Mortal Kombat 4
To activate a cheat, enter its code at the code screen.
Code Effect 00-07-07 25% life (CPU) 70-70-00 25% life (Player 1) 00-00-33 50% life (CPU) 03-30-00 50% life (Player 1) 32-13-21 Big heads 68-84-22 Dark Kombat 10-01-00 Disable throws 01-00-10 Disable max damage 11-01-10 Disable throws and max damage 05-00-50 Explosive Kombat 55-55-55 Multiple weapons 02-00-20 No blocking 01-20-12 Noob Saibot mode 98-76-66 Programmer's message 12-39-26 Programmer's message 98-51-25 Psycho Kombat 11-11-11 Random weapon appears in match 33-33-33 Randper(Random Person)Kombat 66-66-66 Silent Kombat 22-22-22 Start with random weapon 46-04-60 Switcharoo 00-20-02 Weapons never dropped 12-31-23 Win with one hitThanks to Revolution reader Jovan Ilic!

Embark on an inspiring mission of human connection beyond the UCA. Sam — with companions by his side — sets out on a new journey to save humanity from extinction. Join them as they traverse a world beset by otherworldly enemies, obstacles and a haunting question: should we have connected?