Jenova Chen Discusses The Challenges In Following Up Journey, Multiplatform Development

Last year's PlayStation Network hit, Journey, was easily one of the best games of last year. Thatgamecompany crafted an incredibly unique experience that will go down in history as one of the first titles to really prove that video games can be art.

As such, TGC has a whole heck of a lot of expectation to live up to with their next game, and studio head Jenova Chen is well aware of this fact. In an interview with IGN, Chen said flat out that “it has to be better. I can’t just let people down."

He went on to add: "Even just before coming to DICE, I was like ‘this is not going to top Journey.’ But I can’t see a game that’s more epic than the journey of a lifetime, right? From living to dying. How can you do something to top that? That’s tremendous pressure. I’m trying to stay away, trying not to directly compete with Journey in my next game. That’s what I’m working on right now.”

WIth regards to developing for multiple platforms, Chen went on to express his excitement in reaching a much larger audience. "The value of the company and the money the company makes are directly mirrored by how much service we can provide to society. If we can make great games for PS3 players…how many PS3 players are out there? If we can make great games for everybody, that’s a much bigger service. There’s no reason I shouldn’t do that.”

Do you have high hopes for the next project from thatgamecompany? Do you think they'll be able to top Journey? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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