Extra cars:
Do well in the various Test Driver modes to access new cars, such as the GT2
Race Car and the 917k Race Car that can be used in the normal race mode.
10 Million Credit Bonus:
Get all gold trophies and 100 percent completion in Evolution mode to get a
10 million credit bonus.
Japan Shipyards Shortcut:
Near the beginning of the track there is a little gap in the road. Go down into
the gap and you’ll be over halfway finished with the track.
USA Desert Valley Shortcut:
There will be a gas station on the right side of the track. It is somewhere
after you have completed half of the track. Go right beside the gas station
on its right side and there will be a dirt road behind it. It will save you
a few seconds.
Scotland Shortcut:
As your just getting out of the city but there is a shortcut before a u-turn.
You’ll come out at a place where the street is really wide.
French Track Shortcuts:
-Coastal Village
In the village you have a T-crossin point. Next to the entrance you have got
two green fences on each side with traffic signs that say that you can’t go
in this road. On the other side it’ s also the same.
-French Track
As you drive on the road you will find a T-crossing point but sometimes you
cant go entirely in to this road bcause their are plates with arrows on the
road. Next to the road is a small parking. When you drive on the parking you
see several bushes. When you drive trough these bushes you will find a dusty
road. To find it on the other side You have to look for a T-crossing point with
bushes in front of it and then you’ll have to drive trough these bushes.
GameShark Codes
Infinite Cash 800bdc960090 Disable Timer 800c1ce80100 Extra Vehicles (Quick Race Mode) 800bd6580007 Automatic Win (Chase Mode) 800c1ce8ffff
*Do Not Use With Disabled Timer 99 Points In Tournament Mode 800bdc9a0063 Tournament Trophies 800bdfe80101 800bdfea0101 800bdfec0101 800bdfee0101 800bdff00101 Racing Trophies 800be33c0101 800be33e0101 800be3400101 Weekend Trophies 800be1580101 800be15a0101 800be15c0101 800be15e0101 800be1600101
Thanks to Revolution reader Grim Fat Cory theConman, Provo Maarten and Vivek