Pokemon Emerald FAQ/Walkthrough
For the GameBoy Advance system
Written by peach freak or [email protected]
Copyright 2006-2007 Tim Brastow. All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.25
Welcome! This FAQ is a walkthrough for Pokemon Emerald, an excellent remake of
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire versions. If you have any questions, comments, or if
I make a mistake, email me at [email protected]. Once (good) questions
are asked, I will put them in an Asked Questions section.
Also, this FAQ is protected by copyright. You cannot sell this, put this on
your site without my permission, or any other violation of copyright law. You
can, however, save this onto your computer or print it out for LEGAL use.
Table of Contents
1. Version History
2. Controls
3. Emerald Changes
4. Game Basics
5. Walkthrough
6. Abilities/Natures
7. Items
8. Special Events
9. Strengths/Weaknesses
10. Credits
1. Version History
Version .62, September 3, 2006: Well, here's the first version of this guide. I
have 5 badges completed and all other sections of this FAQ are completed as
well. If there's anything missing or if there's something you'd like to have
added into this guide, let me know. There are things I probably don't know I'm
Version .75, September 7, 2006: I got up to the 6th badge at Fortree City in
the walkthrough.
Version .87, September 18, 2006: Finally, after all that progress, I got up to
the 7th badge at Mossdeep City and I finished the Space Center as well.
Version .95, October 10, 2006: Wow, it's been nearly a month since I've updated
this guide. I now have all 8 badges covered, but before we get to the Elite
Four, we're going to do a side quest first. Next update will cover the Elite
Four, and all the neat things you can do after defeating the Elite Four, so it
may take a while.
Version .97, December 11, 2006: Long time no see. I finished the Elite Four,
but I'm not done with the walkthrough. I've still got to finish all of the side
quests and stuff that you'll be able to do after the Elite Four.
Version .99, January 31, 2007: Having no motivation to write FAQs sucks. I did
pretty much all available side quests after finishing the Elite Four. Only
major thing left is the Battle Frontier (and anything else I've left in
Version .99a, February 1, 2007: Added the Battle Frontier area and the general
rules about it, but I did not cover the seven battle sites yet.
Version 1.00, February 4, 2007: Just in time for the Super Bowl, I finish the
Walkthrough, after taking me about 8 months. Yay!
Version 1.25, July 11, 2007: Finally got that legendaries section done in my
walkthrough and added in the TM/HM list in my item section. The legendaries
section can be found in the side quests after defeating the Elite Four.
2. Controls
D-Pad: Move Character/Select Cursor
A: Confirm/Select Attack
B: Cancel/Go back to previous screen
Start: Pauses game and brings up menu
Select: No use in game
R/L: Use to scroll back and forth between Pokemon boxes if enabled
3. Emerald Changes
Several changes have happened in Pokemon Emerald. Many are for the good, little
are for the bad. But almost all of the changes have eliminated everything that
was wrong about the Ruby and Sapphire versions
-Both main characters now have different clothing (both have green)
-You can catch both Groudon and Kyogre
-After beating the Elite Four, you can choose which Lati you want to catch. The
other one will appear in southern island, which can only be accessed by getting
the Eon Ticket
-If you complete your Hoenn Pokedex, Professor Birch will reward you by letting
you pick a Gold/Silver/Crystal starter of your choice
-Some Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire cannot be found in Emerald. Here they are:
Surskit/Masquerain (you can get these in Emerald by mixing records with a R/S
player. If you watch TV, you may here a report of Surskit swarming)
-There is a new champion. Wallace, the 8th gym leader in R/S, is now the
champion. You can battle the old champion, Steve, in Meteor Falls. The new gym
leader for Sootopolis City is Juan.
-Some gym leaders have altered, changed, or added Pokemon in their roster
-After beating the Elite Four, you can go to the Battle Frontier. This is a lot
better and bigger than the Battle Tower. You can earn symbols, battle points,
and use them to buy dolls or even tutor moves for your Pokemon
-You fight both Team Aqua and Team Magma
-You can now get to Navel Rock and Birth Island using a Mystic Ticket and an
Aurora Ticket. These can only be accessed at Nintendo Events, otherwise you'd
need to use a Gameshark
-Faraway Island has been added. To get here, you must obtain the Old Sea Chart
from Nintendo events. You can go here to trap a wild Mew and battle and capture
-With the match call feature, you can have rematches with certain trainers and
all gym leaders! Each time you battle them, they will have stronger or new
Pokemon (for example, your father Norman will get a Blissey and another Slaking
-There is a new Deoxys, the speed form. It has incredible speed and can outrun
anything in the game. All other stats are evenly balanced out
-There are now double team battles. If two trainers out in the field spot you
at once, one will walk up to you, and then the other trainer will as well. This
will cause a double team battle. You will send out your top two Pokemon while
of them send out 1 Pokemon at a time.
-Some of the natures have added effects to them in Emerald. For example, if a
Pokemon has the "Hustle" ability, not only will their Attack rise and Accuracy
drop, but it will increase the chance of meeting higher level Pokemon if the
Pokemon with "hustle" is in the top spot of your roster.
4. Game Basics
This section will describe all of the basics of this game, how to
encounter/catch Pokemon, and how everything works.
Capturing Pokemon and Forming a Team
You can hold up to 6 Pokemon at a time. If you capture a wild Pokemon, it'll be
sent to Lanette's PC. Pokemon can be caught in wild grass, by fishing, surfing,
walking in caves, or using Rock Smash. Also, there are Pokemon that can only be
caught once, and if you knock them out, you cannot capture them again and you
can only get them by loading up your previous saved game.
Tips on capturing Pokemon
1. The higher their level, the more difficult they will be to capture. Battle
the wild Pokemon with your own, but don't hurt them enough to knock them out.
Once you get their health bar (or Hit Points) in the low orange or red, you
have a higher chance of catching it than you would if it had full health
2. Inflicting them with status conditions such as putting them to sleep,
paralyzing them, or freezing them will increase your chances of capturing
greatly. Poisoning and burning them will reduce their health each turn, so
remember to capture it before they faint from poisoning/burning.
3. As you progress through the game, you'll have the chance to buy better balls
rather than Poke Balls. Great Balls and Ultra Balls have a much better chance
at capturing Pokemon and at any time, you'll always want to be loaded with at
least 15 or 20 Great/Ultra Balls. There are special balls like Timer and Nest
Balls, and knowing how to use them correctly will help you capture Pokemon
easier than before.
Now, the other part you need to know is learning how to form a team. No Pokemon
is the best. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses to other types of
Pokemon (for more on this, look at the strengths/weaknesses chart at the end of
the guide). You'll need to know which types have an advantage on others and
when to send them out for battle. Having 6 Pokemon is great, but 6 bad Pokemon
is even worse. Here is an example:
Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying)
Dragonite (Dragon/Flying)
Flygon (Dragon/Ground)
Altaria (Dragon/Flying)
Salamance (Dragon/Flying)
Kingdra (Water/Dragon)
While you may have a team of kick-ass dragons, there is a huge downfall to
this. Any strong ice Pokemon can dispose of them very quickly, even if any of
these Pokemon have moves that are effective against Ice. A team like this would
be an effective team:
Sceptile (Grass)
Magneton (Eletric/Steel)
Gardevoir (Psychic)
Kingdra (Dragon/Water)
Swellow (Normal/Flying)
Hariyama (Fighting)
With this type of team, you'll have a strong advantage over many trainers
because of having an advantage over nearly every type in the game. Plus,
knowing which moves to put on your Pokemon can also be another benefit. For
example, Water Gun/Surf/Rain Dance/Hydro Pump is not a good moveset for
Kingdra. All 4 are water types, so you'd only have advantages on Fire, Rock,
and Ground types. A moveset like Surf/Ice Beam/Rain Dance/Toxic is a lot
better, because Ice Beam gives Kingdra an advantage on Grass, Dragon, and
Flying types. Toxic also poisons a Pokemon while having it increase poison
damage every turn.
Also, at some point in time, you'll need to ditch Pokemon in your team because
their usefulness decreases as you progress through the game. Most Pokemon you
will find become useful HM slaves (which are Pokemon which have nothing but HM
moves on their moveset), mostly because you don't want useless moves like Cut,
Rock Smash, and Flash on your Pokemon's moves. Note that when forming a team,
you can get some Pokemon early, but you'll have to get pretty late in the game
to get Pokemon you'll really want.
Stats and Status Conditions
Here are the stats found on every Pokemon. The higher a Pokemon's level is, the
higher their stats will increase. Level-ups will never decrease stats.
Sometimes stats may decrease when a Pokemon evolves. For example, Trapinch, a
Pokemon with an extremely high Attack stat (but poor stats everywhere else),
will evolve into Vibrava. When this happens, Vibrava's Attack drops
significantly, but all of the other stats improve greatly.
Hit Points: This is the amount of damage you've taken. The more attacks your
Pokemon takes, the lower HP it will have, displayed at the bottom of the screen
during a battle. Of course, a Pokemon could have a high amount of HP but a low
amount of damage, so any attack that it is weak against could hurt it greatly
or even faint it. As your HP sinks low, you'll want to heal your Pokemon before
it ends up fainting. To indicate how much HP your opponent has (you can't see
their exact HP count), look at their health bar. If it's green, they have over
half health left. Yellow means under half, and red means under 1/3 of their
normal health. When your HP falls to the red zone, you'll hear a beeping sound.
Attack: Your attack determines how much damage you'll deal out with a PHYSICAL
attack. All of these types below are physical.
Normal, Bug, Ghost, Rock, Ground, Flying, Fighting, Steel, Poison
If your Pokemon is one of the types above, it is essential to have a high
attack stat. If you have a Pokemon that's a physical type but a low Attack,
teaching them physical type moves are worthless, because they would do little
damage. The damage dealt also relies on the attack's power and the opponent's
defense. If a physical Pokemon has a high Attack stat, such as Slaking, by all
means take advantage of it, and if used correctly, it could be known as a
"Physical Sweeper"
Defense: Your defense determines how much damage you take from a physical
attack. Remember, having a high defense has no effect on a special type attack.
The higher defense you have, the more damage you can take from a physical
attack. Pokemon high in defense, such as Golem, can take almost any physical
attack without fainting in one turn, and can be great for fighting non-special
type Pokemon.
Special Attack: This determines the amount of damage you'll deal from a SPECIAL
attack. All of these types below are special.
Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, Ice, Dragon, Dark, Psychic
If your Pokemon is one of the types above, it is essential to have a high
special attack. If you have a Pokemon that is a special type but with a low
Special Attack, teaching it special moves would be worthless, because they
would do little damage. Alakazam, a Pokemon with a very high Special Attack
stat, can dish out the beatings if you teach it the right moves. If super
effective, they will very likely result in one-hit knock outs. Also, a Pokemon
with all special attacks would be known as a "Special Sweeper"
Special Defense: Your Special Defense determines how much damage you take from
a special attack. Remember, having a high special defense has no effect on a
physical attack. Pokemon high in Special Defense, such as Gardevoir, can take
several hits from special type moves before being knocked out, and can be great
for fighting other Special type Pokemon.
Speed: The most important stat in the game in my opinion. Speed determines who
goes first, so it's important to have a fast Pokemon or two in your roster to
have a better chance at winning the fight. If your Pokemon has a higher speed
than the opponent's Pokemon, your Pokemon will strike first in the battle. If
you have a lower speed stat than the opponent, they will strike first. Crobat
is one of the fastest Pokemon in the game, and is ensured a first strike in
battles. The only exceptions would be Pokemon with a higher Speed stat, moves
such as Quick Attack and Extremespeed (which attack first regardless of speed),
and an item called the Quick Claw, which gives any Pokemon a slight chance of
attacking first in battle, no matter what their Speed is.
Many moves can inflict a status condition on Pokemon. Status conditions can
affect the battle greatly and gives the non-infected Pokemon a better advantage
over the effective one. Here are all the possible status conditions in the
Poison: If a Pokemon is poisoned, they will lose 1/16 of their health every
turn unless they are switched out in battle. Outside of battle, they will lose
1 HP for every 4 steps that you take unless they are cured.
Cures: Antidote, Full Heal, Full Restore, Pecha Berry, Lum Berry, Lava Cookie
Abilities that resist poison: Immunity
Burn: If a Pokemon is burned, they will lose 1/16 of their health every turn
unless they are switched out in battle. Unlike poison, they will not lose HP
regardless of how many steps you take. The thing is, a burned Pokemon will have
their Attack stat reduced greatly as long as they are burned. You can use this
to your advantage and inflict a burn condition on Pokemon with high attack.
Cures: Burn Heal, Full Restore, Full Heal, Rawst Berry, Lum Berry, Lava Cookie
Abilites that resist burn: Water Veil
Paralyze: Paralyzing a Pokemon is one of the best things to do in battle. When
a Pokemon is paralyzed, they have a 25% chance of not attacking completely for
a turn. Also, their speed will be reduced greatly, so if you paralyzed a fast
Pokemon while you have a slow Pokemon, you will be almost guaranteed to attack
first. Being paralyzed also decreases your chance of running away from a wild
Pokemon in battle.
Cures: Paralyze Heal, Full Restore, Full Heal, Lum Berry, Cheri Berry, Lava
Abilities that resist paralyze: Limber
Sleep: If a Pokemon is infected with sleep condition, they will be unable to
attack while they are asleep for each turn. They can wake up, but the amount of
turns is random and you'll need to get lucky. But once they wake up, they'll
perform the attack you selected. Putting a Pokemon asleep is effective for
catching them and for battling them if you think you're going to lose.
Cures: Awakening, Full Restore, Full Heal, Chesto Berry, Lum Berry, Lava Cookie
Abilities that resist sleep: Insomnia, Vital Spirit
Freeze: If a Pokemon is frozen solid, they will be unable to attack. Each turn,
they will remain frozen solid and not be able to attack. Freezing a Pokemon is
also essential for capturing wild Pokemon. Just like sleeping Pokemon and
waking up, a Pokemon that is frozen can defrost at anytime and attack. Back in
the days of Red/Blue/Yellow, a frozen Pokemon would never be able to defrost no
matter how long they remained frozen. But if you attack a frozen Pokemon with a
fire attack, they will be immediately defrosted (and just when you thought fire
wouldn't melt ice in the game).
Cures: Ice Heal, Full Restore, Full Heal, Lum Berry, Aspear Berry, Lava Cookie
Abilities that resist freeze: Magma Armor
Confuse: If a Pokemon is confused, there is a 50/50 chance they will hurt
themselves in confusion or will attack during the turn. Being confused is very
risky since you can be knocked out very quickly if you keep getting hit in
confusion. Like sleep and freeze, the Pokemon will randomly snap out of
confusion at times and then attack. Being confused it probably the most
annoying status condition in my opinion. A sure way to cure confusion is to
switch out your Pokemon during battle.
Cures: Full Restore, Full Heal, Lum Berry, Persim Berry, Lava Cookie, Yellow
Abilities that resist confusion: Own Tempo
Trading Pokemon
In order to get Pokemon you do not have or do not appear in the game, you trade
for them with other friends or people in game. Traded Pokemon get an experience
boost for every battle (150% boost), but there is a flaw: to control traded
Pokemon, you must have the appropriate badge. For example, if you've been given
a level 100 Mewtwo to beat the game with ease, you're in for a nasty surprise
when the Pokemon falls asleep on you in the middle of battle. For example, the
2nd badge (the Knuckle Badge) allows traded Pokemon level 30 and under to obey
you. If you had only two badges with a traded Pokemon at level 35, its chances
of obeying you will be pretty low. It could do things such as not attack
completely, fall asleep, or use a different move instead.
This is how the obeying system goes:
Stone Badge (1st badge): Pokemon up to level 10 will obey you
Knuckle Badge (2nd badge): Pokemon up to level 30 will obey you
Heat Badge (4th badge): Pokemon up to level 50 will obey you
Feather Badge (6th badge): Pokemon up to level 70 will obey you
Rain Badge (8th badge): Any Pokemon will obey you, regardless of level
Remember: Pokemon obeying you only applies for TRADED Pokemon, not Pokemon that
have the same trainer ID as yours (meaning it is your Pokemon and you caught it
in the wild, etc). Pokemon that are yours will listen to you no matter what
level they are at and how far you are into the game. So you could raise your
Mudkip to a level 75 Swampert before you get the first badge and it'll still
listen to you, even if that would take forever.
Evolving Pokemon
Evolving Pokemon is my favorite and exciting thing in this game. When evolved,
they will become a stronger, better form of their earlier stage in the family.
Evolution has its pros and cons, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons.
When evolving, your Pokemon will have better stats and be able to fight more.
Sometimes they'll gain a lot in some stats and drop down significantly in other
stats. The downside to evolving is that Pokemon will learn some of their best
moves later. Also, earlier forms of Pokemon can learn moves that their later
evolved forms can't by leveling up. Let's take a look at a few examples:
Torchic evolves into Combusken at Level 16. But if you stop the evolution by
pressing the B button, you can continue raising it to level 25, where it would
learn Fire Spin. Combusken, no matter what level, cannot learn fire spin by
leveling up. Torchic can also get Flamethrower at level 43, but
Combusken/Blaziken need to learn Flamethrower from the TM to learn it. But
would you keep Torchic for that long? When you stop the evolution, it will try
to evolve the next time it goes up a level. You can still stop this by pressing
Also, Teecko can learn Mega Drain at level 26. Its evolved form, Grovyle,
cannot learn Giga Drain at all. But if you raise your Treecko higher than level
29, Grovyle cannot learn Leaf Blade, which is Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile's best
move. Another example of the ups and downs of evolution.
There are several ways of which a Pokemon can evolve.
1. One way is by leveling up. If the Pokemon gets to the certain level, it will
try to evolve into its next form. This is the most basic way of evolution. For
example, Treecko evolves into Grovyle at level 16, and then to Sceptile at
level 36.
2. Some Pokemon will evolve by using elemental stones, which are the
Thunderstone, Fire Stone, Water Stone, Leaf Stone, Sun Stone, and Moon Stone.
With an elemental stone, you can use it on the Pokemon at any level you want.
But beware: after a Pokemon evolves with a stone, there's a good chance it will
not learn any moves by leveling up anymore. Wait until your previous Pokemon
has learned all the moves you wanted on him, and then use the stone. This is a
good way of getting a powerful Pokemon.
3. To get other Pokemon, you must simply trade them. The 4 Pokemon that evolve
by trading are Graveler, Machoke, Kadabra, and Haunter. You can trade them at
any level and they will evolve. Unlike elemental stones, traded Pokemon will
still learn the same moves at the same level as their previous evolution, so
there's no drawback in this. Plus you get good stat boosts, so there's no
reason why you should hesitate to trade when your Pokemon can evolve by
4. Other Pokemon will evolve by trade, but you'll need to have them holding
certain items. One example will be having Seadra holding a Dragon Scale. When
traded while holding this item, it will evolve into a very powerful Kingdra,
who becomes a water/dragon type. Kingdra has awesome and balanced stats in
every category and is a tough opponent to take down, so if you have a Seadra,
find a Dragon Scale and trade. You won't regret it.
5. The last way to evolve a Pokemon is to level them up when their happiness is
at a very high rating. To get their happiness up, you must have your Pokemon
fight in battle, keep it in your roster for a long period of time throughout
the game, not let it faint, leveling it up, and giving it beneficial items such
as Protein and Iron. You can also get their happiness up by just walking
around. To find out how happy it is, check out the lady living in the house
south of the battle tent in Verdanturf Town. If she says "It adores you. It
can't possibly love you any more. I even feel happy seeing it," then your
Pokemon is at the highest happiness level possible and is guaranteed to evolve
at the next level if it evolves by happiness. One example would be Golbat, who
will evolve into Crobat if you got its happiness rating very high.
5. Walkthrough
This section will guide you throughout the whole game, from the first step out
of your house to your final triumph over the Elite Four. First, you must pick
if you are a boy or a girl. Your rival will become the opposite gender. After,
you give your character a name and then you start the game out by being in the
back of a moving truck...what a nice mother you have. After you get out, all of
the Vigoroths will help unpack and put everything in place in your house. As
you get out of the truck, head into your house. If you are a boy, you will be
on the left side in Littleroot Town. If you are a girl, you'll be on the right
side. Enter your room and head up the stairs to get into your room. The first
thing you'll want to do is press A on the clock on the wall. Set the time to
whatever you want but be careful: this is the only point in the game where you
can set the time. Also note that certain things happen between AM and PM time,
I'll cover those later. Before leaving this house, go to your PC and press A to
turn it on. Then access your PC and go to "Withdraw Item". Take out the potion,
leave your room, and head out the house.
Now that you're finally back inside, it's time to check out your rival's house.
Simply do this by going to the opposite house in this town and go up the
stairs. Walk around and you'll meet your rival. After, leave your rival's house
and then the adventure will begin.
Littleroot Town/Route 101
Since you have met your rival, head north where you find a path leading up to
Route 101. Head into it and continue north. But then you'll see something:
Professor Birch is being chased by a wild Pokemon! Don't panic, because this is
where you get to be his hero (by defeating a level 2 Pokemon, so feel proud).
When you go up to his bag, you will be able to choose one of three Pokemon.
Choose carefully, because this will be your starter and will be a big part of
your team for the game to come. Here are each of the three you can choose
|Treecko: Treecko is the grass Pokemon out of the starting three. It starts |
|out slow, but as you progress through the game and raise him, you'll be happy|
|you chose him in the first place. His moves are weak, but those will change |
|in the future. It evolves into Grovyle at level 16 and Sceptile at level 36 |
|This family is known for its high and amazing speed. Also with an above |
|average special attack, it can OHKO (one hit knock out) nearly anything it is|
|strong against. Its best move upon leveling up is Leaf Blade, but you won't |
|find any other exciting moves when leveling up. You'll need to use TMs and |
|tutors to make the best out of the grass family. Plus Treecko has a |
|disadvantage to only two of the gyms, while it will be a very big help in the|
|Elite Four. |
|Strengths: Water, Ground, Rock |
|Weaknesses: Fire, Bug, Poison, Flying, Ice |
|Torchic: Torchic is the fire Pokemon, making it a pretty popular choice for |
|newcomers to this game. It has high Special Attack and Attack ratings, but |
|poor ratings on the defense and special defense side. With moderate speed, |
|you can make it a powerhouse. But the thing is, when evolving into Combusken |
|at level 16, it will become a fighting type. This is a disadvantage, because |
|it gives it more weaknesses than fire already has. You can use it as an |
|attacker or a special attacker. Once evolved, it has a disadvantage to 3 |
|gyms, but if you know how to use it right, this Pokemon isn't so bad after |
|all. |
|Strengths: Grass, Bug, Ice, Steel |
|Weaknesses: Water, Rock, Ground |
|Mudkip: Mudkip is simply an excellent starter. Plus water is another popular |
|pick, but this one is definitely worth it. It may lack speed but can have |
|very powerful moves. When evolving into Marshtomp at Level 16, it becomes |
|Ground type. This helps it more than hurts it, because it makes Marshtomp and|
|Swampert immune to electric (which is weak too), and gives it more strengths.|
|The only thing you have to worry about being Water/Ground is grass. A grass |
|move can do up to 4x damage to a water/ground, and 6x if it is from a Grass |
|Pokemon. But you can give Swampert killer moves such as Earthquake, Ice Beam,|
|and Surf. Nasty anybody? You won't need to worry about being weak to any gym.|
|The only exception is the third gym, unless your Mudkip has evolved by then. |
|Strengths: Fire, Ground, Water |
|Weaknesses: Electric, Grass |
After you choose your Pokemon, you will need to use it to help out Professor
Birch. When fighting, use the attacking move against the wild Pokemon (pound
for Treecko, Scratch for Torchic, and Tackle for Mudkip), and you'll defeat it
in no time. After you defeat the wild Pokemon, it will run away, so follow
Professor Birch back to his lab in Littleroot town. He will thank you for
helping him out at Route 101 and will allow you to keep the Pokemon you chose
from his bag as a token of thanks. Then he wants to you see your Rival (Brendan
if a boy, May if a girl) in Route 103, which is up the path to the north. Go
back to Route 101 and cut through the tall grass. If you get attacked by wild
Pokemon, do your best to defeat them and get some experience points for the
road ahead. If possible, you could gain a level or two. After you get through
the grass and walk around the ledges, you'll find another path. It will take
you to Oldale Town, a little quiet town.
Oldale Town/Route 103/Route 102
With this being the first town outside of Littleroot town and with more stuff,
it's time to explain this since you'll be seeing these for the first time.
Pokemon Center: In the southwest corner of this map is the Pokemon Center.
Here, you can go to your PC to desposit/withdraw items and Pokemon and have the
nurse inside heal your Pokemon absolutely free. Then how does she get paid if
she's behind a counter all day putting Pokeballs on the machine and healing
them to 100% health? You can do it as many times as you want and they won't ask
for a dime. These are very essential for your long journey.
Pokemon Mart: Here, you can buy items in any amount. They are cheap right now,
but as you get into later parts of the game, you'll find less common and more
valuable items such as Ultra Balls and Max Potions, items you'll want to stock
up on. Also, you can sell items for money if they are un-needed or if you have
too much of one thing. Here is a list of what the Mart in this town has:
Antidote (100 dollars)
Awakening (250 dollars)
Paralyze Heal (200 dollars)
Poke Ball (200 dollars)*
Potion (300 Dollars)
* means you cannot buy this item after you have gotten Pokedex from Professor
Even with that, there is little to do in Oldale Town. But before you get out of
here, talk to the man next to the house in the southeast corner of this map.
He'll give you a free Potion for talking to him! Heal your Pokemon if you need
to, and then we're heading out of here. Besides getting here from route 101,
there are two ways to get out of here. One way is route 102, which is blocked
off at the moment (to the west). The other is route 103, which is at the north
end of this town. So gear up and head north into Route 103.
Cross the tall grass and continue up, where you'll find your rival in the
middle of the route. Talk to your rival and (s)he will ask for a battle. Your
rival's Pokemon will be your starting Pokemon's weakness Pokemon. So if you
chose Treecko, your rival will have Torchic, Mudkip if you chose Torchic, and
Treecko if you took Mudkip. Your rival's Pokemon will be at level 5, so if you
leveled yours up on your way, you should have the better advantage. Just like
you did with the wild Pokemon, keep using your attack moves to whittle down
your opponent's health and since you'd have the better edge, you should win
this without a problem. After you defeat your rival, you'll need to head back
to Littleroot town once more. You should know where to go, just keep heading
down south.
Back at Littleroot town, go into Professor Birch's lab. Talk to him and he'll
say that he has something for both you and your rival. He will give you both a
Pokedex, which you can use to track Pokemon you've seen, caught, and to find
their location and cries. Also, your rival says (s)he has something for you and
will give you 5 Poke Balls to start your journey. Now leave Professor Birch's
lab and get back to Oldale Down. Heal if needed and now since you have your
Pokedex, you can now purchase Poke Balls at the Mart and head west out towards
route 102, which is the next direction we're going to.
Route 102 is the first area where you'll have to battle trainers. If I were
you, battle them. They are your best source of getting experience and money.
Here is a list of the trainers found in this route:
Youngster Calvin - Match Call Trainer
Poochyena, Level 5 (Dark)
Money: $80
Bug Catcher Rick
Wurmple, Level 4 (Bug)
Wurmple, Level 4 (Bug)
Money: $64
Youngster Allen
Zigzagoon, Level 5 (Normal)
Taillow, Level 3 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $48
Lass Tiana
Zigzagoon, Level 4 (Normal)
Shroomish, Level 4 (Grass)
Money: $64
With a new route, you'll also find some wild Pokemon here in the grass.
Wurmple (Common)
Zigzagoon (Uncommon
Poochyena (Uncommon)
Lotad (Rare)
Ralts (Rare)
Seedot (Rare)
Few of these Pokemon are worth catching for a long-term team. Ralts is a must-
have. It's an early psychic Pokemon. At Level 20 it will evolve into Kirlia and
Gardevoir at Level 30. Gardevoir has an outstanding Special Attack and Special
Defense stats, with average rankings everywhere else. Ralts will have weak
stats, so don't let it fight anything too strong if you're going to catch it.
Lotad is also a good Pokemon to catch. After evolving it into Lombre at level
14, use a Water Stone to evolve it into Ludicolo, a Grass/Water Pokemon with no
special weaknesses and a high Special Defense. Only take him if Torchic is your
starter, since you won't want another grass/water Pokemon on your team.
Keep heading west, battling through the trainers and getting through the wild
grass. Halfway along the route, you'll find an Oran Berry and a Pecha Berry.
You can pick up 2 of each and then plant one of each in the soil so they can
grow back and allow you to pick up new berries. As you head west, a Potion will
be below a ledge near the end of the route. Pick it up before continuing into
Petalburg City, where your dad is currently living.
Petalburg City/Route 104/Petalburg Woods
PokeMart Item Listing:
Antidote: $100
Awakening: $250
Escape Rope: $550
Great Ball: $600*
Orange Mail: $50
Paralyze Heal: $200
Poke Ball: $200
Potion: $350
Super Potion: $700*
X Attack: $500
X Defend: $550
X Speed: $350
* means you can only buy these items after getting the first four gym badges.
As you enter Petalburg City, go in the Pokemon Center right next to you and
heal if you have to. Now continue out west and you'll find a gym, where you
battle the gym leader and earn a badge. Continue west and you'll be interrupted
by a man. You will be taken to the gym where you will find your father. He'll
check out your new Pokemon. He is the gym leader, but he'll say that you'll
need to raise your Pokemon because right now, he is way too strong for you.
After, a kid named Wally enters the room. Now you will have to help him out by
catching a Pokemon in the wild. Your dad helps out by giving him a Zigzagoon.
Now he will catch his Pokemon out in route 102. He will catch a wild Ralts (and
how does he always find it on first try?) and then go back to the gym and give
Zigzagoon back to Norman. After your dad is done talking to you, leave the gym,
and you'll meet another man in sunglasses saying he is looking for talented
trainers in Hoenn. After he leaves, continue out west and you'll find a path
leading to route 104.
Route 104 trainers:
Youngster Billy
Zigzagoon, Level 5 (Normal)
Seedot, Level 7 (Grass)
Money: $112
Fisherman Darian
Magikarp, Level.9 (Water)
Money: $360
Lady Cindy - Match Call Trainer
Zigzagoon, Level 7 (Normal)
Money: $1400
Here is the list of Pokemon found in route 104
Poochyena (Common)
Wurmple (Common)
Marill (Common)
Wingull (Uncommon)
Taillow (Uncommon)
We've got a few new faces here. Marill is a horrible Pokemon with horrible
stats, even when evolving into Azumarill. Do what I did and use it as an HM
Slave for Waterfall, Dive, and Rock Smash. Taillow evolves into Swellow, a
Pokemon with good speed and attack, but not so good on the defense side. But
overall, Taillow/Swellow are decent flying Pokemon. Wingull is another flying
Pokemon, but when evolving into Pelipper, it lowering its speed and giving it
several other weaknesses. I'd stay away from Pelipper, but Taillow is a good
choice for now.
As you enter route 104, head north and west, through the wild grass. You'll
find a lone house by the water and next to a dock, but let it be for now. To
the north of the cottage is a path. Follow it into an opening and you'll be
inside the Petalburg Woods.
Trainers found in the Petalburg Woods:
Bug Catcher Lyle
Wurmple, Level 3 (Bug)
Wurmple, Level 3 (Bug)
Wurmple, Level 3 (Bug)
Wurmple, Level 3 (Bug)
Money: $48
Bug Catcher James - Match Call Trainer
Nincada, Level 6 (Bug/Ground)
Nincada, Level 6 (Bug/Ground)
Money: $96
Pokemon found in Petalburg Woods:
Poochyena (Common)
Wurmple (Common)
Shroomish (Uncommon)
Silcoon (Uncommon)
Cascoon (Uncommon)
Taillow (Rare)
Slakoth (Rare)
Most of these Pokemon are repeats found in previous routes. Silcoon and Cascoon
are just the evolved forms of Wurmple, but they're still horrible. Both evolve
into Beautifly and Dustox respectively at Level 10, but either way, they turn
how to be bad bug Pokemon. Slakoth is a Pokemon worth nothing. It has a massive
Attack stat but its special trait only allows it to attack every other turn,
giving the opponent an advantage. Slakoth is up to you, but it becomes even
better when evolving into Vigoroth and Slaking. Shroomish is an ok grass
Pokemon and becomes part Fighting when evolved into Breloom, but it's a Pokemon
I wouldn't have on my final roster.
Once inside the woods, cut through the grass to your northwest. Get the
Paralyze Heal from the grass and continue east until you pass another grass
patch. Then head north of this grass where you'll be introduced to Team Aqua.
They are stealing the Devon Goods from the researcher in the woods. After, the
researcher will get on your side and ask you to get rid of the Grunt. His level
9 Poochyena shouldn't be a problem, so dispose of it. He'll give you $180 for
beating him. The researcher will reward you with your first Great Ball, which
is better at catching Pokemon than a Poke Ball. Since you're still very early
in the game, I'd save it until you find either a rare Pokemon or one that's
hard to catch. Continue west and you'll get to two split grass patches. There
is an Ether in one of them, so pick it out. Head up north and you'll find an
opening leading back out to Route 104, so go through it to get the fresh air.
Ah, fresh air! Before going out to battle the trainers, let's do a couple of
things first. Talk to the man right to your left and he'll give you TM09, which
is Bullet Seed. It's a weak grass attack that attacks the Pokemon 2-5 times
each turn, but does little damage. If you have Treecko as a starter, I would
take Bullet Seed over Absorb, however. To the left of the man is an Oran Berry
and a Cheri Berry. Do what I do and plant one of each back in the garden. North
of where you are is a garden house. Enter it. Talk to the girl in the back for
a Wailmer Pail, an item used to water the berries. Funny how it has unlimited
water, even when you don't fill it. You can use this to water the berries you
planted outside as a start. Another girl in this shop will give you a berry a
day. One other is selling plants for your secret base, but you can't make one
yet. Plus you can't buy items here until you have 3 badges. Now we can leave
and get to the real action on the other side of the route.
Back outside, head east where you'll find the trainers. Here they are:
Rich Boy Winston - Match Call Trainer
Zigzagoon, Level 9 (Normal)
Money: $1400
Lass Haley - Match Call Trainer
Lotad, Level 6 (Water/Grass)
Shroomish, Level 6 (Grass)
Money: $96
Twins Gia and Mia
Lotad, Level 6 (Water/Grass)
Seedot, Level 6 (Grass)
Money: $144
This is your first 2 on 2 battle. They will not fight if you have less than two
Pokemon on your team. You send out two Pokemon and they send out two. You can
have both of yours attack one of their Pokemon or have one Pokemon go for both.
Just keep type advantages and disadvantages in mind.
Fisherman Ivan
Magikarp, Level 5 (Water)
Magikarp, Level 5 (Water)
Magikarp, Level 7 (Water)
Money: $280
After heading east, cross the bridge where you'll find the twin trainers and
after the bridge is the fisherman to your right. Next to the fisherman is an
old lady. Talk to her for a Chesto Berry. Also next to you is a Cheri Berry and
a Leppa Berry planted. Take them out if you want to, and then head out north
into Rustboro City.
Rustboro City
Pokemart Item Listing:
Antidote: $100
Escape Rope: $550
Paralyze Heal: $200
Poke Ball: $200
Potion: $300
Repeat Ball: $1,000*
Repel: $350
Super Potion: $700
Timer Ball: $1,000*
X Attack: $500
X Defend: $500
X Speed: $350
* means these two Poke balls won't show up in the Pokemart until you get to the
Rusturf Tunnel. May seem pricey at this point of the game, but they are useful.
With Repeat Balls, you have a better chance of catching wild Pokemon you've
captured before. Timer Balls become more and more effective as the battle with
the wild Pokemon increases (not in time, but the amount of turns you've gone
Ah, so many things to do in this city, but where to start? As soon as you enter
this city, follow the path north to the Pokemart. Then continue north until you
get to the Pokemon Center, which is right above the Pokemart. You'll most
likely need to heal because of going through route 104 and the Petalburg Woods.
As soon as you get out of the Pokemon Center, enter the house to the left of
it. Talk to the man inside the house and he'll give you HM01, (Cut), the first
HM you'll get in the game. You can use it to cut down bushes and even wild
grass! You can teach it to a Pokemon right now, because it has a power of 50
and it slightly stronger than Tackle/Pound/Scratch. You can use it as an attack
whenever you want, but to be able to cut down trees and use it outside of
battle, you'll need to defeat the gym leader in this city. Also, you can use an
HM as many times as you want, unlike TMs, which can only be used once. So if I
were you, I'd teach it to a Pokemon with weak moves.
Aside from that little lesson, go back to the Pokemon Center and head east
where you will get to a fountain. Right above that fountain is a building, so
enter it. This is the Pokemon Trainer's School. On the board, you can read
about each status condition and go through other people's notebook. But there
is one important thing here: talk to the teacher and he will walk up the aisle
first. After, he'll talk to you and give you a Quick Claw. This valuable item
can be held by any Pokemon in your party. What it does is increases the chance
of striking first in the battle. The best way to make use of this item is to
give it to a very slow Pokemon who has a low speed stat. Maybe you'll get lucky
and your slow Pokemon will strike first. Now leave the school and head up north
through the city. As you continue north, you'll find the Pokemon gym. You can
enter it now, but there's something else you can do in this city. In the house
to the right of the gym, you can trade your Ralts for a Seedot nicknamed Dots
holding a Chesto Berry. This is not mandatory, but the choice is yours if you
want to make a trade. Enter the gym now.
POKEMON GYM - Battle Roxanne for the Stone Badge
Gym's Pokemon Type: Rock
Best types against Rock: Ground, Grass, Fighting, Water, Steel
Not Recommended: Electric, Bug, Poison, Flying, Fire
Your first gym is pretty easy. Just get the type advantage over the gym leader
and you'll be all set. There are 3 trainers in here. One is right near you at
the entrance, the other two are near Roxanne. If you don't know what you are
doing, you could walk in between them and get into a double battle. If you only
have 1 Pokemon, 1 trainer will battle you and then the other will walk up to
you after the first battle to battle you. Here are the 3 trainers in the gym:
Youngster Josh
Geodude, Level 10 (Rock/Ground)
Money: $160
Youngster Tommy
Geodude, Level 8 (Rock/Ground)
Geodude, Level 8 (Rock/Ground)
Money: $128
Hiker Marc
Geodude, Level 8 (Rock/Ground)
Geodude, Level 8 (Rock/Ground)
Money: $300
After you get through the trainers, just go through the twisted paths to get to
the other side of the gym. If you need to, go back to the Pokemon Center to
heal up, save in front of Roxanne, and then talk to her to battle her.
Gym Leader Roxanne
Geodude, Level 12 (Rock/Ground)
Geodude, Level 12 (Rock/Ground)
Nosepass, Level 12 (Rock)
Easy battle here if you chose Treecko or Mudkip as a starter. Since Geodude is
both rock and ground, it will take 4x damage from a water/grass attack (or 6x
if used from a water/grass Pokemon), and it will go down in most likely 1 hit.
If you chose Torchic for a starter, you'll have a bit of a problem, since Fire
is weak to Rock. An alternative to Treecko/Mudkip would be Lotad. It learns the
grass-type Absorb at level 7, which is very effective against rock and ground
Pokemon. If needed, capture one out in route 102 and raise it up to level 12 or
even higher.
While the two Geodudes are easy, Nosepass is a bit of a problem. Being just
rock, it will only get 2x the damage from a water/grass attack. Also, its
defense is very high and its Special Defense is right up there too. But it has
a very low Attack and HP, so you don't need to worry about it. Just keep the
type advantage in mind, give it all you got and it'll eventually go down.
Still, water/grass is recommended for Nosepass.
After you have defeated Roxanne, she will give you the Stone Badge and TM 39,
Rock Tomb. It is an attack that lowers the opponent's speed when it hits and
causes a good amount of damage. With the Stone Badge, you can use HM01, Cut
outside of battle without a problem. You'll need it for the upcoming events.
Congratulations on earning your first gym badge! But all isn't peace and quiet.
Upon exiting the gym, you'll see some guy in red hair running after a Team Aqua
Member. Remember these two from the Petalburg Woods? Well here they are again.
Follow them by heading north until you get to the end of the gray path. Then
continue following the path east where you'll find the person who works at
Devon Corporations. He'll explain to you that Team Aqua once again stole his
goods, so you'll need to continue east onto Route 116.
Route 116 and the Rusturf Tunnel
With a new route comes new Pokemon. Here is the Pokemon list for this route:
Poochyena (Common)
Whismur (Common)
Nincada (Common)
Taillow (Common)
Abra (Uncommon)
Skitty (Very Rare)
The new faces here are average-above average. If you want a Whishmur, don't
worry about one here, because you'll always find them 100% of the time in the
Rusturf Tunnel. Nincada is a bug type Pokemon that when at level 20, it splits
off into two Pokemon: Ninjask and Shedinja. Ninjask is a very fast Pokemon
while Shedinja will always have 1HP no matter what level. This is because of
Wonder Guard, which means it can only be struck by moves it is weak against
(being Bug and Ghost, you have Fire, Rock, Flying, Dark, and Ghost). Skitty is
a Pokemon that evolves into Delcatty with a Moon Stone. Even with the evolution
its stats are balanced but just merely average. Abra on the other hand, is an
excellent Psychic Pokemon and is a good alternative to Ralts. He may only know
teleport, but if you raise him up to level 16, it'll evolve into Kadabra and
get Confusion, and then you can trade him at any time to evolve him into
Alakazam, which has an awesome speed and a very high special attack stat. Just
watch out for the very low defense, for a physical attack could knock it out in
one hit or put its health in the low red.
Route 116 trainers:
Bug Catcher Jose
Wurmple, Level 8 (Bug)
Nincada, Level 8 (Bug/Ground)
Money: $128
School Kid Karen - Match Call Trainer
Shroomish, Level 9 (Grass)
Money: $180
Youngster Johonson
Shroomish, Level 8 (Grass)
Lotad, Level 8 (Water/Grass)
Money: $128
______ This will be a double battle that is
Hiker Devan / unavoidable
Geodude, Level 8 (Rock/Ground) /
Geodude, Level 8 (Rock/Ground) /
Money: $320
Hiker Clark
Geodude, Level 9 (Rock/Ground)
Money: $320
School Kid Jerry - Match Call Trainer
Ralts, Level 9 (Psychic)
Money: $180
Janice and Jerry is also an unavoidable
Lass Janice double battle
Marill, Level 9 (Water)
Money: $144
Youngster Joey
Machop, Level 9 (Fighting)
Start this route out by heading east through the grass patches. You'll need to
stay on the south half of the route, mainly because of the ledges blocking the
northern half. Keep heading east and you'll get to a house. From there, head
right and you'll find a cave opening leading to Rusturf Tunnel. The guy
standing near the entrance lost his Peeko (his nickname for a Wingull) and the
guy who stole it is part of Team Aqua, the same person who stole the Devon
Goods. Time to bail both the worker and the old man out by defeating the Team
Aqua member. Let's head into the Rusturf Tunnel.
In here, head north up two sections of steps and you'll get to a Poke Ball, so
pick it up. For Pokemon, the only thing you'll find here are Whismur, a Pokemon
that evolves into Loudred and Exploud, who have high HP and Attack, but poor
stats overall. Now head down the stairs and then head east to confront the Team
Aqua member.
Team Aqua Grunt
Poochyena, Level 11 (Dark)
Money: $200
It's only 1 Pokemon and it shouldn't be too hard to deal with him. After you
defeat the Team Aqua grunt, Mr. Briney will take his Wingull back and gives
back the Devon Goods as well. Once you have all this settled, leave the cave
and backtrack back to Rustboro City, avoiding all the Pokemon and battling any
remaining trainers you haven't defeated. Once you're back into Rustboro City,
the Devon Staff member will give you a Great Ball and then take you up to the
Devon Corporation building to see the president. Looks like they want more out
of you right after you just saved them from Team Aqua. He gives you the goods
to deliver them to Captain Stern up in Slateport City, but that's a bit out of
our reach right now. Also, he wants you to take a letter and deliver it to a
rock collector Steven, who is sitting in the Granite Cave at the moment near
Dewford Town, which is our next destination. He'll at least reward you by
giving you a Pokenav, a little tool with a bunch of neat features such as the
Hoenn Map, Conditions of Pokemon (contest conditions, that is) and even Ribbons
you've earned.
Upon leaving the building, a scientist will come out at the last second and
upgrade your Pokenav with the neatest feature yet, the Match Call. The Devon
President is added to your Pokenav and he calls you to test out the Match Call.
You can use it to have rematches with trainers and gym leaders, but you will
not have any rematches until you have your 5th badge. You'll know a trainer/gym
leader wants a rematch when there is an envelope icon next to their name in the
Match Call list. Now that we've settled this, head down south where you'll see
your rival outside the Pokemon Center. Before battling May/Brendan, head into
the Pokemon Center and heal up. (S)he'll ask if you want a battle, so say yes,
where (s)he'll add you to her Pokenav.
| |
|If you chose Treecko as starter: |
|Lotad, Level 13 (Water/Grass) |
|Torchic, Level 15 (Fire) |
| |
|Easy battle right here. Since Lotad is water and grass, it has no special |
|weaknesses. A flying type like Wingull or Taillow should get the job done and|
|maybe a Lotad or Marill of your own will take care of Torchic. |
| |
|If you chose Torchic as starter: |
|Slugma, Level 13 (Fire) |
|Mudkip, Level 15 (Water) |
| |
|Slugma is a piece of cake. It has a very slow speed, a poor attack, and a |
|below average defense. Take advantage of the low speed and get rid of it with|
|easy. Even if you don't a water type with you, it shouldn't be a problem. For|
|Mudkip, just use whatever you have to take it down or use a Grass Pokemon for|
|the win. |
| |
|If you chose Mudkip as starter: |
|Wingull, Level 13 (Water/Flying) |
|Treecko, Level 15 (Grass) |
|Since you can't get a rock or electric Pokemon up to this point of the game, |
|just take out Wingull with your best moves that you have. Again, it shouldn't|
|be hard. Treecko isn't so bad either. A flying Pokemon can dispose of it |
|easily since Treecko has below normal defense. |
| |
|Money: $900 |
With the rival battle out of the way, it's time to get out of Rustboro City and
come back later in the game. Our next stop is Dewford Town, an island overseas,
but since we can't have our Pokemon surf at the moment, we'll need some type of
other help.
Back to Route 104 and sailing down to Dewford Town
So, all of our routes are blocked off, so what do we do? Don't worry. First we
need to head south into Route 104 and then back into the Petalburg Woods. But
since we have HM01, Cut, we can access a new path in the Petalburg Woods. When
you get into the Petalburg Woods, head south until you get down to a ledge. To
the right of you is a bush you can cut down. Cut it down and then head east
until you find a lady. Talk to her and she'll give you a Miracle Seed. When
held onto by a Pokemon, it boosts their grass moves by 10%. I recommend giving
this to Treecko or any other grass Pokemon you may have, since Absorb is a
pretty weak attack at the moment and it could make a small difference.
Apart from that, head south and get out of the Petalburg Woods, where you'll be
on the other side of Route 104. Remember that cottage out by the sea with the
dock and ship? Enter the house and you'll find Mr. Briney. Talk to him and
he'll offer you a trip down to Dewford Town. Say yes and you'll get to rid on
his ship down the water. You'll be skipping a bunch of trainers that are
swimming, but when you get Surf and stronger Pokemon, you can go back and
battle them for extra EXP.
When you arrive in Dewford Town, the Pokemon Center will be to your west. Heal
up if needed and then we have a little bit to do here in this town.
Surprisingly, there is no Mart here, so with no Mart, there's no list. Near the
dock is a fisherman. Talk to him and say yes to his question. He'll give you an
Old Rod, a Rod used for fishing in the water. To fish an Emerald, cast your rod
out in the water and you'll see a line of dots. When you hear "Oh! A bite!",
press A quickly before the bite gets away. Keep hitting A every time you get a
bite and eventually you'll get the Pokemon. With an Old Rod, you'll get a ton
of Magikarp by fishing. It is a very weak Pokemon that has nothing but Splash
and Tackle, but if raised to level 20, it will evolve into a very strong
Gyrados, a Water/Flying Pokemon worth having. Catch a Magikarp and raise it up
to a Gyrados if you have no other good Water Pokemon.
Other things you can do in Dewford Town is go to the house to the right of the
Pokemon Center. A guy in there will give you a Silk Scarf, an item that powers
up Normal type moves when held. Use it to boost up your current normal moves
like Cut/Tackle if you have nothing else to give to your Pokemon.
To the north of the Pokemon Center is some weird house with a trendy phrase.
You can talk to one of the people to change the phrase. It may look like it
does nothing, but it changes the 6 random tiles that Feebas appears in at route
119. Out of 400+ tiles in the water, it only appears in 6, so have fun searhing
there. Also, a kid in there will give you TM36, Sludge Bomb, pretty much the
best poison move in the game.
Now, one thing remains in Dewford City: the gym. Being south of the Pokemon
Center, let's go there. Or if your Pokemon are too weak, skip my coverage for
the gym and head up north to battle trainers near the Granite Cave and wild
Pokemon in the Granite Cave if needed.
POKEMON GYM - Battle Brawly for the Knuckle Badge
Gym's Pokemon Type: Fighting
Best Types against Fighting: Flying, Psychic
Not Recommended: Normal, Rock, Ice, Steel, Dark
Brawly's gym is a little different than Roxanne's. The twisted paths are still
there, but it's very dark. The only way to decrease the darkness is to defeat
more and more trainers in this gym. Here is the trainer list for the gym:
Battle Girl Laura
Meditite, Level 13 (Psychic/Fighting)
Money: $312
Battle Girl Lilith
Meditite, Level 13 (Psychic/Fighting)
Money: $312
_____unavoidable double battle
Sailor Brendan /
Machop, Level 13 (Fighting) /
Money: $416 /
Black Belt Takao
Machop, Level 13 (Fighting)
Money: $416
Black Melt Cristian
Makuhita, Level 13 (Fighting)
Money: $416
Battle Girl Jocelyn
Meditite, Level 13 (Psychic/Fighting)
Money: $312
To get to the first trainer, start out by heading north until you hit a wall.
Then continue east where you should find an opening to your south. One trainer
should spot you. Battle the trainer and win so the area becomes slightly
brighter. Now head through the north opening where you'll find an opening to
your right. Go through it and follow the pathway until you find two trainers
for a double battle. Win the double battle for a better increased brightness,
and then go back to the opening. Now from here, head north and you'll get to
two split paths. Take the one on the right and continue north. You'll find two
openings to your left. In the lower one is a trainer, so defeat the trainer for
more brightness. Now from here, head north and east. Defeat the remaining
trainer and then go all the way west to the northwest part of the gym. Your
final trainer, the leader, stands on his little throne. If needed, go back and
heal, because a tough battle is coming right at you.
Gym Leader Brawly
Machop, Level 16 (Fighting)
Meditite, Level 16 (Fighting)
Makuhita, Level 19 (Fighting)
Any starter should help you out here, since none of them have an advantage or
disadvantage. For Machop, bring in a flying Pokemon like Wingull or Taillow (or
if you raised it to a Swellow, then go for it). A Wing Attack or two should do
the job for Machop. If you don't have a flyer, use a psychic such as Kadabra
(or if you traded it for Alakazam) or Ralts. A few confusions can get the job
does as well.
