A Complete Guide To Every Ascension Skill In Final Fantasy XV (With Ratings)

Final Fantasy XV features a progression system based around AP. By obtaining AP you can invest in one of over 100 passive or active abilities across eight separate trees, or what the game calls 'Nexus'. There are many choices spanning several disciplines, making it difficult to decide which to spend points on.

In this guide we will share with you what each selection is, in addition to how attractive we think it is on a rating of 1 to 5.


Nexus that refines and boosts your spells. Activate these nodes to improve your magical prowess.

[Author's Note: Magic requires investment both in terms of reagents and time in combat. Although many players gravitate away from magic for melee combat's simplicity and dependability, spells are extremely useful when used to counter an enemy's weakness. We recommend putting a few tertiary points in this Nexus as you level, and invest more heavily if you find yourself interested in the arts of magic.]


AP: 20

Description: Enhance potency by 10 when crafting spells. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 4/5 – A good investment for everyone. This will make your magic hit a bit harder at a low AP cost, making each usage more potent.


AP: 24

Description: Absorb more energy from elemental deposits.

Rating: 3/5 – You will get a lot of mileage out of this, especially if you use magic often. A must-have for magic enthusiasts.

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Magic Action

AP: 24

Description: Gain AP for using elemancy.

Rating: 1/5 – Magic isn't used frequently due to its high resource costs. Thus, the return on investment is low for this one.

Magic Level

AP: 48

Description: Enhance magic of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 4/5 – Get this if you use a lot of magic. The added potency will make each cast much more powerful. This scales particularly well during the mid to late-game when your party members are at a higher level.


AP: 48

Description: Enhance energy absorbtion rate of element-absorbing weapons.

Rating: 2/5 – This has very limited uses. You're better off investing in potency.


AP: 72

Description: Absorb even more energy from elemental deposits.

Rating: 2/5 – This investment isn't quite as beneficial as Elementalism. It's only recommended for hardcore magic fiends.

Magic Level 2

AP: 99

Description: Enhance magic of each party member by three times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 3/5 – A good investment for the magically inclined. Not a must-have for everyone.

Extra Powercraft

AP: 99

Description: Enhance potency by 30 when crafting spells. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 4/5 – A great way to increase your magical effectiveness if you use magic often.

Enhanced Elementality

AP: 99

Description: Absorb much more energy from elemental deposits.

Rating: 1/5 – At this AP cost the investment isn't well-rewarded. Spend your points on Extra Powercraft instead.


AP: 333

Description: Receive an extra spell when crafting. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 1/5 – Fun, but not even close to offering a good return on investment given the enormous cost.

RELATED: Which Ascension Skills To Level First

Super Powercraft

AP: 555

Description: Enhance potency by 50 when crafting spells. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 2/5 – Despite the high cost this is a decent choice for players who use a lot of magic. Though, by the time this is a serious consideration you should have already purchased one or more equally priced abilities from another Nexus.

Bonuspell 2

AP: 999

Description: Recieve two extra spells when crafting. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 1/5 – This is one of the worst 999 AP choices. Skip this.

Ultimate Powercraft

AP: 999

Description: Enhance potency by 100 when crafting spells. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 1/5 – You'll have powerful magic, but you'll also be out 999 AP. This is a fun but far too expensive option.


Nexus that further expands curative power. Activate these nodes to improve your array of restorative options.

[Editor's Note: This Nexus is where you want to go when you begin to struggle to survive. Having extra options for sustainability will go a long way toward making the game easier and perhaps more enjoyable. Though, if you aren't having any issues, the options here are boring and potentially useless to you.]

Rapid Regen

AP: 10

Description: Raise HP and MP recovery rate while in cover.

Rating: 4/5 – You will be using cover often, especially during difficult battles. This is a great choice if only so you have a dependable option when your HP and/or MP are low.

Hang In

AP: 12

Description: Increase HP recovery rate while hanging after point-warp.

Rating: 2/5 – Good for sustain, but there are better options for healing.

Savior's Force

AP: 20

Description: Boost an ally's defense after taking them out of danger.

Rating: 1/5 – The defense isn't very significant. This is a nearly useless ability that you should skip.


AP: 24

Description: Boost stamina.

Rating: 1/5 – Stamina is relatively easy to conserve, especially if you use the jump trick. Spend your AP on something fun or exciting instead of this.

