Assassin's Creed Ragnarok leak reveals possible details

Assassin’s Creed Ragnarok leak reveals possible details

A series of new Assassin’s Creed Ragnarok leaks, including a store listing and a 4chan leak, have revealed potential details about the series’ next game. This news comes a month ahead of its rumored, PS5-related reveal in February.

Following an Italian GameStop listing for “Assassin’s Creed Ragnarok – Mjolnir Edition” last week, an anonymous post on 4chan detailed many aspects of the game’s mechanics and story. According to the post, the game will launch on both current- and next-gen consoles in September 2020. The leak also said Ragnarok will feature several returning features, such as the hidden blade and the ability to blend in with crowds of civilians, as well as new ones, like four-player co-op and weapon durability. Kotaku reporter Jason Schreier, known for often having inside knowledge of games industry happenings, later commented on Resetera that he had previously heard some of the leak’s details, saying it “seems like a realistic leak as opposed to someone’s fantasy list.”

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While some of these changes are bound to be controversial with Assassin’s Creed fans, Assassin’s Creed Origins and Odyssey have already begun moving away from the franchise’s traditional formula, becoming more of an RPG series than an action-oriented one. Perhaps co-op and weapon degradation are just what Ragnarok needs to continue moving things forward.

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