Crash Bandicoot: Warped Walkthrough

Crash Bandicoot: Warped Walkthrough

Level 1: Toad Village				

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   42 boxes

                   If you've played a Crash Bandicoot game
                   before, this is a great time to brush up on all
                   your moves. If this is your first time playing
                   Crash, take advantage of this easy level to
                   get used to the game's controls. Move
                   forward through the level slowly, taking your
                   time to smash every box. Don't be afraid of
                   the pools of water scattered throughout this
                   level; Crash can wade just fine. 

                   Before long, you'll come across two bounce
                   boxes, one on the ground and one
                   suspended above it. Don't smash bounce
                   boxes with your spin attack; if you do, you
                   won't get any fruit from them. Practice
                   jumping onto the bottom box and bouncing
                   between the two boxes five times until they
                   collapse. Often, the only way to smash a
                   bounce box in the air is to use a bounce
                   box below it. 

                   When you come across the first goat,
                   practice your spin attack. You'll find that
                   your spin attack is easier to time if you run
                   toward the enemy while you are spinning. 

                   Right before the first checkpoint (more on
                   this later), you'll see a box with a picture of
                   a mask on it. This aku aku box holds a
                   protective mask that Crash can wear. One
                   mask is worth one hit point; two masks are
                   worth two hit points; and three masks
                   provide temporary invincibility. 

                   When you come across the crystal, grab it!
                   Finding the crystal in each level is your
                   primary objective in the game. 

                   The ? box holds a surprise for you. You
                   never know what you will find in these
                   boxes, so be sure to check them out. 

                   When you come to the box with a C on the
                   outside, you've made it to a checkpoint. If
                   you smash a checkpoint box, you can start
                   back at this point the next time you lose a

                   When you see your first slot box, you may find yourself frozen with
                   indecision, since the box is like a slot machine. But don't take too
                   long to make your decision; after just a few seconds, the slot box
                   will seal up permanently, and you can't smash it at all. 

                   To kill the swordsman, wait until he gets his swords stuck in the
                   ground. Then hurry and knock him off with your spin attack. 

                   That big pedestal with a question mark signals a bonus level. Just
                   hop onto the question mark, and you will take a ride to the bonus

                   When you get to the end of the level, you will either see a
                   translucent box telling you how many boxes you missed, or you will
                   see a clear gem if you smashed all the boxes. If you missed some
                   boxes, come back again to finish the job.

Level 2: Under Pressure

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   92 boxes 

                   Crash goes for an underwater dive in level
                   2. Don't worry about running out of air:
                   Crash has an oxygen tank. Take a few
                   moments to get used to moving Crash
                   around in this new environment. Using the
                   control pad makes Crash swim slowly in
                   any direction. Pressing the X button makes
                   Crash use his flippers for a quick burst of
                   speed, and the O button activates the
                   classic spin attack. You can't control Crash
                   as precisely as you did on land, so be

                   The small fish pose no threat, but watch out
                   for big sharks and blowfish. You must use
                   your spin attack to take them out. Don't get
                   near a blowfish when its spikes are
                   showing. You can't use your spin attack
                   against those pesky mines; you must avoid
                   them for now. Be extra careful, since they
                   track your movements. 

                   After the first checkpoint, you'll come to an
                   enclosed tube. Your first obstacle is a giant,
                   electrified, rotating disk; swim carefully
                   around it to avoid making contact. When
                   you exit the tube, watch out for the giant
                   eels that pop out of the walls; time your
                   swimming to avoid them. On the ocean
                   floor directly below the eels is a slot box
                   that will activate before you can see it. Hurry
                   to the bottom to smash the box before it
                   seals itself shut. 

                   Before long, you'll come across a jet sub.
                   Hop on and go for a spin. Controlling the
                   sub is a lot like swimming. The O button
                   gives you a burst of speed. Take a moment
                   to get used to the controls; it's easy to get
                   going too fast. The sub is a great help
                   because it has a torpedo launcher; just use
                   the square button to fire a torpedo. Now,
                   you can get rid of sharks and other
                   enemies without getting too close. You can
                   even blow away the mines. The torpedoes
                   will also come in handy for smashing
                   boxes. The jet sub also acts as a shield and
                   lets you take a hit without losing a life.
                   Unfortunately, when you take a hit, you lose
                   your sub. There is no way to get another
                   sub without sacrificing a life and going back to the last

                   When you see red seaweed on the ocean floor, blow it away with
                   a torpedo. There are boxes hidden behind the seaweed. If you
                   are trying to smash every box, you will need the sub to get behind
                   this seaweed. 

                   When you get to the next tube, you will lose your sub. Don't worry,
                   there's another one coming up to help you finish the level. More of
                   the same lies ahead. Take your time, and you'll do just fine.

Level 3: Orient Express

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   51 boxes 

                   You'll be playing as Coco in this level. As soon
                   as you start, you'll automatically hop onto Pura
                   the tiger. Now it's time to hold on for dear life!
                   Once you hop onto Pura, there's no getting

                   Pura will run through the level. Your job is to
                   control his movements to smash boxes, avoid
                   enemies, and jump over canyons. No matter
                   how you slice it, this is a hard level to master.
                   Your only hope is to keep at it, trying to
                   commit as much of the coming obstacles to
                   memory as you ride. If you can't keep focused
                   on all the looming obstacles in front of you,
                   follow the trails of fruit; they will usually guide
                   you along the safest route. 

                   If you are playing the level to collect all the
                   boxes, make sure you pay careful attention to
                   the checkpoint boxes. Once you smash a
                   checkpoint box, any boxes you have smashed
                   before that point remain smashed, even if you
                   lose a life. This can be a blessing or a curse. If
                   you've hit every box along the way, the
                   checkpoint can save you from returning to the
                   beginning of the level and do it all over. But if
                   you've missed a box or two, I recommend
                   skipping the checkpoint boxes altogether, so
                   you will start next time at the right place, with
                   all boxes behind you cleared. Otherwise, you
                   must start back at the beginning to have a
                   chance at getting all the boxes. 

                   At three points along the path, you will notice
                   little men pop out of the ground using trap
                   doors. If you jump on one of the doors while it is being held up, you
                   can bounce all the way to the roof above. You must master this trick if
                   you wish to collect all the boxes, since there are three boxes on one
                   of the roofs. If you are playing to collect all boxes, skip the first trap
                   door, jump on the second one, and skip the third one. 

                   When you return to this level in time-trial mode, use Pura's fast run by
                   holding down the R1 button the entire time. You must keep up this
                   pace to have any chance of winning the sapphire or gold relic. 

                   One last warning; watch out for the paper dragons that snake across
                   the path. Sometimes, you must jump over the dragons, but
                   sometimes you must run under them. 

Level 4: Bone Yard

                   1 crystal
                   2 clear gems (second clear gem requires red
                   gem found on level 12)
                   66 boxes 

                   When you start this level, take a deep breath,
                   wipe the sweat off of your hands, and get
                   ready for the run of your life. As soon as you
                   jump down from the first platform, you will be
                   relentlessly pursued by a very large, very
                   mean triceratops. To make matters worse,
                   Crash runs toward the screen, so you must
                   use quick reflexes (and memorization) to
                   react to the obstacles that pop up along the
                   way. The pitfalls to watch out for in this level
                   are steaming lava pits (jump over them), giant
                   pterodactyls (run around them), ledges (jump
                   over them), and weeds (hop through them or
                   use your spin attack to chop them down). 

                   When you're being chased, don't worry about
                   smashing the boxes yourself; the triceratops
                   will take of them for you. Also, if your hands
                   start to sweat, pause the game and regain
                   your composure. 

                   After the second checkpoint, this level
                   changes gears and becomes much more
                   leisurely. Take the chance to relax and
                   concentrate on smashing boxes. But don't
                   relax too much! You're about to be introduced
                   to two new types of highly explosive boxes.
                   First come the red TNT boxes. These boxes
                   require caution. To destroy a TNT box, hop
                   onto the box and immediately hop away. You
                   will have three seconds before the box
                   explodes, so make sure you are not standing
                   next to it. Never smash a TNT box by spinning
                   into it! When TNT boxes are stacked or are
                   sitting next to each other, you must only
                   detonate one to destroy them all. 