First Aid

AP: 24

Description: Recover a bit of HP with a first aid kit when HP is low.

Rating: 3/5 – Useful when under pressure. Will help get you back up and fighting in no time. Not a must-have.

Savior's Vengeance

AP: 48

Description: Boost an ally's critical hit rate after taking them out of danger.

Rating: 1/5 – Another bad choice that doesn't offer good value.

Savior's Force

AP: 48

Description: Boost an ally's attack after taking them out of danger.

Rating: 1/5 – The boost isn't significant, and will rarely occur.

Advanced First Aid

AP: 99

Description: Recover a little HP with a fancy first aid kit when HP is low.

Rating: 2/5 – Useful if you struggle a lot. The added HP over prior selections can make a difference, but not much.

Distance Runner

AP: 99

Description: Further enhance stamina.

Rating: 1/5 – This is a low value ability. Choose something else.


AP: 99

Description: Fully restore an ally's HP after taking them out of danger.

Rating: 2/5 – This will help you a lot in a pinch. Sometimes the A.I. will take unnecessary damage that you have no control over. This will make that less frustrating to deal with.

Expert First Aid

AP: 333

Description: Recover HP with a fully-stocked first aid kit when HP is low.

Rating: 1/5 – Are you starting to see how bad this tree is? Skip this selection.

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Nexus that enhances and boosts your allies' techniques. Activate these nodes to unlock new skills for your comrades to use in combat.

[Editor's Note: Techniques are an inporant part of your arsenal. Not only are they fun to use, but they provide moments of on-demand powerful damage or healing. Though, we would argue that the Combat Nexus is higher priority. That said, placing some AP in this Nexus is well worth it.


AP: 8

Description: Draw enemy attention across a wide area with a firearm. Depletes tech bar by one.

Rating: 1/5 – This is one of the worst techniques you can use. It doesn't offer enough to justify usage.


AP: 8

Description: Bring all allies together in stalwart defense. Rescues from danger and restores HP quickly. Depletes tech bar by two.

Rating: 5/5 – Get this ASAP so you have an "oh crap" button when you need it. This will be one of your most game-changing Techniques for most of the game, especially since its heal applies to all party members.


AP: 8

Description: Deal heavy damage to a single enemy with a powerful greatsword slash. Depletes tech bar by two.

Rating: 4/5 – A fantastic way to shut an enemy down. This will hit hard and finish off enemies consistently.


AP: 18

Description: Draw enemies in an area closer together with machinery by creating a gravitational field. Depletes tech bar by two.

Rating: 4/5 – This is huge for setting up big AoE combos, which is a great way to clear groups of annoying enemies.


AP: 18

Description: Imbue Noctis' weapon with the element his target is weakest to. Depletes tech bar by one.

Rating: 3/5 – A simple way to counter enemy weaknesses. Best for new players who don't yet have a good grip on weaknesses.


AP: 18

Description: Deal heavy damage with machinery by overloading its energy output. Depletes tech bar by two.

Rating: 3/5 – Hits hard, but not a must-have technique. Outperformed by other options for the character.


AP: 18

Description: Deal damage to nearby enemies with a fearsome shield shockwave. Depletes tech bar by two.

Rating: 3/5 – One of the earliest options for AoE. It's good for early game, although other characters tend to be better for AoE executions.


AP: 18

Description: Concentrate ally attacks on a foe with devastating Deathblow strikes. Depletes tech bar by two.

Rating: 5/5 – Considered the greatest technique in the game, this is a must have for every group. You will be capable of dealing astronomical damage that scales well into the late game.

Royal Guard

AP: 18

Description: Move to quickly guard Noctis with a shield. Depletes tech bar by one.

Rating: 2/5 – Slightly useful for newbies, but decreases in value as you get better at the game.

Tech Strike

AP: 48

Description: Add to the tech bar when Noctis lands attacks.

Rating: 4/5 – You will want this so that you can use techniques often.


AP: 72

Description: Unleash a devastating fire attack with daggers. Depletes tech bar by three.

Rating: 2/5 – Ignis is better served as utility and support than as a primary damage dealer.


AP: 72

Description: Ambush enemies with a frontal, sweeping greatsword area attack. Depletes tech bar by three.