Meditite on the other hand, can be a pain in the ass. Being part psychic, it
eliminates fighting's weakness to psychic. Use a flying type to get rid of
Meditite. If not, use your starter to attack (it should be evolved into its 2nd
form by now, if not, it should be close). Every turn, Meditite will charge up
for a Focus Punch that can knock you out in one hit. But if you attack Meditite
while it charges for a Focus Punch, it loses its focus and is unable to attack.
If you keep doing that, you'll eventually triumph.
Your last target should be Makuhita. A Psychic with Confusion or a Flyer with
Wing Attack greatly helps, but you have to watch out for its moves. It has
Reversal, which deals out the same amount of HP that Makuhita lost. So if it
has little health left, it'll use Reversal and pretty much knock you out. Vital
Throw also is a strong fighting move that won't miss, so keep your eyes out for
If you can't beat Brawly, go raise your Pokemon in the Granite Cave by fighting
the wild Pokemon, since there are a handful there that can give you a few
Once you beat Brawly, you get the Knuckle Badge. With the Knuckle Badge, traded
Pokemon up to level 30 will obey you, plus you'll have the ability to use Flash
outside of battle. Now leave the gym.
With or without beating the gym, head up to the northernmost part of this
island where you'll get to Route 106, a small route with only two trainers to
Route 106 and the Granite Cave
There are only two trainers and a cave opening here. The two trainers are:
Fisherman Ned
Tentacool, Level 11 (Water/Psychic)
Money: $440
Fisherman Elliot - Match Call Trainer
Magikarp, Level 10 (Water)
Magikarp, Level 10 (Water)
Tentacool, Level 7 (Water/Poison)
Money: $400
Continue out west until you find an opening leading to a cave. Head into the
opening and you'll be in the granite cave.
As soon as you enter the cave, talk to the man near the entrance for HM05,
Flash. It is a move which lowers the opponent's accuracy in battle if it hits,
so it's not worth using. The floor you're on may be bright right now, but as
you head into other areas of the Granite Cave, the area becomes darker, so
you'll need Flash. But to use it out of battle, you'll need to get the Knuckle
Badge from Brawly back out in Dewford Town. Still, it's possible to get through
without flash, but it's a lot more difficult. Teach it to a Pokemon like Abra.
If you don't have a Pokemon that can't learn Flash, catch an Abra here and use
that as your Flash slave. And if you want to know, I'll always have the Pokemon
list for you.
Makuhita (Very Common)
Zubat (Common)
Abra (Uncommon)
Geodude (Uncommon)
Zubat (Common)
Aron (Common)
Abra (Uncommon)
Makuhita (Uncommon)
Sableye (Uncommon)
Zubat (Common)
Aron (Common)
Sableye (Common)
Abra (Uncommon)
You can use Rock Smash to find these Pokemon:
Geodude (Very Common)
Nosepass (Common)
Makuhita (Very Common)
Zubat (Common)
Abra (Uncommon)
Aron (Uncommon)
Yeah, we have a couple of new faces here. If you didn't get a chance to catch
Abra on route 116, you can do so now. Makuhita is a weak fighting Pokemon for
now, but when evolved into Hariyama, it gets a ton of HP and a massive amount
of Attack, so it can obliterate anything it has a type advantage against. Your
call if you want him. Zubat is an annoying little sucker that is overused for
trainers in the game and found a lot in caves. It will evolve into Golbat and
get better stats, but once Golbat's happiness level is high enough, it will
evolve into a third form, Crobat. It has an amazing amount of speed, much
improved stats, and can be useful for later in the game. Unlike Zubat and
Golbat, it can learn Fly too. Me, I'd keep away from it because of the low
Geodude is one of my favorites I like to have in my roster. Being rock and
ground, it has several resistances and will be useful for pretty much the
remainder in the game. A good amount of HP, high Attack and Defense, but very
low Special Defense and Speed stats, so I would not send this out against a
grass or water Pokemon by any means. It may be at a low level now, but raise it
up to a Graveler and then trade it so it evolves into Golem. It will become a
great Pokemon for your roster that will be able to take down annoying Pokemon
without taking too much damage, as long as you're facing a physical type. Aron
is a Rock/Steel Pokemon that some people prefer over Geodude. It will evolve
twice, first into Lairon and then Aggron. This family has a very high Attack
and Defense as well, but with a horrible Speed, but it can take out a lot of
Pokemon as well if you know how to use it. I'd add Geodude or Aron to your team
right now.
Now, continue west after you teach a Pokemon Flash and you'll come to a ladder.
Go down the ladder and all of a sudden the room you're in is very dark. Don't
worry, we can fix that with a nice flash! Ah, much better. Continue north and
you'll find this little sand slope. You can't climb up it yet because you don't
have a Mach Bike. It takes you to another part of the cave where you get items.
Now head into the opening to your south. At the end is a Poke Ball, so pick it
up. Go back north and continue to head east until you get to another ladder, so
climb the ladder. In this room, go west to the other side of the room where
you'll find a higher ledge. Use the stairs near the end of this area to get
onto the higher ledge. Up here, go all the way east and you'll find a ladder,
so head up it. Next to you will be another ladder, so take this ladder. From
here, just go all the way south and west and you'll get to another ladder. Take
it and you'll be in a small room with a person, and that's Steven! Give him the
letter and he'll give you TM47, Steel Wing in return. It's a great Steel move
that should be taught on a flying Pokemon that you're going to use for the
whole game. He'll also register his name on your Pokenav. Don't worry, you and
Steven will meet up again. Now, just backtrack all of yours steps to get out of
the Granite Cave.
To Slateport and Beyond!
Whew, happy to get out of that cave after running into all of those wild
Pokemon? Well, since you're back in route 106, go back to Dewford Town.
Remember how Mr. Briney got you here by a boat? Go back to the dock near the
gym and ask Mr. Briney for a ride to Slateport City. To get to Slateport, you
need to give the letter to Steven if you haven't done so. When you select
Slateport City, Mr. Briney will give you a ride across another body of water
filled with trainers. They're probably stronger than the ones you have right
now, plus you'll need Surf to get to the trainers.
Instead of sailing to a dock, you'll stop on the beach this time, and
surprisingly this is route 109. When you first enter this route, you'll see two
tubers in front of you. If you talk to them, they'll give you the Soft Sand,
which boosts ground moves by 10% if a Pokemon is holding this item. No wild
Pokemon around here, but there are plenty of sneaky trainers that are hiding
under the umbrellas and such. Let's battle them before we get into Slateport,
shall we?
Sailor Huey
Wingull, Level 12 (Water/Flying)
Machop, Level 12 (Fighting)
Money: $384
Sailor Edmond
Wingull, Level 13 (Water/Flying)
Money: $416
Tuber Hailey
Marill, Level 13 (Water)
Money: $52
Tuber Rickey
Zigzagoon, Level 13 (Normal)
Money: $52
Also, watch out for the trainers that will get you out of nowhere from under
the umbrellas, so be prepared. Go up north and you'll find the entrance to
Slateport City. But while you're on the beach, enter the house you'll find in
there. Talk to the person who owns this place. There are three trainers in this
room. If you can beat all three, the man that owns this place will give you 6
free Soda pops, which are very good items to heal your Pokemon by 60HP, which
is a very good amount for this part of the game. Just use them when you really
need to. Here are the three trainers you'll fight in this room:
Tuber Simon:
Azurill, Level 12 (Normal)
Marill, Level 12 (Water)
Money: $46
Beauty Johanna
Goldeen, Level 13
Money: $1040
Sailor Dwayne
Wingull, Level 11 (Water/Flying)
Machop, Level 11 (Fighting)
Tentacool, Level 11 (Water/Poison)
After you beat all three trainers, talk to Mr. Sea for the 6 free Soda Pops he
owes you. Now leave this area and go back onto the beach. From here, continue
north to Slateport City.
Slateport City
Pokemart Item Listing:
Antidote: $100
Escape Rope: $550
Great Ball: $600
Harbor Mail: $50
Paralyze Heal: $200
Poke Ball: $200
Potion: $300
Repel: $350
Super Potion: $700
Be sure to buy a Harbor Mail, because you'll need it later.
Also, there are plenty of shops in the southwest part of the town, where you
find all the blue roofs.
SHOP A (northwest most people)
A Note Mat: $500
B Note Mat: $500
Blue Balloon: $500
Blue Brick: $500
C High Note Mat: $500
D Low Note Mat: $500
D Note Mat: $500
E Note Mat: $500
F Note Mat: $500
G Note Mat: $500
Red Balloon: $500
Red Brick: $500
Yellow Balloon: $500
Yellow Brick: $500
Note: This shop will only open once you get TM 43: Secret Power. The items sold
here are for your secret base and will be sent to your secret base PC.
After visiting the Shop A area, talk to the woman to the right of Shop A.
She'll give you the Powder Jar, which can be used to make items when playing
the Berry Crush game with another friend.
SHOP B (just below SHOP A)
Calcium: $9,800
Carbos: $9,800
HP Up: $9,800
Iron: $9,800
Protein: $9,800
Zinc: $9,800
All of the above items will enhance your Pokemon's stats permanently. After
defeating the Elite Four, be sure to check any TV once in a while. Sometimes,
these items will be for sail at half price!
SHOP C (northeast of SHOP B)
TM10: Hidden Power: $3,000
TM43: Secret Power $3,000
Note that Hidden Power will not become available until you get it later on in
the game.
SHOP D (south of SHOP B)
Azurill Doll: $3,000
Marill Doll: $3,000
Skitty Doll: $3,000
Just like SHOP A, these are for your secret base as decorations. So buy them if
you want.
Now that I got the shops out of the way, back to the walkthrough. As soon as
you enter Slateport City, go all the way up north and you'll get to the Pokemon
Center. Heal your Pokemon if you need do and then head south. You'll find the
museum , but there is a big house south of the museum. Enter this house.
Inside, talk to Captain Stern's friend. He'll tell you to deliver the Devon
Goods to hi, but he doesn't know where he is right now. After you talk to him,
leave this house. Now head back north up to the museum and enter it. In here,
pay $50 to look around. Talk to the Team Aqua member near the entrance. This
will be the person you fought in the Petalburg Woods back in the beginning of
the game. He'll forgive you by giving you TM46: Theif, a weak but good move you
can use to steal items from Wild Pokemon. Check out the stuff in this room if
you want, otherwise head upstairs to the 2nd floor.
Hey look, there's Captain Stern! Ah, we can finally give him the goods, but
Team Aqua is there to throw a monkey wrench into your plans. Time to fight them
and show them who is the better trainer.
Team Aqua Grunt
Carvanha, Level 15 (Water/Dark)
Money: $300
After you beat this trainer, you'll go on to fight one more trainer.
Team Aqua Grunt
Zubat, Level 14 (Poison/Flying)
Carvanha, Level 14 (Water/Dark)
Money: $280
After these two have been defeated, their leader, Archie, will come up here and
start talking. Now you can give the goods to Captain Stern who will heal your
Pokemon for free and then get out of Slateport City for the time being. When
you leave the museum, you'll find that same sunglasses person from Petalburg
City. He'll introduce himself as Scott and then register himself on your
Pokenav. After you talk to him, head all the way up north to get out of this
Route 110 and the Cycling Road...which to take?
Poochyena (Common)
Electrike (Common)
Gulpin (Uncommon)
Minun (Uncommon)
Oddish (Uncommon)
Wingull (Uncommon)
Plusle (Very Rare)
A handful of new Pokemon here. Unfortunately, none of them are really that
good. Electrike is a bad electric Pokemon who evolves into Manectric at level
26. Although they got a good special attack and decent speed, their special
defense is terrible, so any special attack could knock them out. Gulpin is a
poison type Pokemon who evolves into Swalot, but doesn't get that much better.
Their stats are average but they can learn Sludge Bomb, a nasty poison attack.
Oddish is a Pokemon you may want if you need a grass Pokemon and if Treecko is
not your starter. After evolving it into Gloom, you can use a Leaf Stone to
evolve it into Vileplume OR use a sun stone to get it into a Bellosom. Both are
great Pokemon, and if used with great movesets, they could become a favorite in
your team.
For Minun and Plusle, don't bother getting them. As rare as Plusle is in this
route, finding it is not worth it. Both look like little Pikachus if you ask
me. They are weak, but if used in a double battle, you need both for the power
of one electric Pokemon (their abilities, plus and minus multiply their special
attack by 1.5 if both of these are used in a team battle), but with mediocre
stats elsewhere, getting them is not worth it.
Route 110 trainer list:
Pokefan Isabel
Plusle, Level 14 (Electric)
Minun, Level 14 (Electric)
This will be a team battle automatically,
Pokefan Kaleb /giving you $2240
Plusle, Level 14 (Electric) /
Minun, Level 14 (Electric) /
Collector Edwin - Match Call Trainer
Nuzleef, Level 14 (Grass)
Lombre, Level 14 (Water/Grass)
Walk In the middle of these for a team
Guitarist Joseph /battle, giving you $1288
Electrike, Level 14 (Electric) /
Voltorb, Level 14 (Electric) /
Psychic Edward
Abra, Level 15 (Psychic) You can walk in the middle of these two for a team
/battle, giving you $960
Triathlete Alyssa /
Magnemite, Level 15 (Electric/Steel)
Fisherman Dale
Tentacool, Level 11 (Psychic/Poison)
Tentacool, Level 11 (Psychic/Poison)
Wailmer, Level 14 (Water)
Wailmer, Level 14 (Water)
As soon as you step into Route 110, you'll find Professor Birch if you head up
a bit north. He's wondering where your rival went (Brendan/May) and then
register himself onto your Pokenav. After this, continue up north. If you
didn't deliver the goods to Captain Stern at the Slateport Museum, you'll find
the path blocked off by Team Aqua members. If they're there, go back and clear
the Slateport Museum. Now as you head north, you'll come to a path leading to
route 103 and one leading east. Take the eastern path. This is simple, just
follow the path and you'll encounter your rival, Brendan/May. Time for a
| |
|If you chose Treecko as a starter: |
|Wingull, Level 18 (Water/Flying) |
|Lombre, Level 18 (Water/Flying) |
|Combusken, Level 20 (Fire/Fighting) |
| |
|This starts to get a little tricky. With Wingull being water and flying, your|
|best bet is electric. Otherwise, use the rock type Geodude or Graveler on |
|Wingull, since it is just as good. Lombre, on the other hand, has no special |
|weaknesses. Mow him down with flying type attacks. Poison works just as great|
|as well. Then you have Combusken. If you have a Flying type with you, use it |
|on him, because Fighting has a weakness to flying. You can also use psychic |
|if you have a Ralts or an Abra. Water does the trick too, such as Lotad or |
|Lombre. |
| |
|If you chose Torchic as a starter: |
|Lombre, Level 18 (Water/Grass) |
|Slugma, Level 18 (Fire) |
|Marshtomp, Level 20 (Water/Ground) |
| |
|Easy battle here. All Lombre needs is a flying type or poison type to be |
|disposed of quickly. Otherwise, give it all you got on the water and grass |
|type. Slugma is seriously a joke. His speed is so slow you shouldn't even |
|have to worry. All you need is water, rock, or ground and you will defeat him|
|with flying colors. On Marshtomp, since he is part Water and Ground, he is |
|seriously weak to grass, so if you got an Oddish or something, you should win|
|without a problem. Otherwise, take him out with everything you got. |
| |
|If you chose Mudkip as a starter: |
|Slugma, Level 18 (Fire) |
|Wingull, Level 18 (Water/Flying) |
|Grovyle, Level 20 (Grass) |
| |
|This battle isn't really hard either. Slugma will go down quickly as long as |
|you don't have the type advantage. Rock/Electric for Wingull, otherwise take |
|him down with everything else you got. For Grovyle, watch out for his high |
|speed. Use a poison or a flying type if you got one, because his defense |
|isn't that great. Otherwise, unload everything you got. |
After the battle, your rival will give you a Itemfinder. Wow, since when were
rivals just so nice they give you items? The Itemfinder is awesome. You can use
it to track down hidden items. Well now, head left and you'll find an item.
Pick it up and you'll find an Elixir. Now, continue following this path until
you get to an open area. From here, head north and you'll get to Mauville City.
Mauville City
PokeMart Item Listing:
Antidote: $100
Awakening: $250
Dire Hit: $650
Great Ball: $600
Guard Spec.: $700
Paralyze Heal: $200
Poke Ball: $200
Super Potion: $700
X Accuracy: $950
X Attack: $500
X Defend: $550
X Speed: $350
When you step into the city, open the first door you see and enter the house.
You'll find a woman in here. You remembered to buy a Harbor Mail at Slateport
City, didn't you? Well, give it to her and she'll give you a Coin Case for the
Game Corner in this city. Now leave this house. Facing the PokeMart, go right
and you'll find another house. Enter this house and you'll find a man. Talk to
him and he'll give you HM06: Rock Smash. It's a weak move, but you'll need to
smash up weak boulders around the area. Teach it to an HM Slave Pokemon in your
party. Now head up north and you'll find the Pokemon Center. Heal if you need
to. Now head right of the Pokemon Center and you'll find the Bike Shop. In
here, answer yes to the owner's question and you'll be given an Acro Bike or a
Mach Bike for free!
Acro Bike - This is slower than the Mach Bike, but you can control it easier.
With the Arco Bike, you can do wheelies and jump across certain ledges. I
prefer this over the Mach Bike simply because you can control it easier. Plus,
stopping isn't a problem at all.
Mach Bike - For those who like speed, get this bike. It is faster than the Acro
Bike and you can use it to get up steep ledges in caves and other places
elsewhere. Its flaws are that it takes a while to start up and get fast, plus
turning the bike and controlling it is a huge pain. And it takes a bit of time
to stop this bike as well.
Pick which bike that you want. With either bike, you can go back to the cycling
road on Route 110 and battle the trainers for extra EXP. Maybe you'll need it
for the upcoming gym if you are a first timer to this game.
If you go all the way left from the Pokemon Center, you'll find the gym. But
before we go inside the gym, head into the building south of the gym. This is
the Game Corner, where you can play games, earn coins, and use them to buy
great prizes.
TM13: Ice Beam (4000 coins)
TM24: Thunderbolt (4000 coins)
TM35: Flamethrower (4000 coins)
TM29: Psychic (3500 coins)
TM32: Double Team (1500 coins)
Mudkip Doll (1000 coins)
Treecko Doll (1000 coins)
Torchic Doll (1000 coins)
There are two different games you can play at the Game Corner, which are the
Slot Machines and Roulette. For the Slot Machines, they have been around since
the days of Red/Blue/Yellow. For those who are new to this game, you must
simply lineup the same thing three times in a row to earn coins. If you bet 1
coin, you can only score off things lined right down the middle. If you bet 2
coins, you can score off the top and bottom rows. 3 coins allows you to score
if they are lined up diagonally as well, so be sure to pick this option. Here
are the payoffs for each Pokemon/thing lined up:
Triple 7 (all 3 red or 3 blue): 300 coins
Triple 7 (2 red/1 blue or 2 blue/1red): 90 coins
3 Marills: 12 coins
3 Lotads: 6 coins
Cherry: If one is lined up, you get 2 coins. 4 coins for 2 being lined up.
Also, if lined up diagonally, you get 8 coins. Keep in mind you cannot get 3
cherries, but it's possible to get triple 7s and 2 cherries, which could get
you 308 coins.
Thunderbolts: 3 coins
The Roulettes are a bit more complicated. At one table, you can bet 1 coin and
3 coins at the other table. You must pick a certain Pokemon and color (for
example, yellow Bulbasaur, and if the ball lands on the Bulbasaur with the
yellow marking, you would get the 12 coin bonus (36 if you're on the 3 coin
table). You can also bet a whole row for 3 coins and a whole column for 4
coins. Easier than the slots, but the payoff is a lot lower. Remember, you got
6 chances to win, otherwise the whole board resets. If the ball lands on a
space already occupied, it will knock the ball over to the next slot.
So, you could spend all day here and get enough coins to pick up one of the
best TMs in the game. That is, if you are lucky enough. You can by 50 coins for
$1000 and 500 coins for $10000 if you want to just buy enough coins for a
Now that I explained the game corner, let's get out of here and go to the gym.
But before entering the gym, you'll find the little pest Wally. He wants you to
battle him to see if he's ready for the gym.
Pokemon Trainer Wally
Ralts, Level 16 (Psychic)
Money: 960
Ralts has pretty poor stats and not-so-great moves, so just use anything you
have to take him out. Then Wally's uncle will ask for you to come to Verdanturf
Town, and then Scott will come and talk to you. Man, you've gotten pretty
popular quickly in your new home.
Also, before entering the gym, talk to the fat guy next to the gym. He'll tutor
Rollout to one of your Pokemon if they are able to use it. Rollout is a move
where you must use it straight for 5 turns (unless you miss), but gets more and
more powerful each turn. It is a rock type attack. Not recommended that much,
but if you want it, go ahead.
POKEMON GYM - Battle Wattson for the Dynamo Badge
Gym's Pokemon Type: Electric
Best Types against Electric: Ground, Grass
Not Recommended: Water, Flying
Wattson's gym is pretty complicated. It is blocked off by electric barriers and
you must press the certain switches to open up the path to him. Also, you'll
need to open up different paths to get to certain trainers. This gym uses
Electric Type Pokemon, so you know what that means. Bring ground Pokemon, as
they cannot be hit by Electric no matter what. Grass Pokemon also work, because
they resist electric. Any flying or water Pokemon used in battle during this
gym will just be fried worse than overcooked steak or something.
Here are the trainers for this gym:
Battle Girl Vivian
Meditite, Level 17 (Fighting/Psychic)
Meditite, Level 17 (Flying/Psychic)
Step in the middle of these two for a
Guitarist Kirk /team battle, giving you $952
Electrike, Level 17 (Electric) /
Voltorb, Level 17 (Electric) /
Youngster Ben
Zigzagoon, Level 17 Normal)
Gulpin, Level 17 (Poison)
Money: $272
Bug Maniac Angelo
Illumise, Level 17 (Bug)
Volbeat, Level 17 (Bug) Step in the middle of these two for a
/team battle, giving you $1564
Guitarist Shawn /
Magnemite, Level 17 (Steel/Electric)/
Voltorb, Level 17 (Electric)
Now, here is the walkthrough to get to Wattson:
When you first enter the gym, step in between the first two trainers for a
double battle. Then hit the switch next to you to move the barriers around.
From here, head up and then right. Step on the switch and then battle the
little boy. After this fight, head down and then right without steeping the
switch below you. From here, you should get into another set of two trainers.
Walk in between them for a double battle and then hit the switch next to them.
Now you can go left and up to battle Wattson.
Gym Leader Wattson
Voltorb, Level 20 (Electric)
Electrike, Level 20 (Electric)
Magneton, Level 22 (Electric/Steel)
Manectric, Level 24 (Electric)
Money: $2400
If you got a ground Pokemon, this battle will be a piece of cake. With
Geodude/Graveler/Golem, one magnitude attack should knock them out one by one.
Plus, ground Pokemon are completely immune to electric attacks. Also, grass
Pokemon work just as good, as they resist electric. For Voltorb, it is a pretty
fast Pokemon, so take it down quickly. Watch out for Selfdestruct, as it is
very likely to knock out you as well, but it knocks out Voltorb automatically.
Electrike shouldn't be a problem. It has a horrible special defense with
mediocre stats. As long as you don't send out a water or flying Pokemon, you
can get rid of him quickly. Magneton isn't that hard either. It is steel, which
makes it even weaker to ground, plus it gains a weakness to Fire and Fighting.
Either of those types should mow him down quickly, otherwise give it all you
got. Manectric is tricky. With a high special attack, it'll give you problems
if you're not careful enough. Ground obviously will do the job, but if you're
weak, just throw everything you got at him. Take advantage of the low special
Another thing to watch out for is that Wattson has Shock Wave on all of his
Pokemon. This is a move with a power of 70 and it will hit you as long as your
Pokemon is on the screen, so this move could get pretty annoying. After
defeating Wattson, you will be rewarded the Dynamo Badge, TM34: Shock Wave, and
your Pokemon's speed will increase slightly. Plus you'll be able to use Rock
Smash out of battle.
3 badges down, 5 to go.
Route 117, Verdanturf Town, and the other side of the tunnel
With 3 badges in hand, walk out of the gym. You have 4 ways to get out of this
city, but which one are we going to take? Simple, head west until you get into
Route 117.
Poochyena (Common)
Oddish (Common)
Illumise (Common)
Marill (Uncommon)
Volbeat (Very Rare)
Seedot (Very Rare)
All of these Pokemon except two of them should be familiar to you. The two new
ones here, Illumise and Volbeat, are worth skipping. They are bad bug Pokemon,
but when the opponents have them in battle, they can get pretty annoying. As
rare as Volbeat is, ignore it, unless you're going for a full Pokedex. You
could breed Illumise with a Ditto and get a 50/50 shot at getting one anyway.
Much better than 1%, right?
Route 117 Trainer List:
Sr. and Jr. Anna and Meg - Match Call Trainers
Zigzagoon, Level 15 (Normal)
Makuhita, Level 17 (Fighting)
Money: $544
Pokemon Breeder Issac - Match Call Trainer
Whismur, Level 11 (Normal)
Zigzagoon, Level 11 (Normal)
Aron, Level 11 (Rock/Steel)
Poochyena, Level 11 (Dark)
Taillow, Level 11 (Normal/Flying)
Makuhita, Level 11 (Fighting)
Money: $440
Triathlete Dylan - Match Call Trainer
Doduo, Level 17 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $680
Triathlete Maria - Match Call Trainer
Doduo, Level 17 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $680
Bug Maniac Derek
Dustox, Level 16 (Bug/Poison)
Beautifly, Level 16 (Bug/Flying)
Money: $960
Pokemon Breeder Lydia - Match Call Trainer
Wingull, Level 11 (Water/Flying)
Marill, Level 11 (Water)
Goldeen, level 11 (Water)
Shroomish, Level 11 (Grass)
Roselia, Level 11 (Grass/Poison)
Skitty, Level 11 (Normal)
Money: $440
Psychic Brandi
Ralts, Level 17 (Psychic)
Money: $408
Battle Girl Aisha
Meditite, Level 17 (Fighting/Psychic)
Money: $408
Triathlete Melina
Doduo, level 17 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $680
When you step into this route, you'll find a house above you. This is the
Daycare Center. You can leave Pokemon here to get experience overtime. Here are
some note on the daycare center.
-It costs $100 dollars to leave a Pokemon at the daycare.
-Pokemon at the daycare get 1 EXP for each step you take.
-You can hold two Pokemon at the daycare.
-If the two Pokemon are different genders and same egg group, they'll tell you
that an egg was laid overtime. It will hatch into the earliest evolution of the
female Pokemon. Moves are inherited from the male Pokemon. The moves will be
inherited if they are TMs/HMs the Pokemon can learn, or if they're on the egg
move list for the Pokemon.
-Ditto can breed with any Pokemon, with the exception of the "No Eggs" egg
-It will cost $100 for each level a Pokemon gains at the daycare. So if you
left a Pokemon at the daycare and it gained two levels, it will cost $300. $100
for leaving him in the daycare, and $200 for two levels gained.
-Pokemon will not evolve in the daycare. You will have to level it up yourself
to get it to evolve.
-Let's say a Pokemon gets to level 15, where it learns a new move. However, it
already has 4 moves. It has Move A, Move B, Move C, Move D (from top to
bottom), and is learning Move E. Move A will be forgotten, Moves B, C, and D
will move up one spot, putting Move E at the bottom. If Move A is an HM move,
it will just go to the next open space.
Now that I got the daycare explained, head south and west form the Mauville
entrance. Pick the Wepear Berries from the bush if you want, and then continue
west past the two ponds. To the north are 3 trainers. Battle them and then head
north. Cut down the bush and pick up the Revive. Now go to the 2 flower
gardens. Go through the south garden and head into the other opening. Pick up
the Great Ball to the right. Now get out of the garden and head west. You'll
get to Verdanturf Town.
Verdanturf Town
Not much to do here, but you'll be able to pick up an HM. First thing is first,
the Pokemart.
Pokemart Item Listing:
Antidote: $100
Awakening: $250
Burn Heal: $250
Fluffy Tail: $1000
Great Ball: $600
Ice Heal: $250
Nest Ball: $1000
Paralyze Heal: $200
Repel: $350
X Special: $350
Go in the Pokemon Center and heal your Pokemon if you need too. Also, there is
a little kid sitting in front of the table. If you walk to him, he'll teach
Fury Cutter to one of your Pokemon if they are able to learn it. Fury Cutter is
a bug move. It is weak, but it gets stronger and stronger for each consecutive
hit. If it misses or if you don't use it for the turn, the power goes back to
normal. Sounds like a cool move, but it will become useless in the long run.
Teach it to someone if you want, but then scrap it later.
There are three houses in the bottom of this town. You don't need to go to the
one on the right. Enter the middle house and you'll find Wally and his uncle.
Talk to him. Wally and his uncle says he is feeling a lot better, likely
because of the fresh air in this town. Now enter the left house. The woman in
here will rate the happiness of the top Pokemon in your roster. This woman is
useful for Pokemon who evolve by happiness, such as Azurill and Golbat, so you
know where they are and seeing if they're ready to evolve in the near future.
Now leave this house. Before leaving this town, head in the cave to the north
(to the left of the PokeMart), and you'll be in a familiar place, the Rusturf
Remember how it was blocked off by rocks? You're on the other side of the
tunnel. Use Rock Smash to get rid of the boulders. Talk to the man next to you
and he'll reward you with HM04, Strength, a move used to push boulders around.
Now he and his girlfriend can unite once again. Awwwww.......
Before leaving the tunnel, go back to the entrance to Verdanturf town. Follow
the left path to another entrance and you'll be outside now. The man out here
is looking for his glasses. Use the itemfinder to look for the hidden item
here. Once you find it, you'll find the Blackglasses, an item which powers up
dark type moves when held. Now go right and pick up the HP Up. Give it to one
of your Pokemon, preferably the one with the lowest HP. Now backtrack all the
way back to Mauville City. With a new HM in hand, time to continue more of the
game. Thing is, you'll need the next gym badge to use it outside of battle, but
that's where we are heading too.
Routes 111 and 112
Back at Mauville City, head up north this time, and you'll find yourself in
Route 111.
Route 111 trainers:
Camper Tyron
Sandshrew, Level 19 (Ground) Walk in the middle of these two for a team
/battle, giving you $1024
Aroma Lady Celina /
Roselia, Level 18 (Grass/Poison)
Picnicker Bianca
Shroomish, Level 18 (Grass) Walk in the middle of these two for a team
/battle, giving you $864
Kindler Hayden /
Numel, Level 18 (Fire/Ground)
Interviewer Gabby and Ty
Whismur, Level 17 (Normal)
Magnemite, Level 17 (Electric/Steel)
Money: $1632
NOTE: After this battle, they'll interview you. Just give them a one word
answer or don't interview if you don't want to. Doesn't affect anything that
happens in this game.
When you step into route 111, head up north onto the higher ground. Battle each
trainer as you progress north. Pick up the Elixir you'll find. From here,
continue north and you'll get to a set of rocks blocking the path. Use Rock
Smash to get rid of them and continue north. From here, you'll get to a desert
and a path to the left. Since we don't have the certain item to get to the
desert, head left. Now we'll get to Route 112.
Numel (Very Common)
Marill (Common)
Well, two Pokemon isn't a lot to get excited about. Numel is an average
Fire/Ground Pokemon with above average attacks. When evolving into Camerupt,
it'll become a lot stronger with massive attacks. Even with its several
weaknesses, you'll be able to dish out massive attacks with this Pokemon.
Route 112 trainers:
Camper Larry
Nuzleaf, Level 18 (Grass)
Money: $288
Picnicker Carol
Taillow, Level 17 (Normal/Flying)
Lombre, Level 17 (Water/Grass)
Money: $272
Hiker Trent - Match Call Trainer
Geodude, Level 16 (Rock/Ground)
Geodude, Level 17 (Rock/Ground)
Money: $640
Hiker Brice
Numel, Level 17 (Fire/Ground)
Machop, Level 17 (Fighting)
Money: $680
Once you finally get onto the Route 112 line, continue left and you'll
eventually get to a series of bumps. These lead to Lavaridge town, but you
cannot jump the ledges from this side. For now, just go up the staircase onto
the higher ground. Battle the two trainers here. Up here, you'll find a Cable
Car house to the right, but it's blocked off by two Team Magma members. We
can't take that path yet either, so head into the cave entrance to the left of
the Cable Car house.
Walking with hot feet in the Fiery Path
Numel (Common)
Koffing (Common)
Torkoal (Common)
Machop (Uncommon)
Slugma (Uncommon)
Grimer (Rare)
A handful of new Pokemon you might want for the short term. Torkoal is a Fire
type with a pretty high defense. Sometimes it can even take several water
attacks before being knocked out. Its other stats are up there too, plus it
learns good moves, so you may want to check it out. Slugma is a fire Pokemon
you shouldn't even bother with. It's extremely slow and when it evolves into
Magcargo, it becomes part rock, giving it even more weaknesses to suffer with.
Also its attack is low, so that eliminates the purpose of being a rock type.
Machop is a good fighting Pokemon who evolves into Machoke at level 28 and then
into Machamp by trading. It's got great moves and good stats to take advantage
of them. Koffing and Grimer are just poison Pokemon. Each have their own ups
and downs, but with poison being an unpopular type and having weaknesses to
several types out there, you wouldn't want one of these for the long term.
No trainers here or nothing. Just walk north to the other side of the cave and
you'll find the entrance. Halfway down the path, you'll see a boulder you can
move with Strength. You can't do it now, due to the fact you need the next gym
badge. But once you do beat Flannery, come back here and move the boulders
around. Eventually you'll come to a path to go either up or down. Head up to
get TM06: Toxic, one of the best moves in the game. Any Pokemon can learn it
(unless it is a Magikarp) and it poisons the Pokemon. Each turn, the poison
causes more and more damage, which is sick. Take the south path and move the
boulders around to get to a Fire Stone.
But we'll save that for another day. Leave the Fiery Path from the north
The other part of route 111 and 112
Back on the other side of the cave, we've got to continue to the next town. The
wild Pokemon in this area are same on the routes 111/112 on the other side of
the Fiery Path, but a few trainers here. As always, here is the list:
Kindler Bryant
Numel, Level 18 (Fire/Ground)
Slugma, Level 18 (Fire)
Money: $578
Aroma Lady Shayla
Shroomish, Level 18 (Grass)
Roselia, Level 18 (Grass/Poison)
Money: $720
Black Belt Daisuke
Machop, Level 19 (Fighting)
Money: $608
Cooltrainer Wilton - Match Call Trainer
Electrike, Level 17 (Electric)
Wailmer, Level 17 (Water)
Makuhita, Level 17 (Water)
Money: $816
Cooltrainer Brooke - Match Call Trainer
Wingull, Level 17 (Water/Flying)
Numel, Level 17 (Fire/Ground)
Roselia, Level 17 (Grass/Poison)
Money: $816
Outside of the Fiery Path, we're on a tiny bit of route 112. Head east and
battle the two trainers. Now continue a little eastward and you'll be back on
route 111. Head up north and you'll find a house. You can use the path to walk
around it, or if you have someone with cut on your team, cut down the bush for
a shortcut. Either way, enter the house. The woman in here will tell you to
rest, healing all your Pokemon for free! Good riddance, since we've come a long
way too. If needed, come back here before you get to the next town. Leave this
house. Near the house, you'll find a girl who will give you a Razz Berry if you
talk to her. From here on, you can get one berry a day from talking to her. Now
continue west, face off the rest of the trainers and you'll get to Route 113.
Route 113
Your first step into the route will cause ash to fall from the mountains. While
you may think the ash is there for looks, it'll be nice and wonderful as soon
as you get a Soot Sack to collect all of it for free items. Anyway, here's the
list of the Pokemon here as usual.
Spinda (Very Common)
Slugma (Common)
Skarmory (Rare)
You probably saw Slugma in the Fiery path, so I don't need to explain him here.
Spinda, is a Normal type Pokemon who isn't that good. Its stats are average but
it's a fun Pokemon to use sometimes. There are better normal types, so I'd
leave this one be. Skarmory however, is a nasty Flying/Steel type. Being Steel
and Flying with an awesome defense, it has no physical weaknesses at all. All
you need to worry about is Electric and Fire, but with very good stats, you
could teach it Steel Wing, Fly, and two other great moves and you'll have a
great Pokemon on your side.
With wild Pokemon, I've got the trainers as well. Route 113 is also the
introduction of ninjas, so watch out, as they could pop out of nowhere.
Youngster Jaylen
Trapinch, Level 19 (Ground)
Money: $304
Pokemaniac Watt
Aron, Level 18 (Rock/Steel)
Aron, Level 18 (Rock/Steel)
Money: $1080
Ninja Boy Lung
Koffing, Level 18 (Poison)
Ninjask, Level 18 (Bug/Flying)
Money: $216
Camper Lawrence
Baltoy, Level 18 (Ground/Psychic)
Sandshrew, Level 18 (Ground)
Money: $288
NOTE: Camper Lawrence or Pokemaniac Watt can fight in a double battle with
Ninja Boy Lung, depending on how you approach those trainers.
Ninja Boy Lao - Match Call Trainer
Koffing, Level 17 (Poison)
Koffing, Level 17 (Poison)
Koffing, Level 17 (Poison)
Money: $204
Youngster Dillon
Aron, Level 19 (Rock/Steel)
Money: $304
Parasol Lady Madeline - Match Call Trainer
Numel, Level 19 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $760
Picnicker Sophie
Marill, Level 17 (Water)
Lombre, Level 17 (Water/Grass)
Money: $304
Bird Keeper Coby
Skarmory, Level 17 (Steel/Flying)
Swellow, Level 19 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $608
From the beginning of the route, continue heading west and you'll eventually
stop at a ledge, cutting through the grass. At the left part of the grass,
battle the trainer and then head up north. Up here, watch out for the ninja
ambush and then head west, crossing another patch of grass. Now head north and
west and you'll eventually get to a house. Enter it and talk to the guy in the
back. He'll give you a Soot Sack, which is used to collect soot falling from
the sky in this route. Each step you take in the grass counts as 1, and you can
leave and re-enter the route to reset the soot. Here are the items the guy can
make with the soot.
Black Flute (1000 steps)
Blue Flute (250 steps)
Pretty Chair (6000 steps)
Pretty Desk (8000 steps)
Red Flute (500 steps)
White Flute (1000 steps)
Yellow Flute (500 steps)
I suggest you buy two of the flutes, specifically the blue flute and the yellow
flute. With the yellow flute, you can eliminate confusion in one turn, and the
blue flute will wake up a sleeping Pokemon. The best part is, you can use these
as many times as you want, so you could say goodbye to those Awakenings and
keep the blue flute for the game. The red flute eliminates attraction. Although
not as common as sleep and confusion, you may want to pick it up just incase,
because attraction can turn out to be pretty annoying. A white flute increases
your encounter rate while a black flute decreases. The pretty chair and pretty
desk are for decorating your secret base, so it's up to you if you want to get
Now that we got that out of the way, jump off the ledge to the left and
continue heading west. Cross the grass patch, battle the last two trainers, and
then continue into the next town.
Fallarbor Town
Pokemart Item Listing:
Antidote ($100)
Dire Hit ($650)
Escape Rope ($550)
Great Ball ($600)
Guard Spec. ($700)
Paralyze Heal ($200)
Super Potion ($700)
Super Repel ($500)
X Attack ($500)
X Defend ($550)
X Special ($350)
X Speed ($350)
When you enter the town, go into the Pokemon Center and heal your Pokemon.
Notice the woman at the PC. Talk to her and you'll find out that this woman,
Lanette, invented the PC storage system. She'll thank you for using her PC
system, and now it will be renamed from "Someone's PC" to "Lanette's PC". Heal
your Pokemon if you need to and then leave the Pokemon Center. Now if you want
to, go into the PokeMart and a person in there will teach Metronome to one of
your Pokemon. When used, it'll strike out a random move, so it can be any move
in the game. So you could get a move like Flamethrower for your water type
Pokemon. It's a risky move, but if you've got an empty slot, go for it, it's a
fun move to use nonetheless.
Now enter the house left of the Battle Tent and you'll find another Move Tutor.
He can teach your Pokemon moves that they have forgotten by leveling up, but
they can only be moves they once knew at some point in time. You'll need a
Heart Scale for each move, but you can't get any at the moment. Now leave this
house and go south. Enter the house to the left of the PokeMart. Talk to
Professor Cozmo's assistant and you'll find out Cozmo went to Meteor Falls with
Team Magma, where they are stealing a Meteorite. Time to get out of this town.
Exit by heading west onto Route 114.
Team Magma's Appearance...Route 114 and the Meteor Falls
Here we are in Route 114...it's time for me to give you the Pokemon list here
for this route.
Swablu (Common)
Lotad (Common)
Lombre (Common)
Seviper (Uncommon)
Nuzleaf (Rare)
The two new Pokemon you should find here are Swablu and Seviper. Swablu is a
weak Flying Pokemon with bad stats and not a great selection of moves, but it
improves greatly when evolving into Altaria at Level 35. Altaria becomes
Dragon/Flying, making it a tool out there. Of course, there are better dragons,
but this Pokemon can get the job done. Plus its stats will improve greatly too.
Seviper on the other hand, isn't worth it. It's a poisonous snake with a high
Special Attack, but you're better off leaving it be here.
Now, the trainers in this route:
Fisherman Kai
Barboach, Level 19 (Water/Ground)
Money: $760 Going near these two will likely result
/in a team battle, giving you $1064
Picnicker Charlotte /
Nuzleaf, Level 19 (Grass) /
Money: $304
Fisherman Claude
Magikarp, Level 16 (Water)
Barboach, Level 18 (Water/Ground)
Goldeen, Level 17 (Water)
Money: $760
Picnicker Nancy
Marill, Level 18 (Water)
Lombre, Level 18 (Water/Grass)
Money: $288
Sr. and Jr. Tyra and Ivy
Roselia, Level 18 (Grass/Poison)
Graveler, Level 20 (Rock/Ground)
Money: $640
Camper Shane
Sandshrew, Level 18 (Ground)
Nuzleaf, Level 18 (Grass)
Money: $288
Pokemaniac Steve - Match Call Trainer
Aron, Level 19 (Rock/Steel)
Money: $1140
Kindler Bernie - Match Call Trainer
Slugma, Level 18 (Fire)
Wingull, Level 18 (Water/Flying)
Money: $576
Hiker Lucas
Geodude, Level 18 (Rock/Ground)
Numel, Level 18 (Fire/Ground) Walk in the middle of these two for a team
/battle, giving you $1008
Picnicker Angelina /
Lombre, Level 18 (Water/Grass)/
Marill, Level 18 (Water/Grass)
Hiker Lenny
Geodude, Level 18 (Rock/Ground)
Machop, Level 18 (Fighting)
Money: $720
As soon as you step into this route, go west and enter the house you see.
Inside, talk to the person and get TM28: Dig. It's a strong ground move that
takes 2 turns to use, but you'll need it for much later, so don't teach it to
anyone yet. Now leave the house and follow the path before the bridge. Near the
bridge is a man with his Poochyena. Talk to him to get TM05: Roar, a move used
to end battles with wild Pokemon, but don't use it, it's useless. Now battle
the two trainers near the bridge and then cross the bridge. Halfway down the
bridge, you'll find another trainer, so battle him. At the end of the bridge,
battle the trainer and head into the grass. Head south of the rocks to the
right and walk around them to get to the house, battling the trainer nearby.
Enter the house.
You'll find Lanette in here. Her house is a pit, but she'll apologize for that
and give you a Lotad Doll for your troubles, a doll you can use to decorate
your secret base. Now walk out of the house. Back out here, talk to the kid
next to the grass and he'll give you a random berry each day. Cut through the
crass and continue south, where you'll find another patch of grass. Continue
down south through this grass and you'll find a Pokemaniac. Battle him and then
press A on the rock behind him for a free Carbos. With that out of the way, go
up the steps near you. In front of you is a rock, so use Rock Smash to get rid
of it and then pick up the Protein at the end. From here, turn around and
follow this path until you get to a cave entrance, battling each and every one
of the trainers listed above. Once you get to the cave entrance, enter it and
you'll be in Meteor Falls.
It's Team Magma time in Meteor Falls
Only two wild Pokemon here, but I'll list them anyway.
Zubat (Very Common)
Solrock (Common)
Again, Zubats rule all caves in the land of Pokemon. But Solrock, a
Ground/Psychic Pokemon, is a bit interesting. It's in a shape of the Sun, and
when you capture one, it may be holding a Sun Stone, so if you're in the need
of one, you can always try catching a Solrock here and seeing if it has a Sun
Stone (or using Thief for all that matter). Either way, it's not that great,
but it's a cool looking Pokemon.
At the entrance of the cave, head left to the bridge, cross it, and then you'll
see a Team Magma and Professor Cozmo running off with the Meteorite, but when
Team Aqua shows up, it's too late. They'll explain to you who they are and what
they're trying to do. Now, from the bridge, continue west until you stop at a
wall. Head up the two sets of steps and pick up a Moon Stone. From here, go
south down the steps, jump down the purple ledges, and you'll find another
entrance. Head out here and you'll be in Route 115.
Route 115
We're now on the other side of Meteor Falls. There are no wild Pokemon here,
but we got a few trainers.
Black Belt Nob - Match Call Trainer
Machop, Level 19 (Fighting)
Money: $608
NOTE: After you have at least 5 rematches with Nob, his Machop (or if it
evolves into Machoke/Machamp) will be holding a Black Belt, an item which
powers up fighting type moves when held. You can steal it from him using Thief.
Collector Hector
Zangoose, Level 18 (Normal)
Seviper, Level 18 (Poison) Step in the middle of these two for a
/team battle, giving you $1512
Psychic Marlene /
Meditite, Level 18 (Psychic/Fighting)/
Spoink, Level 18 (Psychic)
Battle Girl Cyndy - Match Call Trainer
Meditite, level 18 (Psychic/Fighting)
Makuhita, Level 18 (Fighting)
Money: $432
As soon as you get out of Meteor Falls, head south down the two sets of steps
and you'll get to the grass. From here, head west and take the steps down to
the sand. Fight this trainer and then head back to the first trainer you saw in
this route. Battle him and then use Rock Smash on the rock to your right. Enter
the new path and then pick up the Great Ball at the end. Also, pick up the Bluk
Berry and plant anything you want here. From here, jump off the ledge to your
left and step in between the two trainers for a double battle. Now pick up the
PP Up next to them, a valuable item which can increase the Max PP for any move,
so it's suggested you use it on a move you're going to keep for the rest of the
game and one with a small amount of PP. Now jump off the ledge and continue
down south to a familiar place.
A quick pit-stop to Rustboro City
Remember the city where you got your first gym badge? Well, we have to do one
thing before leaving this place again. Go to the Devon Corporation building and
head to the top floor to see the president. Since you delivered the goods to
Captain Stern, talk to him and he'll give you an EXP. Share. With this item,
any Pokemon holding it will receive half the experience points in battle
without even having to fight! So use this to beef up your weak Pokemon and an
easier way to raise them.
Well, that's all we have to do here. Since we can't get back to the Meteor
Falls by route 115, head east onto route 116. Cut through the route 116, head
through the Rusturf Tunnel and use it to get to Verdanturf Town. From there,
head east going through route 117 and you'll be at Mauville City. When you're
in Mauville City, go to the Bike Shop and get the Acro Bike if you haven't
already, since you may need it in the upcoming stop. Now head up north into
routes 111 and 112, the areas where we need to be at. Get to the entrance of
the Fiery Path, but don't enter. Instead, remember the cable car ride to the
right? The two Team Magma guys are gone now. Enter the house, and ask the
person for a Cable Car ride. You'll notice as you go up, ash starts falling
from the mountains again. This time, you can't collect it.
Trouble on Mt. Chimney
When the cable car ride is done, head south and exit the house. You'll be
greeted with a Team Aqua member and a Team Magma member going at it with their
Poochyenas. They're too busy to battle you, so head on north and east. You'll
find five sets of steps. Climb them and you'll find three Team Magma members
against 1 Team Aqua leader. The thing is, this guy is the team Aqua leader.
Talk to him and he'll tell you to stop Maxie, the leader of Team Magma. From
here, if you go north, you'll find two more Team Magma vs. Team Aqua battles.
Head west and you'll find the trainers here. Here are the list of the trainers:
Team Magma Grunt
Zubat, Level 20 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $400 You can always walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $800
Team Magma Grunt /
Numel, Level 20 (Fire/Ground) /
Money: $400
Magma Admin Tabitha
Numel, Level 18 (Fire/Ground)
Numel, Level 22 (Fire/Ground)
Poochyena, Level 20 (Dark)
Zubat, Level 22 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $880
With these 3 grunts out of the way, head up to the northwest part of this
mountain, where you'll find the Team Magma leader in front of the machine. Time
to battle him and help out Team Aqua.
Maxie Battle One
Mightyena, Level 24 (Dark)
Zubat, Level 24 (Dark)
Camerupt, Level 25 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $2000
It's not as hard as it looks. Zubat, as weak and annoying as it is, will go
down with rock, electric, or psychic easily. Mightyena may give you a problem,
but it's a pretty bad Pokemon even when evolved, so give it all you got on him.
For Camerupt, it's 4x weak to Water. Any water attack should knock him out due
to the weaknesses he has.
After the battle, Maxie and his Team Magma grunts will run off, as well as the
Team Aqua leader after he thanks you, which leaves you with a Meteorite. Pick
it up and then head down to the Cable Car entrance, but don't go into it.
Instead, go through the set of stairs south of you. Team Aqua and Team Magma
where blocking these off earlier. Now we can go through this path into the
Jagged Pass.
If you want to, return the Meteorite to Professor Cozmo at Fallarbor Town for
TM27: Return. It's a move that becomes stronger when your Pokemon has a higher
happiness rating.
Jagged Pass
Numel (Very Common)
Machop (Common)
Spoink (Common)
Spoink is obviously the only one here that's new. It evolves into Grumpig later
on, and it's a Psychic Pokemon. I'd leave this one be, there are better
psychics out there. Below average HP, defense and speed, good special attack,
and a great special defense make this Pokemon. It's up to you if you want it or
Jagged Pass Trainers:
Hiker Eric
Geodude, Level 20 (Rock/Ground)
Baltoy, Level 20 (Ground/Psychic)
Money: $800
Picnicker Diana - Match Call Trainer
Shroomish, Level 19 (Grass)
Oddish, Level 19 (Grass/Poison)
Swablu, Level 19 (Normal/Flying)
Camper Ethan - Match Call Trainer
Zigzagoon, Level 20 (Normal)
Taillow, Level 20 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $320
Picnicker Autumn
Shroomish, Level 21 (Grass) Jump off the ledge in between these two
/for a team battle, giving you $1176
Triathlete Julio /
Magnemite, Level 21 (Electric/Steel)
Team Magma Grunt
Poochyena, Level 22 (Dark)
Numel, Level 22 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $440
When you step into this area, head south and battle the Hiker. Now continue and
jump off the next two ledges to another set of steps. Use them to jump off 2
more ledges and you'll finally get to a Team Magma member. After you battle
him, he'll tell you about some hideout. Note this area where the grunt is
standing, because he'll become important soon. Now, head south and jump off the
ledge. Walk west and battle the trainer. You have two choices now: jump off the
left ledge for wild Pokemon or the right ledge for a double battle. If you have
the Acro Bike, you can do both by jumping over the ledges. It's up to you, but
I'd suggest jumping off the right ledge for the double battle. After this, jump
off the next ledge and you'll find a patch of grass. You can get to this one
without a problem, so there you go. Now battle the lest trainer at the bottom,
and then walk down the steps onto the ground. Leave this area.