                   Far more dangerous are the green nitro
                   boxes. These boxes are highly explosive and
                   will explode at the slightest touch. Stay away
                   from them! Whenever nitro boxes appear,
                   there will be a green ! box somewhere in the
                   level. Hit the green box to detonate all the nitro
                   boxes throughout the level at once. 

                   As you wade through the tar pits, watch out for
                   a well-hidden enemies stalking you. They will
                   be wading through the liquid muck, ready to
                   pounce. The best strategy is to use your spin
                   attack against them before they lunge toward

                   You'll come across a red wire platform; you can't use it until you find
                   the hidden red gem in level 12. If you have already retrieved the red
                   gem, see the end of this section for strategies. 

                   Past the red platform, you will come across a bonus level in which
                   you can learn a new move. To crawl under the steel boxes (which
                   Crash can not damage with his spin attack), slide under them by
                   using the O button. 

                   When you come across the steel ! box, hit it to make the invisible
                   boxes appear in front of you. Smashing this series of boxes is all
                   about precise jumping; it will take practice to do it right. 

                   Before you have time to relax too much, your ill-tempered dinosaur
                   friend will be back to chase you. Have fun! 

                   Riding the Red Gem Platform
                   If you have already retrieved the red gem, hop on the red platform and
                   get ready for one of the toughest sections of the game. When you
                   complete this section, you'll have obtained the second clear gem on
                   this level. After riding the platform, hit the steel checkpoint box to mark
                   your place. Then get ready to get chased by the grumpy triceratops
                   again. This chase has some new obstacles for you to contend with,
                   namely larger lava pits (double jump over them) and hot air vents (run
                   around them when they are active; jumping over them doesn't work).
                   There are lots more weeds in this section of the level, so hop through
                   them to keep ahead of the dinosaur. It takes lots of work to make it
                   through this chase alive, so you make sure to have a minimum of 10
                   spare lives before you try it for the first time. 

Level 5: Makin' Waves

                   1 crystal

                   1 clear gem
                   37 boxes 

                   Who knew that Coco had such a cool jet ski
                   on hand? Take a few moments to get used
                   the controls. Then start having some fun in the

                   An arrow at the top of the screen will point you
                   in the right direction, so don't worry about
                   getting lost. Just stay between the buoys and
                   avoid the obstacles while you concentrate on
                   smashing the boxes. There are several ski
                   jumps you must take to get boxes hanging in
                   the air; if you miss a box on your first try, just
                   circle back and take the jump again. Take it
                   slow the first few times! 

                   Things to watch out for: floating mines,
                   cannonballs shooting out of pirate ships;
                   pirates in row boats; and seagulls. 

First Boss: Tiny Tiger

                   Here, you'll meet the first boss, Tiny Tiger. To
                   him take out, you must be quick on your feet.
                   First, he will jump off his platform and try to
                   smash you five times before he gets his
                   pitchfork stuck in the ground. Take this
                   opportunity to use your spin attack against
                   him. Next, he will unleash his smaller lions on
                   you; they will charge you from below the
                   platform. Your spin attack will work against
                   these pests, but it's better to stay at the back
                   of the screen and concentrate on just avoiding
                   them altogether by sliding back and forth. After
                   the first wave of lions, Tiny Tiger will be back
                   to crush you. The second time, he will jump
                   six times before getting stuck. Hit him again
                   and deal once more with the lions. Finally,
                   Tiny will try to crush you once more, this time
                   jumping seven times before stranding himself.
                   Hit him once more, and you're the new
                   champion on the block. 

                   After you defeat Tiny Tiger, you will gain your
                   first new power: the super body slam. Just
                   jump and press the O button while you're in
                   the air to do some serious damage. 

Level 6: Gee Wiz

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   100 boxes 

                   You'll find this level similar to level 1, so have
                   some fun on this relatively easy section of the
                   game. You must use your super body slam
                   early in the level to smash the steel-reinforced

                   To get past the pesky wizard who is so rudely
                   shooting fireballs at you, run toward him and
                   time your jumps to avoid his attack. Then spin
                   him away. If you want, you can also use your
                   spin attack to deflect his fireballs, but make
                   sure your timing is perfect. 

                   The bonus stage on this level will really put
                   your jumping skills to the test. When you
                   come to the steel switch box, avoid your first
                   impulse and do not hit it. Instead, jump off the
                   ledge and hop across the gap by bouncing on
                   the suspended box on the way there. Then
                   turn around and jump back to activate the
                   switch. The jump back is a long one, and it
                   make take a few tries before you get it right. 

Level 7: Hang 'em High

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   1 yellow gem (accessed through level 27)
                   96 boxes 

                   Level 7 finds Crash making a mess out of a
                   Mediterranean town; Indiana Jones would be

                   If you're looking to grab the yellow gem on this
                   level, you'll have to wait. You actually need to
                   collect ten relics, enter level 27, and grab the
                   yellow gem there. Sorry! 

                   Right away you'll see a series of three
                   awnings that Crash can bounce on. Take time
                   now to master jumping from awning to
                   awning; you'll need this skill later on in the

                   The first new enemy you'll confront is a skilled
                   swordsman. Wait until he walks away from
                   you and let him have it with your spin attack.
                   Next comes the evil magician on his magic
                   carpet. A spin attack will take care of him as

                   Before long, you'll come to an apparent dead
                   end. Don't despair. Now it's time to hang from
                   the ledge above you and swing like a monkey
                   over to the next platform. Just jump up, and
                   you'll get the "hang" of it in no time. Just watch
                   out for the scorpion hanging around the area;
                   either avoid him or give him a spin for good

                   When you come across the monkey with the
                   barrels, you must attack him twice to take him

                   As you jump on the awnings, keep an eye out
                   for fruit paths that will show you the way to
                   boxes overhead. These boxes are hard to
                   crack, and it's easy to fly off the awning to
                   your death, so be gentle with the controls. 

                   Take a detour to the bonus area. For the
                   boxes placed high above in the air, you can
                   use a combination of double jumps (a power
                   which you acquire after defeating Dingodile)
                   and mid-air super body slams to smash them
                   all. When you come to the slot box that sits
                   above the row of steel boxes, think before you
                   jump. Make sure you wait until the slot box
                   switches to a TNT box; that is the only way to
                   activate the ! box below. Remember to hop on
                   the TNT box, not spin into it. 

                   Soon, you'll come across a nitro box sitting on top of two other boxes.
                   Taking out the bottom box quickly is important, since it's a slot box;
                   just spin it into oblivion. If you're a daredevil, you can carefully slide
                   into the next box to avoid detonating the nitro box above. Or you can
                   ignore the second box for now and blow it to high heaven when you hit
                   the nitro switch box near the end of the level. 

Level 8: Hog Ride

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   13 boxes 

                   Crash takes a spin on his cool motorbike in
                   this race. You're at a disadvantage since the
                   other drivers have cars that can run you off
                   the road, but your bike is faster, so it's not a
                   total loss. 

                   The best strategy is to approach this level
                   twice, each time with a separate goal. The
                   first time, you must focus on finishing the race
                   in first place; this is the only way to get the
                   crystal on this level. So concentrate on speed
                   and don't worry about picking up boxes the
                   first time around. Crash tends to spin out on
                   curves, so let up on the gas on the hard turns.
                   Along the way, you'll come across marks on
                   the road that will give you a burst of speed; try
                   to use them to gain on your opponents. Watch
                   out for police cars blocking the way. 

                   The second time you take on this level,
                   concentrate on smashing all the boxes. You
                   must jump on the ramps to hit every box, but
                   with a little practice, you'll be an expert. Don't
                   worry about your time on the level when you're
                   trying to smash every box; your position at the
                   end of the race makes no difference. 

                   This is a short race and an easy level, but
                   don't worry: You'll be back on the bike later in
                   the game for a much more challenging circuit

Level 9: Tomb Time

                   1 crystal
                   2 clear gems (Both clear gems require purple
                   gem which is found on level 13)
                   95 boxes 

                   Get ready to raid an ancient burial site. Right
                   off the bat, a giant cobra blocks your way on
                   this level. Don't be intimidated; just give it a
                   good spin. You must be careful around the
                   open pits that litter the floor. Some are
                   guarded by alligators, so time your jumps
                   accordingly. (Actually, you can use your spin
                   attack to get rid of the alligators, but timing
                   your jumps to avoid them is safer.) Also, oil
                   slicks scattered throughout the level make
                   Crash slip and slide. 