Rating: 4/5 – This is one of the best techniques to use after grouping up enemies. Watch them explode.

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Trigger Happy

AP: 72

Description: Unleash a barrage at multiple enemies with a pair of firearms. Depletes tech bar by three.

Rating: 4/5 – A killer move that is good against single, high HP enemies as well as small groups.

Tech Damage

AP: 99

Description: Add to the tech bar when Noctis suffers damage.

Rating: 1/5 – You won't be suffering damage, will you? Not a great pick.

Quick Tech

AP: 333

Description: Accelerate tech bar replenishment rate.

Rating: 3/5 – More techniques is always better.

Limit Break (One For Each Party Member)

AP: 999

Description: Break limit on damage from techniques.

Rating: 5/5 – You eventually want this during late-game, particularly for either Gladiolus or Prompto. Your burst damage potential will increase significantly upon its acquisition.


Nexus that boosts Noctis' technique repertory. Activate these nodes for more ways to take out enemies.

[Editor's Note: This is the best Nexus to invest points into. You will get a lot of useful new abilities in addition to increasing your offensive capabilities. If you ever find yourself stuck on where to place points, Combat is always a safe bet.]


AP: 6

Description: Use left analog stick + circle (PS4) to take a step in midair after attacking, one time only.

Rating: 5/5 – This is a huge addition to your arsenal that allows you to do an intermediate difficulty combo finisher. Satisfying and moderately powerful.

Light Phase

AP: 8

Description: Reduce MP cost of phasing.

Rating: 5/5 – Phasing is way too costly without this. At only 8 HP this is a must-have even during the early game.

Chained Fury

AP: 10

Description: Boost damage dealt when unscathed during chain attacks.

Rating: 5/5 – You will be able to savagely beat enemies into a pulp with this. A must have.


AP: 16

Description: Dodge enemy attacks in the midair by holding square (PS4).

Rating: 4/5 – You're going to need this as you begin to incorporate midair attacks into your rotation. Pick it up, practice, and master it.


AP: 16

Description: Phase through an enemy's attack without using MP by pressing square (PS4) at the last second.

Rating: 5/5 – This is what separates the men and the boys. Using this properly is the best way to play the game as it saves your MP for offense. It's a handful to utilize, but will pay dividends.

Warp Factor

AP: 24

Description: Boost warp-strike damage.

Rating: 4/5 – You will see an increase in your kill rates once you get this, although warp strikes don't do enough damage to make this mandatory.

Daemon Destroyer

AP: 24

Description: Warp-strike to break daemon appendages.

Rating: 2/5 – Useful in the right situation, but you don't have to invest in this. It's too situational when compared to other options.

Death Drop

AP: 28

Description: From afar, press circle (PS4) to warp into range and strike down from above.

Rating: 3/5 – A neat addition to your arsenal that isn't mandatory, but works nicely alongside warps.


AP: 28

Description: Boost blindside damage.

Rating: 3/5 – Blindside is something a lot of players struggle with. Whether or not you need this depends on how consistently you can employ it.

Blink Boost

AP: 32

Description: Recover a bit of MP by blinking through attacks at the last second.

Rating: 3/5 – Difficult to pull off but useful for keeping you going. MP recovery isn't all that important until you're an advanced player, though.

Ultralight Phase

AP: 32

Description: Further reduce MP cost of phasing.

Rating: 3/5 – Not as significant as the initial Light Phase point, but still useful.

Warp Decoy

AP: 48

Description: Leave a hologram to divert enemies after warping.

Rating: 2/5 – A fun ability that doesn't always work as intended or prove useful.

Warp Factor 2

AP: 52

Description: Further boost warp-strike damage.

Rating: 3/5 – You will be warping so often that even the smallest boost to its damage is nice to have.


AP: 52

Description: Recover MP when an aerial attack connects.

Rating: 5/5 – Become an energizer bunny that can hop around all day. This will take practice to get used to, but is well worth your time.


AP: 52

Description: Perform a second Airstep after a second midair attack.

Rating: 3/5 – Flashy and a nice addition to your damage output, but not all that necessary.

Static Edge

AP: 64

Description: Significantly increase damage dealt after entering stasis.

Rating: 5/5 – This is what you're gong to want to use to ramp up a huge counter-attack. Incredibly powerful, and a must-have.

