Title: Jackie Chan Stuntmaster Walkthru Author: Ali tareen E-mail: [email protected] Date: June 6, 2000 Version: 0.1 -------- Contents -------- Default Controls Objects Items Walkthru Credits Copyright & Other Stuff ---------------- Default Controls ---------------- U - Move to the background area L - Move to the left D - Move to the foreground area R - Move to the right / - Kick [] - Punch X - Jump O - Grab enemy/Pick up weapon/Throw weapon/Grab ladder R1 - Dive roll R2 - Strafe L1 - Block L2 - Status display Note: If you have a dual shock analog controller, turning on the LED will activate the left analog stick, but you cannot use the D-Pad, or directional pad. It's one or the other. In some situations, you may have to use the D-Pad instead of the analog stick. ------- Objects ------- During the course of the game, you may become overwhelmed with enemies mobbing you. Don't worry because there is something you can do. Jackie can use weapons, just like in the movies. His weapons range from garbage can lids to pool sticks to umbrellas to even a potted sunflower. Just pick them up with the grab button and use the kick or punch button to use wield your weapon. You may also come upon red barrels. When hit, there is a countdown of about two seconds before it explodes. So run away, or you'll get blown to bits or lose a lot of energy, depending on your health bar. ----- Items ----- Jackie is not invincible and he is not Superman. It's just like any other adventure game where you have to get some kind of power up to replenish energy. There are three types that can be found in the game to help replenish energy: Rice - Replenishes a little energy Milk - Replenishes more than rice Take-out Box - Replenishes almost the entire health bar There are also hard to find extra lives, which look like the thing in the lower right hand corner of the screen when you bring up the status display menu during game play. There will also be some items in boxes and barrels. I'll leave you to find out what's in them. -------- Walkthru -------- The game begins with an FMV in a warehouse. Jackie is loading up a truck with boxes and his grandfather entrusts a box to him to be delivered. Meanwhile, the bad guys are not too far away. In fact, they're very close. The next scene is in a restaurant and Jackie is eating dinner. He looks outside and sees his grandfather being kidnapped. Jackie rushes out to save him, but he's too late and the people that kidnapped him have disappeared. Now begins the game. ========= Chinatown ========= -Level 1- When you start off the level, go towards the right. You should see a crate and a balcony. Go up there. To the right, you should see a hangover and the first dragon head. Go get it, then jump down and go into the alley. You should see the second dragon head. You can either push that block towards it and jump up to get it, or do a double jump off the wall. Now take care of the bad guy to unlock the door. Inside, there will be two enemies, so take care of them. Now, go up the stack of boxes on the right side and go all the way to the top, then left. Across, you should see the third dragon head and an enemy. Get the dragon head and follow him up and kick his ass. Around the corner you'll see the fourth dragon head. Get it then go out the opening. You'll see an FMV of Jackie sliding down the wire and crashing into a light which sends him down into two barrels. When you have regained control, take care of the two enemies here and go towards the right. You should see a stack of boxes and a hangover. Go onto the boxes and you'll see the fifth dragon head. Use the hangover to help you get it and to help you get over the wall. Over the wall will be one enemy, so take care of him. Now go up to the elevated path, the one that's fenced off, bounce off the hangover to the next elevated path to get the sixth dragon head. Now keep going and jump onto the next hangover, then the next one and get the seventh dragon head. Now go all the way down to ground level and go back to the left to the first hangover. You should see two brown boxes. Kick it to break it, then roll into it to go into a secret area. Take care of the two enemies here, then break the barrel to get the eight dragon head. Now follow the path up and go out the door. You should be in the area where you got the seventh dragon head. Go down to ground level and take care of the two enemies. Now jump down and start running towards the screen, away from the truck. Don't miss the ninth dragon head. Keep running and at the end of this path is the last dragon head. Go to the right and through the door. Take care of all of the enemies here to end the level. -Level 2- When you start off the level, go to the right and you should see an alley. Go there. Climb up the boxes, but don't go in the door yet. Instead, come towards the screen and you'll see the first dragon head. Jump on the barrel, then jump to the rooftop, get the first dragon head, then climb back up and go through the door. Take care of the two enemies here then get the second dragon head over the stove. Go to the right and take care of the rest of the enemies to unlock the door. Take care of the enemy here then go to the right. You'll see a collapsable platform. Jump across quickly to the ledge after the collapsable platform and get the third dragon head. Then jump across to the balcony, go to the right and jump to the fire escape to get the fourth dragon head. Now go down the fire escape to ground level. If you fell off during the collapsable platform part, don't worry. Just take care of the enemy here and break the barrel all the way to the left to get the fifth dragon head, then go to the right. You should see a balcony. Do a wall jump to it, then do another wall jump to the balcony right above it. Yes, it is possible. Then get the two dragon heads. Now go in the alley towards the enemy that runs away. You'll see an FMV of Jackie getting away from a truck. When you regain control, run towards the screen, go around the boxes and don't miss the sixth dragon head, and jump over the fence at the end. Take care of the enemy here, then go up the boxes and up to the ledge. You'll see a sloped rooftop. Go all the way to the wall, then turn right and slide down the rooftop, and jump to the collapsable platform, run to the other sloped rooftop, get the seventh dragon head, you'll start sliding down again, jump to the fire escape, get the eighth dragon head, drop down, you'll be on another sloped rooftop, and get the ninth dragon head. If you missed any of these, don't worry. Once you get to ground level, go to the left. You'll see a building with boxes for windows. Kick 'em out, then roll into them and go to the left. You'll end up on the top of the roof again, except you'll be on the side with the longer sloped rooftop. You'll see a barrel, kick it open to get the last dragon head of the level. Get any dragon heads you missed, then go back to ground level. Go all the way to the right and you should find some bad guys. Take care of all the bad guys here to end the level. -Level 3- Start out by jumping onto the box behind you, jumping onto the pipe, and then jumping over the hot surface to the other side to get the first dragon head. Take care of the two enemies here and go up the boxes, jump to the next pile of boxes to the other side and go through the door. You're now on a balcony. To the left is a stack of boxes. Jump to it, then jump again to the left to get the second dragon head. Now do a wall jump to the top of the boxes and go back to the balcony. To the right, you'll