School Tycoon
Cheat Mode:
Enter 'iamacheater' during play. Now you're in Cheat Mode and may enter any of the following codes.
Ctrl + Left Alt + C | More Money |
Ctrl + Left Shift + C | Less Money |
Ctrl + Left Shift + Keypad Minus | Less gamma |
Ctrl + Left Shift + Keypad Plus | More gamma |
Ctrl + Left Shift + 0 | Immediate Disaster |
The following cheats require you to edit game files; don't forget to make a back-up before trying them out.
Buildings for free:
With a text editor, edit the "restrooms.ini", "academic.ini", "administration.ini", "athletic.ini", "entertainment.ini",
and "food.ini" files in the "c:program filescat daddy gamesschool tycoondatabuildings" folder.
Any place you see 'Cost=X' (X being some value) or 'Operatingcost=X' in any
of the previous files, change 'X' to 0.
No building entropy:
With a text editor, edit the "restrooms.ini", "academic.ini", "administration.ini", "athletic.ini", "entertainment.ini", and "food.ini" files in the "c:program filescat daddy gamesschool tycoondatabuildings" folder. Find "DecayRate=0.0005" and make it "DecayRate=0.0000".
No wait time for buildings :
With a text editor, edit the "restrooms.ini", "academic.ini", "administration.ini", "athletic.ini", "entertainment.ini", and "food.ini" files in the "c:program filescat daddy gamesschool tycoondatabuildings" folder. Where you see 'Locked=1' change '1' to '0', and where you see 'LockType=X' as well as 'LockValue=X' change 'X' to 'None.'
More money in levels:
With a text editor, edit every *.ini file in the "c:program filescat daddy gamesschool tycoondatachallengeseasy" folder. Look for "StartingCash=50000" the value to whatever you want.
Thanks to Revolution reader Dominic!