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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
/ FAQ/Walkthrough /
|/ |/
/| Version 1.7 /|
/ | Last updated: 1/16/07 / |
| / | /
| Authored by: Berserker |
| Email: berserker_kev(at)yahoo.com |
Homepage: http://www.berserkersblog.blogspot.com
This document Copyright 2007 - 2008 Kevin Hall (Berserker)
Resident Evil 4 Copyright 2007 Capcom Ltd.
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---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Section I: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [IN00]
Section II: Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [BS00]
- Control Setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CS00]
- Basic Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [BC00]
- Herbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [HE00]
- Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [IT00]
- General Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [GT00]
- Escorting Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ET00]
- Treasure Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TT00]
Section III: Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT00]
- The Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT01]
-- Chapter 1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH11]
-- Chapter 1-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH12]
-- Chapter 1-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH13]
-- Chapter 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH21]
-- Chapter 2-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH22]
-- Chapter 2-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH23]
- The Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT02]
-- Chapter 3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH31]
-- Chapter 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH32]
-- Chapter 3-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH33]
-- Chapter 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH34]
-- Chapter 4-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH41]
-- Chapter 4-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH42]
- The Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT03]
-- Chapter 5-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH51]
-- Chapter 5-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH52]
-- Chapter 5-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH53]
-- Chapter 5-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH54]
-- Final Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CHFC]
Section IV: Separate Ways Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SW00]
- Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH01]
- Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH02]
- Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH03]
- Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH04]
- Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH05]
Section V: Assignment Ada Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [AA00]
Section VI: The Mercenaries Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TM00]
- Character Overviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CT00]
- Mercenary Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MT00]
- Stage Overviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SO00]
Section VII: Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WE00]
- Main (Leon's Game) Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LW00]
- Separate Ways (Ada's Game) Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . [AW00]
Section VIII: Treasure List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TL00]
- Treasure List (Leon's Game) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TL01]
- Treasure Location Guide (Leon's Game) . . . . . . . . . . [TL02]
- Separate Ways Treasure List (Ada's Game) . . . . . . . . [TL03]
- Separate Ways Treasure Location Guide (Ada's Game) . . . [TL04]
Section IX: Unlockables & Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [UN00]
- Extra Outfits and Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [EO00]
- Bonus Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [BM00]
- Shooting Gallery and Bottle Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SG00]
- Extra Merchant Phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [EM00]
- Miscellaneous Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ME00]
Section X: Everything Else . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [EE00]
- Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [FA00]
- Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CO00]
- Special Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ST00]
- Version History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [VH00]
- Contact Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CI00]
- About Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [AM00]
- My Plea to New RE Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MP00]
- Cheat Happens Featured Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH00]
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Every story has a beginning, every play has an opening, every game has a
starting point...
Every FAQ has an introduction... or something that resembles one.
Way back in the year of 1996, I first had the chance to play a horror game
known as Resident Evil. I had been a horror movie fan for quite a while before
the release and I was amazed at how much the game established a horror movie
setting - even complete with voice acting. Ever since then I have followed the
series religiously from console to console, literally letting its presence
decide which gaming console I will get next.
I bought a Dreamcast when it shifted to Sega's console and a Gamecube when the
main series was announced for the last generation Nintendo console. My current
favorite Resident Evil is CVX, but Resident Evil 4 has ramped up the gameplay
quite a bit since then. The new action style gameplay is intense and
satisfying as hell making the killing sprees all the more satisfying, because
of this -
Casualties continue to mount over the long years I have struggled.
Yeah, many Ganados and Zealots died in the making of my previous RE4 and
Separate Ways treasure FAQs. The body count isn't going to stop there though,
it still continues even as you read this. Oho, I know what you're thinking:
"ANOTHER walkthrough for Resident Evil 4? Good god man, stop hitting that poor
animal - the mutilated horse has been long since dead, just leave it be!"
Well, I have wanted to write a complete guide for Resident Evil 4 for quite a
while, but the Gamecube version came and went, and so did the PS2 version -
More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting (writing) for.
Having played through RE4 multiple times on three different systems I can
promise you that I know it extremely well. Professional mode? It's been
completed once for all three systems. The Mercenaries five star ranking? The
same. The main mode of RE4? Well -
Who knows?
Not even I do. Looking away from that, as I've already said, this game has
been covered beyond covered and I don't know how well this guide will hold up
with the other great guides already on the various gaming sites - that's for
you to decide -
But there's one thing I do know...
I have a job to do and I'm gonna' see it through!
That job? Making sure to cover Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition as thoroughly as
possible and giving you, the reader, the most descriptive guide I can write in
the process. I have spent quite a bit of time on this guide, and hopefully
that effort has paid off. This intro? Well, I spent about 10 minutes on it.
If you got that pun of my buddy, Chris Redfield, up above then you deserve a
cookie + red herb mixture. By the way, if you haven't watched the latest
trailer for Resident Evil 5 yet then do yourself a favor and visit the link
The Resident Evil 5 trailer literally served as my background noise while
writing this walkthrough. The sounds of savage villagers put me at ease.
Please read on and enjoy the rest of the guide.
- Berserker
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== | ================================================================= | ==
All the basic information about Resident Evil 4 is detailed here. The tips
section may be worth a read for experienced players. Who knows? You might
learn something you didn't know.
-- Wii remote (Wii-mote) and Nunchuk
- Remote
A = Action/Fire (while aiming)
B = Aim
1 = Map
2 = Option menu
- = Pull up inventory
+ = Ashley commands
Home = Wii Home Menu
D-pad = Move camera
- Nunchuk
C = Equip knife
Z = Hold to run while moving
Analog = Move/Look (in aiming mode)
-- Classic Controller
B = Hold to run while moving
A = Action/Fire (while aiming)
Y = Pull up inventory
X = Ashley commands
R = Aim
L = Equip knife
ZR = Map
ZL = Map
- = Pull up inventory
+ = Option menu
Home = Wii Home Menu
Left Analog = Move/Look (in aiming mode)
D-pad = Move/Look (in aiming mode)
Right Analog = Move camera
-- Gamecube Controller
* To use a Gamecube Controller, plug it into the top of the Wii then unhook the
nunchuk or classic controller from the remote while the game is on.
B = Hold to run while moving
A = Action/Fire (while aiming)
Y = Pull up inventory
X = Ashley commands
R = Aim
L = Equip knife
Z = Map
Start = Option menu
Analog = Move/Look (in aiming mode)
D-pad = Move/Look (in aiming mode)
C-stick = Move camera
>> Reloading
a) Hold the B button then perform a down - up motion with the Wii-mote.
b) Hold the B button then tap a direction (any direction) on the D-pad of the
To reload with a controller, hold the R button and press B.
>> Slashing with the Knife
a) Perform a slashing motion from right to left with the Wii-mote.
b) Hold C on the nunchuk (L on controller) then press A on the Wii-mote (or
>> Special Attacks
Leon can perform two special physical attacks when fighting a human-like enemy.
These special attacks should be mastered since they are quite helpful. Leon is
invincible during both of these animations.
- Roundhouse Kick
Shoot a human-like enemy in the head then run up and press A as the enemy
staggers. The "kick" command will appear when standing next to a
straggling enemy.
- Straight Kick or Suplex
Shoot the bottom of a human-like enemy's leg to make the enemy fall on
his/her knees. Quickly approach the enemy for a "Kick" or "Suplex"
command then press the A button to perform the action.
Ganados = Straight Kick
Zealots and Soldier Ganados = Suplex
>> Ashley Controls
- Catching Ashley
In order for Ashley to get down from high places, Leon much catch her by
pressing the A button when the icon appears. Both of them are invincible
during this animation.
- Following and waiting commands
Press the + button (X with controller) to have Ashley wait in place.
Press the button again to have Ashley follow Leon. It can turn into a
game of "Red Light, Green Light" and Ashley is a pro player.
- Have her hide in red containers
While near a red container, press the + button (X with controller) to have
Ashley hide in the crate when the button icon appears. Press the button
again to have here pop out. Leon whistles to Ashley like an owner does to
a dog and Ashley responds like a little puppy does to its master's
>> Saving the Game
Like all Resident Evil's, approach a typewriter to save your game. Watch for
the "Save" command. Unlike the other games in the series, RE4 does not require
ink ribbons in order to save progress allowing the player to save an infinite
number of times.
There is no way to delete individual saves without deleting the main save file,
so don't clog all twenty save slots unless you don't mind the multitude of
saved games. Overwriting is the only option for disposing of a prior save.
| Herb | Description |
| Green Herb | restores slight health |
| Red Herb | restores full health when combined |
| | with green herb |
| Yellow Herb | slightly boosts life gauge when |
| | combined with a green herb or green |
| | herb and red herb mixture |
| Green Herb + Green Herb | restores moderate health |
| Green Herb + Green Herb + Green Herb | restores full health |
| Green Herb + Red Herb | restores full health |
| Green Herb + Yellow Herb | restores slight health and boosts |
| | life gauge |
| Green Herb + Red Herb + Yellow Herb | restores full health and boosts life |
| | gauge |
Item pickups are spread throughout the main game of RE4 and other modes just
like in other RE games. Find the items lying in an area, in a box or other
breakable object or from enemy drops.
>> Items lying in the Area
Most of the time, the items that lie in an area (in the open) will always be
the same from game to game, which is why they are labeled in the walkthrough.
>> Box and other Breakable Objects
Use Leon's knife in order to break these types of objects to possibly receive a
random item. Sometimes the items will be the same in each game but most the
boxes contain random items.
>> Enemy Drops
Once enemies are defeated, they will drop an item that will glow one of three
colors to represent what type of item they drop.
-- Red = Ammo
-- Blue = Pesetas
-- Green = Recovery
-- Destroy breakable objects with the knife
In the Wii version, Leon will automatically target a breakable object with the
knife, so it's even easier now to break open boxes, barrels, or vases with the
knife. Only use a gun to break open objects in Battle Mode (The Mercenaries)
where time is crucial.
-- Look for the blue flames
The merchant usually has blue flames around him to signal that he is open for
-- Shoot enemies in the head or knees
Always go for the head or knees and take advantage of the special attack that
Leon will gain for extra damage without the need for weapons. If an enemy is
running toward you then shoot him in the knees to instantly make that enemy
fall flat on his face and expose his head to Leon.
-- Take advantage of special attacks for crowd control
Pick out one enemy from a crowd and shoot the enemy in the head then run toward
him and kick him to possible knock down the whole crowd around him in the
process. Remember that Leon is invincible once the animation starts! This can
be risky sometimes however since enemies will sometimes stagger backward into
the crowd once shot.
-- Make an enemy drop a weapon
Shoot the arm that is holding a weapon to make an enemy drop the currently
equipped weapon. This is mainly useful for enemies that carry a large weapon.
Enemies with throwing weapons (such as axes) will only take out another once a
weapon is dropped.
Another way to disarm an enemy is to knock that enemy down with a kick.
-- Shoot thrown weapons or darts before they reach Leon
With the Wii-mote this is much easier than before. Shoot whatever weapon is
thrown or shot toward Leon to instantly make it ricochet away from Leon.
-- Slash enemies with a knife while they are down
Low on ammo? Perform a special kick or other attack on enemies then aim
downward (C button aim recommended) and slash at them while they are grounded.
Keep in mind that you can slash an enemy in the face to make the enemy stagger
then kick him to avoid using ammo for the stunning process.
Using a knife on a fallen enemy works much better in Professional mode where
enemies are tougher and ammo is slightly scarce; it's really not needed for
normal mode.
-- Dealing with Las Plagas (Plagas heads)
If an enemy "Plagases out" on Leon, throw a flash grenade to instantly kill the
Plagas. This works on ANY type of Plagas, even the little spider types.
Another good method is to use a rifle and aim directly at the Plagas then shoot
for an instant kill. The TMP sometimes works well if you aim for the head
while shooting also.
-- Dealing with shielded enemies
Shoot a shielded enemy with a shotgun blast from up close to instantly break
his shield. A rifle shot will pierce right through a shield - shoot a shielded
enemy at the top portion of his shield with a rifle and you might just pop his
head. A TMP is good for eating away at shields as well - go for the legs and
keep firing.
Also, the Punisher handgun will automatically fire right through shields, which
can really help out for when you don't want to switch to a shotgun while
shooting Zealots.
-- Dealing with flamers (Ganados with torches)
When a Ganado carries a torch, wait for him to walk up to Leon and shoot him as
he attempts to breathe fire to set him ablaze. Be warned that some Ganados
will actually swing the torches at Leon however.
-- Bosses fear the rocket launcher
Most bosses and big enemies will fall by shooting them with one rocket from the
rocket launcher. For bosses with two forms, the second portion of the battle
will begin after one hit from the rocket launcher. El Gigantes fall with one
hit from the rocket launcher without even having to worry about hitting their
-- Skip cutscenes when enemies descend/appear
Keep dying at one portion of the game because you have little time to react?
There are a few fights where you can skip the cutscene of the enemies preparing
for battle in order to react quicker. This is especially useful with the cage
trap in the castle.
-- There's something behind you
Most of the humanoid enemies will respond in a certain way when they are behind
Leon. The Ganados will yell out a certain phrase in Spanish and the Zealots
will laugh. Learn the different reactions and you can take action before an
enemy sneaks up behind Leon.
-- Running slightly faster
Equip a grenade or an egg (yes, an egg) and Leon will have both arms free
allowing him to run a bit faster. He also runs faster with the Rocket
Launchers equipped since they are strapped to his back.
-- Swinging on chandeliers
To always make a chandelier swing on the first try, keep tapping the A button
as Leon starts to swing. Once the button icon appears then Leon will
immediately leap to the other side of whatever platform he is trying to reach.
-- Keep Ashley behind Leon at all times
Make sure that Ashley is always behind Leon. If she is in front then be sure
to wait for her to duck before firing. While she is behind Leon, Ashley will
always get behind him while Leon aims with his gun!
-- Do not lead Ashley into crowds with Leon
Tell her to wait in a safe location while charging into crowds. Don't leave
her alone for too long however.
-- Clear her path of traps
Don't lead her through a bear trap or other type of trap (C4).
-- Heal Ashley every time she takes damage
The best way to heal her is with eggs (white eggs) since she has such a small
life bar at the beginning. Give her yellow herbs to increase her life bar.
Don't throw the eggs at her. They do no harm but- Well, ok you can toss a few
at her.
-- Dealing with kidnappers
When an enemy grabs her and tries to walk away with her, shoot the enemy in the
legs to make him instantly drop Ashley. The shotgun works well to drop a
kidnapper as well. As long as Leon does not aim directly at Ashley she will
not get hit.
Throwing a flash grenade will make an enemy drop Ashley as well.
-- Never aim if you want Ashley to move
When Leon aims, Ashley will always duck and take cover if she is in front of
Leon. If you want her to move then Leon will have to stop aiming. This can be
a little annoying at some parts.
-- An enemy in the area
Keep an eye on Ashley as she runs behind Leon and she will look to the side
when an enemy is near.
-- Ashley will dodge along with Leon
When dodging an attack via an on-screen sequence, Ashley will not get hit by
the attack as long as Leon dodges it. A perfect example is when El Gigante
falls in the Right path in the village and when a knight swings and axe as
Leon. Ashley will duck down and the objects will pass right through her while
Leon dodges out of the way.
-- Always combine treasures when possible
Combined treasure will yield a greater value when sold to the merchant. Be
sure to keep two Blue Eyes for a replay game's two Butterfly Lamps since Blue
Eyes are very rare most of the time.
-- Hoard EVERY item!
If Leon doesn't have a weapon for a certain type of ammo, grab it anyway and
sell it to the merchant. Before leaving a merchant, make sure that Leon has
room in his inventory to carry new items; if not then consider selling some
-- Crow Hunting
Shoot any crows that you find in an area. A flash grenade can bring down a
group of crows while they are on the ground. If a crow flies away it will
always fly around up above so you still have a chance to it - an even greater
chance with the Wii-mote. Sometimes a crow will carry treasure or high
quantities of PTAS. A few even carry grenades and ammo!
-- Fishing
Use the knife to slash or use a gun to shoot at fish in the water then collect
them for extra healing items. Throw a single hand grenade into the water to
instantly kill a whole school of fish, just make sure you have the inventory
space to collect them. Sell them to the merchant for Extra PTAS! A large bass
yields 2300 PTAS.
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| M A I N G A M E W A L K T H R O U G H |
== | ================================================================= | ==
The main game (Leon's game) is the only option of gameplay available from the
start. Six years have passed since the Raccoon City incident involving the
viral outbreak. Leon is in charge of saving the President's daughter (Ashley)
from a cult group in Europe that has kidnapped her and brought her to this side
of the world for reasons yet unknown.
He journeys to a small village in Europe to start his search for Ashley. Leon
will meet up with a horde of savage villagers that seem to be controlled by
something (but what?) as well as a mysterious acquaintance from his past (that
seemed to never wait up on him then and continues to leave him in the dust even
NOTE: Keep in mind that the boss hit points (or life) in the walkthrough is
based on a rough estimate of gunfire that I used while fighting each boss.
Some may not be totally accurate.
T H E V I L L A G E [WT01]
"Just up ahead is the village."
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/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ / /___/ /
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__ Woods __
Objective: Question the villagers on the whereabouts of Ashley.
Hunnigan will send Leon a ++PLAYING MANUAL++ file after the beginning
cutscenes. View it through the "Files" menu under the inventory menu. Leon
also starts with a ++INFO ON ASHLEY++ file and a ++COMMUNICATION LOG++, which
will be updated after each radio conversation.
The game will start with Leon positioned next to the car that the local police
were driving in the earlier cutscene with a path in front of him. Run down the
path and a cutscene will play once Leon gets near the cabin up ahead. Walk to
the left end of the cabin to find a wooden box that can be broken with a knife
swing or weapon shot - these are located throughout the main game and they will
usually contain a random item.
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the right crow furthest in the back along the path |
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot the rest of the crows |
| -- Extra Dialogue/Scenes |
| * Try to shoot any part of the car (try this on each side of the car) |
| * Try to run across the bridge |
| * Approach the car and talk to each officer |
The truck to the east blocks the east path, so enter the house via the front
door (open [A] or kick it open [double tap A]). Walk into the next room and a
cutscene will activate. A Ganado (or villager) will attack after the cutscene.
Aim at his head or leg and shoot then run up and perform a special attack (A up
close) while he staggers or falls to his knees; shoot him in the head while
he's down to finish him off. A cutscene will play once again.
The Ganados outside will hold the door to trap Leon inside directly after the
cutscene, so he must find another means of escape. If the first Ganado dropped
anything then be sure to grab it. Enemies will drop money (pesetas or salable
items), healing items, and ammo in this game. Check his body for a reference
to the past RE's. This one is not a zombie. Run up the stairs and leap out
the window, or just leap out the window on the bottom floor.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the second floor of the cabin on a table |
Objective: Fight off the hostile locals
Run away just a bit then turn and shoot at the three Ganados. Don't let them
surround Leon - turn and run if they do. Go for their heads or legs to have a
chance at special attacks once they fall.
| Extra Cutscene |
| * Walk all the way back to the area where the cop car was and check the |
| side of the cliff next to the bridge for an extra cutscene |
Objective: Investigate the village
Enter the shed down the newly-open path. On the table inside is a typewriter
where the game can be saved and there is also some handgun ammo and breakable
boxes. Continue down the path and some whimpering will be heard from a dog
that got himself trapped in a bear trap. Walk over to him and interact when
the "Help" option appears in order to free him. This dog will help Leon later
if he is freed in this manner. Keep in mind that the signpost with the skulls
will always mean that there are traps nearby for any area that it is located
around them.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table next to the typewriter |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Kill the crow on the signpost with skulls along the |
| | path |
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Kill the other crow next to the above crow |
| [ ] Red Herb | After reaching the signpost along the trail past the |
| | dog (the one that points to Pueblo Village), check in |
| | the bushes by the tree near the fence. |
| Extra Info |
| * Free the dog and it will help Leon later in the game. Shoot him or leave |
| him and he will not help later. (see first El Gigante fight for details) |
There is an extra bear trap in the bushes to the left so be careful when
walking around that area - hit the bear traps with a knife swing or shoot them
to set them off. Continue along the trail and some C4 traps will become
visible up ahead. The middle area between the trees contains a bear trap;
disarm it and continue. When the Ganado at the top of the hill spots Leon,
walk back through the middle of the trees and get behind one of the tripwires
for the C4 and the Ganado may actually walk through it. Shoot one of the C4
explosives as he walks through the middle if he doesn't set it off himself and
the explosion will most likely kill him.
Further along the path, Leon will be able to enter another shed on the left
side. Enter it and grab the items. Notice the gruesome display along the wall
near the doorway.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the shelf next to the small wooden box in the shed |
Two more Ganados will attack Leon once he moves along the path ahead. Run
across the bridge and a trio of Ganados will see Leon approaching from a hill
up above. These Ganados cannot be shot at so don't waste the ammo. They don't
attack. Strangely, they are never there during a replay game.
Shoot the Ganado in the shed to the left on the other side of the bridge. He
can actually be shot through the small opening along the side of the shed while
approaching it if you're aiming is precise at the right moment.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table in the shed |
Follow the path outside and open the gate up ahead.
__ Pueblo Village __
Hunnigan will contact Leon once again at the start of this area and she will
give him a ++PLAYING MANUAL 2++ file. As Leon walks a bit down the trail, he
will get a "Look" option that can be used with the press of the A button. This
will allow him to spy in on the village with the Z (Zoom in) and C (Zoom out)
buttons on the nunchuk.
| Extra Scenes |
| * Press the A button when the "Look" option appears. The binoculars were |
| once a normal feature in the GC demo version of RE4 (Japanese demo) where |
| Leon could take them out whenever a certain button was pressed. They |
| were basically useless though. |
| * Enter the middle house with the shotgun |
This area can be done in several different ways. Do you want to gain every
possible item in this area? Well then, be sure to defeat the chainsaw Ganado
(Dr. Salvador) at the northeast end of the village and defeat the second
chainsaw Ganado that will appear outside after Leon enters the house with the
Do you want to barricade Leon into a house and remain safe until the Ganados
stop attacking? Enter the house with the shotgun and push the bookcase against
the door on the bottom floor. Run upstairs and keep the Ganados from entering
the windows by pushing down the ladder. Shoot the Ganados on the roof with a
weapon as they try to enter from the side. The house across from the house
with the shotgun is a good place to lay low also since Leon can barricade the
door inside as well, but remember that there is only way in and out of that
building! Don't try to stay in the tower on the east end or the Ganados will
throw cocktails up at Leon to force him to climb down.
Here is my usual plan for this area:
Start by running down the path to the south and entering the shed near the
doors on that end of the village. Collect the items from the wooden boxes
inside (one is always a flash grenade) then head back and hug the side wall
while going around the side of the north building (the boarded-up barn). Run
to the northeast. Collect the Green Herb from the logs to the left along the
way and enter the second building by jumping through the window - the female
Ganado nearby will not hear this! Collect the handgun ammo and the items from
the boxes and barrel then exit by jumping through the window. Moving further
to the northeast will alert the female Ganado, so just run up to the box near
her and collect the red herb after breaking it.
Note: The Ganado pushing the wheelbarrow in the middle of the village is the
hardest one to get past without being seen - his vision is superb. Do the
first part of the above strategy as quickly as possible (until entering the
building via the window) after entering the village and Leon will not be
noticed. That particular Ganado will have his back to Leon most of the time
during that time period.
Run very fast to the northeast exit. Two Ganados and a chainsaw Ganado will be
guarding the northeast exit to the village. Shoot the Ganado on the left side
in the head since he will run faster than the others and throw a grenade at the
back chainsaw Ganado - this will kill the other two and knock down the chainsaw
Ganado. Rush up to the chainsaw Ganado with the handgun equipped and fire
directly at his head. Fire! Fire! And keep firing at his head even while he
rises then knock him down with a kick when he staggers. Keep constant pressure
on him and he will eventually die. Grab the Ruby from him then use headshots
and kicks to knock down the other Ganados on the way down the path to the
Enter the house with the shotgun to trigger the scene with the second chainsaw
Ganado. Don't barricade anything! Run to the side below the stairs and break
both barrels then collect the Handgun ammo. Climb the stairs then grab the
shotgun from the wall, break the hand grenade out of the glass, collect the
PTAS on the table, grab the shotgun ammo from the nearby table, push down the
ladder then jump outside. Run toward the nearby building then turn directly
around - this way there's less likely to be a Ganado in the back of Leon since
the building is behind him.
The chainsaw Ganado should be right near the house that Leon jumped from. Make
sure that Leon is the center of his attention - that is he is coming for Leon
(shoot him with a bullet if you must) - and throw a hand grenade at him. Run
directly toward him as the hand grenade knocks him down and turn to face the
approaching Ganados. Fire at the chainsaw Ganado with the shotgun directly in
the head while he is down. Fire at any other approaching Ganado if they get
too close. Keep firing until the chainsaw Ganado rises then throw a flash
grenade to stun any Ganados and the chainsaw Ganado. Continue unloading on the
chainsaw Ganado while the others are stunned until he is dead. Make sure that
Leon reloads while the chainsaw Ganado is down on the ground (count the shots
while firing) - switch to the handgun if Leon has no time to reload.
Having problems with the time limit? Try making it to the far northeast end
without picking up ANY items then go through the normal means of killing both
chainsaw Ganados. This shouldn't make it much harder, but it will definitely
give more time for killing the chainsaw wielders.
The time for this area is based on two things: (a) How many Ganados Leon kills
and (b) how much time has passed. Once the cutscene with the Ganados running
has played then the time for Ganado cleansing has almost come to an end. Once
the church bell rings in the cutscene that will ultimately follow, the Ganados'
attacks will cease and they will leave the area. Hunnigan will contact Leon
again and he will be free to explore the village freely after the radio
| [ ] Flash Grenade | In the one of the boxes in the shed to the south |
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on a log rack behind the boarded up building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a shelf inside the house next to the bonfire |
| | (northwest house) |
| [ ] Incendiary | In the right box on the table in the house next to the |
| Grenade | bonfire (northwest house) |
| [ ] Red Herb | In the box on the north side of the house next to the |
| | bonfire |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | In the box behind the barn (with the cow) |
| [ ] Red Herb | On a wheelbarrow behind the back east side of the barn |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a shelf inside the house with the shotgun (under the |
| | stairs) |
| [ ] Shotgun | Hanging on a mantle on the second floor right by the |
| | stairs in the middle village house |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On the second floor behind some glass casing on a shelf |
| | in the house with the shotgun |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Lying on a table on the second floor next to a window |
| | in the house with the shotgun |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying on a table on the second floor in the house with |
| | the shotgun |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Jump out the window on the west side of the house with |
| | with the shotgun and check the chimney on the rooftop |
| | of the house next door |
| [ ] Spinel | On the east rooftop of the house with the shotgun (jump |
| | out the window on the west end to reach it) |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | On a bed behind a locked door in the house across from |
| | the house with the shotgun |
| [ ] Green Herb | Check the boarded up log rack on the east side of the |
| | house across from the house with the shotgun |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check the boarded up log rack on the north side of the |
| | insignia building |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying on a table at the top of the tower to the north |
| | of the insignia building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a table inside the right shed along the northeast |
| | path |
| Extra Info |
| * Check the body in the bonfire in the middle of the village. It is one of |
| the cops from earlier! |
Objective: Find the key to open the door with the insignia in Pueblo Village.
Check the building with the insignia on the front door in the east. The door
is locked so Leon must venture to the northeast to find a key. Pick up the
++ALERT ORDER++ file from the wall above the table in the right shed up the
northeast path. Continue through the northeast exit to enter the next area.
__ Farm __
Enter the shed to the left to find a typewriter. Notice the blue ++ABOUT THE
BLUE MEDALLIONS++ paper file hanging on the tree past the fence. This will
tell about the blue medallions scattered around this farm area and the
churchyard in a later chapter. Once ten of them are shot a prize will be
gained from a certain individual that will be revealed later on. There are
seven medallions here.
The chickens in this area will lay eggs +----------------------------------+
that Leon can pick up. The eggs will | PRO MODE HINT |
restore his health by some degree |==================================|
depending on the type - White (barely), | On Professional mode, be sure to |
Brown (moderate), Gold (all). They are | take advantage of the chickens' |
also good for selling to the merchant | eggs and this will help out |
later in the game and giving them to a | greatly for the beginning areas |
certain individual that will accompany | of the game. Leave and return |
Leon. Leon can enter and reenter this | a bunch and stock up! |
area and this will make the chicken lay +----------------------------------+
even more eggs!
The dog here is no threat, he will stand and bark at Leon then run when he is
The Ganados spread around the area will attack as Leon explores the farm so be
ready. They tend to form a group with the first few so take out the shotgun if
a crowd starts to appear near Leon. These Ganados that Leon will face from now
on are more powerful than the ones fought in Pueblo Village as well so be sure
to go for head shots and use kicks to your advantage.
| [ ] Pearl Pendant | Walk over to the well next to the shed with the type- |
| | writer. Shoot the plank holding up the cover to the |
| | well then shoot the pendant. Take the pendant from the |
| | top of the cover. Do this in this order or else the |
| | pendant will become dirty from falling into the water. |
| | It will be worth less pesetas. |
| [ ] Spinel | Check the first blue cabinet on the bottom floor of the |
| | the second barn |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Check the second blue cabinet on the bottom floor of |
| | second barn |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check the third blue cabinet on the top floor of the |
| | second barn |
| [ ] Beerstein | Jump out the second floor (east) window of the second |
| | barn then jump from the opening in the walkway directly |
| | ahead with the plank on the left and the wooden fence |
| | structure to right. Turn to the right upon falling and |
| | break the wooden box to collect the item. Push the |
| | bookcase away from the opening in the shed to get out. |
| [ ] Spinel | Break the box in the shed on the northeast side |
| Blue Medallion Locations (total 7) |
| * Hanging from a branch on the same tree where Leon picks up the "About the |
| Blue Medallions" file |
| * Look toward the first barn while near the shed with the typewriter to see |
| this one hanging from the top opening above the entrance |
| * Hanging on a branch on the tree behind the first barn |
| * On the south side of the second barn, this is hanging from the bottom |
| portion of the roof above the south entrance (look up) |
| * Climb up the ladder in the second barn and turn around to see this |
| hanging from the top opening above the north entrance |
| * Hanging on a windmill piece in the northeast. Aim carefully! |
| * Hanging above the large set of double doors on the northeast side that |
| barred (a little more to the north rather than RIGHT up above them) |
The northeast set of double doors cannot be opened at this time since they are
barred from the other side. Open the doors on the southeast side after
collecting all the items in the area.
__ Booby Trapped Path __
Look up to the left after entering. See the boulder? Walk further ahead and
examine the signpost to the side and Leon will remember this sign from back in
the woods - meaning there is danger ahead. Follow the path down the hill and a
cutscene will play.
Interactive Cutscene:
Wiggle the Wii-mote from left to right to quickly run from the boulder as it
rolls down the hill after Leon. Quickly press A + B to roll out of its way as
Leon reaches the bottom of the hill.
If Leon tries to go back up the hill some Ganados on the bridge above will
throw weapons at him. These Ganados can be shot but their items cannot be
collected if they drop any. Enter the tunnel to the east.
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the first shiny object on the ceiling of the |
| | tunnel |
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the second shiny object on the ceiling of the |
| | tunnel |
On the other side of the tunnel try to scope out the Ganados up ahead. Look
closely and notice the dynamite in the hand of the single Ganado outside the
building. Shoot that dynamite for a perfect start to this area. Otherwise, be
prepared to dodge the dynamite being thrown. Leon can shoot any dynamite in
this area to set it off at any time or shoot a Ganado to stall him and allow it
to blow up in his hands. Keep in mind that a Ganado with lit dynamite will
blow up and destroy everything around him in the process.
Shoot the bear traps around the southwest side of the first big building then
enter the building and take care of the Ganados inside. Another dynamite
thrower is on the north side of this building. Be sure to shoot the C4 and
other bear trap in the shed while collecting the item in there.
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On the table in the second room of the middle building |
| [ ] Spinel | In the left wooden crate on the shelf in the shed |
| [ ] Red Catseye | Shoot the bird's nest up in the tree in front of the |
| | right side of the house |
The left shed has some spiders crawling along the walls that can be shot. One
of the most missed treasures in the game is in the bird's nest in front of the
right side of the house in the east so be sure to shoot the nest and collect
the item. Kick at the lock until the front door of the house opens (3 kicks)
or just shoot the lock (1 shot).
__ Abandoned House __
Inside is a typewriter on the left table. Notice the banging sound coming from
somewhere in the back of the house? Walk through the doorway and shoot the C4
in the hall and in the next room. Push the bookcase blocking the doorway to
the side and walk down the hall ahead. Approach the shaking closet in the back
of the house. It doesn't matter if Leon shoots the closet, throws grenades or
eggs, or what have you at it - it is indestructible. Open the closet to
trigger a cutscene that will end this chapter.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the middle table |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Open the cabinet across from the typewriter |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Lying on the table of the second room |
| [ ] Green Herb | Open the cabinet in the second room |
_______ __ ___ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ < /___|_ |
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ / /___/ __/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /_/ /____/
Chapter 1-2
__ Storage Building __
Interactive cutscene:
Dodge as the axe is about to hit Leon and Luis.
Objective: Find the secret passage in the village that leads to the church.
Walk around the corridor to the side for a cutscene introducing the merchant.
Save the game at the typewriter on the shelf then exit the building. Walk
around the back of the building for another cutscene involving the merchant.
This merchant will allow Leon to buy a set of several items and he will be
around throughout the rest of the chapter of the game. He will carry newer
items as the game progresses.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the shelf in the room where Leon and Luis were tied |
| | up |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Lying next to the typewriter |
| [ ] Red Herb | Break the left wooden barrel behind the merchant |
Sell the 7 Spinels, the Ruby, and the Pearl Pendant but none of the other
treasures. The others are combinable with other treasures for a greater value
and it's best to keep them for now. Above all else, buy the Attache Case M.
The TMP and Rifle are more of your decision. The TMP is much better on the Wii
version thanks to a more precise aim - it can be a good substitute for the
handgun. The Rifle has some good damage, but the precision scope isn't really
needed yet. Don't buy the extra scope since there is absolutely no need for
it, which is true for the entire game really.
| Merchant Items |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | TMP | 10000 |
| Treasure Map (Village) | 3000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Handgun | 8000 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| Rifle | 12000 | ---------------------- | |
As for upgrades, it would be good to mainly upgrade the capacity and reload
speed for your weapons. Seconds matter in intense fights with several Ganados
more than damage at this point. Upgrade the shotgun more than the handgun
since Leon will be keeping it longer.
| Handgun |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.2 | 7000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.47 | 4000 |
| Firing Speed | Lv 2 | 0.40 | 5000 | Capacity | Lv 2 | 13 | 4000 |
| Shotgun |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 4.5 | 15000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.43 | 7000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 2 | 8 | 8000 |
| Rifle |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 5.0 | 10000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 3.23 | 8000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 2 | 7 | 6000 |
Walk toward the double doors in front of the building for a cutscene.
__ Mountain Village __
Open or kick open the doors - it doesn't matter, the Ganados will be all over
Leon in just a minute anyway. It is possible to lead Ganados through the
double doors and blast them from the other side. Also there are holes in the
brick gate that Leon can shoot through. Try to go for headshots then kick them
off the side of the bridges. Sometimes a Ganado will automatically fall to his
death when he is shot on the bridge. Try to shoot the Ganados on the high
ledges and buildings before getting too close to them since they will throw
dynamite or weapons from a distance.
The gate at the far north end of the village is locked and requires a medallion
to open it, so the main objective here is to search for the two halves of the
medallion. One half, the ++EMBLEM (LEFT HALF)++, is on the southeast end at
the top of a hill and the other half, the ++EMBLEM (RIGHT HALF)++ is on the
southwest end on top of the middle building in the village. Climb the ladder
in the center of the middle building to get up to the rooftop. They are both
hidden inside of treasure chests. Both halves are guarded by Ganados with
throwing weapons.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a shelf inside the middle building (southwest end) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a crate inside the middle building (middle room) |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Open the single locker in the middle building |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Open the locker on the left inside of the small north- |
| | east building |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Open the locker on the right inside of the small north- |
| | east building. |
From the rooftop of the middle building, Leon can get the perfect view of the
Ganados on the high ledges and rooftops so make sure to take advantage of this.
A rifle could come in handy here, but still, the Wii-mote makes sniping just as
possible with a handgun or TMP.
Once Leon has both halves of the medallion, examine the gate on the east end of
the village then combine both halves through the menu to get the ++HEXAGONAL
EMBLEM++. Use the Emblem on the gate to unlock it.
__ Outside Facility __
Break the wooden barrel to the right of the entrance doors by the dumpster,
break the two barrels down the left path. Kick open the facility doors after
exploring the outside of the facility.
__ Inside the Facility __
While breaking the first barrel off to the left a mask can be noticed through
the hole in the wall to the side, but this cannot be collected until Leon moves
deeper into the facility. Aim at the boards on the left wall in that room to
see that the cursor turns red while moving over them - this is the key to
getting this. Continue through the doors on the opposite side for now. A wave
Ganados will attack Leon through the next set of doors, watch for the weapon
throwers as usual. Step behind the crate next to the door that Leon just
opened and let them come your way to play it safe or just go charging in!
Jump through one of the windows along the side of the wall after fighting off
the first Ganado wave. Ganados will stand on the other side of the room and
toss dynamite at Leon. The best way to approach this part is to shoot one of
the sticks of dynamite while it is near them - this will take out the whole
group. Use the A button while standing behind the dumpster ("Crouch" command)
to duck the dynamite blast. While Leon is ducking hold the B button to make
him aim then let go of the button to make him return to his ducking state.