see hangovers on which you can bounce on. There's two of them, so do your thing and jump over to the next landing, while collecting the third dragon head on the way. Here, you'll have to fight two enemies, or you can knock 'em down to the ground. Now, go over to where the enemy in the background was originally standing and the enemy from the next landing should attempt to jump over. If he makes it, kick 'im down to the ground. If he doesn't, go to where that enemy originally was and wrap around the building. Next, we have two collapsable platforms, so don't dawdle. Go over to the next landing quick and get the fourth dragon head and take care of the enemy or knock 'im to the ground. Now, in the background, you should see a ledge. Jump to it and go to the right side. Above it, you should see another ledge. Do a wall jump to get up there. Come towards the screen and you should see the fifth dragon head. Get it, and go through the door. You should be on a platform and to the right should be a car. There'll be three of them, then a ledge. Jump to each car to get to the ledge and break the barrel to get the sixth dragon head. If you fall before you get to the ledge, just go to the right while staying on the higher elevation ground and you'll see a barrel. Jump on the barrel and jump up to the ledge and get the sixth dragon head. Now go down and defeat all the enemies to open the garage door. You will see an FMV of Jackie dodging a car. When you regain control, defeat the enemy that pops up. Go in the direction the car was going and you should see some boxes you can jump on and the seventh dragon head. Jump onto the boxes quickly and grab the sign because the car will come back and break the boxes. Get the seventh dragon head and jump up to the balcony. Follow it to get the gold dragon head and go through the door. Break the box up here to get the extra life. Jump down and take care of all the enemies. Go towards the right and jump on the barrel to the suspended platform and through the opening and get the eighth dragon head. You'll land on a truck. Soon you'll be approaching the ninth dragon head. Get it and don't forget to watch for obstacles, then you'll be approaching a roof top where you'll see the last dragon head. Jump up to the roof top and get the dragon head, then defeat all the enemies to end the level. On to the boss. -Boss- This area's boss is called Chef and he looks like Chef Boyardee, only he has black hair. If you stay away from him too long, he does a hop which sends out a tremor. My advice: go close range and hit with a five hit combo, but don't stay too close. This boss shouldn't be very difficult. You'll then be rewarded with an FMV of Jackie taking out the trash. ========== Waterfront ========== -Level 1- Climb up the ladder and get the first dragon head. Then continue on that elevated path, jump on that pile of boxes and quickly jump onto the sturdier pile of boxes. From there, jump onto the pipe and you'll see the second dragon head. Jump towards it and land on the platform, then go through the door. Now you don't have to deal with the enemy you saw down there You will end up on a balcony. Grab the life preserver and jump down, two enemies will appear. Use your life preserver as long as you have it and defeat those two enemies. Now climb onto the boxes and go to the right. You should see the third dragon head right under the pipe, so jump for the pipe to get the dragon head, and then jump towards the higher platform. If you miss, don't worry because there's an escalator down below near to where you land. There will be an enemy up there, so take care of him and you can go through the door. There will be two enemies, take care of them and the door down below will unlock. I suggest pushing the box with the two arrows to the right so you can jump up to the platform, break the box to get the fourth head, then do a wall jump to the upper door and go in. Break the box to get an extra life and fall down the collapsable floor. When you land, you'll see a gauntlet and an enemy. Deal with him, and one more will show up. After you defeat the second one, go to the right, push the box with two arrows to the left towards the stack of boxes. Climb up, roll under the swinging net, and collect the fifth dragon head. Now go through the gauntlet that you saw earlier and defeat that big guy to unlock the door. Now in this next section, you'll have to be careful because you can lose a lot of lives here. Basically, just go towards the right and get the sixth dragon head, then go up the ladder and beat the guy that comes down to unlock the door. You'll see a box swinging. If you can, time it just right so that you jump over to the stack of boxes, run to the right, roll under the box, and repeat one more time to get to the platform. Jump on the box and jump once more to get the seventh dragon head. However, if you do fall off, you'll have to deal with two enemies, plus getting back up onto the boxes is a bit trickier. In the next section, you'll have to deal with 7 enemies before you move on. If you can, kick 'em off the side of the bridge. Once you deal with the enemies, the gate will open and you can get the eighth dragon head. You will then see an FMV of a train coming towards Jackie. When you regain control, run towards the screen and you'll see the ninth dragon head. Run to this platform and it will bring you down to water level. Follow these platorms and go up the stairs. It's not necessary to take care of the two enemies here, but you may have to. Whether you choose to or not, go up the stack of boxes and wait. You'll see a swinging box. Wait till it starts swinging in the opposite direction then jump to the next stack of boxes, roll, then jump to the next stack of boxes. Repeat this process one more time. You should now be on a stack of boxes and see a box directly under a ladder. Break the box to collect the last dragon head. Now go up the ladder and take care of the two guys up here to unlock the door. Take care of all the enemies and the level ends. -Level 2- When you start the level, you'll see a swinging net. Roll under it and jump to the pipe. Swing to the right and get the first dragon head. Now go all the way to the right until you reach the fence. Kick it down, jump to the platform and get the second dragon head. Now go back and wrap around the wall and go down the collapsable floor. Defeat all the enemies here to unlock the door. You should see a gauntlet. Go through it and get the third dragon head. Now continue on and go up the ladder. You should see a moving platform. Jump to it, then the next one, then to the balcony and get the fourth dragon head. If you fall off, don't worry because you can do a wall jump to the first platform. Now follow the balcony and jump to the ladder and grab it. If you miss, you'll have to take care of the two enemies, move the box with two arrows under the ladder, then climb up. In this section, there are three enemies. Take care of them then go to the right. You'll see a swinging box. Roll under it, jump to the pipe, and wait. You'll see a swinging net on the other side. Time it so you can jump to the other side and then roll under the swinging net. Once you've done so, get the fifth dragon head, take care of the enemy, then jump onto the boxes in the background. Do a wall jump to the area above and wrap around the wall to the other side, watching out for the swinging box. Break the boxes. One of them will have the sixth dragon head. Now go back to the other side where you came up and face right. Jump up and go towards the