Star Wars: Force Commander
Note: You must have version 1.1 patch
for the following codes to work.
Mission Select:
Start a new game and enter your name as TheWorldIsYours, then double
click on it and then click scenario.
Cheat Mode:
Start a new game and enter your name as TheGalaxyIsYours, then double
click on it. Now enter the following during play:
Code Result M 500 Command Points SHIFT + M 500 Command Points and Order Any Unit CTRL + W Win the Mission CTRL + 8 Show Active Units CTRL + SHIFT + 8 Show All Units CTRL + 9 Remove Fog of War
Double Unit Carriers:
When a unit carrier explodes, remove the unit at the same time it explodes.
If you timed it right, that unit will have doubled.
Front Line Movement Trick:
During a Skirmish battle take control of your opponent’s Command Center. As
the bomb timer begins to move, click your Reinforcement Screen. You’ll find
you can bring down anything right outside your opponent’s front door! That includes
A-I, A-A, and A-V Turrets! The thing is though that you can usually only bring
one of each dropship down, so choose what turret you use wisely. (Note: This
is only useful if you opponent has control of supply bunkers and has the ability
to bring other command center down.)
Thanks to Revolution reader Tasha Yar, Micky, Colin Heatley and Dark Star!