Take note of the nine bear traps spread around the room and disarm them while
running over to any pickups. The next room with the dripping ceilings is where
Leon can get the mask from earlier. Break the board on the south wall then hop
into the room and collect it.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the cover to the first fireplace on the right |
| [ ] Spinel | Open the cover to the second fireplace on the right |
| [ ] Elegant Mask | In the room with the dripping ceiling (past the room |
| | with bear traps) break the wooden boards on the opening |
| | of the south wall and jump through the opening to find |
| | this on the left |
Continue through the next door and move down the stairs. A single Ganado will
attack near the ladder at the end. Shoot him in the head and kick him off into
the water for an instant kill. Jump down into the water below for some items.
There are quite a number of fish here and Leon can kill them and pick them up
as items. They will restore his health or they can be sold to the merchant.
Throw a hand grenade into the water to kill most of them instantly. Make sure
that there is enough room in Leon's inventory to carry them all. The Large
Bass takes up about as much as a shotgun.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check in the water |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Check in the water (behind the ladder) |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Check in the water (behind the ladder) |
| [ ] Large Bass | Kill it in the water then pick it up |
| [ ] Bass | Kill them in the water then pick them up |
Round up the fish then climb back up the ladder. Climb up the next ladder.
__ Path to the Chief's House __
Turn to the left to spot a treasure hanging above the well. Notice the
signpost with the skulls revealing that there are traps in the area. Shoot the
C4 along with the 3 bear traps up ahead before moving down the path - one of
the bear traps is on the left side just in case Leon tries to slip past the C4.
| [ ] Brass Pocket | Shoot the plank holding up the well lid then shoot the |
| Watch | pocket watch. Retrieve it while it is on the lid top |
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot the crows along the path ahead (the C4 can kill |
| | the furthest two) |
Walk up the stairs of the house at the top of the hill. At the top and to the
side is a door that requires Leon to rotate the large crystal ball on the door
so that it matches up with the Illuminados symbols along the sides.
| / |
| |/ |
| /| |
| / | |
| | / |
| | |
| /
-- SOLUTION: Rotate it UP then LEFT.
__ Chief Mendez's House __
The door will slide away and allow Leon into the house. Walk inside and search
the room for goodies.
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Inside of the closet to the right just as Leon enters |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check the left drawer of the desk to find this |
Pick up the --INSIGNIA KEY-- from the open box on the dresser across from the
entrance. This is the key that will allow Leon into that one locked building
back in Pueblo Village. Collect the ++CHIEF'S NOTE++ file from the bed.
Notice the window to the side of this room. Try to break it with a knife. It
can't be broken, and it is indestructible for a reason. I'll share the info
behind this at the beginning of the next chapter so as not to spoil anything.
Open the door for a cutscene that will end this chapter.
_______ __ ___ ____
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ < /___|_ /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ / /___//_ <
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /_/ /____/
__ Chief Mendez's House __
Objective: Find the church
Once the radio cutscene is over check the cabinet for some extra pesetas and be
sure to open the door that leads to the room Leon just exited from in the last
chapter to get the extra cutscene - it provides a good setup for a cutscene
later in the game.
| [ ] Green Herb | Open the cabinet below the picture of "the hooded man" |
| | on the second floor |
| Extra Cutscene |
| * Open the door to the room that Leon exited from in the last chapter |
Now, about the window that I mentioned in the last chapter, it was
indestructible because "the woman in red" always shoots through the window then
Chief Mendez destroys it in the extra cutscene. In the Gamecube version the
window is breakable prior to the cutscene and it always appears fixed in the
cutscene of the next chapter.
Run down the stairs. Open the door below the stairs to find a Ganado in the
restroom! Check around the dining room for a few item pickups then save at the
typewriter. Open the front door.
| [ ] Incendiary | Break the glass casing on the shelf to the right of the |
| Grenade | fireplace and grab the grenade |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Open the cabinet across from the shelf described above |
| [ ] Brown Chicken | Open the oven across from the typewriter |
| Egg | |
__ Path to Pueblo Village __
A few Ganados and a chainsaw Ganado will attack as Leon steps out of the house.
A grenade is very useful at this part (hand or incendiary). Use the shotgun to
keep the chainsaw Ganado grounded and try to focus on the other Ganados since
the one with the chainsaw takes much longer to kill.
| [ ] Ruby | Kill the chainsaw Ganado |
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the bird's nest on the branch in one of the trees |
| | on the path down to the shed |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Shoot the bird's nest on the branch in one of the trees |
| | a little ways from the shed |
Be sure to shoot the bird nests up in the trees for some extra pickups along
the path. A group of Ganados will be waiting at the very end of the path.
Open the doors at the end to reenter Pueblo Village.
__ Pueblo Village __
A few Ganados followed by a whole swarm of Ganados will attack as Leon makes
his way into the village. Use a hand grenade or incendiary grenade from the
top of the path if they start to group up too much. Beware the Ganados on the
rooftops in the middle of the village. There are no new items in the village
at this time. Approach the middle building with the insignia door and use the
insignia key to unlock it.
__ Insignia Building __
Save your game at the typewriter and collect all the items in the area. Open
the door and shoot the lantern up above for a Spinel. These lanterns can be
shot in later chapters to set enemies on fire while they are below them.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the top of the cabinet |
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the lantern hanging from the ceiling in the next |
| | room |
Open the trapdoor on the floor then jump down into the opening in the floor and
follow the tunnel at the bottom. Another lantern will be hanging in the middle
of the cave; shoot it to make some valuable items glimmer in the remaining
light on the ceiling of the cave.
| [ ] Spinel | On the ceiling of the cave, shoot it after shooting the |
| | lantern |
| [ ] Spinel | On the ceiling of the cave, beside the one above |
| [ ] Elegant | Same room as the above Spinel, but turn around and back |
| Headdress | up to see it after shooting the lantern |
__ Secret Tunnel __
Continue deeper into the cave and a cutscene will play that introduces another
merchant. He will mention the blue medallions that Leon received a note about
all the way back in the Farm area. The Churchyard that contains the rest of
the blue medallions is right up ahead so don't bother upgrading the current
handgun any since Leon will be getting another one by shooting all of the
medallions. The only new item that merchant has is a stock (this helps to make
the cursor steady when equipped to the TMP) and he offers upgrades for the TMP
now. Sell the Spinels, the Ruby, the Brass Pocket Watch, and the Elegant
Headdress to him for some extra pesetas.
| Merchant Items |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | TMP | 10000 |
| Treasure Map (Village) | 3000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Handgun | 8000 | * Stock (TMP) | 4000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Rifle | 12000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| TMP |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 0.5 | 7000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.93 | 5000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 2 | 50 | 7000 |
Open the door and climb the ladder at the end of the tunnel.
__ Churchyard __
A few Ganados will attack as Leon first enters the graveyard. Check the twin
gravestones located in the graveyard to find pairs of twin symbol designs on
top of them. These symbols will be used in a puzzle up ahead. All the rest of
the blue medallions are spread around this area as well. The requirement is
ten, but be sure to shoot them all for an even better prize!
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Shoot the bird's nest directly above the doorway while |
| | moving away from the ladder |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Shoot the bird's nest before walking up to the overhead |
| | wood structure |
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot the three crows out in the graveyard when Leon |
| | makes it to the overhead wood structure |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table in the shed |
| Blue Medallion Locations (8 total) |
| * Hanging from a branch of a tree in front of the shed (in the background) |
| * Hanging from a branch of a tree that is near the fence along the path |
| leading to the church |
| * Hanging from a branch of a tree on the north middle portion of the grave- |
| yard |
| * Hanging from a branch that extends across the north side of the church. |
| Shoot it from the front of the church |
| * After retrieving the green catseye from the puzzle pedestal, while still |
| facing the pedestal, look up and to the left to see this hanging from |
| the back portion of the roof of the church |
| * After jumping across the first gap in the bridge behind the church, turn |
| around and look below the bridge to see this one hanging there |
| * Beside the small building along the side of the bridge, hanging from the |
| top portion of the bridge |
| * Before jumping across the second gap in the bridge, look below the bridge |
| portion up ahead to see this hanging from the bottom |
Follow the path leading to the church up above. Some more Ganados will attack
at the top. Shoot the dynamite in the dynamite Ganado's hand to kill them all
quickly. Walk around the right side of the church.
| [ ] Incendiary | Shoot the bird's nest in the tree in front of the church |
| Grenade | (right side) |
| Extra Scenes |
| * Shoot the church bell on the top right side of the church to summon a |
| group of Ganados into the graveyard below. This can be done twice. A |
| Ganado will yell the first two times the bell is shot. |
| * Start to run down the separate path along the right side of the church to |
| get an extra radio call from Hunnigan. |
On the right side, walk up to the shiny object in the pedestal. This puzzle
requires Leon to light up the three designs that were found in the graveyard on
the three twin gravestones. The symbols are as follows:
| -- --/
// / / //
// // // //
// // // //
// //-- / -- /
From the starting position (the top center) move the pointer in the following
** 3 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 **
This will get Leon the green catseye that can be combined with the Beerstein
for extra pesetas when sold to the merchant.
| [ ] Green Catseye | Solve the puzzle in the back of the church to release |
| | this item |
Walk back to the front of the church and check the door for a Hunnigan radio
Objective: Find the engraving that will open the door to the church
Follow the path along the right side of the church and walk out onto the
bridge. Shoot the Ganados and they will most likely fall off the bridge - if
not then just kick them off with a blast to the face followed by a roundhouse.
Inside the building on the left, grab the ++CLOSURE OF THE CHURCH++ file. The
box to the left of the file has a snake in it. Perform two knife swings (one
to break the box and one to kill the snake) in order to kill it and receive a
chicken egg. The snakes will be lurking in a few of these boxes from now on.
Their damage rate is very low if they manage to bite Leon.
| [ ] SNAKE! | Break the box to the left of the file in the small |
| | building on the side of the bridge |
Continue to the end of the bridge and blast the single Ganado guarding the next
door. Open the door at the end.
__ Holding Area __
Notice the group of crows in the middle. Throw a flash grenade to kill them
all then grab all the goodies that they drop. One even carries a flash
grenade! Notice the moaning sounds? That is coming from something behind the
pair of large doors on the east side. Walk down the stairs on the opposite
side of this area.
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot/throw a flash grenade at the group of crows in |
| | the middle of the area |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | The middle crow carries this |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check on the table in the first small building |
| [ ] Spinel | Check on the table in the first small building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check on the table in the third small building |
| [ ] Spinel | On the rocks in the wheelbarrow on the northwest side |
| | of this area |
__ Merchant Shop __
Run down the stairs and hop down the first dropoff.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On top of the first set of small crates |
| [ ] Black Bass | Shoot the Black Bass in the water. They have to jump |
| | toward Leon in order for him to pick them up |
The merchant in this area carries an extra item and some more weapon Tune-ups
if Leon shot enough of the medallions. If Leon shot over 10 medallions then
the merchant will offer a free Punisher handgun; if Leon shot all 15
medallions, the merchant will offer a free Punisher handgun with a bonus
firepower upgrade. The upgrade is usually 10000 PTAS extra.
| Merchant Items |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | ** Punisher | 0 |
| Treasure Map (Village) | 3000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Handgun | 8000 | Stock (TMP) | 4000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Rifle | 12000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| TMP | 10000 | ---------------------- | ----- |
| ** Punisher |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.1 | 10000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.47 | 8000 |
| Firing Speed | Lv 2 | 0.40 | 10000 | Capacity | Lv 2 | 13 | 8000 |
** If Leon shot at least 10 medallions. Shoot all 15 and the Punisher will
already have a firepower upgrade.
Use the typewriter to the side to save your progress then exit back out of the
shop and enter the doors to the right in the Holding Area.
__ Swamp __
Check the shed to the side for some extra items. Notice the red signpost with
the skulls on it. Look up after examining it to see a boulder on the rock wall
up above. Run down the path then get ready for an interactive cutscene.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table inside of the right shed |
Interactive Cutscene:
Wiggle the Wii-mote to outrun the boulder then press A+B to roll away from the
boulder as Leon reaches the bottom.
| [ ] Spinel | Right after escaping the boulder, walk forward a bit, |
| | turn around, then look at the rock wall up above. Shoot |
| | the shiny object then collect it from the ground. |
A Ganado will be standing on the wooden walkway above the swamp up ahead. The
C4 behind him can be shot to kill him instantly, but there is a much better way
to use that C4. Try to kill him and leave the C4 there. Jump into the swamp
on the left side and blast the Ganados that attack in the water. Soon some
more Ganados will come from the path where Leon escaped the boulder.
Use the ramp to the side to climb back up on the wooden walkway and Leon will
be standing on the opposite side of the C4. Wait for one of them to run across
the C4 and trigger it or shoot it yourself. One of the best things to do is to
shoot the quicker Ganados to stall them and let them all gang up then shoot the
C4 or let them trigger it. Grenades work very well for these groups of Ganados
since quite a few pile up.
| [ ] Grenade | At the very beginning of the swampy area, drop off the |
| | left side and this will be on a dry piece of land to |
| | the left |
| [ ] SNAKE! | Break the right crate on the shelf in the shed |
| [ ] SNAKES! | There are two more snakes slithering around in the |
| | water or on the wooden walkway somewhere in this area |
| [ ] Incendiary | On a bench on the second portion of the wooden walkway |
| Grenade | (the one with the bridge) |
| [ ] Antique Pipe | Get in the water and move over to the south/southeast |
| | side of the second wooden walkway then find the patch |
| | of dry land with a tree. Shoot the bird's nest up in |
| | the tree and this will fall from it. |
Many more Ganados are strewn out around this swamp area along with a few C4
traps. Many times the Ganados will walk directly into the C4 traps so try to
lure them toward the traps. Get on top of the second wooden walkway then
follow the path ahead and open the door at the end.
| [ ] SNAKE! | Break the box on the table in the second shed |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table in the second shed |
__ Path to the Lake __
Follow the path directly ahead at first - don't turn right yet. At the top of
the path a cutscene will play.
Return the way that Leon came then make a left and follow the other path that
leads to the dock at the end. Stop in the second shed and save at the
typewriter - especially if you want to check out the extra scene.
| [ ] Gold Bangle | Shoot the bird's nest in the tree about midways down |
| w/Pearls | the path that leads to the dock |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Break the wooden box on the table in the first shed |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table in the first shed |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the table by the typewriter in the second shed |
| [ ] Black Bass | There are a few Black Bass in the water, but I would |
| | HIGHLY recommend throwing a grenade into the water to |
| | kill them since they are basically there to trick the |
| | player into firing into the water - see below. |
| Extra Death Animation |
| * Stand on the very edge of the dock and shoot anywhere six times - this is |
| a secret death animation for Leon, so save before you try this. |
__ The Lake __
The fish at the dock can be collected - throw a grenade into the water to kill
most of them. Get in the boat and drive out into the lake. The opening along
with the rooftop on the north side of the lake is closed off for now. Head for
the opposite side of the lake and a cutscene will play near the middle of the
Boss Battle - Del Lago
Life: 60
Directly after the cutscene, Leon will be forced to fight Del Lago as it grabs
the boat's anchor and drags the boat across the lake. Hold the B button to
make Leon hold a spear then aim at Del Lago and throw the spear at him. The
spears come in an infinite supply so don't worry about running out of spears.
Dodge the logs and other debris as Del Lago pulls the boat past the obstacles -
it is wise to stop hitting him and use the analog to turn if the boat is
directly across from one of the obstacles. If Leon falls off the boat then
wiggle the Wii-mote to swim back to the boat. As long as Leon gets back on the
boat he will be fine.
The course of the battle goes like this: Del Lago drags the boat through some
obstacles. Del Lago races toward a wall then surfaces and tries to knock Leon
off the boat. From this point, Del Lago will do one of two things, he will
either drag the boat again and start the above cycle all over again or he will
swim off into the water somewhere and leave the boat.
If Del Lago leaves the boat then Leon will start to look around the lake. Hold
up a spear and start to look around the lake yourself. Del Lago will surface
and start to swim toward the boat. Red arrows on the side of the screen will
point Leon toward Del Lago's location. Throw a spear at him to stop his charge
and he will sink right before he makes it to the boat. Afterwards, Del Lago
will grab onto the boat's anchor and lead Leon across the lake once again.
HITTING DEL LAGO: The best time to hit Del Lago is while he leads Leon through
the water. Leon can throw about three or four spears at him at this time and
really damage him badly. Try to wait until there are no obstacles in the way
and Leon will be able to gain some real good shots on Del Lago. There is no
need to throw a spear while moving around obstacles since Leon will have plenty
of chances to hit him at other times - don't put yourself in danger like this.
It takes 10 - 12 spears to kill Del Lago on normal mode.
DODGING DEL LAGO: Whenever Del Lago surfaces to knock Leon off of the boat near
a wall, hold to one of the sides with the analog to dodge him. Turn to one of
the sides and make sure that you don't accidentally turn back toward him.
LEON'S HEALTH: Leon is automatically doomed no matter how much you swing the
remote once he has been knocked into the water with zero health so always try
to keep his health away from the red portion.
Once Del Lago is defeated an interactive cutscene will play.
Interactive cutscene: Wiggle the Wii-mote to make Leon cut the rope of the
anchor off of his leg.
Another cutscene will play that will end this chapter.
_______ __ ___ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ |_ |__< /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ / __/___/ /
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /_/
Chapter 2-1
Objective: Find the object that will open the church doors
__ Lakeside with Cabin __
Once the cutscenes are over, Leon will start out in the cabin on the other side
of the lake. Pick up the ++ANONYMOUS LETTER++ file from the bed. Exit the
house via the front door.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table near the typewriter |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On the bottom shelf near the middle table |
| [ ] Random ITEM | On the table by the door |
| [ ] Large Black | In the water near the dock. Shoot, use a hand grenade, |
| Bass | or get in the boat and throw spears. |
| [ ] Black Bass | In the water near the dock |
| Extra Cutscene/Enemies |
| * Drive back across to the dock on the other side of the lake and try to go |
| back to the gate on that side. A cutscene will play and Colmillos will |
| attack. |
__ Lake __
The fish at the dock can be collected - throw a hand grenade into the water to
kill most of them then get on the boat and collect them.
Get back in the boat and drive into the tunnel along the north side of the
lake. Look for the blue flames to signify a merchant location.
__ Lake Merchant Shop __
Lucky for Leon, another merchant has set up a shop in the middle of the lake.
Be sure to scout the area for extra items since there are plenty available.
Leon can actually raid the merchant's store just a bit by dropping behind his
stand via the rooftop behind the other side of the counter.
Walk over to the left side in front of the shop and move the crate all the way
back. Break the barrels to the right then climb the ladder. Move the next
crate at the top all the way back then push the crate to the right all the way
back as well. Break all the barrels in the way then fall down through the
opening to land on the other side of the counter by the merchant. Grab the
rifle ammo to the side then climb back up.
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the hanging overhead torch on the right side of |
| | the merchant's shop. Look up! This can also be hit |
| | with the knife while on top of the merchant's shop. |
| [ ] Green Gem | Break the middle crate at the top of the merchant's |
| | shop. |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Climb on top of the merchant's shop via the ladder on |
| | the left side, push the crates, destroy the barrels |
| | then fall down into the shop. Turn around and this |
| | will be near a pot. |
This particular merchant offers some extra tune-ups for Leon's weapons at the
| Handgun |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 1.4 | 10000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 3 | 16 | 6000 |
| Shotgun |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 5.0 | 20000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 3 | 10 | 10000 |
| Rifle |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 6.0 | 12000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 2.33 | 18000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 3 | 9 | 8000 |
Get back in the boat.
__ Lake __
There is one more item pickup on the other side of the lake where Leon first
entered this area. All wooden boxes and barrels have respawned. A cutscene
will trigger if Leon moves down the path toward the door on this side.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table near the typewriter in the shed |
Get back in the boat and drive back across the lake to the cabin where Leon
started this chapter then enter the door on the northeast side.
__ Waterfall __
While moving ahead a cutscene will trigger that will show a Las Plagas (Plagas
Head) burst from a Ganados head for the first time. These spawn from the head
of regular Ganados. They spawn at random whether or not Leon busts open the
head of Ganados. Don't let this discourage you from blasting them in the head
since Plagas Heads will sometimes emerge even while shooting an enemy in the
Throw a flash grenade at the Plagas Head for an instant kill, equip the rifle
and aim directly at the Plagas, or just shoot the head of the Plagas with any
other weapon (the TMP works well). These enemies have an arm that will extend
outward and slice Leon from the Plagas portion so be careful about getting too
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Defeat the Plagas Head |
Another Ganado will attack from up ahead as well. Run up the steps at the end
of the path and leap across the platforms above the river then move to the east
across the other side. Hop across the broken bridge to get to the north side
then climb down the rope to the east.
| [ ] Spinel | Look on the left mountain wall directly after climbing |
| | down the rope then shoot this item to make it fall |
Shoot the Ganado on the high platform to the side.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Look on the railing of the high platform (near the |
| | ladder) |
Walk over to the edge of the wooden walkway next to the water wheel. In order
to get across, shoot the crate above the water to make it float downstream and
crash against the floodgate providing a platform for Leon to hop across. Hop
across the crate and jump to the other side.
On the other side, shoot the first crate in the distance and try to hit the
second crate up high. If Leon can't hit it then move toward the waterfall in
the back and climb the ladder on the left. This will position him right next
to the hanging crate. Notice that there is an opening behind the waterfall -
Leon can't get to it yet though.
| [ ] Amber Ring | Shoot the shiny object on the high wooden pole in front |
| | of the waterfall |
Hop across the crates. Turn to the right and climb the ladder to the platform
up ahead. Pull the lever at the top of the platform to close the floodgate
above the waterfall.
Drop back down and hop back across the crates to the middle path in front of
the waterfall. Ganados will rush out of the secret entrance where the
waterfall was at and some more will hop across the crate on the north side in
an attempt to trap Leon. Throw a grenade at the Ganados near the secret
entrance or pull out the shotgun and start to blast them away from in front of
Leon then run toward the tunnel and defeat the others behind Leon.
Here's an alternate way to handle the Ganados at this part based on a reader's
Once you pull the lever that stops the waterfall, jump down and go across the
boxes to the platform in the middle. As soon as the cutscene triggers that
shows the two sets of Ganados, jump right back to your previous position. Stand
your ground in front of the second box. The Ganados will attempt to jump
across. Let them get on top of the second crate before unloading your shotgun
into them. This will cause them to stagger back and fall off into the river.
For even better results, grab your pistol and shoot the faster-moving ones so
they'll lump together. I used maybe two shotgun rounds and one pistol shot;
it's great if you're as much of a perfectionist as me, since you can pretty
easily avoid damage and even potential Plagas heads sprouting. The only
downside is that you don't get the possible pickups from their bodies
Run through the tunnel that the waterfall was blocking earlier. At the end,
pick up the ++ROUND INSIGNIA++. This is the insignia that will open the front
door of the church. The rock wall will slide open to reveal another tunnel.
Leon will call Hunnigan to tell her the good news.
Objective: Get back to the church and save Ashley
Follow the new portion of the tunnel up ahead and open the door at the end.
__ Secret Cave Behind Waterfall __
Run up ahead and get into the boat. The boat will take Leon back to the
Merchant's shop on the other side of the lake.
| [ ] Spinel | Break the first torch on the right next to the door |
__ Merchant's Shop __
The merchant doesn't have anything new, but you might want to sell off the
Amber Ring or make some last minute tune-ups to your weapons. There is a big
fight ahead and it would help to have the TMP, but the handgun or shotgun will
work just fine. Climb up the ladder and exit the shop to continue.
__ Holding Area __
From this area, it is possible to backtrack to the swamp through the right
door. Ganados are now in this area and all the wooden boxes and barrels have
respawned. There is also some handgun ammo in the shed on the far side of the
swamp. There's also a snake in the left box of the first shed. As you can
see, the items are not worth backtracking for!
| [ ] SNAKE! | Reenter the Swamp area and break the wooden box in the |
| | first shed |
The wooden barrels in this area have respawned as well, so break the two
barrels before walking out to the middle up ahead. When Leon approaches the
middle, a cutscene will play and a boss fight will start afterward.
Boss Battle - El Gigante
Life to knock down: 25 - 30
Las Plagas (main) life: 15 - 20
This boss looks tough and he actually is a little tough if you don't know his
main weakness. He's a sucker for flash grenades!
At the start of the battle run around and keep your eyes on El Gigante. Make
sure that he is in your view since he has a few attacks that cover great
distances. He will sometimes pick up one of the trees along the side of this
area and swing them at Leon. Press the on-screen sequence as it appears to
duck under the tree. El Gigante will also try to ram and will throw large
rocks at Leon if he moves over to the north side of the area. His close
attacks are a kick, an overhead smash, and a grab. If he grabs Leon, he will
pick him up and start to squeeze him. Wiggle the Wii-mote while El Gigante
holds Leon to make Leon stab El Gigante's arm. He will drop Leon at that time.
Stall long enough at the beginning of this battle and the dog that Leon helped
all the way back in the woods will show up in a cutscene - if Leon saved him
that is (shooting him to make him run doesn't count as a save). The dog will
get El Gigante's attention and lure him away from Leon. Use this chance to run
inside the small buildings to the side and gather up ammo if Leon needs it.
This is also a great chance to fire at El Gigante without the need of flash
Throw a flash grenade then shoot him with the shotgun, handgun, or TMP. If the
dog is distracting El Gigante then don't worry about the flash grenade. When
El Gigante leans over, rush over to him and press the A button when the on-
screen icon appears in order to climb on top of El Gigante's back. Leon will
take out his knife and move toward the Plagas on the creature's back. Wiggle
the Wii-mote from right to left to slash at the Plagas on El Gigante's back.
Eventually Leon will jump off. Go back to attacking El Gigante again - throw a
flash grenade then attack him while he is stunned. Get on his back once again
when he leans over then start to slash some more. Two back slashings will kill
El Gigante if you move the Wii-mote fast enough during the slashing.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On the wheelbarrow along the northwest side |
| [ ] Red Herb | On the logs in the west |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the logs in the west |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | In the first small building |
| [ ] Spinel | In the first small building |
| [ ] Green Herb | In the first small building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | In the second small building |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | In the second small building |
| [ ] Spinel | In the third small building |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | In the third small building |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | In the third small building |
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Kill El Gigante |
| Extra Cutscene |
| * If Leon saved the dog from the bear trap near the beginning of the game |
| then it will show up in a cutscene and help distract El Gigante for a |
| while |
Be sure to pick up the 15000 PTAS from El Gigante's body then leave the area
and head back to the church.
__ Churchyard (Night) __
Run and jump back across the bridge. The boxes in the shed have respawned.
Once Leon walk up the path that leads to the church a trio of Colmillos will
attack. These dog enemies are very aggressive so try to keep them all on one
side of Leon. Blast them with a shotgun or the TMP. Walk up to the front door
of the church and use the Round Insignia to unlock it then open it.
__ Church __
Climb up the ladder on the left side. A gate blocks the way to the door in the
middle of the walkway so move over to the walkway across from the chandelier
then jump on the chandelier and time a jump so that Leon leaps to the other
side of the second floor. Just keep tapping the A button if you want Leon to
make the jump on the first swing - it always works!
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | To the left of the altar on top of a cabinet |
Examine the control panel with the colored switches and some lights will shine
above the altar. Match up the patterns so that they correspond with the middle
image. Notice the arrows on the sides of each circle. Match up the arrows as
________ ________ ________
/ / /
/ / /
| | | < | | > |
| | | < | | > |
/ / / /
________/ ________/ ________/
Rotate the circles as described above then combine the colored circles to open
the gates along the side of the second floor walkway. Enter the room for a
__ Storage __
Objective: Find the trail leading out of the village
++PLAYING MANUAL 3++ will be received after the cutscenes. Leave the room
after collecting all the goodies from the barrels.
__ Church __
Drop down the ladder. A "Catch" command will appear so press the A button to
catch Ashley as she falls. This is the only way that Ashley can get down from
a high place so remember that. A cutscene will play as Leon tries to leave the
church that will end this chapter.
_______ __ ___ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ |_ |___|_ |
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ / __/___/ __/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /____/
Chapter 2-2
__ Church Exterior __
Unlock the door up ahead then open it to enter the church courtyard once again.
Before continuing ahead, go back into the church for some extra pesetas and an
item pickup.
| Extra Enemies/Pickups |
| * Reenter the church. The two Zealots from the prior cutscene are still |
| inside. |
__ Church __
Kill the two Zealots (monks) with the crossbows to get some extra ammo and some
extra pesetas. These will be the normal enemies later in the game.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Kill the Zealot on the left |
| [ ] Random Ammo | Kill the Zealot on the right |
__ Churchyard (Night) __
A cutscene will show a group of Ganados at the bottom of the path when Leon
first enters this area. When Leon walks over toward the top of the path
leading to the graveyard, Ashley will point to the wagon and tell Leon to shoot
the barrels on the wagon. Shoot the barrels on the wagon as soon as possible
and it will burst into flames then roll down the hill and take the whole group
of Ganados with it. Sometimes a straggler will remain.
| [ ] 1500 PTAS | Shoot the bird's nest up in the tree in front of the |
| | church |
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the bird's nest directly after going under the |
| | wooden structure at the end of the path. Look up in |
| | tree to see it on the first group of branches. |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Shoot the bird's nest up in the tree right before |
| | entering the bricks that shelter the ladder leading to |
| | the cave tunnel |
* Keep in mind that all boxes and barrels in the familiar areas ahead have
Follow the path all the way back to the ladder that leads down into the tunnel
below the insignia building and climb down it.
__ Secret Tunnel __
The merchant has a new weapon along with its stock and some extra tune-ups. He
has the Red9, which is arguably the best handgun in the game. It's powerful
but has a lower reload animation and firing speed than the Punisher and
Handgun. I'd recommend it myself.
| Merchant Items |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Punisher | 20000 |
| Treasure Map (Village) | 3000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Handgun | 8000 | * Stock (Red9) | 4000 |
| * Red9 | 14000 | Stock (TMP) | 4000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Rifle | 12000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| TMP | 10000 | ---------------------- | ----- |
| Punisher |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 1.3 | 15000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 3 | 16 | 10000 |
| Red9 |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.3 | 15000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.20 | 6000 |
| Firing Speed | Lv 2 | 0.47 | 10000 | Capacity | Lv 2 | 10 | 6000 |
| TMP |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 0.6 | 14000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 3 | 100 | 15000 |
Continue through the tunnel and climb up the ladder at the end.
__ Insignia Building __
Be sure to save the game at the typewriter once again.
| [ ] Spinel | Make sure to have Ashley behind Leon, then once again |
| | aim at the lantern and shoot it in the room with the |
| | ladder |
__ Pueblo Village __
As already mentioned the barrels and boxes in these revisited areas have
respawned so raid all the houses once again for random items. There are a few
new items lying around mentioned below.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Enter the house where the shotgun was and this will be |
| | behind some glass casing where a grenade used to be, |
| | right across from the plaque where the shotgun was |
| [ ] Spinel | Climb to the top of the tower next to the insignia |
| | building and this will be on the table at the top |
This can be a scary area at dark since the visibility is so poor thanks to the
darkness and the surrounding fog. Run up the path that leads to the farm
(northeast) path and be wary of the Ganados and bear traps along the route.
The Ganados can be very hard to see in this area at times.
__ Farm __
Move toward the open red dumpster until the "Hide" command appears then press
the + button to make Ashley hide in the dumpster. Press the button again to
make her get out and follow Leon again. Enter the shed to the left and collect
the ++SERA AND THE 3RD PARTY++ file. Save your game at the typewriter once
The Ganados in at the Farm are spread out much like they were before. There
are three of them on the wooden walkway beside the second barn so make sure to
shoot them and knock them off. There are bear traps laid out in the second
barn, so shoot them or knife them before entering.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the first cabinet off to the right in the second |
| | barn |
| [ ] Green Herb | Open the cabinet in the back of the second barn |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the cabinet on the second floor of the second barn |
Get on the second floor of the second barn then jump out the window and get on
the walkway. Follow the walkway to the north then finish off the single Ganado
after dropping then shoot the bear traps. Approach the large set of doors that
are locked. While Ashley is with Leon a "Piggyback" command will appear
instead of a "Check" command, so use the new command and she will unlock the
gate for Leon.
__ Path to the Cabin __
Run up to the bridge and a merchant will be set up in front of it. Make any
last minute upgrades that you think you might need for a whole siege of
Ganados. I would recommend upgrading the shotgun as far as it can go -
basically every aspect will help. It pays to have a TMP for this next area
also. Make sure the capacity is up as far as it can go and that the reload is
When Leon moves out to the middle of the bridge Hunnigan will contact him
again. Continue further across the bridge to activate a set of cutscenes.
__ Cabin __
Boss Battle - Ganado Ambush
Push the three bookcases over the three windows on the first floor. This will
allow Leon to collect the items found around the room. Go upstairs and collect
those items as well. Check the closet upstairs to see that Ashley has taken
cover in the closet - she can't be hit. Keep an eye on all three bookcases on
the bottom floor; when the first one falls, run to the side and start to blast
the Ganados with the shotgun.
Once all three windows are open, find a corner so that Leon has a view of all
the windows - standing in the corner at the bottom of the stairs is one of the
best areas. Keep the shotgun handy and be sure to watch the bullet count and
reload properly. Don't be afraid to throw a grenade of any type at any time -
Luis will roll out of the way as Leon tosses the grenade.
Speaking of Luis, he will help out quite a bit during this battle with his
Red9, but he will sometimes get grabbed so be sure to help him out by blasting
the Ganado that grabs him. As long as Leon is not aiming directly at Luis then
Luis will not get hit. He will only take five hits from Leon before a "game
over" cutscene occurs. Luis will pass out ammo to Leon sometimes so be sure to
grab it.
| [ ] Red Herb | On a chair by the window near the front door |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On the wooden chest by the front door |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On the middle table |
| Secret Death/Cutscene |
| * Shoot Luis five times. He will turn and kill Leon. |
When Luis gives the order to move upstairs, follow him. Ganados will break the
ladders on the second floor by positioning ladders below the windows. Push the
ladders away from the windows to keep them from entering the room on that side.
They will always place the ladder back in place in a few seconds though.
Watch for Ganados that are just entering the house from the second floor and
blast them back out the window. Keep an eye on the Ganados that ascend the
stairs to the side since they can get out of control easily. Like before,
stand with Leon's back to a corner to get a good view of the room. Only push
the ladders down if there is no immediate danger in the room.
Eventually the Ganados will stop attacking once enough have been killed and a
cutscene will follow that will end this chapter.
HINT: It's possible to finish this battle before Luis gives the order to go up
stairs if Leon can kill enough Ganados downstairs quick enough. The battle
automatically ends after a certain amount of Ganados have been killed.
| [ ] Incendiary | On a chair near the railing of the stairs on the second |
| Grenade | floor |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On a log across from the staircase of the second floor |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a group of logs near the railing of the stairs on |
| | on the second floor |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On a middle shelf in the middle of the room on the |
| | second floor |
_______ __ ___ ____
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ |_ |___|_ /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ / __/___//_ <
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /____/
Chapter 2-3
Objective: Meet at the extraction point outside the village.
__ Cabin __
Leon will start on the bottom floor of the cabin. Run back upstairs and pick
up any item drops from the previous Ganado battle if any of them were dying
prior to the final cutscene. Jump out a window or kick through the front door
and exit the cabin.
Search around outside to find a few extra pickups here and there. Enter the
small shed and pick up the ++TWO ROUTES++ file then save at the typewriter.
The merchant doesn't offer any new upgrades or items at this point.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the group of logs on the south end of the cabin |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a single log near a group of logs in front of the |
| | cabin (southwest side) |
As the file explains, there are two guarded routes out of the village and Leon
must choose one. Actually you should take both paths in order to get all the
treasure and item pickups strewn around each path. The right path is the
easiest by far, if you know how to deal with an El Gigante. Use the lever in
between the wooden gates and choose left or right to open the corresponding
gate then enter the gate of choosing.
__ Right Path __
The path is silent up until Leon moves toward the chained door in the back. A
cutscene will play and an El Gigante will enter the area. Ashley will
immediately shout to Leon and point up at a boulder up above. Make sure that
Ashley moves then shoot the wooden platform that holds up the boulder to make
it fall in El Gigante's path. If timed precisely, this boulder will hit El
Gigante on the back, but it will not instantly make him lean over - it really
doesn't damage him that much at one might think. While it is in front of him,
it will delay him just a bit while he smashes it, which will help Leon and
Ashley escape him if you decide to run.
Throw a flash grenade then wear the El Gigante down while he is stunned. When
he leans over, climb his back like before and slash at him. Perform the same
method once again to kill him. If you choose to run from the El Gigante then
fire at the chains on the door (use the TMP or a handgun) - don't even think
about kicking the chains since he will surely catch up to Leon by then. The
door has to be kicked down though.
If El Gigante catches Ashley then be sure to shoot at him to free her. He
takes off some incredible damage from her, so don't give him a chance to grab
If Leon stands below him then be sure to use the on-screen command to dodge as
he falls. El Gigante will drop 15000 PTAS once he is defeated so be sure to
pick it up. Find the key item, the ++OLD KEY++ inside the second small building
to open the set of doors at the far end of this path and exit the path
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Inside the first small building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the first small building |
| [ ] Spinel | Inside the first small building |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Inside the first small building |
| [ ] Incendiary | Inside the first small building |
| Grenade | |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the second small building |
| [ ] Spinel | Inside the second small building |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Inside the second small building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the second small building |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Inside the second small building |
| [ ] Spinel | Inside the second small building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the second small building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on a wooden plank below a high wooden platform |
| | (to the left near the middle of the path a little ways |
| | past the small buildings) |
| [ ] Purple Gem | Right after collecting the handgun ammo above, turn |
| | and find the suspended bucket hanging up above. Shoot |
| | the shiny object on the bucket then pick up the item. |
* There is also a single wooden crate next to the boarded up (and caved-in)
tunnel along the left side. Don't miss it!
__ Left Path __
This path can be very dangerous and it can be a little frustrating in the
middle section thanks to the two instant kill enemies.
Start off by telling Ashley to hide in the red dumpster. Fire at the Ganados
then hit the barrels on the side wagon when a group of them start to mount up
in front of it. Head down the path to the right side then climb the ladder.