right and you should grab on to a ledge. Pull yourself up and go in. You'll find yourself in a small room with a box. Break it and you'll be able to get a golden dragon head. Exit out to the right. Turn to the right and jump to the pipe, then jump to the next pipe. You should see the seventh dragon head. What you should do here is aim for the platform behind the dragon head. Climb up, go to the right and you'll see an FMV of Jackie sliding down a wire down to a boat and jumping onto a pier. When you regain control, go up the stairs. You can fight the bad guys here, but you don't have to. Just go up the boxes, go in the left direction, jump to the next stack of boxes, roll under the swinging net, jump to the next stack of boxes, roll under the swinging box, jump to the next stack of boxes, pull yourself up, get the eighth dragon head, roll under the swinging box, jump to the next stack of boxes, follow the bad guy, and get the ninth dragon head. Take him out, go to the left, kick out the fence, jump over to the next pier, and jump up to the elevated pier. Now you should see the last dragon head to the left. The pier you see where the dragon head is collapsable. So jump to it, and run to the left while getting the last dragon head, then jump and grab the pier at the end. Take care of all the enemies here to end the level. -Level 3- Go towards the left. When you get to the third pillar, stop and wait. You should see a swinging box. Time your jump, roll under it, jump to the next pillar to get the first dragon head, and then jump up to the pipe and over to the platform. If you miss the pipe, hopefully you'll land on the platform down below. If you landed on the platform, jump to the area to the left, go down and go up the escalator. You'll have to deal with three enemies here to unlock the door. Here, you'll have to deal with three enemies again. Once you've done that, go to the right and up the stack of boxes and you'll see a swinging box. Time it correctly and roll under it and jump to the next stack of boxes. Repeat one more time and jump for the pipe and you'll see the second dragon head on the boxes directly ahead. Jump up there and get it then jump and grab the ladder and go up. You'll see a gauntlet. Go through it, then through the door. You'll then see a moving platform. Jump onto it and ride it to a stationary platform with the third dragon head and a ladder. Go up the ladder and go to the right. Take care of the enemy, jump to the pipe, jump to the platform, jump to the pipe, jump to the other pipe, then jump towards the window. You'll see an FMV of Jackie crashing through the window. Take care of the five enemies to unlock the door. Go to the right and jump on the first pillar and you should see opening in the wall in the upper part of the screen and another pillar in the foreground. Go to that pillar and do a wall jump to the opening and go in. Take care of the two enemies and break open the box in the background to get the fourth dragon head. Go up the ramp to the right onto the boxes and go through the opening. You should land on a platform. Now go up and down towards the screen and you'll see a swinging box. Do as you usually do with swinging boxes and go towards the right until you see two boxes and another swinging box. Break the box in the back to get the fifth dragon head. Now roll under the swinging box and repeat for the next swinging box and one more time for the third and jump for the pipe. You'll see the sixth dragon head in front of you close to the piece of ground. Go get it, run to the right a little and you should see a platform on the water. Jump down to it and jump to the one on the right and then jump to the bigger bluish platform and take care of six enemies to unlock the door. Go into the room and go up the escalator. You'll see a swinging box and the seventh dragon head. What I like to do is roll under the box and go down the ramp because that lines you up with the dragon head. You'll then land on train tracks. Run towards the screen on the left side. Roll under the box and get the eighth dragon head. Keep going and you'll see the ninth dragon head on a platform. The platform will drop down and you'll land on a wooden platform. What you want to do is go towards the background, then jump to the next platform, which is collapsable. Run to the left and at some point you'll have to roll under a swinging net to get the last dragon head, jump to the next platform, go towards the door, and the level ends. On to the boss fight. -Boss- This area's boss is named Barney, but he's no fun loving dinosaur. He's a fat bad tempered guy with a huge steel pipe. Try to stay away from that pipe and attack from the back. If you attack from the front, he tends to grab you, so be careful when using a front attack. The best time to attack him is right after he tries to attack you. So run around, try to get him to attack, and kick his ass. After the fight, you'll get a nice FMV of the post-fight. ====== Sewers ====== -Level 1- You'll see the first dragon head when you start this level. So do a wall jump to get it. Go in the pipe and defeat the enemy waiting in here. Not too far down is another one, so take care of him, too. Continue on and you'll come across flowing sewage and moving platforms. On the side where the platforms come out, you'll see the second dragon head. Get it and continue on. You'll then come across another enemy. Get rid of him and follow the path, which leads you to a ramp. Slide down the ramp and get the third dragon head. You're now in the next section. Go up the ladder and do wall jumps until you get to the highest level. Go to the right and you'll see the fourth dragon head on a collapsable platform. Jump to it and just ride it out to the bottom, where you'll meet two enemies. Take care of them or go through the opening. Now, you're in the next section and you should see the fifth dragon head. Go get it and continue on to the right, but don't get blown off by the fan. You'll face one enemy here and the door will open once you defeat him. Continue on and you'll come up to sewage flowing again. Jump onto the moving platform to the middle island. Then jump onto the other moving platform and ride it to the right until you see a suspended platform. There should be another above it. Do a wall jump to it and go in that pipe to get the golden dragon head, then go through the opening down to the sixth dragon head, and go up the ladder. In the next section, defeat the two enemies to unlock the door. Before you go through the door, there is a box that's in the left side of the room. Break it and you'll receive the seventh dragon head. Go through the door and you'll see an FMV of Jackie landing on a train. Watch out for the obstacles and you'll come upon the eighth dragon head. Watch out for a couple of enemies. At one point, you'll have to jump to another train. When you do, you'll come upon the ninth dragon head. When the train stops, you will be under a platform with the last dragon head. Go to the front of the train and a little to the left and do a wall jump to the platform because there is an opening there, get the last dragon head, then jump down to the area below and defeat all the enemies to end the level. -Level 2- You start off this level by facing three enemies. Defeat them, climb up the soda machine, jump to the platform, then jump and grab the ladder. Follow the path, watch out for the fan, and go through the opening. In this section, either beat the bad guy or go to the right and jump onto the left-most train. After you see the obstacle