Legend of Mana PS Cheats

Legend of Mana


Find a Chocobo:

To get a Chocobo as a pet, have a Final Fantasy 8 saved game on the same memory


as the one used for Legend Of Mana. Enter the save screen, highlight the Final

Fantasy 8

file, then exit out of the save screen. When you catch a bird egg in the eastern

section of

Domina it should hatch into a Chocobo.

Hidden Sword:

Have a saved game from SaGa Frontier 2 on the same memory card as the one used


Legend Of Mana. Enter the save screen, highlight the SaGa Frontier 2 file, then

exit out of

the save screen. Enter Bone Fortress and head toward the bridge where you fought


DeathBringer. There will be two skeletons at that location. When you approach

them, you

will fight DeathBringer 2. After beating it, you will get the strongest sword

from SaGa

Frontier 2.

Get Fastest Wheel:

Beat the “Catchin’ Lilipeas” quest and have a saved game from Chocobo Racing


the same memory card as the one used for Legend Of Mana. Highlight the Chocobo

Racing file, then exit out of the save screen. Go to Polpota Harbor. On the

Polpota Harbor

map screen Skippy, the thin big eared creature from the “Catchin’ lilipeas”

and “Huntin’

Du’cate” quests, will appear and hand you a ring item called “Fastest Wheel.”

Shadow Zero Mini-Game:

Beat the then “Jewel hunter” quests (The Lost Princess, The Flame of Hope, Drowned

Dreams, The Looking-Glass Tower, The Lucky Clover, Cosmo, Two Pearls, Alexandrite,

Flourite, and Tear Drop Crystal). When those events are finished, go to the

bar in Domina

on Salamander day. You should see a Shadow Zero standing near the counter. Talk

to him

to play the game.

Land Bopper Mini-Game:

Get nine lands in full view on the world map (which should resemble a slanted


board). Hold L1 button for approximately 4 seconds to get the Land Bopper start


to appear.

The Forbidden Tome:

After you beat the game save, then load the saved game go to the Encyclopedia.

There will be a new book; Forbidden Tome, it will have Normal mode, Knightmare

mode or No Future mode.

Catch Egg Monsters Everytime:

Try dropping a variety of fruits and meats and when the monster starts eating

wait until you see a grey line or grey exclamation mark in the thought cloud

above it’s head, but if you see a red X in the cloud then its not going to eat

anymore and you should try reentering the area you saw the monster.

GameShark Codes

Level 99           300435e80063
Infinite Lucre     80043004ffff
Infinite/Max HP Main Character
Press Select to Fill ST Meter

All Items/Infinite Items




Thanks to Revolution readers Link Keith Goodman, Danny B and Nickolis!

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