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Introduction..................................[01.00] | | 2. Verisons......................................[02.00] | | 3. Game modes....................................[03.00] | | - Rules of Mario Hoops.......................[03.01] | | - Tourney....................................[03.02] | | - Challenges: Practice.......................[03.03] | | - Challenges: Dribble Race...................[03.04] | | - Coin Hunters...............................[03.05] | | 4. Characters....................................[04.00] | | 5. Courts........................................[05.00] | | 6. Unlockables...................................[06.00] | | 7. Items.........................................[07.00] | | 8. F.A.Q.........................................[08.00] | | 9. Credits.......................................[09.00] | | 10. Contact Info.................................[10.00] | | 11. Copyright....................................[11.00] | | 12. Closing......................................[12.00] | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ ****************************************************************************** * * * I N T R O D U C T I O N * * * *[01,00]**************************************************************[01.00]* Wecome to my FAQ, This is my third FAQ. You probably have seen my Animal Crossing: Wild world FAQ and you probably haven't seen my Game & Watch Gallery 2 FAQ but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that your here. In the beginning, it was meant to be an original intellectual property, but Square Enix felt that it would work well if it were a part of the Mario franchise, and contacted Nintendo asking permission to use the franchise, who then allowed them to use the Mario label. [citation needed] This game also is the first in which Mario and Final Fantasy characters appear together as playable characters, and the second Mario game developed by Square, the first one being Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. If you find the game confusing at first, I suggest you finish all of the practice games. After that, the game should be a lot easier for you. +--------------------------------------+ | Points of Interest | | | | Table of Contents............[00,00] | | Verison History..............[02,00] | | Challenges: Practice.........[03,03] | | Contact Info.................[10,00] | +--------------------------------------+ ****************************************************************************** * * * V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y * * * *[02,00]**************************************************************[02.00]* 1.6 Gira Gira desert is now named correctly. Woops. 1.5 Huge update, sorted out all the information a little better, added more individual sections (Courts, Characters, Rules of Mario Hoops). Added how to delete saved data as well (In the FAQ section). 1.4 Fixed mistakes, organized a little bit better. Corrected lots of information. "Glare Desert" now has the correct information. 1.3 Added Challeges 1.2 Took out extra clutter from the guide. Added much more information, Public verison 1.0 Just started, prepared the guide even before the game came out just so I can get ahead of everyone else. Made the ASCII drawings and the table of contents. Not much is done, just wanted to get some of the guide out there so people can start sending me some information. ****************************************************************************** * * * C O N T R O L S * * * *[03,00]**************************************************************[03.00]* A: Not used B: Not used X: Not used Y: Not used L: Pass R: Not used Start: Select: Directional Pad: Move your current character For more Touch Screen controls, visit the point of interest at the end of this section. +--------------------------------------+ | Non-touchscreen | +--------------------------------------+ While Mario Hoops 3-on-3 is mainly controlled on the Touch Screen during matches, if you turn on Help Button in the Options or pause menu screens, you can also control the game with the buttons. Offensive Controls (When you have the ball) A: Pass right B: Dribble X: Shoot Y: Pass left B + X: Charge shot (hold down X + B) X + Run: Dunk shoot L: R: Start: Select: Directional Pad: Move your current player Deffensive Controls (When you don't have the ball) A: Sidestep right B: Steal/Throw/Block X: Jump Y: Sidestep left Hold down B: Jump-steal X, X: Steal-up L: R: Start: Select: Directional Pad: Move your current player The above controls are for right handed players (select Right from Hand selection under Options). If you set the game to left-handed controls, A B X Y controls cahnge to: right down, up, left and L control switches to R. +--------------------------------------+ | Points of Interest | | | | Challenges: Practice.........[03,03] | +--------------------------------------+ ****************************************************************************** * * * G A M E M O D E S * * * *[03,00]**************************************************************[03.00]* +--------------------------------------+ | Points of Interest | | | | Rules of Mario Hoops.........[03,01] | | Tourney......................