for the right-most train, jump to it so you can get the first dragon head, then jump back to the left train so you can get the second dragon head. After the tunnel, jump back to the right train to get the third and fourth dragon heads, and back to the left train to avoid the obstacle. Three enemies will jump down. Take care of them. When the train starts to slow down, you'll see the fifth dragon head on a little platform. Jump up to it. You get a little FMV of Jackie dodging a train and rolling into the next area, knocking an enemy into the water. You should see the sixth dragon head from where you are. So jump onto the moving platform, get it, jump back, and follow it until you reach the opening of the next area. Defeat the enemy here to open the door. There will be an enemy here. Take care of him, watch for the steam jets, and follow the path to the ramp. Slide down the ramp dodging the obstacles and also don't miss the seventh dragon head after the second obstacle. The ramp will bring you into the next section. Ride the moving platform all the way to the right to get the eighth dragon head, then jump off to the opening of the next area. Defeat four enemies here to open the door. Follow the path to the flowing sewage and two rows of moving platforms. Here you will find the last two dragon heads on both sides. Once you have gotten them, proceed to the other side and go through the opening to the next section. Defeat all the enemies here to end the level. -Level 3- You start off in a sewer pipe, so come towards the screen and go to the left. Watch out for the jet streams. Jump to the bridge and go towards the background. You should see a platform above you. Do a wall jump to it, get the extra life and the first dragon head, then go through the opening. Now go to the left, past the first jet stream then wait for the fan to stop blowing. When it does, get the second dragon head and continue to the left. Jump to the bridge, go towards the background, jump over the little gap in the bridge, then go through the door. Take care of all the enemies here to unlock the door. Wrap around the wall and you'll see moving platforms. Jump across to the other side and there'll be a ramp. Slide down and don't miss the third dragon head. You'll now be in the next section. You should see a platform on the sewage to the right. Use it to jump to the other side. Take care of the enemies here, then climb all the way up to the top of the ladder and you'll see the fourth dragon head on a collapsable platform. Jump to the platform and get it and ride the platforms all the way to the bottom. Jump back across to the other side, use the ladder, then use wall jumps to get to the upper platforms. At the top, you'll see the fifth dragon head to the right. Jump to it and you'll also fall down the hole. You'll then see an FMV of Jackie falling onto a train. Dodge the obstacles and don't miss the sixth dragon head. Watch for an incoming enemy. Take care of him, don't miss the seventh dragon head, them jump to the train on the right. Dodge more obstacles, another enemy, jump to the train on the left, dodge more obstacles, jump to the train on the right, after the obstacle jump back to the train on the left, then jump back to the train on the right to get the eighth dragon head. Dodge more obstacles, watch for more enemies jumping down, jump to the train on the left, dodge more obstacles, jump to the train on the right, dodge more obstacles, jump to the train on the left, dodge more obstacles, watch for an enemy, jump to the train on the right and don't miss the ninth dragon head. Watch for another enemy, jump to the train to the right, then jump to the other train on the right, jump to the train on the left, then back to the right, then back to the left, then the train on the left, then one more time while getting the last dragon head. When this train stops, jump down to the waiting platform and take care of all the enemies to end the level. Up next, the boss fight. -Boss- This area's boss is called Clown, and he has a helper: a mime. I recommend getting rid of the mime first because he just gets in the way of you beating up Clown. The Clown wears boxing gloves, but that's not intimidating, is it? A useful tactic is to keep hitting him and running away. If you stay too close for too long, he either stuns you and gives you a nasty combo, or picks you up and throws you. A good thing to know is that he can't get you in high places, and lo and behold, there are three lockers. So if you need a little breather to think out your strategy, go up there. So stick to hitting to knock 'im down, run away, and repeat. After the fight you'll see an FMV. ======== Roof Top ======== -Level 1- Use the wooden ramp to jump to the rooftop in the left direction. Take care of all the enemies here to lower the ladder. Climb all the way up to the next rooftop. A helicopter will come up but you don't have to worry about it. In the background to the left is a chimney. Break it and you can get the first dragon head. Now go to the right and jump to the next rooftop, wait for the fan, then go to the left, wrap around the structure and go towards the background to the next rooftop. Take care of two enemies here, jump to the next rooftop to the right, and you can either take care of this enemy or you can go up the ladder. Climb all the way up to the next rooftop and take care of the bad guy here. Use the ramp to jump to the ledge to the right. Wrap around the building, run in the right direction and don't miss the second dragon head, and pause the game at the end of the ledge. You'll see a suspended platform in front of you. It's collapsable, so you'll have to be quick when you do this part. Jump to the collapsable platform, run to the right, jump to the next collapsable platform and do a wall jump go get to the balcony above the second collapsable platform. You should've gotten the third dragon head when you did the wall jump. If you missed the balcony, you'll have to start over again. It's that difficult. If you made it, go in the door. Take care of the two enemies here and the door all the way to the right will unlock. You'll now be on a rooftop with a barrel in the foreground. Break it and you can get the golden dragon head. Now run towards the background and use the wooden ramp to get to the ledge. Turn right and jump to the scaffolding. Ride it until it stops. Go to the left and jump up to get the fourth dragon head. Now go to the right and wrap around the building and go towards the background. You'll see an FMV of Jackie, well you'll see it. He lands in a pigeon cage. Go to the right and use the wooden ramp to jump to the platform, then jump to the next rooftop. Use the ramp here to jump to the rooftop in the background. Defeat all the enemies here to lower the ladder. Climb all the way up to the next rooftop and use the ramp to jump to the rooftop to the right. Jump to the scaffolding and run to the right and jump to the collapsable platform to get the fifth dragon head. Ride the collapsable platform down to the rooftop. You should see the sixth dragon head to the right on the balcony. Jump to the balcony and get the sixth dragon head then climb up the ladder to the next rooftop. Take care of the two enemies here, use the ramp to jump to the hangover, jump to the next hangover, and then to the next rooftop where you'll see the seventh dragon head. Get it, then wait for the fan to stop blowing, jump over the rolling block, take care of the enemy that kicked the rolling block, and jump to the ledge in the background. Run to the