Enter these codes during play. Wex will jump up and yell to confirm the code.
Red Beam Mode:
Press Right, Up, Left, Circle, Up, Circle, Circle.
Ten Additional Missiles:
Press X, Circle, R1, Right, Triangle, X, Triangle.
Ten Additional Grenades:
Press R1, X, R1, Right, Square, Right, Square.
Full Health:
Press R1, Triangle, L1, Left, Triangle, Circle, X.
Level Select:
Press Up, Left, Down, R2, Right, Square, X. Then press “Start” and opt to quit
the game. You’ll be taken to the opening screen. Choose “Continue Your Current
Game,”and now all the different levels should be playable..
GameShark Codes
Infinite Rig Power 8007b6300374 Infinite Rig Power 8007b6380001 Infinite Continues 8007b35c0004 Infinite Lives D007B35C0002 or 8007B35C0003 Infinite Health D0084466000F or 800844660010 Moon Jump D007C7880040 or 80084492FFF0 Infinite Missiles on Pick-Up D007B4440002 or 8007B4440003 Drench Level Codes Moon Jump D007C788 0040 or 800847B2 FFF0 Infinite Health D0084786 0010 or 80084786 0011
Thanks to Revolution readers Milton Bradley, D. Patrick Tanner, Kyle Campbell
and Trent Finan!