[03,02] | | Challenges: Practice.........[03,03] | | Challenges: Dribble Race.....[03,04] | | Coin Hunters.................[03,05] | +--------------------------------------+ ****************************************************************************** * * * R U L E S O F M A R I O H O O P S * * * *[03,01]**************************************************************[03.01]* Each game is five minutes long, 2:30 minutes per half Scoring - Based off of 140 points maximum per shot, scoring is split into two parts, shots and coins. You can only make 40 points from shots alone, and you can only make 100 points from coins alone. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Shots (40 points maximum) | | Shots & Slam dunks 20 | | Ranged Shots 30 | | Super5 shots (Specials) 40 | | | |Coins (100 points maximum) | | Yellow coin 1 each | | Red coin 10 each | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ****************************************************************************** * * * T O U R N E Y * * * *[03,02]**************************************************************[04.02]* Tourney is the main part of this game, the way you unlock any extras. * _____|_____ __|__ __|__ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ | | | | | | | | * * * * * * * * +--------------------------------------+ | Stages | +--------------------------------------+ Be sure to check out the Courts section, Mushroom Tourney Mario Stadium Koopa Beach Peach Field Flower Tourney DK Cruiser Luigi Mansion Daisy Garden Shoot only when plants are alseep Star Tourney Wario Factory Jr. Street Bowser Castle Rainbow Tourney Sherbet Land Slide Bloocheep Sea Slowed down Pirate Ship Rainbow Ship The player can win a tournament by winning the three games on its ladder. The player would obtain either a gold cup, a silver cup or a bronze cup. A gold cup is available only if the player has 200 points more than the opponents in all games of the tournament. silver is given by winning each game by 100 points. Medals Bronze Win each game Silver Win each game by 100 points Gold Win each game by 200 points +--------------------------------------+ | Points of Interest | | | | Challenges: Practice.........[03,03] | +--------------------------------------+ ****************************************************************************** * * * C H A L L E N G E S : P R A C T I C E * * * *[03,03]**************************************************************[03.03]* Offense 01 Dribble Tap the touch screen wherever you like. Dribble over the "?" panel to quickly collect coins! 02 Gaurd the ball Press and hold the touch screen to pick up the ball and charge it! The longer you charge it, the easier it will be to make the shot! 03 Shoot the ball If an oppenent's steal atempt touches the ball, you lose it! Control where you dribble to protect the ball! 04 Do a charge shot Press and hold the touch screen to pick up the ball and charge it! The longer you charge it, the easier it will be to make the shot! 05 Pass Stroke sideways to pass the ball to the teammate in the direct you stroked. 06 Run and dribble Use the control pad to move! Quikly dribble in the direction you run to pick up speed! Chase the "?" panel with quick dribbles to collect coins! 07 Quick-dash Use quick dash to make a sudden turn! To make a sudden turn, to make a quick dash, dribble the ball in the directon you want to move. 08 Dunk the ball Shoot the ball while running towards the basket to dunk. The green zone is the area from where you can make dunks. Offense 2 09 Do a fake Slide while getting ready to shoot a charge shot to do fakes at will. Use fakes to charge down the court while fending off steals, then make a charge shot! 10 Rebound-dunk Catch the ball as it bounces off the basket rim to dunk it! Stroke up while runnning toward the basket to make a rebound dunk. 11 Charge dunk Stoke up repeatedly while running toward the hoop to perform a charge dunk. Rub the touch screen while in midair to get more coins. Stroke down to do a quick dunk. 12 Do a trick Stroke in the direction of your choice after you stroke down to perform a trick move. Use a trick move to fend off the defense! 13 Direct-pass Pass the ball while holding down "L" to pass it in the direction you stroke. Use a direct pass to pass the ball up and down. Defense 01 Steak the ball You play defense whenever you lose the ball. Protect the basket and get the ball back! Stroke down to steal the ball. 02 Jump Stroke up to jump! Jump up and block shots! 03 Jump-steal Use a jump steal to fend off dunks and rebound balls! Stroke up repeatedly to perform a jump steal. Protect the basket! 04 Items Stroke the stylus towards the direction of your choice and throw the item you picked up! Get an item from the "?" panel! Stroke towards the opponent and hit him with the shell! 05 Swap Characters Briefly press "L" to switch to a teammate close to the ball. Stroke sideways while holding down "L" to switch to a teammate in the stroke's direction. Defense 2 06 Block'em Move while holding the stylus down to block! Move the control pad while blocking! Deny opponent's dribbles and shots with blocks! 07 Charge-steal If you keep blocking, the block color turns red and you can do a charge steal. While the block color turns red, stroke down to do a charge steal! 