right and jump to the flagpole and you'll get the eighth dragon head. Swing to the collapsable platform, then run to the right and jump to the rooftop. You'll see the ninth dragon head in the foreground on the sloped rooftop. Jump to it, then slide down and jump before you reach the end to get to the next rooftop. Take care of the bad guy here. Don't worry if he gets away. Use the ramp to jump to the next rooftop and wrap around the building and go to the right. Jump to the platform to the right, and then jump to the next rooftop. You should see a wooden platform right above you. Use the pillar to do a wall jump to it, then face left, jump to the collapsable platform, climb up, run to the left getting all the goodies and the last dragon head, then go back to the rooftop on the right and enter the door. Take care of all the enemies in here to end the level. -Level 2- First, jump on the elevator to the right and ride it all the way to the top. When you get there, jump to the left balcony, get the first dragon head and go through the door. Jump onto the elevator all the way to the top again and this time, jump to the balcony on the right, climb up the ladder, and follow the enemy you see. Here, you can either take care of the enemies or climb up the ladders to the next rooftop. On the next rooftop, wait for the fans to stop blowing and go to the right, jump to the flagpole, swing to the hangover, get the second dragon head, jump to the next flagpole, then swing to the next rooftop. Wait for the fans to stop blowing, go to the right and you should see a grayish thing on the right. Kick it and get the third dragon head. Now run towards the background, jump to the ledge, then jump to the next ledge on the right, then to the next one, and jump to the next rooftop, and take care of the two enemies here. Then jump to the next rooftop, go to the right, jump to the ledge, wrap around the building and jump to the next ledge, jump again to the next ledge, wrap around the building, and you should see a ninja. Follow the ninja's path to the background. When you get to the part where the ninja jumped off, you should see a box. Break it and get the fourth dragon head. Then go to the right and climb up the ladder. You'll see an FMV of Jackie sliding down the wire and getting kicked off by the ninja you saw. When you regain control, go in the door and take care of the enemies in here to lower the ladder. Go up and take care of the enemies on the rooftop. Then go to the left, in between the building and the shack. Do a wall jump off the shack onto the building, go to the left, down the sloped rooftop, jump to the flagpole, jump to the hangover, jump to the next flagpole, and then to the sloped rooftop. Don't miss the fifth dragon head. You'll then land on another rooftop. This next part is tricky. Come towards the screen and jump onto the edge of the rooftop, jump to the foreground to the ledge, run towards the screen and wrap around the building to the right and jump, wrap around the building towards the background and go to the edge of the ledge. Face right and jump to that rooftop. Break the barrels and get the sixth dragon head. Now go back to the rooftop you came from, and use the wooden ramp to jump to the ledge on the left. Follow the ledge to the left, use the collapsable platforms to get to the other side, then jump to the next ledge to the left. Wrap around the building, climb up the ladder, and you'll have to deal with three air ducts that are blasting air. The seventh dragon head in the background is your goal. So run towards it. If you start getting blown off the rooftop, run towards the air duct until you can run towards the background without getting pushed away too much. When you've gotten to the ledge with the seventh dragon head, run to the left and jump to the ledge and go through the door. Take care of the enemies in here, then move the box with red arrows to the structure in the middle then jump onto it. Go to the right, jump to the pipe, then swing to the ledge and go through the door. You'll see a scaffolding. Jump to it, run to the right, jump to the next scaffolding, run to the right, jump to the next scaffolding, run to the right and get the eighth dragon head. If you missed it, run to the left waiting for the fans to stop blowing and you'll see a small box. Break it and roll into it and you'll end up on the platform before the first scaffolding. Now run to the right and you'll see a structure spewing fire. Time it so that you jump over to the rooftop with the ninth dragon head. If you miss, come towards the screen to the sloped rooftop. Slide down the left side and jump to the ledge. You'll see a small box again. Break it and roll through it. You'll end up after the last fan and before the structure that spews fire. After you get the ninth dragon head, come towards the screen to the sloped rooftop. Slide down the right side and get the last draogn head. Then take care of all the enemies here to end the level. -Level 3- First, go down the ramp. Before you hit the bottom of the ramp, jump, and you should catch the flagpole. Jump to the left to the hangover and get the first dragon head. Now jump to the hangover to the right and you should see the second dragon head below. Get it and wrap around the building and wait for the fans to stop blowing. Once you get past the fans, jump to the next ledge. Next you'll find yourself in front of three collapsable platforms. Jump on them to get to the other side while getting the third dragon head. Now wrap around the building and jump to the scaffolding, run and jump to the next scaffolding and get the fourth dragon head. You should've caught the ledge as you fell. If you missed the dragon head and you're still to the scaffolding, jump to the ledge. Come towards the screen and you should see a ladder. Go up it, go towards the background and you should see another ladder. Jump and grab it, go up, then go to the left through the door. In here is an extra life. Go through the other door and you'll end up right before the first scaffolding for a second try. When you have the fourth dragon head, head through the door. Defeat all the enemies in here to unlock the door. You'll now be on a balcony and you should see the fifth dragon head looking right at you. Come towards the screen as much as you can, then turn right and jump to the next balcony. Come towards the screen as much as you can again and turn left and jump to the next balcony. Now, line yourself up with the dragon head's shadow and jump for the hangover. Jump up to the flagpole and jump back towards the balcony to get the fifth dragon head. Now jump back to the hangover, up to the flagpole, and to the ledge in the foreground. Wrap around the building and you'll face three collapsable platforms. Jump on these while going towards the left to get to the next ledge, then jump to the next ledge and keep going until you reach a rooftop. You can either take care of the enemies here or climb up the ladders to the next roof top. Take care of the enemy up here and slide down the roof. Jump to the next roof and don't miss the sixth dragon head. You'll then see an FMV of Jackie crashing through glass and landing in the next section. Defeat all the enemies here to unlock the door. You'll now find yourself on a balcony. Go towards the left to the end of the balcony and you'll see a wooden platform above you. There's a pillar you can use to do a wall jump to it. Go up to the wooden platform, jump to the next platform, then jump to the next platform. Now go down and jump to the next