Dragon Warrior Monsters
Get Coatal:
Breed a Sky Dragon (pedigree) and a Mad Knight.
Get WhiteKing:
Breed a Deathmore and a DarkCrab.
Get Rosevine:
Breed a DanceVegi and a Deathmore.
Get Orchie:
Breed a monster from the dragon family with a draco lord with the dragon
as the pedigree.
How To Get Hargon:
Breed White King as pedigre with Metal King.
Draco Lord:
Breed Great Drak as pedigre with Servent.
Breed 2 Metal King’s.
Metal King:
Breed 2 Metable’s.
Breed 2 Grendle’s.
Golden Golem:
Breed Lavaman and Iceman(I forgot what the pedigre is).
Leo King:
Breed 2 Trumpiters.
White King:
Breed Dead Noble as the pedigre with any Mystic(?)family.
Breed any type of (birds) with Rayburn and you will get a whipbird, but
the the stronger bird with Rayburn the better the whipbird. (breed a Rainhawk
with Rayburn so you will get the best Whipbird)
GameShark Codes
1st Slot Infinite HP (In Battle) 01ffa3db 1st Slot Infinite MP (In Battle) 01ffc3db 1st Slot Max Attack (In Battle) 01ffe3db 2nd Slot Infinite HP (In Battle) 01ffa5db 2nd Slot Infinite MP (In Battle) 01ffc5db 2nd Slot Max Attack (In Battle) 01ffe5db 3rd Slot Infinite HP (In Battle) 01ffa7db 3rd Slot Infinite MP (In Battle) 01ffc7db 3rd Slot Max Attack (In Battle) 01ffe7db Infinite Money 01ff4bca
How to run into the following monsters in the wild: Type the following Gameshark code 01**03DA Replace the ** with the monster of your choice 01 - Slime02 - Slime 03 - Anteater 04 - Dracky 05 - Stubsuck 06 - Gohopper 07 - Gremlin 08 - Spooky 09 - Goopi 0A - ArmyAnt 0B - Healer 0C - Healer 0D - MiniDrak 0E - Picky 0F - PillowRat 10 - Hork 11 - DragonKid 12 - EvilSeed 13 - Catipilla 14 - FairyRat 15 - BigRoost 16 - Demonite 17 - BoneSlave 18 - SabreMan 19 - SpotSlime 1A - CrestPent 1B - BeanMan 1C - 1EyeClown 1D - CoilBird 1E - Metaly 1F - Dragon 20 - Golem 21 - Almiraj 22 - BullBird 23 - FloraMan 24 - GiantWorm 25 - SkullRider 26 - GiantSlug 27 - MudDoll 28 - TreeSlime 29 - Poisongon 2A - CatFly 2B - WingTree 2C - Eyeder 2D - Petrepup 2E - DrakSlime 2F - FairyDrak 30 - Skullroo 31 - Butterfly 32 - MadRaven 33 - MadCat 34 - MadCat 35 - FaceTree 36 - FaceTree 37 - Madknight 38 - Madknight 39 - Mudron 3A - Facer 3B - Snaily 3C - Saccer 3D - MadPecker 3E - Gulple 3F - EyeBall 40 - Mummy 41 - Babble 42 - Pteranod 43 - Tonguella 44 - FloraJay 45 - MadPlant 46 - Armorpede 47 - MedusaEye 48 - MadCandle 49 - WingSlime 4A - MadGopher 4B - FangSlime 4C - FangSlime 4D - BigEye 4E - BigEye 4F - Gigantes 50 - Gigantes 51 - Slabbit 52 - Gasgon 53 - WindBeast 54 - StubBird 55 - Oniono 56 - Gophecada 57 - Pixy 58 - DeadNite 59 - SpikyBoy 5A - SlimeNite 5B - KingCobra 5C - Mommanja 5D - MistyWing 5E - StagBug 5F - DarkEye 60 - NiteWhip 61 - RougueNite 62 - BoxSlime 63 - StoneMan 64 - StoneMan 65 - BattleRex 66 - BattleRex 67 - Copycat 68 - Copycat 69 - Orc 6A - Reaper 6B - Gismo 6C - RockSlime 6D - Chamelgon 6E - Goategon 6F - DuckKite 70 - CactiBall 