A brief stop in Route 112
Ah, finally out of that place. Head west and you'll get to Lavaridge town. Now
we can finally get our fourth badge!
Feeling hot in Lavaridge Town
Pokemart Item Listing:
Antidote: $100
Awakening: $250
Burn Heal: $250
Great Ball: $600
Paralyze Heal: $200
Revive: $1500
Super Potion: $700
Super Repel: $500
X Speed: $350
Grab what you want and then head to the Pokemon Center to heal. To the left of
the nurse, there is a passage where you can go to the spa and relax, but it
doesn't affect you in any way. Now, head left from the Pokemon Center and talk
to the old lady in front of the spa (to the left of the man in the sand).
She'll give you a Pokemon Egg. To hatch it, you must take a certain amount of
steps with the egg in your party. Eventually, this egg will hatch into a
Wynaut, a baby Wobbuffet. It will evolve into Wobbuffet at Level 15, so raise
it if you want to. It's a cheap Pokemon and not great in a long run. Now head
south to the gym. The house to the right of the gym sells medicines for your
Pokemon, but they are bitter and will lower your Pokemon's happiness rating if
you feed the items to them. Here are the items you can buy.
Energypowder: $500
Energy Root: $800
Heal Powder: $450
Revival Herb: $2800
Talk to the man in the back of the room and he'll give you a Charcoal. When
equipped onto a Pokemon, it will power up their fire-type moves. Now let's head
over to the next house. The person in their will teach you mimic, a below
average move which will copy the move last used by the opponent's Pokemon. The
move will only last for the rest of the battle. Now that we got nothing else to
do here, let's go to the gym and earn our next badge.
POKEMON GYM - Battle Flannery for the Heat Badge
Gym's Pokemon Type: Fire
Best Types against Fire: Water, Rock, Ground
Not Recommended: Normal, Ice, Grass, Steel
As the title says, you can figure out she uses Fire Pokemon. So that means you
better be busting in here with Rock/Ground/Water, otherwise the battle could be
lopsided. The puzzle for this gym is that haze covers the gym, making it hard
to see. This means trainers will leap out of nowhere. Also, you must fall
through the warp panels to get to different areas of the gym. Let me give you
the list of trainers in this gym:
Kindler Jeff
Slugma, Level 22 (Fire)
Slugma, Level 22 (Fire)
Money: $704
Kindler Jace
Slugma, Level 23 (Fire)
Money: $736 You can walk in the middle of these two for a
/team battle, giving you $1656
Hiker Eli /
Numel, Level 23 (Fire/Ground) /
Money: $920
Kindler Cole
Numel, Level 23 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $736 You can always walk in the middle of these
/two for a team battle, giving you $1840
Cooltrainer Gerald /
Kecleon, Level 23 (Normal) /
Money: $1104
Kindler Axle
Numel, Level 23 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $736
Kindler Keegan
Slugma, Level 23 (Fire)
Money: $736
Battle Girl Danielle
Meditite, Level 23 (Psychic/Fighting)
Money: $552
From the start of the gym, jump in the hole to your left. Down here, there are
no other paths to take, but battle the trainer to the right of the hole who is
in the mist. Now step through the hole you used to get down here. Back at the
gym's entrance, head up north and you'll find another hole. Jump down in this
one. Down here, head south and then west. There is an opening to the north, but
you'll find two more trainers in the mist. You can walk in between the two for
a double battle or battle them solo. From here, head left of the two trainers
and you'll find two holes. Both take you to the same area, so pick which one
you want to go through. Either way, you'll find two more trainers to the right.
You can walk next to both for the double battle, or battle them alone. From
here, head north and you'll find a hole to the left. A trainer is to the right
of the hole, so battle it.
After the battle, jump in the hole to the left of the trainer. To the north of
you is another hole, but be sure to battle the trainer to the right of the
whole. After that, jump in the whole to the north. There is a hole above you
and to your right, but battle the trainer in the northeast corner of this area.
Now you have battled all eight trainers in this area. If you need to, head back
to the Pokemon Center and heal, and then use this guide to get back up to this
area. From the hole you used to get to this area, use the hole to your right.
Now head down and jump in the hole, but be sure not to jump the ledge. From
here, jump off the ledge to your south, jump in the hole, and you'll be right
near Flannery. If you're ready, it's time for a battle.
Gym Leader Flannery
Numel, Level 24 (Fire/Ground)
Slugma, Level 24 (Fire)
Camerupt, Level 26 (Fire/Ground)
Torkoal, Level 29 (Fire)
Money: $2900
Again, your best bet is water, ground, and rock Pokemon. Numel and Slugma
should go down without any problems, as they are both weak with bad stats. With
Camerupt being Fire and Ground, it is 4x weak to water, so if you can get a
strong water attack in, it should faint or be put into low health. Because of
it being part ground, it cancels out fire's weakness to rock, so water is the
better bet. With Torkoal having high defenses (both physical and special), you
may have a tough time taking it down. Also, it has Sunny Day and Overheat,
which can be a very nasty Combo. Sunny Day powers up fire attacks AND weakens
water attacks, while Overheat is fire's most powerful attack. But its drawback
is that each time it is used, the opponent's Special Attack lowers pretty
quickly, giving you a bit of advantage. I recommend someone like Graveler or
Golem against the Torkoal, as they can take fire attacks without a problem.
Just make sure you don't get burned, because it'll lower your Attack as well.
Just give it all you got in the final battle and you'll eventually succeed. If
you're having problems, you may need to go to certain areas and raise your
When you defeat Flannery, you'll be rewarded with the Heat Badge. You'll also
get TM50: Overheat, a very powerful Fire attack, but it lowers your Special
Attack gradually every time it is used. Also, you'll be able to use Strength
outside of battle. With this badge, traded Pokemon up to level 50 will now
listen to you. Now we're halfway done with getting the badges!
With that done, leave the gym. You'll find your rival waiting for you. (s)he'll
be a good person and give you Go-Goggles, the item needed to go through the
Desert Ruins just outside of route 112. We can go for our 5th badge right now,
but let's go to the desert and raise up our Pokemon a bit. Who knows, you might
add someone to your team as well. Heal up at the Pokemon Center and then leave
this town.
The small Desert Ruins between routes
As you are now back on route 112, head east. Hop over the ledges and pick up
the Nugget as you along. When you are done jumping over the ledges, you'll be
in front of the steps that lead to the Fiery Path and Mt. Chimney. But we're
not heading in that direction. Continue east and you'll get to the fork that
splits route 111 from route 112. To the north is the desert. Earlier without
the Go-Goggles, you couldn't walk in because of the blowing sand. But with the
Go-Goggles, you can enter now, so step in. If you don't have the Mac Bike with
you, go back to Mauville City and get it, since you'll need it for the upcoming
part. That means Rock Smash as well.
Trapinch (Common)
Sandshrew (Uncommon)
Cacnea (Uncommon)
Baltoy (Rare)
Most of these Pokemon are fun to raise. Trapinch is a ground Pokemon with an
extremely high Attack power, but with horrible stats everywhere else. But
patient trainers will be rewarded with this Pokemon. If you can raise it to
Level 35, it'll evolve into Vibrava (its Attack will lower but its other stats
will improve greatly), and become part Dragon as well. Then at Level 45 it'll
evolve into Flygon, with much better stats. Cool dragon if you ask me.
Sandshrew is an average Ground Pokemon you may want to consider. At level 22 it
evolves into Sandslash, a good ground-type. Cacnea is a fun Grass type who
evolves into Cacturne at level 32, and becomes dark type at that. If you know
how to use him right, he can be nasty. Baltoy is also a ground type, but part
Psychic as well. He evolves into Claydol, a decent Pokemon as well.
Here are the trainers that you will find in this desert:
Picnicker Heidi
Sandshrew, Level 22 (Ground)
Baltoy, Level 22 (Ground/Psychic)
Money: $352
Camper Beau
Baltoy, Level 21 (Ground/Psychic)
Baltoy, Level 21 (Ground/Psychic)
Sandshrew, Level 22 (Ground)
Money: $336
Camper Drew
Sandshrew, Level 23 (Ground)
Money: $368
Picnicker Becky
Marill, Level 22 (Water)
Sandshrew, Level 22 (Ground)
Money: $352
Ruin Maniac Dusty - Match Call Trainer
Sandslash, Level 23
Money: $1380
Picnicker Celia
Marill, Level 22 (Water)
Lombre, Level 22 (Water/Grass)
Money: $352
Ruin Maniac Bryan
Sandshrew, Level 22 (Ground)
Sandslash, Level 22 (Ground)
Money: $1320
Camper Branden
Taillow, Level 22 (Normal/Flying)
Nuzleaf, Level 22 (Grass)
Money: $352
When entering the desert from the south side, pick up the Stardust in front of
you. This is an item you can sell for a decent amount of cash. From here, head
up north. You'll get to the other end of the desert, but head east and you'll
find a trainer in the northeast corner. Now head down south and you'll find two
trainers, but they're not in the right position for a double battle. Battle
both of them and then continue down south. You'll find two more trainers, but
again, these aren't in the right position for a double battle either. Now head
down south for 3 more trainers. You can battle them 1 by 1, or just talk to
them individually for a single battle each. When you deal with all 3 of these
trainers, head south and you'll find another item. At the way bottom is TM37:
Sandstorm, an attack that lasts five turns and inflicts damage on both Pokemon
(a Pokemon will not be affected if they are ground, rock, or steel type). Keep
in note that since you're in the desert, all battles will have an endless
sandstorm to them, so you may need to bring a few healing items.
When all of this is said and done, head back up north and go to the entrance
that we used to enter the desert. To your north and east, there may be a tower.
Sometimes it is there, sometimes it's not. If it isn't wait a while and come
back. Once you see it, enter the tower. Be sure to have the Mach Bike and a
Pokemon with Rock Smash.
Mirage Tower
Sandshrew (Very Common)
Trapinch (Very Common)
You can get both of these Pokemon outside. No description needed.
Once you enter the tower, take the path east and then head up north. You'll get
to a ladder in the northeast part of the room. Climb up the ladder. Up here,
this is where you'll need your Mach Bike. Head west and you'll find cracks in
the floor. If you walk over them, you'll fall down to the floor below. So get
on your Mach Bike for a head-start and then ride over them quickly. Now you can
follow this path until you get to another ladder. Climb this ladder. Up here,
head west and north and you'll come to two set of rocks. Get rid of them with
rock smash and then you can get to the next ladder, so climb it. You'll be on
the top floor. Up here, use rock smash on the rock blocking the steps. Head up
the stairs and you'll find two fossils. You can only pick one of them now.
Which one to choose?
CLAW FOSSIL - This is the fossil on the right. When resurrected, it will become
an Anorith. It is a Pokemon with good speed but below average stats elsewhere,
but it will evolve into Armaldo at level 40. Its stats improve, but the speed
drops drastically. Also, it has weak moves from the get-go, so raising it won't
be fun.
ROOT FOSSIL - This fossil is on the left. When resurrected, it will become a
Lileep. It is a Rock/Grass Pokemon, meaning it has very few weaknesses, because
for example, grass will cancel out rock's weakness to water, rock will cancel
out grass's weakness to fire, and so on. It will evolve into Cradily at level
40. It is a Pokemon with great defensive stats (both physical and special), so
I'd recommend taking this fossil.
The choice is yours. When you pick one fossil, the other one will sink into the
sand and be gone forever - well, not really. You won't get the other fossil
until much later in the game. If you want, you can go to Rustboro City and
resurrect this fossil in the Devon Corp. building. But for now, head out of the
Mirage Tower and back into the desert. Now exit the desert from the south onto
route 112.
Back to Petalburg for the Showdown
With four badges in our hand, we can have that long awaited battle with your
father, Norman. But first, we'll need to get to Petalburg City. The quickest
way to get there from route 112 is to head south into Mauville City. From here,
go west through Route 117 into Verdanturf Town, head through the Rusturf
Tunnel, and then you'll be on route 116. Now get to Rustboro City. If you want
to, go into the Devon Building. Head to the second floor of the building. Up
here, the scientist in the back of the room will resurrect the fossil. All you
have to do is leave and re-enter the room. Now pick up your new Pokemon and do
what you want with it. Now head south into route 104, cut through the Petalburg
Woods, and you'll be on the other side of route 104. Now head east into
Petalburg City.
Not much has changed here since your last visit early in the game. The only
thing we can do here for now is enter the gym.
POKEMON GYM - Battle Norman for the Balance Badge
Gym's Pokemon Type: Normal
Best Types against Normal: Fighting, Rock
Not Recommended: Anything with crappy defense
Normal type Pokemon are used in this gym, but don't get carried away thinking
this is going to be a breeze. These Pokemon can mow you down quickly and can
make short work of you, as they have very powerful attacks and nasty combos as
well. The puzzle for this gym is that each door will lead you to a new room,
such as the Defense room or the Confusion room. When you defeat the trainer
inside, you will be able to choose a door and head to the next area. Here is a
map showing where the trainers are.
6 7
/ /
3 4 5
| / |
1 2
X /
The X is where you start and where the gym's entrance is. Each number
represents a different room and the trainer inside. The | / and lines show
each path you can take to a certain room. So in room 2, you can take the right
door to room 5 or the left door to room 4. And in room 5, you only have one
door leading to room 7.
Cooltrainer Randall
Swellow, Level 26 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $1248
Note - speed moves such as agility are used in this move, so make sure you can
get the quick knockout in with an electric or a rock Pokemon.
Cooltrainer Mary
Delcatty, Level 26 (Normal)
Money: $1248
Note - In this room, moves that will never miss will be used. Don't worry,
moves that lower your accuracy won't be used in here.
Cooltrainer Parker
Spinda, Level 26 (Normal)
Money: $1248
Note - in this room, moves that confuse you will be used. Confusion is very
annoying, so be sure to have full heals or even a Yellow Flute before you put
yourself in a lot of danger. Also, it is risky, as you have a 50/50 shot of
attacking or hurting yourself before you snap out of confusion. If you get
confused and don't have any healing items, you can switch out or pray for luck
to be on your side.
Cooltrainer Alexia
Wigglytuff, Level 26 (Normal)
Money: $1248
Note - in this room, moves that increase the opponent's defense will be used.
Wigglytuff has a ton of HP but a very low defense, so take advantage of it
before the defense can cover it up. This room shouldn't be a problem compared
to the others.
Cooltrainer George
Slakoth, Level 26 (Normal)
Money: $1258
Note - in this room, the opponent will recover often when in low health. But
you should have little problems dealing with this room.
Cooltrainer Jody
Zangoose, Level 26 (Normal)
Money: $1248
Note - in this room, moves like Swords Dance will be used to boost the
opponent's attack greatly. Watch out for Zangoose, because he can mow down your
Pokemon 1 by 1 with a boosted Attack (and as high as it already is). You'll
need to get rid of it in 1 or 2 turns because it causes a lot of trouble.
Cooltrainer Berke
Vigoroth, Level 26 (Normal)
Money: $1248
Note - in this room, the opponent will try to knock out your Pokemon in one
hit, so you'll need to do the same thing. The move here that will be used often
is Slash, as it has a high chance for a critical hit. So you'll need to be
faster and have high defenses. Pokemon such as Golem are useful and recommended
in this room.
Gym Leader Norman
Spinda, Level 27 (Normal)
Vigoroth, Level 27 (Normal)
Linoone, Level 29 (Normal)
Slaking, Level 31 (Normal)
Money: $3200
This is where it gets difficult. I recommend having a fighting Pokemon with
you, such as Machamp or Hariyama, as they can dispose of most Normal Pokemon
quickly. Other effective Pokemon here are Graveler/Golem and Lairon, as all of
those Pokemon have a great Defense stat and only take half the damage from
Normal Pokemon. If you don't have any of those, you may be in for a bumpy ride.
Spinda will usually try to confuse you, so this is where the yellow flute comes
in. But since it has average stats, you should be able to take it down quickly.
Vigoroth is an evolved form of Slakoth. Its ability, Vital Spirit, prevents it
from being put to sleep. Also, it has a high attack and speed stat, so you'll
need to get rid of it quickly because it can do serious damage to Pokemon.
Linoone is a pretty weak Pokemon if you think about it. Sometimes it will use
Belly Drum, which will max out its attack and cut its HP in half, so you can
slaughter the thing before it'll get a chance to actually attack.
Slaking is the real problem. It has a massive attack stat and above average
Defense, so it can 1 hit KO most Pokemon easily. But it does have a downside:
its ability, Truant, only allows it to attack every other turn. And on every
other turn, it can do nothing, and not even Norman can give it items and such.
So take advantage of that while you can. But if you're going to give it a
status condition such as poison or paralyze, watch out for Facade. It does even
more damage if inflicted for a status condition, so you better make sure you
have a Pokemon with great defense. Use all you got on this Pokemon, even if it
means your whole team. Eventually you'll triumph.
If you still can't beat Norman, you'll have to raise your Pokemon in areas we
haven't battled in yet, or just raise them in the wild.
After beating Norman, you'll be rewarded the Balance Badge. You'll also get
TM42: Facade, a move that does even more damage when inflicted with a status
condition. With this badge, you'll be able to use Surf out of battle, and we'll
get that in the very next moment. Your Pokemon's defense will also increase
with this badge.
After the battle, you'll be taken out of the gym by Wally's dad. He'll reward
you with HM03: Surf. With this, you can surf across waters, but you'll need a
water Pokemon to do so. If you don't have one, fish one out with your Old Rod
like a Tentacool, Goldeen, or Magikarp. If not, a Marill works fine as well.
Now that we have Surf, we can do a few side quests, so let's take a break from
the main walkthrough. If you don't want to do any of these, just skip the next
few sections and I'll meet you at route 118.
Relaxing from our main adventure
With 5 badges in hand, we can go do a few neat things now. First off, after
teaching one of your Pokemon Surf, surf across the water to the right of the
gym. At the end of it is the ever-awesome Max Revive. Now head to the southwest
part of this city where you'll find another pond of water. Surf across this
water and pick up the Ether on the other side. Time to go do some other things.
The neat prize at Littleroot
Now let's get out of Petalburg and head east onto route 102. Cross it to get to
Oldale Town. Now head down south, cutting through route 101 to get to the town
where we started it all, Littleroot Town. Head into your house (left if you're
a boy, right if you're a girl). Talk to your mom. Since you've defeated your
dad, she'll reward you with an Amulet Coin. If a Pokemon holds this item and is
sent out to battle with it, you'll earn double the amount of money, which makes
it sweet. So be sure to give it to a Pokemon you're going to use frequently in
battle. Now that we got that out of the way, head back into Oldale Town. From
here, head north up to route 103. We've got some more stuff to do.
The trainers at Route 103
With Surf, we can get across the water at route 103. With Surf in our hands,
swim across the water and you'll come across two trainers. Swim in front of
them for a team battle.
Swimmer Isabelle
Marill, Level 15 (Water)
/You can walk in between these two for a
Swimmer Pete /team battle, giving you $240
Tentacool, Level 15 (Water/Poison)
After that, swim to the right side of the water and you'll be on the other side
of the route. Time to fight some more trainers, from going left to right in
this route.
Fisherman Andrew
Magikarp, Level 5 (Water)
Magikarp, Level 15 (Water)
Tentacool, Level 10 (Water/Poison)
Money: $600
Twims Amy and Liv - Match Call Trainers
Plusle, Level 15 (Electric)
Minun, Level 15 (Electric)
Money: $360
Pokemon Miguel - Match Call Trainer
Skitty, Level 15 (Normal)
Money: $1200
Aroma Lady Daisy
Shroomish, Level 14 (Grass)
Roselia, Level 14 (Grass/Poison)
Money: $560
After you defeated all these trainers, there are two who remain. But you'll
need Cut to get to them. If you have it, Cut down the bush near you. The two
trainers are right there, so battle them.
Black Belt Rhett
Makuhita, Level 15 (Fighting)
Money: $480 You can cut down the bush and walk in the
/middle of these for a team battle, giving you
Guitarist Marcos /$960
Voltorb, Level 15 (Electric)/
Money: $480
From here, head left and pick up the PP Up. All is done here. Head east and
we'll get to another familiar place, route 110. Here, just head up all the way
north into Mauville City. We've got a few more optional things to do.
New Mauville Adventure
The cave in Route 110 leads to New Mauville, but we'll need the basement key to
do so. Head to Mauville City and you'll find your buddy Wattson outside the gym
near the Pokemon Center. He's worried about the generator in New Mauville
making all the noises and such. Talk to him and you'll get the basement key.
Now head down south back into route 110. Head down and you'll get to the body
of water, so use your Pokemon to Surf on it. Head right and sail across the
water. You'll find the cave, so enter it. In here, unlock the door across from
you and you'll be inside New Mauville.
Voltorb (Very Common)
Magnemite (Very Common)
Electrode (Very Rare)
Magneton (Very Rare)
New electric Pokemon here. Voltorb can evolve into Electrode, one of the
fastest Pokemon in the game. But aside from that, it has good stats, but it
doesn't learn many good moves. But it can be a tool with Explosion, as it may
cause you to faint, but it can deal serious damage to the opponent. Magenite is
an electric/steel Pokemon. That said, you only need to worry about fire,
fighting, and ground. It has a good defense and a good set of nasty attacks, so
this is an electric Pokemon you may want to consider. Of course, you can get
their evolved forms here, but just level them up to evolve them.
The trick for this puzzle is that there are blue and green switches. Both
switches open and close certain doors, but you cannot have both switches
activated at the same time, so follow carefully. Another thing is that to watch
out for the items. Not all of them are real items. Some could turn out to be
wild Voltorb, which means a wild Pokemon battle.
When you enter the basement, head down and hit the blue switch to open the blue
gate to the left. Enter the gate and you'll come to a room with a green switch.
Hit the green switch. Now head left and follow this path to another room.
You'll find another blue switch, but leave it alone and head into the opening
to your right. In here, go all the way right through an opening until you get
to an item. Pick it up and you'll get the Ultra Ball. Now head back left and
you'll get to a small opening to your north. Head into this opening and you'll
find an item. Pick it up and you'll get an Escape Rope. There is a blue switch
where the Escape Rope was. Hit the switch and go through the newly opened gate
to your left. In here, head north and you'll come across two items. The item on
the left is a Paralyze Heal and the item on the right is a fake, so if you try
to pick it up, you'll need to battle a Voltorb.
Don't hit either switch. Head up north and follow the path until you get two
openings to take. The one to your right is blocked off by a green gate, so head
down south. Again, you'll get to two items, but one is a fake. The item on the
right is a full Heal, and if you pick it up, you'll find a green switch. Hit it
and it'll open up the gate to the right. Head right into the room. You'll find
a red switch on the floor. Hit this switch and the generator will stop running.
Also, before leaving this area, pick up the Thunderstone to the right of the
To get out of here, head back left. Since you left the green gate open, the
blue gate is closed. Go down south and battle the Voltorb posing as an item.
When it's gone, hit the blue switch. Now head back left and follow the path to
the next set of switches. You don't need to hit either of them, so head south
and then east, into the next area. Both green gates are locked. Go right and
battle the Voltorb posing as an item. When it's gone, hit the green switch to
open both gates. Head south through the small opening and then you'll find an
open gate to your left. But to get to the beginning faster, take the gate on
the right and you'll be back where the Ultra Ball was. From here, just follow
the path until you get to the staircase. Once you get there, head up the stairs
and out of this cave back onto Route 110. From here, surf back onto land and go
into Mauville City.
Wattson is waiting for you. Talk to him and he'll thank you and give you TM24:
Thunderbolt as a reward for you. It's better than Shock Wave (the TM he gave
you when you got the third badge). This is electric's best move in the game. It
has awesome power (95) and accuracy (100) and even has a chance to paralyze a
Pokemon. Teach this to a Pokemon you're going to use for the rest of the game.
We could do more side quests now, but getting to them would be a major pain in
the ass at this area of the game. We can come back to them later. Head east
onto Route 118 and to continue the main adventure.
Route 118
Zigzagoon (Common)
Electrike (Common)
Wingull (Common)
Linoone (Uncommon)
Manectric (Uncommon)
Kecleon (Very Rare)
All but one of these Pokemon should be familiar to you, which is Kecleon. It is
a normal type Pokemon with an ability called Color Change. If it gets hit by an
attack, the type changes to what it was hit by (so if it got hit by Shock Wave,
it would turn into Electric type), so you'll need to fight with strategy when
fighting this Pokemon. It has a really high special defense, but all other
stats are average. Not a good Pokemon to keep in the long run.
Since we have Surf and a Good Rod, I'm going to start listing the Pokemon you
can get by fishing and surfing from now on. Here are Pokemon you can get by
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
Tentacool is a mix of Water and Poison who evolves into Tentacruel. It is
actually a good Pokemon if you know how to use it right, as it has good speed
and special attack. Just watch out for the weaknesses to psychic and ground and
you're good to go.
Pokemon by fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Again, if you've fished up a Magikarp with an Old Rod on any previous routes,
then you shouldn't need to worry here. It's just a really bad Pokemon with
horrible stats. All it knows is Splash, which does absolutely nothing. It gets
Tackle at level 15 and Flail at 30. But if you get it to Level 20, it evolves
into an awesome Gyrados, and becomes Flying and Water. If you need a water
Pokemon, Gyrados can be a good choice.
Magikarp Very Common
Tentacool Common
Carvanha Common
Ok, we don't have the Good Rod. But the person with it is nearby, so I'll list
it. Carvanha is the joke of Pokemon. Its defense and special defense are
atrocious. So bad it can't take a hit off anything. Sharpedo, its evolved form,
isn't any better. They do get good special attack, but do not use it by any
Alright, here are the trainers on the left side of the water you'll need to
surf across:
Aroma Lady Rose - Match Call Trainer
Roselia, Level 14 (Grass/Poison)
Roselia, Level 14 (Grass/Poison)
Shroomish, Level 14 (Grass)
Money: $560 You can walk in the middle of these
/two for a team battle, giving you $584
Youngster Deandre /
Zigzagoon, Level 14 (Normal) /
Aron, Level 14 (Rock/Steel)
Electrike, Level 14 (Electric)
Money: $224
Fisherman Wade
Tentacool, Level 16 (Water/Poison)
Money: $640
Guitarist Dalton - Match Call Trainer
Magnemite, Level 15 (Electric/Steel)
Whismur, Level 15 (Normal)
Money: $480
These are all the trainers on the west side of the water. Here are the trainers
on the right side of the water:
Interviewer Gabby and Ty
Magnemite, Level 27 (Electric/Steel)
Loudred, Level 27 (Normal)
Money: $2592
You have the option for an interview after this fight, but all it does is give
you a chance to be on TV during the news.
Fisherman Barny
Tentacool, Level 25 (Water/Poison)
Carvanha, Level 25 (Water/Dark)
Money: $1000
Bird Keeper Chester
Taillow, Level 25 (Normal/Flying)
Swellow, Level 25 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $800
Bird Keeper Perry
Wingull, Level 26 (Water/Flying)
Money: $832
After surfing across the water, talk to the man next to the water and answer
yes to his question. He'll give you the Good Rod, a rod used for fishing that
can pick up higher level and better Pokemon than the old rod. So if you're in
need for a water Pokemon, try fishing in the water right next to you. Continue
right and you'll find an opening in the ledge. Head up it and continue heading
east, battling the trainer on the sand. Before you get to the grass, Steven
will jump off the ledge above you and talk to you about raising Pokemon of
different types to be successful. After, he'll take off, but we'll seem him
again shortly. Now cross the grass and you'll get to another set of grass. Talk
to the trainer in the grass for a battle. Then head up north in between the
ledges for one more battle. From here, continue north following the path into
the next route.
Route 119 and Team Aqua's Troubles
Zigzagoon (Common)
Linoone (Common)
Oddish (Common)
Tropius (Uncommon)
Kecleon (Very Rare)
All of the above Pokemon except for one should be familiar to you. Tropius is a
bad combination of grass/flying, giving it several weaknesses out there. Also
has crappy set of moves, along with stats. A good HM Slave, however, as it can
learn Cut, Fly, Strength, Rock Smash, and Flash. Ever needed someone that
You can get the following Pokemon by surfing.
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
You know all three of those Pokemon. No explanation needed. But, you can get
the following Pokemon by fishing.
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Carvanha (Common)
These are nothing new, but there's something highly worth nothing fishing in
this route. There is an additional Pokemon you can catch here by the name of
Feebas. It is like a Magikarp: horrible stats, bad moves, but if patient, it
evolves into a excellent Pokemon. The thing is, finding it is a major pain in
the ass. When fishing, it is only found in 6 of the "water tiles" you can fish
in (there are about 400ish). So, fish on one water tile 2-5 times, and if you
can't find Feebas, try another tile. This is very time consuming and annoying.
You'll need surf to get to the other water tiles. After you catch one, you can
breed it as many times as you want so you never have to go through this
horrible process again. To change the 6 tiles Feebas can be found in, change
the Trendy Phrase at Dewford Town. The 6 tiles are completely random, so
there's no way to force it onto a certain tile.
When you catch Feebas, you can't evolve it by leveling up. You'll have to feed
it Dry Pokeblocks to increase its Beauty Rating. Also, if you can, make sure
you can get a nature which likes Dry Pokeblocks. And when you do find Feebas on
a tile, you can keep on getting them from the same tile. After you get its
beauty rating high enough, try leveling it up and see if it evolves into
Milotic, which has great defense and can be a powerhouse. Also make sure you
use berries that have dry flavors. I'll explain this later.
Now, for those pain in the ass trainers. The following trainers will be found
in that tall grass. It's tall enough that it won't let you use your bike
through the grass, so you'll have to walk through it. What's worse is the
trainers who mirror you. You go left, they go right and vice versa. You go up,
they go down and vice versa. Plus you can see the top of their heads from the
grass, so you can go battle them. One thing to note is that the weather will
always be rain here, which means Rain Dance is in effect. Fire will be weakened
while water type attacks are strengthened. Try to use that to your advantage.
But Catcher Kent
Ninjask, Level 25 (Bug/Flying)
Money: $400
Bug Maniac Donald
Wurmple, Level 24 (Bug)
Silcoon, Level 24 (Bug)
Beautifly, Level 24 (Bug/Flying)
Money: $1440
Bug Catcher Greg
Volbeat, Level 25 (Bug)
Illumise, Level 25 (Bug)
Money: $400
Bug Maniac Taylor
Wurmple, Level 27 (Bug)
Cascoon, Level 27 (Bug)
Dustox, Level 27 (Bug/Poison)
Money: $1620
Bug Maniac Brent
Surskit, Level 26 (Bug/Water)
Money: $1560
Bug Catcher Doug
Nincada, Level 28 (Bug)
Ninjask, Level 28 (Bug/Flying)
Money: $448
Start out this grassy area by battling the trainer just above the person on the
bike. After this fight, head all the way left until you get to a set of trees.
Now head up north and you'll find another trainer. Battle him. Now head north
and east and you'll find an item ball. Pick it up for a Super Repel and battle
the trainer just below where the item was. From here, head all the way east
(take 1 or 2 steps down south too) past the trees in the middle and you'll find
two trainers. Battle them both. After that, head up north out of this grassy
mess. At least it wasn't poison ivy.
Here is a list of trainers up to the Weather Institute:
Fisherman Chris
Magikarp, Level 29 (Water)
Carvanha, Level 29 (Water/Dark)
Tentacool, Level 20 (Water/Poison)
Feebas, Level 26 (Water)
Money: $920
Pokemon Ranger Catherine - Match Call Trainer
Gloom, Level 26 (Grass/Poison)
Roselia, level 26 (Grass/Poison)
Money: $1248
Pokemon Ranger Jackson - Match Call Trainer
Breloom, Level 27 (Grass/Fighting)
Money: $1296
Parasol Lady Rachael
Goldeen, Level 26 (Water)
Money: $1040 You can walk in between these two for a
/team battle, giving you $1872
Bird Keeper Phil /
Swellow, Level 26 (Normal/Flying)/
Money: $832
Kindler Dayton
Slugma, Level 25 (Fire)
Numel, Level 25 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $800 The Ninja Boy is hiding behind the brown tiles
/above Dayton, so walk up the left side of the
Ninja Boy Takashi /stairs for a double battle, giving you $1100
Ninjask, Level 25 (Bug/Flying)/
Koffing, Level 25 (Poison)
Money: $300
Bird Keeper Hugh
Swellow, Level 25 (Normal/Flying)
Tropius, Level 25 (Grass/Flying)
Money: $800
After you get out of the grass, head up north and you'll find a house. To the
left of the house is water. Surf across the water to the west and you'll get to
some land. Hop on the land and battle the fisherman. Now head up the steps next
to the trainer onto a small piece of land. Cross the grass into the northwest
corner for a Zinc. Now go back to where the trainer is and surf across the
water back to the house. Back over here, go up the three sets of steps and
you'll get to a trainer. Battle the Pokemon Ranger and then cross this long
bridge. At the end of the bridge, head up north up the steps. From here, battle
the Ranger in front of the tall grass. Now cut through the grass to get to two
more trainers. You can battle them solo, or walk in the middle of them for a
double battle.
After that's done, go north of the trainers and pick up the item, which is a
Hyper Potion. You can get up that slope with a Mach. Bike and avoid the grass,
so do so if you want. But cut through the grass and you'll get to a set of
steps if you don't have the Mach Bike. Before crossing them, go right and
you'll get to an item, which is an Elixir. Now go back to the steps. If you
want a double battle between a ninja boy and a Kindler, head up the left half
of the step. To battle them individually, take the right half and speak to
them. The ninja is hiding behind the brown tiles north of the Kindler. From
here, head up the next set of steps and then battle the Bird Keeper nearby.
Walk around the grass and continue up north. You'll find a bridge leading
towards the end of the route, but it's blocked off by two Team Aqua members.
Our only option is to enter the building to the left of the bridge, the Weather
Weather Institute Problems with Team Aqua
The reason Team Aqua is here is because they are interested in this Pokemon
that can seemingly change to adapt to the weather, so they're tormenting the
scientists upstairs. Since all that battling on route 119 made you tired, head
up to the opening to the north. You'll find a passage to your left and right.
Head left and use the bed to rest and restore all of your Pokemon. If needed,
use the PC next to the bed as well. Now head through the right opening where
Team Aqua is. Time to dispose of them.
Team Aqua Grunt
Carvanha, Level 28 (Water/Dark)
Money: $560
Team Aqua Grunt
Zubat, Level 27 (Poison/Flying)
Poochyena, Level 27 (Dark)
Money: $510
With that all said and done, use the stairs next to the Team Aqua member to get
to the 2nd floor, where more trainers await.
Team Aqua Grunt
Poochyena, Level 27 (Dark)
Carvanha, Level 27 (Water/Dark)
Money: $540 You can walk in the middle of these two for a
/team battle, giving you $1080
Team Aqua Grunt /
Zubat, Level 27 (Poison/Flying)/
Poochyena, Level 27 (Dark)
Money: $540
Team Aqua Grunt
Poochyena, level 26 (Dark)
Zubat, Level 26 (Poison/Flying)
Carvanha, Level 26 (Water/Dark)
Money: $520
Aqua Admin Shelly
Carvanha, Level 28 (Water/Dark)
Mightyena, Level 28 (Dark)
Money: $1120
You should be able to breeze through these battles, considering they're using
all the same types of Pokemon and they're at roughly equal level. After you get
rid of Team Aqua here, one of the scientists will reward you with a level 25
Castform. It's a normal Pokemon but its type changes with the weather (Sunny
Day = Fire, Rain Dance = Water, Hail = Ice), so you can set it up with a good
moveset to make good use of it. It is also holding a Mystic Water, which boosts
water type attacks by 10% when held. Head back downstairs, use the bed to heal,
and then we're off.
The rest of Route 119
Remember those Team Aqua members blocking the bridge? They've left along with
the rest of the Team Aqua crew. Cross the bridge to the right of the Weather
Institute. On the other side of the bridge, the battling just doesn't stop.
Time to fight your rival.
| |
|If you chose Treecko as a starter: |
|Pelipper, Level 29 (Water/Flying) |
|Lombre, Level 29 (Water/Grass) |
|Combusken, Level 31 (Fire/Fighting) |
| |
|Not a real problem here. Pelipper has 4x weakness to electric, so you should |
|be able to fry it with one zap. Otherwise, rock will do the job here, but |
|overall it's still a weak Pokemon. Lombre, the Water/Grass combo, can be a |
|bit of a pain to get rid of. Use Poison or Flying to get rid of it as best as|
|you can, as Lombre has no special weaknesses. Otherwise, give it all you |
|have. With Combusken being Fire and Fighting, it opens the door to plenty of |
|weaknesses. You got water, flying, psychic, ground. You have one of those? |
|Then getting rid of it should be no problem. |
| |
|If you chose Torchic as a starter: |
|Lombre, Level 29 (Water/Grass) |
|Slugma, Level 29 (Fire) |
|Marshtomp, Level 31 (Water/Ground) |
| |
|Use the same strategies above to get rid of Lombre. Slugma is a fruitcake and|
|a half to defeat. With the rain, just use any water attack to knock it out, |
|because of rain powering up water attacks. If not, use rock or ground. Take |
|advantage of Slugma's slow speed as well. With Marshtomp, use grass, as it's |
|4x weak to grass. Otherwise, it doesn't have a good set of weaknesses, so |
|take it down with all you got. |
| |
|If you chose Mudkip as a starter: |
|Slugma, Level 29 (Fire) |
|Lombre, Level 29 (Water/Grass)* |
|Pelipper, Level 29 (Water/Flying)* |
|Grovyle, Level 31 (Grass) |
| |
|The * just means if that if you're a boy, your rival (May) will use Pelipper.|
|If you're a girl, your rival (Brendan) will use Lombre). Take them out either|
|way, as they're both easy. With Grovyle, you have to watch out watch out for |
|it's high speed. It has a below average defense, so if you have poison or |
|flying, it should be down in no time. Just use everything you have and you'll|
|win. |
| |
|Money: $1860 |
After you beat your rival, (s)he'll be a good rival and give you another
reward. HM02: Fly. Where does your rival get all this stuff? With Fly, you can
fly to any city you have previously visited. But you can't use it outside of
battle until after you get the upcoming gym bade. In battle, it's a two turn
attack. On the first turn, you'll be immune to anything as you're flying in the
air (exceptions are attacks such as Faint Attack). Now, to finish up this area,
so here us a list of trainers for the remainder of the route. After the battle
with your rival, pick up the Elixir to the south. If you want to, Surf in the
water and follow the water down south until you get to an item, which is a Leaf
Guitarist Fabian
Manectric, Level 26 (Electric)
Money: $832 You can walk in the middle of these two for a
/team battle, giving you $1144
Ninja Boy Yasu /
Ninjask, Level 26 (Bug/Flying)/
Money: $312
Ninja Boy Hideo
Koffing, Level 25 (Poison)
Koffing, Level 25 (Poison)
Money: $300
From where you battled your rival, head up north and follow the path to a
trainer. If you notice, there is a fake tree to the left of the trainer, which
is a Ninja Boy. Step in between them for a double battle if you want, and then
continue north. You'll find another Ninja Boy with a fake tree, so battle him.
After this, continue east into Fortree City.
Fortree City, the tree house city
Pokemart Item Listing:
Antidote ($100)
Awakening ($250)
Great Ball ($600)
Hyper Potion ($1200)
Paralyze Heal ($200)
Revive ($1500)
Super Potion ($700)
Super Repel ($500)
Ultra Ball ($1200)
Wood Mail ($50)
Secret Base Shop Item Listing:
Brick Desk ($9000)
Camp Desk ($9000)
Comfort Desk ($6000)
Hard Desk ($9000)
Heavy Desk ($6000)
Pokemon Desk ($3000)
Ragged Desk ($6000)
Small Desk ($3000)
Brick Chair ($2000)
Camp Chair ($2000)
Comfort Chair ($2000)
Hard Chair ($2000)
Heavy Chair ($2000)
Pokemon Chair ($2000)
Ragged Chair ($2000)
Small Chair ($2000)
When you step into this city, head into the Pokemon Center and heal up if
needed. This city is kind of unique. People live in tree-house like homes and
you must go up ladders and cross ledges to get to their homes. Anyhow, there
are two ladders you can take. Climb up the ladder in the northern part of the
town. Enter the first house. There is a girl who will give you a Plusle if you
trade her a Volbeat. Both Pokemon are very hard to come across, so it's up to
you if you want to do the trade. From here, head to the next house over. There
is an elderly couple in this house. The woman will give you TM10: Hidden Power,
a move that can be any type. It depends on the IVs (Individual Values) of
Pokemon, but that stuff is complicated. The man will teach one of you Pokemon
Sleep Talk if you talk to him. It's a move that randomly uses a move when
asleep. It can be risky since you can't make the choice, so I wouldn't
recommend using it.
From here, head on all the way right to the 4th and last house of this row and
enter it. In here, talk to the boy and the Wingull will take off. It may not do
anything now, but you'll need to get to Mosdeep City for this. Just remember
this area when you find the Wingull. After this, leave the house and climb down
the ladder. Head to the south ladder and climb it. Up here, the house in front
of you is a shop where you can buy desks and chairs for your secret base if you
want to. Now, leave this house and climb back down the ladder. Now climb the
ladder up to the north again and get in front of the house we didn't enter.
There is a ladder leading to the gym, so climb down it. Down here, we can work
our way to the gym. Ouch! What did we just hit! Can't we just jump over the
sign or something to make life easier? Nothing we can do, so climb back up the
ladder, head east and down the next ladder to get to the other side of the city
again. Now head east for a quick stop onto Route 120.
Route 120
Poochyena (Common)
Mightyena (Common)
Oddish (Common)
Marill (Uncommon)
Absol (Uncommon)
Kecleon (Very Rare)
Seedot (Very Rare)
All but one of these should be familiar faces, and that is Absol. It's a Dark
Pokemon. While it may be dark, it has a bad special attack, but it makes up
with good speed and an excellent attack. If used right, Absol can become a
solid Pokemon in your party that can take down plenty of Pokemon with 1-3 hits.
Just need to raise it correctly though.
You can get the following Pokemon by surfing:
Marill (Very Common)
Goldeen (Very Rare)
Nothing new here, so now commenting needed.
You can get the following Pokemon by fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Barboach (Common)
Barboach is a solid Pokemon as well. May not have the best of stats, but when
evolved, it will become a Whiscash and be Water/Ground as well, meaning the
only thing it has to fear is grass. Water/Ground type Swampert may be better,
but if needed, Whiscash shouldn't be a problem to raise.
Now, for the trainers you'll need to fight before we go back to Fortree:
Parasol Lady Clarissa
Roselia, Level 28 (Grass/Poison)
Wailmer, Level 28 (Water)
Money: $1120
Bird Keeper Robert - Match Call Trainer
Swablu, Level 29 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $928
Interviewer Gabby and Ty
Magneton, Level 30 (Electric/Steel)
Loudred, Level 30 (Normal)
Money: $2880
Again, you'll have another interview with these two. From now on, they'll
alternate between this route, route 118, and route 111. Each time you face
them, the levels of their Pokemon increase.
As soon as you enter the route, head right and talk to the first trainer for a
battle and then head east. Yep, you'll have to deal with that annoying grass
from route 119 again, but don't worry, this is the last of it. Now head back up
the steps and head to the northeast corner of this route. You'll find Gabby and
Ty, the two interviewers. Battle them and then do the interview if you wish.
Now cut through the grass and battle the Bird Keeper just before the bridge off
to your left. As you try to cross the bridge, you'll be stopped by another
invisible object. Then Steven, who is right there, will use another invention
of Devon called the Devon Scope, which will reveal the invisible object if you
say yes to his question. If you say no, just come back to him any time to say
The invisible object is a Level 30 Kecleon. You may have seen these in the wild
before, but it's highly unlikely. You can catch it or defeat it, it doesn't
matter. I'd recommend catching at least one, since finding them in the wild
isn't fun. Also, you may have noticed there are invisible Kecleons just before
the Fortree City entrance in route 119. Go check them out if you want to. After
this, Steven will give you a Devon Scope so you can rat out the invisible
Kecleons. From here, go back to Fortree City.
Wrapping up Fortree City
Back at Fortree City, use the usual route to get to the gym. Use the Devon
Scope to reveal the invisible Kecleon near the gym's entrance. Knock it out or
capture it. After this, enter the gym to attempt the 6th badge.
POKEMON GYM - Battle Winona for the Feather Badge
Gym's Pokemon Type: Flying
Best Types against Fighting: Electric, Rock
Not Recommended: Bug, Grass, Fighting
Winona uses flying type Pokemon. However, most of them are two-typed Pokemon,
so you may want to bring a good variety of Pokemon. Fire, Rock, Electric, and
Ice are recommended here. The puzzle in this gym is that you need to get
through the revolving doors in the right direction to get to here. It's pretty
much straightforward. Here are the trainers in this gym:
Bird Keeper Humberto
Skarmory, Level 30 (Flying/Steel)
Money: $960
Bird Keeper Jared
Doduo, Level 27 (Normal/Flying)
Tropius, Level 27 (Grass/Flying)
Skarmory, Level 27 (Steel/Flying) Walk in the middle of these two for a
/team battle, giving you $1296
Picnicker Ashley /
Swablu, Level 27 (Normal/Flying)/
Swablu, Level 27 (Normal/Flying)
Swablu, Level 27 (Normal/Flying)
Camper Flint
Swellow, Level 29 (Normal/Flying)
Xatu, Level 29 (Psychic/Flying)
Walk in the middle of these two for a
Bird Keeper Edwardo /team battle, giving you $1392
Doduo, Level 29 (Normal/Flying) /
Pelipper, Level 29 (Water/Flying)/
Bird Keeper Darius
Tropius, Level 30 (Grass/Flying)
Money: $960
To get through this maze quick, go to the first revolving door. It is shaped
like this:
Walk through the bottom | to get through the next area. You'll find another
revolving door which is the same door as the last one. Walk through the bottom
half and you'll get right into a trainer. After the battle, continue up north.
You'll find a slightly longer door, shaped like this:
To get through this door, get on the right side of the |. Now walk left into it
and it'll cause the door to open. Go through it. You'll find two trainers, so
walk in between them for the double battle. After this battle, continue up
north and you'll find two more revolving doors.
The Xs are where the blocks are, so you'll need to walk around them. To get
around this puzzle, walk up to the block that's in between both doors. Now to
the right of you is a |, so push right to move it. Now you can get to the
shorter door. If you try to push it upward (which is the _), it'll be blocked
off, so move the lower | to slide the door. Now walk around the block and push
the door downward. From here, the longer door will be in the same spot it was
originally. So move the door to the right (face the block and then hold right).
From here, continue north and just walk forward to open the door. Don't worry,
we're almost there. You'll walk in between two trainers for the double battle.
After this fight, go left and you'll get to the last trainer, so fight him. Now
we can focus on the last few doors.
You'll find a big door to the right and a small one to the left. Go to the
smaller door that's shaped like a T. Get on the left side of the door and hold
left to move the door into a different direction. Now go to the bigger door and
get in between the two small pieces of the door. Hold up to make it slide open
and you'll get to the biggest door. Just walk into it and hold up to make the
door open. Now walk around and you'll get to the T shaped door you just
recently moved. Just walk right down into it to move it. Now you'll get to the
big door again. Hold right on the long part of the door to make it move. Now
get in between the two smaller pieces and hold up to move the door. From here,
go through the new opening to your right to get to Winona.
Gym Leader Winona
Swablu, Level 29 (Normal/Flying)
Tropius, Level 29 (Grass/Flying)
Pelipper, Level 30 (Water/Flying)
Skarmory, Level 31 (Steel/Flying)
Altaria, Level 33 (Dragon/Flying)
Money: $3300
If you have the right types to go up against Winona, this battle won't be too
hard. You don't need to worry about Swablu. Just use anything you have and
it'll go down quickly. For Tropius, it is 4x weak to ice because of being Grass
and Flying. But if you don't got ice, go for fire. It will use Sunny Day and
the Solarbeam combo. When Sunny Day is in effect, Solarbeam will attack
immediately instead of using 1 turn to charge. If you have a fire type, this
will benefit your fire attacks as well, so you can use it to your advantage to
finish off Tropius. But watch out, as its ability, Chlorophyll, will double its
speed when Sunny Day is in effect.
Pelipper is another Pokemon you can finish off easily. Use electric because of
the 4x weakness. If not, just take it down with whatever you have. It might
annoy you with Supersonic and Protect, but even with Protect, it's just wasting
a turn.
For Skarmory, it has no physical weaknesses. Use fire and electric at your
leisure to finish it off quickly. Just watch out for Sand Attack and Aerial
Ace, its two most annoying moves. Otherwise, just use whatever you can and
eventually you'll defeat Skarmory.
Altaria is the one you may have problems with. It is Dragon/Flying, so if you
have any ice attacks, you won't need more than 2 turns to get rid of it. It has
Earthquake, Dragonbreath (which can paralyze you) and Dragon Dance, a move that
boosts its speed and attack. If not, use rock, but otherwise, this Pokemon can
take you down very quickly.
After you defeat Winona, you'll get the Feather Badge and TM40: Aerial Ace.
It's a flying attack that will never miss under any circumstances (with the
exception of moves like Dig and Fly). Also, you'll be able to use HM02: Fly
outside of battle, plus traded Pokemon up to level 70 will listen to you. Now
leave the gym since we're going back to route 120.
Checking out the Scorched Slab
Back on route 120, head into the first patch of wild grass you'll find. You'll
find a set of steps leading to an item, but it's blocked off by an invisible
Kecleon, so use the Devon Scope and battle/capture it. After this, pick up the
item, which is a Nest Ball. Now surf south on the water to get to a cave. When
you get to the cave entrance, enter it. In here, surf onto the platform and
pick up TM11: Sunny Day. It's a move that powers up fire attacks for 5 turns
and weakens water attacks for 5 turns. Also, Solarbeam can attack on the first
turn instead of waiting an extra turn for it to be charged. One last effect is
that Thunder's accuracy will be lowered with complete sunshine. Alright, leave
this cave (which is called the Scorched Slab) and head back to the bridge where
Steven gave you the Devon Scope.
Finishing off Route 120
Back on the bridge, cross it and get to the left side of the bridge. Now we can
continue to go finish off the rest of the trainers. And after you cross the
bridge any time, it just magically starts to rain (meaning Rain Dance will be
in effect for every battle in this part of the route). Dandy, isn't it?