There is another dumpster up here for Ashley to hide inside, but it's really
best just to let her stay in the first one until most of this mayhem is over
A few Ganados will attack on the wooden walkway while moving along it. Be sure
to drop off the section to the right (southwest) while turning right on the
walkway for some extra pickups. Climb back up once and walk toward the middle
side with the ladder.
| Shotgun Ammo | Lying on a mine cart below the walkway dropoff in the |
| | southwest |
A cutscene will play as soon as Leon jumps down and two female chainsaw Ganados
(Bella Sisters) will enter the ground floor. One will break through a wooden
wall to the right and the other will jump down from the left side. This part
can be bad if you don't start out just right. Toss a flash grenade to blind
all the Ganados then position Leon behind one of the chainsaw Ganados and make
sure that his back is to a wall (preferably the locked door). You want to see
the entire area and make damn sure that nothing sneaks up behind Leon.
Once Leon finds that perfect spot, shoot the nearest chainsaw Ganado with the
shotgun then throw a grenade into the middle to kill some of the normal Ganados
and damage the chainsaw Ganados badly. Keep the shotgun ready and loaded at
all times while the chainsaw Ganados are still alive. Blast them each time
they move toward Leon. There are Ganados positioned on the walkway above as
well so make sure to keep any eye on them and take out any weapon throwers with
a quick firing of the TMP or whatever handgun Leon has.
Another way to approach this area is to climb back up the ladder right when
Leon drops to the area below. Another helpful tip is to skip the cutscene
where the chainsaw women enter the area and this will give Leon more time to
react. This is a stressful area to get started out in but once the enemies are
all on one side it isn't that bad.
| Ruby | Defeat the female chainsaw Ganado with the brown shirt |
Bring out Ashley when all the Ganados are dead then retrieve the --CAMP KEY--
from the chainsaw female's body (with the blue shirt). Use the Camp Key on the
door to the side to leave this portion of the area.
Find the hidden door off to the right a little ways after stepping through the
camp door and kick through it. Break the barrel inside and fall down the
ladder to find a few more pickups.
| Hand Grenade | Drop down the ladder and this will be lying on a crate |
| | to the left |
| Red Gem | After kicking down the door of the hidden building, |
| | break through the boarded up window then hop to the |
| | other side. This item will be in the right barrel at |
| | the end of that path. |
It still isn't over yet though. Continue down the path outside the building
and run toward the red dumpster up ahead then have Ashley hide quickly before
the Ganados that jump from the two towers in the back make it to Leon. This is
an excellent part to use an Incendiary or Hand Grenade since the Ganados must
group up in order to approach Leon. Use the shotgun to finish them off
Make Ashley come out of hiding when the coast is clear then unbar the gate up
ahead and open it to reach the other end of the path.
__ Village Exit __
There is a merchant at the top of the stairs with the blue flames but he
doesn't offer any new items at this time. The Elegant Mask will be complete by
now if Leon took both paths and grabbed the extra gems, so combine it with the
green, red, and purple gem then sell it to the merchant for maximum value.
Enter the building to the south side and pick up the ++VILLAGE'S LAST DEFENSE++
file from the top of the fallen locker.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On top of the first trashcan on the right side of the |
| | building |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Open the single standing locker in the building |
The doors in the middle of the village will lead Leon and Ashley out of the
village, but they are locked and require a proper retinal scan in order to pass
through them. Run up the hill to the north. A rifle would be the best weapon
to have for this part, but thanks to the Wii-mote, the part is doable with just
a TMP or handgun. Stand on the left side of the lift area and use the rifle to
shoot the two Ganados on the towers in the background. This is only possible
with the rifle. If you don't have one then you'll need to look to the left and
shoot them while moving across the lift.
Get on the lift and keep a sharp eye on the carts to the right. There will be
some Ganados on the lifts to the right as they appear in the distance so fire
at them to make them instantly fall off. All enemies will throw weapons at
Leon and Ashley. They take quite a bit off since sometimes more than one
Ganado will be on a cart. If you didn't shoot the Ganados on the tower then
they will be throwing weapons from the left side as well, so turn to shoot them
while keeping an eye on the right set of lifts. The rifle works well and the
TMP and handgun work fine too.
__ Lift Control Area __
Enter the control room through the door on the other side to find some pickups
inside some of the lockers.
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Open the first locker in the middle on the right side |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the middle locker to the left |
Move down the stairs and run across the wooden walkway directly ahead. Tell
Ashley to wait outside the tunnel since it can get a bit dangerous for her
inside. Shoot the dynamite once the Ganado starts to throw dynamite at Leon
from the back of the sandbags up ahead. Hop over the sandbags then climb the
ladder. Shoot the Ganados up ahead then open the chest at the end of the path
to find the yellow catseye. This will complete the Beerstein, so combine the
Beerstein with the red, yellow, and green catseye so it can be sold to the
merchant for maximum profit.
| [ ] Yellow | Follow the southeast tunnel (at the bottom of the |
| Catseye | stairs) all the way to the south and this will be in a |
| | treasure chest at the end |
Return to the stairs and run down the next set of stairs. A merchant will be
waiting in the distance along with plenty of ammo near him and a typewriter.
He still doesn't have any new items or tune-ups at this time. Save your game
then open the doors at the end of the path to the northeast.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a box near the merchant |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a box near the merchant |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a box near the merchant |
__ Path to the Barn __
Run to the north and walk up to the doors of the barn. A cutscene will play as
Leon approaches the door.
__ Barn __
Interactive Cutscene: Input the on-screen sequence to dodge Chief Mendez's arm
as he tries to grab Leon while Leon is on the ground.
Boss Battle - Chief Mendez
First Fight:
Life: 65 - 70
All of the chief's attacks are close range, so make sure to always stay at a
distance from him throughout this battle. If he gets too close then just run
right by him to the opposite end of the barn. Make sure to watch for the on-
screen commands and be sure to press them while running to his side - sometimes
Leon can get away from him without worrying about the commands. He will use
his claws to lunge toward Leon if Leon is at the extreme opposite end of the
barn however, so you can't just pick him off from a distance all the time.
His weak point is his central spine. Hit him with any weapon of choice in that
area to eventually stun him by making his spine bend backwards. This is the
time to pull out the shotgun and unload on his spine since he can't hit Leon at
that time. A hand grenade is always an instant stun, so keep that in mind if
he ever traps Leon. Lure him over to the red explosive barrel along the side
of the barn and shoot the barrel to stun him as well. The shotgun works the
best for damaging him, but you have to get close for the maximum effect.
(Update: Incendiary Grenades will stun him and they damage him badly. Flash
Grenades will cause him to stagger, which can be helpful when he gets to
Second Fight:
Life: 35 - 40
A cutscene will play eventually and the chief will detach his bottom legs. For
the remainder of the battle, he will swing along the top planks of the barn and
come down every now and then to attack. The same avoidance rules still apply
to this phase as well - stay away from him. Make sure to look up and keep him
in sight. He will suddenly lower himself then prepare a slice attack - just
run by him as he lowers to avoid damage. Sometimes he will insist on staying
low to the ground then move toward Leon; be sure to run to the exact opposite
side when he gets too close.
The handgun (especially the Red9) actually works very well to defeat him during
this phase, especially now with the Wii-mote aiming. The rifle works well too,
but you need some good aiming. Leon has to eject each bullet once the rifle is
fired so that will sometimes place him in harm's way as the chief descends.
Shoot him enough and he will fall to the ground. Throw a grenade at this point
or just run up and shoot him with a powerful weapon.
(Update: No matter where he is in the barn, tossing a flash grenade will
instantly make him fall, allowing Leon to get some get some really good shots
in while he is grounded. Incendiary Grenades still damage him badly while he
is on the ground. If you have some good aiming then a mine's explosion from
the mine thrower will cause him to fall also, but this can only be used on him
during a bonus game since the mine thrower is obtained later.)
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a box near the entrance |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a box near the entrance |
| [ ] Incendiary | On a green crate near the side ladder |
| Grenade | |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | In a dumpster full of boxes near the red explosive |
| | barrel |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a crate near the red explosive barrel |
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the red explosive barrel and this will appear |
| | after the fire dies down |
| [ ] Red Herb | On one of the second floor west windows |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On one of the second floor west windows |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the second floor on a crate (west side) |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On one of the second floor east windows |
| [ ] Green Herb | On one of the second floor east windows |
| [ ] 30000 PTAS | Defeat Chief Mendez |
Collect the --FALSE EYE-- from the chief's body after the fight along with the
30000 PTAS. Once the false eye is collected, a portion of the wall will break
apart on the east side of the barn. Walk toward the hole in the wall and press
the A button when the "Jump Out" command appears in order to leap out of the
barn. Keep in mind that you can't return once Leon jumps out.
Ashley will automatically meet Leon on the outside. Exit the area and head all
the way back to the village exit gate with the retinal scanner - up the stairs
and back across the lift.
__ Village Exit __
Use the False Eye on the retinal scanner to unlock the doors then open them.
__ Path to the Castle __
While moving up the hill ahead a truck will start up then race toward Leon and
Ashley - it will actually hit a few Ganados along the way. Take out the
handgun and fire at the front of the truck. Once the front of the truck starts
to burn, back up and the truck will crash along the right side of the path.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a box lying next to the entrance gate where Leon |
| | entered this area |
| [ ] 5500 PTAS | Check the wreckage of the truck for this |
Walk a little ways past the truck and the door in the back of Leon and Ashley
will quickly open and close as a group of Ganados pours into the area. Throw a
grenade at them or blast them with a shotgun then continue up the hill.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the second barrel off to the left at the top of |
| | the hill |
| Extra Info |
| * Just for fun and to delay them, back away from the gates and them in view |
| while moving past the truck. The Ganados will not appear until Leon |
| turns so that the camera is not focused on the gate. It's both somewhat |
| amusing and useful. |
Walk over to the bridge on the east side to activate a cutscene that will end
this chapter.
T H E C A S T L E [WT02]
"For many years the Salazar family has served as the castellans of this castle"
_______ __ ____ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ |_ /__< /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ _/_ <___/ /
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /_/
Chapter 3-1
__ Castle Entrance __
Objective: Explore the castle
Walk up ahead and enter the building with the blue flame to find a typewriter
and a merchant. The merchant has quite a bit of new items, weapons and tune-
ups available. Make sure to buy the Attache Case L, the Riot Gun, and the
Rifle (semi-auto).
| Merchant Items |
| * Attache Case L | 40000 | Rifle | 12000 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | * Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 |
| Treasure Map (Castle) | 6000 | TMP | 10000 |
| Handgun | 8000 | * Mine Thrower | 9800 |
| Red9 | 14000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Punisher | 20000 | Stock (Red9) | 4000 |
| * Blacktail | 24000 | Stock (TMP) | 4000 |
| * Broken Butterfly | 38000 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | * Scope (Mine Thrower) | 8000 |
| * Riot Gun | 32000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| Handgun |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 1.6 | 15000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.87 | 10000 |
| Firing Speed | Lv 3 | 0.33 | 12000 | Capacity | Lv 4 | 19 | 8000 |
| Red9 |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 2.1 | 20000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 3 | 12 | 8000 |
| Blacktail |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.8 | 15000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.47 | 8000 |
| Firing Speed | Lv 2 | 0.40 | 10000 | Capacity | Lv 2 | 18 | 8000 |
| Broken Butterfly |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 15.0 | 25000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- | Capacity | Lv 2 | 8 | 15000 |
| Shotgun |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 6.0 | 20000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.67 | 15000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 4 | 12 | 12000 |
| Riot Gun |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 5.5 | 20000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Rifle |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 8.0 | 20000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 4 | 12 | 12000 |
| Rifle (Semi-Auto) |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 8.0 | 15000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.90 | 9000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 2 | 12 | 10000 |
| TMP |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 0.8 | 18000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | ---- | ---- | ----- |
The current area has some treasures and extra items on the east side of the
small building with the merchant. Run up the stairs and open the red door at
the top to continue.
| [ ] Spinel | Break the barrel to the right of the stairs |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the table next to the typewriter |
| [ ] 2500 PTAS | Break the left wooden crate behind the building |
| [ ] SNAKE! | Break the right wooden crate behind the building |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Open the treasure chest behind the building |
__ Castle Exterior __
Follow the wall along the side of the castle. The camera will zoom out to show
the areas up ahead. The first of many Zealots (monks) will appear above.
Notice their constant chanting. Pull out a rifle and shoot them both so they
won't have to be dealt with later.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On the crate |
Run up the stairs to the right, below where they were, and follow the wall
around the corner at the top. Eventually a cutscene will play where a Red
Zealot will notice Leon and Ashley. He will fire a fireball from a catapult
that will destroy a well structure on the castle floor up ahead. Quickly run
when the catapult finishes firing and grab the Spinel in the rubble of the well
then quickly move down the stairs beside the overhead bridge off to the left.
This is where the first two Zealots were or still are. Enter the room with the
cannon and break the barrels for some pickups. This cannon must be moved up
above but Leon must use a crank at the top in order to do so.
| [ ] Spinel | In the rubble of the well when it is destroyed |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the first barrel in the round room with the |
| | cannon |
Run under the overhead bridge before a fireball hits Leon and Ashley. Make
sure to stay away from the end closest to the well debris or the blast may hit
either character. Run up the stairs.
You can either leave Ashley on the stairs or take a risk and bring her with
Leon. To get across the bridge to the side safely, inch forward so that you
hear the catapults launching a fireballs then quickly run across the bridge
right as a fireballs hits it. Run over to the small building in the southwest
and blast the masked Zealot with a shotgun blast then run inside quickly!
Like I said, Ashley can be left at the stairs but be forewarned that two
Zealots will come up the stairs where Ashley is once Leon starts to take down
the Zealots manning the catapults. These two Zealots will come toward the
small building also, so be prepared to fight them and listen for their chants.
Stand near the window of the building and use the rifle to shoot the explosive
barrel on the catapult to the north to kill the Zealot at that catapult. Tell
Ashley to wait along the back wall of the room then walk through the door and
find the explosive barrel on the south wall by that catapult and shoot it to
kill that Zealot.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the top wooden box on the shelf in the small |
| | building |
| [ ] 2500 PTAS | Break the bottom wooden box on the shelf in the small |
| | building |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Open the small treasure chest on the shelf |
| [ ] Gold Bangle | Open the treasure chest along the south side of the |
| | small building |
Back a little ways away from the door and look to the northwest then shoot the
explosive barrel next to that catapult to kill the Zealot up above. There is
only one more left and he can only be hit from the small castle structure in
the east. Run across the walkway that leads to the circular walkway then run
directly into the small castle structure. Stay away from the north side since
the catapults fireball will hit that side. Position Leon so that he can aim
through the window on the north side then find the Zealot by the catapult and
shoot him - use a rifle.
Once all four Zealots manning the catapults are dead, run to the circular
walkway and rotate the crank on the south side. Choose to "Operate" it then
rotate the Wii-mote and this will make the cannon below rise up on the middle
platform. Walk toward the back of the cannon and "Fire" it at the castle gates
up ahead.
Run back across the bridge and move through the path behind the destroyed
gates. A merchant will be on the other side once Leon turns the corner. This
merchant will offer a new upgrade for the Riot Gun. Open the red door to the
side to continue.
| [ ] Spinel | Destroy the torch next to the red door beside the |
| | merchant |
| Merchant Upgrades |
| Riot Gun |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 6.0 | 24000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | ---- | ---- | ---- |
__ Sword Room __
Pick up the --PLATINUM SWORD-- from the plaque on the wall. Run up the stairs.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On the table in front of the entrance door |
| [ ] 2000 PTAS | Open the cabinet to the left of the entrance door |
A sound of a door opening below will be heard from behind Leon and Zealots will
immediately rush up the stairs. Rush to one side of the room above and keep
Ashley behind Leon. Take out the Riot Gun and shoot at the Zealots when they
start to pile up. Shoot them with a handgun when there aren't too many. Watch
out for their Plagas head phase since a Zealot's Plagas head will instantly
bite off Leon's head if he gets too close to one of them. Finish off Plagas
headed Zealots fast and from a distance - they're still susceptible to flash
Run over to the plaque on the second floor and take the --GOLDEN SWORD--.
Place the Platinum Sword on the plaque that you get the Golden Sword from. Run
back down the stairs and kill the red Zealot below. He takes quite a few hits,
so be careful. Place the Golden Sword on the plaque where Leon got the
Platinum Sword. This will make the platinum plaque up above move aside to
reveal a red door. Open the red door to continue.
Place the Platinum Sword on the platinum plaque and the Golden Sword on the
gold plaque.
| [ ] 1800 PTAS | On the long table next to the Golden Sword |
| [ ] Red Herb | Open the cabinet across from the table on the second |
| | floor |
| [ ] Spinel | Break the bottom wooden box on the set of shelves |
| | (southeast side of the room) |
| [ ] 4500 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot |
__ Outside the Castle Gates __
Run through the doorway ahead and a cutscene will trigger. The big door with
the torches around it is locked so enter the smaller door to the side.
Blast the Zealot up ahead and kill him before he runs. A few more Zealots will
exit out of the room to the side so ready the riot gun to bring them down.
Enter the middle room via the NORTH entrance. Don't enter the south since a
Zealot is standing right at the door and a crossbow Zealot will be in the back
of Leon while standing there. Look through the window on the south end of the
room and shoot the crossbow Zealot on the platform outside with the rifle.
| [ ] 2500 PTAS | Open the cabinet in the room |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table in the room |
Walk under the overhead platform where the Zealot was and prepare to blast the
shielded Zealots with the riot gun as they walk toward Leon. Always use a
shotgun blast to destroy shields. TMP bullets works well for while aiming at
the legs and rifle blast can pop the heads of shielded enemies right through
the shield if you aim for the top portion of the shield. Also, keep in mind
that the Punisher handgun will shoot right through a shield.
Enter the room at the end of the passage. Keep the red explosive barrel next
to the door in mind as you walk over to open the treasure chest on the back
shelf. Right after picking up the --CASTLE GATE KEY-- from the treasure chest
Zealots will enter the room via the door that Leon just came through. Swing
around very quickly at that time and blast the red barrel below to kill all of
| [ ] Green Herb | On the set of shelves |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the barrel next to the treasure chest |
Return all the way to the castle door that was locked and use the Castle Gate
Key to unlock it then open the door.
__ Entrance Hall __
While moving toward the front of the steps up ahead some laughing will occur in
the background. Once Leon moves far enough a cutscene will occur. Once the
cutscene ends, run toward the corridor up ahead in the middle. A wall will
rise up from the ground and block the corridor. The wall depicts an engraving
with three chimera pieces missing. The door on the left side of the room is
locked from the other side. Save the game at the typewriter on the right side
then open the door on that side.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the right vase of the set of vases in the south- |
| | portion of the room |
| [ ] Purple Gem | Walk toward the engraving on the wall then turn |
| | all the way around look up toward ceiling. Shoot the |
| | shiny object on the wall above the arch then collect it.|
__ Prison Hall __
The door to the prison off to the left is locked for the moment. Don't shoot
the overhead lantern in this room since it will be used later. Run down the
corridor up ahead and pick up the ++CAPTURE LUIS SERA++ file from the wall up
ahead. Find the painting with the key on the right side as Leon and Ashley
move to the left. Pick up the --PRISON KEY-- from the middle of the painting.
The hall up ahead is blocked by two statues that breathe flames so return to
the prison door and use the prison key to unlock that door.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Check the picture of Saddler on the wall and it will |
| | fall to show a secret opening with this inside |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the chair to the right of the picture of Saddler |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | In the barrel to the right of the file on the wall |
__ The Prison __
Make Ashley wait on the stairs leading down to the prison and this will make
the next fight much easier. Be sure to blast the shotgun ammo on the middle
plank in front of the cell for some extra ammo. Notice the bells on the sides
of the room. They will be used in just a moment.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Shoot the ammo on top of the plank near the ceiling in |
| | front of the cell (stand on the north side of the room |
| | for the best view of it - look up) |
| [ ] Green Herb | In a corner on the north side of the room |
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Defeat the Garrador |
As the cutscene will show, there is a captive Garrador (blind prisoner) in the
prison to the side. Kick down the cell door. As Leon walks into the cell, the
Garrador will suddenly burst forth from his shackles and roar. Back up (don't
run, much) and quickly walk away from him. These enemies are sensitive to
sound so never ever run while they are in the area. Walk around the room and
stay away from him and he will not find Leon. His weak spot is the Plagas on
his back.
Shoot one of the bells found on either side of the room and the Garrador will
immediately run toward the corresponding bell and sink his claw into it and the
wall behind it. He will get his claw stuck in the wall, so use this chance to
hit him in the back Plagas with your most powerful weapon - the rifle works
just as well as the magnum really. Be sure to quickly walk away from the
current location since he will dash toward that area and slash violently with
his claws after Leon shoots him.
It's very possible to hit him without worrying about the bells on the side
however. Just wait for him to turn his back to Leon, aim, and fire. He's not
that bad if you stay silent and move away from the location that Leon fires
from after hitting him. The Garrador will leave behind 15000 PTAS once he has
been defeated. Pull the switch in the cell where the Garrador was confined to
make the flames in the room up above stop. Tell Ashley to follow Leon then run
back up the steps.
__ Prison Hall __
While returning to the hall up ahead some Zealots will run toward Leon. Fire
at the suspended lantern to have it burn them for a head start on damage. Kill
them then continue ahead. A few more Zealots will attack up ahead so keep
Ashley behind Leon. One of the Zealots has some dynamite so try to shoot the
dynamite. Open the set of doors past the two pillars to enter the next area.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | In between the two pillar right before the exit doors |
__ Hall of Water __
This room can be one of the most difficult rooms in this castle if Leon stands
in the middle. Zealots are spread around the walkways up ahead and sometimes
there are Zealots armed with crossbows on each of the high platforms up above
the walkway, so the best place to fight the enemies is one of the four corners
of this room. While running around the room pay attention to the way that Leon
and Ashley will look to know when a Zealot is nearby.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the vase to the right after entering |
| [ ] 2000 PTAS | On a table against the right wall |
| [ ] 4500 PTAS | Defeat the first red Zealot |
Stand with Ashley behind Leon and keep the +----------------------------------+
riot gun handy and loaded at all times. | EXTRA INFO |
Blast the shielded Zealots with shotgun |==================================|
blasts when they approach Leon in order to | Zealots armed with crossbows |
break their shields then blast them away | appear in this room every time |
from Leon. Don't leave the corner and | that Leon and Ashley first enter.|
make sure that Ashley remains behind Leon. | If you continue, they will not |
Panicking and running will only make this | appear, but if you retry they |
room worse since Ashley may get swamped in | will appear. |
that predicament. +----------------------------------+
Move down the stairs on either side and stay cautious while moving by the
doorways since there are sometimes some extra Zealot's hanging around the
corridor. Kick down the door in the middle and enter the room ahead. There
are two pressure switches on each side of the room. Have Ashley stand on one
then command her to "Wait" then stand on the other pressure switch with Leon.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the table up against the wall ahead |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On the chair to the right of the table |
Standing on both pressure switches will cause a crank handle pillar to emerge
in the outside walkway area. Zealots will respawn outside as well. It is
possible to stay in this room and let them come to Leon, but it takes a while -
stand in one of the back corners if you do. DO NOT leave Ashley in this room
since Zealots will drop from the hole in the middle portion of the ceiling of
this room. Be extremely careful while entering the corridor with the doorways
since Zealots will charge Leon from the openings around the sides. Stay moving
if you go outside of the smaller room or find a corner to take cover in.
Carefully move over to one of the corners of the walkway or the corners near
the entrance up the stairs and keep Ashley to Leon's back once again. Blast
all the Zealots until they stop showing up. Once they are gone, turn the crank
- it's faster if Leon turns it. This will cause the top stairs to rotate
downward from up above and allow access to the higher portion of the room.
Zealots armed with scythes will rush down the stairs and attempt to throw their
scythes at Leon and Ashley. The red Zealot takes many more hit than the others
so try to kill the normal Zealots first then go for the red one.
| [ ] 5500 PTAS | Defeat the second red Zealot |
Run up the stairs and Ashley will point to the crank on one side of the higher
walkways up above - there are two cranks. Break the pots near the water for
some extra shotgun ammo and some rifle ammo. The floor with the door up ahead
is surrounded by water, so it is unreachable for the moment. Stand near one of
the side dropoffs of the higher walkway and watch for the "Piggyback" command
to appear. Press the A button to give Ashley a boost and she will immediately
run toward the nearest crank and start to rotate it.
| [ ] First Aid | Break the vase on the east balcony, behind the east |
| Spray | door at the top of the stairs |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Break the right vase near the water at the top of the |
| | stairs |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Break the left vase near the water at the top of the |
| | stairs |
Leon must stay on the floor below and cover Ashley while Zealots walk toward
her. Zealots will also attack from Leon's current floor, so he will have to
cover Ashley while worrying about keeping himself safe. Use the Rifle to fire
at the Zealots up above (go for the head) and use the rifle to fire at the
Zealots that try to attack Leon from the back of the room. Aim for the head of
the one with the shield while equipped with a rifle to kill him quickly. By
rotating each crank, a platform will rise up in the water behind Leon. Once
Ashley is finished with the final crank, rush toward her and catch her. Hop
across the platforms then open the door on the other side to exit the room.
__ Main Hall __
Follow the red carpet to the back of the area and save your game at the
typewriter in the back.
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the back left eye of the first upside down statue |
| | hanging from the ceiling |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Open the cabinet on the right wall (near the middle) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on a cabinet on the left wall |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Break the glass and open the treasure chest on the |
| | right wall near the typewriter |
There is a merchant in the back on the left side and he has plenty of new tune-
ups available.
| Merchant Upgrades |
| Handgun |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 1.8 | 18000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 5 | 22 | 10000 |
| Red9 |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 2.5 | 24000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.67 | 10000 |
| Firing Speed | Lv 3 | 0.40 | 15000 | Capacity | Lv 4 | 15 | 12000 |
| Punisher |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 1.5 | 20000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.83 | 18000 |
| Firing Speed | Lv 3 | 0.33 | 20000 | Capacity | Lv 4 | 20 | 15000 |
| Riot Gun |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ------ | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.43 | 7000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 2 | 9 | 10000 |
| Rifle |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 10.0 | 25000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 5 | 15 | 18000 |
| Rifle (Semi-Auto) |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 9.0 | 18000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 3 | 14 | 12000 |
| TMP |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 1.0 | 24000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.17 | 15000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | ---- | ---- | ----- |
* Buy a rocket launcher from the merchant if you want to see an extra cutscene
up ahead. There is no other way to get a rocket launcher for this part
unless you pick it up now. Skip down to "Main Hall (Second Floor)" for
There is also a blue door to the left side of the merchant that will lead to
one of the game's shooting galleries. These games are free to enter. The
object is to play with each of the weapon setups - "rapid-fire" and "sniping" -
and obtain a certain score for each of the four levels (A, B, C, D). Right now
only level A is available. Leon will gain a bottle cap once the requirements
for each level have been met. He can win a total of 6 bottle caps for each
gaming level and will receive a bonus amount of pesetas if he completes each of
the four levels. Leon can only receive one bottle cap per game so you must
play each setup a total of three times and make sure to win three bottle caps
per setup for a total of six. See the Extras section of this guide for more
details on this minigame.
The door at the top of the stairs cannot be opened at this time. Continue into
the corridor ahead for a cutscene that will end this chapter.
_______ __ ____ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ |_ /___|_ |
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ _/_ <___/ __/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /____/
Chapter 3-2
Objective: Find Ashley
__ Main Hall __
Once the radio cutscene ends enter the door to the side of the corridor.
__ Sewers __
Drop down into the sewers via the trapdoor up ahead. Follow the corridor in
the sewer and eventually a sound of something scampering by will be heard in a
waterway next to Leon. There is no immediate harm...yet. Be sure to enter the
broken space in the wall to find an extra breakable box at the end.
While moving along the corridor to the right, stop about halfway down the
corridor and look closely up ahead to notice some greenish drool as if a
transparent creature is waiting near the corner. Point a gun toward it to
confirm that this is indeed an enemy (a Novistador). Blast him with a rifle
(or even a handgun) from far off - he will not attempt to attack as long as
Leon stays at a distance from him. Shotgun blasts from up close work really
well on these enemies also.
Follow the corridor around the corner. Move by the railing to the side and
stand on the walkway overlooking the drained pool below. Two Novistadors are
waiting for Leon to jump in so shoot them from above with the rifle. They will
not attack unless Leon gets too close to the ladder or drops into the water.
Drop into the drained pool and find all the shiny objects to get some extra
items. Climb the ladder on the opposite side and open the door to enter the
next area.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Upon dropping into the pool, look in the corner to the |
| | right to see this shining in the water |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | In the same pool as described above only on the left |
| | side |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Check the pipe near the ladder on the opposite side of |
| | the pool |
__ Deeper in the Sewers __
Novistadors will appear in this area as Leon walks toward the middle of the
room. One will drop down from the middle hole in the ceiling and another will
appear from the side of the room. More will attack as Leon explores the
various rooms. Be very careful since they are sometimes transparent. If you
lose sight of one then be sure to check the ceiling or the nearby walls since
they will sometimes attack from there. Use the riot gun to knock them down
then get right next to them and shoot as much as possible.
Kick down the doors to each cell to find some items in each one. In the first
cell to the left, kick down the door and collect the ++LUIS MEMO++ file from
the top of the toilet. A Novistador will attack from outside the cell.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | In the first cell to the left, check on the bed |
| [ ] Incendiary | In the second cell to the left, check on the toilet |
| Grenade | |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | In the second cell to the right, near the body |
The first cell to the right cannot be opened. Leon can't move across the pool
to the south, so enter the corridor beside the left set of cells to the east
and follow it to the end. Run through the broken walls at the end of the
corridor to get past the fallen debris.
__ Sewer Control Room __
Open the door to the control room. Grab the pickups inside.
| [ ] Butterfly | Open the treasure chest in the control room |
| Lamp | |
The eyes (Red, Green, and Blue) that Leon has been collecting from the
Novistadors can be combined with the Butterfly Lamp to make it more valuable.
Make sure to combine all the eyes with it before selling it. Keep in mind that
a Blue Eye drop from a Novistador is very rare.
Walk over to the valve handle and use it to drain the water in the pool
outside. Exit the room.
__ Deeper in the Sewers __
While backtracking a few Novistadors will attack. Once Leon makes it back to
the area with the four cells, a Novistador will crash through the broken door
of the cell on the right wall - the one that couldn't be opened earlier.
Another Novistador will fall from the ceiling hole at that time, so get the
shotgun ready and try to keep both grounded. Run back to the corridor to give
them less room to run when they chase after Leon.
Drop into the drained pool. Kick down the door up ahead. A Novistador will
appear in the back of Leon once the door is knocked down, so immediately run
through the doorway and wait for him to come to you then blast him with a
shotgun. Run up the stairs to the side and open the door.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | After kicking down the door and entering the next |
| | second portion of the drained pool, check to the left |
| | of the drain on the left side of the stairs |
__ Pendulum Room __
Use timed dashes and careful jumps to avoid the pendulums on the walkway then
open the door on the left up the stairs at the end of the walkway.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Up the stairs and to the right (on the ground) at the |
| | opposite end of the room |
Climb the ladder behind the door then open the door to the right.
| [ ] Spinel | Break the right barrel after climbing the ladder |
__ Main Hall (Second Floor) __
Zealots will be gathered in worship on the floor below. This is where you can
get tons of valuable items with a single grenade and some extra chasing. To
instantly kill them all, shoot them with a rocket launcher. This will, of
course, take a bunch of money though. It is much easier to move to the right
and throw a hand grenade down at them. The hand grenade will kill just about
all of them. Make sure to aim downward and throw the grenade into the middle
of them.
Quickly (and I mean FAST) hop down the ladder to the left and run toward the
Zealot survivors with the riot gun equipped then blast them. The red Zealot
will most likely be the only one left and he carries the most valuable item of
all. Don't let him escape. They will try to run toward the corridor where
Ashley got trapped. Once they make it there then the wall will close off, so
don't let them get there. The red Zealot will always Plagas out while
attacking him but he will still run even then.
It is possible to use a flash grenade to your advantage as well. Throw a flash
grenade below then jump down and start shooting the Zealots while they are
stunned. A few of them will probably get away while using this method though.
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Spinel | Kill the chanting Zealots |
| [ ] Illuminados | Kill the chanting red Zealot |
| Pendant | |
| Extra Cutscene |
| * Shoot the Zealots with a rocket from the rocket launcher |
Climb back up the ladder then swing across the chandelier next to the dropoff
by the closed gate. Hop to the other side then swing across the next
chandelier off to the right. Hop back to the other side that Leon was just on,
only this time, he will be behind the gate. Pull the switch on the wall to
raise the gates on both side of the top floor. Be sure to grab the treasure in
the treasure chest!
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Destroy the left set of vases (right vase) after |
| | swinging across the first chandelier |
| [ ] Elegant Mask | Destroy the glass around the treasure chest to the left |
| | after swinging across the second chandelier then open |
| | the chest |
Drop back down to the first floor and save your game at the typewriter. Climb
up the stairs on the left side of the room. The merchant here has the same
upgrades as he did last time. Open the red door to the left of the merchant to
continue onward.
__ Painting Room __
Run up the stairs and collect the ++CASTELLAN MEMO++ file from the round table
at the top. Hear the chanting in the room ahead?
| [ ] Red Herb | On the small table down the stairs at the end of the |
| | first corridor |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a chair to the side of the table with the file |
Open the door to the next room and quickly move to the far right of one of the
sides to avoid the crossbow bolts of the second floor Zealots. You can also
stand at the door and shoot them, but you might get hit. Try using the TMP so
their bolts will likely be shot while firing at them. Shoot the two Zealots on
the current floor then open the door on the left side. The objective in this
room is to hunt down the red Zealot at the top of the room.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | While entering the room, break the furthest vase on the |
| | right |
Run up the stairs and shoot the Zealot at the top. Move through the second
door and walk around the right side of the second floor. The red Zealot will
move into the room on the right of the back area. While moving around the
side, notice that there is a portion without railing and where Leon can jump
down to the second floor from the dropoff - this is very important to remember.
Drop off onto the side where the red Zealot was and shoot the masked Zealot on
that side. The red Zealot will run as Leon drops, but don't worry about him at
the moment. The door in the back is locked and he has the key. Move through
the room to side that the red Zealot ran into and be sure to grab the extra
pesetas on the shelf.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | After opening the door to the second floor, check |
| | around the left corner to find this on a small table |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | In a room to the right, on a shelf after dropping off |
| | the second floor walkway |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Same room as above |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Same room as above |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Same room as above |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On the table across from the shelf with the pesetas |
The red Zealot will run through the door that Leon used to enter the second
floor. From here, you can do one of two things.
a) Follow him normally and allow him to make it downstairs. He will raise a
chain gun from the center portion of the room and start to fire at Leon. To
kill him, go back up the stairs and open the door a bit, but be sure to stay
behind the side of the wall for cover. When he stops firing, position Leon
behind the closest pillar outside. Wait for him to fire and quit again then
quickly step out and get his head in your sight and shoot him dead with the
rifle. This way is kind of scary though.
b) Drop off the side of the second floor without railing (I mentioned this
portion earlier). Kick through the door on the bottom floor. He will be right
near the door when Leon enters and will literally haul ass. Run after him with
a riot gun then shoot him as he runs up the staircase to make him fall.
Another Zealot will be at the top so quickly kill him then turn full attention
on the red Zealot. DO NOT let him get away. Knock him down with a shotgun
blast then blast him, blast him, blast him, reload, blast him - until he dies.
If he makes it through the door on the second floor then he will get to the
chain gun automatically. You may want to even resort to the broken butterfly
for shooting him here.
c) Thanks to the Wii targeting, you can stand near the railing across from the
locked door and shoot him as he runs for the door to the second floor stairwell
since the targeting is so much more precise in this version. Shoot him with
the broken butterfly. Leon doesn't have time to reload, so either go all out
with a heavy weapon or allow him to escape. The TMP works good too, but it
will take quite a bit of ammo.
Either way, pick up the --GALLERY KEY-- from his body. Return to the portion
of the second floor with the locked door and unlock it with the gallery key.
__ The Gallery __
Leon will enter a room with four paintings on the wall across from the door.
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the deer head's right eye to make this fall |
Examine the panel in the middle of the room for a message:
"The sacrifice of six lives shall make way the true path."
Numbers will appear after that. Each number will turn a certain number of
paintings on the wall. A total of six victims need to be displayed on the
Rotate the paintings in this order:
4 - 3 - 2 - 1
It should turn out like this:
| o_O | X_X O_O | o_O | X_X O_O |
| /| | /| /| | /| | /| /| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| / | / / | / | / / |
|Painting 1| Painting 2 |Painting 3| Painting 4 |
Be sure to select "Ok" after they are set up properly. The wall to the right
will move aside to reveal a door once the puzzle is solved. Open the door to
__ The Big Gallery __
A cutscene will play once Leon enters the next room. Zealots armed with
Scythes will walk toward Leon after the cutscene. Throw a hand grenade right
as the cutscene ends for an excellent start-out to this room. Otherwise, equip
the riot gun and be sure to watch for their scythe throws.
Once most of the scythe wielders have been taken care of some Zealots armed
with crossbows will enter the floor up above. Either run up the stairs or go
through the door to the left of the entrance door (while facing it). The door
to the left will take Leon to the top floor safely. A painting will move
upward and expose two Zealots with rocket launcher (they're behind the top
middle painting), so make sure to stay at a distance from them or run to avoid
the rockets. They can be killed with one hit from any weapon, so Leon doesn't
have to run.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | When entering the area, go through the door on the right |
| | and move up the stairs to find this in a corner of the |
| | floor above |
| [ ] Spinel | On a chair on the north side of the room |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Below the big painting near the exit door |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a table near the door on the south side of the room |
Chase the Zealots down while on the second floor since they will run from Leon.
