Here are all of the weapons that You are able to unlock on Pirates Of The Caribbean Online.
Voodoo Doll - Get Level 5 Notoritey, visit Tia for a mission to unlock the Voodoo Doll.
Dagger - Get Level 10 Notoritey, visit Elizebeth Swann for a mission to unlock the Dagger. MUST HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS!!!
Gernade - Get Level 20 Notoritey, visit Jack Sparrow for a mission to unlock the Gernade. MUST HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS!!!
Staff - Get Level 30 Notoritey, visit Tia for mission to unlock the Staff. MUST HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS!!!
Cutlass - Do the tutorial or skip it.
Pistol - Visit Captian Barboose.
How to Win Battle Easily as a Basic Member
Cutlass: The basic one
On Undead Gravediggers(about 4-5 strikes), Cadets(3-4 strikes), Swamp Alligators(5-7 strikes sometimes more), Bayou Aligators(6-8 strikes sometimes more, and other small enemies.
Combo 1: Cutlass first/ Gun second
Dont do this. In order for the gun to work its highest it has to be a distance. If you attack with a cutlass the enemy will always be on you.
Combo 2: Gun first/Cutlass second
Excellent for Scorpions and Undead. Rabid Bats is and Only-gun situation. Wait for the precise moment to begin with the cutlass.
Combo 3: Vodoo Doll/Anything
The Vodoo Doll should be done at a distance because the victim with be randomly attacked in their minds and it'll hurt them more for some reason. *shrug*
Pistol: The Basic one.
Anything except humans(that means animals and Undead)
Voodo Doll:
Anything. You just have to retreat sometimes because the action takes time. It's worth it. Kills Cadet and Undead Gravediggers with 1 poke. Almost knocks out any alligator.
Avoiding Attacks/Making the enemy miss of lessen damage.
1. To avoid fighting go into a corner and wait til the health is green. Or take a Tonic.
2. Don't run into enemies.
3. Scorpions/Undead with daggers: Jump when the pincer/blade is about to hhit you. It will lessen/diminish the damage.
4. The Gun and cutlass will become most handy.
Tagteams: Groups of pirates fighting one enemy.
You should use this on the Undead Witchdoctors, the Bosses, and the huge ships. More people on your crew, the better. DEFINATELY GET A TAGTEAM FOR VETERANS,OFFICERS, and MARINES.

Embark on an inspiring mission of human connection beyond the UCA. Sam — with companions by his side — sets out on a new journey to save humanity from extinction. Join them as they traverse a world beset by otherworldly enemies, obstacles and a haunting question: should we have connected?