Bird Keeper Colin
Wingull, Level 28 (Water/Flying)
Natu, Level 28 (Psychic/Flying)
Money: $896
Parasol Lady Angelica
Castform, Level 30 (Normal)
Money: $1200 You can walk in the middle of these for a team
/battle, giving you $2640
Cooltrainer Leonel /
Manectric, Level 30 (Electric)/
Money: $1440
Ninja Boy Riley
Koffing, Level 28 (Poison)
Ninjask, Level 28 (Bug/Flying)
Money: $672 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $1008
Battle Girl Callie /
Meditite, Level 28 (Fighting/Psychic)/
Makuhita, Level 28 (Fighting)
Money: $336
Cooltrainer Jennifer
Sableye, Level 30 (Ghost/Dark)
Money: $1440
Pokemon Ranger Jenna
Lotad, Level 28 (Water/Grass)
Lombre, Level 28 (Water/Grass)
Nuzleaf, Level 28 (Grass)
Money: $1344
Pokemon Ranger Lorenzo
Seedot, Level 28 (Grass)
Nuzleaf, Level 28 (Grass)
Lombre, Level 28 (Water/Grass)
Money: $1344
Bug Maniac Brandon - Match Call Trainer
Surskit, Level 27 (Bug/Water)
Surskit, Level 27 (Bug/Water)
Surskit, Level 27 (Bug/Water)
Money: $1620
NOTE: After having at least 5 rematches with this trainer, his Pokemon will be
holding Silver Powder, an item that boosts bug moves by 10% when held. Use
Thief/Covet to steal it from his Pokemon.
Ninja Boy Keigo
Koffing, Level 28 (Poison)
Ninjask, Level 28 (Bug/Flying)
Ruin Maniac Chip
Baltoy, Level 27 (Ground/Psychic)
Sandshrew, Level 27 (Ground)
Sandslash, Level 27 (Ground)
Money: $1620
After you cross the bridge, head down south and battle the first trainer. Now
continue to follow this path to the east and you'll get to two trainers. Fight
them for a double battle if you wish. To the north of them are two more
trainers. You can fight both of them solo or double battle, your choice (the
Ninja Boy is hiding behind that fake tree the trainer is looking at). From
here, pick up the Revive next to them and continue east. You'll find a trainer
right in front of the tall grass maze, so fight him. Unlike route 119, there is
a path in between the tall grass, so you can use your bike. Enter this little
In here, follow the path south and east to get to a trainer. Battle this
trainer and then follow this path to the west until you get to the other
trainer in this maze. After this battle, cut through the grass to your south
and pick up the item, which is a Nugget. Now cut through the grass south of the
Nugget to get to a ledge. Hop over this ledge and then continue east to another
ledge. Jump over this ledge to get to a bridge. Cross this bridge. At the end
of the bridge, head down south and you'll get to another trainer, so battle
him. After this fight, head south. You'll get to two paths. The dirt path leads
to the next route, but the path on the left leads to extra trainers, so take
the path to the left. You'll get to a set of steps, so head up the steps. At
the top, head up north to get to the really tall grass. You should notice a
brown box near the grass, which is a Ninja Boy hiding, so battle him. After
that, cut through the grass and head up the steps. Battle the Ruin Maniac at
the top and then go back down the steps.
Down here, cut through the grass and you'll find water. Surf across the water
and pick up the Full Heal at the end. From here, surf back onto the land, head
down the steps, and then head all the way east onto the next route.
Route 121
Poochyena (Common)
Shuppet (Common)
Mightyena (Common)
Oddish (Uncommon)
Wingull (Uncommon)
Kecleon (Rare)
Gloom (Rare)
The only new Pokemon you'll find here is Shuppet. It's a ghost Pokemon with
average stats, even when evolving into Banette, where it improves slightly. Not
top of the line, but there are better Pokemon. But if you're looking for
someone new, go for it.
You can get the following Pokemon by surfing:
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
Nothing new here, so no explanation needed.
You can get the following Pokemon by fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer's the new one here, but it's a bad Pokemon. It might have a ton of HP
with a good Special Attack, but its defense and special defense are awful (but
not as bad as Carvanha). Even when evolving into Wailord at level 40, it'll
have plenty of HP to cover the bad defense, but it'll still go down pretty
As always, here are the trainers you can battle in this route:
Hex Maniac Tammy
Duskull, Level 28 (Ghost)
Shuppet, Level 28 (Ghost)
Money: $696
You can walk in the middle of these two for
Bug Maniac Cale /a team battle, giving you $2436
Dustox, Level 29 (Bug/Poison) /
Beautifly, Level 29 (Bug/Flying)/
Money: $1740
Beauty Jessica - Match Call Trainer
Kecleon, Level 29 (Normal)
Seviper, Level 29 (Poison)
Money: $2320
Sr. and Jr. Kate and Joy
Spinda, Level 30 (Normal)
Slaking, Level 30 (Normal)
Money: $1024
Pokemon Breeder Myles
Makuhita, Level 25 (Fighting)
Tropius, Level 25 (Grass/Flying)
Wingull, Level 25 (Water/Flying)
Money: $1000 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $2000
Pokemon Breeder Pat /
Poochyena, Level 25 (Dark) /
Shroomish, Level 25 (Grass) /
Electrike, Level 25 (Electric)
Money: $1000
Gentleman Walter - Match Call Trainer
Manectric, Level 29 (Electric)
Money: $2320
Pokefan Vanessa
Pikachu, Level 30 (Electric)
Money: $2400
Cooltrainer Marcel
Manectric, Level 29 (Electric)
Shiftry, Level 29 (Grass/Dark) You can walk in the middle of these
Money: $1392 /two for a team battle, giving you
/ $2734
Cooltrainer Cristin - Match Call Trainer /
Loudred, Level 29 (Normal)
Vigoroth, Level 29 (Normal)
Money: $1392
Start out the route by walking into the first two trainers in front of you. Of
course, you can walk in the middle of them for a team battle. From here, head
east and you'll find a trainer in the grass, so battle her. Now keep heading
east and you'll find a few Team Aqua members run off to the south. Ignore them
for now, so we can finish this route off and get into the next city. There is a
building to the north, which leads to the Safari Zone. We don't have a certain
item to get in there, but we'll be getting it very shortly. But for now, head
down the steps and you'll find an item next to the stairs, which is a Zinc. Now
cross the cross the grass and battle the twin trainers up to the north of you.
Now from here, just continue on east and you'll get to two trainers. Battle
them both or walk in the middle of them for a double battle. Either way, pick
up the Revive next to them. Now head up north where the grass is. Head west and
work your way to the trainer. After you fight him, pick up the Carbos next to
From here, go back up north. Now head east, cross the grass, and you'll get to
a trainer. Battle her. After this battle, head south and east to two trainers.
Battle them both, if not walk in the middle of them for a double battle. If you
want a hidden item, notice the grass they're standing next to. There is an
empty spot where there's no grass. Face that empty spot and press A for a Max
Revive. After all of this, continue east to get to Lilycove City.
So much to do in Lilycove City
Lilycove Dept. Store Item Listing:
2nd Floor (Left Counter)
Antidote ($100)
Awakening ($250)
Burn Heal ($250)
Escape Rope ($550)
Fluffy Tail ($1000)
Great Ball ($600)
Ice Heal ($250)
Paralyze Heal ($200)
Poke Ball ($200)
Ultra Ball ($1200)
2nd Floor (Right Counter)
Hyper Potion ($1200)
Max Potion ($2500)
Max Repel ($700)
Mech Mail ($50)
Potion ($300)
Repel ($350)
Revive ($1500)
Super Potion ($700)
Super Repel ($500)
Wave Mail ($50)
3rd Floor (Left Counter)
Calcium ($9800)
Carbos ($9800)
HP Up ($9800)
Iron ($9800)
Protein ($9800)
Zinc ($9800)
3rd Floor (Right Counter)
Dire Hit ($650)
Guard Spec. ($700)
X Accuracy ($950)
X Attack ($500)
X Defend ($550)
X Special ($350)
X Speed ($350)
4th Floor (Left Counter)
TM14: Blizzard ($5500)
TM15: Hyper Beam ($7500)
TM25: Thunder ($5500)
TM38: Fire Blast ($5500)
4th Floor (Left Counter)
TM16: Light Screen ($3000)
TM16: Protect ($3000)
TM20: Safeguard ($3000)
TM33: Reflect ($3000)
5th Floor (Far Left Counter)
Azurill Doll ($3000)
Baltoy Doll ($3000)
Duskull Doll ($3000)
Gulpin Doll ($3000)
Jigglypuff Doll ($3000)
Kecleon Doll ($3000)
Marill Doll ($3000)
Pichu Doll ($3000)
Pikachu Doll ($3000)
Skitty Doll ($3000)
Swablu Doll ($3000)
Wynaut Doll ($3000)
5th Floor (Middle Left Counter)
Ball Cushion ($2000)
Diamond Cushion ($2000)
Fire Cushion ($2000)
Grass Cushion ($2000)
Pika Cushion ($2000)
Round Cushion ($2000)
Spin Cushion ($2000)
Water Cushion ($2000)
Zigzag Cushion ($2000)
5th Floor (Middle Right Counter)
Ball Poster ($1000)
Blue Poster ($1000)
Cute Poster ($1000)
Green Poster ($1000)
Long Poster ($1500)
Pika Poster ($1500)
Red Poster ($1000)
Sea Poster ($1500)
Sky Poster ($1500)
5th Floor (Far Right Counter)
Attract Mat ($4000)
Fire Blast Mat ($4000)
Fissure Mat ($4000)
Glitter Mat ($2000)
Jump Mat ($2000)
Powder Snow Mat ($4000)
Spikes Mat ($4000)
Spin Mat ($2000)
Surf Mat ($4000)
Thunder Mat ($4000)
Rooftop (Vending Machines)
Fresh Water ($200)
Lemonade ($350)
Soda Pop (300)
Rooftop (Clear-out Sale)
Breakable Door ($3000)
Cute TV ($15000)
Fence Length ($500)
Fence Width ($500)
Mud Ball ($200)
Rhydon Doll ($10000)
Round TV ($15000)
Sand Ornament ($3000
Slide ($8000)
Solid Board ($3000)
Stand ($7000)
Tire ($800)
TV ($12000)
Wailmer Doll ($10000)
NOTE: The Rooftop Clear-out sale can occur after defeating the Elite Four and
hearing it on a news TV. Also, you cannot shop here until you've defeated your
rival in front of the Dept. Store.
As soon as you enter this down, go east into the Pokemon Center and heal up if
needed. But an interesting thing there is that there will be a random woman
inside the Pokemon Center, based on your trainer ID. There are three different
women, but if you want to change it, you'll need to mix records with another
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald game. Until then, you're stuck with the one you have.
The Contest Lady is asking for a certain Pokeblocks for which she will use in
contests. Sometimes, you may find it on TV, showing the winning Pokemon she
The quiz lady will ask you a random question. If answered correctly, you'll be
rewarded with an item. After that, you can create your own quiz and then mix
records with another friend so he can take your little quiz. But until then,
she won't ask you any more questions.
Also, you have the favor lady. She wants a certain item (for example,
"something slippery", so you'd want to give her a Repel as an example), and
she'll reward you with a certain item.
From here, head east of the Pokemon Center and go up the stairs to the north.
The Dept. Store is right there, but we've got one last battle with our rival,
so let's do it.
| |
|If you chose Treecko as a starter: |
|Tropius, Level 31 (Grass/Flying) |
|Pelipper, Level 32 (Water/Flying) |
|Ludicolo, Level 32 (Water/Grass) |
|Combusken, Level 34 (Fire/Fighting) |
| |
|This battle should be a bit of a pushover. Tropius is 4x weak to ice, but |
|fire does the trick as well. Pelipper is easily disposed of with electric, if|
|not rock. Ludicolo should be the problem now. With a really high special |
|defense, use physical attacks against him. Use bug, poison, or flying against|
|him. Otherwise, use all you have. For Combusken, you can get rid of him using|
|water, flying, or psychic and you should have no problems. Otherwise, use |
|what you got. |
| |
|If you chose Torchic as a starter: |
|Tropius, Level 31 (Grass/Flying) |
|Ludicolo, Level 32 (Water/Grass) |
|Slugma, Level 32 (Fire) |
|Marshtomp, Level 34 (Water/Ground) |
| |
|Again, use the same strategy for Tropius and Ludicolo. Slugma is a horrible |
|Pokemon, so anything you have can get rid of him easily. Marshtomp often goes|
|down in one hit with a grass type attack, but if you don't have grass, just |
|use whatever you have against him. |
| |
|If you chose Mudkip as a starter: |
|Tropius, Level 31 (Grass/Flying) |
|Slugma, Level 32 (Fire) |
|Pelipper, Level 32 (Water/Flying) |
|Grovyle, Level 34 (Grass) |
| |
|Tropius goes down with ice, water gets rid of Slugma, and electric fries |
|Pelipper. For Grovyle, just use flying/bug/poison, as it has a below average |
|defense stat. Otherwise, fire and ice will do the trick just as great. |
| |
|MOney: $2040 |
That'll be your last battle with your rival (and we haven't even beat the game
yet, so what's this all about). But enter the Lilycove Dept. Store. There are
five floors including a rooftop. The 2nd floor has Poke Balls and healing
items, the 3rd floor has stat-boosting items, the 4th floor has TMs, while the
5th floor has Secret Base goodies. At the rooftop, you can buy drinks from the
machine. They heal plenty of HP for such a good price. Also, a woman at the top
will teach you Substitute to one of your Pokemon if you'd like. It's a move
that makes a little "clone" of your Pokemon with 1/4 of its original HP (so if
you had 100 HP, the substitute would have 25). So any damage the substitute
takes does not affect your real Pokemon. Great move if you know how to use it
Outside the Dept. Store, there is an Art Museum to your left, but there is
nothing of interest here. Before we head out, enter the house right next to the
Dept. Store. In here, there is a man who can delete any move from your Pokemon
(yes, that even includes HMs!) for free! So, if one of your Pokemon in your
main team has Cut or Flash, don't hesitate to remove it right here. From here,
head east past the next house and talk to the man near the ledge, where he'll
give you a random berry every day. Now jump over the ledges and enter the
nearby house. Talk to the man inside for TM44: Rest, a move that recovers all
of your health but puts you asleep for two turns. Now, you can go down south
towards the water and surf out to sea, but the path to Route 124 is blocked off
by a bunch of Wailmer. Also, there is a cave north of the Wailmer, which is the
Team Aqua Hideout, but they have the place heavily guarded, so you won't get
far in. Ignore all of that for now and head back to the Pokemon Center.
From here, head down south and you'll be in between two houses. The house on
the left is the Pokemon Contest Hall, so let's enter that house. Talk to the
woman behind the counter for the Pokeblock Case, and now we can use our berries
for making Pokeblocks for contests. For more info, check out the berries
section in my "Items" section to find out the right berries to use for the
flavors. You can make Pokeblocks using the machines in this room. There will be
other computer players at the machines, so you can make Pokeblocks with them.
You can do this with up to 4 players.
Also, with a link cable, you can 3 other friends can make Pokeblocks.
That's all for now. Leave Lilycove City the same way you entered it and go back
to route 121. If you want, we're going to the Safari Zone, which is optional.
If not, skip the following section and I'll see you in front of the Safari Zone
All of the Pokemon in the Safari Zone
With a Pokeblock Case, we can go into the Safari Zone, where you can catch all
the rare Pokemon that you want. You need $500 to get in. If you run out of Poke
Balls (where you have 30), or if you take 500 steps in the Safari Zone, they'll
call you back to the desk and your time will be up. The Safari Zone is split
into 6 areas; areas A-F. E and F are inaccessible at the moment, but they'll be
open after defeating the Elite Four. You start in Area D. I'll give you a
walkthrough for each section and the Pokemon you can find there.
Notes on catching Pokemon:
-You cannot use your own Pokemon in the Safari Zone, so much of it is based on
-If you throw rocks at Pokemon, it will increase the chance of catching it, but
also increase its chances of running away as well.
-Throwing Pokeblocks at Pokemon can determine if they run away. For example,
let's say you through a Dry Pokemon at a Pokemon with a Modest nature. Since
Modest Pokemon like Dry Pokeblocks, they will hang around for a little longer.
If you throw them a Pokeblock they dislike, it will increase their chances of
running away.
-In some of the grass patches, there are gray tiles, where you throw in
Pokeblocks to attract certain Pokemon. One example is if you threw in a Dry
Pokeblock, you'd increase the chances of finding Pokemon with a nature that
likes Dry Pokeblocks.
That's said, let's guide you through the area.
You start in area D. Time to list the Pokemon here:
Oddish (Common)
Girafarig (Common)
Natu (Uncommon)
Doduo (Uncommon)
Wobbuffet (Uncommon)
Pikachu (Rare)
Gloom (Rare)
Girafarig is a psychic/normal Pokemon. That's a pretty cool combo, as it
eliminates psychic's weakness to ghost, making it immune to ghost. It has an
above average speed with average stats elsewhere. If used right, it can get the
job done, so give him a shot if you want to. Doduo is a Normal/Flying Pokemon
who can be a great set to your team when evolved into Dodrio. Having a good
speed and good attack, it can mow down the opponents quickly, so this isn't
another shabby choice either. You also have Natu, a Psychic/Flying Pokemon. But
it isn't that great. Bad stats and a bad set of moves to boot. Evolving it into
Xatu doesn't improve it much either. So I'd stay away from this Pokemon.
Pikachu, obviously, is the fan favorite. It has good stats and becomes even
better when using a Thunderstone to evolve into Raichu. Since its levels are in
the mid to upper 20s, it should already come with electric's best attack,
Thunderbolt. It's the only move needed for when evolving.
When you step into the Safari Zone, head out into the grass next to you and
catch a few Pokemon if you want to. If you head up north and take a right,
you'll find two guards blocking a path, which leads to Areas E and F
respectively. Either way, we have two choices to take in the Safari Zone. If
you have the Acro Bike, use my walkthrough for Area C. If you got a Mach Bike,
use the walkthrough for Areas A and B. You'll need a certain bike to get to
certain areas.
If you want to get to Area C, head up north and west from where the guards
where. Eventually you should come to a set of steps, so head up them. At the
top, you'll find a set of ledges to your right. Use the Acro Bike to hop across
them. From here, continue north and east. When the signboard in the top left
corner of your screen says "Safari Zone", you'll know you're in Area C.
Phanpy (Common)
Oddish (Common)
Natu (Uncommon)
Gloom (Uncommon)
Xatu (Rare)
Heracross (Rare)
We've got two new faces here. Phanpy is a fun ground-type to raise. It may have
a weak set of moves, but when evolved into Donphan, it'll become a good
addition onto your team. The only good move it learns by leveling up is
Earthquake, but you can fix that with a few TMs. Heracross is possibly the
game's best bug Pokemon. It may be Bug/Fighting, so keep it away from flying
types. It gets Megahorn, Bug's best attack which can knock out nearly any
psychic Pokemon in one hit. Plus it has good speed, so you can take advantage
of it. If you need someone to mow down all of the psychic Pokemon, Heracross is
your friend.
With all that said and done, you'll find the first grass patch if you head out
west. From here, head north and you'll find a set of steps. Head down them and
continue north from there. You'll find a patch of grass, but there is a Calcium
at the other end of the grass, so pick it up.
Alright, now here is the guide for getting to areas A and B. Read this if you
have the Mach Bike on you right now.
When you enter the Safari Zone, just head west until you get to a path (walking
around the trees of course). When the signboard at the top left corner of your
screen says "Safari Zone", you'll find yourself in Area B.
Oddish (Common)
Girafarig (Common)
Natu (Uncommon)
Doduo (Uncommon)
Wobbuffet (Uncommon)
Pikachu (Rare)
Gloom (Rare)
This is just a carbon copy of the Area D Pokemon. Go figure. But Area B does
have water, which means fishing and surfing, so...
You can get the following Pokemon by surfing:
Psyduck (Very Common)
The only Pokemon you'll find surfing here. Psyduck is a good Pokemon, although
there are plenty of other water types out there. But it does evolve into
Golduck and can be taught several great moves such as Surf and Ice Beam. It can
also get the job done, so if you're trying out a whole new team, try this
Pokemon out.
You can get the following Pokemon by fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
*Takes a big yawn*
So much for the addition of water here. Next.
When you step into Area B, head west until you find the first grass patch. Then
continue west and you'll find a pool of water. Surf/fish in it, but if you surf
across the water, you'll find a Max Revive, so pick it up. Now get back on the
other side of the land and go all the way north until you get to a steep slope.
This is where the Mach Bike comes in, so use it to ride up the slope and get to
the next area.
Rhyhorn (Common)
Oddish (Common)
Doduo (Uncommon)
Gloom (Uncommon)
Dodrio (Rare)
Pinsir (Rare)
Rhyhorn is a great Rock/Ground type which evolves into Rhydon. It does have the
high attack and defense, but being rock, it does have the traditional low speed
and special defense. Just an alternative to Geodude/Graveler/Golem if you ask
me. Pinsir is a pure Bug Pokemon, but it doesn't learn any good moves while
leveling up, so Heracross wins here. But if you use the right TMs to teach it
move, it can become a little pain for your opponent.
There's water here. But there's no new Pokemon.
You can get the following Pokemon here by Surfing:
Psyduck (Very Common)
Golduck (Rare)
Again, nothing new, but can we see if fishing can hook us something different?
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Goldeen (Very Common)
Seaking (Common)
Yeah, guess I am tired. Nothing new here either.
Well, that's all for now. You may need to come back several times to get to all
areas of the Safari Zone we can access in this moment. "What about Areas E and
F?" Those will be covered after beating the Elite Four, so we can keep this
guide in order here. Let's go.
Surfing across Route 122
Like I said, the Safari Zone is totally optional. To get to route 122, stand in
front of the Safari Zone building. Now head down south down the steps onto the
water. Surf onto the water and you'll get onto Route 122.
Since you're surfing on water, you can get these Pokemon by surfing.
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
Don't worry, you can fish while surfing on your Pokemon.
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Nothing new you can pick up here, so let's march onward.
On the water, surf down a little bit south and you'll find some huge mountain
in the middle of this pond. To get to it, head down to the south side of this
water and you'll find a platform with a cave entrance on it. Hop onto the
platform, head through the opening, and you'll be on Mt. Pyre.
An unbalanced world on Mt. Pyre
Mt. Pyre, just like the Pokemon Tower in Red/Blue/Yellow, is a place used to
honor dead Pokemon. But it holds another secret that keeps the world of land
and water balanced, in which case both Team Aqua and Team Magma are trying to
unbalance the world. Before getting to the bottom of this, let's take the time
to fight some trainers, get a few neat items, level up your Pokemon, and so
forth. When you enter the tower, head up north towards the middle of this room.
You'll have the option to head left and go outside, or head up the stairs to
the north and battle some trainers. Let's go up north. But before heading up
the stairs, talk to the woman in the northeast corner for a Cleanse Tag.
Floors 1-3
Shuppet (Very Common)
Floors 4-6
Shuppet (Very Common)
Duskull (Uncommon)
Shuppet, you may have already seen before, but Duskull is a Pokemon that has a
few tricks up its sleeve. When evolved into Dusclops, its defense and special
defense are overwhelmingly high, so taking it down is going to be a major pain
in the ass. Then you can use it to annoy the hell out of the opponent. But on
the other hand, their attack stats are average.
On the 2nd floor of the mountain, we have a couple of trainers. Here they are:
Pokemaniac Mark
Rhyhorn, Level 31 (Rock/Ground)
Money: $1860
Hex Maniac Leah
Spoink, Level 31 (Psychic)
Money: $744
Black Belt Zander
Hariyama, Level 31 (Fighting)
Money: $992
Young Couple Dez and Luke
Manectric, Level 31 (Electric)
Delcatty, Level 31 (Normal)
Money: $1984
When you walk onto the 2nd floor, head south and you'll find two trainers. Step
in front of them for the double battle if you wish, and then head down south to
the black belt and battle him. From here, head west of the black belt and
battle the young couple. After the fight, pick up the item next to them, which
is the Ultra Ball. Now head up north and you'll get to another staircase, so
use it to head up towards the third floor. Here are the trainers for this
Psychic Kayla
Wobbuffet, Level 26 (Psychic)
Natu, Level 26 (Psychic/Flying)
Kadabra, Level 26 (Psychic) You can walk in the middle
Money: $624 /of these two for a team
/battle, giving you $1664
Pokemon Breeder Gabrielle - Match Call Trainer /
Skitty, Level 26 (Normal)
Poochyena, Level 26 (Dark)
Zigzagoon, Level 26 (Normal)
Money: $1040
Psychic William
Ralts, Level 26 (Psychic)
Ralts, Level 26 (Psychic)
Kirlia, Level 26 (Psychic)
Money: $724
When you walk into the 3rd floor, battle the two trainers in front of you. You
can battle them in a team battle if you like. After the battle, head west and
battle the trainer in front of the stairs. After the battle, pick up the item
to the south of the trainer. It is a Super Repel, an item you'll probably need
for the remaining floors of this tower. Once you have the item, walk up the
stairs to your north up into the 4th floor. There's one trainer here, so let's
get the job done.
Hex Maniac Tasha
Shuppet, Level 32 (Ghost)
Money: $768
On the 4th floor, head east and you'll find the trainer, so battle her. Nothing
else of interest is here, so let's go up to the next floor. Once again, there
is only one trainer here.
Black Belt Atsushi
Hariyama, Level 32 (Fighting)
Money: $1204
On this floor, go west and you'll get to the trainer, so battle him. After the
fight, head up the stairs to the north, and you'll be on the top floor. There
are two last trainers, so let's finish them off.
Hex Maniac Valerie - Match Call Trainer
Sableye, Level 32 (Ghost/Dark)
Money: $768 You can walk in the middle of these
/two for a team battle, giving you
Psychic Cedric /$1536
Wobbuffet, Level 32 (Psychic) /
Money: $768
On the top floor, head right and you'll get to the trainers. Battle them both,
battle them in double form if you wish. Then head down the stairs and pick up
the item. It is TM30: Shadow Ball, which is the best Ghost-type move. It does a
good amount of damage and has an extra effect of Special Defense. After picking
this up, drop down the hole to your left to get to the floor below you. Down
here, pick up the Lax Incense and then walk right. You'll find two holes. Jump
down the hole on the bottom and pick up the Sea Incense you'll find. From here,
just keep walking down the holes until you're back on the bottom floor. Now we
can take the other route. Back on the bottom floor, head west through the
opening and you'll get to an entrance, so head through it.
Lower Half
Shuppet (Very Common)
Vulpix (Common)
Wingull (Uncommon)
Upper Half
Shuppet (Very Common)
Duskull (Uncommon)
Chimecho (Very Rare)
Vulpix is a neat fire Pokemon. May not have the best stats out there, but it
has a good speed stat and can learn good moves by TMs and leveling up. It can
evolve into Ninetales with a Fire Stone, making it even better. Chimecho on the
other hand, is a rare Pokemon not worth going for. It has horrible stats and a
bad set of moves, so using it is not recommended. Only take it if you're
Pokedex hunting.
When you get to the mountain, head east and cross the stairs and you'll get to
a set of steps, so head up them. At the top, go left and you'll get to crass.
Walk into it and then head down the stairs to get to an item, which is TM48:
Skill Swap. It's a move where you and the opponent switch special abilities for
the battle. Now head back up the stairs and continue heading left and you'll
get to another set of steps, so walk up them. At the top of these steps,
continue east to another set of steps, and then at the top of this set, walk up
the small set in front of you, so you can pick up the Max Potion. Now go down
the small steps and then head up the stairs to the northwest. From here,
continue north until the fog appears on the screen. Eventually, you'll get to a
few Team Aqua members.
Team Aqua Grunt
Carvanha, Level 32 (Water/Dark)
Money: $640
Team Aqua Grunt
Zubat, Level 32 (Flying/Poison)
Money: $640
Team Aqua Grunt
Poochyena, Level 30 (Dark)
Wailmer, Level 30 (Water) This is a forced double battle, so you'll
/get $1200
Team Aqua Grunt /
Zubat, Level 30 (Poison/Flying) /
Wailmer, Level 30 (Water)
When you find the Team Aqua members, just take them out one by one. After you
defeat all 4 members, continue up north and you'll find Archie, the leader for
Team Aqua. Maxie may have beaten him here, but both of them have stolen the Red
and Blue Orbs, the items which balance the land and water. And since they're
separated, all hell may break lose. After they've run off, the two elderly
couple will give you a Magma Emblem that Team Magma left behind. With this, we
can access Team Magma's hideout and attempt to stop them.
Route 123
It would be logical just to fly towards Team Magma's hideout, but we have a
route in front of us, where we can battle another handful of trainers. Now that
you're outside of Mt. Pyre, start surfing south and you'll get to another
ledge. Jump onto it, continue down south down the bridge, and you'll find your
self on route 123.
Poochyena (Common)
Shuppet (Common)
Mightyena (Common)
Oddish (Uncommon)
Wingull (Uncommon)
Gloom (Rare)
Kecleon (Very Rare)
You can get the following Pokemon by surfing in those mini-ponds:
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
With surfing, there is fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Nothing new in this route, just many repeats of many Pokemon we have found in
previous areas. Time to march onward and battle the trainers:
Getting to the trainers in this route can be a major pain in the ass, but if
you take the right path, you can be sure you'll battle all of them. Here they
Psychic Cameron - Match Call Trainer
Solrock, Level 34 (Rock/Psychic)
Money: $744
Ninja Boy Jonas
Koffing, Level 31 (Poison)
This will be a forced team battle, giving you
Parasol Lady Kayley /$1612
Castform, Level 31 (Normal) /
Hex Maniac Kindra
Duskull, Level 30 (Ghost)
Shuppet, Level 30 (Ghost)
Money: $720
You can walk in the middle of these for a
Collector Ed /team battle, giving you $2520
Zangoose, Level 30 (Normal) /
Seviper, Level 32 (Poison) /
Money: $1800
Cooltrainer Wendy
Mawile, Level 29 (Steel)
Roselia, Level 29 (Grass/Poison)
Pelipper, Level 29 (Water/Flying)
Money: $1392
Cooltrainer Braxton
Swellow, Level 28 (Normal/Flying)
Magneton, Level 28 (Electric/Steel)
Shiftry, Level 28 (Grass/Dark)
Wailmer, Level 28 (Water)
Trapinch, Level 28 (Ground)
Money: $1344
Guitarist Fernando - Match Call Trainer
Electrike, Level 30 (Electric)
Loudred, Level 30 (Normal)
Money: $960
/You can walk in the middle of these
Bird Keeper Alberto /two for a team battle, giving you
Pelipper, Level 30 (Water/Flying) / $1920
Xatu, Level 30 (Psychic/Flying)
Money: $960
Psychic Jacki - Match Call Trainer
Kadabra, Level 30 (Psychic)
Lunatone, Level 30 Rock/Psychic)
Money: $720
You can walk in the middle of these two
Expert Fredrick /for a team battle, giving you $1920
Machoke, Level 30 (Fighting) /
Makuhita, Level 30 (Fighting) /
Money: $1200
Cooltrainer Jazmyn
Absol, Level 27 (Dark)
Money: $540
You can walk in the middle of these two for a team
Bug Catcher Davis /battle, giving you $972
Pinsir, Level 27 (Bug) /
Money: $432
Aroma Lady Violet
Roselia, Level 26 (Grass/Poison)
Gloom, Level 26 (Grass/Poison)
Money: $1040
Twins Miu and Yuki
Beautifly, Level 26 (Bug/Flying)
Dustox, Level 26 (Bug/Poison)
Money: $624
Man, that's quite a bunch of trainers on this route, so time to get cracking.
When you enter this route, start out by going right and you'll find a bush you
can cut down. When you cut it, you can take three different paths. Take the top
one first and then battle the trainer. After the fight, take the middle path
and walk into the two trainers for a double battle. Now leave this little area.
Back out here, go left and you'll find a girl near the Berry Plants. If you
have a grass Pokemon in your party, she'll give you TM19: Giga Drain, a grass
attack which you recover half of the damage dealt. Pick up the Pecha, Sitrus,
and Rawst Berries next to her, and plant any other berries if you wish. After
this, head left and cross the grass, where you'll find two trainers. Battle
them separately or in a double battle if you wish. After both fights, continue
heading left and you'll get to a ledge, BUT DO NOT CROSS IT.
Instead, battle the trainer in the grass to the north of you. Now head north
and cross the grass and you'll find another ledge, so jump down this one. Down
here, go left and you'll find a little path to the north. Battle the trainer at
the end of the path, and then head down south and jump over the ledge. From
here, head right and you'll get to two trainers. Battle them solo or double
battle. Now head left to get to a ledge. Pick up the Revival Herb if you wish,
and then jump over the ledge. From here, battle the two trainers in the middle
(solo or double). Then pick up the PP Up and jump over the ledge. Battle the
two twins next to you and continue left. You'll find an item to your south
which is an Ultra Ball, so pick it up. Now follow the path up north to the
Berry house. Battle the trainer in front of the house.
To the left of the berry house are berry gardens. Pick up the Grepa, Qualot,
and Pomeg Berries. Now enter the Berry House. If you give the lady a "special
saying", she'll give you a berry. However, you can only get each berry from her
once. Here are the sayings you can use to get berries.
GREAT BATTLE - You will earn a Spelon Berry.
OVERWHELMING LATIAS - You will get a Watmel Berry. For "Latias" to appear in
the word bank, encounter it after defeating the Elite Four.
COOL LATIOS - You will get a Durin Berry. For "Latios" to appear in the word
bank, encounter it after defeating the Elite Four.
SUPER HUSTLE - You will get a Belue Berry. To get the word "Super" in the word
bank, just simply defeat the Elite Four.
CHALLENGE CONTEST - You will get a Pamtre Berry. To get the word "Contest" in
the word bank, just simply defeat the Elite Four.
Also, it's highly recommended that you plant these super rare berries so that
you can get more of them. Now plant any berries you want in the garden, and
then head down south. Follow the path and head left to two trainers. Battle
them solo or for a double battle. This concludes Route 123. If you head out
west, you'll get to route 118, but we need to get to the Magma Hideout. If you
have someone with Fly on your team, head to Lavaridge town. Otherwise, we'll
need to go to Mt. Chimney the long way.
Finding Team Magma's Hideout
If you're at Lavaridge Town, leave the town eastward and then jump over all of
the ledges. From there, head up north and work your way up the cable car into
Mt. Chimney. If you weren't able to fly, here's the long way starting at route
123: west onto route 118 and into Mauville City, north onto routes 111 and 112,
and then heading up the steps and onto the Cable Car ride. Once you're in Mt.
Chimney, battle the trainers here.
Beauty Shirley
Numel, Level 21 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $1680
Beauty Shelia
Shroomish, Level 21 (Grass)
Money: $1680
Expert Shelby - Match Call Trainer
Meditite, Level 21 (Fighting/Psychic)
Makuhita, Level 21 (Fighting)
Money: $840
Beauty Melissa
Marill, Level 21 (Water)
Money: $1680 You can walk in the middle of these two for
/a team battle, giving you $2520
Hiker Sawyer - Match Call Trainer /
Geodude, Level 21 (Rock/Ground) /
Money: $840
After you defeat all of these trainers, head down south into the Jagged Pass.
With the Magma Emblem in hand, the ground here will shake. Keep jumping down
the ledges and the ground will continue to shake, forming an opening on the
wall. Remember where that Team Magma member was? The new opening is right
there, so let's head into Magma Hideout.
Geodude (Very Common)
Torkoal (Common)
Graveler (Uncommon)
The wild Pokemon here do get annoying, so it's recommended that you slip on a
few repels before coming in here.
Here are the trainers you'll find in the first area:
Team Magma Grunt
Poochyena, Level 29 (Dark)
Money: $580
When you enter the hideout, be sure that you have a Pokemon with Strength on
you. Now follow this path and you'll get to three boulders in the shape of a
triangle (one on the bottom, two on the top). Push the bottom boulder to the
left and then push the top left boulder to the left as well, creating an
opening. Follow this path until you get to a Team Magma Grunt and then battle
him. After the battle, continue following the path to an opening, so go through
Here are the trainers you can find in this area:
Team Magma Grunt
Numel, Level 29 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $580
Team Magma Grunt
Mightyena, Level 29 (Dark)
Money: $580
Team Magma Grunt
Baltoy, Level 28 (Psychic/Ground)
Numel, Level 28 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $560
Team Magma Grunt
Baltoy, Level 28 (Psychic/Ground)
Zubat, Level 28 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $560
When you step into this room, go right until you get to a set of stairs. Head
down them and battle the Team Magma Grunt in front of you. Now continue left.
You'll find a Team Magma Grunt, so battle him. Now head down the stairs to your
south and you'll find two Team Magma grunts. Battle both of them and then head
down the next set of steps. From here, head down the small steps and continue
west. You'll find an entrance to your north and steps to your south. Step into
the entrance. This is an optional room, but we can get a few neat items. Also
there are a few trainers, so here they are:
Team Magma Grunt
Numel, Level 29 (Fire/Ground) This is a forced team battle, so you'll get
Team Magma Grunt /
Mightyena, Level 29 (Dark)
Team Magma Grunt
Zubat, Level 29 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $580
Team Magma Grunt
Poochyena, Level 29 (Dark)
Money: $580
Once you step into this room, head north up the steps towards two Team Magma
grunts. This is a forced team battle, so fight both of them. Now head up and
pick up the item, which is a Full Restore. From here, head back down the steps
and continue east. You'll find another set of steps. Head up them and battle
both Team Magma Grunts (you can't get a double battle from these two). Pick up
the Max Elixir near them and head back down the stairs. Now continue right
towards the last set of steps. Head up them and you'll get to an entrance, so
go through it. Nothing is up here, with the exception of a trainer and an item.
Here is the trainer:
Team Magma Grunt
Zubat, Level 29 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $580
Follow this path until you get to that trainer and then battle him. From here,
continue to follow the path until you get to the item, which is a Rare Candy.
Now backtrack through the previous room, down the steps, and then back into the
2nd room in this hideout (where the 4 Team Magma Grunts were). Back in this
area, head down the steps in front of you and you'll find another entrance. Go
through it and you'll be in the next room. In here, we have two trainers, but
we only need to face one of them for now. Here is the trainer:
Team Magma Grunt
Zubat, Level 29 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $580
To get to the trainer, just head all the way left from where you entered the
room and you'll get to him. After you battle the Team Magma Grunt, head down
the steps and at the bottom, head all the way right until you get to an
entrance. This also leads to an optional room, but let's head into it and see
what's inside. There is a trainer and an item. The trainer is:
Team Magma Grunt
Mightyena, Level 29 (Dark)
Money: $580
The grunt is in the northeast corner of this room. After you battle the grunt,
pick up the item to your left, which is a PP Max. There is nothing else here,
so let's go back into the previous room. Head down the stairs so we can fight
the other trainer in this room:
Team Magma Grunt
Baltoy, Level 29 (Psychic/Ground)
Money: $580
After you battle the grunt, head left across the small path and you'll get to
another entrance. Before you enter it, pick up the item to the north, which is
a Nugget. Now go through the entrance. Fortunately, this is the last room where
we have to battle trainers. Here they are listed:
Team Magma Grunt
Baltoy, Level 29 (Psychic/Ground)
Money: $580
Team Magma Grunt
Numel, Level 29 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $580 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $1160
Team Magma Grunt /
Zubat, Level 29 Poison/Flying) /
Money: $580
Magma Admin Tabitha
Numel, Level 26 (Fire/Ground)
Zubat, Level 30 (Poison/Flying)
Mightyena, Level 28 (Dark)
Camerupt, Level 33 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $1320
As you walk into this room, head down the stairs in front of you. At the bottom
of the stairs, head left and follow the path until you get to the first
trainer, so battle the Team Magma grunt. Now head up north towards the next two
grunts. You can battle them individually, or walk in the middle of them for a
team battle. Now after these two battles, continue to follow this path to the
Magma Admin, who is just right around the corner, so battle the admin. Now
continue all the way left until you stop at an item, which is a Max Revive, so
pick it up. From here, continue following the path until you get to the leader
of Team Magma, Maxie.
A cut-scene will happen. Maxie will use the Blue Orb to awaken Groudon, a
legendary Pokemon. Maxie hopes to use it for his control, but when Groudon is
awakened, he doesn't buy it and just takes off. Then the funny part is that
Maxie will blame it on you. Let's finish this off.
Maxie Battle 2
Mightyena, Level 37 (Dark)
Crobat, Level 38 (Poison/Flying)
Camerupt, Level 39 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $3120
Mightyena is still a craptacular Pokemon no matter what level, so just finish
it off with anything. Crobat on the other hand, is a pain in the ass with a
high attack and speed stat. If you have a Pokemon with a really high defense,
such as Golem, that is your best bet. Otherwise, use electric to fry him or ice
for all that matter so you can dispose of it quickly. Camperupt + Fire/Ground =
nice 4x weakness to water. One surf from any water Pokemon should eliminate it.
In the bad event you don't have water, ground will take care of it.
After you defeat Maxie, he will run off. Head right from where he was standing
and go through the entrance. In here, pick up the item to your left. It is an
Escape Rope. Use it to leave this area. Now that you're back outside, it's time
to finish off the other problem: Team Aqua. We need to head to Slateport City
to find them. Work your way to get there or use fly.
The stolen submarine at Slateport and Team Aqua's Hideout
At Slateport, I'm going to assume you're at the Pokemon Center. Heal up if you
need to. From the Pokemon Center, head up north to the end of the town (where
it leads up to route 110). Head up to the building to the right. It is the
Slateport Harbor. Talk to Captain Stern and then Archie, Team Aqua's leader,
will announce he's stealing the submarine. Enter the harbor and Archie will
have a little chat with you, then run into the submarine and escape. The
interviewers Gabby and Ty will be outside and then leave before Archie steals
the submarine. Now get yourself to Lilycove City anyway you can. From there,
head all the way east until you get to the sand. Once you're near the water,
surf on it, and then head up north into the cave entrance to get into Aqua's
While you are still surfing, head up north and hop onto the floor. The two Team
Aqua grunts are gone, so you are free to explore this area. There is a trainer
running around in circles here, so let's make short work of him.
Team Aqua Grunt
Poochyena, Level 32 (Dark)
Money: $640
That is all here. Go through the opening in the northeast corner of the room.
In here, you'll find a room with two warp panels. Use the panel on the right
and you'll be taken to a room with nothing but an item, which is a Max Elixir,
so pick it up. Now head back through the warp panel and walk through the other
panel. In here, head right to the middle of the room and you'll come across
three Team Aqua grunts. Here they are:
Team Aqua Grunt
Carvanha, Level 32 (Water/Dark)
Money: $640
Team Aqua Grunt
Zubat, Level 31 (Poison/Flying)
Carvanha, Level 31 (Water/Dark)
Money: $620
You can walk in the middle of these two
Team Aqua Grunt /for a team battle, giving you $1240
Poochyena, Level 31 (Dark) /
Zubat, Level 31 (Poison/Flying) /
Money: $620
After you have defeated all three trainers here, you'll find a warp panel near
the two Team Aqua grunts you can fight for a double battle. Don't go through
this one yet. Instead, go all the way left to the bottom left corner of this
room and you'll find another warp panel. Step through it and you'll be taken to
a room with three warp panels. Take the one on the right and you'll be taken to
another ledge with three warp panels (you are on the left one). Take the middle
panel and you'll be taken to another three panel room. You are on the middle on
this time. Take the panel on the left. Now you'll be in ANOTHER three panel
room. This time, you can walk around the panels. Take the left panel and you'll
be taken to a room with 4 item balls. However, the 2 on the right half are
fake. They are level 30 Electrodes. You can capture them or battle them if you
wish, but pick up the items on the left half. They are a Nugget and *GASP* a
Master Ball! The ball that catches anything without failing. This is the only
one in the game, so don't ignore it.
Now they annoying part: backtracking. Step back through the panel, take the
right one, then take the middle one, then the left panel, and then you're back
at the first three warp panel room (you are on the right one). Instead, take
the panel on the top (above the middle one). Back in this room, head all the
way right to the other end of the room where the two Team Aqua grunts were. Now
you can go through this warp panel, so step on it. You'll be in an empty room
with an opening, so go through it. In this room, there is one Team Aqua grunt,
so let's face him.
Team Aqua Grunt
Carvanha, Level 32 (Water/Dark)
Money: $640
There are two panels here. One is next to the grunt you just battled the other
is on the other half of the room. Take the panel next to the grunt and you'll
be in another room with nothing but an item. This time it's a Nest Ball, so
pick it up and go back through the warp panel. Back in this room, take the
panel at the other side of the room. There is nothing but an opening in this
room, so go through it. In here, there is an Aqua grunt you can fight, so let's
take care of him.
Team Aqua Grunt
Zubat, Level 32 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $640
After this fight, go through the opening to the right of the grunt. In this
room, there are two Aqua grunts.
Team Aqua Grunt
Zubat, Level 32 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $640 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $1280
Team Aqua Grunt /
Carvanha, Level 32 (Water/Dark) /
Money: $640
After you fight both of these grunts, step through the warp panel in front of
them. This is the last trainer here, so battle him.
Aqua Admin Matt
Golbat, Level 34 (Poison/Flying)
Mightyena, Level 34 (Dark)
Money: $1360
After this fight, you'll notice that Archie has gotten away with the submarine
again. Now head right and step through the lower warp panel, which will take
you back the first room you found with warp panels. Back in here, go through
the opening in front of you and you'll be in the main room again. Surf across
the water to get back outside. If you head right, you'll notice Team Aqua's
Wailmer are gone. What does that mean for us? We can FINALLY head to Mossdeep
City! But first, it's recommended you go back and heal your Pokemon. Now go to
where the Wailmer were and just continue right onto route 124.
Out in the open sea - Route 124
You can get the following Pokemon by surfing:
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
You can get the following Pokemon by fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Sharpedo (Common)
I'm going to start listing the Pokemon with the Super Rod now since we're
getting it very soon. Also, we'll be able to catch Pokemon by surfing in the
grass diving under the water, so I'll be listing those too. These are the
Pokemon you can get by diving:
Clamperl (Very Common)
Chinchou (Common)
Relicanth (Rare)
One of these Pokemon is actually pretty neat. Clamperl is a Pokemon with bad
stats, but it does improve upon evolving. It'll evolve into Huntail if traded
while holding a Deepseatooth, and Gorebyss with a Deapseascale. Both are good
and can be useful. Chinchou is a mix of water and electric, meaning the only
two types you need to worry about are grass and ground. It does learn a good
range of attacks and does improve when evolving into Lanturn, so if you're in
need of a good water Pokemon, give this one a try. Relicanth is a bad Pokemon,
but if you're going to go out and catch Regirock, Registeel, and Regice, this
is one of the required Pokemon you'll need.
Now, for the trainers surfing around in this route:
Swimmer Grace
Marill, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $272 You can surf in the middle of these two for
/a team battle, giving you $544
Swimmer Delcan /
Gyrados, Level 34 (Water/Flying) /
Money: $272
Swimmer Spencer
Tentacool, Level 33 (Water/Poison)
Wingull, Level 33 (Water/Flying)
Money: $262
Sis and Bro Lila and Roy - Match Call Trainers
Chinchou, Level 34 (Water/Electric)
Carvanha, Level 34 (Water/Dark)
Money: $792
Swimmer Jenny
Wailmer, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $272
Swimmer Chad
Tentacool, Level 33 (Water/Poison)
Wailmer, Level 33 (Water)
Money: $264
As soon as you surf into this route, head east and you'll find two trainers.
Battle them individually or in double battle. From here, just head out plain
east until you get to the next trainer, so battle him. Now head all the way
down south until you bump into some rocks. From here, head west into a closed
area and you'll find the sister and brother, so battle them. Now surf all the
way east and you'll get to the next trainer, so battle here. From here, head
east and you'll come to some house where you can exchange shards for stones. We
don't have Dive to do it yet, so it'll be listed in the upcoming side quests
after we get the 7th badge. To the south of the house is one last trainer, so
battle him. From here, continue on surfing east into Mossdeep City.
When you get onto the shallow water, you'll find a man right there, who will
teach Dynamicpunch to a Pokemon if you want to. It is a fighting move with a
50/50 shot of hitting, but also confuses the opponent when it hits. It is
risky, so it's not really a great move. From here, head east of the man and up
the steps into Mossdeep City.
Finally, we see Mossdeep City
Pokemart Item Listing:
Dive Ball ($1000)
Full Heal ($600)
Hyper Potion ($1200)
Max Repel ($700)
Net Ball ($1000)
Revive ($1500)
Ultra Ball ($1200)
X Attack ($500)
X Defend ($550)
There are a ton of things to do here, and finally we can get to a gym. But
first off, heal your Pokemon in the Pokemon Center if needed. If you want to,
talk to the guy to the left of the Pokemon Center. If you say yes to his
question, he'll give you a King's Rock. It's an item that has a small chance of
the opponent flinching when held, but it does more - it evolves Poliwhirl into
Politoed when traded, as well as Slowpoke into Slowking, so it's your choice if
you want it or not.
Another neat thing here is to enter the house to the left of the Pokemon
Center. The little boy inside will know where your secret base is no matter
which location it is in. For your info, the house above the Pokemon Center has
a man who will tell you what kind of Pokeblocks the front Pokemon in your team
favors, so this is useful for contests. Also, the house to the south of the
Pokemart is where you can hook up with your friends and play mini-games such as
Pokemon jump or Dodrio Berry picking, if you ever get bored.
From the Pokemart, head east and follow the path until you find the first set
of steps. Head down them and pick up the Net Ball. From here, go back up the
stairs and head all the way east until you find another steps. Hey, look who it
is to the right! Scott! Have a little chat with him and then he'll leave. Let's
head up the stairs. Enter the house to your right. Does that Wingull look
familiar? It'll leave the house, so talk to the girl and she'll also explain
what the Wingull does. If you want to, go back to Fortree City, head to the
boy's house, and then talk to him for a Mental Herb, now that he knows his
Wingull is safe.
There's one more spot we want to visit before we get to the gym. From this
house, head all the way north and west and we'll find another house. Talk to
the fishing guru and say yes to his question. You'll get the Super Rod! WOOHOO!
The best rod out of the three and it can hook up good and high leveled Pokemon.
To the right of this house is a space center where Team Magma is brewing up
trouble, but we can't do anything yet until we beat the gym leaders here. The
gym is to the north of the Pokemart.
POKEMON GYM - Battle Tate and Liza for the Mind Badge
Gym's Pokemon Type: Psychic
Best Types against Fighting: Ghost, Bug, Dark
Not Recommended: Fighting, Poison
Yeah, you're fighting two leaders, so that means double battle. Also, every
battle here will be a double battle if you step on the switches, unless you
talk to the trainers individually, so keep yourself in check to get through
this gym. The puzzle this time is that you must hit switches to more certain
statues around to get to warp panels. Stepping on switches will relocate the
trainers too, changing your strategy a little bit.
Psychic Preston
Kirlia, Level 36 (Psychic)
Money: $864 You can step on the yellow switch to trigger a
/team battle, giving you $1728
Psychic Maura /
Kadabra, Level 36 (Psychic) /
Money: $864
If you step on the yellow switch, both trainers will slide to you. If you want
the single battle, talk to the trainer on the left without stepping on the
switch. Either way, hit the yellow switch, battle both trainers, and then step
on the warp panel in front of you.
In this room, there are two trainers, except this time only one of them is on
the conveyor belt. If you want the double battle, step on the switch to move
the trainer so he is facing the other trainer. Then walk in the middle fot the
double battle. Otherwise battle them individually.
Psychic Blake
Girafarig, Level 36 (Psychic/Normal)
Money: $864 Trip the switch and move one trainer
/for a team battle, giving you $1728
Psychic Samantha /
Xatu, Level 36 (Psychic/Flying) /
Money: $864
Step on the yellow switch to slide the trainer and the statue. This creates an
opening you can use to get into the other part of this room. Battle both
trainers (double or single). From here, go through the new path (now that the
statue is moved) and you'll come across two warp panels. You don't need to take
either of them, instead warp back to the starting area. Back at the gym's
entrance, take the warp on the left. You'll trip the yellow switch, but don't
When you warp, you'll be in front of two trainers.