Shoot the lanterns up above each of the four corners when they run underneath
them to kill them quickly. Walk over to the door on the east side of the room
and press the red button on the wall to deactivate the security system and make
a platform with a chest rise in the center of the room.
Find the door on the south side and walk +----------------------------------+
to the back of the corridor behind it. | EXTRA INFO |
Break the vase then press the button on |==================================|
the pedestal where the vase was. This | Sometimes (randomly), a group of |
will extend a bridge across to the | Zealots armed with scythes will |
platform with the chest. Two Zealots with | enter the top floor right after |
rocket launchers are now on the platform | the two Zealots with rocket |
with the chest so walk up to the door and | launchers attack after pressing |
open it then quickly move back. They will | the button under the vase. |
both shoot their rockets but the door will +----------------------------------+
shield Leon from the blast - sometimes they shoot before Leon can even open the
door, so really you don't even need to open it at times to get their attention
- in this case, just stand near the door and wait for them to shoot. It is
possible to kick through the door and shoot them with a handgun to kill them
before they shoot but it's risky.
Run outside and shoot the Zealots if they are still there - they're very weak.
Retrieve the --GOAT ORNAMENT-- from the chest. Both doors in the room will now
unseal. Walk over to the white door on the east side of the room and open it
to continue.
__ Dark Hall __
Save your game at the typewriter to the right then continue down the dark
corridor ahead. The door on the far wall cannot be opened yet, so run up the
stairs to the left. Crows are positioned on the windows up above and they will
fly away as Leon walks up to them - these can be shot in the area ahead for
some extra pesetas. Continue through the door at the top of the stairs.
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the glowing object above the door to the next |
| | area |
__ Second Castle Exterior __
Walk around the side of the walkway. The fountain ahead has a few crows
perched on it so go ahead and shoot them. Shoot the crows flying overhead from
the past areas for some extra pesetas as well. The door to the side cannot be
entered just yet. Keep this door in mind while continuing with the game. In
order to get the treasures inside, backtracking is required. Break through the
barrels and enter the door up ahead.
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot all the crows in the area. Make sure that they |
| | fall on the floor of the castle! |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | In the fountain |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | In the fountain |
| [ ] Spinel | In the fountain |
__ Garden Maze __
Run down the steps and continue ahead. The door to the bedroom on the side is
locked with a phrase on it: "Two moons make one". Move on ahead for a radio
cutscene. Continue down the steps after the cutscene and enter the garden via
the gates on the left side.
This garden can be a very scary area thanks to the enemies found inside. Break
the barrels up ahead and some Colmillos will attack. This whole garden is full
of Colmillos that will jump out of the hedges in many different portions of the
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the second barrel after first entering the garden |
Make a left at the starting and kick down the gate at that end. The Colmillos
in the cage ahead will bust through the cage if Leon continues ahead so go
ahead and start shooting them from the current area. They will bust through
the cage either way. Run down the path to the left of the cage and take the
first left. Move across the bridge and continue straight ahead. Turn the
corner and pick up the --MOONSTONE (LEFT HALF)-- from the front of the statue.
On the way back to the bridge, three Colmillos will attack. Take the right
path before going back across the bridge for some TMP Ammo.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Open the treasure chest at the end of the path to the |
| | right of the north side of the first bridge |
Move back across the bridge and turn left then follow that path. Directly
after grabbing the Shotgun Ammo from the chest, a Colmillo will run around the
hedge outside of the area and attack from behind. Another Colmillo will jump
out from the bushes as the first one attacks.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Open the chest in the southwest portion of the garden |
Return to the cage where the Colmillos were imprisoned. Don't enter the path
to the right of the cage, instead, take the first right. This will take Leon
back to the middle portion of the garden. Two Colmillos will attack up ahead.
Go through the north gate that one of the Colmillos knocked open. Turn right
at the intersection and blast the Colmillo at the very end of this path. Pick
up the Spinel from the ground.
| [ ] Spinel | Behind the north gate, take the right path to find this |
| | on the ground at the end of that path |
Return to the intersection once again and start blasting the Colmillo in the
cage up ahead. He'll bust out of the cage if Leon gets too close. Follow the
path on the left. Don't take the first left yet, continue to the second left
then turn and pick up the First Aid Spray from the treasure chest.
| [ ] First Aid | Open the chest to the left of the northwest cage, take |
| Spray | the second left after passing the cage |
Take the other path that you skipped and follow it until you come across
several paths. Take the first left path and pick up the Red Gem from inside
the chest at the end.
| [ ] Red Gem | In the south section of the garden in a chest. See |
| | above. |
Go back and take the next left path. Two Colmillos will surround Leon in this
path - one behind, one in front. Try to run by one and get them both on the
same side. Turn right then follow that path to the far end. Pick up the
Yellow Herb near the gate at the end.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | In the southwest section of the garden near a gate |
Go back the way you came and make a left followed by a right then run across
the high bridge. Take the --MOONSTONE (RIGHT HALF)-- from the front of the
statue. Drop off from the portion behind the statue to fall back down to the
middle portion of the garden maze. Kick through the gate entrance then return
to the locked door of the bedroom along the side of the castle. Combine both
halves of the Moonstone into the --BLUE MOONSTONE-- then place it on the
bedroom door to unlock it. Enter the bedroom for a cutscene that will end this
_______ __ ____ ____
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/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ _/_ <___//_ <
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Chapter 3-3
Objective: Find Ashley
__ Bedroom __
Be sure to check the bedroom over carefully for the hidden pickups inside.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the dresser near the center wall of the room |
| [ ] Spinel | Break the pot on the right side of the bed |
| [ ] Spinel | Walk over to the bed (either side) then aim and look |
| | up. Shoot the shiny object on the ceiling to make this |
| | fall on the bed. |
| [ ] Mirror w/ | Open the closet to the left of the merchant |
| Pearls and | |
| Rubies | |
There is a merchant inside the next room through the open doorway on the right
wall. He has some new upgrades for Leon's weapons.
| Blacktail |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 3.0 | 18000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 3 | 21 | 10000 |
| Broken Butterfly |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 17.0 | 30000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 3.00 | 15000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ----- |
| Riot Gun |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 6.5 | 28000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 3 | 11 | 12000 |
| Mine Thrower |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 4.0 | 25000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 2 | 7 | 25000 |
Pick up the ++FEMALE INTRUDER++ file from the table in front of the merchant.
Save your game at the typewriter to the left before exiting the bedroom via the
door on the south side.
__ Dining Room __
Before worrying about the puzzle in here, go ahead and run past the tables in
this long room and enter the next room down the right corridor on the other
side of this current area. Don't solve the puzzle in the dining room
beforehand since there is a checkpoint directly after solving it and the next
room (after solving the puzzle) is not very friendly during your first attempt.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the first long table (west side) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the second long table (west side) |
__ Storage Room __
There are quite a few item pickups in here so be sure to check around the area.
Break the lock on the door at the other side of the room. This door leads to
the second castle exterior area, so you can basically return to the dining room
after breaking the lock. This Storage Room provides a shortcut back to the
locked room that Leon couldn't get to without assistance in the last chapter.
You'll have to return here later.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Turn left upon entering and open the cabinet beside the |
| | door |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the table in the center of the room |
| [ ] SNAKE! | Facing the two vases on the right side of the room, a |
| | snake is in the right vase |
| [ ] Spinel | Break the first wooden barrel beside the locked door |
__ Dining Room __
There is a barred gate covering the entrance to the next room to the east.
Examine the dark inscriptions on the walls around the tables. The inscriptions
"A dessert to cherish our remaining years."
"Bread begins the meal of life."
"Meat to savor the time at hand."
"Our last drink and the bottle breaks, returning us to the dust from whence we
Walk over to the counter with the bell to the side. Ring the bell and a
painting with a table full of food will appear. The inscriptions hint at what
should be done here. The key is the last phrase - "Our last drink as the
bottle breaks..."
-- SOLUTION: Shoot the bottle of wine on the painting.
This can be done very easily with the TMP or a handgun. The bottle of wine in
the painting will burst and the gate on the left side of the wall will open.
Enter the new room.
__ Cage Trap Room __
While walking into the room, a cage will fall around Leon. Zealots and a
Garrador will drop from the ceiling and fall to the floor inside the cage with
Leon. Keep in mind that the cutscene of them entering the cage can be skipped
in order to provide more time for Leon to react. There are two ways I have
found to defeat the enemies safely.
a) Take out the riot gun or broken butterfly and shoot the big padlock on the
door closest to Leon. The big padlock has 15 life, so it's going to take about
3 - 4 shotgun blasts or one magnum blast. A rifle works well too, but be quick
and don't miss! The Garrador will be preparing an attack the whole time that
Leon is shooting the padlock, so skipping the cutscene where the enemies fall
is vital to getting out of the cage trap without being hit.
Run out of the cage as quick as you can and run by the outside Zealots. Walk
(don't run) around the area outside the cage and try to kill the Garrador with
magnum blasts or rifle shots. If he stays inside the cage then walk around the
cage, if he moves outside the cage consider entering the cage. You'll have to
blast the Zealots around the area, which will alert the Garrador, so you'll
have to constantly move. The Zealots drop from a hole above the ceiling of the
cage, so they will be a nuisance the whole time while battling the Garrador.
b) Throw a flash grenade to stun the zealots then turn to the left and shoot
the Garrador in the face with the broken butterfly. Be quick since the flash
grenade will alert him. He will turn and fall to his knees after being shot
with the magnum round. Shoot at the Plagas on his back as he turns. Shoot him
again in the face then shoot the Plagas again to kill him. Quickly take out
the shotgun and deal with the Zealot with the crossbow outside of the cage and
the other Zealot in the cage. Shoot the cage lock to get out then deal with
the Zealots outside.
c) Toss a hand grenade toward the cage door on the side that is in front of
Leon when he starts and this will kill some of the surrounding Zealots, damage
the big lock quite badly, and stun the Garrador!
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Defeat the Garrador |
| [ ] Hourglass w/ | Open the middle chest in the cage |
| Gold Decor | |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | In the glass case on the wooden cabinet near the |
| | entrance |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | Move through the doorway on the right side of the room |
| | and this will be by the counter on the far end across |
| | from the painting |
TIP: One interesting technique that was pointed out to me for this part is that
the Garradors cannot hear a knife swing, so Leon can knock down then slash a
Zealot to death without alerting the Garrador.
(thanks to megamanep0)
Be sure to check out the right hallway since there is some extra Magnum Ammo
inside. Exit through the door on the other side of the room.
__ Double-Sided Room __
Walk up to the dropoff on the side of the room and shoot at the Zealots below.
Drop down to the bottom floor and pull the lever to raise a bridge that moves
across the center of the room. Climb back up the ladder on the side that Leon
dropped from. Zealots will enter the area from the door that Leon came through
to enter this area and they will run across the bridge as well. Quickly run
across to the middle of the bridge and shoot the lantern above the bridge to
burn some of the Zealots that enter from the other side of the bridge. Deal
with the other two Zealots on the current side.
Run across the bridge and enter the other side of this room. A Zealot will
fire his crossbow from behind an opening on the far wall so take out a rifle
and shoot him or just run toward him (drop off and run up the stairs) then
fight him from up close.
| [ ] 1800 PTAS | Lying on the table in the second room (east side) |
| [ ] Rocket | In the glass case in the center of the second room |
| Launcher | |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | In the glass case in the center of the second room |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | In the glass case in the center of the second room |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | In the glass case in the center of the second room |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | In the glass case in the center of the second room |
| [ ] Incendiary | In the glass case in the center of the second room |
| Grenade | |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the small vase on the small table beside the |
| | glass case |
If Leon doesn't have enough inventory space to carry the items then don't start
dropping items. The merchant in the next room has a bigger Attache Case and
these items will remain here upon leaving the room. Break the lock on the door
on the other side then continue back across the bridge. Kick down the door and
continue into the next room.
__ Merchant Corridor __
Run to the far end of the hall.
| [ ] Spinel | Break the vase on the small table in the middle |
The merchant only has one new item - the Attache Case XL, which is definitely
enough! Be sure to buy it!
| Merchant Items |
| * Attache Case XL | 73000 | Rifle | 12000 |
| Attache Case L | 40000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | TMP | 10000 |
| Treasure Map (Castle) | 6000 | Mine Thrower | 9800 |
| Handgun | 8000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Red9 | 14000 | Stock (Red9) | 4000 |
| Punisher | 20000 | Stock (TMP) | 4000 |
| Blacktail | 24000 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Broken Butterfly | 38000 | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 8000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| Riot Gun | 32000 | ---------------------- | ----- |
Run back into the double-sided room and grab the rocket launcher if Leon left
it. If you are really pressed for inventory space then just go ahead and sell
the rocket launcher - this item will be needed in an area of the castle much
later, unless you enjoy tough battles like I do. It can be bought back from
the merchant right before that time though. Open the door across from the
merchant and a cutscene will play that will end this chapter.
_______ __ ____ ____
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/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ _/_ <___/_ _/
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Chapter 3-4
Objective: Save Ashley
__ Second Floor Walkway __
The door on the east side of this floor is locked. Some familiar struggling
can be heard from the floor below as Leon starts out in this room. As Leon
moves around the side of the second floor the camera will zoom in to show
Ashley on the floor below, still in her confines. Be sure to break all the
vases along the sides of the room before helping Ashley. In order to help her,
shoot the three metal bars that hold her in place. The rifle is the
recommended weapon to use for this task. In the Wii version, this part can
actually be done with the handgun, though it could be done in the other
versions as well with proper accuracy. Oh, so you think you're a hotshot with
that Wii-mote? Try breaking the bars with a TMP without a stock!
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the dresser beside the dead body |
| [ ] Spinel | Break the vase to the right of the picture of Saddler |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Check the picture of Saddler on the south wall |
Once Ashley is free, a cutscene will play where Zealots will enter the room
from the doors of the floor below. Equip a rifle and shoot the Zealots as they
walk toward Ashley. Once the first three are killed Ashley will walk over to
the door in the back of the room. The door is locked though. Soon another
wave of Zealots will enter from the door on the west side and the other door on
the east side. Ashley will move back to the south center area. The Zealot
with the crossbow in the group will rush over to the east side and try to hit
Leon up above so scope him out and shoot him as soon as possible.
Make sure to keep Ashley in your vision at all times and shoot the legs of any
Zealot that tries to grab her. Throw a flash grenade while overwhelmed to stun
all the Zealots below and make them drop Ashley if they grab her. Kill the red
Zealot below and he will drop an item. Kill the remaining Zealots on the
bottom floor and Ashley will run over to the item that the red Zealot dropped
and she will pick it up (it turns out to be a key to the door below). She will
unlock the door below with the key and enter.
HINT: Finishing off the red Zealot right at the beginning (when he walks
through the bottom doorway) may make it to where Leon only has to shoot a few
Zealots while dealing with the second wave.
__ Guest Room __
Objective: Find a way back to Leon
Control of Ashley will be given to the player at this point. Collect the items
around the current area then run down the corridor up ahead. Be sure to save
the current game at the typewriter.
| [ ] Spinel | Behind the cabinet to the left (after entering) |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Walk over to the left side of the first room and this |
| | will be against the north wall |
A Zealot will be in the room at the end of the corridor. Ashley has very
little means of attacking so running is necessary in order to survive. Walk
over to one of the lanterns and press A to throw the lantern at the Zealot. It
will burst into flames as it hits the floor and burn the Zealot. Ashley must
hit the Zealot with two to three lanterns in order to kill him (the damage
varies sometimes). Make sure that he is not running or right next to Ashley
when she grabs one or it will miss and possibly hit Ashley (if the Zealot is
too close).
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying in the middle of the long set of tables |
The first Zealot can be skipped by running by him and taking a shortcut to the
next area. Look along the right side of the room (next to the gate) for a big
dresser next to a table that Ashley can crawl under. Crawl under the hole in
the wall to reach the next room. Otherwise, she will need to run over to the
crank on the left side of the gate and rotate it to raise the gate. Ashley can
crawl under the table by the crank so the Zealot can't trap her.
On the other side three more lanterns are lying around and another Zealot is
roaming the area. Throw the lanterns at the Zealot - you'll need to crawl
under a table to get to one. The lever near the doorway on the wall will open
and raise the middle gate, so Ashley can trap a Zealot behind the gate by
luring it over to other side. Rotate both cranks on the left side of the room
to remove the bars from the corridor in the middle. Once the corridor is open,
run through the corridor and open the door on the far right side. The left
blue door will lead to a room that Ashley will need to backtrack to - from lack
of not having an item.
| [ ] Spinel | Open the dresser drawer by the desk across from the |
| | end of the bed |
| [ ] 2500 PTAS | Open the cabinet to the left of the bed |
| [ ] Red Herb | On top of a cabinet down the corridor behind the |
| | second gate |
__ Dark Storage Room __
Ashley will automatically be equipped with a flashlight while entering this
dark room. Push the bookcase on the right wall to reveal a hidden button.
Don't press the button just yet. Crawl under the small table to the left and
press the button on the far wall. This will open the gate to the right. Walk
through the new opening and pick up the --STONE TABLET-- from the top portion
of the fireplace.
| [ ] Green Herb | On top of the desk on the far wall across from the |
| | entrance |
Press the red button on the pedestal by the center gate. This will open the
gate behind Ashley. Run back to the button that was hidden behind the bookcase
and press it. This button will raise the gate next to the pedestal button and
lower the gate by the table. Go through the new opening and open the door at
the end.
| [ ] 2800 PTAS | Open the big cabinet to the left of the door to the |
| | next area |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Lying on a small dresser to the right of the door to |
| | the next room (beside some chairs) |
__ Dark Knight Hall __
Follow the corridor to the very end. Run through the doorway at the end to
enter a room with four knights and a pedestal in the middle. There is metal
door sealing off the next doorway.
| [ ] Spinel | Lying on a chair in the first group of chairs |
The pedestal displays a number of blocks that form a scrambled image. Ashley
must solve this sliding puzzle to move further ahead.
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Act as if the tiles on the puzzle have numbers on each of them as shown above
and move the tiles in this order:
4 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 6 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 7 - 8 - 9
or (to be even more descriptive) you want to move them like this:
4 to 5, 7 to 4, 8 to 7, 9 to 8, 6 to 9, 3 to 6, 2 to 3, 1 to 2, 4 to 1, 7 to 4,
8 to 7, 9 to 8
All that you are doing is moving the middle left tile to the center and going
around the board in a counterclockwise motion moving every tile on the outer
Once the final piece has been moved, place the Stone Tablet where the final
tile is missing. The back door will open as the Stone Tablet is placed. Enter
the new room and look around for some extra items.
| [ ] Gold Bangle | Open the treasure chest on the small dresser against |
| | the east wall |
| [ ] Spinel | Open the big cabinet to the right of the bust with the |
| | Salazar Family Insignia on it |
Once Ashley has grabbed all the items, pick up the --SALAZAR FAMILY INSIGNIA--
from the knight bust on the south wall. The wall of the bust will swivel
around and reveal a chest. The door will close off in the back of Ashley at
this time. Open the chest and collect the --SERPENT ORNAMENT-- from inside.
The metal door will open again and clanging noises will be heard outside of the
room as the knights from the other room come alive and start to enter the
current room that Ashley is in. Move around the side of the center table and
let them group on one side of the table then rush by them by moving to the
other end and running to the door. Run down the hall back to the door where
Ashley first entered this area. Hit the required on-screen sequence as the
knights in the hall tries to slice Ashley in order to avoid getting hit.
__ Dark Storage Room __
Back in the storage room, run under the first gate then hit the button on the
pedestal to lower the gate. This will keep the knights from advancing any
further when they enter the storage room. There is one more knight by the
entrance to this room that will try to hit Ashley while trying to escape, so
make sure to input the sequence displayed on the screen when prompted. Exit
the room and enter the other room across the hall (blue door).
__ Salazar Family Room __
Walk down the stairs and pick up the ++BUTLER'S MEMO++ file on top of the left
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Open the drawer of the desk to the right upon entering |
| [ ] Spinel | On top of the cabinet against the wall across from the |
| | entrance door |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the drawer of the desk to the right at the bottom |
| | of the stairs |
Walk over to the circular dais in the middle of the bottom floor to find that
there is an indention in the middle of it to place something. Place the
Salazar Family Insignia in the middle of it. Turn the dais afterward to make
the wall rise and reveal a ladder. Climb the ladder.
| [ ] 1500 PTAS | On the table to the right after climbing the ladder |
| [ ] 1800 PTAS | On the table to the right after climbing the ladder |
Rush down the corridor and unlock then open the door at the end for a cutscene
that will end this chapter.
_______ __ ____ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ / / /___< /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /_ _/___/ /
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /_/ /_/
Chapter 4-1
__ Second Floor Walkway __
Objective: Find a way out of the castle
All of the items that Ashley collected will be handed over to Leon for this
chapter so place them in Leon's inventory. A radio cutscene will play after
taking the extra items. Take this time to run all the way back to the second
castle exterior area and use Ashley's help to get inside that room that Leon
couldn't enter before.
Rush back through the Merchant Corridor, the Double-Sided Room, the Cage Trap
Room, the Dining Room, the Storage Room, the Dark Hall, then finally the Second
Castle Exterior. Masked Zealots with scythes will attack in the Cage Trap Room
and Dining Room.
__ Second Castle Exterior __
Run over to the locked door that Leon couldn't get through earlier and check it
again - it must be examined again! Walk over to the high window after checking
it and use the Piggyback command when it appears. Ashley will unlock the door
from the other side. Collect all the goodies from the treasure chests found
around the room.
| [ ] Elegant | Open the small chest on the right |
| Perfume Bottle | |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Open the first small chest on the left |
| [ ] Red Herb | Open the second small chest on the left |
| [ ] Broken | Open the big center chest |
| Butterfly | |
Sell the Broken Butterfly if Leon already has it. Return to the Second Floor
__ Second Floor Balcony __
Run down the corridor at the north end of the second floor and open the door at
the other end.
__ Room with Wheel Platform __
Save the game at the typewriter to the left then step on the platform with the
large wheels on it. Select the "Get On" command and Leon will move to the
other side of this room. He'll leave Ashley behind automatically. Enter the
door on the other side.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the dresser against the right wall |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the vase right next to the typewriter |
__ Lava Room __
* To do this next part easily, aim for the chains that hold up the metal
dragons and shoot the orange portion of either of the chains twice. This can
be done from the side of the entrance door if Leon has the rifle. This can
also be done with another gun if your aiming is really good.
The camera will show two metal dragons as Leon enter the room. As Leon walks
down the stairs two, Zealots will get behind the two dragons. The one on the
right will start to move toward Leon and breathe a flame at him. Shoot the
Zealot or shoot the two chains holding the dragon up (shoot one chain twice).
Either way, the dragon will fall into the lava and a chest will pop up from the
floor on the walkway below the stairs.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Destroy the first metal dragon then open the chest |
| | that rises from the floor (down the stairs) |
| [ ] Illuminados | Destroy the second metal dragon then open the chest |
| Pendant | that rises from the floor (other side) |
Shoot the chains or the Zealot on the second metal dragon to make it fall while
moving up the stairs toward the middle circular platform. As the fence on the
platform rotates, jump into an opening when the open portion is in front of
Leon. Run to the opposite side and jump through the next opening. A few
Zealots will attack.
Run to the other side and another metal dragon with a Zealot on it will lower
up ahead. Move away from the flames by backing up. Zealots will start to drop
from the opening of the circular tower behind Leon. Shoot the Zealots then
quickly aim at the chains on the last metal dragon and shoot one of them twice
to make the dragon fall into the lava.
Once the Zealot falls a staircase will appear and allow Leon across to the
chest on the far side. Open the chest at the top of the stairs and pick up the
--LION ORNAMENT--. Exit the room.
__ Room with Wheel Platform __
Take the wheel platform back over to Ashley. Save the game at the typewriter
once again. Get on the cart in the room down the stairs and it will take Leon
all the way back to the beginning of the castle.
__ Cart Room __
Unlock then open the door up ahead.
| [ ] Spinel | Break the first vase on the right after getting off |
| | the cart |
__ Entrance Hall __
Leon is now back at the very beginning of the castle where the engraving on the
sealed wall is located. Walk over to the engraving and place the Lion
Ornament, the Goat Ornament, and the Serpent Ornament on it. Once the chimera
portion of the engraving is complete, the wall will lower and allow Leon
Don't go through the door at the end of the corridor just yet. Look on the
right wall to see an opening that blends in rather well with the wall. Run up
the stairs beyond that opening to find some extra pickups at the top. The very
top balcony is supposed to show Leon the Purple Gem that I pointed out much
earlier while he stand on the balcony. Go ahead and shoot it up above if you
haven't gotten it yet.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Check behind the picture of Saddler across from the |
| | vase |
Open the door up the stairs back down at the bottom.
__ Second Cart Room __
Before entering the cart, hop over the railing on each side of this room and
break the vases for some extra items.
| [ ] Spinel | Hop over the railing and break the right vase |
Get in the cart when you're done.
After getting off the cart, check the area for some more pickups.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the vase on the left side of the room |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Check behind the picture of the old man on the left |
| | side of the room |
| Extra Info |
| * Do you recognize the painting of the old man behind where the 5000 PTAS |
| is located? That picture was used in the Painting Room with the two maiden |
| statues in Resident Evil (REmake) for Gamecube. Next time you play that |
| game, pay attention to the right wall (character's right) that tries to |
| compact your character while pushing the statue in between the walls. |
Exit through the door up ahead.
__ Painting Hall __
Enter the first (green) door to the right.
__ Merchant Room __
Our good friend, the merchant, has set up another shop in here. There is also
an extra shooting gallery with game "B" available to the side. Save your game
at the typewriter then talk to the merchant to choose from some new upgrades.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the cabinet to the right upon entering the room |
| Merchant Upgrades |
| Shotgun |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 7.0 | 30000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 5 | 15 | 15000 |
| Rifle (Semi-Auto) |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 11.0 | 24000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.33 | 18000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 4 | 17 | 15000 |
| TMP |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 1.2 | 35000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 4 | 150 | 20000 |
Exit the room.
__ Painting Hall __
Both the right and left doors will lead to some items that Leon will need in
order to open the next door up the corridor ahead. Choose one door and go
inside to collect the item within. I'll start with the right door. Be sure to
take the ++SAMPLE RETRIEVAL++ file from the table across from the door while
moving toward the right door.
| [ ] Spinel | Open the cabinet to the left of the table |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Lying on the end of the table |
__ Knight Room __
Walk down the corridor and turn to the left. Notice all the knights up ahead.
Some of them have their axes held up in the air. As Leon approaches the
knights with axes they will try to slice him, so press the on-screen sequence
to backflip out of the way. Strangely the axe will go right through Ashley as
long as Leon dodges each axe. BE SURE to tell Ashley to wait before going into
the circular room through the doorway up ahead.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on the first lion statue across from the |
| | entrance |
Pick up the ammo along the sides of the room then pick up the --KING'S GRAIL--.
The door will seal off and the walls on the three sides of the room will rotate
then knights will step out of the wall alcoves. Let them come toward Leon then
run away from them. Make sure that they are grouped just a bit before trying
to hit them. Shoot them in the head with any type of bullets (the rifle and
shotgun work the best). Eventually their knight helmet will burst open to
reveal a Plagas. Try to knock off the helmets of at least two of them then
throw a flash grenade to instantly kill the plagas inside. They start to move
very fast when the Plagas is exposed so it's best to get rid of them as quick
as possible. Finish off the final Plagas knight with a rifle to the plagas
head to keep from using flash grenades.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying below a knight bust on the far left wall |
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on the ground below some shields to the right |
Three more knights will enter the room via the alcoves so group them together
and start to shoot them in the head once again. Like before, throw a flash
grenade to get rid of the Plagas. The most dangerous knights in both groups
are the ones with the swords since they can attack so fast. The knights with
the axes are not as bad since they will use delayed overhead swings. Once the
final three knights have been defeated, the doorway will unseal. The last
three Plagas Knights will leave a big amount of pesetas. Go back out and
rejoin with Ashley then leave the room.
| [ ] 6500 PTAS | Kill the Plagas Knight |
| [ ] 6500 PTAS | Kill the Plagas Knight |
| [ ] 6500 PTAS | Kill the Plagas Knight |
__ Pressure Switch Room __
There is an inscription on the right door:
"Four knights shall clear the path."
The other door is locked from the opposite side.
There are four pressure switches in this room. Find the two statues in the
area and push them on top of two of the pressure switches. Lead Ashley over to
one of the other pressure switches and have her wait on it. Stand on the final
pressure switch with Leon in order to have the door to the side open up. Walk
through the newly opened doorway.
TIP: It is possible to stand at the doorway of the Spiked Ceiling Room and
shoot the four red lights on the ceiling before entering. A cutscene will
still play but all will be calm after the cutscene since the four red lights
have already been shot.
__ Spiked Ceiling Room __
After the cutscene, the spiked ceiling up above will start to lower on Leon and
Ashley. The camera will show an overhead view of the ceiling. Look up to see
four red lights on each corner of the spiked ceiling. Shoot the four red
lights on each of the corners to stop the spiked ceiling from descending.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the floor (northwest side of the room) |
Open the door to the side and follow the corridor up ahead. Step into the room
at the end and a cutscene will occur. Ashley will be trapped on the other side
of the gate after the cutscene and two Zealots controlling a drill will be
driving toward her. Equip a rifle and shoot both of the Zealots through the
bars on the gate (one shot each) then the gate will open. Ashley will step
through and follow Leon. It is nearly impossible to hit them with any other
weapon besides rifle so make sure to have one.
Check the room over for some good item pickups and be sure to pick up the
--KING'S GRAIL-- from inside of the treasure chest on the pedestal. Break the
lock on the door then exit the room and head back to the middle hall with the
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a crate to the right of the doorway |
| [ ] Spinel | Break the first wooden box off to the right |
| [ ] Elegant | Open the cabinet on the floor next to the two wooden |
| Chessboard | barrels |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the first wooden barrel to the left |
__ Painting Hall __
Now that Leon has both grails follow the corridor in the middle. Zealots armed
with scythes will be standing at the other end of the hall with windows up
ahead, so arm a rifle then shoot the ones without a mask in the head. Shoot
the other Zealots as they run toward Leon. Aim for the top portion of the
shielded Zealots.
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On a chair in the corridor leading to the hall with |
| | windows |
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the shiny object on the first statue |
| [ ] Green Gem | Shoot the shiny object on the second statue |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Shoot the shiny object on the third statue |
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the shiny object on the fourth statue |
The door in the middle is sealed. A statue of a king is on the right and a
statue of a queen is on the left.
They both have an inscription of: "A toast to our royal majesty."
Place the King's Grail in the king's hands (right) and the Queen's Grail in the
queen's hands (left).
The bars on the door will rise. Open the door and enter the next area.
__ Hall of Broken Windows __
Follow the hall to the end.
| [ ] SNAKE! | Break the left vase on the left set of vases |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the right vase on the left set of vases |
| [ ] 1800 PTAS | Open the first cabinet to the left while moving down |
| | the hall |
| [ ] 2800 PTAS | Open the second cabinet to the left while moving down |
| | down the hall |
There is a walkway to the right of the door at the end of the hall. Jump out
the window to get on the walkway. Climb the ladder and move along the side of
the wall to find a treasure chest at the end with a Butterfly Lamp inside.
Jump into the next room.
| [ ] Red Herb | To the right as Leon leaps out onto the walkway |
| [ ] Butterfly Lamp | Climb the ladder on the right walkway and follow it to |
| | the end to find this inside of a chest |
__ Room with Novistador Nest __
The great big slimy thing hanging from the ceiling is actually a Novistador
nest. Run to the middle of the room for a cutscene. Once the cutscene ends,
Leon will be surrounded by several Novistadors. Run back to the entrance and
fire at them with a shotgun. The flying Novistadors are incredibly weak but
the Novistadors that move along the floor are just as powerful as the ones in
the sewers. Destroy the nest in the middle of the room for an assortment of
eyes for the butterfly lamp. There is always a blue eye in the mix.
| [ ] Green Eye | Destroy the Novistador nest. 60+ life |
| [ ] Green Eye | Destroy the Novistador nest. |
| [ ] Green Eye | Destroy the Novistador nest. |
| [ ] Green Eye | Destroy the Novistador nest. |
| [ ] Red Eye | Destroy the Novistador nest. |
| [ ] Red Eye | Destroy the Novistador nest. |
| [ ] Red Eye | Destroy the Novistador nest. |
| [ ] Blue Eye | Destroy the Novistador nest. |
Move over to the other side of the room and pull the lever on that side. The
drawbridge on the left side will start to fall but some chains will hold it in
place. Shoot the metal pieces that hold the chains into place on the wall to
make the bridge fall. Run across the drawbridge and open the door.
__ Merchant Hall __
Objective: Save Ashley
There is merchant to the left along with a typewriter. The merchant has quite
a few tune-ups.
| Handgun |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 2.0 | 20000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 25 | 12000 |
| Red9 |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 3.0 | 28000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 5 | 18 | 18000 |
| Punisher |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 1.7 | 25000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 5 | 24 | 18000 |
| Blacktail |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 2.3 | 24000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.83 | 15000 |
| Firing Speed | Lv 3 | 0.27 | 20000 | Capacity | Lv 4 | 25 | 15000 |
| Broken Butterfly |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 20.0 | 35000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- | Capacity | Lv 3 | 10 | 20000 |
| Riot Gun |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 7.0 | 32000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 4 | 13 | 15000 |
| Rifle |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 12.0 | 35000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 18 | 25000 |
| Mine Thrower |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.57 | 18000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | ---- | ----- |
Continue down the hall.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a chair to the left |
__ Outside the Tower __
There are two Zealots that circle the tower in the back. Use the rifle to
shoot the two Zealots and Leon will not have to worry about getting hit by
fireballs from the catapult to the right. You'll have to wait on the second
Zealot but he will pace by the tower walkway eventually.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the left wooden barrel |
| [ ] Spinel | Break the first torch in this area |
A cutscene will play as Leon passes across the bridge leading to the tower.
Another cutscene will play where a Zealot will notice Leon if he doesn't defeat
both of the Zealots that circle the tower. The Zealots at the catapults on the
south castle wall will start to launch fireballs at him. The Zealots at the
catapults can be shot with the rifle once you get up on the second floor of the
tower if they're there. If both Zealots that roam the top of the tower were
killed from a distance then no extra cutscene will play and no fireballs will
be launched!
The bottom entrance is sealed, so climb the stairs on the left. Defeat the
Zealots at the top then enter the tower via the door on the east side. Be sure
to break the barrels around the south side of the tower.
__ Inside the Tower __
Climb to the top of this tower (fourth floor) to find a ++RITUAL PREPARATION++
file on a table. The lever at the top that rotates the tower and the bridge
outside cannot be used yet since Salazar's minions have stuffed wooden boards
in between the gears of the mechanism that moves the tower. Climb up and down
the ladders of the various floors then look around the gears to find the boards
then shoot them. A TMP or handgun will work just fine.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a crate in a stack crate on the southeast side of |
| | third floor |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the same table as the fourth floor file |
One board is to the right of the lever and you can look downward from near the
lever and see another. The third and final board is directly across from the
door that Leon used to enter this tower. Run back upstairs and pull the lever
to rotate the tower and unseal the set of doors at the very bottom. While
climbing down, Zealots will enter the floors below. Shoot at them on the way
down - they all have crossbows.
When Leon drops to the first floor some more Zealots will appear below and
others will appear on the second floor. Climb right back up the ladder when
they enter and kill the Zealot with the dynamite or he will keep tossing
dynamite below while Leon attacks the Zealots on the bottom floor. Defeat the
others and open the set of big doors at the bottom.
__ Outside the Tower __
Take note of the typewriter on the left side. Save your game! While advancing
ahead a few Zealots will attack. Blast them with the riot gun then continue
further across.
About midway across the bridge, a whole bunch of Zealots will appear directly
ahead and a few more will appear behind Leon. Throw a grenade at the big group
of Zealots directly ahead then run toward them after the grenade explodes. Put
Leon's back to a corner and have the riot gun equipped. Don't get surrounded
and don't let them group up around Leon. A few more will jump down from the
castle walls up above. Kill the Zealot with the skull mask on to get a Gold
Bangle. Be forewarned that the masked Zealot has a rocket launcher and he
isn't afraid to use it while Leon attacks the other Zealots.
| [ ] Gold Bangle | Kill the Zealot with the skull mask |
__ Second Main Hall __
This room can get ugly if it is not approached right. From the entrance door,
look up the stairs to see two Garradors and two Zealots. Take out the rifle
and aim for the head of one of the Zealots then kill him. The Garradors will
aggravate at that time so quickly aim for the head of the other Zealot and kill
him. This will leave only two Garradors to deal with. They will immediately
charge directly at the door where the shots were fired so walk fast (or if
they're too close then run) out of the way. They will both plow their claws
into the entrance door. Walk over to them and try to shoot both of their
Plagas with the broken butterfly. Walk away from them (don't run) so as not to
get hit.
Walk around the area with the two pillars on the side but DO NOT run up the
stairs yet. Moving up the stairs will cause more Zealots to attack and that is
something you do not want while dealing with two Garradors. Fight off the
Garradors carefully and be sure to keep your distance. Remember that they can
be shot in the face with the magnum to make them turn, but it's really just a
waste of magnum bullets at this part since they will eventually turn anyway.
One of them has heavier armor than the other but it doesn't change a thing.
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Kill the first Garrador |
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Kill the second Garrador |
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on the right side of the room before going up |
| | the stairs |
Three metal masked Zealots will appear at the bottom of the stairs when Leon
reaches the top so turn around and shoot them quickly. There is one Zealot in
the hall to the left and he will always drop a First Aid Spray when killed.