                   Whenever you see a raised polygon on the
                   floor, you should step on it to activate a
                   switch. The first switch opens a set of doors
                   that block your path. The switch remains
                   active only so long, so it pays to watch the
                   sequence of events once before dashing

                   After the first checkpoint, you'll come across a
                   bridge made of tiles. The tiles that spell out the
                   name "Neo" are safe to stand on; the tiles that
                   picture a red beetle collapse instantly when
                   you step on them, so tread lightly. 

                   Before long, you'll come across four barrels
                   populated by monkeys who are gleefully
                   throwing stones at you. Hurry toward the
                   barrels and use your spin attack. One of the
                   exposed monkeys will cower in fear for your
Level 9: Tomb Time (cont.)

                   The next challenge pits you against an
                   Egyptian who is releasing huge stones from
                   above in an effort to crush you. You must
                   jump carefully across the pit to get your
                   footing before the moving stone pushes you
                   into oblivion. You needn't worry about being
                   run over by the stones, but don't stand
                   underneath the spot where they come out of
                   the ceiling, or you will be crushed. When you
                   get past the stone, use your spin attack to
                   take out the Egyptian who is pulling the lever. 

                   Before you dash onward, pay careful attention
                   to three mysterious spots on the floor that are
                   lighted from above. Stepping in these areas
                   triggers arrows that launch from the walls.
                   There will be another set of these lights in the
                   level, so keep your eyes peeled. 

                   Before long, the path will split in two
                   directions. On your right is the way to the
                   crystal and the exit to the level. On your left,
                   on the other side of a very long pit, is a wall
                   with a drawing of a purple gem. If you haven't
                   already obtained this gem from level 13, you
                   can't get behind the wall. If you have the purple
                   gem, the wall will open up for you as you
                   approach it. 

                   Getting over the pit in front of the wall presents
                   it own challenge. Although it is possible to
                   make the jump using your double jump, you'll
                   find it much, much easier if you've obtained the death tornado spin by
                   beating N. Trophy after level 15. Besides, you will need the tornado
                   spin to make it through the area behind the wall, so take your time and
                   come back later. When you do decide to tackle this section, you'll find
                   the strategy at the end of this section. 

                   The next time you come to a nasty Egyptian dropping stones your
                   way, use the same strategy as before. This time, however, notice that
                   there are two boxes above the moving stones. If you are playing to
                   smash every box, you must hop on the moving stones and use your
                   spin attack to smash the boxes. (Alternatively, you can take out the
                   Egyptian and then walk back and smash the boxes using your double
                   jump.) After you knock off the Egyptian, watch out for the dude with
                   the fire thrower. Wait until he is not pointing your way and spin him

                   Just a few more platforms, and you're reached the end of the level.
                   Unless you have completed the hidden area behind the wall, you will
                   not have collected all the boxes. 
Level 9: Tomb Time (cont.)

                   Behind the Purple Gem Wall
                   To get over the first pit without being pumped
                   full of arrows, use your super tornado spin to
                   take the long jump near the left wall.
                   Remember, the arrows only fire if you cast a
                   shadow over the lights on the floor. 

                   Be extra careful wading through the oil spill
                   just past the pit. A set of sharp spears pops
                   up from the floor and then resets underground
                   every few seconds. In fact, there are four sets
                   of spears ahead, so proceed cautiously as
                   you jump over pits. The last two sets of
                   spears require some extra care to get past
                   them, as you must activate a switch to open a
                   door and hop past the spears before the door
                   closes again. Stop and watch the sequence of
                   the spears carefully before proceeding. The
                   good news is that right on the other side of the
                   door is the level's first clear gem. Grab it and
                   move on. 

                   You'll hop across a few sets of platforms,
                   making your way across the screen to your
                   right until you can go no further. Ahead of you,
                   you will see the end of the level. If you want to
                   get the crystal and the second clear gem
                   awarded for smashing all the boxes, you must
                   backtrack through the easy path until you
                   reach the points where the paths converge. 

                   When you reach the Egyptian releasing
                   stones, take him out so you don't have to deal
                   with this danger. You can smash the two
                   boxes above the oil slick by using your double

                   Be careful of the arrows shooting from the
                   walls. Take it slowly and avoid the light circles
                   on the floor by jumping over the pits with the
                   help of either your double jump or tornado spin. 

                   When you come to the large pit after the arrows, wait for the moving
                   platform to arrive before you make the jump. Once the platform has
                   traveled its full distance, use your double jump and tornado spin to

                   make it the rest of the way. 

                   When you come to the point where you started, it's time to head
                   forward again, making sure to take out every box along the way. If
                   you're successful, you'll exit the level with two clear gems and the
                   crystal. Good job! 

Level 10: Makin' Waves

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   35 boxes 

                   On level 10, it's time for Coco to hop back on
                   Pura the tiger for a run under the full moon.
                   You'll use the same strategies here as you did
                   in level 3. This time, there are more obstacles
                   along the way, and your enemies are much
                   more active, so keep your eyes open for
                   trouble. Some of the changes are subtle, like
                   the new pattern that the paper dragons follow.
                   If you are trying to smash every box, you must
                   use Pura's fast run (the R1 button) to jump
                   high enough to reach some of the boxes
                   hanging in midair. 

                   Finally, follow the same pattern as in level 3
                   for rooftop boxes. Skip the first and third trap
                   doors, but bounce on the second door to
                   reach the boxes on the roof.

Level 11: Dino Might!

                   1 crystal
                   2 clear gems (second gem requires
                   yellow gem found on level 27)
                   112 boxes 

                   Welcome to the tar pits. When you start the
                   level, you'll see a box with a free life on top
                   of four steel boxes. Use your newly
                   acquired double jump to grab the life. Soon,
                   you'll confront an extremely annoying rodent
                   who blocks your path and spins
                   periodically. Wait until he is not spinning
                   and let him have it. 

                   After the first checkpoint, you'll come
                   across a yellow platform. You can't use it
                   until you get the yellow gem on level 27.
                   Even if you already have the yellow gem,
                   don't hop on just yet. First, keep moving
                   ahead until you reach dry land. Make sure
                   you smash every box and kill every enemy
                   along the way, because you'll be
                   backtracking in just a moment. 

                   No, you're not seeing things. That is an egg
                   in front of you! Use your spin attack to make
                   it hatch and out will pop a friendly t-rex who
                   will give you a ride. Jump to hop on and use
                   the O button to hop off when you need to.
                   There will be some boxes the t-rex can't
                   open, so you must hop on and off
                   throughout the level. You should have no
                   problem jumping over the large tar pits and
                   over enemies that pop out of the goo below
                   you. Before too long, the fun comes to an
                   end, and you must leave your t-rex friend
                   behind. Parting is such sweet sorrow. 

                   After you leave t-rex behind, it's time to go
                   back and take a ride on the yellow platform
                   (if you already have the yellow gem).
                   Backtrack (watch out for the lava pits and
                   volcanoes) and hop on. See the end of this
                   section for strategies to get through this

                   The bonus area on this level gives you a
                   chance to practice your double jump. The only tricky part is
                   smashing the steel-reinforced boxes that are suspended over the
                   void below. Just stand near these boxes and use your super body
                   slam to shake them apart. 

                   If this level seems a little too quiet up to this point, your intuition is
                   correct. Right after the bonus area, get ready to meet your
                   triceratops friend again for another crazy chase. This time around
                   is only slightly harder than the chase on level 4, so concentrate;
                   and you'll be fine.

Level 11: Dino Might! (cont.)

                   Riding the Yellow Gem Platform
                   When you land, you'll be in another swamp.
                   Move ahead carefully. Make sure the
                   currents do not carry you into any enemies.
                   Tread carefully, watching out for lava pits
                   and volcanoes. 

                   Finally, you'll come to dry land and some
                   TNT boxes. Detonate one of the TNT boxes
                   and stand aside. You must use your body
                   slam to take out the steel-reinforced box
                   afterward; the TNT isn't strong enough.
                   When you come the next stack of
                   steel-reinforced and TNT boxes, stand to
                   the side and use your body slam on the
                   ground next to the boxes. This should take
                   out the steel-reinforced boxes and detonate
                   the TNT box. Now use your body slam on
                   any boxes that are left over. 