Gentleman Clifford
Girafarig, Level 36 (Psychic/Normal)
If you're following my guide, this is
Hax Maniac Kathleen /an unavoidable team battle, giving you
Kadabra, Level 36 (Psychic) /$3744
Psychic Marcey
Natu, Level 36 (Psychic/Flying)
Money: $864
Psychic Nicholas
Wobbuffet, Level 36 (Psychic)
Money: $864
To get to the latter two trainers, walk forward past the purple switch (which
you will step on). Head down and face the girl. Now head south and follow the
path to a green switch. Step on it twice to move the statues you see on the
room to you left. Go back up and you'll find the last trainer you didn't
battle. Again, when you get to him, you'd have tripped the switch a second
After you're done with all these battles, you'll find a warp next to you (near
Psychic Nicholas). Before stepping through it, what you'll want to do is trip
the switch twice, THEN step on the panel. Back in this area, you'll find a
panel to the left, so take it.
In this room, step on the blue switch and the two trainers in front of you will
greet you with a double battle.
Psychic Virgil
Ralts, Level 36 (Psychic) This is an unavoidable team battle, giving you
Gentleman Nate /
Spoink, Level 36 (Psychic)
Now, both paths to either side of the room are blocked off. What you'll need to
do is step on the blue switch two more times. The path to the right is still
blocked off by the trainer and the statue, but we can go left. Above you is a
trainer. Talk to the trainer for a single battle, but if you want the double
battle, step on the orange switch to move the trainer to face the other one.
Hex Maniac Sylvia
Meditite, Level 36 (Fighting/Psychic)
Money: $864 Trip the orange switch and move the
/trainer for a team battle, giving you
Psychic Hannah /$1728
Kirlia, Level 36 (Psychic) /
Money: $864
This part may be a bit tricky. Step on the orange switch three times. This will
move the statues on the other side of the room so you can access the warp
panel. TO get back there, walk around the statues (be sure to battle the
trainers) and then you'll get to a blue switch. Trip it four times so you can
get to the other blue switch. Back at this switch, step on it once. This will
move the trainer and the statue to the right so you can head in that direction.
Since you moved the statues with the orange switch, head up north and step on
the warp panel. This is the room where you need to use the green switch to move
the statues. If you've been following this guide, the path should be cleared,
allowing you to access the final warp panel. We're finally at the gym leaders!
Gym Leaders Tate and Liza
Claydol, Level 41 (Ground/Psychic)
Xatu, Level 41 (Flying/Psychic)
Lunatone, Level 42 (Rock/Psychic)
Solrock, Level 42 (Rock/Psychic)
Money: $8400
This is a 2-on-2 type of fight. And if there's any Pokemon you want to get rid
of first, it's Claydol. With Earthquake, it hits everyone on the field. While
this may seem good, for a start Xatu is part flying, so EQ doesn't affect him,
and to make it more miserable, Lunatone and Solrock have Levitate, which makes
them completely immune to ground. If you've got water Pokemon, surf the hell
out of Claydol until it's fainted. Of course, surf hits BOTH opponents (not
all, unlike EQ). If you have Rain Dance, it's even better. Otherwise, eliminate
that Claydol by all means whatever you have.
Xatu is the easy stuff. Being part flying, it opens the nice door for electric,
ice, and rock. Your choice. It'll be gone in no time. All you have to worry
about is Confuse Ray.
Solrock and Luntone are tricky. Solrock has Psychic, Solarbeam, Flamethrower,
and Sunny Day. With Sunny Day, Flamethrower becomes more powerful and Solarbeam
can attack without charging. If you're using water, your surf gets weakened.
Grass is a good alternative, as you could possibly counter with your own
solarbeam. Just hang in there and eventually both Pokemon will go down. Just
try to put up your own strategy if you really need to.
After you defeat Tate and Liza, you'll earn that well deserved Mind Badge
(unless you cheated, bastard) and TM04: Calm Mind. It boosts up your Special
Attack AND Special Defense in the same turn, making it absolutely sick. Plus,
with the Mind Badge, you'll be able to use Dive outside of battle and it'll
boost up your Pokemon's Special Attack and Special Defense.
Wow, it took us FOREVER to get that badge. From Fortree, we've gone through
route 121, 122, Lilycove, Mt. Pyre, Magma's Hideout, Slateport, Aqua's Hideout,
crossing Route 124, and then finally surfing onto here. Talk about a major
pain. But still, one more badge to go!
Team Magma's Rocket Fuel Quest
But it's a little bit out of the way for now. We've got one more thing to do
here in Mossdeep City. Remember that Space Station in the east part of the
City? Team Magma is there, supposedly wanting to rocket fuel. It never ends.
Work your way to the station and then enter the building. Here are all the
trainers on the first floor.
Team Magma Grunt
Zubat, Level 32 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $640
Team Magma Grunt
Mightyena, Level 32 (Dark)
Money: $640
Team Magma Grunt
Baltoy, Level 32 (Ground/Psychic)
Money: $640
Team Magma Grunt
Mightyena, Level 26 (Dark)
Mightyena, Level 28 (Dark)
Numel, Level 30 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $600
After you have finished off all of the Team Magma grunts, head up the stairs.
You'll find Maxie up here along with Steven. Now, we're going to team up with
Steven to take out Maxie and his friend Tabitha. Steven will use these Pokemon:
Metang, Level 42 (Steel/Psychic)
Skarmory, Level 43 (Steel/Flying)
Aggron, Level 44 (Rock/Steel)
You will also use 3 Pokemon of your choice.
Maxie Battle 3
Mightyena, Level 42 (Dark)
Crobat, Level 34 (Poison/Flying)
Camerupt, Level 44 (Fire/Ground)
Tabitha's Pokemon:
Camerupt, Level 36 (Fire/Ground)
Mightyena, Level 38 (Dark)
Golbat, Level 40 (Poison/Flying)
MONEY: $5120
With Steven on your side, you should win this battle easily. Both of the
Mightyena are weak by all means, so just use anything you've got and they'll be
down in no time. Both Camperupts will be soaked to the point where they faint
with one surf out of your water Pokemon. But with Golbat and Crobat, just watch
out because of their high speed. Of course, you can always fry them with
electricity, but ice and rock work just as well. And if you're always
struggling, Steven will bail you out.
After this battle, Team Magma will run off, and then Steven will tell you to go
visit him at his house. It is the house northwest of the Pokemon Center. When
you talk to him there, he'll give you HM08: Dive. It is an attack like Dig.
Your Pokemon dives underwater for one turn, and then attacks the next turn.
Still, surf is better. To use dive, look for dark patches of water while
surfing. On these spots, you can use dive. While underwater, you'll know you
can dive back up to sea if you get the "Light is shining from above" message.
We can go use dive to stop Team Aqua, but let's take another break from the
main quest and go do some side quests now that we got surf, fly, and dive on
our hands. Of course, these are totally optional, so if you don't want to do
these, I'll see you at route 127.
Side Quests, Part 2
Alright, you can do these side quests in any order you want, but let's start
out my heading north of Mossdeep City onto route 125. To get there, head west
and down the steps and you'll land on the shallow water. From here, surf upward
until you find yourself in route 125.
Route 125
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
You can get the following Pokemon by fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Sharpedo (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Nothing new here, so let's move on and I'll give you the trainer list.
Route 125 trainers:
Sailor Ernest - Match Call Trainer
Wingull, Level 33 (Flying/Water)
Machoke, Level 33 (Fighting)
Money: $1056
Swimmer Sharon
Seaking, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $272
Swimmer Tanya
Luvdisc, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $272
Bird Keeper Presley
Tropius, Level 33 (Grass/Flying)
Xatu, Level 33 (Psychic/Flying)
Money: $376
You can walk in the middle of these two for
Expert Auron /a team battle, giving you $2376
Manectric, Level 33 (Electric) /
Machamp, Level 33 (Fighting) /
Money: $2300
Sr. and Jr. Kim and Iris
Swablu, Level 32 (Normal/Flying)
Numel, Level 32 (Fire/Ground)
Money: $1120
Swimmer Nolen
Tentacruel, Level 36 (Water/Poison)
Money: $136
When you surf onto this route, jump onto the first patch of shallow water you
find and battle the trainer. From here, get back on the water and fight the
trainer to the right of the sailor. Now head up to the northeast and you'll
find another trainer, so battle him. Now head up north, where you'll find two
trainers and an item on a patch of land. Battle them separately or in double
battle. Also, the item is a Big Pearl. Now swim all the way left until you get
to a cave entrance. Before entering it, battle the twins to the left of the
entrance. There's also one more battle. Head down to the southwest part of this
area and battle the last trainer. Now we can go and enter the cave.
The Shoal Cave Mystery
Ah, Shoal Cave. The tide here can either be low or high, depending on the time
of the day. With both tides, you can explore different areas of the cave, but
you can't explore the whole cave on either low or high tide. With either tide,
there will be an old man near the entrance. Give him 4 Shoal Shells and Shoal
Shells for a Shell Bell.
For entering the cave in high tide, all you'll need is surf.
1F and B1
Zubat (Very Common)
Spheal (Very Common)
Golbat (Rare)
Spheal is one of my favorite Pokemon. It is water and ice, and it has an
ability called Thick Fat, meaning it only takes half the amount of damage from
ice and fire. Spheal is a weak Pokemon itself, but it improves upon evolving
into Sealeo and then into Walrein. Walrein has a ton of HP, good special
attack, defense, and special defense, but average attack and speed. If you
STILL don't have a permanent water Pokemon somehow, grab a Spheal and raise it
up. It'll evolve at levels 32 and 44, respectively. It can dish out the
B2 (the ice area)
Spheal (Very Common)
Zubat (Common)
Snorunt (Uncommon)
Golbat (Rare)
The B2 area is only accessible during a low tide, and it does have one new
Pokemon. Snorut is a below average ice type Pokemon that really isn't worth
raising. It evolves at level 42 into a Glalie. It gets average to above average
stats, but it does have a good set of moves it can learn, so you may want to
give it a try.
On a high tide, you can find these Pokemon by surfing:
Tentacool (Very Common)
Zubat (Common)
Spheal (Uncommon)
With water, there comes fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Nothing new here.
If you enter in with a high tide, the area ahead of you will be filled with
deep water. Start by surfing across the water, past the old man until you get
to a ledge. On this ledge, go through the opening. In this area, head left and
follow this path until you get to a set of steps. The steps lead to shallow
water, so get on the shallow water and then surf northward until you get to
another set of steps. Head up them and pick up the Shoal Shell. From here, head
up north and west and you'll find another set of steps leading to a Shoal
Shell, so pick that one up as well. Now follow this water path until you get to
the next set of steps. Walk up them and pick up the third Shoal Shell. Now head
down south across the shallow water and you'll get to one last set of steps.
Head up them and pick up the fourth and last Shoal Shell. From here, you can
follow this path down south to another opening and you'll be taken back to the
cave's entrance. Simply hop the ledge, surf across the water, and leave. But
you can't make the Shell Bell with these items, so you'll need to come back at
low tide.
Coming here at low tide is more interesting, due to the fact that there are
more areas to explore. Instead of needing surf, be sure to bring a Pokemon with
Strength as well, if you want to get to the bottom floor. As soon as you enter
the cave, head up north to the old man and then head down the steps. From here,
go up north to the entrance, and then go through it. In here, you'll find
another entrance, but there's also a set of stairs to the right, so head up the
stairs. At the top, head up north and you'll find two paths to take. Take the
path on the right and then head down the steps. At the bottom of the stairs,
use the ladder.
In this area, head right and pick up the Ice Heal, as well as the Shoal Salt
next to it. Now head up all the steps so you can get to the ladder, and then
climb it. Up here, cross the long bridge and then follow the path to another
bridge. Cross this bridge and then you'll get to another ladder. Climb down
this ladder and you'll find yourself next to a person. Talk to him and you'll
get a Focus Band, an item that sometimes prevents your Pokemon from fainting.
To the right of the man is the 2nd Shoal Salt, so pick it up. Now head left and
you'll find an entrance, so enter it. In here, head up north and follow this
path until you get to the third Shoal Salt. Now head back to the entrance and
pick up the Shoal Salt to the south of the entrance. From here, go back through
the entrance.
Back in this room, go east of the man training in here. You'll find a boulder
that you'll need Strength to push. Push it all the way to the right and follow
the next path to a ladder, and then climb down it. Down here, you'll be in the
bottom of the Shoal Cave. The ice here is slippery, so you'll need to watch
your step. When you enter this room, slide across the ice in a counter-
clockwise direction until you get to an item. This is TM07: Hail, a move where
Hail falls for 5 turns. During this time, hail will strike all Pokemon, with
the exception of ice types. After you pick up this TM, slide across the ice one
more time. Except this time, head up the steps and then pick up the item here.
It is a Nevermeltice, an item that powers up ice types move when held.
There's nothing else here, so work your way back to the ladder and then climb
up it. Back here, go back to where the training man is. This time, jump over
the ledge and go through the entrance. Back in this room, go through the
entrance to your south. You can leave the cave if you want now, but if you have
4 Shoal Salts and 4 Shell Shells, you can give them to the old man and he'll
give you a Shell Bell, an item that heals your Pokemon every time it attacks
when held.
Diving for Shards
This side quest is done at route 124. All you'll need is Surf and Dive. If you
pick up these shards, you can exchange them for the rare elemental stones. Get
to Route 124 by flying to Mosdeep City. Now head left and surf onto route 124.
On this route, head west and surf to the house where you will be exchanging the
shards for the stones.
Start out by surfing to the north of the house. You'll find a dark patch where
you can dive, but ignore this one and continue up north. You'll find another
diving patch, but ignore this one and head up to the one in the northeast
corner. Use dive to go underwater. Down here, follow the path to a dead end and
then use B to dive back up. You'll find shallow water next to you with an item.
That is the Yellow Shard. Now backtrack all the way to the house and give it to
the guy for a Thunderstone.
Back at the house, you'll find a dark patch just to the left of the house.
Ignore this path and continue surfing west, where you'll find Swimmer Jenny
hanging out next to a dark patch. Again, ignore this path and head up north and
slightly west, where you'll get to another path. Don't dive in this one, but
instead use Dive in the patch just to the north and west of this one. Down
here, Surf all the way down south until you get to two paths. Take the path on
the left and you'll get to a dead end. At the dead end, surf back up to sea. Up
here, head to the right and pick up the Blue Shard. Return to the house and
give it to the guy for a Water Stone.
Go back to the dark patch you used to get to the blue shard. This time, surf to
the dark patch to the right of this one. Dive under the water. Down here, surf
all the way up north until you get to a wall. From here, surf all the way west
until you get to a dead end, where you'll find the shining light. Go back up
top the surface and head right, where you'll find the Red Shard. Give it to the
guy back at the house for the Fire Stone.
Start at the house this time. Surf to the patch where Swimmer Jenny is. Don't
dive down this path, but use dive on the patch just to the south of this one.
Down here, surf down south until you get to a bright spot, and then surf back
up. Back up here, collect the Green Shard, and then give it to a guy for a Leaf
Well, that's all here. Maybe you'll need one of these items.
Extra Trainers on Route 115
To get to Route 115, fly to Rustboro City. From here, head up north. In route
115, cut through the ledges and head down the steps to the left onto the sand.
From here, surf up north and you'll find the trainer on the sand. Instead of
jumping onto the sand, continue surfing up north until you get to a new set of
land. From here, head up the steps and you'll find a new area in this route.
Let's face the trainers here.
Expert Timothy - Match Call Trainer
Hariyama, Level 27 (Fighting)
Money: $1080
Triathlete Kyra
Dodou, Level 26 (Normal/Flying)
Dodrio, Level 26 (Normal/Flying)
Money: $1040
Ninja Boy Jaiden
Ninjask, Level 26 (Bug/Flying)
Gulpin, Level 26 (Poison)
Money: $312
Black Belt Koichi
Machop, Level 24 (Fighting)
Machoke, Level 24 (Fighting)
Money: $896
Battle Girl Helene
Meditite, Level 26 (Psychic/Fighting)
Makuhita, Level 26 (Fighting)
You can walk in the middle of these two
Psychic Alix /for a team battle, giving you $1298
Kadabra, Level 26 (Psychic) /
Kirlia, Level 26 (Psychic) /
In this area, head up the steps and continue all the way north. You'll find a
trainer, so battle her. From here, battle Expert Timothy in the alcove to the
left. From here, head right and battle the two trainers. Now head up north
through the passage into another area, where two last trainers are located.
This will likely be a team battle since you'll walk in the middle of them.
Also, pick up the Kelpsy Berries if you wish. Before leaving this area, go back
to where the Black Belt Koichi was. Head up the steps to the right of him and
pick up TM01: Focus Punch. It is a powerful move that requires 1 turn to charge
up, but if the Pokemon is hit, they will lose the charge and must do it again.
Now we're free to leave this area. Oh yeah, one more thing.
Swablu (Common)
Taillow (Common)
Swellow (Uncommon)
Jigglypuff (Uncommon)
Wingull (Uncommon)
Jigglypuff is a bad Normal-type Pokemon. It evolves into Wigglytuff with the
use of a Moon Stone. Sure it may have a ton of HP, but its defense stats are
bad enough that it won't last in the battle long. Sure, it is a fun Pokemon to
use, but raising it might be a little pain.
You can find this Pokemon by surfing:
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
Also, there is fishing here as well:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Nothing new here in the water on Route 115. Just a few more side quests and
we'll get back to the main storyline.
Route 105 Trainers
If you don't know, route 105 is the body of water which connects route 104 to
route 106. If you remember, we sailed across route 105 on our way to Dewford
Town and skipped all those trainers. Now that we got surf, we can go battle
them. Fly to Petalburg City and then head west onto route 104. Get onto the
sand and you'll see the water, so start surfing south.
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
By the way of fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Now that we're in route 105, time to take down all the trainers.
Swimmer Imani
Marill, Level 26 (Water)
Money: $208
Swimmer Dominik
Tentacool, Level 26 (Water/Poison)
Money: $208
Ruin Maniac Foster
Sandshrew, Level 25 (Ground)
Sandslash, Level 25 (Ground)
Money: $1500
Bird Keeper Josue
Taillow, Level 25 (Normal/Flying)
Wingull, Level 25 (Water/Flying)
Walk in the middle of these two for
Ruin Maniac Andres - Match Call Trainer /a team battle, giving you $2300
Sandshrew, Level 25 (Ground) /
Sandshrew, Level 25 (Ground) /
Swimmer Beverly
Wingull, Level 25 (Water/Flying)
Marill, Level 25 (Water)
Money: $200
Swimmer Luis
Carvanha, Level 26 (Water/Dark)
Money: $208
When you get onto this route, start surfing south and fight the first swimmer.
Now continue down south until you get to the next trainer. From here, continue
surfing south and you'll see a piece of land to your left. Hop on it and battle
the Ruin Maniac. Now head left and surf onto the water. You'll see another
piece of land with two trainers. Walk into the middle of them for a team
battle. Now surf upward, battle the trainer, and then go back on the land where
you battled the Ruin Maniac. Surf on the water to the right and continue down
south until you get to a trainer. Battle this trainer. Now head to the south
and west and you'll find one more small piece of land with an item. It is an
Iron, so pick it up. Now head down south and you'll be in Route 106.
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
By the way of fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Swimmer Douglas
Tentacool, Level 24 (Water/Poison)
Tentacool, Level 24 (Water/Poison)
Money: $192
Swimmer Kyla
Wailmer, Level 26 (Water)
Money: $208
On route 106, battle the first trainer you find. Now head south and east and
you'll find the other trainer here. Battle her and then pick up the Protein to
your south. Now surf onto Dewford Town. Now we're going to battle one more set
of trainers out on the sea and enter the Abandoned Ship before we go back to
the main quest.
The trainers swimming in routes 107 and 108
When you get into Dewford Town, just head to the eastern part of the island and
you'll be on route 107. Now start surfing eastward.
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
By the way of fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Now, for the trainers:
Swimmer Denise
Wingull, Level 25 (Water/Flying)
Goldeen, Level 25 (Water)
Money: $200
Swimmer Tony - Match Call Trainer
Carvanha, Level 26 (Water/Dark)
Money: $208
Sis and Bro Lisa and Ray
Goldeen, Level 25 (Water)
Tentacool, Level 27 (Water/Poison)
Money: $600
Swimmer Darrin
Tentacool, Level 24 (Water/Poison)
Tentacool, Level 24 (Water/Poison)
Wingull, Level 24 (Water/Flying)
Money: $192
Swimmer Beth
Goldeen, Level 26 (Water)
Money: $208 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $1248
Triathlete Camron /
Staryu, Level 26 (Water) /
Money: $1040
Start out by surfing east. Battle the first trainer and then continue eastward.
Battle the next swimmer and then continue surfing to the right until you see
two trainers to your north. After you battle them, battle the trainer to the
right of them and then continue surfing east. You'll find two trainers. Battle
them separately or in double battle. From here, just surf a little bit more to
the right and you'll be on route 108.
Swimmer Missy
Goldeen, Level 26 (Water)
Money: $208
Swimmer Matthew
Carvanha, Level 26 (Water/Dark)
Money: $208
Swimmer Tara
Horsea, Level 25 (Water)
Marill, Level 25 (Water)
Money: $200
Cooltrainer Carolina
Manectric, Level 24 (Electric)
Manectric, Level 24 (Electric)
Swellow, Level 24 (Normal/Flying)
This should be a forced team battle,
Sailor Cory - Match Call Trainer /giving you $1920
Wingull, Level 24 (Water/Flying) /
Machop, Level 24 (Fighting) /
Tentacool, Level 24 (Water/Poison)
Swimmer Jerome
Tentacruel, Level 26 (Water/Poison)
Money: $208
Now that you're on route 108, head right and battle the first trainer you see.
Then take out the trainer just to the right of this one. From here, head all
the way right until you find the Abandoned Ship. We'll come back here very
shortly, so head right and battle the trainer to the south of the Abandoned
Ship. Now go up north and you'll find a patch of shallow water. Walk in the
middle of both trainers for a double battle and then pick up the Star Piece.
From here, battle the trainer to the south and east of this patch, and when
you're finished, surf east onto route 109.
Route 109
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
By the way of fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Young Couple Mel and Paul
Dustox, Level 27 (Bug/Poison)
Beautifly, Level 27 (Bug/Flying)
Money: $1728
Bird Keeper Elijah
Skarmory, Level 25 (Steel/Flying)
Skarmory, Level 25 (Steel/Flying)
Money: $800
Walk in the middle of these two for a
Fisherman Carter /team battle, giving you $1800
Wailmer, Level 25 (Water) /
Tentacruel, Level 25 (Water/Poison) /
Money: $1000
Swimmer Alice
Goldeen, Level 24 (Water)
Goldeen, Level 24 (Water)
Wingull, Level 24 (Water/Flying)
Money: $192
Swimmer David
Tentacool, Level 25 (Water/Poison)
Carvanha, Level 25 (Water/Dark)
Money: $200
Tuber Austina
Marill, Level 26 (Water)
Money: $104
Tuber Gwen
Marill, Level 26 (Water)
Money: $104
Once you're on this route, get on the piece of land to your north and fight the
young couple. Now head down south and you'll find another piece of land. There
are two trainers here. Talk to them separately or walk in the middle of them
for a double battle (the bird keeper is hiding under the umbrella). Now head up
north and you'll find an item on another piece of land. It is a PP Up, so take
it. Now battle the female swimmer just to your north. After this fight, battle
the male swimmer on the left side. From here, surf up north onto one small
patch of land. There are two tubers here, so take out both of them. Now surf up
north and you'll be on the piece of land leading to Slateport City. Heal if you
need to, since we're going back to the Abandoned Ship.
Abandoned Ship
To get through here, you'll need Dive and Surf. When you enter this ship, head
up the steps and then go through the entrance. In here, you'll find an opening
with a broken door on it, so go through the opening. Head right and you'll walk
in between two trainers.
Beauty Thalia - Match Call Trainer
Wailmer, Level 25 (Water)
Horsea, Level 25 (Water)
This should be a forced team battle, giving
Youngster Demetrius /you $2400
Zigzagoon, Level 25 (Normal) /
Electrike, Level 25 (Electric) /
After this battle, head up north and open the door. On this side of the room,
there is a staircase to your right, but before going down it, open the door to
the left of the one you came out of. Pick up the Harbor Mail. Now we can go
down the stairs. Down here, battle the Sailor in front of you.
Sailor Duncan
Spheal, Level 25 (Water/Ice)
Machoke, Level 25 (Fighting)
Money: $800
After you fight this trainer, you'll see a broken door in front of you. Walk
into that room and pick up the Dive Ball. Now leave this room. Back in here,
head down south. You'll see three doors you can enter. Enter the left room
first and pick up the Escape Rope. Now go through the middle door and you'll
find a patch of water. There is also a dark patch, so use dive to get yourself
underwater. Down here, head left and you'll see an entrance, so go through it.
In here, hit B and get yourself back up to the surface. Up here, you'll find 6
doors in the middle of the room. 3 of them are on the top, 3 of them are on the
Start out by entering the bottom right room. When you enter, you'll notice a
tile flash. Press A in front of the tile and you'll get the Rm. 1 Key. If you
don't remember where the tile flashed, just simply leave and re-enter the room.
Also, pick up the Water Stone at the other side of this room. Back in here,
enter the bottom left door using your Rm. 1 Key.
In here, you'll notice two tiles flashing. Press A in front of the tile that
flashed above the hole and you'll get the Rm. 4 Key. Remember, if you don't
remember which tiles flashed, leave and re-enter the room. Also, pick up TM18:
Rain Dance here, an item that powers up water attacks for 5 turns, weakens
water attacks for 5 turns, Thunder's accuracy becomes 100%, and Solarbeam
becomes less powerful. Now that you have the Rm. 4 Key, leave this room.
Back in here, enter the top left room. This time, you'll see two tiles flash on
the floor, but press A on the trash and you will get the Rm. 6 Key. With that,
leave this room. Use your rm. 6 Key on the top right door and enter it. In
here, pick up the Luxury Ball and then leave. This time, enter the top middle
door. You will be blocked off by the two trash barrels, but you'll see 4
objects shine, so go back into Rm. 6 (top right). In here, head left and get
yourself in front of the lower trash can. Go down one tile and then face left.
Press A to get the Rm. 2 Key. Now leave this room.
Back in here, enter the bottom middle room. Pick up the Scanner in here. Now
leave. Get yourself in the water to the left and dive under it. Back down here,
head into the longer hallway. Now keep surfing to the right until you get to
the brighter spot. Now use Dive again to get yourself back up to the surface.
Back up here, open the door in front of you. In this hallway, there is a tuber
running around the room, so battle him.
Tuber Charlie
Marill, Level 24 (Water)
Money: $104
Once you finish him off, enter the middle room via the top side. Two trainers
will instantly go at you.
Ruin Maniac Garrison
Sandslash, Level 26 (Ground)
This will be a forced team battle, giving you
Tuber Jani /$1664
Marill, Level 26 (Water) /
Young Couple Kira and Dan - Match Call Trainers
Volbeat, Level 25 (Bug/Flying)
Illumise, Level 25 (Bug/Flying)
Money: $1600
After the first double battle, head down south and take on the young couple.
Now continue heading south and leave this room. Back in this hallway, go
through the entrance in the bottom left corner of this room. In here, head up
the stairs to your right and go through the entrance at the top. In here,
there's a friend of Captain Stern who was looking for the scanner. He's not
asking for it, so pick up the item in the bottom left hand corner of the room.
It is the Storage Room Key. Leave this room, head down the stairs, and go back
through the entrance. Back in this hallway, head down the stairs in the
northeast part of this room. This is the hallway where you'll use the Storage
Room Key. Head all the way right to the other side of the room and you'll find
a door (it's in front of the stairs and next to the hole). Use the Storage Room
Key to unlock it and then enter it.
In here, pick up TM13: Ice Beam, Ice's best attack. It has a power of 95 and
has a 10% chance of freezing the opponent. So teach it to an ice Pokemon you'll
have for the rest of the game! With that said, leave the storage room and then
head back up the stairs to your north. Up here, head through the entrance in
the southwest corner of this room and then you'll be outside. Head down the
stairs and then surf away from the Abandoned Ship.
Before we get out of here, fly to Slateport City. Go to the harbor where Team
Aqua stole the submarine. Give Captain Stern the Scanner and he'll give you
either a Deepseatooth or a Deepseascale. The Deepseatooth evolves Clamperl into
Huntail when traded holding this item, and then Deepseascale evolves Camperl
into Gorebyss when traded holding this item. You can only pick one, and you
cannot find the other one anywhere else in the game, so you'll need to trade
with a friend to get the other one. Now that we have all of our side quests
done, let's go stop Team Aqua.
Route 127 and stopping Team Aqua
To get to route 127, fly to Mossdeep City. Head down south and start surfing
down south onto Route 127. This is a large route with plenty of trainers to
take on, so let's get cracking.
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
By the method of fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Sharpedo (Common)
Bird Keeper Aidan
Swellow, Level 32 (Normal/Flying)
Skarmory, Level 32 (Steel/Flying)
Money: $1024
You can walk in the middle of these two
Cooltrainer Athena /for a team battle, giving you $2560
Manectric, Level 32 (Electric) /
Linoone, Level 32 (Normal) /
Money: $1536
Fisherman Roger
Magikarp, Level 15 (Water)
Magikarp, Level 25 (Water)
Gyrados, Level 35 (Water/Flying)
Money: $1400
Fisherman Henry
Carvanha, Level 31 (Water/Dark)
Tentacruel, Level 34 (Water/Poison)
Money: $1360
Fisherman Jonah
Wailmer, Level 30 (Water)
Tentacool, Level 31 (Water/Poison)
Sharpedo, Level 32 (Water/Dark)
Money: $1220
Triathlete Camden
Staryu, Level 33 (Water)
Staryu, Level 33 (Water)
Money: $1320
Black Belt Koji - Match Call Trainer
Machoke, Level 34 (Fighting)
Money: $1588
Triathlete Donny
Wingull, Level 26 (Water/Flying)
Staryu, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $1360
When you start this route, surf to the left and you'll find an area of shallow
water. Hop onto it and pick up the Zinc. Now head down south and you'll find a
patch of shallow water with two trainers and a bunch of trees. Take out both
trainers (do a double battle if you wish) and then pick up the Rare Candy next
to them. From here, surf all the way to the right around the rocks until you
find another part of shallow water with 3 fisherman on them. Hop on this land
and take out all three of them. Once you finish them off, start surfing south
(get on the dark patch of water) and as long as you follow this dark patch,
you'll find another trainer, so battle the trainer. Now continue down south
until you find another area of shallow water. Battle the black belt and then
surf all the way west until you find one last trainer near the rocks. After
this fight, head right of the trainer and you'll find a huge dark patch of
water. Dive down any spot you like.
Down here, surf all the way down south until the word "underwater" appears on
the top left part of the screen. This means that you're below route 128 now.
Keep heading south and follow this path until you get to two paths. One leads
east and the other south. Take the southern path and follow it until you get to
a cave entrance. When you see the cave, enter it. In this area, you'll find a
submarine. Cool. Hey, wait a sec, this submarine looks familiar. Dive upward
back to the surface. Up here, head onto the ground and enter the cave.
Seafloor Cavern
This is where Team Aqua is present, and their leader Archie is trying to wake
up a legendary Pokemon. You'll need strength and rock smash to get through this
Zubat (Very Common)
You can get the following Pokemon by surfing:
Tentacool (Very Common)
Zubat (Common)
Golbat (Rare)
You can find this Pokemon by fishing:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
In here, head left and follow this path to a boulder. Above the boulder is a
rock. Use Rock Smash to get rid of it. Now that the rock is gone, push the
boulder up one space to where the rock used to be. This opens up a path. Head
through the path and push the boulder off to the right. From here, head up
north and you'll find a Team Aqua Member.
Team Aqua Grunt
Poochyena, Level 36 (Dark)
Money: $720
Team Aqua Grunt
Carvanha, Level 36 (Water/Dark)
Money: $720
After the first fight, head up the steps and battle the next Aqua grunt. From
here, go through the entrance to your south. In here, head down south and
you'll find two boulders to your right. Push the top boulder to the right
twice. Now push the bottom boulder down one space. Use rock smash to get rid of
the rock in your way, and then go through the new path and head through the
entrance. In this area, jump over the ledge and you'll come across two more
Team Aqua grunts.
Team Aqua Grunt
Zubat, Level 36 (Poison/Flying)
Money: $720 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $1440
Team Aqua Grunt /
Carvanha, Level 36 (Dark/Water) /
Money: $720
After you take care of both of these Aqua grunts, you'll see two ledges to your
right. Jump over the top ledge and then go through the opening to your north.
This area is a bit tricky. Start out by pushing the boulder in front of you
twice. Now get to the right of the boulder you just pushed and then push it to
the left. This allows you to push the boulder it was blocking. Push this
boulder to the north three times. You'll find an opening, but don't go through
it. Instead, use rock smash on the rock to the right and then push the boulder
to the right twice. You'll get to another opening, so go through this one. In
here, you'll have to deal with a huge pain in the ass puzzle.
There are water currents that take you in certain directions, so you'll need to
ride the right current to get to the other side of the room. Start out by
surfing on the water. If you notice, there is a current pointing to the right.
Surf across this current, because all other currents you try to ride will take
you back to the start. Now ride the current on your right and you'll be taken
to a blank spot. There are 4 currents you can ride. Take the top current and
it'll take you onto calm water where there is no current. If you notice, there
is a current above you that takes you to the right. Ride this current and
you'll be taken onto another area of calm water. WITHOUT TOUCHING ANY OF THE
CURRENTS, HEAD UP NORTH ONTO THE LAND. On this land, go through the opening.
There are two Team Aqua grunts here, so let's deal with them.
Team Aqua Grunt
Mightyena, Level 35 (Dark)
Golbat, Level 35 (Dark)
Money: $700 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $2180
Aqua Admin Shelly /
Sharpedo, Level 37 (Water/Dark) /
Mightyena, Level 37 (Dark)
Money: $1480
After you finish off both of these trainers, go through the opening above you.
In here, you'll have to deal with a tricky boulder puzzle, shaped like this.
Say the X is you. Each letter represents a different boulder. Any O in that map
is a tile without a boulder. The --- below you is a ledge. Start out by moving
boulders A and C up one space each (boulder A goes to the right of boulder D,
boulder C goes to the left of boulder E, leaving free space around boulder B).
Move boulder B to the left at least once. Now enter the little gap between
boulders A and C. You'll be in front of boulder G. Move it up ONE space. Now
walk up to the empty tile. You will be in between boulders F and H. Move
boulder F to the left and boulder H to the right. Now it should look like this:
The X is you. Now get in front of boulder J and push it up one tile. After
this, get in front of boulder K and push it up one time. Now push boulder G
either left or right and it'll create an opening to the entrance! Without
screwing anything up, step through the entrance. In here, head right and you'll
find TM26: Earthquake, one of the best moves in the game. Continue down all of
these steps and you'll eventually find Team Aqua's leader, Archie. He is trying
to use the Red Orb to wake up Kyogre and use it for his control. All of a
sudden, it wakes up and runs away. Time for a battle.
Archie Battle #1
Mightyena, Level 41 (Dark)
Crobat, Level 41 (Poison/Flying)
Sharpedo, Level 43 (Dark/Water)
Money: $3440
Mightyena, no matter what, will always be a bad Pokemon. You can use fighting
or bug to get rid of him quickly, but anything else will do the job do. For
Crobat, fry it with electricity, ice, psychic, or rock. Just watch out, as it
has a high speed and attack stat. Sharpedo is a joke. It has one of the worst
defense stats in the game. Anything can dispose of it. Just use Tackle out of
your Wurmple and it's gone. ;)
Once Kyogre escapes, Archie gets a call from the Team Aqua grunts outside that
it's raining like crazy outside. So Team Magma comes in and they will take you
outside along with Team Aqua. You'll see it's pouring out, along with thunder
and lightning. All of a sudden, the sun comes out and the heat comes blazing
in, and then the thunderstorms return...AGH! Steve will also fly to you saying
to meet him in Sootopolis City. Thing is, where the hell is it? I'll get you
there. First, we've got to clear out some more trainers first. To get there,
surf up to the north until you're in route 127. Now surf all the way west until
you're on route 126.
Route 126
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
You'll find these Pokemon diving underwater:
Clamperl (Very Common)
Chinchou (Common)
Relicanth (Rare)
And if you're up for some fishing...
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Sharpedo (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Let's take care of the trainers here too:
Swimmer Nikki
Marill, Level 33 (Water)
Spheal, Level 33 (Water/Ice)
Money: $264
Swimmer Barry
Gyrados, Level 34 (Water/Flying)
Money: $272
Swimmer Sienna
Luvdisc, Level 33 (Water)
Luvdisc, Level 33 (Water)
Money: $214 You can walk in the middle of these
/two for a team battle, giving you
Triathlete Pablo - Match Call Trainer /$1534
Staryu, Level 33 (Water) /
Staryu, Level 33 (Water)
Money: $1320
Swimmer Leonardo
Carvanha, Level 34 (Water/Dark)
Money: $272 You can walk in the middle of these two for
/a team battle, giving you $1632
Triathlete Isobel /
Staryu, Level 34 (Water) /
Money: $1360
When you surf into this route, surf all the way to the left and you'll find a
circular path of dark water. Before diving in it, battle the trainer near the
white rocks. From here, follow the circular path in a counter clockwise path
and you'll get to another trainer. From here, head all the way to the southwest
corner of this route and you'll find two trainers. Battle them separately or in
double battle form. Now follow the circular path in a counter clockwise path
again until you are to the north of the big rock in the center of this route.
Now surf all the way up north until you get to two trainers. Battle them both
(solo or double). With all of these trainers gone, let's go to Sootopolis City.
To get there, dive under the water (where the circular path of dark water is).
Underwater, there is a circular path as well. The entrance is at the southern
part of the circle.
When you see the entrance, go through it and you'll find yourself in a small
room. Use Dive to get yourself back up to the surface.
Sootopolis City Crisis
We're only going to be here for a short period of time, so I won't put up the
Pokemart items or anything. Upon entering the city, you'll be greeted by the
scene of Groudon and Kyogre battle. But the funny thing is, all they do is
wiggle back and forth. And I was expected some heated battles going on. They
don't care if you sneak by them, so do so. Keep surfing northward onto the
piece of land that has the gym. Unfortunately, Archie has to be a little
bastard and block the gym so that he can see the fight. Maxie is there too.
Surf to the left and you'll find Steven. After you talk with him, he'll guide
you to the Cave of Origin, telling the old man guarding it to move out of the
way. Then he leaves you to do the dirty work.
In here, head to the other side of the cave and go through the opening. In this
room, climb down the ladder at the other side of the room and you'll get to
Wallace. He'll tell you that you need to go to the Sky Pillar and yet wake up a
third Legendary Pokemon who can put an end to all of this mess. Outside the
cave, Steven has no clue where it is either. I'll tell you the quick way to get
there. Fly to Mossdeep City. From there, get yourself to route 127. At route
127, surf all the way down south until you get to route 128. I'll see you
Getting to the Sky Pillar and more surfing
Once you're at route 128, just keep surfing down south until you find yourself
at route 129.
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
Wailord (Very Rare)
You can also fish here too.
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Sharpedo (Common)
Also, here are the trainers you will find on this route:
Swimmer Reed
Spheal, Level 33 (Water/Ice)
Sharpedo, Level 33 (Water/Dark)
Money: $264
Triathlete Chase
Wingull, Level 26 (Water/Flying)
Staryu, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $1360
Triathlete Allison
Wingull, Level 27 (Water/Flying)
Staryu, Level 33 (Water)
Money: $1320
Swimmer Tisha
Chinchou, Level 34 (Water/Electric)
Money: $272 You can swim in the middle of these
/two for a team battle, giving you $544
Swimmer Clarence /
Sharpedo, Level 34 (Water/Dark) /
Money: $272
As you swim into this route, keep surfing down south until you find your first
trainer. Now swim south and west and you'll find the next trainer. After this
battle, head left. There are two paths you can take. Take the top path first
and battle the trainer. Now go down to the bottom bath and battle both
trainers, in team battle form if you wish. From here, just continue surfing
west until you find yourself on Route 130.
Route 130
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
If you want to fish here, then here you go.
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Sharpedo (Common)
Also, here are the trainers you'll find here:
Swimmer Rodney
Gyrados, Level 34 (Water/Flying)
Money: $272
Swimmer Katie
Goldeen, Level 33 (Water)
Spheal, Level 33 (Water/Ice)
Money: $264 You can swim in the middle of these
/two for a team battle, giving you
Swimmer Santiago /$528
Tentacruel, level 33 (Water/Poison) /
Wailmer, Level 33 (Water/Ice)
Money: $264
Once you're on this route, continue surfing west until you find a trainer, so
battle him. After the fight, just continue on surfing left until you find two
trainers. You can battle them solo or in team battle form. Either way, just
surf a little bit to the left and you'll find yourself on Route 131.
Route 131
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
If you want to fish here, then here you go.
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Sharpedo (Common)
Also, one last set of trainers before we get to the next town.
Swimmer Kevin
Spheal, Level 34 (Water/Ice)
Money: $272 You can swim in the middle of these two for
/a team battle, giving you $1632
Triathlete Talia /
Staryu, Level 34 (Water) /
Money: $1360
Swimmer Richard
Pelipper, Level 34 (Water/Flying)
Money: $272
Swimmer Kara
Seaking, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $272
Swimmer Susie
Luvdisc, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $272
Swimmer Herman
Wingull, Level 33 (Water/Flying)
Tentacruel, Level 33 (Water/Poison)
Money: $264
Sis and Bro Reli and Ian
Azumarill, level 35 (Water)
Wingull, Level 33 (Water/Flying)
Money: $792
As you first swim onto this route, battle the first two trainers you see, in
single or double form. Now head to the left and you'll find another trainer, so
battle him. From here, continue left to the next trainer; battle her. Now swim
up to the north and west to find a male trainer and a female trainer. You can't
battle these in double form, but battle both of them. The last fight here is
the Sis and Bro up to your north. After this fight, continue west and you'll
get to Pacifidlog Town.
Pacifidlog Town
As always, the first thing you want to do here is head into the Pokemon Center
and heal yourself. There is a person inside who will teach one of your Pokemon
the powerful move Explosion, which deals a lot of damage but automatically
faints your Pokemon when you use it. From the Pokemon Center, head down south.
You'll find two paths to take. Take the path on the left and enter the house.
The guy inside will give you one or two TMs. He'll either give you TM27: Return
or TM21: Frustration. If the top Pokemon in your party has a high happiness
rating, he will give you TM27: Return (a move that gets more powerful the
higher happiness rating your Pokemon has). If the Pokemon on the top of your
party hates you, he'll give you TM21: Frustration (a move that gets more
powerful the lower happiness rating your Pokemon has). You can get one every
day, and you can get both as many times as you want. Leave this house. Now
continue east to the next house. There is a guy in the back who will trade you
his Horsea for your Bagon. Bad trade overall, but if you have an extra Bagon in
your party, go for it. The Horsea will come with Wave Mail.
Before we set sail to the Sky Pillar, head on the house to the east of this
house. The old man looking out the window will tell you if he can see Mirage
Island or not. Mirage Island is an island that appears randomly on the middle
of route 130. If he says he does see it, consider yourself extremely lucky
because finding it is very, very rare. Check back every day to see if he can
see it or not.
Mirage Island is an island that has nothing but Wild Wynaut and a Leichi Berry.
This is the only spot you can find it. Even if it's rare, there's nothing much
to find at Mirage Island.
Now that we've done everything possible here, get back onto Route 131. Remember
the first two trainers we fought here, Kevin and Talia (the ones you could
fight in a team battle)? Go all the way east until you get to them. From there,
head north and you'll find an opening between the rocks, so go through the
opening. In this area, follow the path until you get to a ledge. Hop on the
ledge and go through the entrance. In here, head up both sets of stairs,
through the next opening, and you'll be in front of Sky Pillar.
A Legend on the Sky Pillar
Sableye (Common)
Golbat (Common)
Claydol (Common)
Banette (Uncommon)
Altaria (Rare)
Now that you're inside the Sky Pillar, it's time to climb through all the
floors to get to the top. Don't worry, it's pretty straightforward. On the
bottom floor, just head up the stairs across from you. Now head up the stairs
just to your left to get onto the third floor, where it gets a bit tricky. Up
here, follow the path until you get to the next set of stairs, and then head up
it. At the top, follow this path until you stop at a set of rocks. You'll see
two cracked tiles. Walk over them and they will break, causing you to fall to
the floor below. You'll find yourself on the previous floor, except you can go
up a staircase you couldn't previously access. Up on the next floor, head up
the stairs to your left. At the top, just follow the path until you get to the
next staircase. Now you're on the top floor, where Rayquaza rests. Walk up the
steps and head on forward to wake him up. This will also cause an earthquake,
which weakens the floors below (this becomes important for your next visit to
the Sky Pillar).
You can't catch Rayquaza now, but we can do that shortly. It's heading to
Sootopolis City to go calm down Groudon and Kyogre. Better follow it, so fly
back to Sootopolis City.
Sootopolis City
Back over here, Rayquaza will show up and stop the fighting. This causes all of
the weather to return back to normal. After everything is back to normal, talk
to Wallace and he'll give you HM07: Waterfall. It's a good water attack, but
not recommended for a moveset. You can use it to climb waterfalls outside of
battle, but you'll need the very next gym badge to get it. Also, if you notice,
Archie and Maxie run off somewhere. Steven says that they've likely gone to Mt.
Pyre to return the orbs. We won't need to deal with that for now. But if you
want to, take a trip to Mt. Pyre and you'll see both Archie and Maxie return
the orbs, and then you'll never see them again. Plus, you can talk to the old
man to hear about the legendary Pokemon. Neat.
Anyway, after this, it's time to explore Sootopolis City, since none of the
houses are blocked off now. Oh yeah, the Cave of Origin is blocked off too for
the rest of the game. Let's start off at the Pokemon Center. To get there, surf
to the right of the gym and hop on the ledge. Head up the steps and it's right
in front of you. Heal if needed. Plus, there's a person who will teach Double-
Edge to one of your Pokemon. It's a very powerful normal type move, but it hits
your Pokemon for recoil damage. It's highly recommended you teach it to someone
with the Rock Head ability, such as Golem, as it could dish out the beatings
with this attack.
Pokemart Item Listing:
Full Heal ($600)
Hyper Potion ($1200)
Max Potion ($2500)
Max Repel ($700)
Revive ($1500)
Shadow Mail ($50)
Ultra Ball ($1200)
X Attack ($500)
X Defend ($550)
The Pokemart is on the ledge to the left of the gym, and up the steps. From the
Pokemart, head down the steps in front of you. Now head up to the north up 4
different sets of steps. At the top, head to the left and enter the house. The
guy inside will give you TM31: Brick Break, a solid fighting type move. Go back
to the gym and surf to the left again. There is a woman who will give you two
berries a day, both are which are rare. Two more things: go to where the
Pokemon Center was. Head up north and enter the house. There are two boys
inside fighting over who is larger: Lotad or Seedot. What does that mean for
If you show them either Pokemon bigger than 15.7 inches, they'll give you an
Elixir. How do you know the height of the Pokemon? You don't. Catch either one,
show them, and maybe you'll get lucky. What a waste. Enter the house to the
east of this one and talk to the person inside for a decorative Wailmer Doll.
Woohoo. Now go to the gym.
POKEMON GYM - Battle Juan for the Rain Badge
Gym's Pokemon Type: Water
Best Types against Electric, Grass
Not Recommended: Fire, Ground, Rock
For all of you Ruby/Sapphire players, the first thing you'll notice is that
Wallace is no longer the gym leader here. It's up to this new guy, Juan. The
puzzle here is that you need to step on all the ice tiles to get to him in a
certain order, otherwise you'll fall and battle the trainers below. There are
three different puzzles, each one gets harder as you go. I'll give you little
ASCII maps on how to get through the puzzles.
Say the X is you. Each numbered tile is an ice patch. The two Rs are the rocks
that play little role. The numbers are the orders of the tiles you step in. So
from the start, head up onto the first tile, left onto the second, up onto the
third, right twice to numbers 4 and 5, up one onto 6, left onto 7, and then the
O is the staircase. Head up it to the next puzzle.
This puzzle is simple if you don't mess up. Since there are more than 9 tiles,
I used numbers and letters for this puzzle. To avoid confusion, both * are the
rocks. As always, the X is you. Now to walk you through this one: up onto 1,
left three times to 2, 3, 4, up twice through 5 and 6, right twice onto 7 and
8, down one onto 9, right twice onto A and B (should be to the left of the
rock), down one onto C, right twice onto D and E, up twice onto F and G, left
three times through H, I, J, and the staircase is created for a fun and
difficult third puzzle.
Damn, I ran out of characters to use on this one, so bear with me. :P
Start out by heading onto tile 1. Now head all the way left onto tile 6, and
then go up three times onto 9. Now go right to A and you'll be next to a rock.
Head down once to B, once right to C, down once to D, right once to E, up twice
through F and G, once right to H, down once to I, right once to J, down once to
K, right once to L, down once to M, right once to N, up twice to O and P, right
once to Q, down once to R, right once to S, town once to T, right once to you,
up three times to X through VWX, and head all the way left until you get to !,
cutting through Y, Z, +, -, and onto !. This whole puzzle shall be solved, so
you can go to Juan!
But wait, we need a little practice first. Mess yourself up and fall down to
the floor below. Also note that whenever you fall into the floors below, the
ice puzzle resets, so don't worry. That means you can fall through as many
times as you want so you can fight all of the trainers. Just climb back up the
ladder, cross the ice puzzle to get to the one you want to fall through, and
you'll be taken to that set of trainers corresponding to the puzzle you are on.
Lass Andrea
Luvdisc, Level 40 (Water)
Money: $640
Beauty Connie
Goldeen, Level 40 (Water)
Money: $3200
Lady Daphne
Luvdisc, Level 39 (Water)
Luvdisc, Level 39 (Water)
Money: $7800 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $10920
Pokefan Annika /
Feebas, Level 39 (Water) /
Feebas, Level 39 (Water)
Money: $3120
Lass Crissy
Goldeen, Level 39 (Water)
Wailmer, Level 39 (Water)
Money: $624
Pokefan Bethany
Azurill, Level 35 (Normal)
Marill, Level 37 (Water)
Azumarill, Level 39 (Water)
Money: $3120
Beauty Olivia
Clamperl, Level 35 (Water)
Corphish, Level 37 (Water)
Lombre, Level 39 (Water/Grass)
Money: $3120
Beauty Tiffany
Carvanha, Level 39 (Water/Dark)
Sharpedo, Level 39 (Water/Dark)
Money: $3120
Lady Brianna
Seaking, Level 40 (Water)
Money: $8000 You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $11120
Beauty Bridget /
Azumarill, Level 40 (Water) /
Money: $3120
After you have defeated all of the trainers, cross all three ice puzzles to get
to the leader, Juan to go for your 8th and final badge!
