Zoe Quinn accusations Adelaide Gardner
[Image Credit: Adelaide Gardner / Twitter]

After Zoe Quinn accusations, more women are recounting their experiences with abuse in the gaming industry

Zoe Quinn’s accusations of abuse by Night in the Woods developer Alec Holowka are encouraging other industry figures to come forward with their personal accounts. First, it was indie developer Nathalie Lawhead accusing video game composer Jeremy Soule of rape; now, it’s Adelaide Gardner who is accusing a Splash Damage employee of assaulting and gaslighting her.

Adelaide Gardner is a content creator for tabletop RPGs and Dungeons & Dragons. According to a report from GamesIndustry.biz, she is now claiming that Luc Shelton, a Senior Tools Programmer at Splash Damage, assaulted and gaslit her.

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Gardner tweeted, “Since we’re on the topic of Alec Holowka and other game devs who are sexual assaulters, Luc Shelton of Splash Damage assaulted me and gaslit me and at least one other woman two years ago and plenty (former) mutuals told me to stay quiet about it but I won’t ever shut up anymore.”

Further tweets reveal other details about this incident that allegedly occurred back in February of 2018. However, this isn’t the first time that Gardner reports it, having tweeted about the sexual assault in September 2018 and June 2019.

Gardner alleges that Shelton claimed that it was just his “dominant nature,” and that “he made me feel crazy, pushing me away then guilt tripping me when I would try to move on.” She adds that “the last night I saw him, he handcuffed me so tight I lost feeling in my wrists for hours, and I was bleeding and raw.”

Gardner also shows a few pictures of alleged conversations between her and Shelton. In one of the conversations, Shelton is asking Gardner not to take photos or geo-tag him, while in the other she is describing the alleged sexual assault to another individual.

Nathalie Lawhead’s accusations prompted Zoe Quinn and Adelaide Gardner to tell their stories, and more are likely to emerge. The sexual scandals that are now sweeping the gaming industry aren’t entirely unlike the ones that hit the film industry in 2017, leading to the creation of the #MeToo movement.


[Image Credit: Adelaide Gardner / Twitter]

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