                   Soon, you'll reach the point where you start
                   moving toward the screen. Walk carefully.
                   You must be wary of all the usual problems:
                   lava pits, volcanoes, nitro boxes, and
                   pterodactyls. Again, make sure not to get
                   sidetracked by the currents. The first clear
                   gem will be waiting for you before long.
                   Grab it, hit the nitro switch box, and hop
                   onto the yellow platform. The platform will
                   drop you off right where you began
                   backtracking before, so you don't have to
                   go back and smash any boxes. 

                   If you took the ride on the yellow platform
                   and smashed all the boxes, you'll exit with
                   both clear gems. If you haven't gotten the
                   yellow crystal yet, just come back later for
                   another visit.

Level 12: Deep Trouble

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   1 red gem
                   88 boxes 

                   It's time to go underwater again. This time
                   you get to start right away with the jet sub.
                   Remember that Crash's movements are
                   less precise under water, so take your time
                   to explore your surroundings before you
                   charge forward. There are nitro boxes
                   scattered throughout the level, so watch out!

                   To get past the pile of steel boxes and TNT,
                   shoot a missile at one of the TNT boxes,
                   and the pile will collapse, letting you
                   through. Be sure and keep a safe distance
                   from the explosion. 

                   Watch out for the swirling tornadoes. If you
                   get caught in one, it's curtains for Crash. 

                   About halfway along the level, you'll come to
                   a fork in road. It's actually easy to miss,
                   since a row of fruit leads your eye upward;
                   but if you look carefully, you will notice that
                   you can continue to the right as well. You
                   can finish the level by going either way, but
                   if you want to recover the very important red
                   gem and smash all the boxes on this level,
                   you must explore both routes. 

                   Let's start by heading up first path. After
                   swimming through a tube and dodging a
                   tornado, you'll grab a jet sub. Hop on and
                   proceed carefully, shooting all enemies and
                   firing at boxes. Remember, if you lose your sub, you must
                   sacrifice a life to get another one. Take out the nitro boxes with
                   your torpedoes because you must swim back this way, and you
                   don't want to deal with them again. Be sure to keep a safe
                   distance while you're firing, and remember that you can shoot
                   boxes that are off the screen. Soon, you will come to a ! box and
                   the end of the level. Flip the switch and head back carefully the
                   way you came. 

                   Good job! Now it's time to head to the right and get the red gem
                   and the rest of the boxes. First, nudge up against (don't spin!) one
                   of the TNT boxes to detonate it so you can get through the tunnel
                   ahead of you. 

                   Your first obstacle will be a tube populated by two blowfish and a
                   pile of nitro boxes, so be very careful! Use the ledges in the tube
                   as places to rest while you wait for the right moment to use your
                   spin attack on the blowfish. After you've taken out the two fish, hug
                   the left-hand wall on the way down to avoid the nitro box.
                   Unfortunately, as soon as you exit the tube, you will immediately
                   be faced with more nitro boxes just waiting to blow you away.
                   Swim very delicately to avoid losing a life. 

                   There's nothing in this section of the level you haven't seen before,
                   but tread carefully to avoid getting eaten by sharks or caught up in
                   a twister. Before long, you'll come to the green nitro switch box; hit
                   the switch, and you will have smashed every box on the level. Pick
                   up the red gem and exit the level. 

                   Now you can go back to level 4 and explore the area that is
                   accessible only with the red gem.

Level 13: High Time

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   1 purple gem
                   87 boxes 

                   Welcome back to the mean-spirited
                   Mediterranean village you've missed so
                   much. The basic strategies of this level are
                   the same as you used on level 7, with a few
                   new twists. 

                   The most important aspect of this level is
                   the fact that it has two distinct paths for you
                   to explore: an easy path and a hard path.
                   To get the crystal and the clear gem, you
                   must complete the level on the easy path; to
                   obtain the yellow gem, the hard path is the
                   one to follow. Either way, you must tackle
                   this level twice to extract all the treasures it

                   Let's take a moment to get the concept
                   down of the two paths. The easy path is
                   straightforward: You simply complete the
                   level on the normal route. To access the
                   hard path, you must make it to the point
                   where the hard path begins without losing a
                   life. If you die, you must exit and reenter the
                   level from the Warp Room. You will
                   recognize where the hard path starts when
                   you see a floating platform for you to jump
                   on. If you have lost a life before reaching that point, the platform
                   will only be outlined, and you can't use it. Got all that? OK, let's go
                   for the easy path first.

Level 13: High Time (cont.)

                   The Hard Path
                   The key to making it to the hard path is
                   caution. Take your time as you methodically
                   make your way through the level. Don't get
                   distracted by hard-to-reach boxes; ignore
                   them instead. If you lose a life, you must exit
                   to the Warp Room and reenter the level
                   access the hard path. 

                   Once you get to the hard path platform, hop
                   on, and you're on your way. You'll be
                   confronted right away with residents
                   throwing fireballs at you again, but this time,
                   you must negotiate jumping on an awning
                   between the two windows. Start your jump
                   as soon as the first fire goes out, and you'll
                   make it across in time. 

                   The next set of fire-throwing residents
                   requires you use different timing. Start
                   running as soon as the second set of fire
                   goes out, jump the gap, and use your spin
                   attack on the magic carpet rider while
                   you're in the air. 

                   There's nothing else here you haven't seen
                   already. There are some tough jumps, but
                   take your time and before you know it, you'll
                   see the purple gem in front of you. Grab it
                   and exit the level. 

                   Now you can go back to level 9 and get the two clear gems that
                   were unattainable before.

Level 14: Road Crash

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   29 boxes 

                   This racing level is basically a more
                   challenging version of level 8, so you should
                   use the same strategies to win the race this
                   time around. Again, take this level in two
                   phases: the first time, you must finish the
                   race in first place (to get the crystal); the
                   second time, you must smash all the boxes
                   (to get the clear gem). Remember, you
                   must use the ramps if you want to hit every

                   Smashing all the boxes is fairly
                   straightforward. If you miss a box, just exit
                   to the Warp Room and start the level again
                   from the beginning. It will take a little
                   practice and some smooth moves, but
                   hang in there, and you'll work your way
                   through the level. Remember, when you are
                   collecting boxes you needn't worry about
                   finishing the race in first place.

Level 15: Double Header

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   91 boxes 

                   Level 15 finds Crash back on with some of
                   his old enemies from levels 1 and 6, but
                   there is a new nemesis to contend with: the
                   double-headed, club-wielding giant who
                   would like nothing more than to swipe
                   Crash with one of his two clubs. When you
                   come across the giants, your safest bet is
                   to avoid them by running or jumping past
                   them when they are not swinging at you. In a
                   pinch, you can jump and use your spin
                   attack on a giant's head, but in general,
                   doing so means taking an unnecessary

                   You must use your double jump in the bonus
                   area to smash all the boxes. When you
                   come across a stack of boxes containing
                   two TNT boxes, jump over them without
                   smashing them. Run ahead to the next
                   ledge and trip the switch box; then run back
                   and use the bounce box to smash the
                   boxes suspended in the air. Take out the
                   TNT and keep moving ahead. 

                   Toward the end of the level, you'll see a
                   goat pacing back and forth on a ledge. It
                   will be tempting to take the time to use your
                   spin attack on the goat, but if you do, you'll
                   likely be nailed by the wizard ahead of you
                   who is lobbing fireballs your way. It's best to
                   wait until the goat is out of the way and hop
                   across the ledge quickly; run forward and
                   jump over the wizard's fireballs until you are
                   close enough to attack.

Level 16: Sphynxinator

                   1 crystal
                   2 clear gems (second clear gem requires
                   blue gem found on level 20)
                   105 boxes 

                   Before you do anything else in this Egyptian
                   tomb, turn around and walk back toward the
                   screen. Four boxes (one with a free life) are
                   hidden directly behind the spot where
                   Crash begins the level. Smash them and
                   then move on out. 

                   You'll immediately come to a fork in the
                   road. On your left is an enormous pit.
                   Believe it or not, you actually can make it
                   across this abyss, but you must have
                   obtained the crash dash power by
                   defeating the final boss, Dr. Cortex. If you
                   choose to go for it, use your crash dash,
                   double jump, and tornado spin to make it all
                   the way across. Four free are lives waiting
                   for you on the other side of the pit, but there
                   are no boxes to smash or any other
                   goodies, so don't bother taking the left path
                   unless you like a challenge. If you do
                   manage to retrieve the four free lives, the
                   most efficient way back is to exit to the
                   warp room and restart the level. 