Open the set of doors and enter the next area.
| [ ] First Aid | Kill the metal masked Zealot in the corridor on the |
| Spray | left side of the room (un the stairs) |
__ Stairs to Salazar's Throne __
Collect both Spinels from the statues along the sides of the stairs then open
the door to the throne room at the very top.
| [ ] Spinel | On the left statue bust (no need to shoot it) |
| [ ] Spinel | On the right statue bust (no need to shoot it) |
__ Salazar's Throne Room __
A cutscene will occur that will lead into an interactive cutscene. Input the
sequence on the screen to keep Leon from falling into the spikes in the pit.
__ Bottom of the Pit __
Search around the area for some extra items.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Near the right hand of an impaled Zealot (east end) |
| [ ] Crown | In the left hand of a dead Zealot slumped over against |
| | the wall (northeast end) |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Northwest end near a fallen Zealot and the merchant |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Northwest end near a fallen Zealot and the merchant |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | Northwest end near a fallen Zealot and the merchant |
| [ ] Incendiary | On the small table with the typewriter |
| Grenade | |
It seems as if the merchant anticipated that his stranger friend would fall
into the pit since he has set up shop inside of the pit. The Striker shotgun
is a good choice, but it's really up to you. I prefer it myself because of the
capacity it can hold later. It doesn't take up as much inventory space as the
other shotguns as well.
| Merchant Items |
| Attache Case XL | 73000 | * Striker | 43000 |
| Attache Case L | 40000 | Rifle | 12000 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 |
| Treasure Map (Castle) | 6000 | TMP | 10000 |
| Handgun | 8000 | Mine Thrower | 9800 |
| Red9 | 14000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Punisher | 20000 | Stock (Red9) | 4000 |
| Blacktail | 24000 | Stock (TMP) | 4000 |
| Broken Butterfly | 38000 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 8000 |
| Riot Gun | 32000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| Striker |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 7.0 | 25000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.40 | 8000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 2 | 14 | 10000 |
Climb up the ladder to the right of the merchant. Begin to move down the
waterway at the top. There are a few items pickups along the way - check the
drainage pipes to the left. By the time Leon reaches the third drainage pipe a
short cutscene will play. Continue further ahead and open the door at the end.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Check inside the first drainage pipe to the left |
| [ ] Red Herb | Beside a water gate in between the second and third |
| | drainage pipes |
| [ ] Spinel | Check inside the fourth drainage pipe to the left |
__ Water Control Room __
When Leon reaches the front of the first corridor to the right another cutscene
will play. The entrance to this area will not be accessible after this
cutscene so there is no returning now. Check inside of the first two rooms
along the way to the back for some extra pickups.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the small table in the middle of the first room |
| [ ] First Aid | On the small table in the middle of the first room |
| Spray | |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | By a set of pipes inside the second room |
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the LN2 (Liquid Nitrogen) tanks found in
each room and the one in the corridor since they will be used in a moment.
Eventually rubble will start to fall from the ceiling as the monster from the
cutscene tries to attack Leon. It's Salazar's guard, Verdugo! Press the on-
screen sequences to dodge his attacks and hurry to the room at the very end of
the corridor. Leon will have to dodge Verdugo's attacks throughout the
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On the first control panel in the third room |
| [ ] Green Herb | In the far north corner of the third room |
Run to the far northeast corner of the third room and pull the lever on the
wall to turn the power back on. This will start the elevator but it will take
approximately 4 minutes to rise. It will also seal the door of the room that
Leon is currently in. Run back to the entrance of the room. Check the panel
to the side of the door to see that the door has been shut due to safety
reasons. Open the shutter in front of the door. It will take a few seconds to
open! A cutscene will play at this time where Verdugo will finally show
himself by landing on the floor below.
Boss Battle - Verdugo (Salazar's right hand)
Life: about 450+
Shot while frozen: shot x 3
This is much like a small Nemesis battle (RE3) if you battle him normally
without a rocket launcher. To put it simply, this boss is a beast on either
difficulty when he is fought properly. The fight is very fun and tense and I
suggest you try it without a rocket launcher at least once.
HIS ENTRANCE: His weak point is his head, but he will swerve a bunch to dodge
your bullets while aiming. Right when he falls at the beginning, run past him
that second and head to the Liquid Nitrogen canister.
THE LIQUID NITROGEN: Lead him over to the liquid nitrogen tank and kick it over
- he will always follow shortly. The liquid nitrogen will freeze him and stun
him - this is your cue to take out the broken butterfly and shoot him in the
head. Leon can get about three shots before he breaks out of the ice. It is
extremely important that every shot hit him in the head!
Don't worry as much about hitting him before he unthaws, he will take about a
full 10 seconds to unthaw completely or he will unthaw immediately after a
certain amount of his health has been taken. Don't throw a flame grenade or he
will unthaw directly from the fire. Leon can move toward Verdugo in his frozen
state (only while he straggles at the beginning) and get a "Kick" command.
This will knock Verdugo down and expose his head to Leon. One good aspect of
knocking him down is that he will not break out of the ice until he is
standing. I usually shoot him with a mine from the mine thrower, kick him down
then blast him with the broken butterfly as the mine blows up.
ONCE HE THAWS: He can still be hit in the head for a brief few seconds right
after he breaks out of the ice if you aim carefully - it all adds up to
eventually killing him even then. Once Verdugo breaks out of the ice, Leon
will have to dodge and run to avoid his attacks until the door in the back
opens. Once the door opens, run to the other liquid nitrogen tanks in the hall
and the other two rooms and kick them over when Verdugo is nearby to freeze him
once again. Keep blasting him as much as you can while he is frozen.
DODGING HIS ATTACKS: While running from Verdugo he will always try to hit Leon
overhead with his tail, so prepare to press A+B to dodge the attack. He will
sometimes move up into the ceiling and Leon will have to backflip (swerve the
Wii-mote) one to three times then duck (A+B). NEVER kick down a door when his
footsteps can be heard in the distance or he will hit Leon for sure once he
catches up to him!
WHAT IF HE'S STILL ALIVE: If Verdugo is still alive once all liquid nitrogen
tanks are gone then keep in mind that he can still be killed by blasting his
head (the front portion), but he will not stagger at all! He will most likely
be very weak, so finish him off by blasting him in the head with a shotgun and
try to dodge his attacks via the on-screen commands when they appear. Keep in
mind that he will be dodging any gunshots as well.
YOU LOSE, BIG GUY: To end this battle very quickly, kick over a liquid
nitrogen tank to freeze him then aim at him with the rocket launcher and fire.
It is sometimes best to kick Verdugo while he is frozen then shoot him on the
ground, so he won't move around that much. Make sure that the rocket hits him
directly or it will not kill him!
Either way, walk over to his body and collect the Crown Jewel. Enter the first
room in the corridor and activate the elevator to leave this area and finish
this chapter.
LEON'S LAST ESCAPE: This battle can be escaped from if Leon can outlast
Verdugo's attacks long enough for the elevator to arrive. It will take about
four to five minutes. Just get to the elevator at that time and leave him
behind. In doing this, you forfeit the Crown Jewel treasure however.
| [ ] Crown Jewel | Defeat Verdugo |
| Extra Boss Death Animation |
| * Kill Verdugo while he is frozen (he'll shatter) |
| * Killing him while he is not frozen will make him bleed then fall |
_______ __ ____ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ / / /____|_ |
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /_ _/___/ __/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /_/ /____/
Chapter 4-2
__ Merchant Cave __
Pick up the ++LUIS' MEMO 2++ file from next to the typewriter then save your
| [ ] Green Herb | In corner across from the elevator |
| [ ] Spinel | Facing the three barrels, break the right one |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Next to the typewriter |
The merchant to the side has a few new upgrades. Also there is a new shooting
gallery game available - game C.
| Riot Gun |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ---- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 5 | 15 | 20000 |
| Mine Thrower |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 6.0 | 45000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Open the door to the side to continue.
__ Mining Area __
Follow the tunnel and eventually Leon will stumble upon two Ganados. Shoot
them and continue. An overhead mine cart will be on the overhead track near
the end - this will be used in just a few minutes.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Inside the first mine cart to the right |
Leon will enter an excavation site with several Ganados below. Drop down and
shoot them then search the area for pickups. Walk over to the lever beside the
overhead track and press it to move the mine cart up above. It will fall on
the tracks and lower about halfway, but the power will shut off.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Inside the mine cart beside the tracks |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Inside of a crate on a raised area to the right (west |
| | side) |
| [ ] 2800 PTAS | Lying on a crate near the raised are describe above |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | On some sandbags behind the second lever |
Run up the stairs to the south and pull the lever at the top to turn the power
back on. Rush back down the stairs. Some more Ganados and a chainsaw Ganado
will appear up ahead so take out a shotgun and fight them off. The Ganados
will drop down from the side with the ladder.
| [ ] 10000 PTAS | Defeat the chainsaw Ganado |
Pull the lever once again near the tracks to lower the mine cart the rest of
the way. Run over to the mine cart and pick up the --DYNAMITE-- from inside.
Walk over to the rocks on the right side of the first lever and place the
dynamite on the rocks then run away. The dynamite will explode and a new path
will be open to reach the set of doors on the other side. Open the doors to
__ Lava Pit __
Notice the lever to the left side. The lever will open and close the circular
trapdoor with lava below it in the center of the room. There is also a ladder
on the right side of the room that leads up to a zipline that Leon can grab
onto and swing over to the lever from.
| [ ] First Aid | To the right, on top of some rocks |
| Spray | |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | To the left, on top of some rocks by the lever |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On the right side of the room on top of some rocks |
Approach the doors on the opposite side. Two El Gigantes will enter the room.
Either fight them both normally with Flash Grenades followed by constant shots
from the broken butterfly or make one of them fall into the lava.
To lead one into the lava, climb up the ladder and wait until one of them start
to move over to the platform - they will shake it if you stay on too long.
Grab ahold of the zipline and swing across to the lever on the other side.
Grab the lever (Leon will look toward the middle after the first A button
press) and wait for one of them to step over the middle trapdoor. Once one is
on it, pull the lever to make him fall into the lava. Do not get close to the
center lava pool while the El Gigante struggles or he will grab Leon and pull
him in the pool with him, killing him instantly. Only one El Gigante can be
trapped in the lava since the lever will malfunction after the first one drops
in. Defeat the other El Gigante with flash grenades and the broken butterfly.
The TMP works alright as well if it is powered up.
The interesting aspect of taking them both on normally is that one will just
stand back and watch while the other attacks Leon, so basically you're only
fighting one at a time still. Both El Gigantes must be defeated without the
use of the lava trap in order to collect both peseta amounts. In the Gamecube
version the pesetas for the one dropped into the lava would spawn once the room
was exited and returned to. In the PS2 and Wii version, that gaming bug was
The door that sealed before will open once both are defeated in whichever way.
Open the doors to the side once the battle is finished.
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Defeat the first El Gigante (without the lava trap) |
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Defeat the second El Gigante (without the lava trap) |
__ Novistador Cave __
Follow the tunnel ahead to arrive in a bluish cave. This place is crawling
with Novistadors, so you may get another chance at a blue eye for the butterfly
lamps. The Novistadors that fly in the air are extremely weak but the grounded
ones are still just as tough. Use the TMP to shoot the ones that fly and break
out the shotgun for the Novistadors that attack from the ground.
Examine the pedestal upon first entering the cave for the following message:
"The two lights shall shine light on a new path."
The phrase will become clear once the cave is explored a bit. Move up the path
to the right and blast the flying Novistadors to the left. There is a sealed
door in the south portion of this area, so don't go there yet.
| [ ] Green Herb | To the left of the first pedestal |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | To the right while moving up the first path |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | At the very top of the first path, directly across |
| | from the top |
| [ ] Green Herb | Inside the first tunnel (west tunnel) |
At the top turn right and enter the tunnel on the left wall (once turned).
Press in on the block that is sticking out below the carving on the wall. The
block will light up and a light on a carving beside the sealed door in the
south will turn on. Novistadors will crawl down the tunnel and attack so get a
shotgun or TMP ready and start blast them. Defeat the flying Novistadors
Exit the cave and turn left then follow that path. A few flying Novistadors
will attack along the way. Move all the way to the east and enter the next
tunnel on that side. More flying Novistadors will attack at the front of the
tunnel. Press the block on the carving at the bottom of the tunnel to make the
second carving outside light up. With both carvings shining light on the
mirror in the east, it will reflect toward the south door and the door will
start to melt revealing a new path.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | In the northwest corner of the tunnel |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Outside the second tunnel (east tunnel) |
| [ ] Green Herb | Inside the second tunnel (west tunnel) |
Novistadors will enter the tunnel and attack so get the TMP or shotgun out and
get ready to blast them as they enter. Move across the bridge and defeat any
remaining Novistadors in the area. Examine the gate and press the switch on it
to open the gate up.
Run under the first compacter in the tunnel then climb up to the raised area up
ahead. Fall down then quickly move under the next compactor when it raises
then fall again. Pull the lever on the left wall to make the middle compactor
up ahead stop moving - it will remain up in the ceiling. Carefully move under
the first compactor then get under the second (the deactivated one) and wait
until the third moves upward then rush under it.
Follow the tunnel all the way to the end. Run up to the pedestal and pick up
the Royal Insignia to finish up the Crown treasures. Check the middle of the
platform and the lift will rise up and take Leon to the surface, ending this
| [ ] Royal Insignia | On the pedestal at the very end of the tunnel |
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/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /_ _/___//_ <
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Chapter 4-3
__ Path to the Ruins __
Take the ++LETTER FROM ADA++ file on the wall of the building ahead. Save your
game at the typewriter then talk to the merchant to see what he has to offer -
some weapon tune-ups as usual.
| Handgun |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ---- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ---- |
| *Exclusive: Increases the chance of critical headshots by 5 times| 57000 |
| Punisher |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 1.9 | 35000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 28 | 24000 |
| Red9 |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 3.7 | 45000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ----- |
| Blacktail |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 2.7 | 30000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 5 | 30 | 20000 |
| Broken Butterfly |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 24.0 | 50000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 2.33 | 20000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | - | ----- |
| Shotgun |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 8.0 | 40000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 18 | 20000 |
| Striker |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 8.0 | 28000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 3 | 16 | 12000 |
| Rifle |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ----- |
| Exclusive ------------------------> | Fire Power | MAX | 30.0 | 80000 |
| Rifle (Semi-Auto) |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 13.0 | 30000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ------ | Capacity | Lv 5 | 20 | 20000 |
| TMP |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 5 | 200 | 25000 |
Follow the path to the east.
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the bird's nest on the north side of the large |
| | tree in the middle of this area |
Shoot the first few Ganados behind the first few destroyed walls then continue
ahead. Check the areas around the sides for some extra pickups. Climb the
ladder on the pillar piece to the left and Leon will have a good view of some
Ganados around a bonfire up ahead. Throw a grenade down below to finish most
of them with one hit. Jump down and finish the stragglers.
| [ ] Spinel | On the table to the right behind the first destroyed |
| | building wall |
| [ ] 2200 PTAS | On the table to the left when first entering the area |
| | with destroyed building walls |
| [ ] 1800 PTAS | To the right of the bonfire, behind the wall, look |
| | behind a small fallen table to find this |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | To the right of the bonfire, behind the wall, check |
| | the inside of the well |
Approach the door with the lion and examine it for the following message:
"Offer the sacrifice to the lion."
Walk around the back side of the wooden building to the east and jump through
one of the windows. Use the crank to the side to open up a trapdoor on the
ground. Climb down the ladder.
__ Underground Maze __
Examine the stone table up ahead:
"Up ahead rests the offering of the lion"
Continue through the door at the opposite end of the room then follow the
tunnel to the end.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the first wooden box to the left while moving |
| | down the tunnel. It's in a small hole in the wall. |
Take out the rifle once Leon makes it to the area overlooking the maze then
start to pick off the Ganados in the maze one by one. Move down the left side
and be sure to shoot the bear traps. Walk over to the northwest side of the
maze. The east door is locked. Don't climb the middle ladder unless you want
to climb in on a chainsaw Ganado!
| [ ] Velvet Blue | When first entering the maze from the left side, look |
| | to the right after moving down the stairs to see this |
| | shining on the ground |
| [ ] Staff of | Look to the right when first entering the maze and |
| Royalty | move down the middle set of stairs then open the tomb |
| | inside to find this |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | On the south side of the maze, take the right set of |
| | stairs and stay to the right to see this on the ground |
| [ ] Red Herb | To the left of the locked door on the ground |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Destroy the single barrel in the top room of the |
| | building with the Key to the Mine |
| [ ] 10000 PTAS | Kill the first chainsaw Ganado |
| [ ] 10000 PTAS | Kill the second chainsaw Ganado |
Open the door on the northwest side and enter the building. Blast the chainsaw
Ganado with a shotgun after entering. Another chainsaw Ganado will rush down
the stairs. Blast the second chainsaw Ganado then run up the stairs and toss
grenades down at the Ganados as they try to run up the stairs. Be careful
since some more Ganados may climb up the ladder near the window and attack from
the side. Pick up the --KEY TO THE MINE-- from the middle pedestal on the top
More Ganados may show up once Leon takes the key. Move back downstairs and a
few more Ganados will enter the building. Shoot through them then run back
outside of the building. Use the Key to the Mine to unlock and raise the door.
Follow the tunnel then open the door at the end.
__ Room with Ceiling Spikes __
As Leon walks into this area the doors will seal off and the ceiling with
spikes will start to move downward. Some Plagas Spiders will attack from the
side of the room. Throw a flash grenade to instantly kill the Plagas Spiders
then blast the red lights on the four corners of the ceiling above just like
back in the castle to stop the ceiling. The doors up ahead will unseal after
the spikes stop. Continue through the doorway up ahead.
| [ ] 1800 PTAS | Open the tomb on the right side of the room |
| [ ] 2000 PTAS | Open the tomb on the right side of the room |
| [ ] 1500 PTAS | Open the tomb on the right side of the room |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check among the rocks in the northeast corner of the |
| | room |
__ Sand Pit __
Follow the right set of stairs downward. Open the red set of doors at the
| [ ] Spinel | On the ground almost directly across from the bottom |
| | of the stairs |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the left barrel in the first set of barrels |
| [ ] Spinel | In the small sand pile directly in front of the red |
| | door. There is sand pouring down from the ceiling |
| | into the pile of sand. Walk to the middle of the pile |
| | and watch for the "Take" action to appear. |
__ Mine __
* Leon can stand in the third mine cart and shoot the first three Ganados on
the high platform in the tunnel ahead.
Jump in the first mine cart from the wooden walkway then hop into the middle
mine cart. Shoot the lever (well, actually the bottom piece) to release the
mine carts.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the ground by the small wall |
The mine carts will roll down the track in the tunnel ahead. Ganados will jump
down from high platforms and land in the carts. Leon can shoot them while they
are still on the platforms to make them fall and miss the carts. A TMP works
excellent for shooting Ganados on the platforms and the shotgun works well for
keeping Ganados away from Leon's current cart.
Be on the lookout for boards along the wooden arches around the inside of the
1) While entering the second tunnel after the first open area.
2) Right after the first stop some more Ganados will jump onto the carts then
this will appear up ahead.
3) After the second chainsaw Ganados jumps onto the carts this will appear
eventually down the next tunnel
Either duck under the boards (A+B) or shoot the boards with any weapon.
The cart will stop in one area with high platforms and several Ganados and a
chainsaw Ganados will jump onto the carts. Blast them from the back of one of
the end carts. Watch out for the Plagas heads and be sure to kill them fast
since they have the usual mid-distance tentacle whip. Ganados with throwing
weapons can be a pain at this part as well. Blast the bottom portion of the
lever off to the side to make the carts move again.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | At the stop along the tracks, it is on the right board |
| | next to the back cart |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | At the stop along the tracks, it is on the left board |
| | next to the front cart |
Another chainsaw Ganado will jump on the group of carts further down the path
but the carts will not stop at that time. When the carts start to move
downward on the tracks, Leon will not be able to jump to the other carts. Be
sure to shoot any remaining Ganados in the other carts while the carts move
downward if they have throwing weapons.
| [ ] 10000 PTAS | Kill the first chainsaw Ganado |
| [ ] 10000 PTAS | Kill the second chainsaw Ganado |
When the cart reaches the end, quickly press A+B to jump to the ledge up ahead
then wiggle the Wii-mote to make Leon pull himself up.
__ End of the Ruins __
Follow the tunnel in front of Leon then open the door at the end.
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Walk over to the skull and rib cage on the left side |
| | of the room right after entering and watch for the |
| | "Take" option. A total of 12 pickups of pesetas can |
| | be collected. |
Pick up the --STONE OF SACRIFICE-- from the middle pedestal in the room. The
wall at the other end of the room will slide open to reveal another tunnel.
Follow the tunnel to the end and climb the ladder.
__ Path to the Ruins __
Leon will emerge from a trapdoor back in the path to the ruins. Walk over to
the lion door and use the Stone of Sacrifice on the door. Take the elevator up
to finish the chapter.
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/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ / / /____/ / /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /_ _/___/_ _/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /_/ /_/
Chapter 4-4
__ Salazar Statue Room __
Walk down the corridor up ahead and save at the typewriter.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the small table beside the typewriter |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Break the small vase on the left of the first set of |
| | vases to the right |
Move down the corridor and the camera will show a giant statue of Salazar in
the room ahead as Leon descends the stairs. Walk toward the middle and move
toward the bridge in the water to the left and a Zealot will pull a lever up
above that will make the bridge sink back into the water. Return to the side
that Leon entered from and climb the ladder. Blast any Zealots that get in
Leon's way and walk over to the side without any railing.
The statue's left hand will be moving up and down while it's palm is open.
Jump to the left hand palm then turn around. Wait for the statue's palm to
rise up to the third floor then blast the Zealots at the top and jump across to
the third floor (west side). Pull the lever on the wall to raise a portion of
the bridge below. Jump back to the left palm then jump to the middle platform.
Press the lever on the middle platform to make the right hand move downward.
| [ ] Spinel | On the top floor of the west side, break the vase on |
| | the right |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot |
Jump into the right palm then jump directly across to the room ahead. Fall
down the ladder and press the lever to the side to raise the other portion of
the bridge. This will also unseal the gate to the side.
It is possible to climb back up the ladder and jump back to the right hand,
turn around and jump to the third floor (east side) when it rises, run inside
the room then find the walkway to the side that leads behind the statue of
Salazar. There is a lever behind the statue that will cause the statue's hands
to move outwards, and there is also an extra breakable vase back there too.
There's no real reason to use that lever though unless you want a shorter way
back across to the first lever.
Either way, once the bridge is back in place, hop back down the statue and walk
across the bridge. An interactive cutscene will start. Input the sequences
that appear on the screen while Leon is running to outrun the statue and dodge
the pillars. Quickly aim for the lock on the door after the cutscene and shoot
it with a handgun or shotgun. Kick down the door and run across the bridge
ahead. Another interactive cutscene will play, so follow the commands on the
screen once again then get ready to shake the remote as Leon tries to climb up
the side of the bridge. Open the door to the next area.
__ Tower __
A cutscene will play as Leon enters the new area that will lead into an
interactive cutscene. Input the sequence on the screen to dodge the knife as
it is thrown at Leon.
Check the bottom of the tower for some extra pickups.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On top of a stack of crates to the left (bottom floor) |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Move around the far side of the stack of crates to the |
| | left to find this in a small treasure chest |
Run up the stairs to the right. A cutscene will play where a Zealot at the top
will start to send barrels rolling down the stairs from near the top. Continue
up the stairs quickly and move to the left wooden walkway up above to avoid the
barrels. Wait on the left side below the stairs if you think the barrel may
hit Leon then quickly run up the stairs after the first one crashes into the
wall. Follow the wooden walkway to the other side.
Blast the Zealots then climb the ladder that the walkway will lead to. More
Zealots will appear downstairs as soon as Leon gets to the top of the ladder.
There should be a Zealot operating the controls of the lever at the top of the
ladder, so prepare to blast him. Use the lever to the side to send barrels
down upon the Zealots that try to run up the stairs after Leon. Shoot the
Zealot that tosses dynamite from the high railing above the elevator with a
rifle - he is in the west. Run back down to the bottom floor if you want to
kill some more Zealots and get some extra pesetas.
| [ ] 5500 PTAS | Kill the Zealot with the skull mask on the first floor |
Return to the lever and climb to the very top of the stairs for an item pickup.
| [ ] Green Herb | Run to the very top of the stairs and this is near a |
| | crate at the end |
Run back down to where the lever is and move to the other side of the elevator
to the side. Push the crates off of the elevator then turn to the control
panel and start the elevator. Zealots with crossbows will attack from the
sides above and a whole bunch of red Zealots (four at a time) will jump onto
the lift with Leon. Position Leon so that his back is to a corner then take
out the shotgun and keep them to one side while blasting them.
Crossbow Zealots locations:
1) North on a wooden platform.
2) Behind the railing to the south (appears directly after the first)
As long as Leon defeats the crossbow Zealots as soon as they are visible then
this part will not be that bad. Make sure to find them - they are very weak so
kill them with a handgun.
Get off the elevator and step onto the wooden walkway on the west side. Follow
the outside bridge in the west then leap across the gap in the bridge. Keep
moving and get on the lift at the end. Start the lift and it will take Leon to
the top floor.
| [ ] Red Herb | In a corner right before Leon reaches the lift |
| [ ] Gold Bangle | Look for a dropoff to the right by a torch and fall |
| | down it then open the chest in the hidden alcove below |
| | to find this |
Run up the stairs and save your game at the typewriter. There are some pickups
to the side along with a merchant. Open the door to the side once the game is
saved and once all last minute buys are made.
| [ ] First Aid | On a crate beside the merchant |
| Spray | |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a crate beside the merchant |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a crate beside the merchant |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | On a crate beside the merchant |
| Red9 |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 22 | 22000 |
__ Ceremony Room __
Move ahead for a cutscene.
Boss Battle - Salazar
Main Head (Eye) Life: 12 - 15
Salazar (Center) Life: 200 - 220
MEESTER KENNEDY ARRIVES: Try to stay on the top walkway for this battle.
Salazar will swipe the top walkway with his tentacles and sometimes hit the
walkway with an overhead smash. The overhead smash must be dodged by moving to
the side but the swipe can be dodged by swiping the remote when the icon
appears. He can also grab Leon with his tentacles - swipe the remote to avoid
this as well. Sometimes he will open his jaws and then lunge forward and try
to bite Leon. At that time, run to the right or left or quickly dropoff the
side of the walkway - Leon is invincible during the animation of him dropping
to the bottom floor below so the bite will completely miss him.
DAMAGING SALAZAR: In order to hit Salazar, fire at the big left eye of the
front head. Use the handgun or shotgun. A Red9 does wonders here with full
power - 4 hits! Fire at it until the middle portion of the head opens to show
Salazar inside. Aim for Salazar's head (really anywhere on his body) and fire
at him with the Broken Butterfly. The main head will eventually cover the
space with Salazar inside and the space with Salazar will close back up once he
takes a certain amount of damage. Fire at the eye of the main head to make the
portion with Salazar open once again then continue to fire at Salazar.
NO SO POWERFUL W/O HIS RIGHT HAND: This battle is really not that bad at all
since his weakness can be exposed so easy and by now the weapons that Leon has
will be able to dish out some heavy damage! A fully powered Red9 is really all
that is needed to finish off both parts of him if Leon has enough handgun ammo.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying on the floor of the top walkway (right side) |
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on the floor of the top walkway (left side) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on the floor of the top walkway (left side) |
| [ ] First Aid | Drop off the right side and look to the right to see |
| Spray | two barrels. Break the right one for this |
| [ ] 50000 PTAS | Defeat Salazar |
Collect any spare items around the area then drop below and break all the
barrels. Climb the middle ladder below where Salazar was at and collect the
peseta prize - don't worry, it won't disappear. Open the set of doors ahead.
__ Back of the Castle __
Follow the walkway and climb down the rope on the right at the end. Get in the
lift then take it down.
| [ ] SNAKE! | After climbing down the rope, break the right barrel |
__ Castle Dock __
Follow the corridor up ahead and to the left.
| [ ] Spinel | Break the wooden box in the room with the merchant |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a stack of planks beside the merchant |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a stack of planks beside the merchant |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a stack of planks beside the merchant |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On a crate to the side of the wooden box |
The merchant has set up shop inside.
| Punisher |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ---- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ---- |
| * Exclusive: ammo penetrates up to 5 bodies | 40000 |
| Red9 |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ---- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ---- |
| * Exclusive | increases firepower --------------> | MAX | 6.5 | 80000 |
| Blacktail |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 3.2 | 40000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 35 | 25000 |
| * Exclusive | increases firepower --------------> | MAX | 4.5 | 80000 |
| Shotgun |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ---- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ----- |
| *Exclusive: increases destructive power for long distance attacks| 40000 |
| Riot Gun |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 8.0 | 50000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.67 | 20000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 17 | 25000 |
| * Exclusive | increases firepower --------------> | MAX | 10.0 | 120000 |
| Striker |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 9.0 | 32000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.67 | 15000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 4 | 20 | 16000 |
| TMP |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 250 | 35000 |
| * Exclusive | increases firepower --------------> | MAX | 1.8 | 100000 |
| Mine Thrower |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 3 | 10 | 40000 |
Kick through the door and run down the corridor ahead for a cutscene that will
end this chapter.
T H E I S L A N D [WT03]
"She left with my men to an island."
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/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ / __/___< /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /__ /___/ /
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /_/
Chapter 5-1
__ Island Shore __
Follow the path ahead - drop off, hop over the gap - and take the left path
instead of the right. Climb up the rocks on the left at the end of the path to
find some breakable boxes.
| [ ] Emerald | Break the furthest box after pulling up on the top rock |
Drop back down the rocks then return to the split and take the other path
across the wooden bridge. While moving ahead Ashley's voice will be heard in
the distance. Shoot out the searchlight up above to make this next part
easier. Don't shoot out the searchlight and the whole camp will be alerted to
Leon's presence once he leaps over to the other side.
| Extra Cutscene |
| * Don't shoot out the searchlight and a cutscene will play where the whole |
| camp will be alerted once the searchlight catches sight of Leon |
__ Enemy Camp __
As Leon gets close to the gap, Ashley will appear up ahead as she is carried
away by a new type of Ganado. Leap over the gap and move into the camp. Blast
the soldier Ganados around the area. These are more powerful than the Ganados
and Zealots back at the castle.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the crate below the searchlight |
Eventually a cutscene will play and a big Ganado with a chain gun will drop
down from a high platform. Hide behind a wall to dodge his chain gun fire.
When he stops, shoot him in the head with a shotgun or the broken butterfly
then run up and fill him full of damage quickly to get rid of him - don't
worry, the magnum bullets won't be needed for quite a while after this. Defeat
him fast since several soldier Ganados will start to attack eventually. Kill
the remaining soldier Ganados then explore the camp.
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Defeat the chain gun Ganado (JJ) |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | Climb the ladder on the east side and this will be next |
| | to the mirror |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a crate in the first building to the west |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a crate in the northwest building |
Head all the way to the northeast and run up the stairs. The door is locked.
Examine the orange sensor to the right of it. The sensor will make a red beam
turn on to the left of the door. This beam will reflect off the mirror on the
northwest building and start a minor puzzle.
Run over to the northwest building and climb the ladder in the back of it.
Rotate the mirror so that the laser reflects on the mirror to the east side of
the camp. Hop back down the side of the building then climb the ladder of the
east building. Rotate that mirror so that the laser hits the orange sensor on
the northeast side of the camp. This will open the door on that side.
Hop back down and run through the newly opened doorway. Move through the
tunnel. Once Leon reaches the front of the next tunnel an interactive cutscene
will play where some soldier Ganados will push a boulder down at Leon - swipe
the Wii-mote to dodge the boulder.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Behind the sandbags right behind the doorway |
Continue deeper into the tunnel then fire at the soldier Ganados at the end.
Climb the ladder to the right.
__ Path to the Facility __
Blast the soldier Ganado outside. Hop over the gap to the right.
| [ ] Emerald | On a crate behind Leon after climbing the ladder - to |
| | the left a bit |
As Leon moves ahead several Ganados will be altered. Take out the rifle and
fire at the soldier Ganados with the crossbow in the background. Try to take
out as many Ganados as you can with the rifle to make this next part a bit
easier. A few soldier Ganados with stun rods will attack so watch your back.
Enter the cave to the right for some extra pickups.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On the table to the left inside the cave |
| [ ] Red Herb | Take the left tunnel in the cave and this will be in an |
| | alcove to the left |
| [ ] Golden Lynx | Take the left tunnel then turn to the right and shoot |
| | the explosive barrel at the end to destroy the wall. |
| | Climb up the rocks inside the hidden area and open the |
| | chest at the top to find this. |
Run up the path in the north that circles to the northwest. Be sure to shoot
the Ganado up ahead with the rocket launcher and watch for the one with the
dynamite. Run up the path to the left to find some pickups at the end. Move
up the middle path and shoot the wagon at the top to make it burst into the
flames and travel down the path taking out several Ganados in its way.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Turn left at the split and this will be at the end of |
| | that path (dead end) |
| [ ] Green Herb | Turn left at the split and this will be at the end of |
| | that path (dead end) |
Press the orange button at the top of the path to open the door. A merchant
along with a typewriter is down the path and to the left. Don't sell the
Golden Lynx yet! It can be combined with some other treasures later.
| Merchant Items |
| Attache Case XL | 73000 | Striker | 43000 |
| Attache Case L | 40000 | Rifle | 12000 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 |
| * Treasure Map (Island)| 9000 | TMP | 10000 |
| Handgun | 8000 | Mine Thrower | 9800 |
| Red9 | 14000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Punisher | 20000 | Stock (Red9) | 4000 |
| Blacktail | 24000 | Stock (TMP) | 4000 |
| * Killer7 | 77700 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Broken Butterfly | 38000 | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 8000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| Riot Gun | 32000 | ---------------------- | ----- |
| Broken Butterfly |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 4 | 12 | 25000 |
| Striker |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 10.0 | 32000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 5 | 24 | 18000 |
| Rifle (Semi-Auto) |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 15.0 | 40000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 24 | 25000 |
| * Exclusive | increases firing speed -----------> | MAX | 0.80 | 80000 |
| Mine Thrower |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| * Exclusive: Adds "homing" and increases blast radius | 30000 |
Further ahead some soldier Ganados are waiting up high, so take out the rifle
and fire at them while they remain still. They will start to move toward Leon,
but defeat them all with the rifle. Run up ahead and enter the door to the
__ Front Hall __
Enter the hall to the right.
| [ ] 2000 PTAS | Inside one of the standing lockers to the left |
The door to the left is locked so continue further ahead. Open the door at the
end of the corridor.
| [ ] Incendiary | Open the white dumpster to the right at the end of the |
| Grenade | first corridor |
__ Kitchen __
A soldier Ganado behind the shelves to the left will be alerted as Leon enter
the room. Blast him and check around the room for a few pickups.
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on the shelf to the left (where the Ganado was) |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Inside of the metal case |
Move down the corridor further ahead past the sink. Step over to the hanging
pieces of meat and equip a shotgun. Walk toward the area across from the meat
pieces and something will happen - something that I am not going to spoil, just
be ready to shoot. Continue around the corner and open the door to the side.
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Lying in the left sink |
__ Outside the Monitor Room __
Ashley's voice can be heard in the distance while moving around this area.
Follow the corridor ahead and some Ganados will notice Leon through the iron
bars along the wall. Take out a rifle and shoot the big soldier Ganado through
the iron bars. Look downstairs (in the basement) then blast the second big
soldier Ganado in the head and find the Ganado with the crossbow then kill him
as well.
Don't enter the monitor room to the right just yet. Go down the stairs to the
left and find the extra pickups in the downstairs basement. A few more Ganados
will run down the stairs from the floor above. Open the door to the monitor
room at the top of the stairs after collecting the items below.
| [ ] Red Stone of | Inside the metal case in the basement |
| Faith | |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Enter the small room on the right side of the basement |
| | (northeast side) and break the barrel on the right |
__ Monitor Room __
Walk around the corner to the right for a cutscene. Open the blue door on the
other side of the room after the cutscene.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a metal container directly in front of the entrance |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Turn all the way around after the cutscene and open the |
| | locker on the far wall |
__ Artillery Room __
Walk down the corridor to the left. A merchant has set up shop in the room
through the right doorway. The final shooting gallery, Game D, is available
through the blue door to the left.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Turn to the first row of file cabinets to the left and |
| | this is inside the one that sticks out just a bit |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Behind the glass casing in the room with the merchant |
| Merchant Items |
| Attache Case XL | 73000 | Riot Gun | 32000 |
| Attache Case L | 40000 | Striker | 43000 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Rifle | 12000 |
| Tactical Vest | 60000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 |
| Treasure Map (Island) | 9000 | TMP | 10000 |
| Handgun | 8000 | Mine Thrower | 9800 |
| Red9 | 14000 | Rocket Launcher | 30000 |
| Punisher | 20000 | Stock (Red9) | 4000 |
| Blacktail | 24000 | Stock (TMP) | 4000 |
| Killer7 | 77700 | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 |
| Broken Butterfly | 38000 | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 8000 |
| Shotgun | 20000 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| Killer7 |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 30.0 | 62000 | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.53 | 20000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- | Capacity | Lv 2 | 10 | 30000 |
| Striker |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 12.0 | 32000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | Lv 6 | 28 | 25000 |
| * Exclusive | increases capacity ---------------> | MAX | 99 | 60000 |
Walk down the corridor outside the merchant room and face the left door. The
long door will open and some Ganados will try to throw dynamite at Leon. Stand
behind the broken window on the wall and shoot one of the sticks of dynamite to
kill them. The next wave will be three Ganados armed with crossbows, so
alternate between shooting them to keep them stunned so they won't hit Leon
with their bolts. The door will open and close the whole time with both waves
and it will open up permanently once they are all defeated.
| [ ] Emerald | Open the file cabinet to the left that sticks out |
| | unlike the others (in front of the long door) |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Open the red box on the left side of the wall after |
| | passing under the long doorway |
There is still one Ganado past the doorway so be careful. Open the set of
doors by the stacked tables to continue.
| [ ] Red Herb | Behind the wall to the right after passing under the |
| | doorway |
__ Stairwell Hallway __
Unlock the door down the corridor to the left. This will lead all the way back
to the front hall of the facility so Leon doesn't need to go this way. Enter
the small room to the side to find a typewriter.
| [ ] Green Herb | Outside the doorway of the room with the typewriter |
| [ ] Brass Pocket | Break the wooden box to the left of the typewriter |
| Watch | |
Run up the stairs to the side of the typewriter room. Turn to the left at the
top of the stairs and follow that corridor then open the door at the end.
| [ ] Incendiary | Inside the red box on the wall to the right |
| Grenade | |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | Break the wooden crate on the second shelf to the left |
| | while moving down the corridor (it's on the right end) |
__ Operating Room __
The camera will be very close to Leon's back at the beginning of this room.
