Condemned,Condemned: Criminal Origins Condemned: Criminal Origins FAQ/Walkthrough

Condemned : Criminal Origins

1.1 Introduction:
Well hell, my first Faq/walkthrough/Game Guide. This one covers pretty much 
every important aspect of the Xbox 360 game "Condemned: Criminal Origins",
including a detailed walkthrough, bird/metal pieces/TV locations and 
requirements for all Achievment Awards. Please note that this walkthrough is
kept spoiler-free, thus I'm not going to explain story-sequences or the like.
A detailed explanation on how to use the walkthrough can be found under point

Most recent versions of this Gameguide can be found on and

1.2 Table of Contents
..1.1  Introduction
..1.2  Table of Contents
..1.3  Useful Techniques and Should-knows
..1.4  Enemy List
..1.5  Weapons Guide
..2.1  How to use this walkthrough
..2.2  Walkthrough
..3.1  Achievments
..4.1  Gameplay Bugs
..5.1  Legal stuff and Credits

1.3 Useful Techniques and Should-knows

Those of you who played DOOM3 will certainly feel like a fool when they
finally realize that you can have the flashlight ALWAYS turned on. That's all
there is to say: Keep it on all the time. Enemies won't notice you earlier and
your batteries won't run dry, so no worries there.

By pressing the left analog stick you will be able to run for a short time.
A yellow-colored Staminameter will appear and rapidly go down for the time
you are running. And it takes like 2 eternities to replenish again.

The Taser:
In the course of the first chapter your taser will be unlocked. By pressing
the LB button the Taser will go off and shot 2 wires out of the front. When 
you aimed, more or less, in the direction of an enemy, the wires will hit and
stun your opponent for a short time. While he's stunned you can disarm your
opponent of his weapon by closing in on him and pressing A. This is especially
useful against foes with ranged weapons and guns. If you don't plan on
disarming the opponent or simply don't have the time, tasering him is useful
nonetheless, since it gives you a "free hit" on him. After you fired the taser,
it will need some time to recharge, be aware of this fact when facing multiple
opponents. Later on, you will acquire an upgraded version of the Taser which
will have the enemy dropping to the ground stunned. In this condition, one hit
with any weapon will finish him off. Even with a kick. 

Weapons of all sorts are scattered throughout the chapters or can be grabbed 
off the enemies hands. Without a weapon you are as good as defenseless, the 
kick and the taser won't save lives. So keep out for any or a better weapon at
any time. Personally I prefer long range Melee Weapons like the Large Pipe, the
Fireplace Poker and the Fireaxe. They greatly support my Out-Of-Reach Technique
, too. Choose from whatever category YOU like though.
About Guns: First things first. You cannot reload guns. You find them or take 
them off the opponents hands and shoot till they're empty. A Shotgun with 2 
Shells in it ain't of no good use, so try grabbing them from the enemy when 
he has just been reloading(yeah...the enemy CAN reload) or when he hasn't got 
the time to shoot yet. Hitting with Guns is quite difficult and the low ammount
of Ammo does the rest. Be sure to set the Crosshair-setting to smart. Hitting 
the head isn't always lethal(except for the rifle) and the enemies are just to
agile for you to get a lot of headshots, so don't waste your ammo and aim for 
the belly. I suggest picking up the Shotgun, the Rifle and the Submachinegun 
whenever you see them and check on the remaining ammunition. They rest ain't
worth dropping your beloved fireaxe...

Sometimes close before death, your opponents will drop and come up again on 
their knees. When this happens, you will be able to use a fatality on them by
approaching and pressing one of the directional buttons. Looks stylish, hasn't
got any other use. The final boss needs to be "killed" in this manner though.

Since you are playing an FBI Investigator with a supernatural instinct for 
evidence you will be carrying around tools that help you collect the evidence.
The Game will prompt you to press X when near evidence to ready your Finding
Tool. When you are closing in on the EXACT location of the evidence the message
will change and prompt you to ready your Collection Tool by pressing X again.
When you focused the evidence you can pull the right trigger(RT) to finally
collect it. Ususally the data is immediatly being transfered to Officer Rosa
who will be analayzing the data and discuss the results with you over your 
mobile phone.

Finding Metalpieces and Birds:
In order to find metalpieces you should look out for eyes drawn on walls and
the like, since the pieces are SURROUNDED by these eyes. 

Birds come in different conditions: Living(thus flapping), dead, and rotten. 
The living ones you can usually hear flapping around. The rotten ones sometimes
have flies surrounding them, so if you hear flies buzzing be sure to look
around. Other rotten birds can be found by using the gasspectrometer. The Game
will prompt you to use the tool though! You cannot select it. The plain dead
ones are hardest to find, so look around carefully the place I described in
the walkthrough.

By pressing the Left Trigger (LT) you can do a temporary block with the weapon
you are actually carrying. In my opinion, blocking is not worth the effort: It 
takes up time, isn't 100% safe and is simply annoying. If you get hit to much
try using my cycling/out of reach technique.

Cycling/Out of reach technique:
Besides using your taser whenever possiple, efficient Meleeing goes like this:

1.Check out the enemies weapon
2.Stay out of range
3.Wait till his attack is over or nearly over
4.Start swinging
5.Close in and *BAM*
6.Get out of reach again

With single, strong enemies you should also try cycling around them and
hitting them from the side. This way the enemy will miss you and you can have
a free go at him. This works especially fine versus the slower BigBoys.

