Enter the following as Passwords:
WLLVDD All codes enabled GGWWOO All cars & cups NRNNRR Cheetah car TRTTLL Cobra car PXPRTS Master mode and bonus cars YMSTTR Panther car SDSSRT Scorpion car LGSSSX Crystal cup CRKKYY Diamond cup DZPKKK Zenith cup
On Canyon just after the start go to the far right, there should be a gap in the
wall go through it. It should get you first place. At the first corner go to the
far left there is a road leading down, follow it and it should bring you out in
front by heaps. On Island just after the 180degree turn go into the first opening
it is a lot quicker than the other 3.
Thanks to Revolution readers Nick Barker, James and Mister Mistereeus!