, R+RS-Left, L+Right, L+R+Right, L+R+Up, L+Down, R+Left, L+Right, L+RS-Left
  • 2X Grenade Launcher — R+Down, R+Up, Right, L+R+RS-Down, L+Right, R+Left, Left, Down, Up, R+RS-Down
  • 2X laser — L+Right, L+R+RS-Left, L+Down, R+Left, R+Down, L+Right, RS-Up, Right, R+Right, L+R+Up
  • 2X Rocket launcher — R+Right, L+Up, Down, Down, R+RS-Down, L+Left, L+C-Left, R+Up, R+Down, R+RS-Left
  • 2X Throwing Knife — R+RS-Left, L+Left, Up, L+R+Right, Right, L+R+RS-Left, L+R+RS-Left, R+Down, R+Left, R+RS-Left
  • Invincibility — L+Down, R+RS-Right, R+RS-Up, L+Right, L+RS-Down, R+RS-Up, L+Right, R+Down, L+Left, L+R+RS-Right
  • Invisibility — R+RS-Left, L+R+RS-Up, L+R+Left, L+R+Up, R+Up, L+RS-Left, R+RS-Up, L+RS-Down, L+R+Left, R+Right
  • Max Ammo — L+R+RS-Right, R+Up, R+Down, R+Down, L+R+RS-Right, L+R+Left, R+Down, R+Up, L+R+RS-Right, R+Left
  • DK Mode — L and R + up, RS-Right, R + Left, R + Up, Up, R + Right, Up, L and R + RS-Down, L and R + Down, L and R + RS-Left
  • Line Mode — R Button + RS-Down, L Button + R Button + Down, L Button + Right, R Button + RS-Up, L Button + R Button + RS-Right, R Button + Up, L Button + Down, L Button + Right, R Button + RS-Left, R Button + RS-Up
  • Multiplayer:
  • Unlock all characters — L+R+RS-Left, L+RS-Up, L+R+Left, L+Right, R+Down, L+R+RS-Left, L+RS-Up, L+R+Right, L+R+RS-Down, L+Down
  • Invisibility — L+RS-Up, L+R+RS-Left, R+Up, L+RS-Right, R+RS-Left, L+Right, L+R+RS-Left, L+RS-Right, L+Up, L+R+RS-Down
  • No Radar — R+Up, RS-Down, RS-Left, RS-Up, L+Down, R+Up, RS-Left, Right, R+Left, R+Right

How to enter and activate GoldenEye 007 cheats

To enter and activate GoldenEye 007 cheat codes, you must enable cheat codes at the game cheats menu.

To activate the cheats, follow these steps:

  1. Head to the cheats menu in the game menu. 
  2. This is where you can enter your required code.
  3.  After entering your cheat code, you will hear a beep.
  4. This means your code has been enabled.

GoldenEye 007 cheats explained

GoldenEye 007 has a series of complex missions. Players might need cheat codes to complete these and unlock new items.

The game’s description is as follows:

“GoldenEye 007 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Rare and based on the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye. It was exclusively released for the Nintendo 64 video game console in August 1997.

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