08 Drop-steal Stroke down while jumping to make your doe drop the ball! 09 Sidestep Stroke sideways to side step. Use side steps to sneak around to the opponent's side and steal the ball! 10 Rebound Jump and catch the ball as it bounces around the basket! Match the timing of your jump to the bouncing ball. ****************************************************************************** * * * C H A L L E N G E S : D R I B B L E R A C E * * * *[03,04]**************************************************************[03.04]* Dribble race is a simple mini-game that will help you unlock a few extras, collect 100 coins and pass the finish line before the time runs out! If you dribble in the direction you travel, you will run faster. Times to beat Peach's Castle 0:45:00 Sunshine Road 0:55:00 Rainbow Road 1:00:00 ****************************************************************************** * * * C O I N H U N T E R S * * * *[03,04]**************************************************************[03.04]* Information needed! Please help. ****************************************************************************** * * * C H A R A C T E R S * * * *[04,00]**************************************************************[04.00]* Let's meet the players! Maybe you'll unlock other players if you keep winning tourney games... Character types All-around Well-balanced Speedy Quick on the courts Technical Good at shooting Powerful Great at stealing Tricky Full of trick moves Special shots Each character has his or her own command. When you enter the same command twice (and if it's successfull), you will shoot a special shot. Select challanges then Special Shot and check the commands and their effects. Below in the list of players, to the left of Baller Name, there is a letter, thats the command you'll need to draw to activate each players Special Shot. The "T" is the upsidedown Triangle. Here are all the characters avaliable, if you would like to see a picture of them, you can visit the underneath URL. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j258/xfollowtehreaperx/FAQs/Characters.png Player name Player type Special move S Baller Name Mario All-around Fire Shot M The Jumpman Luigi All-around Green Fire Shot L Mushroom Dynamite Peach Technical Heart Shot T 3-Point Royalty Daisy Technical Flower Shot T Cash Money Coin Collector Yoshi All-around Flutter Dunk M Piranha Playa Hater Wario Powerful Move-It Dunk W Sir Stomp Waluigi Technical Twist Dunk W The Question Donkey Kong Powerful Konga Dunk M Dunky Monkey Diddy Kong Speedy Jet Shot M Diddy? No he didn't! Bowser Jr. Speedy Grafiti Shot B Masked Man Bowser Powerful Bomber Dunk B The Big Shell Birdo All-around Broken Egg Shot Diamond Dino Dixie Kong Speedy Cannon Shot T Paratroopa Tricky Wing Shot N Fly Guy Tricky Thunder Shot S Boo Tricky Thriller Dunk B Ninja All-around Leaf Veil N Mr. Invincible White Mage Technical Holy Shot * The Light Black Mage Tricky Meteor Shot * Abracadabra Kid Moogle Tricky Moogle Dance M Game & Watch Me Cactuar Speedy 1000 Needles Shot S Stick & Sting ****************************************************************************** * * * C O U R T S * * * *[05,00]**************************************************************[05.00]* Mario Stadium A very basic court, no obsticles to get in your way. Koopa Beach A beach court, with a ship in the backgound that will fire cannonballs across the court on occasion. Peach Field Lakitu holds up the basket for this court. Cheep Cheeps also bounce around atop the grassy court. Sunset Beach The same as Koopa Beach, only the sun is setting. DK Cruiser A raft flowing down a river in the jungle. Bananas will be thrown across the court, and sometime barrels will roll around. Luigi Mansion A court with ghosts flying around. If a ghost catches the ball, you will have to steal it back from them. Daisy Garden This court is set in a beautiful garden, with flowers everywhere. In this stage, Petey Piranha is the basket. If you try to dunk while he is awake, he will bite you, preventing you from scoring. You can only dunk when Petey Piranha is asleep (every 40 seconds). Malboro Garden This court is a Final Fantasy court with Malboros near the baskets. If you get too close they'll attack you. It has no effect on posionous mushrooms. Wario Factory Inside a gold factory setting is this court. The court moves up and down, stopping occasionally to allow Bob-ombs to walk around the court, which can be picked up and thrown at your opponents. Jr. Street This courts in a large city, it has a slot machine behind the baskets. If you make a basket after collecting atleast one slot coin. The slot machine will add coins to your score. You can get 800 points or loose 1,000 if you line up three Bowser Jrs. Bowser's Castle This court is inside of Bowser's Castle. Thowps, fireballs, and bombs from Final Fantasy all lurk on this court, watch out for all of them. Glare Desert A desert court with a tornado moving around the court. Coming in contact with it will toss you in the air and make you drop coins. Sherbet Land A slippery, icy court, making it hard to get your ball down the court, also Mr. Freezies lurk this court, if you strike an opponent with them, they'll be turned into an