Duke Nukem 64 N64 Cheats

Duke Nukem 64


Cheat Menu:

At Title Screen, press Left, Left, L Button, L Button, Right, Right, Left, Left.

Level Skip:

At Title Screen, press L button, L button, L button, C-Right, Right, Left, Left, C-Left.

All Items:

At Title Screen, press R Button, C-right, Right, L Button, C-left, Left, C-right, Right.

God Mode:

Press the R Button 7 Times and Then Press Left on the D-pad. You should hear a sound. Now go to the Cheat Menu and there it is at the very top.

Monster Toggle:

At title screen, press L button, C-Left, Left, R button, C-Right, Right, Left, Left, Right You should hear a sound. There should be a new option in the Cheat Menu.

Unlimited jet pack fuel:

Enable the "All items" code while flying with the jet pack.

Drink to your health:

It's always fun to blow stuff up right? Well now you can have fun and get power at the same time. First, the fun part: Shoot or blow up a water fountain, fire hydrant, or even a toilet. Then walk over to the water that's squirting up and hold "A". You will gradually regain your energy.

Big Duke/Little Duke:

For Big Duke, you must have invincibility. Then...

  • Dukematch any number of players
  • Take the expander and expand the other Duke
  • Right before he explodes press start
  • Go to cheats and turn god mode on then off.
  • Go back to the game and have a big Duke
This process works with the Shrinker for Little Duke.

Thanks to Revolution readers Anthony Luna, Thom, Andy Tucker, René Langlois Larivií¨re, Tom McDermott, Joshua Lewis, Shawn Toczyl, Ti Ho, Roger Song, JWoulard, Magus, Crash5, and Rich DeFelice!

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