Super Stalker

AP: 64

Description: Further boost blindside damage.

Rating: 2/5 – Not bad, but outperformed by most other options in the tree. Blindside requires practice to perform regularly.


AP: 99

Description: Increase Noctis' MP by the number of levels he has gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 2/5 – Nice to have to keep you going, but there are enough ways to regen MP as to make this unnecessary.


AP: 333

Description: Negate damage by pressing square (PS4) immediately after being hit.

Rating: 4/5 – Incredibly potent in the right hands. Not useful against magic or combos.

Point-Blank Warp-Strike

AP: 333

Description: Deliver a critical hit when warp-striking at close range.

Rating: 3/5 – This instantly makes warp-strikes viable in melee range. The critical hit is almost comparable to a long-range warp strike. This is great for transitioning into a combo.


AP: 333

Description: Airstep after midair attacks an unlimited number of times.

Rating: 4/5 – This single ability can completely change the way you do battle as long as you're quick and know what you're doing. Just be sure to watch your MP.

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Nexus that boosts your allies' teamwork. Activate these nodes to improve the support your comrades provide in combat.

[Editor's Note: This Nexus complements Technique. It'll increase your burst potential as well as providing some neat utility. There are multiple must-have selections in this Nexus that you should prioritize alongside the Combat tree.]

First Shot

AP: 6

Description: Gain first strike against a nearby enemy with a firearm. Adds to tech bar.

Rating: 3/5 – An inexpensive way to give your team a leg up.


AP: 6

Description: Automatically scan most enemies' weaknesses at the onset of battle.

Rating: 5/5 – Get this immediately. Automatic scans are great for the quality of life of your experience.


AP: 6

Description: Deliver a powerful counterattack with a greatsword. Makes enemies flinch.

Rating: 5/5 – You'd be surprised how often this ability is used by the A.I. It is a great setup for big combos. A must have.


AP: 16

Description: Deliver a devastating blow to a vulnerable enemy.

Rating: 3/5 – Good for finishing fights quicker. Won't help you much on tougher fights, usually.


AP: 18

Description: Gain first strike by delivering a powerful greatsword slash.

Rating: 4/5 – You will benefit from this nearly every battle. Get it.


AP: 18

Description: Deliver a counterattack and stun enemies with a firearm.

Rating: 4/5 – Stunning is incredibly useful for peeling for your teammates. This is a good choice early on.


AP: 18

Description: Deliver a counterattack and drain an enemy's HP with a polearm.

Rating: 4/5 – The drain effect will turn Ignis into an everliving monster.


AP: 24

Description: Make an enemy flinch with a paralyzing kick while Noctis is defending.

Rating: 2/5 – The problem with this is it'll break up tempo when you're planning to defend. Can be strong when used offensively, though.

Venom Fang

AP: 24

Description: Poison an enemy with daggers when Noctis chain attacks it.

Rating: 3/5 – The damage over time effect is fantastic against higher HP enemies.

Shock Drop

AP: 24

Description: Electrocute an enemy with machinery when Noctis attacks it in midair.

Rating: 3/5 – Difficult to pull off and incredibly situational, but spectacular when performed correctly.

Super Link Up

AP: 32

Description: Further boost link-strike damage.

Rating: 5/5 – This is one of the cheapest investments that allow you to perform far greater damage on command. Get this within your first couple hours.

Virulent Venom

AP: 64

Description: Boost Venom Fang damage.

Rating: 3/5 – Ignis isn't your most dominant link character, but Venom Fang does hit hard. Not a bad investment.


AP: 64

Description: Protect Noctis from enemy attacks with a shield.

Rating: 2/5 – You can handle yourself, right? This will provide a nice buffer from time-to-time, at least.


AP: 64

Description: Swiftly unleash damage on an area with a firearm. Makes enemies flinch.

Rating: 4/5 – A superb option for dealing with clustered enemies. Will help you finish groups of enemies and move onto the next battle.


AP: 99

Description: Heal an ally with a hidden HP recovery item.

Rating: 5/5 – Everyone should get this. Your sustain will more than double from this one ability alone.

Acute Antagonism

AP: 99

Description: Boost Antagonize damage.

Rating: 4/5 – Gladiolus hits hard as it is. This will make him even more potent when you need the extra damage.