Turning enemies against each other:
In some situations the enemy will gang up on you. All you can do when this 
happens is having them hit one another. This shouldn't be a problem since they
are swinging their melee weapons recklessly around. When a foe gets hit he will
turn on the one who hit him. If you're lucky, they'll hit each other till one
drops dead.

Hitting the enemy off obstacles:
When you hit an enemy while he's jumping or climbing over an obstacle(a fence 
or a bench etc...) he will die instantly. This comes in handy in Chapter06, 
where the Hobos will come in from every side. Please also note that when you 
taser an enemy while he is on a set of stairs he will most likely die instantly
too. There aren't many places to test this but I thought you should know 

1.4  Enemy List

Hobos and Addicts:
The most popular enemies in "Condemned". And probably the most dangerous. 
They come in many different colors, but have one thing in common: they wanna
see you dead. They are quick and take up to 6(or more) hits with melee weapons 
to bring down, depending on what weapon you're swinging. With a fireaxe or 
equally massive weapon they drop dead after 2-3 hits. You should be extra
careful when engaging hobos/addicts with guns and massive weapons. If you let
them gang up on you, you're as good as dead. So be sure to use your Taser on
those with guns. Take their weapon when they are stunned and fill 'em up with
some lead.

These are thin, rotting and damn quick freaks that tend to jump out of nowhere.
But easy as hell to kill. Usually a hit with the taser off's them. If not, it
will take from 1 to 2 hits to bring them down.

The strongest of the regular enemies. They look like overweight Firemen and
are almost always swinging around heavy stuff like Shovels or Sledgehammers.
They are not so common though and usually don't come in pairs. Just taser and
hit 'em and keep an eye out for a health-kit ;)
In the last chapter of the game you will encounter another version of these,
that seems to be even stronger and WILL gang up on you. Be sure to let them hit
each other whenever possible or look out for a gun.

Pardon the designation: Filippino-stick swinging bastards. They have a lot of 
different moves and deal a lot of damage with their sticks. They also tend to 
block a lot, so stay out of range, circle them and grab a gun or a melee weapon
with a good range. These guys are uncommon and till the last chapter of the 
game you will only encounter like 1 of them. However in the last chapter, they
are sure to be giving you a good smack and even come along with a group of 
BigBoys. In that case let them have eachother, and try staying out of range
till they're done.

There are 2 special opponents. The Butcher and the Hate. The first one is the
most (and only) hilarious thing it this game. The second one is the final 
"boss" and a kick-ass version of a Ninja(allthough I found him easier than any 
ninja...). No special strategies here so I won't ruin any of this by going into
the details. The Butcher however can be offed without taking any damage. Please
read the walkthrough for this(Chapter 08).

1.5 Weapons Guide:

The game holds many different melee weapons and guns ready for you. I regrouped 
them into a few classes (see Achievements and Useful Techniques for more 

Available Weapons are:

0.45cal; Revolver; Shotgun; Sawed off(shotgun); Rifle; Submachinegun

I'll say it again: I suggest picking up the Shotgun, the Rifle and the 
Submachinegun whenever you see them and check on the remaining ammunition.

The Taser:
Counts as a Melee Weapon towards statistics and Achievement Awards.

These are short pieces of wood with nails or bolts sticking out on one end.
Not particularly good, but they are quite fast. You should only pick these up
when you haven't got an alternative.

Metal bars and Pipes:
Ranging from short to long these are allround weapons. The shorter ones are
fast and the longer ones do some nice damage. Apart from the fireaxe the 
"Large Pipe" is my personal favourite. 

Massive Weapons:
Sledgehammer, Shovel, Crowbar and Fireaxe. Slow but powerful. These weapons 
will be needed to open doors and boxes throughout the game. Crowbar ain't that
common and Sledgehammer and Shovel are just too slow to be used regularly. If 
you get a hold of the Fireaxe though, try sticking to it for some time. It's a
great weapon. 

Planks and Signs:
Do a lot of Damage but got crappy range. Not suggested.

There are a few other melee weapons in the game like the Fireplace Poker or 
the Mannequin Arm. I'll enumerate them because of the "Melee Mayhem"-Award:
See the Achievement Section for details.

2.1  How to use this Walkthrough:

[[You will find birds, metal pieces and TV's throughout this game that will
[[unlock extras and give you achievements for your Xbox360 Gamerscore.
[[There are 6 Birds in every one of the 10 Chapters, totaling 60 Birds for the
[[entire game. I covered all the locations in this walkthrough and highlighted
[[the locations like this: >>BIRD1206<>METALPIECE1203<>XYZTV<< or 
[["Fireaxable Door":
[[You will encounter this term from time to time. This means you need a fireaxe
[[to break trough a door you cannot otherwise get through. Apart from the 
[[fireaxe, you will need shovels, crowbars and sledgehammers for opening locks.
[[I supplied you with locations for every weapon you need to advance the story.
[[The walkthrough does NOT tell you when to prepare for an enemy attack and
[[does not cover any enemy locations. Try staying in one place when dealing
[[with enemies so you can easily pick up the walkthrough after a fight.
[[Directions and "Room-jumping":
[[The walkthrough cannot offer you a description for every single room. Be 
[[aware that advancing through the game is quite linear, so you might want to 
[[advance further on your own till you find a place I described and which you 
[[recognize. In point of recognizing places, I occasionally will highlight an 
[[upcoming enemy-encounter so you can orientate yourself. If you get lost 
[[anyways, try backtracking to a place you came past and which you recognize
[[in the walkthrough.