                   The path on the right is the meat and
                   potatoes of this level, so move forward
                   cautiously. The first enemy you'll come
                   across is a mummy in a coffin. Use your
                   spin attack once to smash the coffin, then
                   spin again to get rid of the mummy that
                   pops out of the coffin. 

                   This level is littered with spears popping out
                   of the floor, so be on the lookout for
                   suspicious holes in the ground. 

                   About halfway through the level you'll come
                   across the blue gem platform. If you have
                   retrieved the blue gem from level 20, you
                   can hop on to retrieve the second clear
                   gem from this level. If you want to go for it,
                   see the end of this section for strategies. 

                   When you come across the Egyptian
                   lowering sliding slabs of rock, wait a
                   moment before you move in to take him out.
                   Let the moving slabs destroy the two nitro
                   boxes to avoid getting yourself into an
                   explosive situation. 

                   Believe it or not, this level's bonus area is
                   pretty easy. Take it easy around the TNT
                   boxes, using your spin attack sparingly. If you want to grab the
                   free life sitting near the TNT box, you must smash the Crash box
                   before detonating the TNT box. On the last stack of boxes,
                   carefully jump and use your spin attack to smash the two boxes
                   sitting above the TNT box. The TNT will explode; then use your
                   body slam to take out the steel-reinforced box before you leave
                   the area. 

                   After the bonus area, it's more of the same until you reach the end
                   of the level.

Level 16: Sphynxinator (cont.)

                   Riding the Blue Gem Platform
                   Retrieving the second clear gem on this
                   level is very difficult, so hunker down so for
                   tough gaming. This entire area is smeared
                   with oil, so can't get your footing. You must
                   jump a series of pits to make it all the way
                   to the gem. The best strategy is to run and
                   jump without hesitating. Trust your instincts
                   and don't stop to think if you can help it. 

                   Whenever you encounter monkeys tossing
                   stones at you, use your tornado spin
                   furiously to take them all out quickly. 

                   The hardest part of this area comes
                   immediately after the second checkpoint,
                   where you must make a jump onto a small
                   area where the walls are armed with darts.
                   Look carefully at the trails of fruit; they
                   indicate how you should jump onto and off
                   of this area. Luckily the walls curve inward,
                   so you won't fly off the ledge easily. Stay
                   away from the circles of light on the ground,
                   or you'll be pumped full of darts! 

                   Just a few more pits and monkeys, and the
                   clear gem will be yours.

Level 17: Bye Bye Blimps

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   11 boxes 

                   Of all the things you'd imagine Crash or
                   Coco doing, flying a biplane is probably not
                   one of them. But Coco has donned her Red
                   Baron goggles and is ready to take down
                   Dr. Cortex's seven blimps hanging in the
                   sky. This is a stunningly executed level, so
                   have fun. 

                   The flight controls are simple to pick up.
                   Use the control pad to steer the plane, use
                   the O button to fire, and use the square
                   button to perform a barrel roll to avoid
                   enemy fire. 

                   Watch out for the fighter planes that will
                   attack you while you're on your mission. As
                   soon as you come under enemy fire, use
                   your barrel roll to escape before you take
                   on too much damage. Don't waste your
                   time trying to take out every fighter plane;
                   there's an endless supply. The best strategy
                   is to make sure the fighter planes do not
                   have time to set up an attack in front of you.
                   When you see them enter formation to
                   attack, change directions and get out of the way. 

                   Your job is to take out the seven blimps to get the crystal and
                   destroy all eleven boxes along the way if you wish to retrieve the
                   clear gem. You can smash the boxes by shooting them down or
                   by flying into them with your plane. 

                   Scattered throughout the level are white balloons carrying first-aid
                   boxes. Hit these boxes to restore your energy when it's running

Level 18: Tell No Tales

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   61 boxes 

                   Coco is back on her cool Jet Ski in this
                   level. Use the same basic strategies as you
                   did on level 5 to avoid the obstacles and
                   collect all the boxes on the water. Some of
                   the boxes are well hidden, so be sure to
                   check every cubbyhole; in particular, circle
                   every island and ship to check for rogue
                   boxes nested in tight spots.

Level 19: Future Frenzy

                   1 crystal
                   2 clear gems (both clear gems accessed
                   through level 29)
                   134 boxes 

                   Welcome to the future! It's filled with tough
                   enemies and hair-raising jumps, so be
                   careful. If you want to collect the crystal, you
                   can do so by entering Future Frenzy in level
                   19. If you're looking for the two clear gems,
                   you must enter from level 29, which will
                   require 20 relics. 

                   You must be on the lookout for several
                   obstacles on this level. There will be
                   powerful laser beams shooting across your
                   path; don't touch the beams when they are
                   active, or you will be future toast. Also note
                   that sometimes you must jump over laser
                   beams, while sometimes it pays to crawl
                   under them. 

                   Electronic probes are scouting the level;
                   you can spin them when they are not
                   glowing red, but you'd be better off just
                   avoiding them. And watch out for the small
                   flying saucers; you can attack them from
                   above, but they are invulnerable from
                   below. Finally, watch out for the mechanical
                   porcupines on the ground; jump well over
                   them, preferably after they temporarily
                   retreat in their shell. 

                   The disc-shaped platforms only remain
                   stable for a short period of time; hop on
                   them when they are green, but when they
                   flash yellow, your time is running short. 

                   There are three spots where you'll find
                   yourself standing on a rotating disc. These
                   discs will shoot you high in the air, once just
                   for fun, once over a pile of TNT boxes, and
                   once over a large gap. Use your control
                   pad immediately after you are airborne to
                   clear the necessary distances. 

                   For the bonus area, you must master the
                   double jump followed by the tornado spin. It
                   may take you a few tries before you get it
                   right. Concentrate on obtaining the
                   maximum possible height with your jump
                   before you use your tornado spin. 

                   Now that you have some practice living in
                   the future, collect enough relics to enter
                   level 29 to finish the job.

Level 20: Tomb Wader

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   1 blue gem
                   88 boxes 

                   Hmmm. The name of this level sounds
                   familiar, but I can't quite place it. Let me
                   think about it for a while. 

                   In level 20, you're stuck in a tomb with some
                   bad plumbing problems. There are
                   numerous pits scattered throughout the
                   level that periodically fill up with water. You
                   must be very careful whenever you're
                   wading through these areas to make sure
                   you're on high ground when the water rises.
                   Crash can't swim, and he'll die immediately
                   if he can't stand in the water. With that word
                   of warning, let's proceed. 

                   Right away, you'll see a green beetle
                   pacing back and forth in front of you. You
                   can use your spin attack to get rid of it, or
                   you can just ignore and avoid it. In fact, one
                   of the keys to successfully completing this
                   level is to avoid any enemies you can and
                   not get distracted. 

                   Directly ahead of you, you'll see a closed
                   door and a wheel that opens it. Spin the
                   wheel to open the door and proceed
                   forward cautiously. Watch the pit of water
                   ahead of you. When it drains, run ahead
                   and smash the boxes. If you need more
                   time, use the floating platform as a place to
                   take shelter when the water rises again.
                   Get out of the pit while you can. 

                   After the pit, you will see a mummy hopping
                   around in a spiked coffin. You can jump and
                   use your spin attack on him, but you'll be
                   better off if you just avoid him altogether.
                   His movements react to you, so tread

                   Next is a large wooden slab that pops out
                   of the left wall and then retracts. This level is
                   littered with these slabs, and each of them
                   threatens to push you into something you'd
                   rather avoid; in this case, it's a nitro box.
                   You can either jump over the slab when it
                   pops out or run past it after it has retracted,
                   but don't fool around. 

                   The next pit of water has two TNT boxes in it. Again, take your
                   time and detonate these boxes one at a time. You may need to
                   run back to high ground after you take the first one out. Now run
                   ahead to the steel platform. When the water drains, hop off, avoid
                   the mummy, and get out of the pit as quickly as possible. 

                   Before long, you'll be greeted by a shielded guardian who will
                   follow your every movement. Use your dash attack (the O button)
                   to hit him in the legs. 

                   The bonus area on this level will require some fancy footwork. The
                   first order of business is to take out the box suspended below the
                   row of outlined boxes; once you hit the ! box, it will no longer be
                   accessible. Hop carefully to smash the box. Then move forward,
                   hopping on boxes along the way. Use your double jump to hit the
                   next ! box, then use your double jump and your tornado spin to
                   leap over the row of nitro boxes to detonate the TNT box on the
                   other side; this will take care of blowing up the nitro boxes so you
                   don't have to. 