Walk through the door and move to the side. A cutscene will show some strange
figure lying on the table in the room behind the glass. The door to the room
is blocked by something.
Examine the control panel of the door across from the autopsy room. Match the
arrows so that they form a sequence from the top arrow on the top left to the
bottom arrow on the bottom right.
-- SOLUTION: Blue, Green, Green, Red, Red, Red
Enter the room and pick up the ++LUIS MEMO 3++ file on the left table.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On the floor to the right while entering |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Kill the Regenerator |
| [ ] Emerald | Break the glass case to the right in the autopsy room |
Walk around the left side of the green curtain in the back of the room and pick
up the --FREEZER CARD KEY-- from the hands of the body. Something will crash
through the door outside while Leon starts to leave the room. The thing in the
autopsy room is now moving!
This creature is known as a Regenerator. It will regenerate any of its body
parts that Leon blasts off. Leon really doesn't have the right weapon to kill
it at the moment, though it can still be killed. Blast it with the TMP or
shotgun a bunch! The TMP works the best since it will keep it stunned - blast
its head, arms, then a leg and keep blasting it. Each blown off appendage will
stun it ever so briefly. Be forewarned that if Leon runs out of bullets while
it has fallen, these things are just as deadly while on the ground! Other than
that, just run right by it and exit the area.
__ Stairwell Hallway __
Two Regenerators are now in this area. Run by the one up ahead or shoot him
and kill him then run toward the freezer doors through the set of doors on the
west side of the hall. Use the Freezer Card Key to unlock the doors to the
freezer then enter the freezer.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Kill the Regenerator |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Kill the Regenerator |
__ Freezer __
A few Regenerators are hanging up in the middle of the room but none of them
will attack yet. Walk through the door to the right (first door) and use the
Freezer Card Key on the card reader. The reader will turn it into the --WASTE
DISPOSAL CARD KEY--. Turn off the power to the freezer in the back of the room
by using the controls to the right.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a box to the left when Leon first steps in |
| [ ] Green Herb | Inside a glass case on the northwest side of the room |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Defeat the Regenerator |
Walk through the doorway of the second +----------------------------------+
room and open the door with the valve | PRO MODE INFO |
handle on it. Pick up the --INFRARED |==================================|
SCOPE--. Attach it to the rifle. This is | On Professional mode, each |
used to see hidden parasites in an enemy's | Regenerator will have a Plagas |
body through the scope. The door will | on its back. Shoot a leg then |
seal off immediately after Leon grabs this | shoot the back Plagas - save the |
and a Regenerator will awaken. Run back | back Plagas for last. |
to the entrance quickly and equip the +----------------------------------+
rifle with the infrared scope attached. While aiming, shoot the Plagas inside
the Regenerator's body to kill it. The door will unlock after the Regenerator
is killed. Exit the room.
__ Stairwell Hallway __
If the Regenerators are still around this area then kill them with the new
enhanced rifle with infrared scope. Follow the hall to the northeast and use
the Waste Disposal Card Key to unlock the door at the end of the hall then open
| [ ] Emerald | Open the metal case down the corridor to the left |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Open the red box along the wall on the way to the Waste |
| | Disposal Room doors |
__ Waste Disposal Room __
Follow the corridor up ahead and Leon will enter a control room. It is
possible to use the lever to the right to pick up a Ganado with the outside
crane and toss him into the Waste Disposal pit, but this will alert all of them
below and they will hide, though they can still be picked up even then. The
best way to handle this part is to shoot a section of the glass then throw a
hand grenade below. It will kill just about all the Ganados!
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a small crate in front of the control room door |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | In front of the lever in the control room |
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying beside one of the blue dumpsters below |
| [ ] Emerald | Check inside the far east blue dumpster below |
Drop down the ladder and look the area over for items. Enter the room on the
opposite end of the area.
__ Surveillance Room __
Follow the stairs and enter the Surveillance Room at the top. Open the door at
the far left end of the Surveillance Room.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On a table in the back of the Surveillance Room |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Inside one of the lockers in the back of the |
| | Surveillance Room |
__ Storage Room Area __
Don't worry about the electric cords while moving down the hall - they won't
fry Leon. Ashley's voice can be heard in the distance. Move around the right
corner while following the corridor and look to the right to see her behind a
door. Two big Ganados are guarding the room, so shoot each of them in their
head to kill them quickly. The door to the storage room is locked, so Leon
will have to find the key in this facility. Open the door across from the
locked door to continue.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the red box in the middle of this area |
__ X-ray Room __
Follow the hall to the room up ahead. Once Leon enters the X-ray room, shoot
the first two Ganados that attack then aim to the right and shoot the Ganado
with the crossbow. Shoot them as they move up the stairs and search the room
for items.
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On the table to the right (top of the room) |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Move up under the stairs and check the shelves on the |
| | west wall |
Open the door at the bottom then follow the left corridor and Leon will have a
choice of two doors. Open the door straight ahead to find a typewriter inside.
Open the door to the left to continue.
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying next to the typewriter |
__ Testing Room __
Walk to the door up ahead and open it. A cutscene will play where a new type
of Regenerator will enter the room from the south side. This is an Iron Maiden
and he has the Storage Room Key attached to him. Equip the rifle with infrared
scope and shoot the Plagas on the front of the Iron Maiden. This special type
of Regenerator also has a Plagas on its back, so shoot its leg then shoot the
Plagas on its back once all the other Plaga on the front side are killed.
The Iron Maiden can still be killed by continuous gunfire just like the
Regenerators but it has twice the amount of life. Lead him toward the
explosive red canister and shoot it to take off quite a bit of damage from him.
Collect the --STORAGE ROOM CARD KEY-- as his body melts. It is possible to go
back to the cell room right now and free Ashley, which will end this chapter,
but continue ahead for some more pickups and an extra cutscene.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a table to the left after opening the first door |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Inside the metal case on the west wall (other side) |
Enter the lab room by hopping through the window or opening the door on the
south end and collect the extra items inside. Open the next door outside the
lab to continue.
| [ ] Emerald | Break the glass of the middle row of four tubes and |
| | this is lying in the furthest one away from the glass |
| | window |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a shelf to the right |
| [ ] Green Herb | Break the glass cases on the left side |
| [ ] Red Herb | Break the glass cases on the left side |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Use the valve handle to open the second storage unit |
__ Bridge to Control Tower __
Blast the crows up above for some extra pickups. The merchant up ahead doesn't
have any new items or tune-ups. Take the lift up to the top floor.
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot the crows on the metal bars above. Shoot them |
| | from the entrance door. One of them carries 5000 PTAS. |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Shoot the crows |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Shoot the crows |
__ Control Tower __
Enter the control tower from the entrance around the corner then walk toward
the equipment to radio for help. Return to Ashley's cell afterwards.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the ground to the left after stepping off the lift |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a table to the left in the control room |
| Extra Cutscene |
| * Approach the equipment in the control tower and Leon will radio for help. |
| This does not affect anything that happens later in the game. |
__ X-ray Room __
Ganados will attack from the top of the stairs up above on the way back through
this room so blast through them. Watch for the Ganados with the crossbows and
__ Storage Room Area __
Use the Storage Room Card Key on the storage room door and walk around the
corner inside for a cutscene that will end this chapter.
_______ __ ____ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ / __/____|_ |
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /__ /___/ __/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /____/
Chapter 5-2
__ Storage Room Area __
A cutscene will play once Leon moves around the left corner. Pick up the
++PAPER AIRPLANE++ file on the floor after the cutscene. Exit the storage
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a table to the left at the start of this chapter |
A few Ganados will attack outside so keep Ashley behind Leon at all times while
shooting them. Blast the big one in the head.
__ Surveillance Room __
Some more Ganados will attack in this area. One of them will seal off the door
to the Waster Disposal Room by pressing the green button on the controls. Aim
for the Ganado with the crossbow and try to kill him quickly. Run over to the
controls and press the green button to unseal the door to the Waste Disposal
A cutscene will play where a few Ganados will rush into the room - it may pay
to skip this cutscene since they gang up quickly around Leon and Ashley if the
cutscene plays out all the way. Blast the first two with the shotgun then
quickly aim for the one with the crossbow on the other side of the table and
blast him.
Exit the room and head for the Waste Disposal Room.
__ Waste Disposal Room __
Move toward the waste disposal pit for a cutscene.
__ Bottom of the Waste Disposal __
Pull the lever to the right to open the gate. The Iron Maiden that Ashley fell
near will reanimate, so tell her to hide in the white rusty dumpster to the
right then kill the Iron Maiden by shooting at its plaga.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On the ground to the right after passing under the |
| | first gate |
| [ ] 20000 PTAS | Kill the first Iron Maiden |
Open the next gate with the side lever. Leon will have to get Ashley out of
the dumpster in order to move the red crate up ahead since he can't move it
himself. Push the crate into the water to form a bridge across the water
below. An Iron Maiden will appear from the other side of the room so tell
Ashley to hide in the next white rusty dumpster. Shoot the Iron Maiden in its
plaga as usual.
| [ ] 20000 PTAS | Kill the second Iron Maiden |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On the floor to the right |
| [ ] Green Herb | on the floor across from the bridge to the next door |
Make Ashley get out of the container so she can help Leon push the red crate up
ahead. Open the set of doors in the area to the side to continue.
__ Lava Pool Room __
Defeat the wave of Ganados up ahead as Leon steps into the area. Walk toward
the back and open the set of doors. Leon will walk into a ventilation shaft.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the ground in front of the middle set of doors |
Drop from the right side and prepare for an onslaught of Ganados right after
Ashley notices the gate behind the wall to the side. Blast some of the Ganados
and run to the control room on the other side of the lava pool. The Ganados
will enter from the ventilation shaft and the rooftop of the control room.
Shoot one while he is on the side of the lava pool and he will fall in. Inside
the control room, have Ashley operate the wrecking ball outside. The wrecking
ball will hit at the cracked wall to the side (two times) and eventually reveal
a door.
Stand with Leon's back to a corner and blast the Ganados from both sides with a
shotgun as they try to enter the control room. Don't be afraid to throw a
grenade out the doors. Plagas heads can get extremely common her so use flash
grenades if they start to mount up. Open the gate afterwards to continue. The
Ganados will eventually stop coming, but not all of them have to be fought, so
quickly exit the area if they start to become too overwhelming.
| [ ] Red Herb | In the back of the control room |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | In the back of the control room |
__ Corridor __
Check out the room through the door on the right for some extra pickups.
| [ ] Incendiary | Open the doors to the shelf on the right in the back of |
| Grenade | the room |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Open the right cabinet on the far wall |
Make Ashley wait next to the entrance of this area and then walk up to the gate
and use the switch to open it. A Regenerator is behind it, so move away and
blast his plaga with a rifle. If Leon doesn't open the gate then it will
eventually open on its on. Another Regenerator will appear down the hall.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Kill the Regenerator |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Kill the Regenerator |
Enter the second room for some more pickups. Hit the red button on the wall in
the second room to make the shutter outside open halfway. Continue down the
hall and have Ashley crawl up under the half raised gate and open it from the
other side - check the gate then give the command.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Open the locker to the right in the second room |
| [ ] Green Herb | In the back left corner of the second room |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Near some pipes on the wall across from the red door at |
| | the end of the corridor |
Go through the red door on the right to find a typewriter and a merchant. The
merchant doesn't have anything new.
| [ ] Red Herb | Open the locker to the right in the room with the |
| | merchant |
Back outside of the room, walk over to one of the levers surrounding the door
and make Ashley wait near it. Walk over to the other lever and try to pull it.
Pull the lever when the lights above the door meet in the middle to unlock it.
Ashley will grab the lever on the other side if you positioned her correctly -
tell her to "Wait". Open the middle door.
__ Tunnel __
Stock up on the items around the area. Get in the back of the bulldozer when
you're ready - there is no returning.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On the left side of the room near the wall |
| [ ] First Aid | Break the wooden box near the rifle ammo |
| Spray | |
Ashley will start the bulldozer with Leon on the back of it. Face away from
Ashley. Soon a few Ganados will start to chase after the bulldozer from
behind. Shoot at them to slow them down from a distance - a handgun or rifle
should work fine. Use the shotgun if too many of them get on the truck or you
just want them off pronto. Plagas heads can be very dangerous in the back of
the truck because of the little room so kill them fast.
After the second wave of Ganados, a truck will start to chase after the
bulldozer. Shoot the truck until it starts flaming then it will crash. The
truck can easily be destroyed with just a handgun. The truck will once again
start to follow the bulldozer even while burning, so shoot it until it crashes.
The bulldozer will enter an area where a gate will seal off from behind.
Ashley will point up to a lever on top of a high walkway directly ahead. Jump
off the bulldozer and climb up the north ladder on the side - this way Leon can
grab the green herb at the top. Run to the back and shoot the Ganados near the
lever then quickly pull it to activate the lift. Jump back down either of the
sides then quickly shoot the Ganados that try to attack Ashley.
| [ ] Green Herb | At the top of the walkway by the north ladder |
Another way to approach this part is to climb up one of the ladder then
immediately fall back down as the Ganados start to attack. This way Leon can
easily protect Ashley. The problem here is the Ganado on the high platform
with the crossbow, so you may want to defeat him before falling. He is usually
on the far south end. Once they stop appearing, pull the lever and jump back
down. No more Ganados will appear.
Either way, get back down to Ashley and get in the back of the bulldozer again.
The lift will rise once Leon jumps back down to the platform that the bulldozer
is on. Get back inside the bulldozer.
When the bulldozer starts to move again, blast the Ganados that hop onto the
truck - look up and blast some of them before they jump to make them fall off
the platform. A truck will appear in front of the bulldozer - listen for the
horn. Shoot the truck until it bursts into flames. The truck will hit the
bulldozer regardless of what is done here. The bulldozer will crash into the
__ Wreckage __
Open the door to the side.
__ Room with Cages __
There are a few items in the area so check around. There is a typewriter along
with a merchant in the back. Yet again, the merchant does not have anything
new. Open the next door to the side to continue.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Open the cabinet to the left (sliding door) |
| [ ] Incendiary | Open the cabinet to the right (sliding door) |
| [ ] Green Stone | Open the metal case in the center of the room (right |
| of Judgment | side) |
| [ ] 900 PTAS | On a shelf to the left of the typewriter |
A cutscene will start as the next room is entered that will end this chapter.
_______ __ ____ ____
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ / __/____|_ /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /__ /___//_ <
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /____/
Chapter 5-3
__ Dark Altar Room __
Pick up the ++OUR PLAN++ file from the altar at the top of the stairs. Open
the next door for a cutscene.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Lying on the floor to the left of the stairs |
__ Dark Stairwell __
One Ganado will grow restless as Leon walks down the stairs so shoot him then
enter the boiler room to the side at the bottom of the stairs.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Follow the top walkway to the back left to find this on |
| | the floor |
| [ ] Emerald | Shoot the middle left window on the ceiling while |
| | moving down the stairs |
| [ ] Green Herb | At the bottom of the stairs near the boiler room door |
__ Boiler Room __
A few Ganados will attack in here. Watch out for the ones with the crossbows.
Open the door at the other end of the Boiler Room.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the locker to the left in the upstairs office |
| [ ] Flash Grendae | On a box in the storage room on the west side of the |
| | Boiler Room |
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | On a container in the storage room of the Boiler Room |
__ Catwalk Area __
Grab the extra pesetas on the floor then turn around and take the lift on the
side to the floor above. Walk out into the open area for a big interactive
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | On the floor directly across from the entrance door |
Use the on-screen commands to dodge Krauser's attacks. The cutscene is so long
that there is actually a checkpoint in the middle of it just in case you miss a
command input. Once Krauser tries to sink the knife into Leon's chest while
Leon is on the ground, the constant commands in the cutscene will end shortly
Drop off the side of the catwalk up ahead after the cutscene then open the door
__ Laser Trap __
Walk into the corridor through the sliding doors up ahead. This white corridor
is filled with lasers. To dodge the first set, move under them as the
horizontal laser moves up and the two vertical lasers move to the sides.
Stop as another group of lasers appear. Wait until the vertical laser moves to
the right for the second time then, the second the two side lasers form a
triangle, run through the triangle. As Leon runs through them, a group of
lasers up ahead will quickly move toward him - press the on-screen command to
jump through them.
Run in the middle of the crackling laser pods on the walls up ahead and press
the on-screen command as it appears to backflip away followed by another
command to jump over them. Approach the door at the end and press the switch
to the right to start the unlocking process for the doors. Another set of
lasers will appear on the other side of the corridor. Run toward the lasers as
they speed up then quickly press the on-screen command to dodge them. It is
best to run toward them since they get faster as they approach the other side
of the room, not really giving you much time to input the command. The doors
will unlock afterwards.
__ Throne Room __
Collect the items around the room and sit in the throne if you feel so
inclined. Walk through the sliding doors behind the throne and take the lift
| [ ] Emerald | On the throne chair |
| [ ] Elegant | On the ceiling above the entrance. Walk up to the |
| Headdress | throne then face away from it. |
| Extra Info |
| * Walk toward the throne for a "?" action. Press the A button to sit in |
| the throne. |
__ Cave Entrance __
Follow the stairs downward then run down the tunnel to the right.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the ground up under the stairs |
| [ ] Emerald | On the ground up under the stairs |
There is a merchant up ahead along with a typewriter and a few pickups.
Upgrade the Killer7 if it is possible for you to.
| Broken Butterfly |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 28.0 | 70000 | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ----- |
| Killer7 |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 35.0 | 78000 | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.93 | 30000 |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ---- | Capacity | Lv 3 | 14 | 40000 |
Pick up the ++LUIS' MEMO 4++ file from the top of the boxes next to the
merchant. Open the gate at the end of the tunnel to continue.
| [ ] Red Herb | Open the door beside the typewriter to find this on the |
| | ground in the small room |
__ Cave __
Follow the tunnel up ahead. The camera will eventually show several hanging
metal containers to the side of the ledge up ahead. Continue up the rock
walkway to the left for a cutscene.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Walk through the hole in the fence to the left and it |
| | is lying on a crate inside |
Leon will be thrown off into the first hanging container as a creature attacks
him. He will start out inside the first container. Leon must run from
container to container, pressing emergency buttons in order to make each
container fall in an attempt to stop the creature. He will have to run by U3
the whole time while doing this, so be prepared to press the on-screen
sequences as they appear while running by him. For the most part, do not
attack U3 at all inside any of the containers, just run! It is possible to
make him retreat by shooting him in the head twice however. He will remain
hidden until Leon presses one of the buttons found around the area.
__ First Container __
Turn around while U3 (It) is in front of Leon and turn to the left. Shoot the
green light on the right side of the wall above to open the gate ahead. Follow
the corridor all the way around then press the button at the end of the
corridor. Return back to the corridor that U3 was in and turn left then shoot
the green light on the wall once Leon reaches the gate. Press the second
button to start the emergency drop sequence. Once both buttons have been
pushed, Leon will have thirty seconds to get out of the current container so
run to the entrance of the next container (red door) on the east side and open
| [ ] Green Herb | Turn around at the beginning then this will be on the |
| | right dead end up ahead |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | From the starting, run directly ahead then turn right |
| | to see this |
__ Second Container __
The first container will drop. Run straight ahead and U3 will show up again.
This is a good place to actually shoot him and make him retreat since he will
most likely hit Leon otherwise - hit him twice in the head. Turn around and
shoot the green light on the wall in the background to make the gate beside
Leon lift up. Run down the left side and press the button. Return the way
that Leon came and shoot the green light on the southwest wall to make the gate
to the left open. Run down the corridor and press the second button. The
emergency drop sequence will countdown. Get to the other container by turning
around and taking the right corridor at the split. Follow it and open the red
door to enter the next container.
| [ ] Incendiary | On the floor to the right when starting |
| Grenade | |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Turn right instead of left as the first gate opens |
__ Third Container __
The first emergency button is on the right, so press it. Pressing it will open
the gate in the middle of the crates. U3 will fall down and grow a set of
claws from its back. Run right by him and enter the corridor underneath the
crates in the middle of the area. U3 will leap on top of the crates overhead
and attack through the ceiling so hurry! Follow the corridor all the way to
the end and turn left. Follow the next corridor to the bars at the end. Shoot
the green light on the side of the wall through the bars.
Go all the way back through the crate and turn right upon exiting. Run to the
end of that corridor and press the second emergency button. The emergency
sequence will start again, so get back to the gate on the east side (through
the middle corridor) and open it. Jump (A) toward the hook outside. Wiggle
the remote to help Leon climb up.
Pick up all the items after the cutscene. Another cutscene will play while
moving ahead.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | To the left after the third container falls |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | To the left after the third container falls |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | To the left after the third container falls |
| [ ] Green Herb | To the left after the third container falls |
__ Deeper in the Cave __
Boss Battle - U3 (It)
1st stage Life: 250+
USE THE SURROUNDINGS: There are two red explosive barrels around this area -
one to the left of the middle rock and one inside the tunnel to the left.
Speaking of the tunnel, use the levers on the sides of the gates to open the
SHOOT U3 IN THE HEAD: For the first part of this battle, U3 moves fairly slow,
so Leon can literally stand away from him and shoot him in the head from the
distance. Always aim for his head and hit it with a magnum round.
Shoot an explosive barrel when he moves by one of them to damage him greatly.
He will chase after Leon and try to grab him with the arms - shake the Wii-mote
to break free of his clutches if he grabs Leon.
(Update: U3 is also weak to incendiary grenades - they will usually stagger him
during the first part of this battle, but don't count on them to stagger him
during the second part of the battle.)
TRAPPING U3: To make this battle easy, open both gates of the tunnel on the
northwest side and have U3 follow Leon into the tunnel. Exit the other end of
the tunnel and close the gate on that end. When U3 comes around the corner,
shoot him in the head through the bars of the gate. Don't let him get close to
the get or he will eventually break it. Each shot will knock him back so just
keep up the momentum of shooting and reload when needed while he staggers.
Once he falls, he will enter the second stage of his attacks.
2nd stage Life: 240+
IT GROWS IMPATIENT: It's much harder to trap him this time since he will start
to burrow under the ground in an effort to slice Leon from below. He will
disappear then a command will appear below Leon shortly before he slices
upwards with his claws, so be sure to watch for it and enter the command. The
battle moves on just like the first as he surfaces but he is much faster and
will run toward Leon aggressively while snapping with his pinchers on his back.
Leon can still stand back and shoot him in the head to stagger him, but U3 will
eventually burrow under the ground and go back to slicing from beneath the
(Update: U3 will usually instantly retreat into the ground if a flash grenade
is thrown - this is not very useful, but interesting. He doesn't always
instantly retreat, like when he is snapping his claws at Leon.)
| [ ] Red Herb | Around the right side of the middle rock |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the tunnel to the left |
| [ ] 50000 PTAS | Kill U3 |
Once the battle is over, the gate that closed during the cutscene will open
again. Collect the pesetas from U3's body then open the door past the gate.
Follow the tunnel and use the lift up the stairs to get one last pickup. Climb
the ladder to the side when finished.
| [ ] Green Herb | Take the lift back to the other side of the cave and |
| | this will be lying on the catwalk beside the lift |
__ Camp __
Climb the next ladder. Open the door and move outside.
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Open the cabinet beside the door |
Walk up to the side of the hill then shoot the red explosive barrels around the
tent below to defeat many of the Ganados around the tent. Finish off the
stragglers then jump off the side of the ledge.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Lying along the dead end path beside the tent |
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Break the wooden box on the table inside the tent |
Fall down into the hole inside of the tent and follow the tunnel to find a
merchant along with a typewriter at the end. Check the tunnel for plenty of
valuable items. Pick up the ++KRAUSER'S NOTE++ file from beside the
| [ ] Emerald | After falling, face the tunnel, aim, and look up to see |
| | this on the rock wall above the tunnel. Shoot it. |
| [ ] Blue Stone of | Turn right while moving down the tunnel and this will |
| Treason | be at the end of that path |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Turn left while moving down the tunnel and this will be |
| | at the end of that path. Break the box on the table. |
| Broken Butterfly |
| Firepower | ---- | ---- | ----- | Reload Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- |
| Firing Speed | ---- | ---- | ----- | Capacity | ---- | -- | ----- |
| * Exclusive | increases firepower --------------> | MAX | 50.0 | 150000 |
Climb up the ladder when stocked up enough. Leon will emerge on the opposite
side of the fence past the gate beside the tent. Open the gate up ahead.
__ Ruins __
Follow the path ahead then drop down below when Leon reaches the ledge at the
end. Walk into the ruins area for a cutscene.
Boss - Krauser
Life: about 30+ per encounter
This fight is much like a cat and mouse game. Krauser will start off by
shooting Leon from up above so quickly run to the walls up ahead to avoid his
fire. If he throws a grenade, press the on-screen sequence to roll away from
it. Watch for the laser sighting from his gun to know when he is about to
shoot Leon. Open the door ahead.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the floor right behind the first door |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Climb the first ladder and it is on the roof |
__ Ruins (Southwest) __
The door to the right side is locked for the moment but Leon needs to check it
to start the unlocking sequence (it doesn't really matter though). Krauser
will appear eventually in the room or, if you climb the ladder, he may meet
Leon on the roof. Hit him with knife slashes whenever he comes in close to
really put some hurt on him very quickly. Hit him while he is stunned and run
after him while he somersaults away. Don't waste ammo on him since the knife
takes off more!
The most important thing to remember while fighting him when he shows up is
that he will always jump to the side or retreat after a hit, so don't
continuously slash the knife at him. Instead, slash him, follow him as he
moves to the side by moving Leon's hand (with knife equipped), then slash him
again. Slashing continuously will cause him to hit Leon.
Sometimes several sequences will pop up to give you an opportunity to dodge his
attacks so be ready for them - sometimes these appear four times in a row in
slow motion. He can also grab Leon from behind if Leon's back is turned to
Krauser and you'll have to break his hold with the on-screen commands. He will
throw a flash grenade once he takes enough damage and will disappear. This is
always the way he will leave the battle for the moment.
The door will unlock after the battle so open it. Krauser may meet Leon right
outside the door so be ready. Run down the stairs then head to the right (the
left leads to the exit, but Leon doesn't have the key yet).
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | By some wall debris to the left |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Turn left after moving down the first set of stairs and |
| | this will be on the middle hole in the left wall |
__ Ruins (Middle) __
Krauser may be up on top of the building in the background as Leon rushes
toward it. Fight him off and enter the building for some supplies. Some
flying sentries will attack through the windows. Shoot them with the handgun
to destroy them. Krauser may attack once again!
| [ ] First Aid | Break the right barrel in the building |
| Spray | |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On top of the building (climb the ladder, it's on the |
| | railing) |
There are bars that cover the lever that will open the gate outside the
building so exit the building and move to the east. Run down the stairs then
turn left and go up the left spiral staircase. Go through the doorway at the
top to trigger a cutscene.
| [ ] Green Herb | In the rubble to the right just before going up the |
| | spiral staircase |
Boss Battle - Krauser
Life: 100
Leon will gain the --PIECE OF THE HOLY BEAST, PANTHER-- after the cutscene.
Krauser will leap up to the top of the high platform above. He will throw
grenades so press the on-screen sequences to dodge them or get under the
platform. Hit him with the knife when he jumps down to attack. He will always
eventually jump down if Leon moves under the platform that he is on. There
will be a sequence where Leon will be given the option to respond to Krauser -
this does not change anything except for some extra dialogue right here if Leon
| [ ] Red Herb | On some rubble right near Leon at the start of this |
| | area |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | In the far northwest corner of this area |
Once Krauser leaves, push the statue onto the pressure plate around the other
side of the walls to remove the bars in front of the lever back to the west and
the one to the east - push the statue to the east then get on the south side
and line them up with the pressure plates. Run to the east and pull the lever
to open the gate to the left.
Move back down the stairs past the gate and pull the lever on the west wall to
the open the gate beside it. Krauser may be waiting for Leon by the lever so
knife slash him if he is. Drop down to the area below.
| [ ] Green Herb | Against the wall right after dropping from the gate |
| | above |
__ Ruins (Northwest) __
Move to the side and blast the sentries along the way. Watch out for their
explosions as they are destroyed! Krauser will be waiting further around the
corner. Either respond to his phrases or not. Climb the spiral staircase
behind the doorway to the left then climb the ladder above. Don't go around
the right corner and claim the last piece of the gate puzzle until you grab the
items to the left. Grab the --PIECE OF THE HOLY BEAST, EAGLE-- from the right
side to trigger a cutscene.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Through the doorway to the left right after talking |
| | with Krauser |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | On the wooden walkway to the left after climbing the |
| | ladder |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the wooden walkway to the left after climbing the |
| | ladder |
Boss Battle - Krauser
Life: 200+
PRESSURED FOR TIME: This is the true boss battle against Krauser. Leon has a
total of 3 minutes before the C4 installed in this area blows up. That means
this battle must be finished within that time limit. Wasting that much time
here is very hard to do though since Krauser is so quick and damaging.
DODGING HIS BIG "THING": His attacks for this round are very brutal and should
always be dodged or interrupted with an attack. It is best to avoid his
lunging arm attack and overhead arm attack by pressing the on-screen sequences.
He will try to sweep Leon from up close then hit him with an overhead arm
attack. Quickly press the on-screen command to dodge the arm portion of the
sweep attack combo while on the ground and Leon will roll out of the way. He
also has a slice attack and double roundhouse from close range.
OH, HOW THE MIGHTY WILL FALL: The battle really isn't all that different from
the previous battle except for his new hand attacks. He is still incredibly
weak to the knife and that is how Leon should damage him. Hit him with knife
slashes when he jumps in for an attack - aim the knife downward then slash.
Run after him when he backflips away (try to catch him as he flips into a wall)
then slash him. Each slash will stun him and knock him out of whatever he is
doing, so quickly slash him some more. The magnum works good for interrupting
his attacks if it hits (hit him in the head while he is stunned), but the knife
works the best for everything in this battle - stunning and hitting - mainly
because it covers a much greater area and it's hard to miss with it. Hand
grenades work good for this battle as well - as he backflips throw a hand
grenade to instantly stun him.
Once the battle is over, pick up the --PIECE OF THE HOLY BEAST, SERPENT-- from
Krauser's body. Jump back down where the ladder is and run across the wooden
walkway to the west. Drop down to the ground below and place the pieces of the
beast on the wall to the right to make the wall slide back. Exit the area by
opening the door behind the wall. This will end the chapter.
_______ __ ____ ____
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ / __/____/ / /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /__ /___/_ _/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/ /_/
Chapter 5-4
__ Soldier Ganado Camp __
The Ruins from the last chapter will explode in the back of Leon as he begins
this chapter. Save at the typewriter to the side then continue ahead for a
radio cutscene. Follow the path after the radio cutscene for another cutscene.
| [ ] Green Herb | Next to the typewriter |
Follow the path ahead after the cutscene then run inside the tent to the left
to avoid the chain gun fire from the Ganado in the back. The helicopter will
fire a missile at the chain gun soon and destroy the chain gun turret.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Inside the first tent to the left |
| [ ] Green Herb | When the paths split, take the left path, climb the |
| | ladder and it will be to the left |
Continue along the path ahead and take the right path. Move down the steps and
blast the Ganados along the way. Head to the north and enter the tunnel to the
right as the Ganado behind the chain gun turret up above starts to fire.
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Climb the ladder to the left and it will be at the top |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Break the barrel outside the tunnel (where the chain |
| | gun starts to fire) |
Blast the Ganados around the area and give the helicopter enough time to
destroy the chain gunner up above. Climb the ladder at the end of the path
then enter the building from the left side. Examine the door inside to open
the lock on it.
| [ ] Green Herb | Inside the building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the building |
A big chain gun Ganado (JJ) will appear on the left side as Leon races up the
stairs ahead. Run up the stairs and grab a hold of the handle at the top and
slide all the way over to the side with the chain gun Ganado to kick him and
stun him. Blast him with the magnum or shotgun in the head and defeat him.
Drop down below and pull the lever on the wall to the side to open the gate
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On the ledge with the big chain gunner Ganado |
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Kill the big chain gunner Ganado |
Before going through the gate below, turn around while facing the gate and drop
to the area with the two tents to find some extra pickups. Walk through the
gate when ready.
| [ ] Red Herb | In the left tent |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | In the right tent |
__ Ganado Camp (North) __
This area has three chain gun turrets - one on the top left, one on the top
right, and one on the bottom in the middle. There are also a few Ganados with
crossbows in the area. Shoot the explosive barrels in the back of the bottom
area to defeat a few crossbow Ganados.
Enter the tunnel to the left and climb the ladder. Blast any Ganados that get
in your way and watch out for the chain gun fire from outside. Run over to the
railing up ahead and duck behind it while standing next to it (A). Once the
turret stops firing, run around the walkway and quickly move into the dead end
tunnel on the other side of the walkway to avoid the turret fire. Exit the
tunnel then kick down the gate up ahead on the current side. The door below
will lock as Leon approaches the sidewall. Aim down at the Ganado behind the
bottom turret and shoot him in the head if he is still alive then pull the
lever on the wall.
To get to the other lever, fall down to the ground below then climb the ladder
on the south wall. Kick down the gate up above then use the final lever to
open the shutter in the middle. Open the gate below to continue.
| [ ] Green Herb | Along the south wall |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | In the middle of the area near a wall |
| [ ] First Aid | Defeat the Ganado in the back behind the chain gun |
| Spray | turret |
__ Entrance to the Island Ruins __
A cutscene will play near the middle of the stairs. Collect any pickups from
the dying Ganados after the cutscene. Enter the gate up ahead to continue.
| [ ] Emerald | At the top of the second column to the left while |
| | moving up the stairs. Shoot it. |
| [ ] Emerald | While moving toward the exit gate, look at the top of |
| | of the first column down that path and shoot the |
| | glowing object |
| Extra Dialogue |
| * Walk over to the cliff and view the helicopter wreckage |
__ Island Ruins __
Fall into the hole. Walk through the opening for a cutscene. Open the door to
the side then open the next door to the building outside.
| [ ] Pearl Pendant | On top of the tomb behind the ladder after the dropoff |
__ Island Prison __
There is a typewriter on the desk in the middle of the first room.
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On a chair to the left of the entrance |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On a chair, at the end of the west corridor |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | Open the top drawer on the chest of drawers beside the |
| | desk with the typewriter |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Open the metal container on the wall to the right of |
| | the typewriter |
| Extra Info |
| * Open the metal container to the left of the prison entrance. Shoot the |
| moving bag and whatever is inside will die. |
While entering the cell area, a Regenerator will walk out of the second left
cell. Use the rifle to shoot him or use a shotgun. He can be skipped as well
by entering the next door at the end. Check the cells for some extra pickups
then climb up on top of the concrete walkway in front of the door at the south
end then open the door.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Kill the Regenerator |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Inside the first cell on the right |
| [ ] Red Herb | In front of the broken stairway on the south side |
__ In Front of the Lab __
| [ ] Green Herb | Down the stairs and to the right of the blue dumpster |
Walk down the stairs and move up the corridor ahead. Use the rifle and shoot
some of the Ganados up ahead. As the Ganados start to fall, a chain gun Ganado
(JJ) will appear. Take out a magnum and shoot him very quickly to kill him
before the Ganados group up.
There are a few explosive barrels around this area so use them to your
advantage because quite a few Ganados will pile up in this area. Climb the
ladder on the west building and check the green button on the control panel. A
key card will pop out of a panel in a building to the north and a Ganado will
grab it. Several more Ganados will enter the area after this sequence. The
Ganado with the --EMERGENCY LOCK CARD KEY-- will be among these Ganados so be
sure to look out for it while defeating them.
| [ ] 15000 PTAS | Kill the chain gun Ganado |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On the table in the middle of the west building |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Inside the right locker in the west building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the right locker in the northeast building |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Inside the middle locker in the northwest building |
| [ ] Red Herb | In the fenced area to the east of the northeast |
| | building |
Run out on the metal walkway and climb the ladder up ahead to the left. Shoot
the Ganados with the crossbows then continue to the building in the far north.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Inside the metal case on the small table in the far |
| | north building |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a shelf in the far north building |
Use the Emergency Lock Card Key on the panel to the left inside the building.
The panels in the northeast and west buildings will light up green once again.
Return to those two buildings and press the buttons on each of the panels to
open a big gate below. Fall to the ground floor and enter the new opening in
the far northwest.
A few Ganados will attack once Leon kicks through the door at the end. Open
the tall set of doors at the end of the corridor.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Open the shelf to the right after entering the new room |
| | to find this inside |
__ Saddler's Laboratory __
A cutscene will activate once Leon enters this area.
Leon and Ashley will start out in a room on the north side of the lab after the
cutscene. Open the door to the left to continue.
__ Merchant Area __
A merchant will be in view as Leon enters the outside area. The merchant
doesn't have anything new. If you want, go ahead and sell the Infrared Scope
since there is no more use for it until the next playthrough - Leon will find
another on the next playthrough in the same spot.
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Break the left barrel at the end of the path to the |
| | right directly after entering this area |
| [ ] 5000 PTAS | Break the right barrel at the end of the path to the |
| | left directly after entering this area |
| [ ] Green Herb | Next to the fenced area |
Be sure to collect the ++LUIS' MEMO++ file from the mound of dirt across from
the merchant then open the door up ahead to continue.
