Hit start to pause at any time during game play. Hold down L1 and L2 for about
15 seconds, until the red selection box cannot be moved anymore. Don’t release
L1 & L2 yet. While continuing to hold them enter the following codes:
Ammo: Down, R, Circle, L, R, Circle
Health: R, R, L, Down, Down, Up, Triangle, Circle
Power: Down, R, Down, R, Triangle
Lives: L, Down, R, Triangle, Square, X,Circle
Smart Bombs: R1, R2, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, R1, R2, Circle, Circle, Square
Skip Level: X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, Circle, R2, R2, X, Square, Triangle, X
These items will now appear permanently on your pause menu. Pause and activate
them with X at any time.
Walking Corpse:
Use the code to enable the health option on the pause menu. Then, go and get
yourself killed. Just after you bite the bullet, pause the game and renew your
health bar. Now, you can walk your dead body around the room you’re in – and
the meanies are powerless to do anything to you (of course, you cannot do anything
to them either) This is especially cool on level 6.
Thanks to Revolution readers Raymond and Bill Schiff!