2.2 Walkthrough:

Capter 01 - Weisman Office Building

"Crime Scene":
You start in an alley in front of a building where a crime has been comitted.
Follow your buddy through the doorway on the right by ducking under the police
tape. Keep following him up some stairs, where his flashlight will brake. In 
the first room to the right is a >>BIRD0101<< lying on a rack to the right. 
Move further down the main room to where Officier Becker is waiting. After some 
talk you'll be guided to the actual crime scene. >>INVESTIGATE<< You will need 
to check on the victim's neck and on the mannequin's face for evidence. After
some more talk follow your buddy to the room with the ash tray. Now you're on
your own.

"HOHOHO, now I have a...ah ****, a handgun":
After your talk with Rosa, head after the guy you saw when hanging on the phone
. He'll come screaming out of the first door to your right. Blow him away, and 
enter the opposite room with a staircase in it. Head up and straight down, take
a left and an immediate right to find a room to your right with a
>>METALPIECE0101<< on the far wall. Head back to the beginning of the greater
Area, where someone should have moved some rubble, that was blocking your way
earlier, out of the way by now. Eliminate all opposing threats and be sure to
check the windows on the right, one of which has a >>BIRD0102<< lying on it.
Proceed to a room where you will experience a flashback and pull the lever on 
the far end of this room. Darn, there goes your gun...

"HOHOHO, now I have a...piece of metal":
After you recovered from your electrical shock, continue down the rooms till
you have to move a desk. From now on you should keep an eye out for some melee
weapons. Notice some unfinished walls up ahead and a door on the left which 
eventually leads to a health box with a >>BIRD0103<< lying just in front of it.
Head back to the unfinished wall where some addict will climb out of your reach
. In the next room, a hobo-maniac will start tearing down the wall in front of
you. Go through here and take a left, where you will find a >>METALPIECE0102<<
at the end. After the scary stuff, enter the room upfront, where you will be 
prompted to use your gaspectrometer to find another >>BIRD0104<>BIRD0105<< lying in front of the same window! Do a little 
backtracking to a "fireaxeable" door which leads to >>BRONZEDETECTIVEBADGE<>BIRD0106<< 
lying on a large wooden plank. Take a right after the 2 armoires and another 
right to find a >>METALPIECE0103<< on the pillar in the middle of the room.
Notice the Eyes covering the pillar. Head back to the first right after the 2
armoires and continue through that single door. At the end of the next rooms 
you'll encounter 2 more baddies, one of them coming from behind. After you 
offed these guys a before closed door will open. Take the offer and enjoy the 
final cut-scene for this chapter.

Chapter 02 - Central Metro Station

"An ally again...":
Take the path to your left and find the shovel leaning up against the wall. Use
it to open a fence door you just ran past. Down the stairs, you'll have a 
flashback. There's a bin in front of you with photographs on it.
>>INVESTIGATE<< them for evidence. After you talked with Rosa, follow the way 
to a closed shutter with flasks lying next to it. >>INVESTIGATE<< those flasks
and be ready for some hobo coming in from the direction of the stairs. Take his
crowbar and open the box on the left of the shutter. Push the button and head
straight forward till you reach the wall. Now take a left and a right to find a
room with a >>BIRD0201<< lying on the floor. Continue through a closed door 
into some sort of workshop. Head up the stairs, through the double doors and 
down the hallway, where Vanhorn will contact you. Take the stairs to your left
and go right when you're upstairs. Continue through the lounge till you reach 
another staircase. Head down and take a left but watch the hobo with the gun 
at the end of this corridor.

"I wanna be...SLEDGEHAMMER!":
Find the stairs behind a door labeled "Archives". When you're upstairs take a 
right and grab the sledgehammer on the floor. Look for a >>METALPIECE0201<<
behind a file cabinet right of where you found the sledgehammer. Turn around 
and head to the other end of the room, where you can unlock a door which leads 
to the lounge again. Continue through here, till you reach that first set of
stairs again. Use the sledgehammer on a padlocked door labeled 210 next to the
stairs. Proceed through the locker room and take the stairs till you reach 
another office bureau. When Vanhorn is done troubling you again head up 2 small
sets of stairs and duck under the shutter to enter the Metro Station Main Hall.

"It's Grand, it's ain't Grand-Central Station":
Find the dead >>BIRD0202<< lying on the ground in the northwest of the station
by using your gasspectrometer. In the northeast there's a smaller hallway,
which leads to an ATM Machine. Take a short right at the ATM and find the
>>BIRD0203<< lying under a small movable table. Turn around and head past the
kitchenette where you will be prompted to investigate. By doing so, you can
follow some sort of trail on the floor, but its not necessary. At the shutter
door you'll find a way around it to the left. On the other side head down some
stairs, past a fireaxeable door, to reach the end of the trail: an elevator.
>>INVESTIGATE<< the buttons.