ledge, wrap around the wall and go up the ladder. Now you'll see three air ducts. Each is blowing out a tremendous amount of air. If it starts blowing you, run towards it and attempt to run towards the background. The next ledge is your short term goal right now. Once you've made it to that ledge, go to the left and jump to the roof top. You should've seen a ninja jump in the background. Go to where he was before he jumped. Now you should see an elevator. Jump on top of it and ride it to the top. Once it stops at the top, jump to the balcony on the right side and go in the door. Climb up the boxes to the higher ledge and go into the door on the right to get to the rooftop. Defeat the enemies here and use the wooden ramp to jump to the platform, then stop. You should see a swinging piano. Same drill as the swinging box, except that there are gaps between the platforms, so you'll have to time it correctly to get to the other side. Once you get there, you should see a ledge in the foreground. Jump to it, wrap around the building and go down. Now, go down the roof and jump before you read the end to grab the flagpole. Swing yourself over to the hangover and make your way down jumping to each hangover, but don't go all the way to the bottom. Just jump down to the ledge before bottom level. If you're in the correct place, you should see fans again. Make your way past them and jump to the next platform. You'll see more collapsable platforms again, so do your thing and get the seventh dragon head on the way to the other side. Once you get to the other side, wrap around the building and jump and grab the flagpole, jump to the hangover, jump to the next flagpole, and jump to the platform. Jump to the next platform and run towards the right like a madman not missing the eighth dragon head because it's all collapsable platforms, then jump to the next platform. You should see a balcony in the foreground. Jump to it and go through the door. You should be on a high ledge. Jump down and defeat all the enemies here. Push the box with the red arrows towards the structure in the middle of the room and climb up. Go to the right and jump to the pipe and swing yourself to the platform and go through the door. This places you outside. You should see a structure spitting out fire. Time your jump because you don't want to get burned and jump to the other side to get the ninth dragon head. Slide down the roof and jump to the next platform. Keep going to the right jumping onto the structures to the next platform and you'll see the last dragon head. Keep going to the right and the level will end when you get to the last platform. On to the boss fight. -Boss- First, follow the hall in the right direction and go up the ladder. You'll see an FMV of Jackie meeting this area's boss, Disco. Be careful, because this guy is fast and he does a lot of break-dancing attack moves. If you knock 'im down, watch out for his counter attack. Kicks work best for this boss, but you can occasionally get in a punch or two. After the fight you'll see an FMV of Jackie running and grabbing on to a helicopter. ======= Factory ======= -Level 1- Start off the level by riding the conveyor belt on the right, jump to the right to the next conveyor belt, then jump to the next conveyor belt, then jump to the platform. To right, you'll see platforms moving up. Ride one to the top and jump to the left to the platform. Then jump to the left to the conveyor belt, jump to the ledge, run to the left and jump to the platform, take care of the enemy here, and jump on the platform to the left to go up. Ride the conveyor belt to the background while watching out for the fire spewing out the holes. Then ride the next conveyor belt that goes to the right and watch out for the three wall push outs. Before the end of the conveyor belt, jump to the right to the platform and take care of the enemy here. Then wait for the collapsable pathway to come into the up position. To the right, you'll see the first dragon head. Get it and slide down the chute. At the bottom, wait for the collapsable pathway to come up and cross it. Then jump to the background to the first ledge, then again to the second ledge and jump down. Take care of all the enemies here to unlock the door. Here, you'll see structures spewing out fire. Jump onto these to get to the ledge on the right, then do it again to get to the next ledge. On the top of the roof, don't miss the second dragon head. Drop down and take care of the three enemies here to unlock the door to the right. In here, run to the left and jump onto the conveyor belt. To the left is a moving platform. You may have to wait for it to come to the up position. When it does, jump to it and run to solid ground. Go to the left to the next moving platform, wait for it to come to the up position, run onto it, and jump to the left to the conveyor belt. Then jump to the next conveyor belt, jump onto the moving platform, get to solid ground, run to the left to the other moving platform, wait for it to get to the up position, run onto it, and jump to the left to the conveyor belt. Jump to the next conveyor belt and run to the left, then jump to the platform. You'll see some moving platforms going up and down. Use these to get to the background, and don't miss the third dragon head, then go into the opening in the back wall. Now ride the conveyor belt, but fall down to the path below. Take care of the enemy here, follow the path to the end, jump onto the platform at the end and ride it up. When you get to the top, don't jump back down to the original path yet. Instead, go towards the background and break the barrel to get the fourth dragon head. Now go down to the original path, ride the conveyor belt, jump to the next conveyor belt, then jump to the next conveyor belt and run to the right, jump to the platform, then jump onto one of the moving platforms and ride it to the top. When you get there, jump to the platform on the left, jump to the conveyor belt, wait for the wall push out to come out, jump and grab it, climb up, run to the left, jump to the platform, and take care of the two enemies here to unlock the door. Ride the conveyor belt to the background while watching out for the fire. Then ride the other conveyor belt and watch out for the wall push outs. Before the end of the conveyor belt, you'll have to jump onto a moving platform. You might have to wait for one to come out. Ride it to the top, jump to the left to the conveyor belt, watch out for the wall push outs, then go through the door after you get off the conveyor belt. Take care of all the enemies here to unlock the door to the right. You'll see an FMV of Jackie taking care of an enemy. When you regain control, go to the left and you should see a block that doesn't match the rest of the wall. Break it and get the fifth dragon head. Go back to the right and use the structures to get to the next platform, then use the next structure to help you jump to the ledge. Follow the bad guy to the next area and watch out for the other one around the corner. In this next section, you'll see swinging boxes, so do your thing. When you get past them, follow the path and go through the door. Here, ride the conveyor belt, jump to the right to the next one, then jump to the platform. Wait for the wall push out to come out and run onto it and jump to the next platform. Jump onto one of the moving platforms, ride it to the top, jump to the left to the ledge, jump to the conveyor belt, jump to the platform, wait for the wall push out to come all the way out, run onto it, and jump to