Harry Potter & The Sorceror's Stone
During play, enter the folliowing cheats:
harrygetsfullhealth | 100% Health |
harrysuperjump | Super jump |
harrynormaljump | Big jump |
harryKoresh | Invisibility |
harrytriggercheat | 15 beans |
Debug mode:
During play, enter harrydebugmodeon to enable Debug
Mode. Next, press the ~ key and enter
set engine.playerpawn bcheatsenabled true to turn
on debug mode. You will want to enter this every time the game gives you
the goal for a given mission, such as 'Attend Potions Class with Professor
Snape.' Now bring up the conosole by pressing ~ and enter the following:
fly | Weightless Harry |
ghost | Harry walks through walls |
walk | disables 'fly' and 'ghost' codes |
setspeed<X> | Set Harry's run speed |
setfriction<0-10> | 10 is normal, at 0 he slides everywhere |
givebeans<X> | Gives Harry X number of beans |
givehousepoints<X> | Gives Gryffindor X number of housepoints |
giveseeds<X> | Gives Harry X number of Fireseeds |
giveallcards | Grants Harry every wizard card but one |
set baseharry numstars<X> | Gives Harry X number of challenge stars |
With Debug Mode activated, go to the Main Menu and press F1 through F4 to switch between levels, or press F5 to gain access to all of them at once.
Thanks to Revolution readers MR_T, Alex K, Jonathan Leland, Matt Reynolds, Diede Ruelens, zak-al-khabbaz,
Caterina and Bruce Knight!