                   The next water pit will require your full attention. Take it slow and
                   retreat to high ground whenever you feel time running short. A box
                   is hidden from view suspended above the floating platform; be
                   sure not to miss it. 

                   You'll come to a platform on your left. If you've lost a life on this
                   level, it will only be outlined, and you can't use it. This platform
                   takes you to this level's hard path and to the purple gem. Let's
                   finish the easy path first.

Level 20: Tomb Wader (cont.)

                   The Easy Path
                   Be sure to hit all the ! boxes you come to
                   along the way; they provide steel platforms
                   for you to take refuge from the rising water
                   ahead. When you come to a shielded
                   guardian standing near two TNT boxes,
                   lead him to the far left side of the pit before
                   using your slide attack to avoid blowing
                   yourself up. As soon as you take him out,
                   retreat back to the floating platform; there
                   isn't time to make it to the next stack of
                   steel boxes. 

                   You'll face more of the same obstacles
                   along the rest of the easy path. Just take
                   your time and don't get stranded in the
                   water. Hit the nitro switch box at the end of
                   the level, and if you've smashed all the other
                   boxes, you'll exit the level with the crystal
                   and the clear gem. 

                   The Hard Path
                   The first order of business is to make it to
                   the hard path platform without losing a life. If
                   you die along the way, remember that you
                   must exit to the warp room and renter the
                   level from the beginning. Ignore any boxes
                   in the pits to avoid drowning on the way to
                   the hard path. 

                   Once you reach the hard path, step carefully
                   to avoid the nitro boxes scattered
                   throughout the rest of the level. Hit the two
                   steel ! boxes to create islands for you to
                   rest on. Avoid the hopping mummy and
                   quickly slide into the shielded guardian; if
                   necessary, back up to the previous steel
                   island if you are running short on time
                   before the water rises again. To get past the three giant slabs
                   popping out of the wall, just book it past them; you don't have time
                   to stop and wait for a clear shot. (The same philosophy goes for
                   the next set of slabs you come across; use quick timing and
                   double jumps to avoid getting pushed into a pit since you don't
                   have time to wait for a clear path.) It's just one more door until you
                   reach the purple gem. Grab it and get out of there!

Level 21: Gone Tomorrow

                   1 crystal
                   2 clear gems (both clear gems require
                   green gem, which is found on level 23)
                   89 boxes 

                   All right, it's time to use that awesome
                   bazooka you just picked up. The first order
                   of business is to take out the flying saucer
                   directly ahead of you. Press and hold the
                   L2 button to aim your bazooka; when you
                   lock onto a target, press the O button to fire.
                   Now wasn't that nice? 

                   Move forward, taking out problems in
                   advance with your bazooka. Watch out for
                   the laser beams that are in your way. 

                   Before long, you'll come across a very
                   nasty-looking tank. Move slowly toward it
                   until it fires three missiles at you. Take
                   evasive action to avoid being hit. The tank
                   will then turn its backside toward you and
                   reveal a large target for you to aim for. Use
                   your bazooka quickly to destroy the tank. 

                   When you come to a single box surrounded
                   by four outlined boxes, it's time to take a
                   breather and decide your strategy for the
                   rest of the level. If you just want to retrieve
                   the crystal, you can move onward, taking
                   out as many boxes as you can until you
                   reach the end of the level. If, however, you
                   want to retrieve both clear gems, you
                   should just ignore these boxes for now.
                   First, you must take a ride on the green
                   gem platform to flip a secret switch before
                   you can access all the boxes in the coming
                   area. If you have the green gem and are
                   ready for the challenge, move onward until
                   you reach the green gem platform. To
                   ensure that you can smash all the boxes
                   later on, do not hit any switch boxes or
                   smash any more boxes until you ride the
                   green gem platform. Also, skip the first
                   checkpoint box you come to; you'll want to
                   save it for later so you won't have to repeat
                   all your hard work after you've ridden the
                   green platform. 

                   Riding the Green Gem Platform
                   The green platform will take you to an area
                   very similar to the rest of the level. Your
                   three goals in this section are to smash all
                   the boxes, collect the first clear gem, and hit
                   the steel ! box. The switch box unlocks the
                   inaccessible boxes from earlier in the level.
                   When you hop on the platform at the end of
                   this section, you'll find yourself back where you must be to uncover
                   and smash all the remaining boxes. 

                   Back at the Beginning
                   You'll hop off the platform and find yourself near the beginning of
                   the level. Your first job is hit this steel ! box, then backtrack a few
                   platforms to smash the four newly visible boxes. 

                   Now move forward again, taking out all the boxes as you go
                   along. When you come to another set of outlined boxes, use your
                   bazooka to activate the two ! boxes on either side of the path. 

                   Don't hit the next ! box! First, use your bazooka to take out the two
                   boxes suspended under the outlined boxes. Then hit the ! box and
                   walk across the bridge of steel boxes. When you arrive at the next
                   bridge of steel boxes, use your bazooka to take out the two boxes
                   under the bridge. 

                   The bonus area will require you master the use of you bazooka.
                   Use it to get rid of nitro boxes that stand in your way as well as
                   activate any ! boxes that are not reachable otherwise. 

                   Now, just make your way to the end of the level, and you'll leave
                   with the crystal and both clear gems. Awesome!

                   Level 22: Orange Asphalt

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   20 boxes 

                   This is another racing level, very similar to
                   levels 8 and 14. Again, you must finish in
                   first place to collect the crystal and smash
                   all the boxes to collect the clear gem. 

                   Remember to attack this level in two
                   phases: First, work on finishing in first
                   place, then go at it a second time paying
                   attention only to smashing all the boxes.

Level 23: Flaming Passion

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   1 green gem
                   75 boxes 

                   Crash pays another visit to the remarkably
                   unfriendly Mediterranean town in level 23,
                   but now that he has his bazooka, he can
                   finally show everyone here who's the boss.
                   Use your bazooka liberally to take out
                   enemies in front of you and in windows. 

                   About halfway through the level, you'll come
                   across a platform that leads to the hard
                   path (it will only be available if you haven't
                   lost a life up to this point). The hard path
                   takes you to the green gem. See the end of
                   this section for strategies. 

                   The Easy Path
                   Armed with your bazooka, the easy path will
                   truly be easy for you. Work your way slowly
                   through the town, taking out any problem
                   enemies before you reach them. The only
                   trick is the one cleverly hidden box just
                   before the end of the level; keep your eyes
                   open for this box, suspended high above
                   the path and reachable only by using your

                   In the bonus area, make liberal use of your
                   bazooka to destroy nitro boxes that block
                   your path. You must also use the bazooka
                   to take out the bounce boxes suspended in
                   midair once you have used them. 

                   The Hard Path
                   Once you make it to the hard path platform
                   without losing a life, hop on. (Remember
                   that if you lose a life on the way to the
                   platform, you must exit to the warp room
                   and reenter the level from the beginning.) 

                   The hard path mainly requires fancy
                   footwork, so take it slowly. When you
                   confront the man throwing knives at you
                   across a narrow platform, step carefully
                   toward him while jumping over his knives; if
                   you jump too far, you may fly off to your death. 

                   Unfortunately, your bazooka will be less handy on the hard path,
                   since several fire-throwing residents are simply not within your
                   range. Use your double jump and tornado spin to make it past the
                   hard spots. 

                   After you collect the green gem, you'll find yourself back on the last
                   part of the easy path. Book to the end of the level. Be careful not
                   to lose a life until you reach the next checkpoint box, or you must
                   revisit the hard path again. 

Level 24: Mad Bombers

                   1 crystal
                   1 clear gem
                   11 boxes 

                   It's time to take to the air again, and this
                   time Crash hops in his biplane to save the
                   day. You must take out five bombers to
                   obtain the crystal, and you must shoot down
                   or hit all the boxes along the way if you want
                   to leave the level with the clear gem. To
                   destroy the bombers, take out the two
                   propellers on the back of each plane. 

                   Use the same strategies as you did in level
                   17 to complete your mission. The most
                   important strategy to remember is to not let
                   the attacking biplanes line up in formation
                   in front of you; that's the signal that they are
                   about to attack.

