Mortal Kombat 4 GameBoy Cheats

Mortal Kombat 4


To activate a cheat, enter its code at the code screen.

Code                             Effect                          
00-07-07                        25% life (CPU)                  
70-70-00                        25% life (Player 1)             
00-00-33                        50% life (CPU)                  
03-30-00                        50% life (Player 1)             
32-13-21                        Big heads                       
68-84-22                        Dark Kombat                     
10-01-00                        Disable throws                  
01-00-10                        Disable max damage              
11-01-10                        Disable throws and max damage   
05-00-50                        Explosive Kombat                
55-55-55                        Multiple weapons                
02-00-20                        No blocking                     
01-20-12                        Noob Saibot mode                
98-76-66                        Programmer's message            
12-39-26                        Programmer's message            
98-51-25                        Psycho Kombat                   
11-11-11                        Random weapon appears in match  
33-33-33                        Randper(Random Person)Kombat    
66-66-66                        Silent Kombat                   
22-22-22                        Start with random weapon        
46-04-60                        Switcharoo                      
00-20-02                        Weapons never dropped           
12-31-23                        Win with one hit                

Thanks to Revolution reader Jovan Ilic!

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