"Get that elevator running":
Turn around and follow the way past another fireaxeable door until you face yet 
another fireaxeble door. Notice a ladder leading down in the right part of this 
room. Jump it down and look out for a >>METALPIECE0202<< located between 2 
large horizontal pipes. Climb the ladder at the end of this tunnel and watch 2
shutters roll open. Choose door Number1 and take your prize: a fire-axe ...
which is hanging on the wall behind the shutter. Continue until you reach that 
room again, with the ladder you jumped down from. Fireaxe that door and 
resupply the elevator. Fireaxe your way out and don't forget that first
fireaxeable door at the beginning of the elevator room: the >>RIPPLETV<< is in
here. Now use the elevator and take a right when you get out. There's a 
flapping >>BIRD0204<< in front of a large bowshaped window. Move around the 
desks and take the first door to the right. Proceed through to where some 
maniac is going trigger-happy with his shotgun. Out of this room, head into the
men's toilets to find another >>BIRD0205<< in one of the toilets. 

"I know what you did last summer":
Out of the toilets take a left and proceed until you experience another 
flashback. After the flash notice the small room on your right which holds a 
>>METALPIECE0203<>INVESTIGATE<< the floor behind it. Now move it and enter the next area. Keep
left and find the observation room. >>INVESTIGATE<< the recorder on the desk 
for a handprint. Head straight out of this room and keep left. Open the door 
and >>INVESTIGATE<< the wall covered in newspapers. Leave this room again and 
**** your pants. Follow your suspect by climbing over some broken window-frame
. Eventually you'll reach a balcony from which you can see the main hall again
. Grab the >>BIRD0206<< lying on the balustrade and head down the stairs. 
Cross the main hall to where the bird was lying and enter the before closed 
door to end this chapter.

Chapter 03 - Metro Station Platforms

"Run Ethan, Run":
Get out of this room and notice the 2 newspaper spendors in the next area. 
There's a >>BIRD0301<< lying on the green one. Continue down the moving 
staircase and around the corner. Some Hobo will be jumping over the benches 
with a fireaxe in his hands. Take it from his cold fingers and be sure to pick
up the >>BIRD0302<< that is lying on the bench where he was sitting. Find the 
fireaxeable door. Up ahead in this room should be a black locker with a dead
>>BIRD0303<< in it. Continue through and past 2 sodamachines. When you reach 
the area with 2 opposing ticket-booths be prepared for a lot of fighting.

"One Ticket to Hell and back, please":
The left booth holds a firstaid-box. After the booths, take a left and watch 
out for maniacs with shotguns. In case you lost your fireaxe there should be 
one hanging on a nearby wall. Before fireaxing your way through, check the 
cashregister in the booth just before the door for a >>METALPIECE0301<>BIRD0304<< on top of a TV in this next room. 
Proceed till you see someone breaking through a door in front of you. Out of
this room keep left and down a ramp. Continue till you find a >>BIRD0305<<
flapping in the middle of your path. Climb over the chain and get rid of the
freaks. Now keep left and find a >>METALPIECE0302<< located at the side of
one of the benches in this larger area. Go down the corridor next to the Metal
and grab the >>BIRD0306<< that is rotting in the middle of the stairs. Go down
the rest of the stairs and run past the train to the back of it. Jump down
onto the tracks and keep an eye out for another >>METALPIECE0303<< hanging
on the wall almost at the end of the tracks. Now hop onto the back of the
train and enjoy the ride.

Chapter 04 - Grid 4 Subway Tunnels

"Ouch, my back hurts...":
At the beginning of this level you'll immediatly be able to use you 
gasspectrometer to find a rotting >>BIRD0401<>STATICTV<>METALPIECE0401<< at the end of the path. Now head back to the small gap and
enter the first opening so you face another caged area, where you need a 
shovel to proceed. Take a right and another right to find a shovel in the next
room. Head back, pry the fence door open and climb a ladder behind it. Take
a right and walk onto an air-balancing construction. At the end of it jump down
and follow the hobo onto the tracks again.

"Hello Mr. Fireman":
Head right and upstairs into the train to >>INVESTIGATE<< the fireextinguisher
times two. Wait for the kind lady to open up the doors to the next wagon and
leave the train. Get the sledgehammer from the BigBoy and use it to smash away
the padlock on the fence door. In the next room >>INVESTIGATE<< the map on the 
fan, and kick the fan out afterwards. Jump through and turn right. Enter the 
second door to find >>BIRD0402<< lying underneath the basin. Out of this room
head over to the fireaxeable door and turn around to see stairs leading down.
Follow the guy running away from you and grab the fireaxe. Head back up and use
the fireaxe on the door. In this room 2 crawlers will be...well, crawling out
of the manhole from the center of the room. Get rid of them and jump down the
manhole. Turn the valve and get back to where you got the fireaxe from. The 
steam should have stopped now, enabling you to jump down the big ladder a few
steps further. Look for another ladder leading down one more level. When 
you're down, go through the opened fence door to your left and make your way
through the tight corridors. Before reaching the big rooms with the generators,
there should be a smaller room where you'll be prompted to use your
gasspectrometer again. Find the rotting >>BIRD0403<< behind some fuel barrels, 
and don't be fooled by that flapping bird outside your reach. Proceed to the 
second generator room with a health-box on the wall. Just after the box take a
left to find a ladder leading up. Find yet another ladder next to a closed
door and climb it. Look right to find >>BIRD0404<< lying next to a shovel on a
folded cardboard box. Turn around, past the ladder, and jump down into the
room. Proceed downstairs and pick up the >>BIRD0405<< lying in the middle of 
the stairs. After more moving and up/downstairs, you'll finally reach a room
with another generator and a staircase leading around/above it. Grab the
shovel lying around on the stairs and pry that fence door in front of the 
stairs open. A fire will brake out. Head up the first few stairs and look right
to find a valve. Turn it and proceed up the rest of the stairs all the way to 
the end to find another valve. Turn this one too, and the fire should stop and 
blow the door away. Proceed through here.