Level 25: Bug Light

                   1 crystal
                   2 clear gems (second clear gem requires
                   all five colored gems)
                   120 boxes 

                   Level 25 is the last non-hidden level in the
                   game, and it will test all your skills to the
                   limit as you race to find both clear gems.
                   Luckily, the level starts out relatively easy,
                   so move forward, watching out for snakes,
                   alligators, and collapsing tiles. 

                   Immediately after the first checkpoint, you'll
                   come across a firefly. Touch the firefly, and
                   it will follow you along the trail. Now hurry
                   along! The bug will only stay with you for a
                   short period of time; if you aren't quick, you
                   will be left in total darkness. So, don't waste
                   any time moving forward. 

                   Before long, you'll come across a second
                   firefly waiting for you in front of a door that
                   opens and closes. Grab the firefly at the
                   right moment, so you can proceed directly
                   through the door; you don't want to waste
                   time waiting for it to open. Again, move fast
                   to avoid being left in the dark. 

                   Before the next checkpoint, you'll come
                   across the blue gem platform that you can
                   only use if you have collected the blue gem
                   from level 20. To complete the area on the
                   other side of the blue gem, you will actually
                   need all five colored gems, so don't bother
                   hopping on if you don't have them all in your
                   possession. See the strategies at the end
                   of this section if you decide to take the ride.

                   After the checkpoint, you'll be blessed with
                   three aku aku boxes that will grant you
                   invincibility for a limited time. Smash the
                   boxes, grab the next firefly, and haul ass;
                   watch out for the cleverly concealed pits in
                   the next ,section or you will fall to your
                   death. (Even an invincible Crash isn't
                   immune to gravity!) 

                   Before you grab the next firefly, you can
                   take a detour to the bonus area. A word of
                   warning: This is by far the toughest bonus
                   area in the game, so be prepared for some
                   intense gaming. If you're ready for the
                   challenge, here's what you must do. 

                   First, ignore all the nitro boxes in the bonus
                   area; you'll detonate them at the end of the
                   level. Your first course of action is to
                   destroy the first set of boxes with your
                   bazooka before grabbing the firefly; this will
                   buy you a few seconds later on. Then, grab the firefly and move
                   forward quickly, smashing the first set of boxes and hitting the first
                   ! box. Dash across the bridge of steel boxes and quickly use your
                   spin attack to smash the next pile of boxes, again activating the
                   steel ! box when you are done. Move forward and jump to smash
                   the top row of the next set of boxes, but leave the two bottom
                   bounce boxes in place. Now, dash forward into the giant pile of
                   boxes in front of you, working your way down into the pit, hitting
                   the switch box when you're done. If you've done this all quickly,
                   you'll just now be left in the dark. 

                   Now, it's time to feel your way in the dark to smash the two boxes
                   you left behind. Walk left until you stop, then double jump out of the
                   pit. Walk left again until you fall down slightly and then move left;
                   you are now on top of the two bounce boxes. Jump five times to
                   smash the first bounce box, land slightly to your right, and jump
                   five times again to smash the second bounce box, this time
                   jumping to the right when you are done to land on the platform
                   again. Now walk to the right. You will fall into the pit; double jump
                   out of it and keep walking to the right. Just before you see a lone
                   piece of fruit hanging in the blackness, take a long double jump to
                   the right and walk to the end of the bonus area. You'll leave with
                   34 out of 40 boxes, and you'll destroy the six nitro boxes at the
                   end of the level. Whew! 

                   There are two more bugs for you to catch until you reach the end
                   of the level. Move quickly and carefully ahead; the end is near.

Level 25: Bug Light (cont.)

                   Riding the Blue Gem Platform
                   Before you hop on the blue platform, run
                   ahead and hit the checkpoint box so you
                   can start back near the platform if you lose
                   a life. Although it may be dark on the way
                   back from the checkpoint box to the
                   platform, there are not pits to fall into, so
                   you can run with confidence. 

                   The first section you'll land in requires
                   extremely delicate maneuvering. You must
                   make it through a seemingly endless series
                   of light circles and avoid getting hit by
                   poison darts. Jump carefully, using your
                   double jump to stay above the darts and
                   make sure to land outside the light circles.
                   Hop onto the green platform and move into
                   the next section. 

                   Now it's time to avoid the spears popping
                   out of the floor while running around rogue
                   nitro boxes. Step gingerly and take your
                   time through this section. Hop onto the
                   purple platform. 

                   The next section will put your jumping
                   abilities to the test. Time your jumps
                   carefully from moving platform to moving
                   platform and watch out for the set of
                   collapsing tiles near the beginning of the
                   section. Hop onto the yellow platform. 

                   The next section is a piece of cake. Just
                   hop over the pits and avoid the mummies in
                   the spiked coffins. Hop onto the red

                   Now, it's just a short jog to the next clear gem. Watch out for the
                   single collapsing tile between you and the end of the level. Well

Level 26: Ski Crazed (requires
                   five relics to enter level)

                   1 clear gem
                   100 boxes 

                   Coco is back with her jet ski in the
                   radioactive level. There are lots of boxes on
                   the level (100 to be exact), so you must
                   scour every corner to find them all. It helps
                   to backtrack every once in a while and
                   make sure you haven't missed any boxes
                   hidden from easy view. 

                   There is an outrageous number of nitro
                   boxes hanging in the air, so be extra careful
                   on the ski ramps. There is a nitro switch
                   box near the end of the level to take these
                   explosive boxes out of the picture.

Level 27: Hang 'em High (requires
                   ten relics to enter level)

                   1 yellow gem 

                   Level 27 finally lets you grab that elusive
                   yellow gem from level 7 that you couldn't get
                   your hands on before. 

                   You'll start on a ledge; jump carefully to your
                   right, timing your jump so that the
                   swordsman has his back to you. The rest of
                   the level is straightforward, requiring that
                   you only time your jumps very carefully to
                   avoid more swordsmen, magic carpet
                   riders, and lots of nitro boxes. Take your
                   time whenever you're near a set of nitro
                   boxes, and you'll make it over them just fine.
                   There is no clear gem to retrieve in this
                   level, so you don't need to worry about
                   detonating the nitro boxes when you leave. 

                   Finally, you'll come to the elusive yellow
                   gem. Grab it and give yourself a pat on the
                   back. Now step onto the platform to the
                   right and float to the end of the level. Good

                   Level 28: Area 51? (requires 15
                   relics to enter level)

                   2 clear gems
                   24 boxes 

                   Never accuse the programmers at Naughty
                   Dog of running out of ideas. In this racing
                   level, it's Crash against a horde of UFOs. 

                   To collect the two clear gems, you must
                   finish the race in first place and smash all
                   the boxes (not necessarily during the same
                   race). The only way to come in first is to run
                   a truly perfect race: Hit every set of speed
                   arrows on the track, avoid running off the
                   road, and steer clear of oncoming police

                   Use the centerlines on the road and the
                   warning cones on the side of the road to
                   prepare yourself for upcoming turns in the
                   dark highway.

Level 29: Future Frenzy (requires
                   20 relics to enter level)

                   1 crystal (same crystal as level 19)
                   2 clear gems
                   134 boxes 

                   Level 29 lets you collect one clear gem
                   outright, while letting you smash the boxes
                   you couldn't reach in level 19. Use the same
                   strategies as you did in that level to make it
                   through this rough area safely. 

                   Be extra careful of the probes and flying
                   saucers that hover closely beside boxes
                   you must smash. If you have obtained the
                   bazooka by beating N. Gin (the fourth
                   boss), use it to your advantage and take out
                   everything that moves before you get too

                   Soon, you'll collect one clear gem and hop
                   onto a platform. The good news is that you
                   have now entered level 19, where you can
                   smash the remaining boxes and collect the
                   second clear gem. The bad news is that
                   you have landed in the middle of the level,
                   so you must start by trekking backward to
                   smash all the boxes to the beginning of the level. Hey, who said
                   the future would be pretty? 

                   Take a look at the strategies for level 19 if you need help.

Level 30: Rings of Fire (requires
                   25 relics to enter level)

                   2 clear gems
                   33 boxes 

                   Don't worry, the last level of the game isn't
                   all that hard; it's actually quite a bit of fun.
                   Crash is back in his biplane, and this time,
                   it's a race to fly through 30 rings of fire
                   faster than the other planes sent by Cortex. 

