All secret characters are selected by moving off the end of the line of
normal characters. Secret player’s icon will appear as a giant ‘?’.
1. To play as Soul Edge- you must simply beat the arcade mode on normal
setting or greater with all the characters. This becomes pretty easy as you
acquire more weapons in Edge Master Mode. Note: You can also access Soul Edge by playing for 18 hrs…
2. This is an obvious one, but some people have missed it, so…. Weapons gained in Edge Master Mode can be used in arcade mode by moving the cursor over a character and hitting up and down (if you
have no additional weapons for a selected character nothing will happen)
3. Han Myong- this one is hard, you need to get all 70 weapons in Edge Master,
Hwang’s secret ending and Seung Mina’s secret ending. Good luck… OR-First
beat the arcade mode with Hwang, then right after that beat the arcade mode
with Sueng Mina.
4. Sophitia!- to play Sophitia in her civilian garb, just get her ultimate
weapon in Edge Master Mode.
5. Sophitia!!- to play Sophitia in her stylish swimsuit from the opining
movie you must find all 70 weapons in Edge Master Mode
6. Ultimate weapons can be almost impossible to find if you don’t know how to
look for them in Edge Master Mode. After you beat Soul Edge and your ending
book thing plays, you will be in Spain. Move to one of the adjacent
locations, as you move the blue display will say ” ” continues his search
for the ultimate weapon, or something close to that. The ultimate weapon must
be only one travel distance from Spain, depending on the character, you may
have 2 locations you can move to, it is at one of them. If you go to the
next location (that the ultimate weapon is at) and win, the weapon is yours.
If you lose, the blade will move to yet another adjacent spot, it cannot
move back to Spain, however. If you lose at a location that the Ultimate
Weapon its not at, it will not move. Just keep using the process of
elimination until you find it.
7. Siegfried!- To play Sieg in his evil armor with Soul Blade, find his
Ultimate Weapon
If you have already beaten Soul Edge you know that the endings are pretty bleak
as most characters die or get possessed by Soul Edge and turn to evil… what you may
not know is that many characters have an alternate (and more uplifting) ending.
Secret Endings:
HWANG: Hwang stands on the pier looking at the Soul Blade, he picks it
up and the black letterbox stripes fade out from the top and bottom of
the screen. As this happens quickly hit A+B repeatedly until the letter box
comes back….this should trigger the different, non-possessed by Soul Edge,
ROCK: Rock stares at the swords and images of his parents being
attacked by a pirate ship appear. Rock is then standing on a cliff, the
letter box will disappear. When this happens hit Down, Up+B until they come
SOPHITIA: As Soph is walking through the woods the letter box, yet
again, disappears. Quickly hit Up, Down until the letter box is back to see
a…..more revealing ending.
SIEGFRIED: The letter box will begin to fade soon after the movie begins
quickly tap Up+B to see Sieg break the evil sword and weep on a mountain.
(thanks Andy!)
VOLDO: Voldo enters his lair caressing Soul Edge, as he rubs the sword
against his neck hit Down, Up as fast as you can (you control his blade rubbing)…..the blade will shatter
and Voldo will collapse in tears
LI LONG: Li drops to his knees and, right away, the letter box disappears.
Rotate the Direction pad 360 degrees and hit all 4 buttons at the same time,
the letter box should return…
SEUNG MINA: The letter box disappears mid way into the video, when it does
hit Up, Down until it returns
MITSURUGI: This, in my opinion, is the best ending. Mitsurugi will return
to his village and promptly gets in to an argument with the gun holding
Tanegashima. The camera will spin into a first person view from Mutsurugi.
Tanegashima will fire his rifle, hit left or right to dodge the bullet. Hit Up twice and wait for him to fire
again, dodge to the right or left again hit Up twice and then hit A or B to hit Tanegashima. You only
get one shot at this and the ending changes if you win or lose. Too cool.
CERVANTES: The letter box disappears right away, hit UP+B until the letter
box comes back. Cerv hits the swords together and the power destroys
him…pretty spiffy.
TAKI: Taki is stunned, the letter box disappears. Tap Down+Guard, when the
letter box returns Taki will decide to keep the Soul Edge and not destroy it.
In the final animation instead of battling the demon for a few seconds she will
strike it down immediately.
GameShark Codes
All Weapons (2.2 or Higher) 500014020000 800ea340ffff All Weapons For Cervantes 800ea352ffff 800ea368ffff All Weapons For Hwang 800ea350ffff 800ea366ffff All Weapons For Li Long 800ea346ffff 800ea35cffff All Weapons For Mitsurugi 800ea340ffff 800ea356ffff All Weapons For Rock 800ea34effff 800ea364ffff All Weapons For Seigfried 800ea34cffff 800ea362ffff All Weapons For Seung 800ea342ffff 800ea358ffff All Weapons For Sophitia 800ea34affff 800ea360ffff All Weapons For Taki 800ea344ffff 800ea35affff All Weapons For Voldo 800ea348ffff 800ea35effff Infinite Health P1 800bffba00f0 Infinite Health P2 800c2ef200f0 Infinite Power Moves P1 800c01160060 Infinite Power Moves P2 800c304e0060 Low Health P1 800bffba0000 Low Health P2 800c2ef20000 No Power Moves P1 800c01160000 No Power Moves P2 800c304e0000
Thanks to Revolution readers Brian, Taion and Andy Sharp!!!