the platform on the left and get the sixth dragon head. Go to the left and jump onto the moving platform, then get off of it and fall through the space it was covering to get the seventh dragon head. Now you can either do a wall jump to get back up or fall down. If you fall down, just follow the path to get back up. When you get there, get on the moving platform and ride it up, then go through the door. Take care of all the enemies here to unlock the door on the right. Hop onto the conveyor belt and watch out for the wall push outs. Before the end of the conveyor belt, you'll have to wait for the moving pathway to come to the up position. When it does, go across quickly, get the eighth dragon head, and go through the door. Hop onto one of the moving platforms, ride it around to get the ninth dragon head, then when you get to the other side, jump off and take care of the enemy. Then jump to the conveyor belt to the left, wait for the moving platform to come up, jump to it, and get to solid ground. Then run to the left, wait for the moving platform to come up, run onto it and jump to the left to the conveyor belt, jump to the left to the next conveyor belt, wait for the moving platform to come up, jump to it and run to solid ground. Go to the left and you should see a couple of boxes in the wall. Wait for the moving platform to come up, then go to the wall, kick it, and roll in. You should've gotten the last dragon head when you rolled into the space. Use the moving platforms to get to the background, then go through the door. Take care of all the enemies here to end the level. -Level 2- First, stay along the right wall and come towards the foreground. You'll see an enemy. Follow him and beat 'im up. Follow the path and defeat the next enemy to unlock the door. Take care of the two enemies in here, then go to the left, roll under the swinging box, come towards the foreground to another swinging box. Time your jump right so that you can roll under the box on the other side, then run towards the background and get the first dragon head. Go through the door. Do a wall jump to the platform above, jump to the conveyor belt on the right, and jump to the upside down stomper. Then jump to the piping on the right and get the second dragon head. Go to the right and jump down back to the ground and take care of the enemy here. Use the conveyor belt and drop down to the next level and take care of the enemy there to unlock the door to the right. Jump to the conveyor belt to the right, jump to the next conveyor belt to the right, watch for the stomper, go to the right to the next conveyor belt, watch for the stomper, and jump to the moving platform. Turn left and wait till you're up there, then jump to the ledge, jump onto the upside down stomper, jump onto the wall push-out, jump to the next upside down stomper, then jump to the balcony. Follow the path and go to the movable platform. Ride it to the next level, jump onto the conveyor belt, run towards the background and jump onto the wall push-out, then jump to the next conveyor belt, run towards the background again, and take out the enemy. Jump onto the conveyor belt to the right side and ride it down. Before you reach the end, jump to the other conveyor belt and run to the right. Before reaching the top, jump to the next section and defeat the enemies here, then run to the right and jump onto the slide and slide down. Watch the moving pathway here and time it to get across. Once you get across, jump to the wall push-out and then jump to the stack of boxes, and jump down. Take care of all the enemies here to unlock the door. You should see a conveyor belt and structures blowing out fire. Hop onto the conveyor belt and use the structures to get across to the next section, take care of the enemy here, follow the path, then take care of the next enemy to unlock the door. In here, face the foreground, break the fence, follow the path and get the third dragon head. Now go back to where you broke the fence, continue towards the background, make your way to the movable pathway, time it so you can make it across, follow the path to the next movable pathway and swinging box, time this one also, then do this one more time, follow the path, and take care of the two enemies. Now go to the part of the ground where you see yellow and black stripes. Wait for a moving platform to come by, jump on it, then when you get across, jump off of it. Go to the right, jump onto the conveyor belt, jump to the next conveyor belt and watch out for all the obstacles, jump to the next conveyor belt, watch for the stomper, go to the next conveyor belt, watch for the stomper, and the conveyor belt should bring you down to a ledge. Jump to the upside stomper, jump to the next upside down stomper, then jump to the platform while getting the fourth dragon head. Take the movable platform down, jump to the conveyor belt to the left to get the fifth dragon head, then jump back to the place where you jumped from and follow the path to the next movable platform. This one will take you up. Follow the enemy into the next section. Defeat all the enemies here, go into the space in the background to go to the next section, jump to the conveyor belt to the left, watch for the obstacles, at the end come towards the screen and follow the path and go in the door. Defeat all the enemies here to unlock the door on the right side. You will then see an FMV of Jackie getting hit with a metal object and then kicking an enemy off the platform. When you regain control, go back towards the left and you will see a block that does not match the rest. Kick it and get the sixth dragon head. Now go back to the right, watch the stomper, then jump to the conveyor belt, jump to the platform to get the seventh dragon head, jump to the next conveyor belt, watch for the stomper, and jump to the landing. Go towards the background. Jump on the moving platforms to get to the other side, go into the space in the wall, and take care of the two enemies. Push the box with two arrows towards the fork lift, jump onto it, turn right, jump to the stacks of boxes and you should jump through a space which slides you down, making you able to get the eighth dragon head. Take care of the enemy you see, then jump to the ledge on the right and go through the door. Follow the path now, using the moving platforms, and don't miss the ninth dragon head. When you get to the end of this section, take care of the enemy to unlock the door. Follow the enemy you see, take care of him, then go to the right and jump onto the moving platform, turn left and wait. When you get to the top, jump onto the upside down stomper, jump to the next one, then jump to the platform. You'll see the last dragon head here. To get it, jump across the gap, pull yourself up, then go through the door. Use the conveyor belt to get to the higher platform, just to be safe. Then take care of all the enemies here to end the level. -Level 3- You'll see a conveyor belt and some structures spewing out fire. Use these to jump to the other side to the right. Defeat the two enemies here to unlock the door. You'll see a swinging box and a collapsable pathway. Time it to make it to the next platform. Take care of the two enemies here, time the collapsable pathway and swinging box one more time, get the first dragon head, and follow the path. Take care of the enemy here, then go towards the background. You'll see some conveyor belts and fire spitting out from the wall. Jump to the first conveyor belt while dodging the fire, jump to the platform, and look at the