Sharp Shock

AP: 99

Description: Boost Shock Drop damage.

Rating: 2/5 – You will not be using Shock Drop often unless you put a lot of effort into it.

Ultimate Deathblow

AP: 99

Description: Deliver an utterly devastating blow to a vulnerable enemy.

Rating: 3/5 – This will provide you with opportunities to finish off opponents. It requires vulnerability which makes it situational, though.

Critial Link

AP: 333

Description: Always deliver a critical hit when link-striking.

Rating: 5/5 – This is one of the greatest ways to provide yourself with the ability to deal burst damage on command. A must-have for difficult bosses.

Limitless Link

AP: 999

Description: Break limit on link-strike damage.

Rating: 4/5 – This will allow you to deal incredible damage with links, making for some exciting and powerful moments.


Nexus that enhances basic parameters independent of behavior. Activate these nodes to boost stats and equip more accessories.

[Editor's Note: This is a safe Nexus to invest in since its benefits are passive and apply to each of your characters. Though, the choices won't make a huge difference.]

Health Level

AP: 10

Description: Increase HP of each party member by twice the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 4/5 – This is a low investment option that will greatly increase your survivability, particularly during late-game.

Accessory Slot (One For Each Party Member)

AP: 16

Description: Equip two accessories.

Rating: 4/5 – Accessories provide major perks. This will greatly increase the potential of a group member once you have two accessories for him to equip.

Health Level 2

AP: 99

Description: Increase HP of each party member by five times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.

Rating: 3/5 – This is worth grabbing if you find yourself having trouble in battle. The added health will provide a nice buffer for you.

Vitality Level

AP: 99

Description: Enhance vitality of each party member by the number of levels gained.

Rating: 3/5 – Useful for mitigation if you find yourself being hit often in melee.

Spirit Level

AP: 99

Description: Enhance spirit of each party member by the number of levels gained.

Rating: 4/5 – Magical damage tends to be harder to avoid than physical damage. Because of this, spirit is a great investment.

Strength Level

AP: 99

Description: Enhance strength of each party member by the number of levels gained.

Rating: 5/5 – You will kill faster by investing in this. The payoff is well worth the cost, particularly during mid to late-game.

Health Level 3

AP: 333

Description: Increase HP of each party member by ten times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities does not stack.

Rating: 2/5 – Only worth it if you find yourself dying a lot. It's better to invest in Strength to kill faster.

Accessory Slot (One For Each Party Member)

AP: 333

Description: Equip three accessories.

Rating: 2/5 – Do you have enough accessories for your various team members to equip? If so, this is a good buy. That won't be until late game, though.

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Nexus that renders assistance outside of combat. Activate these nodes to aid you on the long road.

[Editor's Note: Many options in this tree are tailored to the character-specific skills as well as AP bonuses. In regards to AP bonuses, you will get the most return on investment if you invest early. Due to this, we recommend purchasing a couple selections in this tree during the initial chapters before moving to the higher priority, battle-oriented trees.]


AP: 12

Description: Take photos in battle. Up to five can be saved. Depletes tech bar by one.

Rating: 4/5 – This is a very fun ability that is worth it for anyone who enjoys taking screenshots.

Angler Action

AP: 18

Description: Gain AP for catching a fish.

Rating: 4/5 – Fishing is one of the most productive activities. This will make it even more appealing. Only invest in this if you plan on fishing, though.


AP: 18

Description: Extend status boost time from meals eaten at camp.

Rating: 5/5 – This is a must-have as food bonuses are powerful and inexpensive. This will allow you to remain buffed for a longer period of time after camping.

Happy Camping

AP: 20

Description: Increase AP gained for making camp.

Rating: 4/5 – The bonus AP is consistent and reliable due to how often you will visit a camp. Be sure to invest in this early to maximize your return on investment.


AP: 20

Description: Gain AP for cooking someone's favorite food.

Rating: 1/5 – The low AP reward makes this a very niche choice, although some may find it fun as it gives you another reason to selectively cook for your group members.


AP: 32

Description: Roadrunning

Rating: 1/5 – Nearly useless. You won't get that much AP unless you go out of your way to travel long distances often.


AP: 32

Description: Gain AP for long trips by chocobo.

Rating: 1/5 – One of the worst options. Skip this.