icicle. Be sure to use them to your advantage! Bloocheep Sea Set underneath the ocean, this court is very basic. There are 8-bit bloopers swimming around, which will deflect the ball if they are hit by it. Everything also moves quite slowly in this court. Pirate Ship A court on a pirate ship, with very stormy seas and heavy rain. Cannonballs roll around the court and explode, so watch out! Rainbow Ship An ornate airship floating amongst the clouds, no obsticles to get in your way. ****************************************************************************** * * * U N L O C K A B L E S * * * *[06,00]**************************************************************[06.00]* Unlockable basket balls All Silver Ball Complete Dribbling Challenges Blue and Silver Ball Complete Training Mode Cheep-Cheep Ball Get Gold in Hard Mushroom Cup Dice Ball Get Gold in Hard Flower Cup Gold Ball Collect 5000 points in profile Goomba Ball Get Gold in Hard Star Cup Soccer Ball Get Silver In Hard Mushroom Cup Star Ball Get Gold in Star Cup Watermelon Get Gold in Flower Cup Yoshi Egg Get Gold in Mushroom cup Unlock extra costumes* Daisy Flower Cup (silver prize) Yoshi Finish Hard Flower Cup (silver prize) Flyguy Hard Star Cup (silver prize) Peach Mushroom Cup (silver prize) Black Mage Hard Rainbow Cup (bronze prize) Ninja Hard Rainbow Cup (silver prize) White Mage Hard Rainbow Cup (gold prize) Unlockable Characters Birdo Hard Mushroom Cup (bronze prize) Black Mage Rainbow Cup (Gold prize) Boo Hard Flower Cup (bronze prize) Bowser Complete the Star Cup. Dixie Kong Flower Cup (bronze prize) Flyguy Hard Star Cup (bronze prize) Moogle Star Cup (Silver prize) Ninja Beat Rainbow Cup Paratroopa Mushroom Cup (bronze prize) White Mage Rainbow Cup (Silver prize) Cactuar In exhibition mode, you need to go to "Glare Desert" (Which you first have to unlock). Here, Cactuar will be in the same, you have to stand above him and when he jumps out of the sand, you need to run away. After the game, if you win, You will unlock him. Unlockable stages Mario Arena Always Koopa Beach Beat the second challenge of Mushroom Cup Princess Peach's Beat the third challange of Mushroom Cup Castle DK Cruiser Beat the first challenge of Flower Cup Luigi Mansion Beat the second challenge of Flower Cup Daisy Garden Beat the third challenge of Flower Cup Wario Factory Beat the first challenge of Star Cup Jr. Street Beat the second challenge of Star Cup Bowser Castle Beat the third challenge of Star Cup Sherbet Land Beat the first challenge of Rainbow Cup Bloocheep Sea Beat the second challenge of Rainbow Cup Pirate Ship Beat the third challenge of Rainbow Cup Rainbow Ship Beat the extra challenge of Rainbow Cup Sunset Beach Play an exhibition match on Cheep Cheep Beach between the hours of 4 and 6 P.M. Glare Desert Collect over 800 points (in atleast one game) in the Star Cup. The easiest way to do that is get 100 coins and on jr. street and 4 roulette coins (so you have a better chance at getting abonus) and hope you get three Mario heads to triple your points so the you have 360 points. Do that twice and make a couple baskets and there's 800 points. Malboro Garden Dunk 3 times in Daisy Garden then run over the panel that appears to get a blue seed Unlockable cups Flower Cup Complete the Mushroom Cup Rainbow Cup Complete the Star Cup Star Cup Complete the Flower Cup Other Unlockables Hard Mode Complete the Rainbow Cup in the Normal Tournament Pro Difficulty Complete the Rainbow Cup in Hard Tournament to unlock Pro Difficulty under exhibition mode. It's the number "6", under the COM level. Third Dribble Race Beat the two existing records in dribble race: Peach Castle (45sec) & Sunshine Road (55sec), to unlock the 3rd dribble race: Rainbow Road (1min) *To use these, hold a direction of the control pad while you drag the player into the basketball ring. ****************************************************************************** * * * I T E M S * * * *[07,04]**************************************************************[07.04]* Let's check out the items that you use during the matches. There are items that commonly appear on any court and there are some that only show up on certian courts. Change your game strategy depending on what court you play on. When you throw an offensive item at other characters, they fall down and drop the ball, coins, or the item they have. Items Single Coin Score goes up by a point when a shot is made 10 Coins Score goes up by 10 points when a shot is made Mushroom Boosts your speed for a while Poison Mushroom Slows you down for a while Star Makes you in invincible for a while and boosts speed Lightning Causes everyone else to fall Fake "?" Panel Flies in the direction you stroke to trip anyone who steps on it Banana Flies in the direction you stroke to trip anyone who steps on it Bomb Flies in the direction you stroke and trips everyone around it when it blows up Green Shell Flies straight in the direction you stroke, tripping anyone who touches it Red shell Automatically goes after the ball when you stroke to throw it Spiny Shell A more powerful version of the Red Shell. It even chases the ball in the air Slot Coin (Jr. Street) If you make a shot after getting a slot coin, the slot will start spinning. You get bonus points