Star Wars Republic Commando
Press ` and enter one of the following codes:
Behindview 1 | Third Person View |
Behindview 0 | First Person View |
AllWeapons | Get every weapon |
ViewBot | Cycle through bots |
ViewSelf | Return to yourself |
SmiteEvil | Destroy all onscreen enemies |
BlindEnemies 1 | Makes you invisible to enemies |
BlindEnemies 0 | Toggle off |
DeafEnemies 1 | Enemies cannot hear you |
DeafEnemies 0 | Toggle off |
FreezeFrame X | Will freeze after X seconds |
KillPawns | Kills other Delta Squad members |
HOG | Kills anything you point your reticle at |
LockCamera | Fixes the camera's position |
Suicide | Kill Yourself |
Teleport | Teleports you to where your reticle points |
Stat Game | Display Game Statistics |
Changesize X | Change X to alter player's size |
Setspeed X | Change X to alter game's speed |
SetGravity X | Change X to set gravity |
SetJumpz X | Change X to adjust jump height |
Stat FPS | Display Frames Per Second |
God | Invincibility |
Ghost | You can flay and walk through objects |
Walk | Disable Ghost Cheat |
Fierfek | Ammo |
Darman | Next level |
loaded | Spawn tons of weapons |
AllAmmo | 999 Ammo |
TheMatulaakLives | God mode |
PlayersOnly | Stops Time |
Fly | Flight Ability |
Slomo X | Where X is a number to control game speed |
Thanks to Revolution readers sleepy, no_pause, and FlameDragan!