AP: 32

Description: Chance of gaining AP through snapshot.

Rating: 2/5 – Not worth it unless you take a lot of screenshots.


AP: 32

Description: Gain AP for winning chocobo races.

Rating: 1/5 – A poor choice, even if you race a lot.

Happier Camping

AP: 48

Description: Further increase AP gained by making camp.

Rating: 4/5 – This is a must-have if you decide to go with Happy Camping. Be sure to invest in this early to maximize your return on investment.

Item Angler

AP: 84

Description: Double the items gained from fishing.

Rating: 3/5 – Fishing is a great way to spend extra time to gain valuable items. Only invest in this if you plan on fishing occasionally.

Lingering Aftertaste

AP: 99

Description: Further extend status boost time from meals eaten at camp.

Rating: 4/5 – A great choice to follow up on the first Aftertaste.


AP: 99

Description: Gain experience for long trips on chocobo.

Rating: 1/5 – You won't use a Chocobo all that often, and the benefits are small when compared to simply killing enemies.


AP: 99

Description: Gain experience for winning chocobo races.

Rating: 1/5 – Leveling isn't much of an issue, and the amount you gain from the races isn't substantial.


AP: 99

Description: Gain experience for long trips in the car.

Rating: 1/5 – Leveling isn't much of an issue. You won't be making long trips often enough to make this worth the investment.


AP: 99

Description: Gain more AP for reeling in a big catch.

Rating: 2/5 – The bonus AP is a large amount, but won't happen all that often. Only invest in this if you plan on fishing often.

Fitter Survival

AP: 99

Description: Occasionally receive double the items from Gladio's survival skills.

Rating: 1/5 – This is simply not a valuable perk, and especially not one that you want to invest many AP into.

Reel Experience

AP: 333

Description: Gain experience for catching fish.

Rating: 1/5 – The experience gained from this isn't enough to justify the cost of the ability.

Persistent Aftertaste

AP: 333

Description: Greatly extend status boost time from meals eaten at camp.

Rating: 2/5 – At this point you're spending too much AP to extend your bonuses. Not worth it until late game.

Expert Item Angler

AP: 555

Description: Triple the items gained from fishing.

Rating: 3/5 – This will make fishing a very productive activity. Only invest in this if you plan on fishing often.

Fittest Survival

AP: 999

Description: Receive double the items from Gladio's survival skills.

Rating: 1/5 – Similar to Fitter Survival, this is a choice that doesn't have good returns.

Wait Mode

Nexus that facilitates combat in time-stopping Wait Mode. Activate these nodes to improve your tactical performance.

[Editor's Note: Wait Mode is something you have to enable in the settings. It alters the pacing of combat to what many consider to be easier. If you are someone who uses Wait Mode and wants a smoother, less intense gameplay experience, this tree offers a few selections that are mildly attractive.]

Presto Libra

AP: 12

Description: Scan enemies even faster when using Libra.

Rating: 1/5 – Scanning isn't used often and timing isn't enough of a concern to justify the cost of this ability.

Warp Ambush

AP: 18

Description: During Wait Mode, warp-strike an enemy not targeting Noctis to increase the likelihood of breaking its appendage.

Rating: 2/5 – This can be powerful in some cases, although these situations are uncommon and difficult to control.


AP: 32

Description: Boost damage inflicted by a scanned enemy's elemental weakness.

Rating: 3/5 – This pairs very well with the Teamwork tree's Analyze ability. You will essentially be able to exploit weaknesses automatically.


AP: 48

Description: Restore the Wait Timer by defeating an enemy.

Rating: 2/5 – If you're going to be using Wait Mode, this is going to make the setting much more powerful by providing more opportunities.


AP: 99

Description: During Wait Mode, warp-strike an enemy with half or less of its HP remaining to increase damage inflicted.

Rating: 3/5 – This is great for burst setups to finish off an enemy. Particularly useful against high HP enemies who require a lot of time to kill.


AP: 99

Description: Stop the Wait Timer from depleting.

Rating: 1/5 – This is simply unnecessary unless you require a ton of time to make decisions in combat. The default Wait Timer is more than sufficient.


AP: 99

Description: Boost damage inflicted by allies for each enemy scanned.

Rating: 1/5 – You won't be scanning often, making this a poor choice for investment, especially at 99 AP.

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