                   First things first: you cannot finish the level
                   without flying through all 30 rings, so if you
                   miss a ring, you must turn around and
                   correct your course. An arrow at the top of
                   the screen points you in the direction of the
                   next ring if you get lost. Each time you pass
                   through a ring, you'll get a burst of speed; if
                   you perform a barrel roll (press the square
                   button) while you're passing through a ring,
                   you'll gain even more speed. If you need to
                   slow down, press the X button. The O
                   button controls your machine gun, which you
                   must use to shoot down boxes (especially
                   those pesky nitro boxes). 

                   Approach this level in two passes, just as
                   you did on the other racing levels. The first
                   time, concentrate on finishing the race in
                   first place; the second time, focus on shooting down all of the

                   If you've collected all 25 crystals, 28 relics, five colored gems, and
                   37 clear gems, you have completed your mission. Now, you can
                   go back and fight Cortex again to see the full ending of the game. 


First Boss: Tiny Tiger

                   Here, you'll meet the first boss, Tiny Tiger.
                   To him take out, you must be quick on your
                   feet. First, he will jump off his platform and
                   try to smash you five times before he gets
                   his pitchfork stuck in the ground. Take this
                   opportunity to use your spin attack against
                   him. Next, he will unleash his smaller lions
                   on you; they will charge you from below the
                   platform. Your spin attack will work against
                   these pests, but it's better to stay at the
                   back of the screen and concentrate on just
                   avoiding them altogether by sliding back
                   and forth. After the first wave of lions, Tiny
                   Tiger will be back to crush you. The second
                   time, he will jump six times before getting
                   stuck. Hit him again and deal once more
                   with the lions. Finally, Tiny will try to crush
                   you once more, this time jumping seven
                   times before stranding himself. Hit him
                   once more, and you're the new champion
                   on the block. 

                   After you defeat Tiny Tiger, you will gain
                   your first new power: the super body slam.
                   Just jump and press the O button while
                   you're in the air to do some serious

Second Boss: Dingodile

                   Here, you'll meet the second boss,
                   Dingodile. Dingodile is a good argument
                   for gun control. Surrounded by three layers
                   of crystals, he is intent on destroying Crash
                   with his powerful laser cannon. It will take
                   patience and some fancy footwork to stay

                   Dingodile's first strategy will be to try to
                   wipe you out using fireballs. He will rotate
                   slowly, shooting fireballs into the air. Stay
                   still and watch the fireballs hit the ground.
                   When the explosions get close to you, run
                   quickly against Dingodile's rotation to avoid
                   getting hit. 

                   Next, Dingodile will try to hit you with his
                   laser. He will follow your movements and
                   periodically shoot at you. He will always
                   take a split second to set before he shoots,
                   so use this moment to get out of his way.
                   As he bombards you with lasers, he will
                   eventually destroy his crystal armor. When
                   you have enough room to get at him, move
                   in and hit him with a spin attack. Once you
                   have knocked him over, get far away from
                   the center of the room to avoid the
                   impending explosion. Once Dingodile
                   explodes, he will come back for two more

                   The next two patterns are the same as the
                   first, with only two exceptions. First,
                   Dingodile's pattern for shooting fireballs will
                   change each time, so pay attention. Also,

                   Dingodile will shoot his laser at faster
                   intervals each time you match up against
                   him. Keep the same strategy as the first round, and you will

                   After you defeat Dingodile, you will gain your second new power:
                   the double jump. Just jump and press the X button again while
                   you're in the air to jump higher and further.

Third N. Trophy

                   N. Trophy is a nasty boss to beat, but you'll
                   feel especially good when you're done with
                   him. You'll find yourself standing on a
                   platform a fair distance away from N.
                   Trophy at first. He will lob fireballs at you
                   initially and then follow this attack by
                   sending deadly laser beams across your
                   platform. You must jump over these
                   obstacles to stay alive long enough to take
                   your first shot at N. Trophy. After his assault,
                   he will provide a set of tiles for you to jump
                   across to get close enough to him to use
                   your spin attack. N. Trophy stands still for a
                   only a few moments at this time, so hurry
                   across and give him your best while he's
                   dormant. You must repeat this sequence of
                   events three times; each sequence is more

                   Here is the pattern N. Trophy will follow: 

                   First sequence: One fireball, one laser
                   from the front, two lasers from the right, one
                   laser from the left 

                   Second sequence: Two fireballs (single
                   jump over the first ball and double jump
                   over the second), two lasers from the front,
                   one laser from the right, one laser from the

                   Third sequence: Three fireballs (single
                   jump over the first ball and double jump
                   over the last two balls), one laser from the
                   left, one laser from the right, one laser from
                   the front, two lasers from the left 

                   After you've taken out N. Trophy, you will
                   gain your third new power: the death
                   tornado spin. Press the square button
                   repeatedly to prolong your spin attack or to
                   stay afloat longer in the air.

Fourth Boss: Dr. N. Gin

                   Without a doubt, Dr. N. Gin one of the
                   hardest bosses you'll ever encounter. Coco
                   will use her spaceship to attack N. Gin's
                   giant space robot as it tries to wipe you out
                   of the solar system. 

                   You must take the robot out in pieces. Each
                   piece is vulnerable to attack when it flashes
                   yellow. Try to get as many shots in as
                   possible whenever you have the
                   opportunity. The key to staying alive is
                   twofold: blow up any missiles heading your
                   way and avoid N. Gin's machine-gun fire
                   like the plague. Keep at it, and you'll take
                   out all his offensive capabilities. 

                   That's the good news. The bad news is that
                   you must go through this process twice. The
                   worst news is that the second time is much
                   harder. You'll use the same basic strategies

                   as you did in the first round. N. Gin will fire
                   off missiles, deadly fire rings, and mines
                   this time. The mines take lots of firepower
                   to eliminate; if they get too close for
                   comfort, swerve out of the way right before
                   they hit you. 

                   At first, N. Gin will seem like an
                   insurmountable foe, but once the tide turns in your favor, you'll
                   have lots of fun making him pay for his misdeeds. Hang in there! 

                   After you defeat N. Gin, you will gain your fourth new power: the
                   awesome bazooka (L2 button to activate, O button to shoot): This
                   powerful weapon can take out nearly any enemy from afar

Fifth Boss: N. Cortex

                   Defeating N. Cortex will take all your
                   concentration. As you slug it out, uka uka
                   and aku aku will be locked in mortal combat
                   as well, so stay out of their way, or you will
                   get caught in the crossfire. 

                   N. Cortex will float above you, safe in his
                   bubble; don't bother trying to attack him
                   now. He will fly around the room and throw
                   three fireballs at you. Avoid his shots while
                   you stay clear of the laser beam generated
                   by uka uka and aku aku. Cortex will then
                   drop five mines around the room; stay away
                   from them as they detonate. This is your
                   chance to attack Cortex while he is out of
                   his bubble. Spin him once and then knock
                   him into the hole in the center of the room to
                   get rid of him completely. If you aren't able
                   to knock him into the hole, you must start
                   back from ground zero, so aim carefully. 

                   Of course, Cortex returns for a second
                   round! This time uka uka and aku aku are
                   locked in a deadly tornado, so keep clear
                   of their violent confrontation as you again
                   dodge the three fireballs and five mines.
                   Spin Cortex when he leaves his bubble and
                   send him down the hole once again. 

                   Cortex will come back for one more round.
                   This time uka uka and aku aku fight each
                   other in a series of nuclear-powered
                   explosions, so stay clear. Cortex uses his
                   same formula to bring you down. Spin him
                   when he's vulnerable and send him down
                   the pit. 

                   After you beat Cortex, the credits will roll.
                   Wait for them to finish and then be sure to
                   save your game. 

                   Now that you've defeated Cortex, you will
                   gain your fifth and final new power: the
                   crash dash. Hold down the R2 button to run
                   as fast as Crash can. The dash comes in
                   handy particularly in time trials.

Thanks to Revolution reader LOLLO!

Upcoming Releases
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Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Embark on an inspiring mission of human connection beyond the UCA. Sam — with companions by his side — sets out on a new journey to save humanity from extinction. Join them as they traverse a world beset by otherworldly enemies, obstacles and a haunting question: should we have connected?
Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first person space combat and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers (known as Star Citizen), and a branching single-player game (known as Squadron 42). The game will also feature VR support.
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