"6.45 to Paddington":
At the tracks, turn right and take the first door to the right. There will be
fighting/shooting in this area. When you're done head up the stairs ONCE and
run past the train to the far end. Look for a >>METALPIECE0402<< on the wooden
barricade. Now go back to the stairs and climb the rest of them. To your right
should be a table with >>BIRD0406<< and a map on it. >>INVESTIGATE<< the map
times two. Past the table there's a closed door. Enter the room and 
>>INVESTIGATE<< the crowbar. Grab it and head outside onto the second level of
this train-hall(the one with the metalpiece). Use your crowbar to open the 
doors to the train and investigate one of the seats inside for a footprint. 
Heads up: Open the compartment above your head and >>INVESTIGATE<< one of the
mannequin arms. Use the ladder near where the crawler came down to climb atop
the wagon. Follow that hot looking lady up the ladder and show her what you
think of her.  Before leaving through that fence door, go left and find a
>>METALPIECE0403<< near all those cardboard boxes. Leave through the fence door
and enjoy some hobo-rumble with bodies raining down. You are now located in
the room with the big ladder and before those generator-rooms. Make your way
up the 2 ladders and back to where you kicked the fan out. Next to the fan is a 
door so don't try climbing up the hole again. Approach the door in the locker
room and you're off to Barts Department Store.

Chapter 05 - Barts Department Store

"Shopping for bodies":
Move right into the small area and out left again. You should see a green 
packet with a red ribbon. Next to this is a >>BIRD0501<< lying on the floor.
Turn right and move around the moving stairs. At your first encounter for this
chapter step through the broken window and proceed through the door on the 
right. After you moved the 2 Clothes' Racks and a guy gets shot through the 
window, turn right and look for an eye-covered pillar with a >>METALPIECE0501<<
attached to it. This is a dead end so turn around and head outside on the
balcony. Take the first right and pick up the >>BIRD0502<< lying in one of the
showcases. Head up the small stairs and into the area with your first encounter 
with the living mannequins. Keep left till you find the changing cubicles. 
Past those you will see a desk with red paint on it. >>INVESTIGATE<< the print
in the paint and the splatter on the wall above the desk. Follow the girl down
the stairs and try giving her a kiss, just for fun...Further down take a right
and a left to some more changing cubicles. Like in Chapter02 you can follow a
trail with your forensic tools here but its no help other than finding your
way. the trail ends early at an elevator shaft. Grab the Sledgehammer that 
blocks the doors and head to the area before that.

"Man or Mannequin?":
You oughtta find a padlocked door around where the not-so-static mannequin
starts coming after you. Open the door and head downstairs into a large room
with a withered christmas tree in it. Here you can follow the trail again: No 
use though, since you need to take another route. Head past the tree and up
some stairs. Grab the >>METALPIECE0502<< from around the payphones on your 
right and head up the rest of the stairs. Locate 3 wooden constructions to the
left, one of which holds a >>BIRD0503<>INVESTIGATE<< the footprints next to the head and get out your 
gasspectrometer. While you do, a hobo will tear down a barricade a few steps 
away. From where you found the foorprints, descend the few steps and run left 
behind a wall. You'll find a >>METALPIECE0503<< near the rack hidden behind 
here. Get over to where the hobo came out and continue through the barricade. 
There's a room with a >>BIRD0504<< on a rack and a crawler playing death behind
it. Further on there will be a flooded area with a fireaxe in the middle part.
Grab it and head back to where you found the prints.

"Geez, where's that smell coming from":
Again go down the few stairs, walk to the wall upfront and look right. You'll
see stairs leading up and upstairs 2 fireaxeable doors. Take the right one for
now and continue past the shutter with the mannequin arm underneath. In the 
next room, grab the >>BIRD0505<< from the desk and head back to the other 
fireaxeable door. Break the door and head upstairs to find more changing
cubicles. The 2nd one holds a >>BIRD0506<< and the 3rd last holds the jackpot.
Get in and >>INVESTIGATE<< till you hear some fuss outside. Get through where
the cop and the addict came from. In the larger area get over to where the
copcars' lights are flashing and wait for Rosa to shut up. Now find the double
doors in this area and end the chapter by moving through another double door.