second conveyor belt. You'll see some boxes there. What you need to do is break them, jump to the platform with the door, jump back to the conveyor belt, then roll into the space. Jump to the conveyor belt, run to the right, watch out for the stomper, and get the golden dragon head. Jump to the next platform and go into the hole in the wall on the right side. Use the conveyor belts to go to the right, get on the movable platform and ride it up, turn left. When it gets to the top, jump to the platform, and use the conveyor belt and wall push outs to get to the other side. You'll see the second dragon head. So jump over the fence, get it and you should land on the first conveyor belt. So go back to the top where you first saw the second dragon head, take care of the bad guys here to unlock the door on the left. Come towards the foreground and take care of the two bad guys here. Continue towards the foreground, turn right, jump onto the conveyor belt, jump to the next conveyor belt and run to the right, jump to the platform, jump to the conveyor belt and watch out for the stomper, jump the platform, jump to the next conveyor belt, jump to the other conveyor belt and run to the right, jump to the platform, and take care of the enemy here. Now go to the right and go onto the conveyor belt, jump to the next conveyor belt, watch for the wall push outs, jump to the next conveyor belt and watch for the stomper, run to the next conveyor belt and watch for the next two stompers, then jump to the upside down stomper, when it's all the way up jump to the platform on the right. Take care of the enemies here, follow the path, line yourself up with the third red dragon head, slide down the ramp and get it, then jump to the conveyor belt before you reach the bottom. Watch out for the stomper and jump to the path. Come towards the screen, jump down, then slide down the ramp while getting the fourth dragon head. Take care of all the enemies here to unlock the door. Go to the right and push the forklift off the ledge to reveal the fifth dragon head. Get it, then go to the left, hop onto the movable platform and ride it up, follow the path into the background. Take care of all the enemies here, then go into the doorway to the left. Jump to the left onto the conveyor belt, watch for the two stompers, and when you get to the end of the conveyor belt, follow the path in the foreground, and defeat the enemy here to unlock the door. You'll see an FMV of Jackie crashing through the window, and then another window. When you regain control, break the barrel to the left to get the sixth dragon head. Then go towards the right and follow the path. Defeat the three enemies here, then go to the path on the right side and wait. You'll see a swinging box and a collapsable pathway. Same drill here, time it to get to the other side. Jump to the platform in the background, then do the same here, except that you'll have to roll to the side a bit because of a box that's in the way. When you get to the side with the box, jump onto it, face the background and kick it. Roll into the space, go towards the right and you'll get the seventh dragon head, and you should be in an area with green goop and moving platforms. Jump towards the background to the door and go through it. Come towards the foreground and you'll see the eighth dragon head. Kick the fence, jump onto the structure to get the eighth dragon head, then jump back. Now go to the right and use the structures to help you get across. When you get to the rooftop, defeat all the enemies here. Then go to the right and you'll see the ninth dragon head over a structure that spews fire. Wait for the fire to stop, jump to the structure, get the ninth dragon head, then jump to the right to the ledge, and go in the door. Take care of the two enemies here, follow the path, go up the conveyor belt to the next platform, then turn to the right. Jump onto the conveyor belt, jump to the next conveyor belt and watch for the two stompers, run to the next conveyor belt and watch for the stomper, and jump onto a moving platform. You may have to wait for it. Ride it to the top, jump to the ledge to the left, jump onto the upside down stomper, jump to the next upside down stomper, do it one more time, then jump to the platform. Take care of the enemy here or run into the doorway to the left. Jump to the conveyor belt to the left, run to the left, then jump to the collapsable platform. You may have to wait for it to come up. Run to solid ground, then take care of the enemy here, then go to the left, wait for the collapsable ledge to come up, then jump to the conveyor belt to the left. Run to the left, jump to the next conveyor belt, wait for the collapsable ledge to come up, jump to it, run to solid ground, then take care of the enemy here. You'll see the last dragon head here. Line yourself up with it, jump over the fence and get it, wait for the collapsable ledge on the left to come up, jump to it, then jump to the conveyor belt, jump to the next conveyor belt, run to the left, then jump to the ledge. Slide down the ramp, then slide down the chute, and take care of all the enemies here to end the level. On to the boss fight. -Boss- You will see a nice FMV of Jackie finding the delivery truck and then recovering the package. Then it'll move to inside the tall building and you'll meet Dante, this area's boss. He has Jackie's grandfather. Jackie arrives, and the fight begins. Dante isn't too hard at first. Just use some combos to knock 'im down. He does counterattack by doing a throw. He also has an attack that shoots flames in a straight line when he's on his desk. So be careful about that. He does hit hard, but he shouldn't be too difficult. After the fight, you'll see an FMV or Jackie lowering his grandfather, Dante standing back up, and one last fight scene before Dante dies. The FMV ends with the packages being cleared out, Jackie and grandfather driving away in the delivery truck, and the special package falling out of the back of the truck. You're now rewarded with the credits. Stick around for some hilarious out-takes, and I do mean hilarious. ============== Shaolin Temple ============== This is a secret area. It's pretty straightforward. Just go to the left, take either the top path or the bottom path. The top path takes you across a bridge to the entrance of the Shaolin Temple while the bottom path takes you to poles which you have to jump to so you can get to the other path, which also leads to the entrance of the Shaolin Temple. If you take the top path, you'll have to deal with an enemy on the bridge. When you get to the front of the temple, take care of all the enemies here to open the gates. Go in. Take care of the enemy here to open the next gate to the inner chamber. Defeat all the enemies here and you will be rewarded with a bonus movie. Congratulations on beating the game. ------- Credits ------- Jackie Chan, just for being the only actor who does his own dangerous stunts. Radical Entertainment Ltd, for developing the game. Midway, for producing the game. ----------------------- Copyright & Other Stuff ----------------------- Jackie Chan Stuntmaster Walkthru © 2000 by charjer0 Jackie Chan Stuntmaster © 2000 by Midway Games, Inc. Jackie Chan Stuntmaster developed by Radical Entertainment Ltd. Name, likeness, and appearance of Jackie Chan used under license. Disclaimer: This FAQ shall not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the creator. Extra special thanks to Revolution reader "Agha Jahanzeb"!
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