Steve Blum robbed

Voice actor Steve Blum robbed, warns thieves of ‘bad juju’

A burglary saw longtime voice actor Steve Blum robbed of many precious valuables. According to Mr. Blum’s Twitter, the alleged stolen goods included sacred, hand-carved Polynesian jewelry made of bone and stone. He obviously considered these quite precious to him and insinuated that said jewelry could bring on “a whole world of really bad juju” to the thieves, suggesting that they return the property to him anonymously lest they unleash some kind of horrible curse.

Mr. Blum followed up his unfortunate news by stating that the Polynesian jewelry was “properly sourced” by a Maori elder from a whale that died of natural causes. The whale was subsequently buried and blessed according to Maori traditions. He continued on, saying that he had a “deep respect” for the traditions of the indigenous people of New Zealand and that he cherished the jewelry that was gifted to him.

Adding insult to injury, today is the anniversary of the finale of Star Wars Rebels, an animated series set in the Star Wars universe that Mr. Blum provided voices for. Today is also the day that the Mortal Kombat 11 story trailer arrived, a game which the prominent voice actor, again, features in

That’s not the only Star Wars property that Mr. Blum has been involved in, mind. He has plenty of video game and series credits for Star Wars including the original X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter game. Outside of Star Wars, he has also been deeply involved in a wide variety of games, movies, and shows with notable roles including Orochimaru from Naruto, Sam from Metro Exodus, and Grimstroke in Dota 2. His first voice acting role was Sid in 1995’s Full Throttle.

It’s a shame to see Steve Blum robbed of some precious valuables. Hopefully, the burglars will be brought to justice. In the meantime, you can catch his latest work as Sub-Zero and Baraka in the upcoming fighting game Mortal Kombat 11.

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