Chapter 06 - Burnback Alley

"Hobo Mayhem":
Right in front of you, you'll find >>BIRD0601<< and >>BIRD0602<>BIRD0603<< behind it. Take the corridor to the right of the latest bird to
find the >>SILVERDETECTIVEBADGE<< and a >>METALPIECE0601<< on the wall right
next to it. Make your way around the corner to the room where the hobo grabbed
or will grab you through the wall. Proceed and watch the guy with the shotgun
coming through the wall in front of you. In the same room look for some 
filecabinets hiding >>BIRD0604<>METALPIECE0602<< on the wall in front of you, behind the desk. Then climb
out the window and look around for >>BIRD0605<< on this roof before jumping
down. Go around some corners all along the fence and pick up >>BIRD0606<< 
before jumping down into the court. After you landed, immediatly turn right and
run along the wall till you see >>METALPIECE0603<>BIRD0701<<
lying on the reception desk. Head further down the East Wing and use the 
elevator at the end of this hallway. Out of the elevator go left past the 
administration desk till you run into Rosa. Check your folder, grab the 
upgraded Taser and follow Rosa to where she finds a Master Key. Go to the end
of the office to your left and head back after the scary stuff. Climb through 
the broken window and follow Rosa into the opposite office. In here, use the
computer, then head out and right into the corridor. Open a pair of double 
doors on your right and follow the corridor to some movable desks, on of which 
holds >>BIRD0702<>INVESTIGATE<<
droplets in front of a fireaxeable door. Now head to the end of the hallway to
find your first >>METALPIECE0701<< for this chapter behind a movable crate of
books. While heading back, a hobo will tear down a door in front of you with a
fireaxe. Follow him and keep an eye out for a flapping >>BIRD0703<< under some
file cabinets next to where a hobo with a gun will shot at you. Make out the 
guy with the fireaxe in the next area and grab it off his dead hands. Now head 
back to where you found the droplets and use your fireaxe on the door. 
in here. Back in the lobby make out the large painting and pry open any of the
doors next to it. Head upstairs and into a large reading room. Find a rotting
>>BIRD0704<< with a sledgehammer next to it with the gasspectrometer. Grab the 
sledgehammer and smash away the padlock on a ladder on the right wall of this
room. Push the ladder over to the correct spot and climb it up to find another
>>BIRD0705<>METALPIECE0702<< behind a crate of books. Make your way around the burned
racks till you fall down a few levels. 

"Now you know why you never go to the librairies":
After cleaning your pants, get around the book shelves. Can't help you with any
directions from now on so just try and make your way around these racks. When 
you reach the gap with Rosa standing on the other side, jump down and continue
past the neverending racks. At sometime a crawler will come climbing out of the
ceiling. There oughtta be a >>BIRD0706<< lying on a table next to him. The
following area will be quite dangerous with a lot of shooting. Try staying in 
cover till the hobos run out of ammunition. Then check out the room they came
out of to find >>METALPIECE0703<< behind one of the desks. Out of this room,
head left to meet up with Rosa. Follow her to some stairs and head down into 
the microfiche room. After you got the intel, kill off some addicts and wait
for Rosa to leave her safeplace. Run after her to end this chapter.

Chapter 08 - St. Joseph's Secondary School

"Got psycho-class at 11":
>>BIRD0801<< is lying behind a desk in room No.3 to your right. Up ahead, watch
for some rubble that will be cleared, then head after it. Enter the room on
your left and check the walls near the desks in here for >>METALPIECE0801<>BIRD0802<< lying on top of an undefineable heap of something(check for flies
if you can't find it). Enter the classroom with a crawler up on the chalkboard.
>>INVESTIGATE<< the other chalkboard with the lips on it. Try heading back out
just to fall down a level. Take the door leading to a red health-box and exit 
through another door. Follow the butcher past the kitchenette and climb over a
low wall. Leave this room through the doorway on your right and head up the 
stairs into the tribune part of the school's sports hall. Leave through a door
on the right and jump down the broken staircase. Take two times right and one 
left to find >>BIRD0803<< at the end of this corridor.

"300 pounds of fresh meat, please":
Turn around and run to the other end of it and enter the kitchen. Enter the 
cooling room and meet, or should I say meat, up with the butcher. He ain't 
up for the usual smalltalk, so get rid of him before he slices you a few new
scars. There's a trick do beat him without taking any damage: Try keeping him
on the other side of the table and hit him from your's. He's got crappy range
with his cleaver so you will only need to step somewhat back to avoid his 
swings. When he's done, take his cleaver and use it on the ""corpse"" that is 
lying on the table (harhar...scared you there, didn't I). Get the fireaxe. Head
out of the kitchen and into the corridor with the broken staircase. Use your 
fireaxe on one of the doors here and enter the sports hall. Find the lever in 
here to lower the baskets. >>INVESTIGATE<< the arm hanging from one of the
baskets and walk over to the other half of the hall. Jump down the new hole and
immediatly look out for a desk with a >>METALPIECE0802<< next to it. Further on
find a ladder next to red health-box and climb it. Proceed to the staircase and
head down first to find the >>TESTPATTERNTV<< and a >>BIRD0804<>INVESTIGATE<< some blood on the left
wall. Continue through a rusted fence door and into a locker room. Check for a
small room to your left to find a >>BIRD0805<>INVESTIGATE<< one of the lockers till Tibbets is put out of his
misery. (I swear to God, I knew what was coming but this one made my heart 
freeze). Get the shovel from his locker and head over and past the showers. Use
the shovel on a fence door and turn the valve. Now proceed through the corridor
and jump down into the pool. Try getting out of it at the higher end. When you
finally do, open the door in front of you and grab the fireaxe from in here. 
Head out again and left for a fireaxeable door. Break through and enter another
locker room. Head all the way over to the opposite wall and look left for a 
sledgehammer or right for a padlocked fencedoor with a >>METALPIECE0803<< 
behind it. Look near the entrance of this room for another doorway that leads 
to a bloodcovered shower room. Past the showers exit through a door and look 
out for >>BIRD0806<< lying on a table shortly after the toiletwall-like walls.
Continue till you experience some sort of flashback. When Rosa's done talking 
check for the exit doors with Vanhorn waiting outfront.