Gym Leader Juan
Luvdisc, Level 41 (Water)
Whiscash, Level 41 (Water/Ground)
Sealeo, Level 43 (Water/Ice)
Crawdaunt, Level 43 (Water/Dark)
Kingdra, Level 46 (Water/Dragon)
Money: $4600
This gym leader is easy for the most part, but the last part can be difficult.
Luvdisc should be a pushover. Its only high stat is speed, so there's a good
chance it'll attack first. Any electric or grass attack should severely weaken
it or faint it. Since Whiscash is ground and water, it is immune to electric.
That means it is 4x weak to grass, so use grass at your disposal, otherwise use
everything you've got on Whiscash. Watch out, it does have Earthquake and that
can put the big smack down onto your Pokemon.
Sealeo has a good amount of HP, good special attack, and solid defense ratings.
Grass and electric work best, obviously, but thankfully it doesn't have Ice
Beam. It does have Aurora Beam, but that has a 10% chance of lowering attack,
not freezing you. Crawdaunt is water and dark, so use electric and grass, and
don't use psychic. If you have fighting, go for it. Fighting can take down
Crawdaunt and Sealeo, as they are both week to them.
Kingdra is your big problem. You need to finish it off fast and you'll be in
for a long battle. It is Water and Dragon, which means its only weakness is
dragon. If you have a good dragon move on your side, use it, as it'll do double
(triple if STAB) on Kingdra. Otherwise, dish it out with all you have and pray
for critical hits, added effects onto the attacks, etc. Kingdra has Double
Team, which raises its evasiveness. The more times it does use it, the harder
time you'll have hitting it. And just when you think it's going to be knocked
out, it'll use Rest to put itself to sleep and recover all its health. But it
does have a Chesto Berry, which wakes it up immediately. Since it can be only
used once, any time it uses rest afterwards, it'll remain asleep for two turns.
Eventually you will triumph over Juan. If not, go find some place to train and
raise your Pokemon, as an extra 1-5 levels wouldn't hurt. After defeating Juan,
you will be rewarded with the Rain Badge. With it, you can use Waterfall
outside of battle. Plus, any traded Pokemon at any level will listen to you no
matter what.
Juan also rewards you with TM03: Water Pulse. It's a decent water attack which
has a 30% chance of confusing the enemy. Its power is 60, which means Surf is
stronger. Only teach Water Pulse to those few Pokemon who somehow can't learn
Surf, because it may come in handy sometime or another.
You've now gotten all 8 badges! CONGRATULATIONS! That means you can go to the
Pokemon League to defeat the Elite Four and become the champion. We're going to
take one last side quest, however, to battle a set of hard to reach trainers to
warm ourselves up for the Pokemon league. You can go there now, and I'll meet
you at Route 128. If not, fly to Pacifidlog Town to start this quest.
One Last Side Quest, Routes 132-134
This is probably the most annoying side quest in the game if you're going to
battle all of the trainers here. The ocean out to your west is loaded with
currents that take you in a certain direction when you ride on them, just like
the ones in the Seafloor Cavern. You'll need Fly if you're going to battle all
of the trainers here. Alright, let's get started. Once you're at Pacifidlog
Town, surf out west and you'll find all of the water currents. Your little
quest begins here.
Once you're on the water, surf all the way up north until you hit a set of
blocks. Now surf on the current just to the left of you and you'll end up in an
open-water area. In the middle, there is a trainer swimming around.
Swimmer Gilbert
Sharpedo, Level 34 (Water/Dark)
Money: $272
After this battle, head up to the north and west where you'll find a water
entrance between two rocks.
Swimmer Dana
Azumarill, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $272
After the fight, head into the current to your left. You may land on a safe
patch of water, but if that's the case, just go back to surfing the current on
your left. Eventually, you'll get to another trainer, so fight her.
Swimmer Linda
Horsea, Level 33 (Water)
Seadra, Level 33 (Water)
Money: $264
After this fight, swim onto the current to your left and you'll come across two
more swimmers. Fight the female first.
Swimmer Laurel
Luvdisc, Level 33 (Water)
Luvdisc, Level 33 (Water)
Money: $264
Swimmer Jack
Gyrados, Level 33 (Water/Flying)
Money: $272
Heading to the west takes you to Slateport, but that's not where we're heading.
Fly back to Pacifidlog Town so we can take on the next set of trainers by
taking a new current. Once you're back at Pacifidlog, surf on the water to your
left. Now continue left until you get back to the currents. If you surfed in a
straight line, you'll see two gray rocks in the current. Now surf below the
bottom rock and you'll land right in front of a Fisherman.
Fisherman Ronald
Magikarp, Level 19 (Water)
Gyrados, Level 21 (Water/Flying)
Gyrados, Level 23 (Water/Flying)
Gyrados, Level 26 (Water/Flying)
Gyrados, Level 30 (Water/Flying)
Gyrados, Level 35 (Water/Flying)
Money: $1400
Once you finish this fight, head all the way to the left until you reach the
end of the safe water. Across from you is another patch of safe water, so surf
onto the current and you'll be taken to this patch. On here are 4 trainers, so
let's get to work.
Expert Paxton
Swellow, Level 33 (Normal/Flying)
Breloom, Level 33 (Grass/Fighting)
You can walk in the middle of these two
Cooltrainer Darcy /for a team battle, giving you $2904
Pelipper, Level 33 (Water/Flying) /
Camerupt, Level 33 (Fire/Ground) /
Expert Makayla
Roselia, Level 33 (Grass/Poison)
Medicham, Level 33 (Fighting/Psychic)
You can walk in the middle of these two
Cooltrainer Jonathan /for a team battle, giving you $2904
Kecleon, Level 33 (Normal) /
Loudred, Level 33 (Normal) /
After you finish of all of these trainers, head to the very northwest part of
this island. Now, surf to the west and you'll ride the currents onto another
open body of water. To your north is another island with a trainer on it, so go
and battle him.
Cooltrainer Warren
Graveler, Level 33 (Rock/Ground)
Ludicolo, Level 33 (Water/Grass)
Money: $1534
After this fight, head all the way left until you get onto a current. Surf on
it and eventually you'll stop in front of a rock. From here, surf down and the
currents will take you down to another rock. From here, surf upward and you'll
stop in front of a rock. Just below you is calm water, so surf on it. On here,
head left and follow the path and you'll get to two trainers on a small patch
of water.
Dragon Tamer Aaron
Bagon, Level 34 (Dragon) This will be a forced team battle, giving
/you $3264
Cooltrainer Marley /
Manectric, Level 34 (Electric)
After this fight, go back on the calm water below you. Follow this path until
you find a small current in between two rocks. Swim through it and you'll find
another path of water. There are two trainers, so battle them.
Sailor Kelvin
Machoke, Level 33 (Fighting)
Spheal, Level 33 (Water/Ice)
You can walk in the middle of these two
Bird Keeper Alex /for a team battle, giving you $2112
Natu, Level 33 (Psychic/Flying) /
Swellow, Level 33 (Normal/Flying) /
After this battle, pick up the Star Piece next to them. Now fly back to
Pacifidlog. We got 2 more trainers to battle. Surf to the west as usual, but
surf below the rock again to get to Ronald. Surf to the left again where you
fought four trainers. Now surf on the bottom current and eventually you'll be
taken to two trainers.
Swimmer Debra
Seaking, Level 34 (Water) You can walk in the middle of these two for a
/team battle, giving you $544
Swimmer Franklin /
Sealeo, Level 34 (Water/Ice)
Whew! Glad that's over with. Now, there is another secret in this area that can
unlock three legendary Pokemon, but I'll save that for later. For now, fly back
to Pacifidlog. Once you're back there, surf all the way east this time until
you get to route 129. From here, surf north and you'll get to route 128. From
here, we can get to the Pokemon League.
Last bit of Surfing - Route 128
Tentacool (Very Common)
Wingull (Common)
Pelipper (Rare)
Way of the fishing rod:
Magikarp (Very Common
Tentacool (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Tentacool (Common)
Wailmer (Common)
Wailmer (Very Common)
Luvdisc (Common)
Corsola (Uncommon)
The two new Pokemon you find here aren't worth squat, so pick them up for only
Pokedex issues. Sure, Luvdisc has a ton of speed (and Swift Swim makes it
impossible to have a higher speed than him), but the rest of its stats are crap
and it learns a bad set of moves. Corsola on the other hand, is a Rock/Water
mix, which has more negatives than positives. It opens the door for a more
weakness to grass, gives it a weakness to fighting, ground, etc. The only
positive effect is more resistance from fire. Either way, it still has horrible
stats and it doesn't learn anything interesting.
Also, here are the set of trainers we can battle here:
Triathlete Isaiah - Match Call Trainer
Staryu, Level 35 (Water)
Money: $1400
Cooltrainer Alexa
Gloom, Level 34 (Grass/Poison)
Azumarill, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $1632
Cooltrainer Ruben
Shiftry, Level 34 (Grass/Dark)
Nosepass, Level 34 (Rock)
Money: $1632
Fisherman Wayne
Tentacool, Level 31 (Water/Poison)
Tentacool, Level 31 (Water/Poison)
Wailmer, Level 36 (Water)
Money: $1440
Triathlete Katelyn - Match Call Trainer
Staryu, Level 34 (Water)
Money: $1440
Swimmer Carlee
Seaking, Level 35 (Water)
Money: $280 You can walk in the middle of these
/two for a team battle, giving you
Swimmer Harrison / $560
Tentacruel, Level 35 (Water/Poison) /
Money: $280
If you've been following my guide, you would've entered this route south from
route 129. From here, head up north and battle the Triathlete near the route
128/129 bordelrine. Now head up north and you'll find a little patch of shallow
water with a rock. There is a trainer on it, so battle here. Now head right and
you'll find another trainer on a small patch of shallow water, so battle him.
After this fight, head down south and you'll find 3 patches of shallow water.
Go to the largest patch and fight the fisherman. Now go all the way right and
you'll find a Triathlete. From here, head right and you'll get to the last two
swimmers, fight them both (double battle if you want), and then head right and
you'll be in the waters of Ever Grande City.
Ever Grande City: A Town with two buildings
You need waterfall for this next part, so if you don't got it, head back to a
Pokemon Center and pick up a Pokemon who knows it. Also, you need the 8th badge
to use it outside of battle. When you come across the waterfall, head up it. At
the top, head north and go heal your roster in the Pokemon Center. You'll also
come across Scott, as he'll encourage you to do well in the Pokemon League. Now
leave the Pokemon Center and head up north. Go through the cave entrance and
you'll be in Victory Road. Be sure you have Surf, Strength, Flash, and Rock
The Final Run - Victory Road
First Floor
Golbat (Common)
Hariyama (Common)
Lairon (Uncommon)
Loudred (Uncommon)
Zubat (Uncommon)
Makuhita (Uncommon)
Aron (Rare)
Whismur (Rare)
Golbat (Common)
Hariyama (Common)
Lairon (Common)
Mawile (Rare)
These come from Rock Smashing:
Graveller (Very Common)
Geodude (Common)
Golbat (Common)
Sableye (Common)
Lairon (Common)
Mawile (Rare)
And if you wanna go surf:
Golbat (Very Common)
So you can also fish here too:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common
Goldeen (Common)
Barboach (Common)
Barboach (Very Common)
Whiscash (Common)
Man, all of that and we don't get anything new...bummer.
Anyway, there's an old friend in this cave just around the corner. When you
enter the cave, head up north and go up the steps. Now cross the bridge and
you'll come across Wally, so let's fight him.
PKMN Trainer Wally
Altaria, Level 44 (Dragon/Flying)
Delcatty, Level 43 (Normal)
Magneton, Level 41 (Electric/Steel)
Roselia, Level 44 (Grass/Poison)
Gardevoir, Level 45 (Psychic)
Money: $2700
Altaria goes down with Ice or Rock and it should go down quickly. Delcatty is a
weak normal type Pokemon, so anything should be able to finish it off. With
Magneton, Fire or Ground disposes of it easily. Psychic/Fire/Ice for Roselia,
and for Gardevoir, use a psychical type, because of its below average defense.
Just watch out for its nasty attacks, due to its high Special Attack. Easy
battle, easy EXP, and Wally still isn't strong enough to go after the Elite
After fighting Wally, go up north and fight the trainer.
Cooltrainer Hope
Roselia, Level 45 (Grass/Poison)
Money: $2160
Before climbing the ladder, go back across the bridge and then down the steps.
Now head left and then head up, and then follow the path to another trainer.
Cooltrainer Albert
Magneton, Level 43 (Electric/Steel)
Muk, Level 43 (Poison)
Money: $2064
After this fight, go back to where you fought the first trainer and then climb
down the ladder. Down here, follow the path in front of you and you'll get in
front of the boulder. Instead of pushing it, go down the path to your left and
you'll find another boulder (you should be on the right side of it). Use
Strength to push it to the left, and then take the new pathway to the first
boulder you came across. Now push the boulder to the right and then take the
new path to your south. Follow this path until you get to a set of crippled
rocks and boulders. Shatter both rocks with Rock Smash. Now, face the left rock
from the top side and push it down. Then go in the open space and face the
right rock from the bottom side. Push it up and you'll be able to create a new
path. Follow this path until you get to a trainer.
Cooltrainer Shannon
Claydol, Level 45 (Ground/Psychic)
Money: $2160
Continue to follow this path and head up the stairs. Cross the bridge to the
right and then continue heading down. Go down the steps and climb up the
latter. In this small area, pick up the PP Up and go back down the ladder. Now
jump over the ledge to your left. Before going down the ladder to your left, go
battle the trainer up to your north near the set of boulders.
Cooltrainer Samuel
Swellow, Level 42 (Normal/Flying)
Mawile, Level 42 (Steel)
Kadabra, Level 42 (Psychic)
Money: $2016
Now go back down through the ladder. Down here, go battle the trainer up to
your north.
Cooltrainer Julie
Sandslash, Level 42 (Ground)
Ninetales, Level 42 (Fire)
Tropius, Level 42 (Grass/Flying)
Money: $2016
From here, surf in the water. Just in front of you is a ledge, so jump on it.
On here, head up the steps and follow this path into an open area. You can
either go up or down. Head up and you'll find a ladder, so climb up it. You'll
be in another tiny area. Pick up the item; it is TM29: Psychic, Psychic's best
move, so use it wisely. Go back down the ladder. Now continue down south and
you'll find another trainer.
Cooltrainer Owen
Kecleon, Level 42 (Normal)
Graveler, Level 42 (Rock/Ground)
Wailord, Level 42 (Water)
Money: $2016
After that, you can head left and find two more trainers.
Cooltrainer Dianne
Claydol, Level 43 (Rock/Psychic)
Lanturn, Level 43 (Water/Electric)
Money: $2064 You can walk in the middle of these
/two for a team battle, giving you
Cooltrainer Felix / $4128
Medicham, Level 43 (Fighting/Psychic) /
Claydol, Level 43 (Ground/Psychic)
Money: $2064
After you fight these two trainers, continue to cross the bridge to your left.
Follow the path and you'll get to another trainer.
Cooltrainer Caroline
Skarmory, Level 43 (Steel/Flying)
Sableye, Level 43 (Ghost/Dark)
Money: $2064
Continue follow the path and you'll find the water. Surf across it and you'll
find a ledge with a trainer and an item on it. Fight the trainer.
Cooltrainer Vito
Dodrio, Level 42 (Normal/Flying)
Kadabra, Level 42 (Psychic)
Electrode, Level 42 (Electric)
Shiftry, Level 42 (Grass/Dark)
Money: $2016
The item next to him is a full heal, so pick it up. Get back onto surfing the
water afterward. There are two waterfalls. Ride down the waterfall to the left.
From here, continue surfing to the right and jump on the ledge you come across.
Once you're on this ledge, climb up the ladder. Up here, go battle the two
trainers on your left.
Cooltrainer Mitchell
Luntone, Level 43 (Rock/Psychic)
Solrock, Level 43 (Rock/Psychic) You can walk in the middle of these two
/for a team battle, giving you $4118
Cooltrainer Halle /
Sableye, Level 43 (Ghost/Dark) /
Absol, Level 43 (Dark)
Down to your south is a ladder cut off by crippled rocks and boulders. Before
going over to that area, walk left and then go around the corner to find the
last trainer in this room.
Cooltrainer Michelle
Torkoal, Level 42 (Fire)
Medicham, Level 42 (Fighting/Psychic)
Ludicolo, Level 42 (Water/Grass)
Money: $2016
Now that all of the trainers here are gone, go back around the corner where you
fought the first two trainers. Head down south and you'll find two crippled
rocks and two boulders. The crippled rocks are in the top left and bottom right
corners and the boulders are in the bottom left and top right corners. Smash
the rock using Rock Smash in the top left corner, giving you room to push the
SW boulder. Since you're facing it from the top, push it down. This opens a
path to the other crippled rock. Smash it and it'll lead you to a path that
goes to a ladder, so climb up it.
Alright guys, this is the last Victory Road room. Go up the steps and cross the
bridge to your right. At the other end of the bridge, go down the steps. Now
head right and go around the corner and you'll find all three trainers in this
Cooltrainer Edgar
Cacturne, Level 43 (Grass/Dark)
Pelipper, Level 43 (Water/Flying)
Money: $2016
Cooltrainer Katelynn
Gardevoir, Level 43 (Psychic)
Slaking, Level 43 (Normal)
Money: $2064
Cooltrainer Quincy
Slaking, Level 43 (Normal)
Dusclops, Level 43 (Ghost)
Money: $2064
The latter two can be a double battle, but it's extremely difficult, so I
recommend you stay out of it. After you take out all three trainers, continue
up north and follow this path and you'll find the cave entrance. Go through it
and we'll be out of Victory Road!
You're now on the other side of Ever Grande City. Just head up the steps and go
up all the way north until you get to a big building. Yes, it is the Pokemon
League. You better have the best of your best.
The Elite Four
Pokemart Item Listing:
Full Heal ($600)
Full Restore ($3000)
Hyper Potion ($1200)
Max Potion ($2500)
Max Repel ($700)
Revive ($1500)
Ultra Ball ($1200)
Stock up on a ton of Revives and Full Restores if this is your first time at
it. Also, save up before burning up all your money as well. It is highly
recommended you also heal here before going up against the Elite Four. Now, if
you spend all your money and lose, there is a positive note. You won't lose a
lot of money, but you get to keep any experience and level-ups you gain while
fighting, so use that to a big advantage. If you struggle against the Elite
Four, it's recommended you go back and train your Pokemon to higher levels. Now
before going through the opening, two guards will stop you, check your 8
badges, and then allow you to go in if you have all eight of them. Time for our
first battle against the Elite Four.
Trainer's Pokemon Type: Dark
Recommended: Fighting, Bug, Fire, Ice, Electric (for the mix types)
Not Recommended: Ghost, Psychic
Mightyena, Level 46 (Dark)
Shiftry, Level 48 (Grass/Dark)
Cacturne, Level 46 (Grass/Dark)
Crawdaunt, Level 48 (Water/Dark)
Absol, Level 49 (Dark)
Money: $4900
This match should be an easy pushover. Sidney uses Dark, but the majority of
its team are two-type Pokemon, putting the battle highly in your favor.
Mightyena is still a pushover with crappy stats. A good fighting or bug attack
can dispose of it quickly. Its best attack is crunch, but it doesn't have a
good enough Special Attack to take advantage of it. Also watch out for Double
Edge, as it can dish out the beatings very quickly. Be sure you have a Pokemon
who is high powered on defense.
Shiftry, being grass, adds a whole new variety of options. You can use fire,
ice, or use bug for 4x damage. It had Double Team and Swagger, two annoying
moves, but with the lack of strong attacks that deal damage, you can finish him
off fine.
Cacturne is also another pushover. It has the same weaknesses as Shiftry, so
remember that. But with Leech Seed, it can be an annoying opponent, since Leech
Seed takes a part of your heal and uses it to restore Cacturne's health. Also,
Needle Arm and Faint Attack are solid attacks, so you'll need to be quick.
Crawdaunt is also an easy Pokemon. Being Water/Dark, you can use Electric,
Grass, Bug, and Fighting to help you out. Its best attack is Surf, but it can
do a good amount of damage with a Swords Dance and Facade combo. But since its
stats are mediocre, fighting him shouldn't be a problem.
Absol will be your toughest opponent. It's pure Dark, and it has a nasty Attack
Stat. Its set of moves is Aerial Ace, Rock Slide, Swords Dance, and Slash,
giving it a devastating set of moves. You'll need to hurry up in finishing it
off, so it's highly recommended you use a Rock Pokemon to get the resistance
out of Slash and Aerial Ace, otherwise use a Fighting or Bug to mow it down.
After you finish Sidney, you'll go on to face the next trainer, which is
considerably tougher.
Trainer's Pokemon Type: Ghost
Recommended: Ghost, Dark
Not Recommended: Normal, Psychic
Dusclops, Level 49 (Ghost)
Banette, Level 49 (Ghost)
Sableye, Level 50 (Ghost/Dark)
Banette, Level 49 (Ghost)
Dusclops, Level 51 (Ghost)
Money: $5100
Your first Dusclops is a toughie. Dusclops is known for an extremely high
defense and special defense, but on the bright side, it doesn't have crap for
attack. Another annoying thing it has is Pressure, which causes you to use two
PP every time you attack the Dusclops. For attacks, it's got Protect, Curse,
Confuse Ray, and Shadow Punch. It will use Protect to bock off an attack and
let 2 PP go down the drain. If it uses Curse, Dusclops uses half of its HP, but
you'll be hurt every turn. To cancel out the curse, just switch out. Don't
worry about Shadow Punch, due to the fact of its low Attack. Just give it all
you got and you'll come out on top.
Banette is an average Ghost, so use Ghost/Dark to mow it down fast. But if
you're using Ghost, watch out for its Will-o-Wisp attack, because if it hits
you, you'll be burned, causing your attack to drop significantly. Just unload
everything on him and you'll triumph.
Sableye is an average Pokemon, even if it has no weaknesses. Just don't use
Ghost and Psychic. It's got Night Shade, Shadow Ball, Faint Attack, and Double
Team. Again, just use pretty much any strong Pokemon you'll have and it shall
go down without any problem.
Phoebe's second Banette is a little more challenging, because this time it has
Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, and Facde. This time, don't use water or
flying or you'll become fried with flying colors. Just like the last time, just
use your strongest attacks until you get its health all the way down to zero.
Phoebe's second Dusclops may not be as hard as the first, even with its high
powered attacks. This one has Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Rock Slide, and
Earthquake, but its attack and special attack are too low to do anything major.
Just use your strongest attacks and eventually you'll mow it down.
Oh, watch your PP count too. Chances are pretty big you'll need to bust out the
Ethers and Elixirs, but if your PP drops to zero, your only choice is to give
in and lose.
Now, onto your third battle, which is slightly easier.
Trainer's Pokemon Type: Ice
Recommended: Electric, Fire, Fighting, Steel
Not Recommended: Flying, Ground, Grass, Dragon
Glalie, Level 50 (Ice)
Sealeo, Level 50 (Water/Ice)
Sealeo, Level 52 (Water/Ice)
Glalie, Level 52 (Ice)
Walrein, Level 53 (Water/Ice)
Money: $5300
Glalie is an average Pokemon, and it's pure Ice, meaning Rock, Fire, Steel, and
Fighting are your best bets. All you have to watch out for is Ice Beam and
Light Screen on the first Glalie, Ice Beam and Explosion on the second one.
With a few super effective attacks, you'll get rid of it pretty quickly.
For the two Sealeo, it is part water, giving you more options, meaning Electric
and Grass. The first Sealeo has Ice Beam and Body Slam, two powerful attacks,
while the second one has Blizzard, Attract, and Double Edge. But you have to
watch out for its high HP, meaning it'll take a few hits before you see signs
of it going down.
The big guy is Walrein, who has Surf, Ice Beam, Body Slam, and Sheer Cold (an
attack that his a 1 hit KO if it hits). So if you make one mistake, your team
is going down. Just beat the crap out of it with grass and electric attacks
until it goes down. It also has an ability called Thick Fat, meaning any fire
or ice attacks Walrein takes will be cut in half (not that you would use them
against Walrein anyway).
Your Pokemon will need to be pretty strong to knock out each Pokemon in one or
two hits. Onward to the final of the Elite Four!
Trainer's Pokemon Type: Dragon
Recommended: Rock, Ice, Dragon
Not Recommended: Fire, Grass, Electric
Shelgon, Level 52 (Dragon)
Altaria, Level 54 (Dragon/Flying)
Kingdra, Level 53 (Dragon/Water)
Flygon, Level 54 (Dragon/Ground)
Salamance, Level 55 (Dragon/Flying)
Money: $5500
Shelgon is the pre-evolved form of Salamance, so taking it down will be easy.
If you have ice, Ice Beam will work, otherwise, use any strong Dragon moves you
have. If not, just use your strongest attacks and it'll eventually go down.
Altaria is pretty easy. With it being Dragon/Flying, Ice Beam is sure to be a 1
hit KO, as it'll do 4x damage. But if you can't get it done, you'll have to
deal with Dragon Dance and Dragonbreath, which will screw you over. If you
don't have ice or dragon, use rock, as flying's weakness to rock will help out
Kingdra is a big toughie. With it being part water, ice won't work well here.
You CAN use Dragon, as you'll get double (triple if STAB) damage to it. But it
has an above Special Defense, so getting it down won't be easy. If you have a
Pokemon with a high powered attack, use it, as Kingdra has a below average
Defense. But it has Surf, Dragon Dance, Smokescreen, and Body Slam. Dragon
Dance boosts Attack AND Speed, and it'll be used with Body Slam to mow you
down. Just give it all you got and hope for critical hits and eventually you'll
take him down.
With an Ice Type, Flygon is a steal, because of being Ground/Dragon. Ice Beam
will knock it out in one hit. It has Dragonbreath, Flamethrower, Earthquake,
and Crunch, a series of nasty attacks. Dragon will also work here, but Flygon
shouldn't be a problem.
If you have a strong Ice type, then Salamance won't be as hard as it looks. One
Ice Beam can knock it out in one hit. If not, use Dragon to mow it down,
otherwise use Rock since it is part flying as well. It has Dragon Claw, Crunch,
Flamethrower, and Rock Slide, and with its extremely super-duper high Attack,
you won't last long if you don't knock him out quickly. So just unload
absolutely everything you have if you don't have the type advantage.
After defeating Drake, you've defeated the Elite Four...or not. You've gotta
face the Champion as well, who should be a familiar face to Ruby and Sapphire
Trainer's Pokemon Type: Water
Recommended: Electric, Grass, Psychic, Poison (for two Pokemon)
Not Recommended: Rock, Ground, Fire, Water
Wallace was the former gym leader in Sootopolis City back in the days of Ruby
and Sapphire. It's highly recommended you use any healing items to your
advantage before fighting.
Wailord, Level 57 (Water)
Ludicolo, Level 56 (Water/Grass)
Gyrados, Level 56 (Water/Flying)
Tentacruel, Level 55 (Water/Poison)
Whiscash, Level 56 (Water/Ground)
Milotic, Level 58 (Water)
Money: $11600
Wailord is a joke. Sure it may have a ton of HP, but its low defense cancels
that out. One strong grass or electric attack and you've already taken down one
Pokemon. It has Blizzard, Double Edge, Water Spout, and Rain Dance, just in
case if you can't get it down in one turn, and it does have a high special
attack and attack to put them to good use.
Ludicolo is a major pain. Being Grass/Water, it has no special weaknesses, and
it does have a high Special Defense anyway, so try to stay away with that. You
can use Poison, Flying, or Bug. Sludge Bomb and Fly will work wonders. Ludicolo
has Giga Drain, Surf, Leech Seed, and Double Team. Take it down quickly before
it uses Double Team to raise its chances of dodging an attack. Leech Seed is
also a major pain, since it can heal Ludicolo every turn by taking away a
portion of your health. Otherwise, use your best Pokemon to take it down very
With Gyarados, one Thunderbolt and it's gone. If you can't get it done after a
few turns, you got to deal with Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, and Surf,
to go along with its very high Attack. OUCH. If you don't got Electric, dish it
out with everything you got.
Tentacruel has two popular weaknesses, due to being part Poison. You can use
your Psychic Pokemon to take him down with one or two Psychics, or you can use
Thunderbolt to take him down quickly. You're unlikely to get a one hit KO due
to Tentacruel's above average Special Defense.
If you have a strong grass Pokemon, Whiscash will be another pushover. One
grass attack will get rid of it, since it's both Water and Ground. But it does
have Earthquake and Surf, two nasty moves, but your grass Pokemon should be
able to take the pain. Otherwise, use the best of your best.
Miltoic will be another tough challenge. It has a very high special defense,
and it has Recover in the case that you mow down its HP. Electric and Grass
will do you best. It has Recover, Surf, Ice Beam, and Toxic. With Toxic, the
amount of damage you take from poison increases every turn, so you'll be taken
down quickly if that's the case. In this fight, just use the rest of your team,
pray for critical hits, and so on. You'll eventually come out on top.
CHAMPION (although Wallace will still be the champion every time you go through
the Elite Four - what a ripoff). Now, Professor Birch and your rival
(May/Brendan) and when you're about to enter the hall of fame, your rival will
want to come in, but is forbidden because your rival is not a champion. But
your rival still congratulates you. When you enter the hall of fame, all of
your Pokemon in your roster in the Elite Four will be registered in the hall of
fame. Now watch the credits roll by and then continue your file. Hey, we still
have plenty to do.
Aftermath of the Elite Four
The first thing you'll notice when continuing your file is that you'll be back
in your room at Littleroot Town. Head downstairs and your dad will reward you
with an SS Ticket. You can use it to board the SS Tidal to get between
Slateport and Lilycove Cities. Sure, it may seem pointless when you can use fly
to get between the two, but you'll need to board it at least once to get to an
area called the Battle Frontier; an area I'll cover later on.
The next thing you want to do is press A in front of the flashing TV. There
will be a report saying that a bzzt-colored Pokemon was seen flying around
Hoenn. After, your mom will ask you what color it was. You can pick between red
and blue. Selecting red means Latias will appear randomly in the wild, and
selecting blue means Latios will be the one roaming Hoenn. Unlike Ruby and
Sapphire, you can select which one you want to capture. Well, that's all to do
here. Leave your house and be ready for another surprise.
Upon leaving your house, you'll find Professor Birch who will take you to his
lab. Inside the lab, he will upgrade you and your rivals Pokedex to a "National
Pokedex". With it, you can trade with FireRed and LeafGreen. It expands your
Pokedex so that you can capture all 386 Pokemon, and you can also go after
Pokemon that weren't on your original Hoenn Pokedex. Now, your rival on the
other hand, will just help out Professor Birch forever, so no more fighting
between you two. Time to bust out of here and do what we want. Ok, maybe not.
Scott will call you saying to board the SS Tidal. Look Scott, it's nice of you
to offer, but I'm busy right now doing all of these other neat side quests we
get upon defeating the Elite Four. We'll get back to you later.
Remember that other Fossil?
Yeah, you remember don't you? A long while back, you took the Claw or Root
Fossil from the Mirage Tower and the other one sunk in the sand, never to be
seen again. Now that we've defeated the Elite Four, we can go get the other
one. Fly to Fallarbor Town. Once you get there, head west onto Route 114.
Continue heading left and enter the house. Now, you'll continue all the way
north to the other side of the area and you'll find an opening, and you'll be
in the Desert Underpass. It's a long stretch of ground, so you might want a
repel or two. Oh yeah, for the first time in a while, we find a new Pokemon, so
let's describe it.
Ditto (Very Common)
Whismur (Common)
Loudred (Uncommon)
Ditto. Bad Pokemon, good breeder. With a Ditto, it can transform into the
Pokemon it is facing in battle, and it gains all of the opponent's moves as
well. Trouble is, the opponent's stats don't get copied over, so you're stuck
with Ditto's crappy stats. But, if you're looking for some baby Pokemon, use
Ditto. It can breed with any Pokemon as long as it is not in the "No Eggs" Egg
group. It may be genderless, but it can still mate with anything.
Once you're in the Desert Underpass, all you need to do is head all the way to
the right until you get to the other edge of this room. There, you will find
the other fossil, either the Root or the Claw. Bring it back to the Devon Corp.
Building to have it resurrected down in Rustboro City. Oh yeah, you're bound to
run into a ton of wild Pokemon here, so bring a few Max Repels so everything
goes right. Now leave the Desert Underpass and leave the house to get back on
route 114. Before leaving this rote, go to the left and you'll find a body of
water. Surf on it and then surf to the waterfall. Use Waterfall to go up it and
then pick up the Rare Candy at the top. Now we can go do some other things.
Gold/Silver/Crystal Pokemon in the Safari Zone
Two new areas in the Safaria Zone are now accessible, thanks to beating the
Elite Four. These two areas contain Pokemon from Gold/Silver/Crystal that you
can't find anywhere else in the game. So, fly to Lilycove City and head out
rest onto Route 121. Enter the Safari Zone, pay to get in, and then we'll start
from there.
To get to area F, head north from your starting point until you see a path to
your right. Take this path and you'll find that the two guards blocking the
route are gone. So continue east and you'll find yourself in a new area.
Sunkern (Common)
Mareep (Common)
Aipom (Uncommon)
Spinarak (Uncommon)
Hoothoot (Rare)
Snubbull (Rare)
Stantler (Rare)
Gligar (Rare)
Holy hell, I have a LOT to cover here. First off, Sunkern is a grass Pokemon
with horrible stats. It does learn good grass moves, but it has bad stats to
take advantage though. Thankfully, with the help of a Sun Stone, you can evolve
it into Sunflora, where it improves a ton. It'll have a good special attack so
you can use the grass moves.
Mareep is one of my favorite electric Pokemon. Being in the 30s, all you have
to do is level it up twice for it to evolve twice. It will evolve into Flaffy
at Level 15 and Ampharos at level 30. They have a solid Special Attack but
being a sheep, it has low speed, so having Thunder Wave is an essence if you
want the best of Mareep.
Aipom is a Pokemon not worth touching. Even if it learns a handful of moves, it
doesn't have good stats to use them correctly. Ok, maybe it has a solid speed
stat, but that's it. Oh yeah: It's a normal type, and it doesn't evolve.
Spinarak is a Bug Pokemon ruined by its Poison Trait. Never mind the fact is
never learns any good moves, but it can be nasty if used right. Raising it to
level 22 evolves it into an Ariados, but that's as good as you'll find it. It's
an invitation for a 1 hit KO by psychic types too.
Hoothoot is a neat flying Pokemon. At level 20, it will evolve into Noctowl,
one of my favorite flying types in the game. You can teach it the
Hypnosis/Drean Eater Combo, which makes it great for a lot of things. Once
again, using Noctowl right can make your life a whole lot easier.
Snubulls are one of my least favorite. It looks ugly and it has no stats to
show for it either. Evolving into Granbull won't do much either. Even if it can
learn Crucnh, you'll think it can mow down ghosts and psychics, but it doesn't
have a good set of stats to work with, so I'd leave this one be.
Stantler is a good normal Pokemon with bad attacks. It excels in Attack and
Speed, and it can take down anything with a good psychical attack. But because
of the lack of good moves it learns by leveling up, you'll need TMs to put this
Pokemon to good use.
Gligar is a worthless Ground/Flying Pokemon. 4x weakness to Ice right there and
with a TM, but that's a waste right there. The only cool thing coming out of
this Pokemon is that it's a flying type immune to Electric.
Hey, for a change, surfing in the Safari Zone finds you some new Pokemon.
Wooper (Very Common)
Marill (Common)
Quagsire (Very Rare)
Wooper is a water/ground Pokemon. May be immune to Electric, but the 4x
weakness to grass lets that down. Evolving into Quagsire improves its stats but
drops its speed by a good margin. It isn't half bad, but there are plenty of
better Water Pokemon out there, so go figure.
Check out the new Pokemon you find by fishing too:
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Magikarp (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Remoraid (Common)
Remoraid (Very Common)
Goldeen (Common)
Octillery (Very Rare)
Remoraid is a neat Water Pokemon. It may have weak stats, but they'll improve
quite a bit when evolving into Octillery at Level 25. At Level 22, it learns
THREE moves: Bubblebeam, Aurora Beam, and Psybeam, three great moves. With TMs,
you can make Octillery a good Pokemon to raise. Just watch out for its below
average speed though.
When you enter this area, head all the way right until you get to a river of
water. Surf across the water and you'll find a patch of grass. The item on the
other side of the grass is a Big Pearl, so pick it up. Now surf back across the
water and continue north until it says "Safari Zone" on the top left corner of
your screen, meaning we're in area E.
Aipom (Common)
Teddiursa (Common)
Sunkern (Uncommon)
Ledyba (Uncommon)
Hoothoot (Rare)
Pineco (Rare)
Houndour (Rare)
Miltank (Rare)
Teddiursa can be a mean bean mashing little teddy bear once evolving into
Ursaring at Level 30. It learns devastating attacks such as Thrash at the very
high levels, making it dangerous. With the correct moveset, this Pokemon can
cause a really serious beating.
Ledyba is a defensive type Bug Pokemon with moves such as Reflect and Light
Screen. Even with that, it learns good attacks, but its attack is too low to
put them to good use. Stay away from this bug Pokemon. Evolving into Ledian at
Level 15 makes it flying, opening the door for many more weaknesses to come.
Pineco is a cool bug Pokemon. With the kind of moves it learns (Double Edge,
Explosion, etc), it will dish out the beatings, but it won't stay in battle for
long. Evolving into Foretress at Level 31 makes it Bug/Steel, with an excellent
defense. Just keep it away from Fire and you're set.
Houndour is a sick Fire/Dark Pokemon. Able to take out Bug, Grass, Ghost, Ice,
and Psychic, as it has good special attack and speed stats. Also, it can learn
great moves such as Crunch and Flamethrower. At level 24 it will evolve into
Houndoom. Great Pokemon to use and it is one of the more versatile Pokemon out
Miltank it a good normal Pokemon, and it's always female to boot. It has good
defense and speed, plus it learns a good set of solid attacks. It can recover
with an attack called Milk Drink. May not be one of the best normal types, but
if you want to try it out, go for it.
There is a new Pokemon here if you decide to go and use Rock Smash.
Shuckle (Very Common)
Shuckle is an interesting Bug/Rock Pokemon. It has one of the best defense and
special defense ratings in the entire game, but its HP, Attack, Special Attack,
and Speed are all atrocious. Even so, teaching it moves like Curse and Toxic
can make it one nasty Pokemon. Even if you have the type advantage, taking it
down will be tough.
Now that I got all of the Pokemon explained, head north and you'll find a set
of steps, so climb up them. To your north is another set of steps, so climb up
these. To the left of the next set of steps is a patch of grass, if you want to
go and catch some Pokemon. After you're done, head up the steps and follow the
path until you find the shattered rocks that are breakable with Rock Smash. To
your south is a ledge, so jump over it. Get the Nugget in this area. Once
you're all done, we've got another mini-Side Quest that we can do.
The gift that Steven left you
Before we go and locate Steven, he left us a gift at Mossdeep City. Fly there
and then head to his house. If you don't remember where it is, it's to the
northwest of the Pokemon Center. Inside is a Poke Ball on a desk with a note
next to it. You don't have to read the note, but reading it will say that you
two will meet again sometime and he's out somewhere. Anyway, the Poke Ball is a
Level 5 Beldum, who can evolve into one of the best Pokemon in the game. It is
Steel/Psychic, meaning you only need to worry about Fire and Ground. All Beldum
can learn is Take Down, but it'll learn a variety of moves when it evolves into
Metang at Level 20. Metang can learn Psychic at level 38. At level 45, it will
evolve into Metagross, who has unbelieveable stats. It also has an ability
called Clear Body, meaning its stats cannot be lowered from attacks such as
Tail Whip. Teach it moves like Psychic and Earthquake and you'll have an
unstoppable monster by your side.
That's all what's here for now. Now let's go find him.
Where's Steven?
To be honest, Steven is located deep in Meteor Falls, which is our next
destination. But we're not going there to just battle him. If you want to
battle him, I suggest raising your team into the 80s before you get severely
beaten. We can also battle a few more trainers there, catch some new Pokemon,
and even pick up a few neat items. Fly to Fallarbor Town and head to Route 114.
From there, work your way to Meteor Falls and you'll enter from the right side.
You'll need Surf and Waterfall to get to the unexplored areas.
As you step into the Meteor Falls, cross the bridge to your left and then head
down the steps. You'll see a body of water to your north, so surf up north and
you'll get to a waterfall. Have your Pokemon climb the waterfall and continue
north onto another ledge. Hop onto it and go through the entrance. There's
nothing much you can do in this room right now, except take the ladder to your
north and east. In this room, you can take another ladder and go directly to
Steven and fight him, but let's take a look at the other parts of this cave.
Once you enter this room, head south and west and follow the path to another
ladder (don't take the ladder at the top of a set of steps). Once you find this
ladder, take it. You'll be on the other side of the room you entered earlier.
There are two trainers and a ladder here. Fight the two trainers.
Old Couple John and Jay - Match Call Trainers
Medicham, Level 39 (Psychic/Fighting)
Hariyama, Level 39 (Fighting)
Money: $3120
Dragon Tamer Nicholas - Match Call Trainer
Altaria, Level 37 (Dragon/Flying)
ALtaria, Level 37 (Dragon/Flying)
Money: $2776
NOTE: After defeating Nicholas 5 times, both of his Pokemon will be holding the
"Dragon Fang" item. It's an item that powers up a Pokemon's Dragon-type moves
by 10% when they hold it, and use Thief/Covet to steal it.
The first trainer is right next to you from the entrance, and the second
trainer is at the top of 4 sets of steps. After you fight both trainers, go to
the right of where Nicholas is. You'll see a purple colored ground. These are
like normal ledges, and you can't go up these. Starting from the leftmost
purple space, keep jumping down these ledges and you'll be near another ladder
(like I said, stay to the left or you'll have to re-enter this room). Take this
ladder and you'll be near a body of water.
Go down the steps and you'll get to the water, so start surfing on it. Surf up
to the north and you'll find a platform with an entrance on it, so hop on the
platform and go through the entrance. In here, surf across the body of water to
get to an item. Pick it up and you'll find TM02: Dragon Claw, an excellent
Dragon Attack with a power of 80 and perfect accuracy. Sure, you may think
nothing else is here, but there is a Pokemon you can find no where else in this
Golbat (Very Common)
Bagon (Common)
Solrock (Common)
The new Pokemon introduced here is Bagon. It is a Dragon-type Pokemon which
evolves twice. At level 35, it will evolve into a Shelgon, which is slightly
more powerful, but it becomes a beast when it evolves into Salamance at level
55. Salamance also becomes part flying, but it has awesome attack and special
attack stats, and with the right moves, it can become very dangerous. Of
course, being Dragon/Flying, all you have to do is watch out for the nasty Ice
Pokemon. Also, wild Bagon can be bearing a Dragon Scale, so if you need one,
you can find one here (wild Horsea also have one just so you know).
Once you're done with your business here, leave the room. Get back surfing, but
this time, surf all the way down south and you'll find yourself another
platform with an entrance. Hop on the platform and go through the entrance and
you'll be in another small room with an item. Pick up the PP Up and go back
through the entrance. Back in here, surf to the ladder you originally took to
enter this room and then take it. In this room, hop across the purple ledge and
then go right until you find a ladder. When you find the ladder, take it. Back
in this room, head all the way down to the south and west until you find a set
up steps leading to a latter. Take the ladder and you'll find yourself in a
small room with an item and an entrance.
The item is TM23: Iron Tail, a steel type move which is decent but below
average on the accuracy side. It also has a chance of increasing your defense
when used in battle. Now go through the entrance. In here, head all the way up
to the north and you'll find Steven in an alcove. Save before fighting, and
make sure your Pokemon are in the 70-80 range.
Skarmory, Level 77 (Flying/Steel)
Claydol, Level 75 (Ground/Psychic)
Aggron, Level 76 (Rock/Steel)
Cradily, Level 76 (Grass/Rock)
Armaldo, Level 76 (Bug/Rock)
Metagross, Level 78 (Psychic/Steel)
Money: $4680
Again, like I've said, if your Pokemon are at the same levels his are at, you
shouldn't have too much of a problem fighting Steven.
Since Skarmory is Flying and Steel, he has no physical weaknesses. Electric and
Fire are the way to go.
For Claydol, Grass/Water/Ice/Dark will do the trick. Be aware that it does have
Reflect and Light Screen, which will cut both psychical and special attacks in
half. Your best bet is to knock it out in no more than 2 or 3 turns, but if it
persists, try bringing Brick Break with you to break both Reflect and Light
Aggron can be a pain with his super high defense. But since it is a Rock and
Steel type, it will take quadruple damage from Ground and Fighting, so pick
your poison. Another thing I've noticed is that he has 3 special attacks
(Thunder, Solarbeam, and Dragon Claw). Now, since his special attack is
ridiculously low, don't even worry about these. The only devastating attack
coming out of Aggron is Earthquake.
Cradily is tricky, because Grass will cancel out all of Rock's weaknesses
(Fighting, Ground, Water), while Rock will cancel out most of grass's
weaknesses (Fire, Bug, Poison, Flying). Your best bet is Ice. If you don't have
that, just use your most powerful attacks on Cradily.
Armaldo will simply go down with Water, and he does have a very low speed, so
use that to your advantage. The moves you should be worried about are Slash and
Aerial Ace, because they will fair well with his strong attack and can put you
in bad spot for your Pokemon.
Metagross is the big guy. He doesn't have a lot of weaknesses. You can use Fire
and Ground on him for the best results, but watch out, Metagross has good stats
overall. It has Earthquake and Psychic, two absolute killer moves. And watch
out for Meteor Mash since it's got a power of 150, so it can kill your Ice and
Rock Pokemon, I hope you either A) have a Pokemon with a great defense or B)
have a Pokemon resistant to steel).
All of these Pokemon can mow you down easily with attacks such as Earthquake
and Psychic, but eventually you'll triumph.
So, what do you get for all this trouble besides a few thousand dollars? That's
right, absolutely nothing. And here's a funny thing I noticed. When talking to
him before the battle, he mentions both of you fought at Sootopolis Space
Center, when it's really Mossdeep Space Center. Nice going there.
So, what else is there to do now? Remember that SS Ticket we got from Birch
after defeating the Elite Four? Let's use it to go to the Battle Frontier.
Catching more Legendary Pokemon
There are a number of legendary Pokemon you can catch right now.
To catch Groudon, you need to go to the Weather Institute. On the second floor,
talk to the scientist near the computer who tracks strange weather. He'll tell
you a drought was recorded on (insert route here). This means the Terra Cave
has been formed in that route and Groudon is in it. You have to get there as
fast as you can, otherwise the cave will move to a different spot. Here are all
the possible cave locations.
-Route 114, at the top of the waterfall in the NW corner
-Route 114, near the Meteor Falls entrance
-Route 115, at the top of the steps where all of the trainers are in the far
north part
-Route 115, at the top of a slope next to the above location (requires Mach
-Route 116, to the top of the steps and to the right of the Rusturf Tunnel
-Route 116, at the top of the steps near the guy looking for his glasses
-Route 118, to the west of the body of water
-Route 118, to the east of the body of water (near Route 119 entrance)
Once you find it, go inside and save your game. Walk up to Groudon and fight
him. With Groudon, sunny day will be in effect all battle, but his one turn
Solarbeam shouldn't be a problem since he's ground type. Get his health down as
low as you can and paralyze/put him to sleep. After, keep tossing Ultra/Timer
Balls until you finally capture him.
The process of catching Kyogre is the same as Groudon. Talk to the same
scientist in the weather institute and he'll tell you where heavy rainfall is
being recorded. When this happens in (insert route here), a new patch of dark
water forms in the route for a short period of time, which allows you to Dive
underwater and go inside the Marine Cave. If not, it will switch to somewhere
else. Here are the possible locations:
-Route 105, to the south of the cave where Regice is found
-Route 105, to the east of the biggest island that has trainers on them
-Route 125, to the north and west of the Shoal Cave
-Route 125, to the east of the patches of islands to the right of the Shoal
-Route 127, to the north of the island with 3 fishermen on it.
-Route 127, to the south of the island with 3 fishermen on it (must go around
the rocks to get to it).
-Route 129, in the extreme southeast corner.
-Route 129, in the central of the route next to a swimmer.
Once you find the dark patch, dive down it and save your game. Underwater,
enter the cave and then swim across the water to get to another cave entrance.
Save your game and then get to Kyroge, and then battle it.
Kyogre has an ability called Drizzle, which puts rain dance in effect all
battle. If you have Thunder, use it to severely weaken him. Also, grass attacks
will be effective. One move it has is called Shear Cold, which if it hits, one
hit knocks out your Pokemon. It also has rest, which will put it to sleep for
two turns and recover all of its health. It's got Hydro Pump as well as Double
Edge, so you're in for a beating if you make a mistake.
Try to put it to sleep yourself and whittle down its HP. Heal your Pokemon if
needed and bring plenty of Ultra and Timer Balls, and after a long, tiresome
fight, you'll eventually catch it.
Rayquaza can be captured after you free him and settle down the Sootopolis City
crisis between Groudon and Kyogre. He is located in the Sky Pillar and the Mach
Bike is required. But this time, getting to him will be much more difficult.
Because of the earthquake he caused when you woke him up, the floor tiles have
crippled, so one step on them will make you fall down to the previous floor.
Also, even with the Mach Bike, it is pretty tough to climb up, as you'll need a
fast reaction time to get past some of the nasty corners.
Once you enter the Sky Pillar, go up to the northeast corner of the room. On
the second floor, equip your Mach Bike and speed past the first two sets of the
crippled floors. Now head left and once you get to the southwest corner of the
room, immediately head up north and get up the staircase to the third floor, or
else you may fall through.
On the third floor, all you need to do is walk around the room to get to the
next staircase onto the third floor. The fourth floor is really a pain and it
can take several tries. Without stopping, use your Mach Bike to get clockwise
around the room, being sure to avoid the rocks in your way. The staircase to
the next floor is blocked off. On the north central part of the room, you'll
see 4 crippled floors. Get past the first one and fall through either the
second of the third tile. Down here, head up the staircase in front of you. Up
here, go up the staircase to your left. Now go counter clockwise around the
room to another staircase, and you'll be at the floor where Rayquaza is waiting
for you.
Save your game and let the battle begin.
Rayquaza is at level 70 and is Dragon/Flying, so bring either a Dragon, Ice, or
Rock Pokemon. Its four attacks are Rest, Outrage, Extremespeed, and Fly. The
first thing you want to do is put it to sleep and bring down its health. If it
wakes up and uses rest, use a powerful attack to bring it down to at least
orange/red health. If it uses Outrage, it will use the attack for 2-3 turns,
but will become confused afterward. When it uses fly, your best bet is to heal
yourself while it's in the air.
Once you have it to sleep and low health, keep tossing Ultra or Timer balls and
eventually you'll succeed. Best part is, you can get this Pokemon with the
Elite Four and use it for your lineup or backup purposes.
Before you can even capture these three Pokemon, you must solve a puzzle to
unlock the chambers they are resting in. First off, you'll need a Pokemon that
knows Dig, as well as Wailord and Relicanth. Also, be sure you have someone
that's got Dive.
First off, take all we have from the above list and get to Pacifidlog Town. Now
surf off to the west. Like fighting all the trainers, we need to take a certain
path in the water current to get to a certain dark patch of water.
Now, go all the way south until you bump into some rocks. Ride the current to
your left and you'll be taken to an island with the fisherman. Go to the
southwest part of this island and let the current take you to the next island.
