The End of a Dynasty Review

The End of a Dynasty

Way back when the Playstation was a drooling infant, Singletrac developed Twisted

. In doing so, they more or less invented a whole new genre of video

games. The idea is that you pilot some freak-ass car through vast, fully-rendered

3D environments with one basic goal: blow stuff up. Add a two-player mode that

splits the screen and lets the two of you loose in one of the said 3D environments

and you have a game with unstoppable staying power. Singletrac then upped the

ante when they released Twisted

Metal II
. Not only did Twisted Metal II have far better graphics

and more vehicles than its predecessor, it also had gigantic environments that

were completely interactive (Paris, anyone?).

Well kids, it’s 1998 and another Twisted Metal has been thrust our way.

And the verdict?

Shame on you, 989, for casting a dark shadow on this otherwise glorious series

of games.

Yup. You heard me. When 989 purchased the rights to the Twisted Metal

franchise they essentially brought it to an end. And to tell you the truth,

Twisted Metal 3 is not glaringly terrible. It is simply average in every

sense of the word, and a mere shadow of its competition.

First off, I want to talk about something that makes or breaks auto-combat

games like Twisted Metal III: level design. Now, we all know that what

we’re looking for here are gigantic, innovative levels with loads of secrets

and plenty of stuff that blows up. You will find very little of this in TM3.

Take Washington D.C., for example. This level is quite possibly the most uninspired

level in any auto-combat game, ever. It is one medium-sized court yard with

the White House at one end and a wall on all the other sides – you can go nowhere

else, and you can blow almost nothing up. Travel to Arizona for the Hangar 18

level (Area 51 – gee, that’s clever) and you’ll find the second most uninspired

level in any auto-combat game, ever. Here’s an even smaller circular ring with

a gigantic flying saucer taking up the middle. Sure, if you flip a few switches

you get to go into the flying saucer, but that only teleports you to the thin

top of the wall that encompasses the original ring. Lame! There are a few other

levels that give you little teases of good design (London is nice, complete

with an exploding Big Ben), but they are so few and far between that you’ll

find yourself busting out copies of

Vigilante 8
, Rogue

, or even Twisted Metal II just to assure yourself that good

level design is indeed possible.

Graphically, TM3 is nowhere near Vigilante 8 or even Rogue

. Yes, 989 developed a new engine for this game, but folks, new ain’t

necessarily better. There are a few good light-sourcing effects, and some of

the weapons look real nice, but the overall feel is a bit grainy and chock full

of seams.

And as for that new physics engine…please give me the old one, ’cause this

one isn’t cutting it. The entire allure behind the Twisted Metal genre of games

is that it has very little to do with real life; it is science-fiction hyperbole

at its best. With their new physics engine, however, 989 has attempted to make

the vehicles in TM3 perform more like their real-life counterparts. “TruPhysics,”

they call it. The result is a confusing blur between reality and fiction. Your

car will flip when you take a fast turn, but survive a 200 foot fall unscathed.

Not only that, but apparently the new physics engine doesn’t quite know what

to do with collision detection. You’ll find yourself penetrating walls (when

this happens, the camera often gets confused and shakes until you move your

vehicle) and teetering magically on towering cliffs. And yes, TM3 supports

the dual-shock controller, but their default controller setup is terrible.

Which brings me to my

next complaint. Say you re-configure the controller the way you like it. You’d

like to save that new configuration to your memory card so that you don’t have

to reconfigure every time, right? Sorry kid, you can’t save anything. That’s

right – TM3 has regressed to the 8-bit Nintendo days, and all you’ve

got to continue your progress is a cute little password system. Oops.

Vehicles, you ask? Well, TM3 has a few of the old (Thumper, Mr. Grimm,

Outlaw, Roadkill, Axel, Hammerhead, and Warthog), a few of the new (Clubkid,

Firestarter, Auger, and Flower Power), and a few of the hidden

(Sweet Tooth, Dark Tooth, Minion, and Dark Side). Nothing incredibly innovative

here, but nothing really lackluster either. One new function that 989 threw

in is the option to have a computer-controlled ally. Although this sounds great,

you’ll find that the computer player sucks, and is usually the first to die.

Last but not least I’d like to mention sound. One of the most advertised facets of Twisted Metal 3 is that Rob Zombie did the soundtrack. Rob’s songs meld perfectly with the overall feel of the game, and if it weren’t for the game’s terrible sound effects, the soundtrack would be flawless. I’m talking about BAD sound effects. Try driving your car through water – it sounds more like a crackling machine gun, leaving you wondering whether that was really water that you just putted through.

The one thing that saves this game from utter failure is its multi-player functions. 989 has added a bunch of new options here, including a four-player interface (four-way split screen on the PlayStation?). Although slowdown here is very rampant, it’s a pretty fun party game. You can also play a two-player game with the screen split four ways (the other two display radar and weapon info) so that it’s just a smaller version of the real game.

Frankly, I didn’t like Twisted Metal 3. Had it been released a year ago, before Vigilante 8 or Rogue Trip, I might have thought differently. But sadly, those two games have been available for a while now, giving you more than enough reason to leave Twisted Metal 3 on the shelf.

  • Nice multi-player options
  • Rob Zombie sounds good
  • Horrible level design
  • Physics engine bites
  • Lackluster graphics


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Nice multi-player options Rob Zombie sounds good Horrible level design Physics engine bites Lackluster graphics
Nice multi-player options Rob Zombie sounds good Horrible level design Physics engine bites Lackluster graphics
