stay award winning adventure game coming ps4 switch

Award-Winning Adventure Game STAY Coming to PS4 and Switch

After a successful run on Xbox One and PC, award-winning indie adventure game STAY will be coming to PS4 and Nintendo Switch before the end of the Summer. STAY saw recognition as ‘Best Original Idea’ at Gamelabs Barcelona 2018, and its narrative has received high praise.

In STAY, a therapist named Quinn wakes up alone in a locked room, with nothing but an internet-connected computer. The computer is logged into an online chat room, and the only other person in it is you. In real time, you have to make suggestions as to what Quinn should do, and throughout the game you can either guide him to safety or lead him further to a dark fate. With the dialogue in real time, every second can mean life and death.

This scenario is why STAY has seen critical praise for its narrative, nominated for various awards and winning ‘Best Original Idea’ at Gamelabs Barcelona earlier this year. There’s an ocean of different conversations that you can have with Quinn, during which you can gain his trust, push him away, and even uncover his secrets and lies through persuasion, and through various web cameras dotted around the room that he’s locked in, giving the experience a tense, voyeuristic feel.

With all the tremendous success it’s seen on Xbox One and PC, publisher PQube decided to bring the game to PS4 and Switch players. “We’re excited to bring STAY to PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch having seen gamers really take to Quinn and his dark and dangerous world on Xbox One and PC,” said Michael Fisher, product manager at PQube. “With multiple different story branches and seven different endings, we think these new players will take to Quinn’s perilous situation with trepidation.”

An exact release date hasn’t yet been confirmed, but STAY should be available on PS4 and Nintendo Switch by the end of the Summer. If you own a PC or an Xbox One, however, you can grab it now.

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