Now get to the southwest part on this island and surf on the current. It will
take you calm water with two swimmers. Now swim west onto an island.
On this island, it is blocked off by rocks. Get to the southeast corner and
take the current to another part of this island. Work your way to the extreme
western part of the island. Now surf off to the left and let the currents take
you to a patch of light, calm water. Go to the west part of this calm water and
swim onto the current. It will take you to a patch of dark water, so dive down
Down underwater, take the cave entrance to your south. In this area, swim all
the way down south to the other part of this area and you'll come across a
rectangular rock. You'll see a little white paper on it. With or without
reading the Braille code on it, just use dive and resurface up to another room.
Now, go all the way up north to the other side of this room. Open your Pokemon
roster and use Dig in front of the paper and an entrance will be created.
Before entering it, put Wailord on your team's leading position and make sure
Relicanth is on the lowest spot.
In this room, go all the way up north to the other side of the room. If you
followed my instructions from the previous room, the ground will shake and it
will open up three new areas across Hoenn. Each of them contain another
legendary Pokemon.
With the three Pokemon unlocked, Regirock is located in the Desert Ruins.
Before going there, be sure to bring a Pokemon with Rock Smash on you. Now, get
to the desert ruins. Work your way south and you'll find a big rock surrounded
by six tiny rocks. The big rock now has an opening that wasn't there before. In
this room, go up to the Braille on the wall. Now go left two spaces and then
down two spaces. Use Rock Smash on this space and it will open up another
entrance. Save your game and then go through the entrance to fight Regirock.
Regirock is at level 40 and includes the moves Ancientpower, Superpower, Curse,
and Rock Throw. Superpower and Ancientpower are two very powerful moves, so
bring a Pokemon that has a great defense. And these moves will also be a lot
more devastating when it uses Curse (drops Speed but raises Attack and
Defense). Keep in mind when using Superpower, it will lower Regirock's attack
and defense down from one level, which can help cancel out curse.
Because Regirock has an enormous defense, use a special attack like a grass or
water type to mow it down. Paralyzing it, freezing it, or putting it to sleep
is highly recommended. It can't heal itself, but it can dish out the beatings.
A fighting Pokemon will work when trying to capture it, as it is resistant to
rock type attacks. Bring plenty of Ultra Balls, Timer Balls, and healing items
and once you have it in a status condition and weakened, cheap tossing those
Ultra/Timer balls until you finally capture it.
Regice is personally my hardest one to capture. It is located in a chamber
north of Dewford Town. Bring a Pokemon with surf and bring your best physical
and special Pokemon. Now go up north and surf up the water onto route 105. Keep
going north and stick to the western part of the area until you eventually find
another cave entrance. Go through the entrance and walk up to the Braille on
the wall.
To unlock the opening here, do a lap (doesn't matter which direction) around
the perimeter of this room, but be sure you stick to the wall at all times.
Once you complete the lap (and are in front of the Braille), a new opening
should be revealed. Save your game and then go through the opening and you'll
find Regice, so battle it.
Regice comes at level 40. It bears the attacks Curse, Icy Wind, Superpower, and
Ancientpower. It does have an extremely high special defense, so your best bet
is to mow it down with a rock or steel type. Fighting with a steel type will
defend you from all moves with the exception of superpower. Icy Wind is a not
so strong ice attack, but it will also reduce your speed when used. But if
Regice uses Curse frequently, it will help cancel out those icy wind effects,
especially if you're faster than Regice.
Also, Superpower reduces Regice's Attack and Defense when it uses the attack,
helping to cancel out the effects of curse. Ancientpower is a decent rock move
which has a 10% chance of increasing all of Regice's stats. After you have it
on low health, try to put it to sleep or paralyze it. It can't heal itself, so
bring out your strongest Pokemon that can sustain a lot of damage and make sure
you have some nice healing items on you. Now, start hurling your Ultra Balls at
Regice and then if the battle goes long enough, start busting out those Timer
Balls and you'll eventually capture Regice.
For fighting Registeel, a Pokemon with Flash is required. Now, get to Lilycove
City. Now go west until you get to Route 120. Continue west until you bump into
the wall. There should be a staircase next to you, so go up the stairs. Up
here, continue walking north and head up the next set of stairs. At the top of
the staircase, go into the cave entrance. In this room, walk to the middle and
use Flash. This will create an opening. Save your game, and then go through the
opening to fight Registeel.
As the previous two Regis, it comes at level 40. It also bears Metal Claw,
Superpower, Curse, and Ancientpower. It has decent special defense and defense
stats. If it uses Superpower on you, its attack and defense goes down as usual.
Don't worry about Metal Claw, all it does is do a little damage with a chance
of boosting Registeel's Attack (besides, Steel only has advantage on Ice and
Rock). Use fire, fighting, or ground to mow down its health. Put it to sleep or
paralyze it if you can, and then start chucking your Ultra Balls at it. If you
don't have any success with that, use Timer Balls if the longevity of the
battle keeps growing. Eventually you'll capture it, and soon enough you'll have
all three Regis!
After you defeat the Elite Four, watch the news at home. They'll report a
"bzzzt" colored Pokemon was found wandering around Hoenn. Your mom will ask
which color the Pokemon was. If you select red, Latias will be appearing in the
wild. If you select blue, Latios will be appearing in the Wild. They come at
level 40 and catching them is like trying to capture the legendary dogs in
other versions of Pokemon (Entei/Raikou/Suicune).
Like Entei/Raikou/Suicune, they do run away, so you'll need a Pokemon with Mean
Look to catch it. I love to use a Crobat at level 40 here, because it has a lot
of speed and knows the move as well. But since Crobat is poison, it won't last
long once it starts using the psychic attacks. Also, any damage you do to them
will not heal if they run away.
So where do I find Latios/Latias?? They can be found on pretty much any route
in Hoenn. Grab a Max Repel or two and then head to route 118, the route east of
Mauville City. Get in the grass and save your game. Now use your Max Repel (but
make sure your top Pokemon is level 40 and below, but make sure it's higher
than the level range of Pokemon found in that grass). If you don't find
Latios/Latias, turn off your game and restart. The location is randomized when
you shut off your game, switch routes, fly, teleport, etc. Use the repel again
and keep using this trick until you find either Pokemon.
Now, if you have a Master Ball, this is the best location to use this, and
it'll be done like that. If not, you'll need to bear with me and have a lot of
patience. Use your Mean Look using Crobat and then start to bring down its
health, but watch out for Recover. If it knocks out your Crobat, the Mean Look
curse will be broken. Switch to a Pokemon that knows a paralyze move. Paralyze
it to reduce its speed and abilities, but either Lati can rid of the status
conditions by using refresh.
If it runs away, use the location section on your Pokedex to track it down. If
it is two routes away, move one route closer and see if it moves on the same
route as you. If not, fly to Mauville and try again. You'll eventually cross it
Both Latis will have Luster Purge, Recover, and Psychic, powerful moves that
will mow you down easily. So you'll need to paralyze or put to them sleep and
get them to low health. Both are Psychic/Dragon Pokemon, so bring an Ice, Fire,
or Dark Pokemon. Just watch out for their high Special Defense. After getting
them to low health, unload all of your Poke Balls on the Lati until you finally
capture it.
Once you have it paralyzed, have Mean Look on it and with a small amount of
health left, start tossing your Ultra Balls at it and you'll eventually capture
it. It requires a lot of patience to do so.
Also, putting it to sleep will be a big help as well.
The SS Tidal and getting to the Battle Frontier
Now, with nothing else to do, get yourself over to Slateport City and go to the
Slateport Harbor. With the SS Ticket, you can travel on the SS Tidal between
Slateport and Lilycove City. After you take the SS Tidal at least once, you can
take it to the Battle Frontier.
When you get onto the SS Tidal, remember where your room is. It's on the bottom
row and the 2nd to the left. You can rest in your bed here to heal your
Pokemon, but at the same time, the SS Tidal will arrive at its destination
(Slateport/Lilycove/Battle Frontier). There are trainers here, so let's battle
them one by one for some experience.
Starting from your room, enter the door to your left where you'll find two
trainers, so let's battle them.
Young Couple Lea and Jed
Luvdisc, Level 45 (Water)
Luvdisc, Level 45 (Water)
Money: $2880
After you fight the trainer in here, enter the room to the right of your room,
where you'll find another trainer. Fight him.
Rich Boy Garrett
Azumarill, Level 45 (Water)
Money: $9000
To the right of this cabin yields another trainer, so dispose of him at your
Gentleman Micah
Manectric, Level 44 (Electric)
Manectric, Level 44 (Electric)
Money: $3520
After this fight, go to the northern half of the room and go through the door
on the far rightmost side. There's a man in front of a trash can, but he's not
a trainer. Talking to him will get you TM49: Snatch, a useless TM that only
works with non-damaging attacks (if the opponent uses a non-damaging attack on
you and you use this move, you can use the move they used for one turn). Leave
this room and enter the next room on the left. Let's take out the next trainer
in sight.
Gentleman Thomas
Zangoose, Level 45 (Normal)
Money: $3600
After this fight, go up to the next room on the left where a lady is sitting
down doing nothing.
Lady Naomi
Roselia, Level 45 (Grass/Poison)
Money: $9000
There is one last trainer in this area of the ship on the room to your left.
Enter the cabin and fight the trainer.
Pokefan Colton
Skitty, Level 22 (Normal)
Skitty, Level 36 (Normal)
Skitty, Level 40 (Normal)
Skitty, Level 12 (Normal)
Skitty, Level 30 (Normal)
Delcatty, Level 42 (Normal)
Money: $3160
That's exactly why I hate most Pokefans. Instead of being armed with powerful
Pokemon, he pulls out a devastating high powered level 12 Skitty. Look out.
There's a staircase in the top right corner of the room, so go down it. There
are two last trainers in this room, so let's fight them.
Sailor Phillip
Tentacruel, Level 44 (Water/Poison)
Machoke, Level 44 (Fighting)
Money: $1392 You can walk in between these two for a
/team battle, giving you $2784
Sailor Leonard /
Machop, Level 43 (Fighting) /
Pelipper, Level 43 (Water/Flying)
Machoke, Level 43 (Fighting)
Money: $1392
Once you've finished all trainers, take a nap if you haven't done so already.
Now you can leave the SS Tidal and you'll be at Lilycove City. Now that you've
taken at least one ride on the SS Tidal, you can sail to the Battle Frontier.
So get back in the SS Tidal and go there.
The Battle Frontier
So, we're finally there. Yes, you can fly here as well, so don't worry about
that. When you enter the building, you'll get a Frontier Pass for free. This
will replace your Trainer Card page (but it's still accessible on the Frontier
Pass). The Frontier Pass shows how much Battle Points you have, which symbols
you've earned, and a map of the Battle Frontier. After you get this sorted out,
continue up north and you'll find a more open area. From here, head east and
you'll end up near the Pokemon Center and Pokemart.
Pokemart Item Listing:
Calcium ($9800)
Carbos ($9800)
Full Heal ($600)
Full Restore ($3000)
HP Up ($9800)
Hyper Potion ($1200)
Iron ($9800)
Max Potion ($2500)
Max Repel ($700)
Protein ($9800)
Revive ($1500)
Ultra Ball ($1200)
Zinc ($9800)
There are three houses above the Pokemart and Pokemon Center. If you enter the
house on the right, there will be a man who will talk about your top Pokemon's
nature and say its best advantages. On the left house, there will be a group of
kids telling you about the Battle Frontier. Now, before we get to each of the
battle areas, I'll give you a tour of the area. Starting from the Pokemon
Center, go all the way left until you find 3 paths that take you up north. Take
the middle path and continue north until you get to some steps. Go left of the
steps and you'll find a tiny house. In there are two old ladies that will teach
you some moves in exchange for some battle points. Believe me, these are some
nice moves.
Body Slam (48BP)
Counter (48BP)
Mega Kick (48BP)
Rock Slide (48BP)
Swords Dance (48BP)
Thunder Wave (48BP)
Mega Punch (24BP)
Seismic Toss (24BP)
Dream Eater (24BP)
Softboiled (16BP)
Endure (48BP)
Fire Punch (48BP)
Ice Punch (48BP)
Thunderpunch (48BP)
Psych Up (48BP)
Icy Wind (24BP)
Mud-Slap (24BP)
Snore (24BP)
Swift (24BP)
Defense Curl (16BP)
So, if you want a number of moves from this list, you're going to need to earn
Battle Points and become great at winning battles here, as they are pretty
From this house, head up the stairs and you'll be in front of the Battle Dome.
But ignore this for now and continue east until you get to a small house. Enter
this house. You'll find Scott here, the guy who you continuously ran into
around Hoenn. But this time, you'll earn a few prizes for accomplishments here:
Winning 50 Battles: Silver Shield
Winning 100 Battles: Gold Shield
Win All Silver Symbols: Lansat Berry
Win all Gold Symbols: Starf Berry
The former two are just decorations for your secret base. From Scott's house,
head east and you'll find a tiny building next to a massive building. In here
is a girl who will trade you a Meowth for a Skitty of your own. I say go for
it, since you can't find Meowth anywhere else in the game (not that it's worth
raising or anything).
From this girl's house, head down in front of the massive building, known as
the Battle Tower. Go down the steps in front of the Battle Tower, and you'll
find a building to your left, so enter it. In this room, you can exchange
Battle Points for more prizes, ranging from items to dolls and stat boosting
Chikorita Doll (80BP)
Cyndaquil Doll (80BP)
Totodile Doll (80BP)
Clefairy Doll (48BP)
Ditto Doll (48BP)
Meowth Doll (48BP)
Togepi Doll (48BP)
Kiss Cushion (32BP)
Smoochum Doll (32BP)
Kiss Poster (16BP)
Bright Power (64BP)
Choice Band (64BP)
Focus Band (64BP)
King's Rock (64BP)
Scope Lens (64BP)
Leftovers (48BP)
Mental Herb (48BP)
Quick Claw (48BP)
White Herb (48BP)
Blastoise Doll (256BP)
Charizard Doll (256BP)
Venusaur Doll (256BP)
Lapras Doll (128BP)
Snorlax Doll (128BP)
Calcium (1BP)
Carbos (1BP)
HP Up (1BP)
Iron (1BP)
Protein (1BP)
Zinc (1BP)
From this house, go east past the steps and follow the path until you get to a
pyramid structure. You'll pass by a house, which contains Battle Frontier
records you've set and the like. Check it out if you want. From the pyramid,
head south until you find a little house in an alcove. In here, you can gamble
your Battle Points once you've earned at least 3 Silver Symbols. Continue down
south from this house until you find an old lady near an odd shaped tree. This
is a Sudowoodo at Level 40, but to battle it, you'll need the Wailmer Pail way
back in Route 104.
Sudowoodo is a pure Rock Pokemon with solid Attack and Defense stats. If you
knock him out, you can't get another one, so be careful. Just wear him down
until his health is low enough, then try to put it to asleep or paralyze it.
Catching it shouldn't be a major problem.
If you want to explore more of the Battle Frontier, head down south from where
Sudowoodo was and surf in the water. Surf down the waterfall and continue Surf
left until you find a platform with a cave entrance in it. Go through the
entrance and you'll be in the Artisan Cave. The only Pokemon here is just a
Smeargle. That's it, nothing else. Smeargle is a pretty bad Pokemon as well.
All it can do is Sketch (only 1PP) and it copies the last move you've done.
After that, it will use Struggle (assuming the Sketch failed) or use the move
it copied. Sure, it would be logical to set it up with nasty attacks such as
Thunderbolt and Ice Beam, but Smeargle has horrible stats. Once it copies a new
move with Sketch, it's gone. It will learn Sketch about every 11 levels or so.
Now, let's bust outta here so we can have fun battling.
If you don't have Waterfall to get back up the waterfall, simple: just use Fly.
Don't have Fly either? OH NO! Well, good thing I didn't tell you about that
ladder in the northeast corner of the Artisan Cave...ah damnit. In the Artisan
cave, follow the path until you get to a ladder and then take it. The entrance
to freedom is before your eyes. Oh yeah, get that Carbos near the exit, will
you? Back outside, jump the ledge and you'll be near the records house. Now
let's go explore all 7 funhouses in the Battle Frontier, going from west to
east, starting at the Battle Factory.
Battle Frontier Rules
There are four different modes you can play in for the Battle Frontier. Keep in
mind that if you want to earn symbols, you must play through for Single Battle.
However, you can still earn battle Points with any of the four types of battle
Single Battle - Should be self explanatory. In any part of the battle frontier,
you go one-on-one against another trainer.
Double Battle - Like single battle, except for both you and your opponent, two
Pokemon will be on the screen instead of one. These are just like double
battles you've seen elsewhere.
Multi Battle - This is a two-on-two battle, except you partner up with another
computer player and go up against two computer players. Each trainer will have
one Pokemon of their own on the screen.
Link Multi Battle - You can use a Link Cable or Wireless Adapter to link up and
team up to take on the Battle Frontier. Each of you will use two Pokemon and
both of you will be able to earn Battle Points. Really neat feature.
Note that the latter two options are only available in the Battle Tower.
If you keep winning in any location of the Battle Frontier, you will accumulate
Battle Points. Depending on the area you are, you'll need to fight a certain
amount of people to win Battle Points (for example, you need to defeat four
people in a row at the Battle Dome to win Battle Points). At first, you'll only
win 1 Battle Point, but as long as you build up winning streaks, you'll earn
more and more. Defeating the Frontier Brains will give you a handful amount. If
you lose, you'll reset yourself back to round one and start out by only winning
one Battle Point again.
You can use the Battle Points to get some great prizes from people around the
Battle Frontier, ranging from moves to items and even dolls. But they are
pretty expensive in terms of Battle Points, so if you want let's say, a
Charizard Doll, you'll need to spend a LOT of time earning up 256 BP.
In each of the Battle Frontier, you can only use three Pokemon (Eggs, Mewtwo,
Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre are not allowed). You can choose between Level50
and Open Level. If you choose Open Level, the Pokemon your opponents will match
the highest level your Pokemon has (so if you have Pokemon at level 50, 53, and
67, all trainers will have Pokemon at level 67. Level 50 is what it says - the
Pokemon you face will be at 50, but you'll need Pokemon of your own at Level
With all that's said, let's move on to each area of the Battle Frontier.
The Battle Factory is probably the most random out of all. You can use Pokemon
inside the Battle Factory, but you can't use any of yours. When selecting
Pokemon you want to use, be aware of these things. To get to the Battle
Factory, it is located on the far west side of the area. From the Pokemon
Center, just go all the way west and eventually you'll
-Try to put in some variety. If you choose, say, three water Pokemon, that's
not good, as Grass and Electric Pokemon will be hungry for some ass-kicking. If
you had for example, a fire type, a water type, and a grass type Pokemon, you
can be able to battle more efficiently.
-Another thing you should look at is the movesets and stats each Pokemon
available for rental have. These can determine the difficulty of the battles
and how you fare against the opponents.
-If you don't like a Pokemon you rented but end up defeating a trainer, you can
trade with a trainer you've defeated and see if it will help you out more.
After you've defeated seven trainers in a row, you will earn battle points.
Once you have defeated 20 trainers in a row, you will face the brain of the
Battle Factory, Noland.
I can't give you any strategy on Nolan due to the fact his three Pokemon are
completely random. Just use type advantages and strategies of your own to take
him down. If not, just give it all you got and hope you come out on top. Once
you have defeated Noland, you will earn the knowledge symbol.
After you have defeated 35 trainers in a row (including battling Noland the
first time around or the trainer that takes his place once you defeat him), you
can face Noland a second time for a golden Knowledge symbol.
You want to note the descriptions are available for the trainer you will be
going up against.
|Battle Style |Foe's Tactic |
|"slow and steady" | Moves that cause status conditions |
|"one of endurance" | Moves that heal HP and defend |
|"high risk, high return" | Risky moves that hurt self |
|"flexibly adaptable to the situation"| Weather-control moves |
|"based on total preparation" | Moves that increase Pokemon's stats|
|"weakening the foe to start" | Moves that lower your stats |
|"impossible to predict" | Foe has many different attacks |
|"depend on the battle's flow" | Uses a combination of 2 tactics |
|"free-spirited and unrestrained" | Foe's moves are unpredictable |
One last thing you might want to know is trading can benefit you over time. The
more you trade, the more powerful Pokemon will become available to your
advantage, so try to swap for good Pokemon on a consistent basis and eventually
it'll pay off.
The Battle Dome is one of my favorite places in the Battle Frontier. To get to
it, go north from the Battle Factory and then head up the steps. At the top
you'll see a building. Enter it and you'll be inside.
In the Battle Dome, you can register three Pokemon to battle with you each
round. But when you're ready to battle, you can only select two of the three
Pokemon you registered. But before you battle a trainer, you can check out
their information as well as their Pokemon, so you can plot out which Pokemon
to register. To do this, select "Tourney Tree" and look at the upcoming trainer
you're facing. You can check out any other trainer in the competition as well.
In their user info, you can see a little description that will tell you how
strong the trainer is. Here is a list of all the descriptions you can get,
ranging from strongest to weakest.
The best candidate to be a champ!
A sure-finalist team.
A likely top-three finisher.
A candidate team to finish first.
A team with top-class potential.
The dark horse team this tournament.
A better-than-average team.
This tournament's average team.
A team with average potential.
A weaker-than-average team.
A team looking for its first win.
One win will make this team proud.
Overall, a weak team.
A team with very low potential.
A team unlikely to win the tournament.
The team most unlikely to win.
Holy crap, in MS Word, all but two sentences from the above list was detected
as a fragment.
Now, every time you defeat four trainers in a row, you will earn Battle Points.
Once you have defeated 19 battles in a row, you will face the Frontier Brain,
Tucker. Here are his Pokemon.
Salamance (Dragon/Flying)
Charizard (Fire/Flying)
Swampert (Water/Ground)
The good thing is, all of these Pokemon are 4x weak to something, so this isn't
too hard. If you have a Sceptile on him, do me a favor and say hi to Swampert
with a Leaf Blade. An Ice Beam will send Salamance into oblivion, while
Charizard can go down with a Rock Slide or two (or if you have Hydro Pump or
Rain Dance/Surf, go for that). Pick your poison, and if you have your own
strategy, go for it. But remember, he can only use two of his Pokemon as well,
so pick wisely and try to mix up the movesets of your Pokemon.
Taking Tucker out will give you a Tactics Symbol.
After defeating 39 trainers in a row, you will face Tucker for a Gold Tactics
Symbol. Tucker's Pokemon have severely upgraded.
Swampert (Water/Ground)
Latias (Psychic/Dragon)
Metagross (Psychic/Steel)
If I were you, I'd pray to god he doesn't take Latias. Again, just use a grass
move and Swampert will go down with flying colors. For Latias, its special
defense is incredibly high, so you'll need a Pokemon who has a high special
defense. It is part dragon, so you can use a dragon of your own or use ice type
attacks until you finally mow it down. If not, you can try using Megahorn or a
dark type attack. If not, just give it all you got. Metagross on the other
hand, has two obvious weaknesses to fire and ground. Try to use those, as
they'll really help. If not, use your best attacks on it and best of luck to
Defeating Tucker the 2nd time around will give you the golden Tactics Symbol.
-Try mixing up the movesets of your Pokemon. For example, if you had a
Gardevoir with Psychic, Thunderbolt, Fire Punch, and Ice Punch, you'll have a
huge variety of advantages. If you have Metagross, try using Earthquake, Sludge
Bomb, Shadow Ball, and Psychic to help yourself out.
-As always, stay away from having multiple types.
The Battle Pike is a neat place and it is based on luck. To get here, go east
from the Battle Factory and you'll see two paths to the north. Take the one on
the right and you'll come up to a building in the shape of a Seviper.
Now, every other room you will get to pick a path. In every path you take,
either a good or a bad event will happen. If you're not sure on which path to
take, talk to the woman in the room you are in. She'll talk about one of the
paths (middle, right, left), and give a description about it. Here is a
description of each message she gives you.
"A trainer? I sense the presence of people..."
In this message, the path she is referring to will either have a trainer you
fight or if you're lucky, the next room will have a person who will heal all of
your Pokemon (the former is more likely to happen however).
"I seem to have heard something..."
Either two trainers will team up and have a double battle with you or you'll
find a person doing nothing (talking to them does nothing either), making it a
little break room. However, the former is more likely to happen.
"Distinct aroma of Pokemon wafting around it..."
This either means in the next room she is referring to, you will either fight a
tough trainer that is a bit difficult to beat or you will walk in a room that
has a little maze to get to the other side, but is lurking with wild Pokemon.
The latter is more likely to happen if you get this message.
"I felt a wave of nostalgia coming from it..."
walk in the room, you are more likely to have someone's Pokemon attack you
senselessly and inflict one or more of your Pokemon with a status condition,
and this can be very bad for you. Also, if you get this message, sometimes
you'll find a man who will heal one or more of your Pokemon. Even if that's the
case, DO NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES. Take a different path instead.
"A terrifying event, yes, a horrible one, is about to befall you..."
Don't be scared, really. All it means is that you're taking on the Pike Queen
Every time you clear 7 rooms, you'll earn Battle Points. After you clear 14
rooms, you'll be notified that the Queen is coming no matter which path you
take. But one of the paths you take will heal your Pokemon beforehand, so you
can try and get lucky. Here are the Pokemon she will carry the first time
Seviper (Poison)
Milotic (Water)
Shuckle (Bug/Rock)
Seviper should easily be able to go down with a good psychic or poison attack.
But watch out for Milotic. It has a high Special Defense and if you try to use
a grass or electric attack on it, Milotic will use Mirror Coat and bounce the
attack back at you, meaning an instant OHKO (assuming the grass/electric attack
doesn't knock it out in one hit). Like the Battle Pike, knocking it out is
based on luck (with critical hits and such). If not, use your best physical
attacks on it to mow it down. Shuckle on the other hand, has a defense and
special defense through the roof. On the good side, its attack and special
attack stats are horrible. Even if you use water-type on Shuckle, taking it
down will be a pain. Also, Shuckle will try to use annoying moves such as
Sandstorm and Toxic since it has no attack or special attack.
Defeating Lucy will give you the silver Luck symbol. After clearing 70 rooms,
you get to face her again. Her roster of Pokemon will be a bit easier:
Seviper (Poison)
Gyarados (Water/Flying)
Steelix (Ground/Steel)
Again Seviper will go down quickly with a psychic or a ground attack. That
Gyarados is just asking for a Thunderbolt, right? And Steelix can be finished
off with water, fire, ground, or fighting. Your choice.
Now, you'll get the gold Luck Symbol.
If you've played Pokemon Crystal, Ruby, or Sapphire, then you probably know
what the Battle Tower already is. But here it is on the Battle Frontier. To get
to the Battle Tower, just go all the way up north from the Pokemon Center until
you get to a set of steps. At the top of the steps, you'll find the Battle
In the battle tower, you will register three Pokemon before fighting. Also, you
cannot register two Pokemon that are holding the same item. The trainers and
Pokemon you face will be completely random, so be sure to register your top 3
best Pokemon.
Defeat seven trainers in a row to earn Battle Points. After defeating 34
trainers in a row, you will face the Frontier Brain here, Anabel.
Alakazam (Psychic)
Entei (Fire)
Snorlax (Normal)
How she mangers to get an Entei is far beyond me. Alakazam is pretty fast with
a nasty special attack, so your Pokemon will not last long in front of him. But
Alakazam has a horrible defense stat, so use your best physical attacks (like
Body Slam and Earthquake), and he'll go down in a hit or two. With Entei, use a
Rock Pokemon with Eartquake so you won't need to worry about taking a lot of
damage from Return and Fire Blast. But watch out, Entei has an ability called
Pressure, which uses up 2 of your PP instead of 1 whenever you attack him.
Snorlax is a real pain in the ass. With a ton of HP and an ability called
immunity (can't poison him, so there goes the idea of Toxic), he will not go
down easily. Try using your best fighting attacks or if you have a rock
Pokemon, keep him in there and it'll be able to hold up against Body Slam and
Shadow Ball if it has a high defense.
After you beat Anabel the first time around, you'll be rewarded the Silver
Ability Symbol.
When beating 69 trainers in a row, you'll face Anabel again, and she's gotten a
lot harder.
Raikou (Electric)
Snorlax (Normal)
Latios (Dragon/Psychic)
Raikou is like Alakazam. Good special attack and speed, but bad defense. An
Earthquake will put it away for sure. Same process with Snorlax, use a fighter
like Hariyama or stand up to it with your Pokemon that have a high powered
defense. Latios, having a high special defense, will require a lot of work to
bring him down. Use Ice, Dragon, or Dark to get him down quick, and if that
fails, use your best Physical Attacks (but not Earthquake since it has
Levitate). Eventually you'll bring it down. Be sure to bring a Pokemon with a
high Special Defense too.
So, defeating her a 2nd time will give you the Gold Ability Symbol.
The Battle Pyramid is interesting. It is like Brawly's Gym, where you must
defeat trainers to light up the darkened room. To get here, go down the steps
in front of the Battle Tower and then continue east until you get to a pyramid
structure. Gee, what could that be?
In the Battle Pyramid, you can register three Pokemon to go out with you. But
before registering, talk to the guy next to the computer near the bridge. He'll
tell you about the wild Pokemon you'll be facing in the Battle Pyramid. If he
says you'll be suffering from paralysis, take a ground and a fast Pokemon with
you. If he says you'll suffer from poison, take a psychic Pokemon with you. And
if he says you'll be suffering from burning, take a water Pokemon.
Inside the Battle Pyramid, it is dark (and no, using Flash will not work).
Defeating trainers and wild Pokemon will increase the brightness. Do not fight
all of them, as it will mow down your Pokemon's PP and it'll come back to haunt
you in the higher floors. The object of the game is to get to the seventh floor
(the top one). To get there, you must find the blue warp panel in each floor.
You can find it by searching around and getting lucky, or if you defeat
trainers, talk to them after the battle and they may say the direction the exit
is in (or they'll point out a direction of an item is).
Get to the top of the pyramid to earn Battle Points. Once you've cleared it
three times in a row, the person at the top of the pyramid will say someone got
to the top faster than you did. When you get this message, you must fight
Brandon, the Frontier Brain here.
Regirock (Rock)
Registeel (Steel)
Regice (Ice)
Since he'll start out with Regirock, use your best Water Pokemon. Don't even
try physical attacks because Regirock's defense is through the roof. A Rain
Dance/Surf combo will dispose of him in one hit, or a Hydro Pump is just as
effective. Registeel has both a good Defense and Special Defense. Wear him down
with whatever you have - fire, fighting, or ground, and eventually you'll
triumph. Regice is the real pain. Even if you have a fire-type on you, Regice
has an unbelievable Special Defense. If you have Rock or Fighting on you, use
it immediately. It has nasty attacks like Thunder and Ice Beam, so you'll want
to finish it off quickly. Or hope that you get a few critical hits in there.
Defeating Brandon the first time around will give you the Silver Brave symbol.
After you have cleared the pyramid 10 times in a row, you will face Brandon a
second time. Instead of having the Regis, he'll have the legendary birds from
Articuno (Ice/Flying)
Zapdos (Electric/Flying)
Moltres (Fire/Flying)
Now, bring a Golem into this battle and it'll be easy. Putting Golem against
Articuno is a risk over, because of ground's weakness for ice. Take out
Articuno with a fire, steel, or electric Pokemon. With Zapdos, use Golem. It is
already immune to electric and is resistant against flying. A rock slide or two
will put it away. Moltres is another joke. Being Fire and Flying, boom. 4x
weakness to Rock again. One Rock Slide should satisfy your needs. If not, take
out Moltres with a water or electric.
Defeating Brandon a second time around will give you the gold Brave symbol.
The Battle Palace is probably the most annoying area in the Battle Frontier.
One main reason is that you cannot choose which attacks your Pokemon can use.
Instead, the attacks they choose will be based on their nature. To get here, go
south from the Battle Pyramid and then head west. You'll find a building to
your north and south. Enter the building on the south.
In the Battle Palace, attacks are divided into three groups "ATTACK",
"DEFENSE", and "SUPPORT". Attack moves are moves that cause damage, such as
Psychic and Thunderbolt. Defense moves will help out your Pokemon by boosting
their stats, such as Growth and Amnesia. Support moves will either lower the
opponent's stats or put a status condition on them, such as Screech or Glare.
Here is a chart of all the natures.
5 = Pokemon's favorite type of move
4 = Pokemon likes this type of move
3 = Pokemon is neutral with this type of move
2 = Pokemon doesn't like this type of move
1 = Pokemon's least favorite type of move
| ADAMANT | 3 | 3 | 3 |
| BASHFUL | 3 | 5 | 1 |
| BOLD | 3 | 2 | 5 |
| CALM | 4 | 5 | 1 |
| CAREFUL | 4 | 5 | 1 |
| DOCILE | 5 | 2 | 2 |
| GENTLE | 2 | 5 | 1 |
| HARDY | 5 | 1 | 3 |
| HASTY | 5 | 3 | 1 |
| IMPISH | 5 | 1 | 3 |
| JOLLY | 3 | 1 | 5 |
| LAX | 3 | 1 | 5 |
| LONELY | 2 | 3 | 5 |
| MILD | 4 | 5 | 2 |
| MODEST | 3 | 4 | 2 |
| NAIVE | 5 | 2 | 2 |
| NAUGHTY | 2 | 5 | 1 |
| QUIET | 5 | 2 | 2 |
| QUIRKY | 5 | 2 | 2 |
| RASH | 3 | 1 | 5 |
| RELAXED | 3 | 1 | 5 |
| SASSY | 5 | 1 | 1 |
| SERIOUS | 3 | 1 | 5 |
| TIMID | 5 | 1 | 3 |
So, my suggestion for your Pokemon is to have a nature that has favors attack,
so you can finish the battle quickly.
Once you defeat seven trainers in a row, you will earn Battle Points. After
clearing the Battle Palace three times in a row, you will go on to face the
Frontier Brain here, Spenser.
Crobat (Poison/Flying)
Slaking (Normal)
Lapras (Water/Ice)
Crobat is a very fast Pokemon, so counter it with your fastest Psychic Pokemon.
If not, Rock and Electric will do the trick. Just watch out, because it will
use annoying attacks such as Toxic and Double Team. Slaking packs a punch. It
has a devastating attack but thanks to its ability Truant, it can only attack
every other turn. Bring in a strong fighting Pokemon to finish it off quickly.
You can use that same fighting Pokemon to take out Lapras, but be sure to have
an electric/grass Pokemon as well.
Defeating Spenser the first time around will earn you the Silver Spirits
After clearing the Battle Palace six times in a row, you will face him again.
Arcanine (Fire)
Slaking (Normal)
Suicune (Water)
Use a water or a ground Pokemon to dispose of Arcanine quickly. Again, use a
fighter to finish off Slaking, but watch out for Suicune. It's got great
defense and special defense, so just use your best attacks on it and eventually
you'll finish it off.
Defeating him the second time around will earn you the Golden Spirits Symbol.
The Battle Arena is a unique place, due to the fact that you don't have to
knock out a Pokemon in order to win. It is located just north of the Battle
The same rules apply, so register your three Pokemon that you would like to
use. In here, you cannot change your Pokemon during the battle and Baton Pass,
Roar, and Whirlwind to not work in this tournament.
You have three turns to knock out the opponent's Pokemon. If you cannot knock
out the Pokemon in three turns, the judge will decide who emerges victorious.
You will be judged off three categories.
Mind: If you stay on the offensive side and keep dishing out attacks, you'll
get a higher Mind rating than your opponent.
Skill: Using your best moves that do a lot of damage will increase your skill
Body: If your have more health than the opponent does, you'll win this.
Each category is worth 2 points. A tie in a category will give both you and
your opponent 1 point. If there's a tie (both must have 3 points for a tie),
then both Pokemon will faint. Of course, if you're strong enough, just go out
and knock them out in one hit.
Beating seven trainers in a row will earn you Battle Points. After clearing the
Battle Arena four times in a row, you will face the Frontier Brain Greta.
Heracross (Bug/Fighting)
Umbreon (Dark)
Shedinja (Bug/Ghost)
If you're not careful, Heracross can make all three of your Pokemon faint with
its best attack Megahorn. This is where you want a Flying Pokemon, since it is
4x weak to Flying. If you don't have a flyer on you, use fire or psychic and
hope for the best. Umbreon is a huge pain. It has a good defense and special
defense and it will annoy you with Confuse Ray and Body Slam. Your only way out
is to take the match 3 turns and to try your best to finish with more health
(and staying on the offensive side at all times). If you can, use a fighting or
a bug move to try and make it faint. Shedinja is a joke, but you can't win
unless you have a type advantage over it due to its ability, Wonder Guard (only
super effective attacks will hit him). You'll want Fire, Rock, Flying, Ghost,
or Dark. One of those will knock it out in one hit.
After defeating Greta, you'll earn a Silver Guts Symbol.
After clearing the Battle Palace eight times in a row, you'll face Greta again.
Umbreon (Dark)
Gengar (Ghost/Poison)
Breloom (Grass/Fighting)
Same deal with Umbreon, go all offensive and just try to win it in 3 turns.
Gengar, having a good speed and special attack, can take your Pokemon down one-
by-one. Use a Psychic or a dark here and Gengar will not last long. It does
have a below average defense, so a rock type could come in handy (it has
Levitate, so don't think about Earthquake). Breloom, being Grass and Fighting,
is asking for a good Flying attack. Of course, Ice, Fire, and Psychic will
dispose of him too.
After defeating Greta a second time around, you'll get a Golden Guts symbol.
6. Abilities/Natures
All Pokemon have special abilities that affect them in one way or another.
Sometimes they benefit you, sometimes they won't. Also, all Pokemon will have a
nature. The nature is random, and will raise one stat by 10% and lower another
by 10%. Some of the natures won't even affect you at all. Here is a list of the
abilities first:
Air Lock: A Pokemon with this ability will be unaffected by weather, such as
rain and heat.
Arena Trap: The opponent will be unable to switch Pokemon or escape from wild
Pokemon with this ability. Two exceptions are Flying Types and Pokemon with the
ability Levitate. In Emerald, it has an extra feature. It increases the chance
of meeting wild Pokemon when the Pokemon with Arena Trap is in the front spot
for the team.
Battle Armor: Helps decrease the chance of critical hits for the Pokemon with
this ability.
Blaze: When the Pokemon's HP falls below 1/3 of normal, their fire type attacks
will be increased by 150%. The fire-type starters and their evolved form get
this ability (Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic).
Chlorophyll: When Sunny Day is in effect, the Pokemon's speed will be doubled
with this ability.
Clear Body: Stats cannot be lowered with this ability. For example, Leer
becomes ineffective against the Pokemon (as it lowers defense), and moves like
Acid (which causes damage and lowers defense) will have no shot at lowering
Cloud Nine: All Pokemon on the field will be unaffected by weather, like Sunny
Day and Rain Dance.
Color Change: When the Pokemon is it, it will change to the type of that attack
(so if it was hit with Flamethrower, it would change into the fire type).
Compoundeyes: Increases the Pokemon's accuracy by 30%. In Emerald, it has an
extra ability: it increases the chance of meeting wild Pokemon with held items
if in the front spot for the team.
Cute Charm: If hit directly with an attack, there is a 30% chance of the
Pokemon becoming attracted. In Emerald, it has a second ability: it increases
chances of meeting wild Pokemon of the opposite gender when in the front spot
for the team.
Damp: If a Pokemon with this ability is on the field, all Pokemon will be
prevented from using Self-destruct and Explosion.
Drizzle: When a Pokemon is sent out to battle with this ability, Rain Dance
will come in effect for the whole battle.
Drought: When a Pokemon is sent out to battle with this ability, Sunny Day will
come in effect for the whole battle.
Early Bird: If a Pokemon with this ability is put to sleep, they have a better
chance of waking up earlier.
Effect Spore: When a Pokemon with this ability is hit directly, there is a 10%
chance the opponent will be poisoned, put to sleep, or paralyzed.
Flame Body: If a Pokemon with this ability is attacked directly, there is a 30%
chance the opponent will be burned. In Emerald, it has an extra effect. Any
eggs will take half the amount of steps needed to hatch if the Pokemon with
Flame Body is on the team.
Flash Fire: If the Pokemon is hit with a fire attack, their fire-type moves
will be increased by 150%.
Forecast: Castform is the only Pokemon which gets this. When weather is in
effect, his ability will cause Castform to change into a certain type. When
Sunny Day is in effect, he will become a Fire Type. When Rain Dance is in
effect, he becomes water type, and when hail is in effect, he becomes ice type.
Guts: When the Pokemon is inflicted with a status condition, their attacks will
be increased by 150%.
Huge Power: With this ability, the Pokemon's attack power will be doubled. But
if the opponent has Skill Swap, the effect will cut in half.
Hustle: The Pokemon's attacks will be increased by 150%, but the accuracy for
physical attacks will be lowered by 20%. In Emerald, this ability has an extra
effect: it increases the chance of meeting wild Pokemon if the Pokemon with
this ability is in the front spot for the team.
Hyper Cutter: Any move that lowers the Pokemon's attack with this ability will
be prevented (such as Growl).
Illuminate: If the Pokemon with this ability is in the front spot for the team,
the chances of meeting wild Pokemon will increase.
Immunity: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot be poisoned by any means.
Inner Focus: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot flinch by any means.
Insomnia: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot be put to sleep by any means.
Intimidate: When the Pokemon with this ability is sent out to battle, it lowers
the opponent's attack by two levels. In Emerald, this has an extra effect: it
increases the chance of meeting wild Pokemon of lower level when the Pokemon
with this ability is in the front spot for the team.
Keen Eye: With this ability, the Pokemon's accuracy cannot be lowered by any
means. In Emerald, this has an extra effect: it decreases the chance of meeting
wild Pokemon of lower level when the Pokemon with this ability is in the front
spot for the team.
Levitate: Any Pokemon with this ability is completely immune to ground type
Lightningrod: In a 2-on-2 battle, the Pokemon with this ability will take
damage from any electric attacks (for example, if the opponent used an electric
attack to attack Pokemon 1, Pokemon 2 would take the damage, as it has
lightningrod). In Emerald, this has an extra effect: it increases the chance of
getting phone calls by trainers when the Pokemon with this ability is in the
front spot for the team.
Limber: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot be paralyzed by any means.
Liquid Ooze: If a Pokemon with this ability is about to be hit with an attack
that sucks its HP and uses it to heal the opponent (such as Giga Drain and
Leech Life), the Pokemon who used the attack will be hit.
Magma Armor: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot be frozen by any means. In
Emerald, this has an extra effect: if the Pokemon with this ability is in the
team, the time it takes for eggs to be hatched will be cut in half.
Magnet Pull: If the Pokemon with this ability is in battle, any Steel-type
Pokemon cannot escape. In Emerald, this has an extra effect: it increases the
chance of meeting steel type Pokemon when the Pokemon with this ability is in
the front spot for the team.
Marvel Scale: If a Pokemon with this ability is inflicted with a status
condition, their defense is multiplied by 150%.
Minus: This is Minun's special ability. If he is put with Plusle in a 2-on-2
battle, their special attacks get multiplied by 150%.
Natural Cure: If a Pokemon with this ability is inflicted with a status
condition, the status condition will be eliminated when the Pokemon is switched
Oblivious: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot be attracted by any means.
Overgrow: When the Pokemon's HP falls below 1/3 of normal, their grass type
attacks are increased by 150%. The grass-type starters get this ability
(Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Treecko).
Own Temp: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot be confused by any means.
Pickup: After a battle, any Pokemon with this ability have a small chance of
picking up an item. The higher the Pokemon's level is, the better chance they
have of getting a better item.
Plus: This is Plusle's special ability. If he is put with Minun in a 2-on-2
battle, their special attacks get multiplied by 150%.
Poison Point: If a Pokemon with this ability is hit directly in battle, the
opponent has a 30% chance of becoming poisoned.
Pressure: With this ability, any moves used by the opponent will use 2 PP
instead of one. In Emerald, this has an extra effect: when the Pokemon with
this ability is in the front spot for the team, the chance for meeting Pokemon
of higher levels are increased.
Pure Power: With this ability, the Pokemon's attack power will be doubled. But
if the opponent has Skill Swap, the effect will cut in half.
Rain Dish: When Rain Dance is in effect, the Pokemon with this ability will
have its 1/16 of its HP restored each turn it is raining.
Rock Head: With this ability, the Pokemon will not take any damage from
recoiling moves, such as Double Edge, Submission, and Take Down.
Rough Skin: When the Pokemon with this ability is hit directly, the opponent
will take damage from contact.
Run Away: Any Pokemon with this ability will always be able to escape from
battles against wild Pokemon.
Sand Stream: When the Pokemon with this ability is sent out to battle,
sandstorm will take effect for the rest of the battle.
Sand Veil: During a sandstorm, any Pokemon with this ability will have a better
chance of dodging the opponent's attack. In Emerald, this has an extra effect:
during a sandstorm outside of battle, chances of meeting wild Pokemon will
decrease if the Pokemon with this ability is in the front spot for the team.
Serene Grace: If a Pokemon has this ability, the chances of increasing an
attack's second effect will be doubled (so if a Pokemon with Serene Grace used
Acid, the chances of lowering the opponent's defense will be increased).
Shadow Tag: The opponent will be unable to switch Pokemon or escape from wild
Pokemon with this ability.
Shed Skin: If a Pokemon with this ability is inflicted by a status condition,
it has a 30% chance of curing the status condition each turn.
Shell Armor: Any Pokemon with this ability will never be struck by a critical
Shield Dust: Any Pokemon with this ability will not be affected by an attack's
secondary effects (so if they were hit by Acid, their defense would not be
lowered at all).
Soundproof: Any Pokemon with this ability is unaffected by any attack that
"causes sound". They are: Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal
Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Screech, Sing, Snore, Supersonic and Uproar.
Speed Boost: The Pokemon's speed will be increased each turn if they have this
Static: If a Pokemon with this ability is hit directly in battle, the opponent
has a 30% chance of becoming paralyzed. In Emerald, this has an extra effect:
it increases the chance of meeting wild electric Pokemon if the Pokemon with
this ability is in the front spot for the team.
Stench: If a Pokemon with this ability is in the front spot for the team, it
decreases the chance of meeting wild Pokemon.
Sticky Hold: If a Pokemon has this ability, it prevents wild Pokemon from
stealing the Pokemon's held item. In Emerald, this ability has an extra effect:
it increases the chance of encountering a wild Pokemon when fishing if the
Pokemon with this ability is in the front spot for the team.
Swarm: If a Pokemon's HP falls below 1/3 of normal, their bug-type attacks get
multiplied by 150%.
Swift Swim: When Rain Dance is in effect, the Pokemon's speed will be doubled
with this ability.
Synchronize: When the Pokemon with this ability is inflicted with a paralyze,
poison, or burn status condition, the opponent will also get inflicted with the
same status condition.
Thick Fat: Pokemon with this ability will only take half the damage from fire
and ice type attacks.
Torrent: If the Pokemon's HP fall below 1/3 of normal, their water type attacks
increase by 150%. The water-type starters get this ability
Trace: When the Pokemon with this ability is sent out to battle, they will copy
the opponent's ability. Sometimes this can be great, sometimes it will be
Truant: Any Pokemon with this ability can only attack every other turn. On
every other turn, you cannot switch out or use items on the Pokemon as well.
Vital Spirit: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot be put asleep by any means.
In Emerald, this has an extra effect: it increases the chance of meeting wild
Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is in the front spot for the team.
Volt Absorb: If a Pokemon with this ability is hit by an electric attack, they
will absorb the attack and recover HP.
Water Absorb. If a Pokemon with this ability is hit by a water attack, they
will absorb the attack and recover HP.
Water Veil: Any Pokemon with this ability cannot be burned by any means.
White Smoke: Stats cannot be lowered with this ability. For example, Leer
becomes ineffective against the Pokemon (as it lowers defense), and moves like
Acid (which causes damage and lowers defense) will have no shot at lowering
defense. In Emerald, this ability has an extra effect: it deceases the chance
of meeting wild Pokemon when the Pokemon with this ability is in the front spot
for the team.
Wonder Guard: The Pokemon cannot be hit if they have this ability. They can
only be hit by types they are weak too. Also, they can be killed by poison or
Below is a chart of all the natures, showing what each nature does. Also,
Pokemon with certain natures will like certain PokeBlocks and hate other ones.
Note that "LIKED" means the Pokemon's favorite kind of Pokeblock and "HATED" is
their least favorite kind. Remember, natures will boost one stat by 10% and
reduce another stat by 10% (+10%/-10%).
Adamant| +10% | | -10% | | |Spicy | Dry |
Bashful| | | | | | | |
Bold |-10% | +10% | | | |Sour |Spicy |
Brave |+10% | | | |-10% |Spicy |Sweet |
-------|------|-------|--------------|---------------|-----|----- |------|
Calm |-10% | | | +10% | |Bitter| Spicy|
Careful| | | -10% | +10% | |Bitter| Dry |
Docile | | | | | | | |
Gentle | | -10% | | +10% | |Bitter| Sour |
Hardy | | | | | | | |
Hasty | | -10% | | |+10% |Sweet |Sour |
Impish | | +10% | -10% | | |Sour |Dry |
Jolly | | | -10% | |+10% |Sweet |Dry |
Lax | | +10% | | -10% | |Sour |Bitter|
Lonely |+10% | -10% | | | |Spicy |Sour |
Mild | | -10% | +10% | | |Dry |Sour |
Modest |-10% | | +10% | | |Dry |Spicy |
Naive | | | | -10% |+10% |Sweet |Bitter|
Naughty|+10% | | | -10% | |Spicy |Bitter|
Quiet | | | +10% | |-10% |Dry |Sweet |
Quirky | | | | | | | |
Rash | | | +10% | -10% | |Dry |Bitter|
Relaxed| | +10% | | |-10% |Sour |Sweet |
Sassy | | | | +10% |-10% |Bitter| Sweet|
Serious| | | | | | | |
Timid |-10% | | | |+10% |Sweet |Spicy |
Notes on Pokeblocks
Spicy = Cool
Dry = Beauty
Sour = Tough
Bitter = Smart
Sweet = Cute
So if a Pokemon had a Timid Nature, Sweet Pokeblocks would be more effective,
so it would boost up its Cute rating higher. But Timid nature doesn't like
Spicy Pokeblocks, so they would be less effective, and it would slowly boost up
its tough rating.
7. Items
There are several types of items in Pokemon. Some cure Pokemon, some enhance
their stats, and so on. I will list all types of items in this game.
Healing Items
Antidote: Eliminates the poison status for a Pokemon.
Awakening: Able to wake up a sleeping Pokemon.
Blue Flute: Able to wake up a sleeping Pokemon when used. Note that you can use
this as many times as you want.
Burn Heal: Eliminates the burn status for a Pokemon.
Elixir: Restores 10 PP to all moves in a Pokemon.
Energy Root: This can heal your Pokemon by 200 HP, but doing so will
drastically lower their happiness rating.
Energypowder: This can heal your Pokemon by 50 HP, but doing so will
drastically lower their happiness rating.
Ether: Restores 10 PP to one attack in a Pokemon.
Fresh Water: Heals 50 HP to a Pokemon.
Full Heal: Can eliminate any status condition, including confusion.
Full Restore: Heals all HP and eliminates any status condition, but it cannot
revive the Pokemon.
