Your character auto jumps, but can stumble over objects. You'll also bounce off trees if you get too close.
Make sure you run through crates and crosses, highlighted in green and yellow, respectively. Doing the former equips you with a random weapon, while the latter equips the one previously used.
Always know how much ammo is left.
The whole idea is to keep running, so stick with that until a better opportunity presents itself.
Conserve ammo whenever possible You'll need it later.
The game keeps selected perks highlighted until a.) you run out of coins, or b.) you deselect them.
You must meet certain in-game achievements to beat missions. These range from using two perks in one run to reaching 250 meters. Naturally, objectives grow more complicated the further you progress, but this is the only way you'll unlock weapons, outside of spending 130,000 Coins to fast unlock everything. You'll see the current list of achievements after finishing a run.
You'll earn 100 Coins for recommending the game to friends via Facebook, but we were unable to make this work.

Embark on an inspiring mission of human connection beyond the UCA. Sam — with companions by his side — sets out on a new journey to save humanity from extinction. Join them as they traverse a world beset by otherworldly enemies, obstacles and a haunting question: should we have connected?