Nagano Winter Olympics ’98
Change Appearance:
Go to the options screen then press C-Down +R, C-Left + R or C-Up +R. You will
see at the bottom a window which has popped up that lets you modify a 16-bit
register. You are only allowed to change the first 6 bits. To do this you must
hold :
C-DOWN +R = CHANGES HEAD SIZE C-LEFT +R = CHANGES BODY SIZE C-UP +R = CHANGES HEIGHT CODE WHAT IT DOES 010001 elongated players, large heads, large announcer 010101 large players, large heads, large announcer 010010 crunched players, large heads, small announcer 110110 large players, small heads, large announcer 000001 elongated players, large announcer 000010 crunched players, small announcer 000100 large players, large announcer 001000 small players, small announcer 110000 stocky players, small heads 010000 stocky players, big heads 100000 stocky players
Ski on your head:
Go to Olympic mode and select Freestyle Aerials. Then pick any trick. As you go down the hill don’t press any button. Wait until you have left the ramp then rapidly tap the B button.
When you land your skier will jump forward and land on his head and continue to ski down the hill with his head in the snow.
Thanks to Revolution readers Jeremy and Lynette!