Heal Powder: Eliminates any status condition, but using this will lower your
Pokemon's happiness rating.
Hyper Potion: Heals 200 HP to a Pokemon.
Ice Heal: Eliminates the frozen status for a Pokemon.
Lava Cookie: Can eliminate any status condition, including confusion.
Lemonade: Heals 80 HP to a Pokemon.
Max Elixir: Restores all PP to all of a Pokemon's moves.
Max Ether: Restores all PP to one move
Max Potion: Cures all your health, but does not eliminate any status
Max Revive: Revives a fainted Pokemon to full health, also to full PP as well.
MooMoo Milk: Heals 100 HP to a Pokemon.
Paralyze Heal: Heals 20 HP to a Pokemon.
Red Flute: Eliminates a Pokemon's attraction.
Revival Herb: Revives a fainted Pokemon, but it will also eat up your Pokemon's
happiness rating.
Revive: Revives a fainted Pokemon to 1/2 of its HP.
Sacred Ash: Revives all fainted Pokemon. You can only use this out of battle,
not when all of your Pokemon on your team faint.
Soda Pop: Heals 60 HP to a Pokemon.
Super Potion: Heals 50 HP to a Pokemon.
Yellow Flute: Snaps a Pokemon out of confusion. You can use this as many times
as you want.
Poke Balls
Dive Ball: More effective against wild Pokemon on the ocean floor when using
Great Ball: Has a better chance of catching wild Pokemon than a Poke Ball.
Luxury Ball: Any Pokemon captured with this ball will have a much higher
happiness rating to start out with.
Master Ball: Can catch any Pokemon without fail, so save it up for a legendary.
Nest Ball: More effective against Pokemon that are lower levels than yours.
Net Ball: More effective against bug and water-type Pokemon.
Poke Ball: A ball used for capturing Pokemon. These are the normal kind, but
their success rate decreases as you find stronger Pokemon.
Premier Ball: To get these, buy exactly 10 Poke Balls at a PokeMart, and
they'll add in a free Premier Ball. They are the same as Poke Balls, but are
designed differently.
Repeat Ball: More effective against Pokemon you've already captured before.
Safari Ball: Only used in the Safari Zone. You get 30 of them at once, but they
have little success at catching Pokemon.
Timer Ball: The longer a battle lasts against wild Pokemon, they have a better
chance at catching the Pokemon.
Ultra Ball: Has a better chance of catching wild Pokemon than a Great Ball.
Helpful Items
Black Flute: Repels weak wild Pokemon
Escape Rope: You can use this to escape out of caves if you get lost and to
wind up back at the cave's entrance.
Fluffy Tail: You can use this item to escape from wild Pokemon without having
to battle.
Max Repel: Repels you from wild Pokemon at a lower level than the top Pokemon
in your team for 250 stepsl.
Repel: Repels you from wild Pokemon at a lower level than the top Pokemon in
your team for 100 steps.
Super Repel: Repels you from wild Pokemon at a lower level than the top Pokemon
in your team for 200 steps.
White Flute: Increases the chance of meeting Wild Pokemon.
Stat Boosting Items
Calcium: Raises Special Attack for one Pokemon permanently.
Carbos: Raises Speed for one Pokemon permanently.
Dire Hit: Increases the chance of a critical hit for one battle.
Fire Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon. They are Growlithe, Vulpix, and Eevee.
Guard Spec: Protects your Pokemon from stat reducing moves for one battle.
HP Up: Raises HP for one Pokemon permanently.
Iron: Raises Defense for one Pokemon permanently.
Leaf Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon. They are Gloom, Weepinbell, Exeggcute, and
Moon Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon. They are Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Nidorina,
Nidorino, and Skitty.
PP Max: Raises the amount of PP to the maximum amount for one move.
PP Up: Increases the maximum amount of PP for one move. If you don't know the
formula, it raises the PP by 20% of its original amount of PP. So if you used a
PP up on a move that had 20 PP, it would increase by 4 with each PP Up, as 4 is
20% of 20.
Protein: Raises Attack for one Pokemon permanently.
Sun Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon. They are Sunkern and Gloom.
Thunderstone: Evolves certain Pokemon. They are Pikachu and Eevee.
Water Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon. They are Shellder, Staryu, Eevee,
Poliwhirl, and Lombre.
X Accuracy: Raises accuracy for one battle.
X Attack: Raises attack for one battle.
X Defend: Raises defense for one battle.
X Special: Raises both special stats for one battle.
X Speed: Raises speed for one battle.
Zinc: Raises Special Defense for one Pokemon permanently.
Key Items
Acro Bike: Allows you do hop across ledges and narrow bridges. Slower than Mach
Bike, but better controlling.
LOCATION: You have an option to switch between this item and the Mach Bike at
the Mauville City Bike Shop.
Claw Fossil: You can resurrect this fossil for a level 25 Anorith at the Devon
LOCATION: Found either at the Mirage Tower or Desert Underpass (if you chose
Root Fossil at Mirage Tower, you'll find it in Desert Underpass).
Coin Case: Stores all your coins and allows you to play at the Mauville Game
LOCATION: If you have Harbor Mail, give it to the woman in the first house in
Mauville City and she'll give you this item.
Devon Goods: Goods that you need to deliver to Captain Stern.
LOCATION: The president will give them to you after saving the goods from Team
Aqua for you to deliver to Captain Stern.
Devon Scope: Allows you to find the invisible Kecleon out in routes 119 and
LOCATION: After passing Fortree City, you'll find Steven on a bridge in route
120. Talk to him to receive the Devon Scope.
Go-Goggles: Wearing these, you can pass through the windy Desert Ruins and
battle the trainers and such.
LOCATION: After earning the Heat Badge from Flannery, your rival will give them
to you in Lavaridge Town.
Good Rod: A fishing rod that can catch better Pokemon and more frequently than
the Old Rod.
LOCATION: From Mauville City, head east onto Route 118. The fisherman near the
water will give you the Good Rod if you say "Yes" to his question.
Itemfinder: You can use this to find hidden items out in the fields. It'll
point the direction of the hidden item and if you're right on the hidden item,
it'll shake rapidly.
LOCATION: After defeating your rival at route 110, your rival will give you
this item.
Letter: A letter to Steven. Give it to him in the Granite Cave for TM47: Steel
LOCATION: Mr. Stone from the Devon Corp. building will give this to you after
saving them from Team Aqua.
Mach Bike: This bike is faster than the Acro Bike and can get up steep slopes.
LOCATION: You have the option to choose between this and the Acro Bike in the
Mauville City bike shop. You can switch for the other any time you want.
Magma Emblem: An item needed to get into the Team Magma hideout on Jagged Pass.
LOCATION: At the top of Mt. Pyre. After Teams Aqua and Magma steal the red/blue
orbs, the elderly couple will give you this item to stop them.
Meteorite: An item team Magma has stolen with cosmic power.
LOCATION: Beat Maxie on the top of Mt. Chimney and you'll be able to take the
Old Rod: A rod that you can use to fish for Pokemon. You'll get a ton of
Magikarp with this rod.
LOCATION: The fishing guru in Dewford Town will give it to you if you say "Yes"
to his question.
Pokeblock Case: A case used to store Pokeblocks you make by blending berries in
the contest halls. Also needed to get into the Safari Zone.
LOCATION: Talk to the registration lady at the Lilycove Contest hall and you'll
get one from here.
Powder Jar: Used to store berry powder you made in the Berry Crush Mini Game.
LOCATION: The woman in the southwest part of Slateport City (near all the
outdoor markets) will give this item to you if you talk to her.
Rooms 1, 2, 4, and 6 Keys: Used to unlock their respective doors inside the
Abandoned Ship.
LOCATIONS: Each key is hidden on the floor. You'll need to watch out for the
sparkling items on the floor. But not all glittering items are keys, some of
them are just trash.
Root Fossil: You can resurrect this fossil for a level 25 Lileep at the Devon
LOCATION: Found either at the Mirage Tower or Desert Underpass (if you chose
Claw Fossil at Mirage Tower, you'll find it in Desert Underpass).
Scanner: An item found in the Abandoned Ship. You can give it to Captain Stern
for either a Deepseatooth or a Deepseascale.
LOCATION: Found in the abandoned ship after solving all of the puzzles.
Soot Sack: A sack used to collect the falling ash in Route 113. You get the
soot by walking in the grass. You can also reset the soot by leaving and
reenter the room.
LOCATION: In the little house in route 113. Talk to the man in the back to get
the Soot Sack.
S.S Ticket: Used to get onto the S.S. tidal.
LOCATION: Professor Birch will give you this ticket when you talk to him after
defeating the Elite Four.
Storage Room Key: A key used to unlock the storage room in the Abandoned Ship.
LOCATION: Inside the Abandoned Ship.
Super Rod: A rod that you can use to fish for great Pokemon at high levels too.
LOCATION: The fishing guru will give you this at Mossdeep City. It is in the
house south of the rocket shuttle area.
Underground Key: A key used to get to the new Mauville City area.
LOCATION: After getting Surf and your 5th badge, Wattson will be outside his
gym. He'll ask you for a favor and then give you this key.
Wailmer Pail: A pail used to water growing berries and such.
LOCATION: One of the ladies will give you this item inside the Flower Shop in
Route 104.
Held Items
These are items you can give to Pokemon to hold, which have special effects.
Amulet Coin: Doubles the amount of money you get in a battle. This will only
take effect if the Pokemon holding this item is sent out to battle.
LOCATION: After you defeat Norman for the Balance Badge, head down to
Littleroot Town and talk to your mom. She'll give you this item.
Black Belt: Boosts fighting type moves by 10%.
LOCATION: After defeating Black Belt Nob on route 115 at least 5 times, his
Pokemon will be holding this item. You can use Thief or Covet to take it from
Blackglasses: Boosts dark type moves by 10%.
LOCATION: On the east side of Rusturf Tunnel, you'll find another entrance
leading outside (to the left of the Verdanturf entrance). You'll find a man
looking for his glasses. The blackglasses are hidden in this area. You can
press the A button on random spots or use the itemfinder to narrow it down.
Blue Scarf: Raises beauty rating for Pokemon contests.
LOCATION: In Slateport City, go to the Pokemon Fan Club. A person in there will
check your Pokemon's contest stats. If your beauty rating is the best on a
Pokemon, he'll give you this item.
Bright Powder: When equipped, the accuracy of the opponent's Pokemon will be
LOCATION: You can buy it at the Battle Frontier for 48 battle points.
Charcoal: Boosts fire type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: A guy in the house to the right of the Lavaridge gym will give it to
you if you talk to him.
Choice Band: During battle, the first attack you use will be increased by 150%,
but you can't use any other moves after that.
LOCATION: You can buy it at the Battle Frontier for 64 battle points.
Cleanse Tag: Decreases chance of meeting wild Pokemon when held.
LOCATION: Bottom floor of Mt. Pyre, a person in the northeast corner of the
room will give it to you.
Deepseascale: Doubles Clamperl's Special Defense when Clamperl is holding it,
but if you trade him while he is holding this item, he will evolve into
LOCATION: After giving the Scanner from the Abandoned Station to Captain Stern,
he'll offer you either this item or a Deepseatooth. You can only choose one of
them, so choose carefully.
Deepseatooth: Doubles Clamperl's Special Attack when Camperl is holding it, but
if you trade him while he is holding this item, he will evolve into Huntail.
LOCATION: After giving the Scanner from the Abandoned Ship to Captain Stern,
he'll offer you either this item or a Deepseascale. You can only choose one of
them, so choose carefully.
Dragon Fang: Boosts dragon type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: In the back areas of Meteor Falls, you'll find Dragon Tamer Nicolas.
After you defeat him 5 times, his Pokemon will be holding this item, so you can
steal it from him by using Covet or Thief.
Dragon Scale: If you trade Seadra while he is holding this item, he will evolve
into Kingdra, a much better Pokemon.
LOCATION: The only way you can get a Dragon Scale is to use Thief or Covet from
wild Bagon (Meteor Falls, in the room where you find TM02: Dragon Claw), or
wild Horsea (by fishing in routes 134, 133, and 132 with a Super Rod.
Everstone: If a Pokemon is holding this item, they cannot evolve. Here's a
trick with this item: when you are breeding 2 Pokemon, let the female Pokemon
hold this item. When you hatch the egg, it'll increase the chances of the baby
Pokemon having the same nature as the female Pokemon holding the Everstone.
LOCATION: Use Thief/Covet on wild Geodudes and Gravelers.
EXP Share: The Pokemon holding this item will receive half the experience
gained from battles, even when it's not sent out to battle! But if you send out
the Pokemon holding the EXP Share (and no one else), they'll get full EXP.
LOCATION: After delivering the Devon Goods to Captain Stern, go back to the
Devon Corp. in Rustboro City. The president will give you this item.
Focus Band: If the Pokemon holding this item gets hit, you might get lucky and
survive with 1 HP left instead of fainting. Doesn't happen all the time though.
LOCATION: You can get it from the training black belt (you don't battle him)
from the Shoal Cave or get it at the Battle Frontier for 64 battle points.
Green Scarf: Raises Pokemon's smartness rating for Pokemon Contests.
LOCATION: In Slateport City, go to the Pokemon Fan Club. A person in there will
check your Pokemon's contest stats. If your smartness rating is the best on a
Pokemon, he'll give you this item.
Hard Stone: Boosts rock type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: You can get these from the Trick House (after beating it for the
third time) or steal them by using Thief/Covet from wild Aron and Lairon.
Lax Incense: Lowers the opponent's accuracy when the Pokemon with this item is
sent out to battle. But if you let a female Wobbuffet (or the Ditto) hold this
item, they can breed a baby Wynaut.
LOCATION: You'll find this in the Mt. Pyre tower on the 5th floor.
Leftovers: When in battle, the Pokemon holding this item will recover a bit of
HP every turn.
LOCATION: You can find this in the S.S. Tidal or buy it at the Battle Frontier
for 48 battle points.
Light Ball: When a Pikachu is holding this item, his Special Attack will be
LOCATION: You need to get lucky and catch a Pikachu in the Safari Zone. It will
have a 5% chance of holding this item when you catch it. You cannot use your
own Pokemon in the Safari Zone, so good luck.
Macho Brace: When you send out a Pokemon holding this item to battle, it will
double the amount of Effort Values they receive, but cut their Speed in half
when this item is held.
LOCATION: On Route 111, head north to the first house you find, which is the
Winstrate family. Defeat all four of the family members to earn this item.
Magnet: Boosts electric type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: You can win this item in the trick house after beating it 6 times.
Mental Herb: When held, it will prevent your Pokemon from being attracted to
the opponent.
LOCATION: In Fortree City, you must make sure the boy's Wingull delivers the
letter to his friend in Mossdeep City. When you find the Wingull there, you can
go back and get this item. You can also get it in the Battle Frontier for 48
battle points.
Metal Coat: Boosts steel type attacks by 10%, if you trade Onix while he is
holding this item, he will evolve into Steelix. If you trade Scyther while he
is holding this item, he will evolve into Scizor.
LOCATION: You must use Thief or Covet to get this item from wild Magnemite and
Metal Powder: Doubles Ditto's defense when he is holding this item.
LOCATION: Use Thief/Covet on wild Ditto and you'll have a 5% chance of getting
this item.
Miracle Seed: Boosts grass type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: In the Petalburg Woods, talk to the woman in the northeast corner of
the woods to get this item. You'll need Cut to get to her.
Mystic Water: Boosts water type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: After saving the scientists from Team Aqua in the weather institute,
one of them will give you a Pokemon called Castform for your reward. It will
come holding this item.
Nevermeltice: Boosts ice type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: In the bottom of Shoal Cave where all the ice is. You must slide
across the ice to get onto its platform.
Pink Scarf: Raises Pokemon's cuteness rating for Pokemon Contests.
LOCATION: You can buy these from Slateport city from the shows in the southwest
corner of the town.
Poison Barb: Boosts poison type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: You must steal it by using Thief/Covet on wild Roselia and Cacnea.
But since Roselia cannot be captured in this game, you must do it on Cacnea.
Quick Claw: The Pokemon holding this item will have an increased chance of
attack first if it is slower than the opponent.
LOCATION: The teacher at the Pokemon School in Rustboro will give it to you if
you talk to him. You can also use Thief/Covet to steal it from wild Sandshrew,
and you can buy it at the Battle Frontier for 48 battle points.
Red Scarf: Raises Pokemon's coolness rating for Pokemon Contests.
LOCATION: In Slateport City, go to the Pokemon Fan Club. A person in there will
check your Pokemon's contest stats. If your coolness rating is the best on a
Pokemon, he'll give you this item.
Scope Lens: If a Pokemon is holding this item, the chances of getting a
critical hit will increase.
LOCATION: You can buy this item at the Battle Frontier for 64 battle points.
Sea Incense: Boosts water type attacks by 10% in battle. But if you let a
female Marill (or the Ditto) hold this item, they can breed a baby Azurill.
LOCATION: You'll find this in the Mt. Pyre tower on the 4th floor.
Sharp Beak: Boosts flying type moves by 10%.
LOCATION: You must capture a wild Doduo or Dodrio in the Safari Zone and hope
you get lucky. Since you cannot use your own Pokemon in the Safari Zone, you'll
need to get lucky. It's a 5% chance it'll come with the item.
Shell Bell: When a Pokemon is attacked, they will recover 1/8 of the damage
taken (so if your Pokemon got hit and lost 16 HP while holding this item, it
would recover 2 HP).
LOCATION: In the Shoal Cave, you'll need to give the man near the entrance 4
Shoal Salts and for Shoal Shells and he'll make you this item (you can get one
of the items during low tide and the other during high tide).
Silk Scarf: Boosts normal type moves by 10%.
LOCATION: In Dewford Town, talk to the person in the house to the right of the
Pokemon Center to get this item.
Silver Powder: Boosts bug type moves by 10%.
LOCATION: After 5 rematches with Bug Maniac Brandon, his Pokemon will be
holding this item. You can use Thief/Covet to steal this item.
Smoke Ball: Always allows you to escape from wild Pokemon.
LOCATION: You can win this item in the Trick House after completing it five
times or you can use Thief/Covet to steal it from wild Koffing.
Soft Sand: Boosts ground type moves by 10%.
LOCATION: When you first get to route 109, the two tubers in front of you will
give you this item if you talk to them. Also, you can use Thief/Covet to steal
it from wild Trapinch.
Soothe Bell: When a Pokemon is holding this item, their happiness rating will
increase faster. Note that their happiness rating does not instantly increase
the moment you give a Pokemon this item.
LOCATION: In Slateport City, head to the Pokemon Fan Club. A woman in there
will see if your Pokemon likes you. If their happiness rating is high enough,
she'll you this item.
Spell Tag: Boosts ghost type moves by 10%.
LOCATION: You need to steal these from wild Shuppet and Duskull using Thief,
since Covet cannot hit ghost type attacks.
Twistedspoon: Boost psychic type attacks by 10%.
LOCATION: You need to steal these from wild Abra by using Thief or Covet.
White Herb: Restores any lowered stats during battle.
LOCATION: You can get it in route 104 or buy it for 48 Battle Points at the
Battle Frontier.
Yellow Scarf: Raises the Pokemon's toughness rating for Pokemon Contests.
LOCATION: In Slateport City, go to the Pokemon Fan Club. A person in there will
check your Pokemon's contest stats. If your toughness rating is the best on a
Pokemon, he'll give you this item.
Items to Exchange
Blue Shard: An item you can trade for a Water Stone for the hunter on route
LOCATION: You can find one of these on route 124 or you can use Thief/Covet on
a wild Clamperl.
Green Shard: An item you can trade for a Leaf Stone for the hunter on route
LOCATION: You can find one of these on route 126 or you can use Thief/Covet to
steal one of these from a wild Relicanth.
Heart Scale: You can give these to the move tutor in Fallarbor Town and he'll
teach your Pokemon a move they forgot by leveling up.
LOCATION: The only way to get this item is to use Thief/Covet on a wild
Luvdisc. Unlike many other Pokemon, this item is not hard to find, they are
common on Luvdisc.
Red Shard: An item you can trade for a Fire Stone for the hunter on Route 124.
LOCATION: You can find one of these on route 124 or you can use Thief/Covet on
a wild Corsola.
Shoal Salt: You need to find four of these in the Shoal Cave. After you have
this and four Shoal Shells, you can give them to the man in the Shoal Cave for
a Shell Bell.
LOCATION: There are four Shoal Salts scattered around the cave, but you can
only get to them during Low Tide.
Shoal Shell: You need to find four of these in the Shoal Cave. After you have
this and four Shoal Salts, you can give them to the man in the Shoal Cave for a
Shell Bell.
LOCATION: There are four Shoal Shells scattered around the cave, but you can
only get to them during high tide.
Yellow Shard: An item you can trade for a Thunderstone for the hunter on route
LOCATION: You can find one of these on route 124 or use Thief/Covet on a wild
Items to Sell
Big Pearl: An item you can sell for $1750
LOCATION: Route 133, Shoal Cave, and you can find them off wild Gulpin by using
Thief/Covet (5% chance).
Nugget: An item you can sell for $5000.
LOCATION: Route 112, 123, and you can find them off wild Grimer by using
Thief/Covet (5% chance).
Pearl: An item you can sell for $325.
LOCATION: Routes 126, 126, and 128, found on the ocean floor when using dive.
Star Piece: An item you can sell for $2300.
LOCATION: Routes 108, 133, and you can use Thief/Covet on wild Staryu.
Stardust: An item you can sell for $450.
LOCATION: Routes 106, 11, and you can use Thief/Covet on wild Staryu to get
this item, but you'll find these a lot more than Star Pieces on a Staryu.
Tinymushroom: An item you can sell for $250.
LOCATION: Petalburg Woods
Bead Mail: Has an image of a holding Pokemon on it.
LOCATION: You can find this item in the 8th maze in the Trick House.
Glitter Mail: Mail with a Pikachu printed on it.
LOCATION: You can find this item in the 6th maze in the Trick House.
Harbor Mail: Mail with a Wingull printed on it.
LOCATION: Buy it at Slateport City for $50, the Abandoned Ship, and you can
find it in the 2nd maze of the Trick House.
Mech Mail: Mail with a Magnemite printed on it.
LOCATION: You can buy this in the Lilycove Dept. Store for $50 and you can find
it in the 4th maze of the Trick House.
Orange Mail: Mail with a Zigzagoon printed on it.
LOCATION: You can buy this at Petalburg City for $50 and you can find it in the
1st maze of the trick house.
Retro Mail: Mail with three Pokemon printed on it.
LOCATION: If you have a Skitty on your roster, you can trade it for a Meowth at
the Battle Frontier. Meowth will come holding the Retro Mail. The house you can
find this at is the small one to the left of the Battle Tower.
Shadow Mail: Mail with a Duskull printed on it.
LOCATION: You can buy it at Sootopolis City for $50 and you can find it in the
3rd maze of the Trick House.
Tropic Mail: Mail with a Bellossom printed on it.
LOCATION: You can find this in the 7th maze of the Trick House.
Wave Mail: Mail with a Wailmer printed on it.
LOCATION: You can buy this at the Lilycove Dept. Store for $50 and you can find
it in the 2nd maze of the Trick House.
Wood Mail: Mail with a Slakoth printed on it.
LOCATION: You can buy this at Fortree City for $50 and you can find it in the
3rd maze of the Trick House.
Berries can be found all over Hoenn in the game. When you pick up a berry,
you'll get two of them. Be sure to plant at least one of them in the soil and
water it with the Wailmer Pail. That way, over time, new berries will be grown
and you can come back for them. Now you can do this over and over again.
Also, some berries have no effect. But any type of berry can be used to make
Pokeblocks to feed your Pokemon for the Pokemon contests. Just make sure your
Pokemon has a nature that likes certain flavors and make sure you're using the
right berries so you can get the best results.
Aguav Berry: Can wake up a sleeping Pokemon, but if your Pokemon has a nature
that dislikes Bitter Pokeblocks, it will become confused when using this berry.
Aspear Berry: Eliminates the freeze condition for a Pokemon.
Belue Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Belue Berry
Bluk Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Bluk Berry plant.
Cheri Berry: Eliminates the paralyze condition for a Pokemon.
Chesto Berry: Can wake up a sleeping Pokemon.
Cornn Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Cornn Berry
Durin Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Durin Berry
Figy Berry: When a Pokemon's HP falls below 1/2 of normal and if they are
holding this berry, it will restore HP. But if your Pokemon has a nature that
dislikes Spicy Pokeblocks, it will become confused when using this berry.
Grepa Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Grepa Berry
Hondew Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Hondew Berry
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Dry, Spicy, Bitter
Iapapa Berry: When a Pokemon's HP falls below 1/2 of normal and if they are
holding this berry, it will restore HP. But if your Pokemon has a nature that
dislikes Sour Pokeblocks, it will become confused when using this berry.
Kelpsy Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Kelpsy Berry
Lansat Berry: When your Pokemon's HP falls below 1/3 of normal, their chances
of a critical hit will increase with this berry if they are holding it.
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter
Leppa Berry: If a Pokemon's PP falls to 0, this berry will restore that move's
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter
Lum Berry: Eliminates any status condition.
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter
Mago Berry: When a Pokemon's HP falls below 1/2 of normal and they are holding
this berry, it will restore HP. But if your Pokemon has a nature that dislikes
Sweet Pokeblocks, it will become confused when using this berry.
Magost Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Magost Berry
Nanab Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Nanab Nerry
Nomel Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Nomel Berry
Oran Berry: If a Pokemon's HP falls below 1/2 of normal when holding this
berry, this berry will restore 10 HP.
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter
Pamtre Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Pamtre Berry
Pecha Berry: Eliminates poison status condition.
Persim Berry: Can be used to snap a Pokemon out of confusion.
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter
Pinap Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Pinab Berry
Pomeg Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Pomeg Berry
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Sweet, Spicy, Bitter
Qualot Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Qualot Berry
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Sweet, Spicy, Sour
Rabuta Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Rabuta Berry
Rawst Berry: Eliminates burn status condition.
Sitrus Berry: If the Pokemon holding this item falls below 1/2 of its normal
HP, they will recover 30 HP.
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter
Spelon Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it will grow into a Spelon Berry
Starf Berry: Randomly raises Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense,
or Speed.
POKEBLOCK FLAVOR: Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter
Watmel Berry: Has no effect, but if planted, it can grow into a Watmel Berry
Wepear Berry: Has no effect, but if planyed, it can grow into a Wepear Berry
Wiki Berry: When a Pokemon's HP falls below 1/2 of normal and if they are
holding this item, they will restore HP. But if the Pokemon holding this berry
has a nature that dislikes Dry Pokeblocks, they will become confused.
Secret Base Items
These are all the items you can use to decorate your secret base. The way I
will sort this out is the item name, the place it is located in, and its price
(if any)
Brick Desk (Fortree City, $9000)
Camp Desk (Fortree City, $9000)
Comfort Desk (Fortree City $6000)
Hard Desk (Fortree City, $9000)
Heavy Desk (Fortree City, $6000)
Pretty Desk (Route 113, must have 8000+ steps of ash in Soot Sack for this)
Pokemon Desk (Fortree City, $3000)
Ragged Desk (Fortree City, $6000)
Small Desk (Fortree City, $3000)
Brick Chair (Fortree City, $2000)
Camp Chair (Fortree City, $2000)
Comfort Chair (Fortree City, $2000)
Hard Chair (Fortree City, $2000)
Pretty Chair (Route 113, must have 6000+ steps of ash in Soot Sack for this)
Pokemon Chair (Fortree City, $2000)
Ragged Chair (Fortree City, $2000)
Small Chair (Fortree City, $2000)
Big Plant (Route 104 flower shop, $5000)
Colorful Plant (Route 104 flower shop, $5000)
Gorgeous Plant (Route 104 flower shop, $5000)
Pretty Plant (Route 104 flower shop, $3000)
Red Plant (Route 104 flower shop, $3000)
Tropical Plant (Route 104 flower shop, $3000)
Blue Balloon (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Blue Brick (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Blue Tent (If you finish 8 Trick House mazes, you can pick a Blue or Red Tent)
Breakable Door (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Cute TV (Lilycove Dept. Store, $15000)
Fence Length (Lilycove Dept. Store, $500)
Fence Width (Lilycove Dept. Store, $500)
Glass Ornament (Lilycove Art store after getting 5 artworks from 5 contests)
Gold Shield (Battle Frontier after winning 100 battles, given from Scott)
Mud Ball (Lilycove Dept. Store, $200)
Red Balloon (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Red Brick (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Red Tent (If you finish 8 Trick House mazes, you can pick a Blue or Red Tent)
Round TV (Lilycove Dept. Store, $15000)
Sand Ornament (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Silver Shield (Battle Frontier after winning 50 battles, given from Scott)
Slide (Lilycove Dept. Store, $8000)
Solid Board (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Stand (Lilycove Dept. Store, $7000)
Tire (Lilycove Dept. Store, $800)
TV (Lilycove Dept. Store, $12000)
Yellow Balloon (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Yellow Brick (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
A Note Mat (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Attract Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $4000)
B Note Mat (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
C High Note Mat (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
C Low Note Mat (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
D Note Mat (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
E Note Mat (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Fire Blast Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $4000)
Fissure Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $4000)
F Note Mat (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Glitter Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $2000)
G Note Mat (Slateport City SW Shops, $500)
Jump Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $2000)
Powder Snow Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $4000)
Spikes Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $4000)
Spin Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $2000)
Surf Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $4000)
Thunder Mat (Lilycove Dept. Store, $4000)
Ball Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $1000)
Blue Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $1000)
Cute Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $1000)
Green Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $100)
Kiss Poster (Battle Frontier, 16 Battle Points)
Long Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $1500)
Pika Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $1500)
Red Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $1000)
Sea Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $1500)
Sky Poster (Lilycove Dept. Store, $1500)
Azurill Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store/Slateport City SW Shops, $3000)
Baltoy Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Blastoise Doll (Battle Frontier, 256 Battle Points)
Charizard Doll (Battle Frontier, 256 Battle Points)
Chikorita Doll (Battle Frontier, 80 Battle Points)
Clefable Doll (Battler Frontier, 48 Battle Points)
Cyndaquil Doll (Battle Frontier, 80 Battle Points)
Ditto Doll (Battle Frontier, 48 Battle Points)
Duskull Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Gulpin Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Jigglypuff Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Kecleon Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Lapras (Battle Frontier, 128 Battle Points)
Lotad Doll (Route 114, receive from Lanette in her house)
Marill Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store/Slateport City SW Shops, $3000)
Meowth Doll (Battle Frontier, 48 Battle Points)
Mudkip Doll (Mauville City Game Corner, 1000 coins)
Pichu Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Pikachu Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Rhydon Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $10000)
Skitty Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store/Slateport City SW Shops, $3000)
Smoochum Doll (Battle Frontier, 32 Battle Points)
Snorlax Doll (Battle Frontier, 128 Battle Points)
Swablu Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Togepi Doll (Battle Frontier, 48 Battle Points)
Torchic Doll (Mauville City Game Corner, 1000 coins)
Totodile Doll (Battle Frontier, 80 Battle Points)
Treecko Doll (Mauville City Game Corner, 1000 coins)
Venusaur Doll (Battle Frontier, 256 Battle Points)
Wailmer Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store/Sootopolis City, 10000 coins)
Wynaut Doll (Lilycove Dept. Store, $3000)
Ball Cushion (Lilycove Dept. Store, $2000)
Diamond Cushion (Lilycove Dept. Store, $2000)
Fire Cushion (Lilycove Dept. Store, $2000)
Grass Cushion (Lilycove Dept. Store, $2000)
Kiss Cushion (Battle Frontier, 32 Battle Points)
Pika Cushion (Lilycove Dept Store, $2000)
Round Cushion (Lilycove Dept Store, $2000)
Spin Cushion (Lilycove Dept Store, $2000)
Water Cushion (Lilycove Dept Store, $2000)
Zigzag Cushion (Lilycove Dept Store, $2000)
Here are the 50 TMs and the 8 HMs found all around Hoenn.
TM01: Focus Punch (charges up a Punch, attacks next turn, but if you're
attacked, the charge gets broken up)
Type: Fighting
Attack: 150
Accuracy: 100
Location: Go all the way up north on Route 115, and head up the staircase
around that area. You'll find this TM.
TM02: Dragon Claw
Type: Dragon
Attack: 80
Accuracy: 100%
Location: In Meteor Falls, it's located in a small room where you can find
TM03: Water Pulse (has chance of confusing Pokemon as well)
Type: Water
Attack: 60
Accuracy: 100%
Location: You get this as an award for defeating Juan at the Sootopolis Gym.
TM04: Calm Mind (Raises your Special Attack and Special Defense)
Type: Psychic
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: You get this as an award for defeating Tate and Liza at the Mossdeep
TM05: Roar (forces trainer to switch Pokemon, ends battle)
Type: Normal
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: On route 114, talk to man near the Fallarbor Town entrance (who has
Poochyena next to him) and he'll give you this TM.
TM06: Toxic (poisons enemy, damage gets worse and worse each turn)
Type: Poison
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: 85%
Location: Fiery Path, found on the west side when pushing the boulders around
(Strength required).
TM07: Hail (causes Hailstorm for 5 turns, hits all Pokemon except ice type)
Type: Ice
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Lowest floor in Shoal Cave (where ice is).
TM08: Bulk Up (raises attack and defense)
Type: Fighting
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: You get this as an award for beating Brawly at the Dewford Gym.
TM09: Bullet Seed (attacks 2-5 times per turn)
Type: Grass
Attack: 10
Accuracy: 100%
Location: On route 104 (northern side of Petalburg Forest), talk to the man
near the Forest Entrance and he'll give you this TM.
TM10: Hidden Power (type and power are random and depend on Pokemon)
Type: ???
Attack: Varies
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Buy at one of Slateport shops ($3000, needs TM43 to do so), talk to
woman on second house to left at Fortree city to get this TM.
TM11: Sunny Day (powers up fire moves/weakens water moves for 5 turns, reduces
thunder's accuracy, no solarbeam charge required).
Type: Fire
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Scorched Slab (outside of route 120, requires Devon Scope and Surf)
TM12: Taunt (makes opponent only use attacking moves)
Type: Normal
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Rewarded after clearing Trick House 5 times
TM13: Ice Beam (has a chance of freezing enemy)
Type: Ice
Attack: 95
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Buy from Mauville Came Corner (4000 coins), found on Abandoned Ship
TM14: Blizzard (has a chance of freezing enemy)
Type: Ice
Attack: 120
Accuracy: 75%
Location: Buy from Lilycove Dept. Store ($5500)
TM15: Hyper Beam (attacks one turn, can't do anything next)
Type: Normal
Attack: 150
Accuracy: 90%
Location: By from Lilycove Dept. Store ($7500)
TM16: Light Screen (cuts all special attack in half)
Type: Psychic
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Buy from Lilycove Dept. Store ($3000)
TM17: Protect (protects you from all attacks, if used in succession, accuracy
Type: Normal
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Buy from Lilycove Dept. Store ($3000)
TM18: Rain Dance (raises all water attacks/weakens fire attacks for 5 turns,
Solarbeam becomes weaker, Thunder's accuracy raises to 100%)
Type: Water
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Abandoned Ship
TM19: Giga Drain (deals damage, recovers half of HP that was inflicted)
Type: Grass
Attack: 60
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Put a grass Pokemon as your leader, go to Route 123, and talk to girl
near water. She'll give you this TM.
TM20: Safeguard (protects your team and user from being inflicted by status
condition for a few turns)
Type: Normal
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Buy from Lilycove Dept. Store ($3000)
TM21: Frustration (the lower your Pokemon's happiness level is, the more
Type: Normal
Attack: Varies
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Pacifidlog Town
TM22: Solarbeam (takes two turns to charge unless Sunny Day is in effect)
Type: Grass
Attack: 120
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Safari Zone
TM23: Iron Tail (has chance of lowering enemy's defense)
Type: Steel
Attack: 100
Accuracy: 75%
Location: Meteor Falls
TM24: Thunderbolt (has chance of paralyzing enemy)
Type: Electric
Attack: 95
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Buy from Mauville Game corner (4000 coins), received from Wattson
after you complete New Mauville side quest.
TM25: Thunder (has chance of paralyzing enemy)
Type: Electric
Attack: 120
Accuracy: 75% (100% when Rain Dance is in effect)
Location: Buy from Lilycove Dept. Store ($5500).
TM26: Earthquake (can't hit flying enemies, also damages partner during double
Type: Ground
Attack: 100
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Found in Seafloor Cavern near un-awakened Kyogre.
TM27: Return (the higher your Pokemon's happiness rating is, the more powerful
the attack is)
Type: Normal
Attack: Varies
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Pacifidlog Town
TM28: Dig (digs first town [immune from all attacks except Faint Attack],
attacks on 2nd turn)
Type: Ground
Attack: 60
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Go into Fossil Manaic's house at route 114, talk to him and he'll
give you the TM.
TM29: Psychic (also has chance of lowering enemy's Special Defense)
Type: Psychic
Attack: 90
Accuracy: 100%
Location: You can buy this at the Mauville Game Corner (3500 coins) or find it
in the Victory Road
TM30: Shadow Ball (also has a chance of lowering enemy's Special Defense)
Type: Ghost
Attack: 80
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Mt. Pyre
TM31: Brick Break (breaks barriers like Light Screen and Reflect)
Type: Fighting
Attack: 75
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Get it from the house in the far northwest corner in Sootopolis City.
TM32: Double Team (raises your evasiveness)
Type: Normal
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: You can buy this from the Mauville Game Corner (1500 coins)
TM33: Reflect (raises defense for 5 turns)
Type: Psychic
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: You can buy this from the Lilycove Dept. Store ($3000)
TM34: Shock Wave (always hits)
Type: Electric
Attack: 60
Accuracy: N/A
Location: You get this as an award for defeating Wattson at the Mauville Gym)
TM35: Flamethrower (has chance of burning enemy)
Type: Fire
Attack: 95
Accuracy: 100%
Location: You can get this at the Mauville Game Corner (4000 coins)
TM36: Sludge Bomb (has chance of poisoning enemy)
Type: Poison
Attack: 90
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Dewford Town
TM37: Sandstorm (sandstorm lasts for 5 turns, affects all Pokemon except
ground, rock, and steel)
Type: Ground
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Desert Ruins
TM38: Fire Blast (also has a chance of burning enemy)
Type: Fire
Attack: 120
Accuracy: 85%
Location: You can buy this from Lilycove Dept. Store ($5500)
TM39: Rock Tomb (lowers enemy's speed)
Type: Rock
Attack: 50
Accuracy: 100%
Location: You get this as an award for defeating Roxanne at the Rustboro Gym)
TM40: Aerial Ace (always hits)
Type: Flying
Attack: 60
Accuracy: N/A
Location: You get this as an award for defeating Winona at the Fortree Gym)
TM41: Torment (enemy can't use attack twice in a row)
Type: Dark
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Slateport City
TM42: Facade (power increases if inflicted with poison, paralyze, or burn)
Type: Normal
Attack: 70
Accuracy: 100%
Location: You get this as an award for defeating Norman at the Petalburg Gym)
TM43: Secret Power (helps find spot for secret base, 30% of special effect)
Type: Normal
Attack: 70
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Get it from girl on Route 111, buy at Slateport shop C ($3000, must
get it at route 111 before buying)
TM44: Rest (puts asleep for 2 turns and recovers all health)
Type: Normal
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Inside a house on the far east part of Lilycove City
TM45: Attract (affects Pokemon of opposite gender, 50% it won't attack)
Type: Normal
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Location: Verdanturf Town
TM46: Thief (steals item from Pokemon if holding it)
Type: Dark
Attack: 40
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Slateport City
TM47: Steel Wing (has chance of raising your defense)
Type: Steel
Attack: 70
Accuracy: 90%
Location: Received from Steven after giving him letter in Granite Cave
TM 48: Skill Swap (swaps special abilities with enemy)
Type: Psychic
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Mt. Pyre
TM 49: Snatch (steals and uses the special effect from enemy)
Type: Dark
Power: N/A
Accuracy: 100%
Location: S.S Tidal
TM 50: Overheat (lowers Special Attack after each attack)
Type: Fire
Attack: 140
Accuracy: 90%
Location: You get this as an award for defeating Flannery at Lavaridge Gym
HM01: Cut (cuts small bushes outside battle, requires you beat Roxanne at
Rustboro Gym)
Type: Normal
Attack: 50
Accuracy: 95%
Location: Rustboro City, house next to Pokemon Center
HM02: Fly (in battle, you fly for one turn, attack next turn, immune from all
attacks except Faint Attack while flying, outside of battle, you can fly to a
town you've previously visited, requires Featherbadge to use out of battle)
Type: Flying
Attack: 70
Accuracy: 95%
Location: Given to you by rival after battle near Fortree City
HM03: Surf (Surf across water outside of battle, requires Balance Badge)
Type: Water
Attack: 95
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Received by Wally's parents after defeating Norman at Petalburg
HM04: Strength (moves boulders outside of battle, requires Heat Badge to use
outside of battle)
Type: Normal
Attack: 95
Accuracy: 100%
Location: After clearing rocks in Rusturf Tunnel with Rock Smash, this is
rewarded to you by the nearby man)
HM05: Flash (lowers enemy's accuracy in battle, lights up dark caves outside of
battle, requires Knuckle Badge to use outside of battle)
Type: Normal
Attack: N/A
Accuracy: 70%
Location: Given to you by man at Granite City entrance (inside cave)
HM06: Rock Smash (has chance of lowering enemy's defense, can smash rocks
outside of battle, requires Dynamo Badge to use outside of battle)
Type: Fighting
Attack: 20
Accuracy: 100%
Location: In southeast house at Mauville City.
HM07: Waterfall (lets you go up waterfalls, requires Rain Badge to use outside
of battle)
Type: Water
Attack: 80
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Cave of Origin
HM08: Dive (in battle, you go underwater, attack next turn, immune from all
attacks, allows you to dive under dark patches of water outside of battle,
requires Mind Badge to use outside of battle)
Type: Water
Attack: 60
Accuracy: 100%
Location: Steven gives this to you in Mossdeep City
8. Special Events
In Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald there are events held by Nintendo in
real life. If you go to these events (check www.pokemon.com for the locations,
dates, and times), you can get something special onto your game, such as
tickets, Pokemon you cannot normally get without cheating, items, and so on.
Below, here are all the possible tickets you can get at these special events
and what they do.
Mystic Ticket = If you have this in your inventory, you can use the S.S. title
to sail to an island called Navel Rock. This island has nothing but a cave. If
you enter it, you'll find a ladder. Head down the ladder and then continue all
the way north. At the other side of this room, you'll find a path to the right
and left. Both lead to ladders. The way you take depends on which Pokemon
you'll come across. If you take the path on the left, you'll get to Ho-oh when
climbing up to the top of the cave. If you go right, you'll have to go down
nearly 10 or 11 ladders and you'll get to Lugia. Here are tips on catching
them. Make sure you save in front of them in case if you screw up.
Ho-oh: It is part fire and flying, so it is 4x weak to Rock. If you have a rock
Pokemon at a high level in your roster, use it to mow down Ho-oh so it has low
HP. Then if you can, use a move to Paralyze it or put it to sleep. Watch out,
it does have Recover, and it only takes two Recovers to get back up to full
health. It also has Sunny Day, Fire Blast, and Swift. If it does Recover, just
get it back down to low health. It only has 5 PP, and after that taking it down
should be no problem. You'll get it at level 70, and if you raise it to level
77, you'll get Sacred Fire, one of the best attacks in the whole game. When it
has low health and inflicted with paralyze or heal, just keep throwing your
best type of Poke Balls and you'll eventually capture it.
After capturing Ho-oh, use Itemfinder on the spot it was to dig up a Sacred
Lugia: This is a psychic and flying type Pokemon. It does have Hydro Pump and
Rain Dance, making for a very nasty combo and Pokemon weak to water-type
attacks will be gone in no time. For this Pokemon, get it to sleep and then
start whittling down its health, because it is a powerhouse and can screw up
your careful plans. It does know recover as well, so you may be planning to
catch it one turn and all of a sudden it's back to full health. Thankfully,
Recover, Rain Dance, and Hydro Pump are all at 5 PP, so you can wear him down
quickly. After it is at low health and either paralyzed or asleep, throw your
best Poke Balls at it and you'll have it sooner or later.
Aurora Ticket = If you have this, you can go to Birth Island. On this island is
a rock. You need to walk up to the rock and it'll move. After this, you'll need
to walk to it in a certain direction or it'll go back to the middle of the
island and you'll have to start the puzzle over. Here is the fasted solution:
1. Down one space, then head left to touch the rock.
2. Head right 4 spaces so you're in front of the steps. Now head north until
you touch the rock.
3. Head south in a straight line until the rock is exactly to your right. Then
walk right to it.
4. Notice how you're on a gray ground. Head north until you step onto the
grass. Now continue left to touch the rock.
5. The rock will move to your right, so simply head right and touch it.
6. Head left until the rock is directly in front of you, and then head down and
you'll touch the rock.
7. Head down one space, and then head left to touch the rock.
8. The rock will move to your right, so go right and touch it.
9. Head left until you're right next to the rock and then touch it.
If you did all of this correctly, the rock will go completely red and transform
into a Pokemon called Deoxys. It is at level 30, so make sure you bring Pokemon
that are around his level. Since this is the Emerald version, he'll be in his
"Speed Form" when captured. So if you brought your most power Pokemon here, you
may knock him out. Using your Pokemon in the 30s, get him down to low health
quickly. It will have Swift, Pursuit, Knock-Off, and Psychic, so it's best that
you bring a Dark Pokemon of any kind so you can take minimal damage. After you
get it to low health, paralyze it or put it to sleep, and be prepared to throw
plenty of Poke Balls. Eventually you'll get him, but it'll take a lot of work.
If you can, load up your roster with dark type Pokemon.
Old Sea Chart - this is an Emerald only item. With this, you can use the S.S.
Tidal to sail away to Faraway Island. When you get there, it looks like nothing
much is there, but you'll eventually get into a forest and find a Mew. It will
keep running away, so you'll need to corner it in the forest and outsmart the
Mew before you get a chance to battle it. After you get it cornered, it's time
for another fight.
Mew is a psychic Pokemon at level 30, so just like Deoxys, bring Pokemon that
are in the high 20s or 30s. It has Pound, Metronome, Transform, and Mega Punch,
so you may want to bring a Pokemon that has a great Defense as well. DO NOT
and become the legendary Pokemon, which would give you a really hard time.
Metronome is a move that will attack you with any move at random, so sometimes
you'll get lucky, and sometimes it will mess up your battle plan. My tip is to
use a Pokemon to keep it asleep for most of the battle and then get it down to
low health if you want to have the best shot. After getting lucky, you'll
eventually catch it.
Eon Ticket - To get to this island, you'll need to swipe an Eon Ticket through
an E-Reader. But since Emerald is not compatible with the E-Reader, you'll need
to mix records with a Ruby or Sapphire file that did use the Eon Ticket. After
that, you can go to your dad at the Petalburg Gym and he'll give it to you.
With this, you can use the S.S. Tidal to get to Southern Island. Here, you'll
get to a stone with writing on it. Pick up the Soul Dew and read the writing.
Lati@s will appear. The Lati you get depends on which color you picked when
talking to your mom after being the Elite Four. If you picked red, Latios will
be here. If you picked Blue, Latias will be here.
Both Latis will have Luster Purge, Recover, and Psychic, powerful moves that
will mow you down easily. So you'll need to paralyze or put to them sleep and
get them to low health. Both are Psychic/Dragon Pokemon, so bring an Ice, Fire,
or Dark Pokemon. Just watch out for their high Special Defense. After getting
them to low health, unload all of your Poke Balls on the Lati until you finally
capture it.
9. Strengths/Weaknesses
Below is a chart of the strengths and weaknesses each type has.
Normal | | | | | | | W | N | W | | | | | | | | |
Fighting | S | | W | | W | W | S | N | S | | | | | S | W | | S |
Poison | | | W | W | | | W | W | N | | | | S | | | | |
Ground | | | S | | N | W | S | | S | S | | S | W | | | | |
Flying | | S | | | | S | W | | W | | | W | S | | | | |
Bug | | W | W | | W | | W | | W | W | | | S | | S | | S |
Rock | | W | | W | S | S | | | W | S | | | | S | | | |
Ghost | N | | | | | | | S | W | | | | | | S | | W |
Steel | | | | | | | | S | W | W | W | W | | S | | | |
Fire | | | | | | S | W | | S | W | W | | S | S | | W | |
Water | | | | S | | | S | | | S | W | | W | | | W | |
Electric | | | | N | S | | | | | | S | W | W | | | W | |
Grass | | | W | S | W | W | S | W | W | W | S | | W | | | W | |
Ice | | | | S | S | | | | W | W | W | | S | W | | S | |
Psychic | | S | S | | | | | | W | | | | | | W | | N |
Dragon | | | | | | | | | | W | | | | | | S | |
Dark | | W | | | | | | S | W | | | | | | S | | W |
NRM = Normal
FGT = Fighting
POI = Poison
GRD = Ground
FLY = Flying
BUG = Bug
RCK = Rock
GHO = Ghost
STL = Steel
FIR = Fire
WTR = Water
ELC = Electric
GRS = Grass
ICE = Ice
PSY = Psychic
DRG = Dragon
DRK = Dark
S = Strong (deals 2x damage, for example, water deals 2x damage to fire)
W = Weak (only deals half the damage, for example, fire would only take half
the damage from a grass attack)
N = Cannot hit by any means (Electric attacks cannot hurt ground types and will
be ineffective)
Notes about type advantages
-If the attack used is the same type as a Pokemon, then they will get a STAB
(Same type attack bonus) boost of 150%. For example, Treecko is a grass
Pokemon. He uses absorb on a normal type Pokemon, which is also a grass move.
Instead of dealing 1x the damage, he deals 150%.
-There is a small chance of getting critical hits, which double the damage
dealt. So if you used a grass type move on a water type Pokemon, you would get
a 2x bonus for the type advantage, and 2x bonus for a critical hit. If it was a
STAB attack, then 4 x 1.5 = 6x the original damage dealt.
-If a Pokemon attacks a two-typed Pokemon (and is strong against both of them)
it will take 4x the damage, and a STAB would make it 6x, and a critical hit
would make it 12x (because of the double bonus). For example, Mudkip uses Water
Gun on Geodude. Geodude is Rock/Ground, both are weak to water. So 2x for the
rock, 2x for the ground, making it 4x. Then a STAB makes it 6, and a critical
hit makes it 12. See where I am going?
-If you used fire on a water type, you would only deal half the damage. But if
it was STAB, you would deal 3/4 of the damage instead of half, as 150% of .5 is
-You a Pokemon attacks a two-typed Pokemon (and is weak against both of them),
it will only take 25% of the original damage. Of course, if it was STAB, it
would be 37% (or 3/8) and a critical hit of course would be 75% of the damage.
For example, a grass type attacks a bug and flying, both are which grass is
weak against, so it only takes 1/4 of the damage.
-Let's also say you have a water Pokemon going against a Water and Rock type
Pokemon. Now, logically, rock is weak to water, but since it is also part
water, it cancels out the weakness to water, so it would do the original damage
(150% if STAB).
10. Credits
Nintendo = For making the GameBoy Advance SP, my favorite system.
Gamefreak = For making Pokemon in the first place.
CJayC = The administrator of the best site in the world (GameFAQs) posted this
Me = I wrote this guide.
You = You read this guide, and liked it (hopefully).

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