__ Lab Corridor __
Move down the ramp ahead and take out the shotgun since two big Ganados and
some smaller Ganados will attack from both sides. Take the right corridor and
open the door at the end to reenter the lab.
__ Saddler's Laboratory __
Find all the pickups then head back into the corridor.
| [ ] Red Herb | On the floor inside the control room |
| [ ] Magnum Ammo | On a table in the control room |
__ Lab Corridor __
Open the big set of doors for a cutscene that will end this chapter.
_____ __ _______ __
/ __(_)__ ___ _/ / / ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____
/ _// / _ / _ `/ / / /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/
/_/ /_/_//_/_,_/_/ ___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/
Final Chapter
__ Experiment Room __
Follow the north corridor to the end to find a few pickups on a table. Be sure
to grab the ++OUR MISSION++ file from the table then open the door to the left
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Near the table by the exit door |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On the table near the exit door |
__ Below the Construction Site __
There is a merchant to the side along with a typewriter beside him. Move down
the stairs and approach the elevator for a cutscene.
| [ ] Green Herb | To the left of the top of the stairs |
__ Construction Site __
The cutscene at the elevator will lead into the final boss battle.
Final Boss - Saddler
First Fight
Life: 200+
SADDLER'S ATTACKS: Leon will start the battle right next to Saddler's mutated
state. Run to the side to avoid getting hit by his legs. Saddler will try to
hit Leon with his legs and his middle arm from close range. He can actually
grab Leon with his middle arm and slam him against the ground, which causes
quite a bit of damage. From long range, he will throw a metal bar at Leon or
jump and try to land on Leon. Follow the on-screen sequence to dodge the metal
bars and run to avoid his jump attack.
There are many different ways to stun Saddler in order to expose his weakness:
1) Notice the eyes on his legs. Shoot one of the eyes with any weapon (TMP)
and Saddler will collapse and expose his weak point. There are four eyes (one
on each leg) and they only have about 5 hit points each, so shoot them with the
weakest weapon in your inventory. Destroy an eye right off the bat (ie. use a
fully-powered Red9) and that just means that you now have less means to stun
2) Throw a grenade under Saddler and the explosion will cause him to collapse.
3) Shoot Saddler's body with a mine from the mine thrower and the explosion
will cause him to collapse.
4) Shoot a red explosive barrel while Saddler is near it to make him collapse.
5) Get up on the panel platform in the southeast or the northwest and "Operate"
the panel then wait for Saddler to get close. Press the button again to hit
Saddler with a group of suspended metal bars causing him to collapse.
EYE OF THE TIGER: Using either of the above methods will cause Saddler to
collapse and reveal his middle eye. Either run up to him until the "Climb"
command appears then press the A button for a special stabbing hit or aim a
weapon (Killer7) at his middle eye and shoot. Both of these methods will
damage him badly but a fully powered Killer7 will take him down quickly (6
shots) compared to normal special stabs (9 hits). Every hit done to Saddler
takes off some damage, but always go for the main eye to get some extreme
Use up the explosive barrel and suspended metal bars on the east side then
quickly move across one of the bridges in the middle as it connects. A green
light will appear when the bridge is connecting so run to make it across. If
the bridge is about to fall then press the on-screen sequence and wiggle the
remote to have Leon climb up to the other side. While on the other side, be
prepared to dodge the metal bars that Saddler will throw at Leon and also be
prepared to run when Saddler jumps to the opposite side.
A cutscene will play once Saddler has been damaged enough to end the first part
of this battle.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Near the east explosive barrel |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the southeast panel platform |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Near the northwest panel platform |
Second Fight
Life: 175+
USE THIS: Once Ada throws the special rocket launcher in the cutscene, the
fight is basically over. Have Leon grab the special rocket launcher from the
west walkway then aim at Saddler and fire for a death cutscene. It is possible
to finish Saddler off normally without the special rocket launcher however.
Just keep on damaging him just like in the first fight until he dies. It takes
5 shots with a fully upgraded Killer7 or 7 stabs with the special knife attack.
The special rocket launcher can be kept and sold to the merchant at the
beginning of the next game for 30000 PTAS.
A QUICK "GAME OVER" SHOT: Want an extremely quick fight for both battles?
Shoot Saddler in one of his leg eyes to stun him then fire a rocket from a
rocket launcher at his main eye. Ada will throw the special rocket launcher at
that time. Run to the special rocket launcher and shoot Saddler with it to end
the battle right then. Please note that Saddler MUST be hit in his main eye to
finish off the first half of the battle with one rocket.
| [ ] 100000 PTAS | Defeat Saddler |
| [ ] Special | Ada will throw this on the west walkway at the |
| Rocket | beginning of the second battle |
| Launcher | |
KEY-- during the cutscene. After the cutscene, make sure to grab the 100000
PTAS from Saddler's dead body then race back to the elevator and take it back
down. Another cutscene will play where Leon and Ashley will race out of the
__ Escape Passage __
Run down the path and drop from the ladder. Grab Ashley then hurry to the
boat. Use the Jet-ski Key on the jet-ski to start it.
| Extra Info |
| * Try to go back the way you came and a landslide will block off the |
| entrance to the tunnel |
__ Underground River __
This is it! Drive the boat through all the obstacles that lay ahead then Leon
and Ashley are home free. Hold up on the nunchuk analog to accelerate.
Here are the sides (in order) that Leon should be on to avoid all the
Right (ramp)
Accelerate (to avoid falling debris from this point onward)
Left (ramp)
Right (ramp)
The ending cutscene will play once the jet-ski reaches the end of the tunnel.
Watch the game past the credits for an extra radio cutscene. Be sure to save
your bonus (clear) game file after the final radio cutscene.
== | ================================================================= | ==
| _ ___ _ __ __ ___ _ __ |
// /_ / /_ /_// _ / _ /_ // /__ //
// //_ / / //_ / /_///_ / /_ //
// / _ / /_// _ _ / /_/ _ / // //__ //
// _/ _/___,'_/ _/ __/ ____/_/ _// /__/ //
| S E P E R A T E W A Y S W A L K T H R O U G H |
== | ================================================================= | ==
Separate Ways is unlocked under the Extras menu once the main game (Leon's
game) is completed. In Separate Ways, the player takes on the role of Ada Wong
and experiences her side of the main game story through five chapters of
Ada will end each chapter with a report that will set up the next chapter based
on her thoughts. All reports will be added to the "Ada's Reports" section
under the extras menu as each chapter is completed. Keep in mind that Report
#5 is never played in the actual mode of Separate Ways, it must be viewed
separately once the game is finished.
_______ __ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ < /
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ / /
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /_/
Objective: Ring the Church Bell
__ Pueblo Village __
Ada will start out on the north side of the insignia house. She will already
have a Blacktail handgun equipped and will have her own exclusive shotgun in
her inventory - don't be afraid to use this during this part since there is
plenty of ammo for it. The villagers will already be alerted to her location
so there is no element of stealth whatsoever like there was in Leon's game.
Run around the village and collect the many items found inside the buildings.
Ada cannot collect the shotgun from the house with the shotgun since she wants
to leave it for Leon.
When Leon enters the house with the shotgun, a chainsaw will roar for the rest
of the time Ada spends in the village but no chainsaw Ganado will attack her.
At that time, the shotgun on the mantel will be gone. Throughout the rest of
this area, Leon can be spotted in the background as villagers chase after him.
Ada cannot catch up with him, but she can shoot at the villagers that chase
Leon and get them to attack her. Sounds of firing and struggling from Leon
will be heard as well.
Eventually a cutscene will play where a chicken will fly off of the roof of the
house in front of the shotgun house and reveal a key item up on the roof.
Stand a little ways away from the front of the house shown in the cutscene and
watch for the "Grapple" option. Press A at that time to grapple to the roof of
the house. Collect the --INSIGNIA KEY-- from the roof then jump back down.
Make sure to collect all of the items before entering the insignia house since
Ada cannot return once she sets foot inside. The Ganados around the area will
continue to respawn but they will come in fewer groups. Run over to the
insignia house and use the key to open the front door.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Climb the ladder in the tower on the east side of the |
| | village and this will be on the table at the top |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Moving toward the northeast exit gate, this is on a |
| | table in the south small shack |
| [ ] Chicken Egg | Moving toward the northeast exit gate, this is on the |
| | floor of the north small shack |
| [ ] Spinel | At the northeast gate, this will be off to the left on |
| | a raised portion of land |
| [ ] Green Herb | Against the east side of the house across from the |
| | house with the shotgun. Stay against the boards |
| | covering the log pile and a "Take" option will appear. |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On the floor in the first room of the house across from |
| | the house with the shotgun |
| [ ] Chicken Egg | Lying in a plate to the right while entering the house |
| | across from the house with the shotgun |
| [ ] Elegant Mask | Lying on the bed in the back room of the house across |
| | from the house with the shotgun |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On top of the cabinet below the stairs in the house |
| | with the shotgun |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Below the glass case next to the shotgun mantel in the |
| | house with the shotgun |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | On the table next to the glass case described above |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On the bed on the second floor of the house with the |
| | shotgun |
| [ ] Spinel | On the east side of the rooftop of the house with the |
| | shotgun. Jump out the west window of the second floor |
| | then move around the side of the rooftop |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a cabinet inside the northwest house beside the barn |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the log pile to the north of the barn in the west |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Follow the path in the west all the way to village exit |
| | gate and this will be off to the side on a raised piece |
| | of land |
| [ ] Spinel | On the same raised land near the shotgun ammo described |
| | above |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Break the wooden box in the southwest behind the cow |
| [ ] Red Herb | On a wheelbarrow on the south side of the village (near |
| | the building with the cow - back part) |
__ Insignia Building __
Luckily for Ada, the merchant is inside the insignia house. Even though he has
not set up shop yet, he will offer a few items to Ada.
| [ ] SNAKE! | Break the wooden box in the back of the merchant |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on a shelf |
Buy the Attache Case M and the TMP since it will make a good substitute if Ada
starts to run low on handgun ammo. If you don't have enough for the TMP then
don't worry about. Don't sell the Elegant Mask yet!
| Merchant Items |
| Mission 1 Treasure Map | 10000 | TMP | 12800 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35600 |
| Blacktail | 24600 | Scope (semi-auto rifle)| 10000 |
| Shotgun | 21400 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
Save at the typewriter then walk into the back room and open the trapdoor.
Fall into the tunnel below.
__ Secret Tunnel __
Once Ada starts to run down the stairs a door will slam in the insignia house
behind her and two Ganados will drop from the opening in the floor. Wait for
them to drop then shoot them.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a small indention in the cave wall to the right |
| | moving down the stairs |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a small indention in the cave wall to the left while |
| | moving down the stairs |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On the ground to the left in the middle portion of the |
| | cave |
| [ ] Random Item | On the ground to the left in the middle portion of the |
| | cave |
| [ ] Green Gem | Break the wooden box on the indention in between the |
| | two items listed above in the middle of the cave |
When Ada reaches the door near the end of the tunnel, Ganados will beat down
the door up ahead and some more will show up behind Ada. Turn around and blast
the Ganados behind Ada since the others will have to break down the door first.
Rush back into the tunnel and have all the Ganados to Ada's front side for easy
shooting. Climb the ladder at the end to continue.
__ Churchyard __
A female Ganado will attack right away as Ada steps out of the tunnel.
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Shoot the bird's nest in the tree branch directly above |
| | the doorway to the secret tunnel |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Shoot the bird's nest in the tree right before reaching |
| | the wooden overhead structure |
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot the three crows in the graveyard |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the table in the shed |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Break the wooden crate on the shelf in the shed |
| [ ] Red Gem | On top of a gravestone in the middle of the graveyard |
Be on the lookout for plenty of Ganados while exploring the graveyard. They
can pile up quick! A few more will attack in front of the church. Ada doesn't
yet have the insignia for the church door and she needs a key item to obtain
that insignia. The insignia is locked in the dial in the back of the church,
but Ada needs a key item to put in its place.
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot the bird's nest in the tree in front of the |
| | church |
| Extra Dialogue |
| * Shoot the churchbell on the right top portion of the church. Ada will |
| mention that she needs to find a way to ring the bell. |
Run across the bridge to the right of the church. Three Ganados will attack on
the bridge and one chainsaw wielding female Ganado will be waiting at the very
end. A cutscene will introduce the chainsaw Ganado and her friends. It's good
to skip the cutscene and start this party out with a bang (hand grenade).
Defeat the female Ganado with the chainsaw and pick up the --GREEN CATSEYE--
from the ground. This is a key item in Separate Ways and not a treasure. The
game won't allow Ada to sell it anyway!
| [ ] SNAKE! | Break the wooden box on the table in the shed along the |
| | side of the bridge |
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Defeat the female chainsaw Ganado |
Run back to the church and walk down the path to the right that leads behind
the church. The familiar dial from Leon's game is back here and the puzzle
solution hasn't changed a bit (and your author is very thankful!).
| -- --/
// / / //
// // // //
// // // //
// //-- / -- /
From the starting position (the top center) move the pointer in the following
** 3 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 **
Ada will pick up the --ROUND INSIGNIA-- after solving the puzzle. The gate
behind her will seal off as two Ganados step under it. Shoot the Ganados then
place the Green Catseye into the middle of the dial to open the gate back up.
Run back out the gate and a wave of Ganados will run out of the graveyard.
Shoot them then return to the front of the church and use the Round Insignia on
the door to unlock it then enter the church.
__ Inside the Church __
Two Ganados will be up ahead by the altar and some more Ganados are on the
second floor. The second floor Ganados may drop down to the first floor or
they may stay up above. Fight off the first floor Ganados then climb the
ladder on the left.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on the altar up ahead as Ada enters |
| [ ] Purple Gem | When Ada enters, run to the immediate right and this |
| | will be on the floor behind the section of wall that |
| | sticks out slightly |
Move around the right side of the second floor and blast the Ganados along the
way. Ada will pass by the storage room door where Ashley is kept - her
whimpering can be heard from Ada's side after the Ganados are killed. Run over
to the control panel with the colored switches and prepare to solve the
insignia puzzle just like in Leon's game.
The insignia is now upside-down so the pattern is different this time.
________ ________ ________
/ / /
/ / /
| < | | > | | |
| < | | > | | |
/ / / /
________/ ________/ ________/
A cutscene will play that will end the chapter once the puzzle is solved.
_______ __ ___
/ ___/ / ___ ____ / /____ ____ |_ |
/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ / __/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/
Objective: Rescue Luis
__ Chief Mendez's House __
Ada will start out in the bedroom of the chief's house for this chapter.
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Inside of the closet to the side of the merchant |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check the left drawer of the desk to find this |
| [ ] Chicken Egg | Inside of the open box on the dresser |
The merchant to the side has a new map for this chapter. Other than that, he
has the same equipment from the last chapter.
| Merchant Items |
|* Mission 2 Treasure Map| 10000 | TMP | 12800 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35600 |
| Blacktail | 24600 | Scope (semi-auto rifle)| 10000 |
| Shotgun | 21400 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
Run out the doorway to the right of the merchant and move down the stairs to
pick up a few items from the path behind the house before continuing with the
main quest.
__ Path to the Chief's House __
Explore this path to get a few extra items. Ada cannot climb down the ladder
into the well. Return to the Chief's House after collecting everything.
| [ ] Extra PTAS | Shoot the three crows along the path ahead |
| [ ] Spinel | Destroy the wooden box on the table inside the shed |
| [ ] Brass Pocket | Shoot the plank holding up the well lid then shoot the |
| Watch | pocket watch. Retrieve it while it is on the lid top. |
__ Chief's House __
Run downstairs. Check out the restroom to find a female Ganado inside.
Explore the area for pickups then exit the house.
| [ ] 2000 PTAS | Right outside the first room, open the cabinet below |
| | the picture of Saddler |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On the first floor, break the glass case of the cabinet |
| | in the right room |
| [ ] 250 PTAS | Open the cabinet in the right room on the first floor |
| | (near the bookshelf) |
| [ ] Gold Chicken | Open the oven on the first floor. The chicken inside |
| Egg | lays random eggs as well. |
__ Path to Pueblo Village __
A Ganado with a chainsaw and two other Ganados will attack as Ada exits the
house. A few more Ganados will be waiting down the path ahead along with a
whole group near the Pueblo Village entrance.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on the right set of logs as Ada exits the Chief's |
| | house |
| [ ] Ruby | Defeat the chainsaw Ganado |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Shoot the first bird's nest before reaching the shed |
| | down the path (look in the overhead tree) |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Shoot the second bird's nest in the tree further down |
| | the path on the left side |
__ Pueblo Village __
Upon getting spotted, a group of Ganados will attack Ada. Be sure to watch out
for the Ganado behind the (usually locked) door in the house across from the
shotgun house. He will run up to the door as soon as it is kicked down. Open
the gate that leads to the farm on the northeast side of the village.
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on a log rack behind the boarded up building |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a shelf inside the house next to the bonfire |
| | (northwest house) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a shelf inside the house with the shotgun (under the |
| | stairs) |
| [ ] Brown Chicken | On the second floor behind some glass casing on a shelf |
| Egg | in the house with the shotgun |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Jump out the window on the west side of the house with |
| | with the shotgun and check the chimney on the rooftop |
| | of the house next door |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the east rooftop of the house with the shotgun (jump |
| | out the window on the west end to reach it) |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a bed behind a the door in the house across from the |
| | house with the shotgun (the door was locked earlier) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Check the boarded up log rack on the north side of the |
| | insignia building |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying on a table at the top of the tower to the north |
| | of the insignia building |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a table inside the right shed along the northeast |
| | path |
| Extra Dialogue |
| * Check the insignia house door. Now, who would lock that door behind |
| them? |
__ Farm __
There is a typewriter in the shed to the left. A group of Ganados will attack
in this area. Collect all the items in the area then open the door on the far
southeast side to continue. Be sure to watch for the five bear traps near the
front of the second barn.
| [ ] Spinel | Walk over to the well next to the shed with the type- |
| | writer. Shoot the plank holding up the cover to the |
| | well then shoot the spinel. Take the Spinel from the |
| | top of the cover. Do this in this order or else the |
| | spinel will become dirty from falling into the water. |
| | Ada will refuse to pick up the Spinel if it falls. |
| [ ] Spinel | Stand on the east side near the front of the first barn |
| | and face it. Watch for the "Hookshot" command then |
| | press the button to grapple up to the top. Collect the |
| | spinel from below the window the hop back down. |
| [ ] 1600 PTAS | Check the first blue cabinet on the bottom floor of the |
| | the second barn |
| [ ] 1000 PTAS | Check the second blue cabinet on the bottom floor of |
| | second barn |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Check the third blue cabinet on the top floor of the |
| | second barn |
| [ ] Gold Bangle | Jump out the second floor (east) window of the second |
| | barn then jump from the opening in the walkway directly |
| | ahead with the plank on the left and the wooden fence |
| | structure to right. Turn to the right upon falling and |
| | break the wooden box to collect the item. Push the |
| | bookcase away from the opening in the shed to get out. |
__ Booby Trapped Path __
Move down the path ahead. Notice the bridge up above with the two Ganados on
it. Shoot the Ganados from the path below and stand on the north side of the
path then face the bridge for a "Hookshot" icon.
| [ ] Beerstein | Follow the path until Ada moves under the overhead |
| | bridge. Turn around on the north side of the path then |
| | shoot the Ganados on top. Face the bridge and walk up |
| | to it until a "Hookshot" command appear. Press the |
| | button to grapple up to the bridge then break the |
| | barrel off to the left to obtain this item. There's |
| | another barrel on the right side also. |
Enter the tunnel and exit to the area ahead. There are many Ganados with
dynamite in this area just like in Leon's game. Surprisingly, that middle
building is full of Ganados so be careful when entering it! The building in
the middle is the main destination for this area. Enter the building then walk
to the north side (with the small hole) for a cutscene.
| [ ] Spinel | Shoot the bird's nest up in the tree on the right side |
| | of the front of the big house |
| [ ] Spinel | Break the lone box on the right side of the big house |
Ada can enter the big house once the cutscene has played so go inside to find
some extra items. The main destination at this point is back at Chief Mendez's
__ Abandoned House __
There is a typewriter to the left. Watch out for a few Ganados while exploring
the building. Start moving back to Chief Mendez's house once all the items are
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the middle table |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Open the cabinet across from the typewriter |
| [ ] 1100 PTAS | Open the cabinet in the second room |
| [ ] Incendiary | Lying on a chair to the right in the last room of the |
| Grenade | house |
__ Booby Trap Path __
Two Ganados will attack once Ada exits the tunnel. Watch for the ones with
dynamite in this area. A whole group of Ganados will fall from the rope bridge
in the middle of the path - toss a grenade as they fall. Two more Ganados will
attack at the end of the path. Open the door to reenter the farm.
__ Farm __
Nothing has changed here except for a few extra item pickups. Head to the west
and reenter Pueblo Village.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying on the ground by the east side of the front of |
| | the west barn |
| [ ] 300 PTAS | Lying beside the typewriter |
| [ ] Spinel | Lying on the raised portion of land to the south of the |
| | small shed with the typewriter inside |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on top of a log on the log rack outside the shed |
| | with the typewriter (south side) |
__ Pueblo Village __
Two Ganados will attack upon entering. Once Ada reaches the middle of the
village a cutscene will play where a group of Ganados will run toward Ada.
Hey, that one that ran away... didn't he...? Anyway, finish off the villagers
then run toward the gate that leads to the path leading to Chief Mendez's
house. A small group of Ganados will attack at the top. One of them has on a
very familiar jacket.
| Extra Dialogue |
| * Examine the Ganado with the expensive jacket. It's Leon's! |
__ Path to Pueblo Village __
Run toward the chief's house up ahead to activate a cutscene. Keep running
toward the house after the first cutscene to activate another cutscene that
will carry Ada to a different area.
__ Lift Control Area __
The Ganado chanting cutscene is interactive, so prepare to dodge the axe.
Once the cutscene ends, finish off the three Ganados near Ada. Open the chest
behind her for an extra treasure.
| [ ] Green Catseye | Open the chest near Ada (back wall) when she starts out |
Continue further down the tunnel and shoot the next Ganado then drop from the
high ledge. Watch for the Ganado with the dynamite!
| [ ] Green Herb | Along the side of the cave |
Continue outside and move up the stairs. Enter the control room at the top.
Grab the --IRON KEY-- on the table in front of the merchant. Check the room
over for some extra items in the lockers.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Open the first locker near the merchant |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Open the locker directly across from the merchant's |
| | right side |
Ada cannot use the lift controls to start the lift outside so run back outside
then go back down the stairs and move down the next set of stairs. A
typewriter will be off to the left down the path ahead. Use the Iron Key to
unlock the door at the end of the path then open it.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Lying on a box near the typewriter |
__ Path to the Barn __
Walk up to the barn at the end of the path and be sure to check around the side
for some extra pickups.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Lying on the ground on the east side of the barn |
| | (before entering) |
| [ ] Red Catseye | Lying on the ground on the east side of the barn |
| | (before entering) |
Open the doors to the barn and enter it for a cutscene. A female Ganado with a
chainsaw and two male Ganados will jump down from the top floor and attack.
Use the explosive barrel on the north side to your advantage. Pick up the
--LIFT ACTIVATION KEY-- from the body of the female Ganado once she is
defeated. Check around the barn for plenty of pickups.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a wooden crate to the left near the entrance |
| [ ] Incendiary | Near the left ladder, on a green container |
| Grenade | |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On the blue container on the northwest side of the barn |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a box on the northwest side of the barn |
| [ ] Red Herb | Lying near a western window on the second floor |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on a crate on the second floor northwestern side |
Leave the barn and exit the area. Two Ganados will attack at the exit gate.
__ Lift Control Area __
Enter the control room once again and use the lift activation key on the
control panel near the windows to start the outside set of lifts. A few
Ganados will attack on the way back. Ride one of the lifts across to the other
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On some crates near the lift railing |
__ Village Exit __
Ada cannot exit the village, so continue down the path ahead. There is a
typewriter in the building and a merchant at the top of the steps near the
building. The west gate is locked and cannot be opened. Walk toward the
southwestern gate and examine it to see that it is locked as well. After
examining the southwestern gate, move back and a "Hookshot" option will appear.
Grapple to the other side to continue.
| [ ] Spinel | Lying on the ground near the village exit gate |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a stack of logs behind the building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the trashcan near the entrance of the building |
| | (inside the building) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the lone standing locker inside the building to |
| | find this |
__ Right Path (El Gigante) __
Run under the doorway ahead and continue to the end of the path until a
cutscene triggers.
| [ ] Yellow | Move through the first doorway then turn to the right. |
| Catseye | Aim up and look for the wooden platform with the wooden |
| | barrels. Stand right below it and back a bit for a |
| | "Hookshot" icon. Grapple to the platform and break the |
| | barrels for some extra pickups. |
| [ ] First Aid | In one of the barrels mentioned above |
| Spray | |
| [ ] Spinel | On the ground near the first of the small buildings |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a wooden plank near the first small building on the |
| | right wall |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Near the back of the first small building, find the |
| | platform with the single wooden barrel above on the |
| | left side then move around up under it until the |
| | "Hookshot" command appears then grapple up to it and |
| | break the barrel |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a table in the first small building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a table in the first small building |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a table in the second small building |
| [ ] Incendiary | On a table in the second small building |
| Grenade | |
| [ ] Red Herb | Lying on the ground near the second doorway |
An El Gigante will attack at the end of the path. Use Flash Grenades and the
Blacktail gun to easily stun him then get on his back and slash away with the
Wii-mote. The TMP will work nicely as well for stunning him. He is much
easier in Ada's game than Leon's since Ada has much stronger weapons this
| [ ] Green Herb | Near the gate on the other side. Kill El Gigante |
| | first! |
Open the gate to continue.
__ Outside the Cabin __
Move ahead for a cutscene that will end this chapter!
_______ __ ____
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/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ _/_ <
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Objective: Retrieve the Sample
__ Garden Maze __
Ada will start this mission in the northeast corner of the Garden Maze near the
portion where Leon picked up the first piece of the stone tablet that helped
him unlock the bedroom doors. There is a merchant nearby and he has a new
weapon - the Bowgun.
| Merchant Items |
|* Mission 3 Treasure Map| 10000 | TMP | 12800 |
|* Attache Case L | 40000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35600 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Scope (semi-auto rifle)| 10000 |
| Blacktail | 24600 |* Bowgun | 70000 |
| Shotgun | 21400 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
Whether or not you should buy the bowgun is up to you. It will help out for
the Garrador that will appear later in the castle. Only buy it if you can
afford the extra room in your inventory space. Each bolt for this baby sells
for an astounding 2500 PTAS each, so be sure to sell the bolts if you don't
want the bowgun. Keep in mind that the bowgun does not come with ammo when
bought however. It's a good idea to have either the rifle (semi-auto) or the
bowgun for the Garrador fight later in the castle - one or the other will do
just fine. You'll want to buy the Attache Case L above all else.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Lying at the base of the statue behind the merchant |
Zealots and red Zealots are spread throughout the garden. Red Zealots guard
some of the chests at the end of the paths. It will help to have a semi-auto
rifle in this area to snipe Zealots from the high bridges, but it's not of that
much concern. Two Zealots will attack as Ada moves toward the bridge. Take
the right path before moving across the bridge for an extra pickup. A red
Zealot is next to the chest so kill him.
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Open the treasure chest at the end of the path to the |
| | north side of the first bridge |
Move back across the bridge and turn left then follow that path. Watch out for
the crossbow Zealots while moving across the bridge. A red Zealot will attack
near the chest.
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Open the chest in the southwest portion of the garden |
Return to the split in the path and take the right path this time. Ada will
come upon the cage where the first set of Colmillos were held in Leon's game.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a stack of crates to the right of the cage |
Kick through the gate on the right. A group of Zealots will enter from the
front gates of the garden. Prepare to fight the group then go ahead and defeat
the red Zealot near the entrance as well. Kick through the gate on the north
side of the middle statue. Turn right at the intersection and blast the Zealot
along the way to the end of this path. Pick up the Incendiary Grenade from the
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot |
| [ ] Incendiary | Behind the north gate, take the right path to find this |
| Grenade | on the ground at the end of that path |
Go back to the kicked down gate and move toward the cage up ahead. Follow the
path on the left. Don't take the first left near the cage yet, continue to the
second left then turn and blast the red Zealot and open the treasure chest.
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Open the chest to the left of the northwest cage, take |
| | the second left after passing the cage |
Take the other path that you skipped and follow it until you come across
several paths. Take the first left path and blast the red Zealot near the
chest then open the chest.
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | In the south section of the garden in a chest. See |
| | above. |
Go back and take the next left path. At the end, turn right then follow that
path to the far end. A single Zealot will attack. Pick up the Yellow Herb
near the gate at the end.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | In the southwest section of the garden near a gate |
Go back the way you came and make a left followed by a right then run across
the high bridge. Take the Gold Bangle w/Pearls from the front of the statue.
| [ ] Gold Bangle | Lying below the statue on the west side of the garden |
| w/Pearls | |
Drop off from the portion behind the statue to fall back down to the middle
portion of the garden maze. Kick through the gate entrance then go up the
stairs to the right and enter the bedroom.
__ Bedroom __
Be sure to check the bedroom over carefully for the hidden pickups inside.
There is typewriter on the table next to the door. Open the door once the room
has been inspected and you have saved.
| [ ] Elegant | Walk over to the bed (either side) then aim and look |
| Perfume | up. Shoot the shiny object to make this fall on the |
| Bottle | bed. |
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Open the center closet in the extra room to the side |
__ Dining Room __
A few Zealots are roaming around the Dining Room. Watch for the ones with the
flaming crossbows and kill them first. Check the writing on the walls (clues
for Leon's puzzle) for some amusing thoughts from Ms. Wong. Don't go through
the open doorway at the opposite end just yet. Turn to the right at the end of
the room then kill the red Zealot and follow the corridor. Open the door at
the end.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the first long table (west side) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the second long table (west side) |
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot in the corridor |
__ Storage Room __
That's not a Zealot up ahead! It's the merchant. Don't shoot. Open the door
on the other side.
| [ ] 150 PTAS | Turn left upon entering and open the cabinet beside the |
| | door |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the table in the center of the room |
__ Dark Hall __
Kill the red Zealot near Ada then run down the hall directly ahead and kill the
next red Zealot at the end of the hall. The white door at the end of the hall
is locked, so run back down the corridor and kick open the blue door and open
the next door at the top of the stairs.
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot |
| [ ] 3000 PTAS | Kill the red Zealot (end of the hall) |
__ Second Castle Exterior __
There are quite a few Zealots armed with crossbows so make sure to keep a TMP
or handgun ready to shoot the arrows and the Zealots from a distance. Run over
to the door that is usually locked in Leon's game. Examine it to find that it
is locked once again. Move away from the door for a "Hookshot" command. There
is a red Zealot inside and he can be shot through the window, so you may want
to kill him before entering. Open the large chest to get the --HOURGLASS
W/GOLD DECOR--. The hourglass is a key item not a treasure!
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Inside the first small chest on the left |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Inside the second small chest on the left |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Inside the small chest on the right |
Use the hookshot command once again to leave the room. The door will still not
open... how odd. Get back to the Dining Room through whatever way of your
choosing - they're both about the same length.
__ Dining Room __
Walk through the open door in the Dining Room. Leon has already solved the
puzzle for Ada, so she can just walk into the next room!
__ Cage Trap Room __
While walking into the room, a cage will fall around Ada. What a surprise!
Zealots and a Garrador will drop from the ceiling and fall to the floor inside
the cage with Ada. Keep in mind that the cutscene of them entering the cage
can still be skipped in order to provide more time for Ada to react. There are
still some big locks attached to the gates so shoot them with a shotgun to
destroy them quickly then kick down the gate. A bowgun will instantly get rid
of them.
The Garrador can be taken down best with the bowgun or the semi-auto rifle.
With the bowgun, he can be shot in the face to make him turn - while is turned
nail his Plagas on his back while he is stunned. One very good aspect of using
the bowgun is that its explosion will kill any nearby Zealots that happen to be
near the Garrador!
| [ ] Ruby | Defeat the Garrador |
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on the floor next to the barred door |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | In the glass case on the wooden cabinet near the |
| | entrance |
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Move through the doorway on the right side of the room |
| | and this will be by the counter on the far end across |
| | from the painting |
Examine the chest in the middle and Ada will lift open the bottom of it. The
space will have an indention where a Hourglass object was once inserted. Place
the Hourglass w/Gold Decor into the chest to remove the bars from the door
outside the cage. Be sure to check out the right hallway since there is some
extra Bowgun Bolts inside. Exit through the door on the other side of the
__ Double-Sided Room __
This room is one area that makes me love Separate Ways. Notice the gunfire in
the background. Move forward to see where the gunfire is coming from via the
Nope, you can't shoot Leon or help him out at all for that matter. Drop to the
bottom floor and take care of the single Zealot down below. Check behind the
furthest bridge pillar for an extra treasure.
| [ ] Elegant | Check behind the furthest bridge pillar on the far side |
| Chessboard | of the bottom portion of the room |
Climb back up the ladder and run across the bridge up above. Once Ada makes it
to the center of the bridge, some Zealots will appear behind her. Some more
will bust through the door on the other side so prepare to shoot the lantern
that hangs above the bridge in order to burn a few of them. Blast the shielded
Zealots with the usual shotgun shell or tear through them with a TMP.
Ada cannot move down the stairs to the left at the other end of the bridge. An
invisible wall will keep Ada from moving further but it makes sense. She
cannot be seen with Leon remember! Open the door on that side to continue.
__ Merchant Corridor __
Ok, so the room name does not match this corridor anymore like it does in
Leon's game, but I'm still using it. Run to the far end of the hall and defeat
the Zealots along the way. Be sure to scope out the cleverly hidden flash
grenade where the merchant is usually residing. Open the door at the end of
the hall.
| [ ] Spinel | Break the vase on the small table in the middle |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Look at the arch up above the counter where the |
| | merchant is usually at and shoot the grenade to make it |
| | fall from the ceiling |
__ Second Floor Walkway __
The small vases around this walkway do not contain items. I know as I've shot
them all (with a sniper rifle)! Move ahead for a cutscene that will end this
chapter. The cutscene will trigger once Ada moves just far enough to see
Ashley below.
_______ __ ____
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/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /_ _/
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /_/
Objective: Stop Leon's Assassination
__ Tunnel __
Ada will start in the tunnel in which Leon and Ashley barrel down in their
bulldozer, only Ada is on foot. There is a merchant near Ada at the starting
so go ahead and stock up if needed. His only new material is a treasure map
for Chapter 4.
| Merchant Items |
|* Mission 4 Treasure Map| 10000 | TMP | 12800 |
| Attache Case L | 40000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35600 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Scope (semi-auto rifle)| 10000 |
| Blacktail | 24600 | Bowgun | 70000 |
| Shotgun | 21400 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
Continue down the tunnel and turn left then enter the storage area on that
side. A few soldier Ganados will attack and one big Ganado may attack from the
right side - be sure to watch for the bigger Ganados since they can kill Ada
Enter the storage room and blast the soldier Ganado inside. There are two
hookshot points in here: One is on the stack of crates to the right as Ada
enters and the other is against the far left wall near that stack of crates.
There are a few barrels up above that can be broken. To get down from the far
left stack of crates, return to the portion that Ada first grappled to then
move against the side next to the catwalk for a "Jump Down" command - getting
down from these can be a bit tricky your first time through.
Exit the storage room. Move past the debris to the left and shoot the red
explosive barrel up ahead to kill a few of the soldier Ganados gathered around.
Be ready to shoot the survivors.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying on a crate in the middle of the tunnel (west |
| | side) |
There is a visible treasure on the other side of the stack of crates and a pipe
but Ada can't get over there just yet. Turn to the left and open the door.
__ Storage Room __
Blast the soldier Ganados and prepare to shoot more as they enter the room from
the other side. Exit the room through the door on the other side after
collecting all the items.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a crate to the right in the middle of the room |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a stack of boxes past the shotgun ammo pickup |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On top of a stack of tires across from the exit door |
__ Tunnel __
Stay in the small corridor in front of the door while blasting the soldier
Ganados outside since there is one with a crossbow on a high catwalk to the
left. Rush out and shoot the crossbow Ganado with a handgun or rifle when the
others are dead.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | On the ground, directly across from the door to the |
| | storage room |
| [ ] First Aid | Check to the left below the high catwalk to find this |
| Spray | behind some crates on that side |
There are two hookshot points here - one to the right and one to the left - and
Ada should use the right one first to get a treasure. Spot the group of pipes
up above the wreckage to the right and move toward them for a "Hookshot"
Grapple up to the pipes and enter the pipe to the left by hopping into the
opening. MAKE SURE to arm a shotgun to blast the big Ganado that is waiting in
the middle of the pipe. Die here and you'll have to start at the beginning of
the tunnel and keep in mind that he can kill Ada rather quickly so be ready to
blast him with the shotgun - not that he has killed me or anything (lowers cap
in shame).
Fall through the vent cover and land in the room below. There is a soldier
Ganado to the side, so blast him then kick open the door. Collect the golden
lynx outside then climb on top of the crate next to the Bowgun Bolts (to the
right while moving through the doorway). Climb on top of the next crate at the
very top then drop down to the street below.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On a stack of crates behind Ada (and to the left) as |
| | she falls from inside the pipe |
| [ ] Golden Lynx | Kick through the door in the room that Ada falls to and |
| | the lynx is on a stack of crates outside |
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Hop on top of the box to the right as Ada moves out of |
| | the doorway and this will be on a tire above |
Run to the high catwalk where the crossbow Ganado was at earlier and grapple up
to it. The "Hookshot" command will display while standing to the side of it.
Open the door to the left to continue.