Chapter 09 - Apple Seed Orchard

We are nearing the end. This whole chapter will play in this house, so in terms
of directions this may come in handy: The basement and the 1st floor are
circularly build. The groundfloor is U-shaped with the living room, the 
kitchen and the entry to the basement in one direction and a dead end in the
other direction. On 1st floor, there is a padlocked door which leads to the 

"Goddammit, I hate basements":
>>INVESTIGATE<< the wall to your right at the beginning of this chapter. 
Instead of following the trails to the 4 inscriptions scattered in the house, 
I'll immediatly lead you to them. You needn't investigate anything but the
inscriptions themselves to get the Investigator Award. Go left through the 
living room and grab the >>BIRD0901<< off the table while you do. Head through
the double doors and all the way down the corridor to enter a room to your left
. Move the small drawer to reveal >>METALPIECE0901<>BIRD0902<< and 
>>INVESTIGATE<< the oven for the first inscription. Open the door next to the 
fridge and make your way down into the basement. Start walking right, and after
a few steps check a niche on the right to find >>METALPIECE0902<>BIRD0903<< in front of the mirror. Head a little 
further to find a basin with inscription No.2 on it. >>INVESTIGATE<< to read. 
In a large room with a small set of blocked stairs, make out a rusted oven with
the >>GOLDDETECTIVEBADGE<< behind it. Move on to reach the stairs again, and 
head up through the kitchen and the living room to where you started this 

"No, don't send me down there again, PLEASE":
Go upstairs and right into a corridor with 3 doors. Enter the 2nd room to your 
left. Move the bathtub for >>BIRD0904<< and >>INVESTIGATE<< the closet for your
3rd inscription. Grab the sledgehammer from within the closet. Now move over 
to the childrensroom. Check the closet for >>METALPIECE0903<< and the bed for 
>>BIRD0905<>BIRD0906<< that is flapping behind some crates. Turn around 
and move on till your sight gets blurry. Your first ninja will be coming from
behind you. When you dealt with him proceed to where nailed planks WERE 
blocking your way and jump down. >>INVESTIGATE<< the crate for your last 
inscription and head out and down the stairs into the basement again. Remember
that large mirror down here? Open it and step into the hideout. At the far end
of this room there'll be newspaperclips on a table. >>INVESTIGATE<< them, then 
head up to where you started this chapter.

"Have You seen my fireaxe?":
To get that piano out of the way you will need a fireaxe. Enmies will come
jumping into the house at the entrance of the living room and at the other side
of the "U-shape" I mentioned earlier(the dead end). Keep running from one place
to the other and kill all enemies in your way. At sometime an addict with a 
fireaxe will jump into the living room. Grab his weapon and smash away the 
balustrade on the stairs. Head up and right to find a before-closed room. 
>>INVESTIGATE<< the torturers hands. After the cutscene, head out to the area 
where the stairs come up and wait for Serial Killer X to come by. Keep hitting 
until this chapter ends.

Chapter 10 - Processing Center

"Big Barns burn bright":
When you released yourself, head out and right to find a 2*4 Fire. By grabbing 
it, you will unblock your path. Climb over and pick up the flapping 
>>BIRD1001<< on the floor. Now head out of the barn and cross the place. A bit
ahead, a shadow will blow away the side of the construction. Move on till you
face the side of a building with a >>METALPIECE1001<< on it. Head right to your
first encounter and move the nearby horse trailer for a >>BIRD1002<>BIRD1003<< on 
top of it. Proceed onto the bridge and check one of the right supports for 
>>METALPIECE1002<>BIRD1004<>BIRD1005<>METALPIECE1003<< from the table near the 
entrance. At the end of the building you'll find >>BIRD1006<< hanging from a 
stick. Just grab the stick and you'll get the bird too. 

Get out of this room and grab a weapon. Get a hold of the fireaxe one of the 
crawler is handling. After some kills "The Hate" will come jumping down and
face you. Hit him for about 4-5 times until he stumbles and won't attack for a
short time. STOP HITTING and use directional buttons near him to tear out some
of his ... things. He'll jump on a higher floor, leaving some more enemies for
you to mash away with your fireaxe. Climb up a nearby ladder to face "The Hate"
again. Repeat the "tear out" part two times and watch him fall to death ... 
symbolically. After some cutscenes, you will face a hard decision: To kill 
Serial Killer X or not. Whichever you choose it gets you an Achievement Award.
Congratulations. You completed the game. Now go get those Achievements.

3.1  Achievment Awards

You can earn not less than 50 Achievement Awards for "Condemned:
Criminal Origins" totaling a 970 points for your Xbox360 Gamerscore. Don't ask
me why they didn't come up with another one to get the 1000. Apart from rising
your Gamerscore they will unlock Special footage that can be accessed from the
main menu of the Game. 

I received many enquiries on how people didn't get an Achievement allthough 
they seemed to have fulfilled all of the requirements. Unfortunatly I have to 
confirm that the Game DOES have difficulties with the hidden statistics for 
your Achievements. I can tell, since I replayed with a blank profile and out of
personal experience. If you are one of the unlucky ones that won't get the 
Melee Mayhem Award try swinging every weapon including the guns and killing once
with it. For the ones not being able to unlock the Gold Bird Award, even when
owning every Silver Bird Award, play a few chapters extra and get more birds. I
tried it and got the Award after around 20 birds more than needed. In any case,
if you experience problems of the sort, I highly suggest starting a new game 
instead of playing single chapters (Just select New Game from the Menu). Sorry.