71 - TailEater 72 - WindMerge 73 - AgDevil 74 - WeedBug 75 - SpotKing 76 - LizardFly 77 - HammerMan 78 - MadGoose 79 - TreeBoy 7A - Droll 7B - FunkyBird 7C - FunkyBird 7D - SkyDragon 7E - SkyDragon 7F - Digster 80 - Digster 81 - GiantMoth 82 - ArcDemon 83 - MadSpirit 84 - CurseLamp 85 - Tortragon 86 - WildApe 87 - LandOwl 88 - AmberWeed 89 - ArmyCrab 8A - EvilBeast 8B - Shadow 8C - EvilWand 8D - SlimeBorg 8E - LizardMan 8F - Grizzly 90 - Wyvern 91 - FireWeed 92 - MadHornet 93 -Jamirus 94 - Jamirus 95 - Servant 96 - Servant 97 - Centasaur 98 - EvilArmor 99 - KingSlime 9A - KingSlime 9B - Toadstool 9C - Lipsy 9D - Lionex 9E - RotRaven 9F - JewelBag A0 - Swordgon A1 - SuperTen A2 - MadCondor A3 - ManEater A4 - Grendal A5 - DarkCrab A6 - MadMirror A7 - WingSnake A8 - Yeti A9 - DanceVegi AA - Ogre AB - Skullgon AC - Voodoll AD - Rayburn AE - IronTurt AF - DarkHorn B0 - DarkHorn B1 - Akubar B2 - Akubar B3 - Orochi B4 - Orochi B5 - Metabble B6 - GulpBeast B7 - Balzak B8 - Spikerous B9 - Trumpeter BA - Skeletor BB - MetalDrak BC - MadDragon BD - Snapper BE - GoatHorn BF - DeadNoble C0 - Roboster C1 - BombCrag C2 - Andreal C3 - Unicorn C4 - GreatDrak C5 - ZapBird C6 - WhipBird C7 - Durran C8 - Durran C9 - Dracolord CA - Dracolord CB - Hargon CC - Hargon CD - Sidoh CE - Sidoh CF - Baramos D0 - Baramos D1 - Zoma D2 - Zoma D3 - Pizzaro D4 - Pizzaro D5 - Esterk D6 - Esterk D7 - Mirudraas D8 - Mirudraas D9 - Mudou DA - Mudou DB - DeathMore1 DC - DeathMore1 DD - Darkdrium DE - Darkdrium DF - Watabou E0 - Dracky E1 - Anteater E2 - Dracky E3 - Slime E4 - Stubsuck E5 - Slime E6 - Spooky E7 - Hork E8 - Spooky E9 - SpotSlime EA - SpotSlime EB - SpotSlime EC - MudDoll ED - Almiraj EE - ModDoll EF - Petrepup F0 - MadRaven F1 - Skullroo F2 - Crestpent F3 - TreeSlime F4 - Poisongon F5 - DrakSlime F6 - Dragon F7 - FairyDrak F8 - Snaily F9 - Armorpede FA - Snaily FB - Saccer FC - FloraJay FD - MadPlant FE - MedusaEye FF - MadGopher How to Get the Items: Slot 1 01??51CA Slot 2 01??52CA Slot 3 01??53CA Replace the ?? with any item of you choice 01 - Herb 02 - Sovewater 03 - Sage Stone 04 - World Dew 05 - Potion 06 - Elf Water 07 - Antidote 08 - Moon Herb 09 - Sky Bell 0A - Laurel 0B - Awake Sand 0C - World Leaf 0D - Life Acorn 0E - Mystic Nut 0F - Atk Seed 10 - Def Seed 11 - Agl Seed 12 - Int Seed 13 - Beef Jerky 14 - Pork Chop 15 - Rib 16 - Bad Meat 17 - Sirloin 18 - Bolt Staff 19 - Wind Staff 1A - Mist Staff 1B - Lava Staff 1C - Snow Staff 1D - Warp Wing 1E - Tiny Medal 1F - Quest BK 20 - Horror BK 21 - BeNice BK 22 - Cheater BK 23 - Smart BK 24 - Comedy BK 25 - Fire Staff 26 - Beast Tail 27 - Warp Staff 28 - Repellant 29 - Shiny Harp 2A - Map Herb 2B - Book Mark Press the start button then check your items you should have the item in the solt you typed the code in.
Thanks to Revolution readers Sam Muflahi, Phil Gorski, Aideroos Muflahi,
Malu14, Lawrence.M.Snelgrove, Henry Nguyen and Kit Race!