or lose points depending on how the pictures line up Mimic (Bloocheep Sea) Stroke to activate it. It goes after the ball or might even cough up coins Freezy (Sherbert Land) Throw in the direction of an opposing player and freeze him or her for a while ****************************************************************************** * * * F . A . Q . S * * * *[08,00]**************************************************************[08.00]* Q. Is this game Wi-fi? A. No. But you can link it up to another Nintendo DS to play a friend. Q. How do I erase/delete my game save? A. When you turn on your game, hold down 'A + B + X + Y + L + R' at the same time. You can not retreive your saved data once you delete it. ****************************************************************************** * * * C R E D I T S * * * *[09,00]**************************************************************[09.00]* If you gave me info but your name is not listed under here, please check the "contact info" section. I don't give you credit unless I got info from you without telling you (mostly from just websites), or you asked me to, again check "contact info" section. Credit 1. Text-Image.com The program that helped me make the graphic at the very top of this FAQ. 2. http://www.network- The ASCII Letters (Only the Letters). science.de/ascii/ 3. Gamefaqs.com Unlockables section. 4. Wikipedia Some of the Introduction 5. BS Informed me of mistakes 6. FellWolve Cannon Shot 7. The Instruction Booklet It has a lot of information, used a lot. ****************************************************************************** * * * C O N T A C T I N F O * * * *[10,00]**************************************************************[10.00]* Label the title something along the lines of "Mario Hoops 3 on 3". Please don't be afraid to E-Mail me. You can always find the most up to date verison of myFAQ at gamefaqs.com. The following are my guidlines, read them before E-mailing me. Thanks. +--------------------------------------+ | Guide lines | +--------------------------------------+ Questions If you have any questions about any of the info in my FAQ, please E-mail me, I will be able to answer it in 24 hours unless It is misplaced into my Junk E-mail section or I am gone. Please make sure you looked through my FAQ. (best places to check miscellaneous information is in the F.A.Q.s Section) Answers/Suggestions/typos If you have answers to any missing information, please send it to me, as well as your alias you want me to put it under, if you don't, I will not list you under credits. though its never to late for me to add you under it, just E-mail me again with what info you gave me and what you what alias you want me to put down. Constructive Critisism please. If i have a typo, I will look at it, as long as you tell me what line it is on. Praise Mail Please if you want, praise me good or bad about this FAQ, if you liked it I might just make another one. If you send me praise mail, please rate my FAQ as well. Feedback is always welcomed. Permission to use this FAQ If you want to put this somewhere, please ask my permission. I will probably let you as long as: 1. I receive 100% Credit. 2. Nothing is modified in my FAQ, If you want me to change something, E-Mail me with your suggestion. 3. Your website does not contain many ads. 4. Your website does recieve a fair amount of hits. Other If you find a website that is hosting my FAQ without permission or hosting a old verison of my FAQ please tell me. ______________________________________ | | | xfollowtehreaperx @ hotmail .com | |______________________________________| ****************************************************************************** * * * C O P Y R I G H T * * * *[11,00]**************************************************************[11.00]* This document is Copyright 2006-2006 xfollowthereaperx. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site outside of GameFAQs, unless the website has received permission. It may not be distributed electronically outside of the GameFAQs web site, and it may not be distributed otherwise at all. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public format is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you see this FAQ on any website other then GameFAQs, and it seems as if they did not receive permission, then please e-mail me at [email protected]. These following websites have permission to host my FAQ: 1. GameFAQs GameFAQs.com 2. Super Cheats supercheats.com 3. 1up 1up.com 4. My Cheats mycheats.com ****************************************************************************** * * * C L O S I N G * * * *[12,00]**************************************************************[12.00]* Thanks for reading my FAQ. I would apperciate any E-mails as long as you looked over my FAQ for an answer. The main thing you could do for me is to rate my FAQ. This is my third FAQ, and I will be planning on making one for the next Harvest Moon game. Thanks for reading, and thanks to those of you who rated my FAQ. +--------------------------------------+ | Points of Interest | | | | Contact Info.................[10,00] | | Copyright....................[11,00] | +--------------------------------------+
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