Here are the Awards:

1-10. Bronze Bird Awards
Find at least one bird in a chapter to get the bronze Bird Award for that 

11-20. Silver Bird Awards
Find all 6 of the birds in a chapter to unlock the Silver Bird Award for that 

21-29. Chapter Completion Awards
Complete any chapter but the last one to get its respective Award.

30. Game Completion Award
Complete the last chapter to get this Award.

31. Gold Bird Award:
Find every Bird in the game. When you got all 10 Silver Birds, logically you 
should get the Gold Award. However since of the Achievement-Bug, you might need
to find a few more birds extra to unlock the Award.

32-34. Bronze, Silver and Gold Melee Award
Complete 1, 3 or all Chapters with only Melee-Weapons. The Taser does count
as a Melee Weapon for this purpose.

35. Firearm Freedom Award
You need to pick up every firearm available throughout the game, being:
0.45cal, Revolver, Shotgun, Sawed off(shotgun), Submachinegun and the rifle.
Execpt for the revolver these are all common and can be grabbed off the enemy
hands(even the revolver). There's a revolver in one of the changing cubicles in
Chapter05 though. The Sawed-off can be found in Chapter07 on the 1st floor 
under the reception desk(in front of the "large reading room"). The Rifle can
be found in a horse trailer in the 10th Chapter. One of the hobos waiting in 
the lobby of the library will be carrying a Submachinegun.

36. Melee Mayhem Award
Find every melee weapon in the Game, and despite the name, apparently also all
firearms. You only have to pick them up, but I suggest swinging them once
to make sure the game does count it. If you still have problems unlocking the 
Award try killing at least once with every weapon.

I covered all of the weapons for you with specific locations for not so common 
weapons. I'll walk them through in order of the chapters they can be found in, 
this does not mean they can only be found in that specific chapter though. 
Check Firearm Freedom Award for the guns:

Chapter01 - Rebar Conrete,Conduit,2*4Nails,2*4Bolts,Fire Axe,Large Pipe, 
*********   Small Pipe,Rebar Bent

-Conduit: In the room after you lost your gun
-Rebar Bent: In a locker opposite of the fireaxe-door with the TV in it.
-Large Pipe: On a rack in the same room with the Rebar Bent.
-Rebar Concrete: In the last room of the chapter, sticking out of a pillar.

Chapter02 - Shovel,Rebar(straight),Crowbar,Mannequin arm
-Rebar: Check the bin near the flasks you need to investigate.
-Mannequin Arm: In a bin after you opened the 210 door with a sledgehammer. If 
                you missed it, Barts Department Store has em all over the place

Chapter03 - Sign
-Signs: Check walls for Signs

Chapter04 - Steam Pipe
-Steam Pipe: Your 1st or 2nd Encounter(crawlers) carries one. Or grab it from a
 wall near the manhole with 2 crawlers coming out of.

Chapter05 - Clothes Rack
-Clothes Rack: An inch away from that mannequin head down in the basement.

Chapter06 - Locker Door
-Locker Door: At the start of this chapter, check for the yellow lockers that
             can be found throughout chapter08, the school.

Chapter07 - Paper Cutter, Gaspipe, Desk Drawer, 2*4 burnt
-Desk Drawer: After Rosa found the Masterkey and you enter the office room, its 
 right in front of you when entering the room.
-Paper Cutter: Same room as the desk Drawer, on the far end.
-Gaspipe: Sure can be found in earlier chapters, thing is I can't remember 
         where. Probably Chapter04. Anyways: After you got the Intel about
         the School(end of chapter), one of the guys attacking you holds one.
-2*4 Burnt: After falling down to the basement, check the walls for a burnt 
            piece of wood.

Chapter08 - Desktop, Handrail
-Desktop: Right at the start, check the childrens desks in the corridor.
-Handrail: On the wall next to the Bird you found in the boys' toilets.

Chapter 09 - Stick, Large Plank, Fireplace Poker
-Stick: Ninjas hold these. Finish the one in the attic off to get one.
-Large Plank: When you head down the stairs into the basement, at the end of 
              the stairs look on the workbench in front of you. 
-Fireplace Poker: Around the fireplace in the living room.

Chapter 10 - 2*4 Fire

There are other weapons, which you will pick up automatically in the course of
the game, being: Fireplace Poker, cleaver and a rod with bolts from a subway 
train(Handrail). Additionally you'll need the Fireaxe, Shovel, Crowbar and the 
Shledgehammer for advancing the story. Don't forget to pick up the upgraded 
Taser Rosa brought you along in Chapter07. Please note that the Fireextinguisher
cannot be picked up, thus is not classified a Melee Weapon. The longer Stick 
"The Hate" is wielding cannot be picked up either. 

NOTE: This is not verified but you might wanna use every gun as a Melee Weapon
once, to make sure you get the Award. Press RB to switch from ranged to melee
with a gun.

37. Chief Investigator Award
You collected every piece of evidence the game has to offer. Check the 
walkthrough for places to investigate. These are highlighted by 
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The sequel to the award winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Senua returns in a brutal journey of survival through the myth and torment of Viking Iceland. Intent on saving those who have fallen victim to the horrors of tyranny, Senua faces a battle of overcoming the darkness within and without.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
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