Enter the following at the Main Menu:
Super Tank – L1, L2, L1, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L2, L1, R2
Invincibility – L2, L1, R2, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L1
Bonus Level – L1, L2, L1, L2, R2, R1, Square, Circle, Square, Square
Double the strength of your shield:
When you are selecting a tank, press and hold down L1+R2+L2+R1 and Select. Hold the buttons until the level starts.
GameShark Codes
Infinite Cannon 800b77080008 Infinite Guided Missiles 800b76ae0008 Infinite Ion Cannon 800b76780100 Infinite Specials 800b76b200e8 Infinite Mines 800b76f60010 Infinite Phoenix Missiles 800b76c00008 Infinite Plasma 800b768a0100 Infnite Shield 800b75640100 Infinite Laser 1 800b76540100 Infinite Laser 2 800b76660100
Thanks to Revolution readers Kirk Kippenhan, Kyle, Jayme Green, Ryan Kareliusson, Rob, and Charles Allen!