__ Battleship Hangar __
This area is intense. There is no other way to describe it. Follow the metal
walkway and move down the stairs. Check the gun turret to the side to find
that it needs an activation key (blue) in order to be activated.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a crate to the right while moving along the |
| | beginning walkway |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On top of a barrel to the right next to the first |
| | turret |
Find the steps near the barrels to the right of the gun turret then run down
them. A cutscene will play that will show the activation key (blue) on a
nearby crate. Some Ganados will get inside the gun turrets on the battleship
to the north and will start to fire at Ada and a whole group of soldier Ganados
will rush out and attack her. After the cutscene, get behind the steel wall to
the north and blast the Ganados (use a shotgun to keep the crowd of Ganados
Kill all the soldier Ganados then wait for the turrets to stop firing and run
to the crate to the east with the shiny object. Don't worry about collecting
items here yet! Pick up the --ACTIVATION KEY (BLUE)-- from the crate then
quickly take cover behind the steel wall again. Run back up the stairs and
stay behind the walls then quickly run over to the deactivated gun turret from
earlier and use the activation key to start it. With the gun turret, blast the
three enemy turrets on the battleship. Try to blast the soldier Ganados on the
battle ship as well. Once all three enemy turrets have been destroyed, Ada's
gun turret will blow up. The set of lifts in the middle of the area will start
Run back down the stairs and collect all the items around the area this time.
Climb the ladder in the middle of the bottom floor and shoot at the Ganados
that try to cross the lifts or the ones that try to shoot Ada with a crossbow.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a barrel to the right of the bottom of the stairs |
| [ ] First Aid | On a crate to the left of the bottom of the stairs |
| Spray | |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | On a crate near the middle ladder |
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Run to the far east and this is lying on a small crate |
| | behind some big crates |
| [ ] Red Herb | Up the ladder, on a long crate to the left |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Up the ladder, lying near the wooden boxes in the back |
Don't get on a lift just yet. Run to the back of the top walkway and use the
"Hookshot" command when it appears to grapple to the high walkway above.
Collect the items up here and notice the deactivated turret at the other end.
This one requires an activation key (red).
| [ ] Green Herb | On a crate at the top of the walkway near the second |
| | turret |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a crate at the top of the walkway near the second |
| | turret |
Drop back down to the walkway below and jump to one of the lifts. Don't get
off on the battleship just yet, instead, ride the lift all the way around again
and turn back to the south then shoot the soldier Ganados that appear on the
high walkway with the second deactivated turret. This will REALLY help out
Get off the lift and step onto the battleship. Blast the soldier Ganados that
will appear on the left side. Make sure to shoot the one with the crossbow in
the back. Run to the far left side of the battleship then climb the ladder on
the right wall to get to the second floor.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a crate directly across from the lift after walking |
| | onto the battleship |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a crate near the ladder that leads to the second |
| | floor of the battleship |
Shoot the soldier Ganados that run down the stairs to the right and move up the
stairs. Leap over the gap on the battleship and finish off the single Ganado
near the pipes to the left.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On top of the set of pipes to the left after jumping |
| | the gap |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On top of the set of pipes to the left after jumping |
| | the gap |
Climb the ladder and defeat the soldier Ganados at the top. The exit to this
area is through the gate up ahead. Once Ada passes by the steel wall to the
left a cutscene will play where a turret will rise up right in front of her and
some more turrets will rise out of the battleship elsewhere. Great! Turn
around and run behind the steel wall to avoid the turret's fire. Once the
turret stops firing, run toward it and stay to the right to get a "Hookshot"
command. Grapple to the high walkway immediately! This can be done following
the cutscene, but be quick! This next part has to be done fast!
Grab the --ACTIVATION KEY (RED)-- from the small metal piece to the right
immediately after grappling. Turn a little to the right and run to the walkway
piece that extends toward the lift. A "Hookshot" command will appear on this
section so grapple to the platform all the way on the other side and ride the
grapple back to the deactivated turret from earlier. If Ada took down the
soldier Ganados from the lift then they will not be here, but if she didn't
then prepare to defeat them VERY quickly while the turrets shoot at Ada. Run
over to the deactivated gun turret and use the activation key (red) to activate
it. It turns out that this one fires missiles, so quickly shoot the other
turrets around the area.
A three minute timer will start once Ada blasts the first turret but keep
blasting the others around the battleship until Ada steps out of the turret.
Fall down below and get back on a lift and ride it over to the other side. Run
to the far left end and climb the ladder on the right wall once again. Soldier
Ganados will attack while Ada tries to leave but don't stop for fights that
much. Just blast them out of the way and keep moving. Hop back over the gap,
climb the ladder then blast the soldier Ganado with the dynamite that blocks
the exit gate. Kick through the gate to end this carnage. The battleship will
blow up and sink behind Ada.
Collect the items around the area then move up the stairs and follow the
walkway around the corner. A much-deserved typewriter and merchant will be
around the corner. Enter the door to the side of the merchant to continue.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a crate to the left past the gate |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a crate to the left past the gate |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a crate to the left past the gate |
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Inside the treasure chest on the right past the gate |
__ Industrial Area __
Move up the steps to the left up ahead. Continue around the corner and blast
the Ganados that appear on the metal walkway. Run all the way to the other end
and blast the other Ganados that appear along the way. Be sure to shoot the
Ganado with the crossbow near the metal door before the others begin to attack
midways down the walkway.
| [ ] Green Herb | On the floor directly in front of the entrance to this |
| | area |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Up the first set of stairs on a left crate |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Near the middle of the walkway, on one of the small |
| | crates to the right |
The metal door at the end of the walkway is locked from the other side, so drop
off the north end without any railing. Several Ganados will attack from the
east and one Ganado will fire crossbow bolts from the high walkway to the east.
Shoot the high Ganado with a rifle, handgun, or bowgun bolt to get rid of him
then deal with the others. While moving toward the high walkway, a "Hookshot"
command will appear so grapple up to the walkway - be sure to collect the item
below it first though.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Lying on a crate in the east below the high walkway |
Climb up the ladder to the left and run to the left. Notice the red explosive
barrel to the side. Some soldier Ganados will rush out of the door up ahead -
let them. Allow them to move near the explosive barrel and shoot one in the
legs if he tries to run. When they all pile up, shoot the explosive barrel to
defeat all of them with one shot.
| [ ] Green Stone | Lying on a crate to the right after climbing the ladder |
| of Judgment | (move up the steps) |
Continue along the walkway and kick through the door up ahead. Run down the
steps and shoot any extra Ganados that may appear. Move around the left corner
of the small building up ahead and follow the walkway. Drop off the side at
the end of the walkway then unlock the door that Ada couldn't get through
earlier. There are a few pickups to the side as well.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Lying on the floor after the dropoff from the walkway |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Lying on a small crate after the dropoff from the |
| | walkway |
Some soldier Ganados will attack from the west so blast them then follow the
west walkway to the end. A single Ganado will attack, so kill him then climb
the ladder.
__ Dark Altar Room __
Ada will break through the top window of the Dark Room where Saddler steals
Ashley away from Leon for the final time. Turn to the left and open the door
on the north side.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Below the left side of the small set of stairs |
__ Room with Cages __
Check around the room for plenty of pickups and be sure to open the east door
for even more!
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | On a shelf to the left right after entering |
| [ ] Red Stone of | Open the white metal case near the wall |
| Faith | |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Open the sliding door cabinet on the right south wall |
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Open the sliding door cabinet on the right north wall |
__ Wreckage __
Be sure to check the wrecked bulldozer for some comments from Ada. Get back to
the Dark Altar Room.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On a shelf along the south wall |
__ Dark Altar Room __
Make sure to save your game before continuing through the door at the top of
the stairs since it has been a little while since the last save.
__ Dark Stairwell __
Move down the stairs and blast the soldier Ganados that enter the room from the
bottom. Kick through the door and continue into the Boiler Room.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying at the top of the stairwell on the top walkway |
| [ ] Blue Stone of | Shoot the middle left window right above the center of |
| Treason | the stairs and break it to have this fall from it |
| [ ] Green Herb | In front of the bottom portion of the stairs, on the |
| | floor |
__ Boiler Room __
Move to the right and shoot the Ganados as they attack inside. Raid both the
upstairs office and the storage room to the right for items then open the door
on the far wall to continue.
| [ ] Random Item | Open the right locker to the left when entering the |
| | upstairs office |
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Lying on a crate in the storage room |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on a crate in the storage room (back) |
__ Catwalk Area __
Kick open the next door. Notice the fighting noises in the distance. Hurry
and save Leon! Move forward for a "Hookshot" command but be sure to collect
the item first - watch for "Take". Grappling will trigger a cutscene that will
end this chapter. Press the on-screen command during the cutscene to save
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Lying on the floor in the grapple point |
_______ __ ____
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/ /__/ _ / _ `/ _ / __/ -_) __/ /__
___/_//_/_,_/ .__/__/__/_/ /____/
Objective: Obtain the Sample
__ Soldier Ganado Camp __
A merchant is right in front of Ada as she starts and he now has the Attache
Case XL, so be sure to buy it. The new Attache Case should allow Ada to carry
all weapons available so buy any of them that Ada doesn't have.
| Merchant Items |
|* Mission 5 Treasure Map| 10000 | TMP | 12800 |
|* Attache Case XL | 73000 | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35600 |
| Attache Case L | 40000 | Scope (semi-auto rifle)| 10000 |
| Attache Case M | 24000 | Bowgun | 70000 |
| Blacktail | 24600 | First Aid Spray | 5000 |
| Shotgun | 21400 | ---------------------- | ----- |
For this stage, Ada will have to travel through the aftermath of Leon and
Mike's (helicopter pilot) destruction. Start out by moving up the hill
directly ahead.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Lying on a plank on the small stand by the merchant |
When the large chaingun Ganado (J.J.) jumps down, pull out the bowgun and shoot
him with it. This will kill him in a few hits and take out any other Ganado
that tries to attack from behind him. Take shelter in the tent to the left to
avoid his chaingun if Ada must uses any other weapon besides the bowgun.
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On the ground inside the left tent |
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Destroy the barrel below the high platform that the |
| | chaingun Ganado drops from |
| [ ] First Aid | Kill the chaingun Ganado (J.J.) |
| Spray | |
Move toward the side of the high platform that the chaingun Ganado dropped from
to get a "Hookshot" command. Grapple to the top for some extra pickups.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | Lying on the right side of the high walkway |
| [ ] Blue Eye | Inside the barrel on the left side of the high walkway. |
| | Move near it and watch for "Take". |
Drop back down from the high walkway and follow the path ahead. The right path
is covered with flames, so turn left. Fight off the Ganados and shoot the one
with the crossbow in the very back. There is a soldier Ganado with dynamite up
the left ladder so watch out for him. A few more Ganados will appear along the
way around the side of the path - shoot the red explosive barrel near the
building to get rid of some. Enter the building up ahead.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Beside some sandbags on the right side of the path |
| | (near the ladder) |
| [ ] Red Herb | Climb the ladder to the left (where the dynamite Ganado |
| | was) and this will be on the ground at the top |
A Ganado will toss down an explosive barrel toward the entrance and the
building will catch on fire and seal off. Ada will be trapped inside as
Ganados start to drop from above. The only way out of this building is through
the door to the side which is locked and will open after a while - once all the
Ganados are defeated.
Position Ada so that her back is to a wall and pull out the shotgun, TMP,
bowgun, or rifle and prepare to shoot plenty of Ganados. The handgun mixed
with physical attacks works well but will require Ada to move a bunch, which
will open her up to possible damage. The rifle works really good if you can
get headshots as each Ganado falls. Aim for the top portion of Ganados with
shields in front of them to shoot their head through the shield.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying on the floor of the building |
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on the floor of the building |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on the floor of the building (near the door) |
Once enough Ganados have been defeated, the door to the side will open. Shoot
the red explosive barrel to get rid of the soldier Ganados up ahead then pull
out the rifle and shoot the one with the crossbow in the very back. Follow the
path outside and move up the stairs to the right. Use the handle to swing to
the other side of the camp. Drop down and pull the lever on the wall just like
Leon did in his game to open the gate below.
| [ ] Hand Grenade | On the ground to the left after sliding from the handle |
Drop down and walk over to the right. Fall down into the trench where the
ladder is and check around the area for some pickups.
| [ ] Velvet Blue | Destroy the barrel inside the first right tent |
| [ ] Red Herb | Inside the second right tent |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On the ground next to a barrel in the left alcove |
The gate will seal off once Ada enters this area and Ganados armed with
crossbows will start to shoot at her from all around. Shoot the two explosive
barrels (back right, back left) to get rid of two Ganados on the bottom floor.
Climb the ladder through the tunnel to the left.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Behind some sandbags just as Ada enters |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a crate on the left side (bottom area) |
| [ ] Green Herb | Inside the remains of the building on the left side |
| | (bottom area) |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Behind a concrete wall near the back of the bottom area |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Behind the sandbags at the very back of the bottom area |
Shoot all Ganados that can be seen in the distance and run to the right side.
A chaingun Ganado (J.J.) will appear near the right lever, so duck into the
alcove on the right side, but be sure to run inside with a shotgun equipped in
order to knock back the Ganado inside. Hide inside until J.J. stops shooting
then rush out and move around the side of the right wall. Once he stops firing
again, run over to the barred gate and shoot him with the bowgun. There is no
need to kick down the gate to shoot him, just shoot him through the bars, so
Ada doesn't get hit. Kick down the barred gate and pull the lever once he has
been defeated.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Near the barred door on the right top walkway |
| [ ] 4000 PTAS | Kill the chaingun Ganado (J.J.) |
Fall down below then climb the ladder that leads up to the left high walkway.
Another chaingun Ganado (J.J.) will appear. Quickly skip the cutscene then
shoot him through the barred gate with the bowgun and keep shooting until he
dies. Kick down the barred gate and pull the lever he was guarding to open the
gate below. Drop back down below then enter the set of doors that was blocked
by the gate.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | In front of the left barred gate on the left walkway |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a crate to the left on the high left walkway |
| [ ] 4000 PTAS | Kill the chaingun Ganado (J.J.) |
__ Entrance to the Island Ruins __
Run up the stairs and collect the items along the way. Shoot the Ganado armed
with the crossbow near the top. At the other side of the top portion, there
will be a single Ganado looking at the destruction of the helicopter below the
cliff. He is armed with a rocket launcher. It's Mike's murderer! Take
revenge for Leon now with Ada.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Below the first pillar to the left |
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying next to the Ganado with the rocket launcher |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Break the barrel between the walls forming a tunnel to |
| | the left |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on a block to the right of the tunnel described |
| | above |
Ganados will try to trap Ada in the tunnel while retrieving the yellow herb in
the barrel. Move down the right path and fire at the Ganados with crossbows in
the distance. Run to the set of doors at the end and open them.
| [ ] Red Eye | Look up at the first pillar along the right path and |
| | shoot the glowing object near the top to make this fall |
__ Island Ruins __
Hop off of the edge of the dropoff ahead.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying on a rock right before the dropoff |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Lying on a rock right before the dropoff |
Run through the doorway ahead to trigger a familiar cutscene.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | On top of the crypt. Turn around after dropping. |
Ada can't reenter the ruins area after the cutscene so be sure to finish
everything inside before the cutscene triggers. On the outside, open the set
of doors ahead.
__ Island Prison __
There is merchant to the left - don't be startled by him. Save the game at
typewriter on the desk.
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Open the top drawer on the chest of drawers behind the |
| | desk |
| [ ] Chicken Egg | Open the small container on the east wall |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Run through the corridor on the right in the first room |
| | and this will be lying on a chair at the end |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Inside the first right cell - kick down the door |
| [ ] Green Eye | Inside the second right cell - kick down the door and |
| | look to the right while entering |
| [ ] Red Herb | Below the broken staircase in the back of the prison |
| Extra Dialogue |
| * Examine the bag in the dumpster near the merchant. Ada will shut the |
| dumpster in disgust. |
Check around the area for a few items. There is a Ganado armed with a crossbow
in the very back of the cell corridor so prepare to shoot him. More Ganados
will run out of the back left cell. The Regenerator that Leon fights in his
game will not wake up for Ada so feel free to examine it in the back left cell.
Climb up to the top of the platform in front of the exit door then open the
door to continue.
__ In front of the Lab __
Once Ada moves past the stairs, a cutscene will activate.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On the ground at the bottom of the stairs |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On the ground at the bottom of the stairs |
Boss - Krauser
Life: about 25 hit points per platform
So Krauser didn't actually die by Leon's hand? He will attack Ada in the exact
same way that he assaulted Leon in the final battle they had. This fight is
battled out on the roof of the lab. Once Krauser receives enough damage, he
will jump to another portion of the roof and Ada will automatically hookshot
after him.
Use the knife to slash at Krauser whenever he jumps or runs in front of Ada
then continually slash him while he is stunned. It doesn't take any more than
2 slashes per platform. Make sure to heal the moment he hits Ada - she cannot
take hits that well compared to Leon. Be sure to follow the on-screen
sequences to dodge Krauser's attacks just like in Leon's battle with Krauser.
| [ ] Green Herb | In the middle of the second platform |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | In the middle of the second platform |
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | In the middle of the second platform |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a metal piece on the third platform (front portion) |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a metal piece on the third platform (front portion) |
| [ ] First Aid | On a metal piece on the third platform (back portion) |
| Spray | |
The battle will last throughout three grapples on Ada's part (three platforms)
then Krauser will be dead for good.
__ Exterior of Saddler's Laboratory __
Ada will grapple to this area right after the boss cutscene.
| [ ] Butterfly | Right after Ada grapples to this area, this will be |
| Lamp | around the left corner |
Turn to the right and move around the corner. Jump over the metal piece and a
merchant along with a typewriter will be up ahead. Be sure to save your game
before continuing. Walk over to the TMP Ammo pickup and a "Hookshot" command
will appear. Grapple to the overhead vent to continue.
| [ ] Green Herb | Next to the barrels by the metal piece |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | A little bit past the hookshot point |
__ Saddler's Laboratory __
When Ada enters, a cutscene will trigger then she will be forced into yet
another boss battle.
Boss - Saddler
Life: about 225+
Hit in eye: Hit x3
This boss battle is exclusive to the Separate Ways side story and is one heck
of a battle if you don't understand how fight him properly.
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Saddler will start out on the bottom floor, but he will catch
up to Ada extremely quick! He will use his tentacle arm to pull himself up to
the catwalk where Ada is. Whenever Ada tries to distance herself from him, he
will always catch up quickly, so always keep an eye on him.
SADDLER'S ATTACKS: Saddler has tons of attacks during this phase, and all of
them are very deadly. Whenever he crouches down be sure to press the on-screen
sequence since he will slide toward Ada and attempt to grab her and slam her
head into the floor or hit her with a palm strike. He will sometimes hit her
with a long distance tentacle slap from the first floor or from far away on the
same floor. Every now and then, he will sink his tentacle into the ground and
make it move upward in an attempt to impale Ada - press the on-screen sequence
to avoid it. He has a close grab where he will hold Ada up and reveal his
inner eye - shake the Wii-mote to free Ada from this.
THE ALL-SEEING EYE: Saddler's main weakness is his eyeball inside of his mouth.
One way to hit this is by escaping his tentacle grab attack. Ada will plunge
her knife into his eye while he holds her upward.
WIPING THE FLOOR WITH HIS ASS: In order to completely obliterate this boss, no
matter what weapon Ada has equipped, shoot him in the head with any weapon (a
powerful weapon [shotgun, TMP, rifle, bowgun] works best) right before any
attack. Literally stand and aim at his head then wait for him to try to attack
and shoot him seconds before the attack. This will cause him to swing back his
head and open his mouth then reveal his eye to Ada every single time. The hit
has to be powerful enough to stun him - sometimes the handgun will not work.
While his eye is in sight, either shoot it with the Bowgun or run up to Saddler
and use the command that appears to have Ada stab the eye with her knife. To
kill him it takes approximately 5 rifle bullets to the eye or 7 stabs to the
eye. Battling him this way will guarantee Ada a quick victory with no loss of
life! The stunning hit from any gun takes some good timing, but once it is
mastered, what once was a hard battle will seem like child's play. It is best
to hit him right before his tentacle attack - when he holds his tentacle to the
side in an attempt to whip it toward Ada. His tentacle can be hit as well, but
it will only stop the attack and not stun him.
SHOOTING HIM WITH THE TMP OR HANDGUN: Shooting him with either the TMP or
handgun will allow him to absorb Ada's bullet just like in the cutscene prior
to the battle. He will start to glow then fire the bullets back at her - he
can be hit and stunned right before this attack as well.
The TMP and handgun can still damage and stun him however. Keep in mind that
all attacks on his head will add up to ultimately defeating him.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts | In the west, on a metal crate (second floor) |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | In the south, on a metal crate by the control room |
| | (second floor) |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Inside the control room, near the controls |
| [ ] First Aid | On the floor of the control room |
| Spray | |
| [ ] Green Herb | Near a chair and some controls on the first floor |
| | (west side) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Near a computer in the north (first floor) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a small pillar to the left before moving down the |
| | corridor to the south (first floor) |
| [ ] Red Herb | In the corridor to the south (first floor) |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | At the end of the corridor to the south (first floor) |
Once Saddler is defeated a cutscene will play followed by another cutscene.
__ Top of the Construction Site __
Now Ada's mission is to get to the special rocket launcher on the other side of
the construction site and toss it to Leon. She will have to fight through
Ganados and grapple to different catwalks in order to make her way across.
Don't stop for fights and do not try to kill. Only knock the Ganados out of
the way with a shotgun or just run by them and get to the grapple point on each
| [ ] First Aid | Right near the railing on the first platform |
| Spray | |
| Extra |
| * Shoot at Leon with the rifle while he fights Saddler. He will be hit but |
| he cannot die. I find amusement in this. |
From where Ada starts, move to the east for a "Hookshot" icon. Grapple to the
next platform.
The timer for some explosives around the construction site will start and Ada
will have exactly 2 minutes to get to her destination. Upon landing, shoot the
Ganados then follow the walkway ahead. Turn to the right and drop near the
item pickup.
| [ ] Incendiary | Right before the dropoff |
| Grenade | |
Turn around after dropping then run to the end of that platform. Blast the
Ganado out of the way then drop down again. Turn around once again and prepare
to blast the big Ganado on the way down. Move to the bottom of the walkway for
a "Hookshot" command. Grapple to the next platform.
| [ ] Green Herb | To the left after landing from the second grapple |
Follow the platform to the left. Blast any Ganados in the way then climb the
ladder. Turn to the left and follow the ramp to the top.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo | Lying to the side of the ladder |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | To the side right before moving up the ramp to the left |
| | after climbing the ladder |
Blast the big Ganado at the top then run very fast toward the Ganado around the
corner as he ducks to fire a rocket then blast him out of the way - it may pay
to use a rifle here. Shoot the Ganado at the end of the platform then use the
grapple at the "Hookshot" point at the end of the platform.
Ride the grapple all the way to the platform across from Ada's position. Jump
down from the east railing to find the --SPECIAL ROCKET LAUNCHER-- on a crate
in front of Ada. Grab the rocket launcher for a cutscene. Use this!
The ending cutscene will play followed by the credits. Be sure to save your
bonus game file for Separate Ways!
One other thing, make sure that you go to "Ada's Reports" under "Extras" on the
main menu and watch "Report #5". It is not played in Separate Ways, but it is
unlocked after completing this mode. It's one of the most interesting reports
for any Resident Evil fan so be sure to watch it!
== | ================================================================= | ==
| _ ___ _ __ __ ___ _ __ |
// /_ / /_ /_// _ / _ /_ // /__ //
// //_ / / //_ / /_///_ / /_ //
// / _ / /_// _ _ / /_/ _ / // //__ //
// _/ _/___,'_/ _/ __/ MINI-____/_/ _// /__/ //
| A S S I G N M E N T A D A W A L K T H R O U G H |
== | ================================================================= | ==
Assignment Ada is available under the Extras menu once the main game (Leon's
game) is completed. Assignment Ada is Ada's original mini-game that first
appeared on the Gamecube version.
In Assignment Ada, the player takes on the role of Ada Wong while on her
mission to collect five Plagas Samples from the island. The Plagas Samples
cannot be dropped once obtained and Ada must collect all five of them and reach
the control tower on the island to be successful. There is no save option, no
merchant, and Ada's weapons cannot be upgraded in any way. There is also
basically no story either, although I have heard reports about a mysterious man
with blonde hair that appears somewhere in the mode. He wears his sunglasses
all the time, even at night from what I understand - now that is hardcore
Objective: Collect 5 Plagas Sample and head towards the rendezvous point!
__ Island Shore __
Follow the path along the shoreline and keep going straight instead of turning
to the right (across the wooden bridge). A few soldier Ganados will be waiting
along the path. Climb the rocks at the end and break the wooden boxes for some
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Break the first of the wooden boxes on top of the |
| | second rock |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | The second box always holds a hand grenade |
Run back to the wooden bridge and cross it this time. The spotlight up above
is already shot out in this mode, so just jump across.
__ Enemy Camp __
While walking into the enemy camp a few Ganados will attack. Defeat all the
Ganados in site before entering the middle of the camp. Be sure to stand on
the west side and find the Ganado with the crossbow in the northeast (up the
stairs) and shoot him before stepping into the middle of the camp.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a crate right at the front of the camp |
| [ ] First Aid | Climb the ladder in the east and this will be at the |
| Spray | top |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Lying on a crate in the west building |
A chaingun Ganado (J.J.) and a few soldier Ganados will open the gate on the
right side of the camp and move down the stairs then shoot. Take out the rifle
and shoot the chaingun Ganado in the head immediately. While the chaingun
Ganado is stunned, run up to him and toss hand grenades at him (at least one) -
this will kill the Ganados with him and stun him per grenade. Spam him with
rifle bullets to take him down quickly before the soldier Ganados around the
area pile up too much.
More soldier Ganados will appear in the camp so take out the TMP and start
blasting them. Another Ganado with a crossbow will appear in the northeast (up
the stairs) so be sure to kill him quickly so he doesn't pick off Ada from a
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Defeat the chaingun Ganado (J.J.) |
| [ ] Green Herb | Near some sandbags and crates in the middle of the camp |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On top of a sandbag in the middle (across from stairs) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a crate in the northwest building |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Climb the ladder in the back of the northwest building |
| | and this will be on a crate at the top |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the left side of the staircase in the northeast |
Another way to approach the first battle is to get on top of the east building
and shoot at the crossbow Ganados then shoot the chaingun Ganado. He will not
fire at Ada as long as she stays up on the roof. The problem with this is that
he will get under the building sometimes and wait for Ada to jump down all
while the soldier Ganados climb the ladder of the rooftop.
This fight is one of the hardest parts of Assignment Ada. Run behind some
buildings to take cover if needed. The chaingun Ganado will actually shoot his
own allies if he happens to fire their way.
Move up the stairs and run through the doorway once the enemies are defeated.
A few Ganados will attack once Ada crosses the wooden bridge. Remember that
the Punisher can shoot through shields. Climb the ladder to the right near the
end of the tunnel.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Lying behind the sandbags right at the entrance of the |
| | tunnel |
| [ ] Red Herb | On the floor at the very end of the tunnel |
__ Path to the Facility __
Ganados will notice Ada from behind her as soon as she enters this area. They
can be hit from behind the crates. Run outside of the tunnel and jump across
the gap to the right. Shoot the Ganados then pull out the rifle and shoot the
Ganados up ahead that are just standing there. Enter the cave to the side and
find all the pickups inside.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a table to the left at the start of the cave tunnel |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | At the end of the right path inside the cave tunnel |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Shoot the explosive barrel at the end of the left path |
| | to blow open the wall then go through the opening and |
| | climb on top of the rock and open the treasure chest |
Be on the lookout for more Ganados while exiting the cave. Run down the path
to the right. A few Ganados will attack along the way. Be sure to get rid of
the ones with the dynamite first. There is an explosive barrel on top of the
overhead wooden bridge so shoot it!
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a crate to the right while moving up the hill |
| [ ] Red Herb | Take the left path through the tunnel and this will be |
| | in the next tunnel across from the wooden bridge |
Kill the Ganados with the shields at the top then walk through the doorway.
More soldier Ganados will attack from behind Ada once she walks a bit into the
tunnel. Take out a rifle and shoot the Ganado with the crossbow on the top
platform up ahead. Be ready to shoot another Ganado with a crossbow in the
background as he steps out from the side.
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on the table where the merchant usually sets up |
| | shop |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a crate to the left while moving toward the facility |
| | door |
The door to the facility is locked! Fortunately for our heroine, someone
placed a metal ladder next to the door. How did that get there? Anyway, climb
the ladder and "Infiltrate" the open vent at the top to gain entry.
__ Stairwell Hallway __
Climb down the stairs first of all and blast the single Ganado at the bottom.
Enter the storage room to the right at the bottom to find a few pickups. The
doors at the bottom are locked.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Lying on the table in the storage room |
Run back up the stairs and turn left at the top. Don't run too fast since a
soldier Ganado will attack near the end of the hall. Enter the door at that
| [ ] Green Herb | Lying on the floor near some metal cylinders |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Open the red container on the wall |
__ Operating Room __
Kill the Ganados in the autopsy room after entering the office area. Enter
that room to find a pickup.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Lying on a table next to a computer in the office area |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Break the glass case on the right side of the autopsy |
| | room |
Walk through the doorway of the experiment room and a Ganado will attack from
the back and three more will appear behind Ada. Stun one of the three behind
Ada with a shot to the head then run and kick him to knock them down. Return
to the office and shoot the Ganados while they are on one side of the room.
Reenter the experiment room and search the area. Move behind the curtain then
take the --PLAGA SAMPLE (1)-- from the dead Ganado's hand.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a bed to the left while entering the experiment room |
Each of the Plaga Samples take up 2 units of inventory and they cannot be
dropped once picked up, so keep that in mind when grabbing one. Exit the
operating room and return to the hall.
__ Stairwell Hallway __
Shoot any Ganados that get in Ada's way and enter the Freezer a little way past
the double doors in the middle of the hall.
__ Freezer __
Enter the back right doorway and open the door with the valve handle inside.
Collect the --PLAGA SAMPLE (2)-- from inside the container. Exit the room.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Open the sliding door on the right and this on a tray |
| | inside |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a crate to the left after entering |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Break the left glass case in the back and this is |
| | inside |
A big Ganado will be to the left and another will appear down the hall to the
right. Shoot them in the head then run up to them and kick them down. Spam
their head with gunfire whenever they fall to kill them quickly. A few more
Ganados will show up from the left hall. Blast the fire extinguisher next to
the double doors to kill a few of them. These enemies will appear only after
both of the Plaga samples have been retrieved from this area. You could easily
just blast the big Ganado blocking the Waste Disposal Door and exit through the
door to avoid them all.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Open the while metal case at the end of the south hall |
| [ ] Red Herb | Open the red container on the west wall |
Run down the hall to the northwest and enter the Waste Disposal Area.
__ Waste Disposal Area __
Follow the hall ahead and enter the control room on the right.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a crate to the left before entering the control room |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | On a table on the left side of the control room |
Blast the two Ganados inside the control room and notice the big chaingun
Ganado (J.J.) through the windows in the garbage area outside. Shoot through
the window to shatter the glass then throw a hand grenade through the window.
Take out the rifle once the Ganados around J.J. are dead then blast him in the
head with the rifle and keep blasting him until he falls.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Kill the chaingun Ganado (J.J.) |
| [ ] Red Herb | On the west side of the garbage area |
Run down the stairs and enter the garbage area. Some soldier Ganados will move
out through the door on the other side of the room as Ada approaches it. If
they manage to throw a stick of dynamite then retreat and it will probably kill
both of them. Open the door that they came through and follow the corridor
| [ ] Green Herb | In the connecting corridor to the next area |
__ Surveillance Room __
Blast the Ganado inside. Another Ganado will seal the door ahead but just
blast him then use the controls next to him to unlock the door once again. A
group of soldier Ganados will swarm the room from the entrance once the other
door is unlocked so have a hand grenade ready. Open the unlocked door
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Lying on the middle table |
__ Storage Room Area __
Walk around the corner and enter the storage room down the right corridor up
ahead. The Ganados inside the storage room can be shot with a rifle by
shooting through the bars of the storage room door, but they're not too bad
either way. Walk to the back of the storage room and collect the --PLAGA
SAMPLE (3)-- from the white metal case inside then exit the storage room. Open
the door to the right to continue.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | In the corner to the right after the first corridor |
| [ ] Hand Grenade | Inside the red container on the right wall |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | On a table inside the storage room |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a box in the back of the storage room |
__ X-ray Room __
Kick through the door ahead then blast the Ganados on the top floor in the X-
ray room. Throw a hand grenade down the stairs to get rid of the Ganados below
the stairs. Check the room over for items then try to continue through the
door on the bottom right.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a table to the left when entering |
| [ ] Green Herb | On the counter to the left near the top of the stairs |
| [ ] Red Herb | In front of the bottom of the stairs (to the left a |
| | bit) |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Behind the stairs lying in front of a window |
The door at the bottom is locked however! A chaingun Ganado (J.J.) along with
a few other Ganados will appear at the top of the stairs. Skip the cutscene
and run under the stairs immediately! Stand at either side below the stairs
and wait for them to come down the stairs after Ada. Blast the soldier Ganados
since they will most likely come first or just throw a hand grenade at them.
When the chaingun Ganado shows up, blast him in the head with a rifle and throw
hand grenades at him if Ada has any. This will make short work of him and keep
Ada safe.
| [ ] First Aid | Defeat the chaingun Ganado (J.J.) |
More Ganados will come through the (used to be locked) door at the bottom of
the stairs so blast them then open the door and continue down the corridor
ahead. Ganados will open the door to the small room at the end of the
corridors and throw dynamite, so try to shoot the dynamite to blow them both
up. Enter the room and collect the items from the table inside.
| [ ] Yellow Herb | Lying on the table in the small room |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Lying on the table in the small room |
Enter the other door outside the small room to continue.
__ Testing Room __
Kick through the door ahead and blast the soldier Ganado. More Ganados will
come through the broken window of the testing room, so shoot them as they come
through. Don't shoot the explosive canister just yet.
| [ ] Green Herb | On a table to the left behind the first door |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside the white metal case to the right after moving |
| | through the second doorway |
Hop through the window of the testing room and look the room over for several
items pickups.
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a tray to the right near the broken window |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Facing the glass cases, this is in the left case |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo | Facing the glass cases, this is in the left case |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Facing the glass cases, this is in the middle case |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Facing the glass cases, this is in the middle case |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Facing the glass cases, this is in the right case |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Facing the glass cases, this is in the right case |
| [ ] Green Herb | On a shelf in the very back of the room |
| [ ] Yellow Herb | On a shelf in the very back of the room |
| [ ] Red Herb | On a shelf in the very back of the room |
Collect the --PLAGA SAMPLE (4)-- from the middle circular glass case. The
doors will lock in the area once the sample has been retrieved and soldier
Ganados with shields will come through the entrance outside. Hop back through
the window and wait for them to cross by the red explosive canister then shoot
it to take them all out or just throw a hand grenade.
Find the controls with the red lights outside of the testing room (near where
the explosive canister was) and operate them to deactivate the security system.
Go through the door beside the testing room then watch out as a group of
Ganados attack. Throw a hand grenade at them and be sure to knock down the
bigger Ganado.
| [ ] First Aid | Defeat the big Ganado in the group |
| Spray | |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | On a box to the left while moving down this hall |
Open the door at the end of the hall to continue.
__ Bridge to the Control Tower __
All Ada has to do is make it to the control tower now! Run to the end of the
bridge and a cutscene will play
Boss - Krauser
Well, if it isn't our old friend that we meet in just about every mode. The
only real difference in this fight is that he will start out at a distance, so
Ada can actually use the rifle to shoot his feet to stun him then shoot him in
the head. Krauser is still afraid of sharp objects however, so you can just
take out the knife and slash him to death. Hold the C button then aim downward
and prepare to slash as he starts to attack from up close. This battle is
really no different from when he was fought in Separate Ways or Leon's game for
that matter, so this is nothing more than just a repeat boss battle for the
most part. There are some items in the barrels to the side if needed.
| [ ] First Aid | Inside one of the barrels |
| Spray | |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo | Inside one of the barrels |
| [ ] TMP Ammo | Inside one of the barrels |
Ada is very weak to Krauser's attack, so make sure to heal after almost every
hit. The rifle works very well for close range attacks as well as long range.
Ada can shoot Krauser as he prepares to attack her from up close then shoot him
some more while he is stunned. The knife still makes quicker work of him
The elevator to the control tower will lower as Krauser is hit with the
finishing blow. Krauser will leave the final --PLAGA SAMPLE (5)-- as he
departs with a flash grenade, so grab it then use the elevator up ahead to
travel up to the control tower.
__ Control Tower __
With all five Plagas Samples in hand, enter the control tower then "Operate"
the controls and contact the chopper to finish Assignment Ada. The ending
cutscenes will play followed by the credits. The credits can be played over
again to enjoy them with different music and a smaller (clearer) widescreen.
They can be played over in over to see each of the different credits. Select
"No" to end Assignment Ada and save the system data.
The Chicago Typewriter is now unlocked in any bonus games of Separate Ways (a
clear file saved after beating Separate Ways)!
== | ================================================================= | ==
| __ __ __ _ ___ ___ __ __ |
// / / / /__/_ / _ /___/ / _ //
// / / /_ //_ / /_)// // / / //
// / //__/ _ / ___/ _// / / _ //
// / /__/_/ _// ___/_ / __/ //
| W E A P O N S (F O R A L L M O D E S) |
== | ================================================================= | ==
This section covers all the weapons for Leon's game and Ada's game (Separate
Ways). Each weapon is listed along with its upgrades if applicable. Keep in
mind the weapons from the Separate Ways mode are not upgradeable. Most of
these weapons are sold by the merchant, all except for the Special Rocket
Launcher. The merchant has tons of equipment for your one-man or one-woman
__ __ __
/ // /__ ____ ___/ /__ ___ _____
/ _ / _ `/ _ / _ / _ `/ // / _
/_//_/_,_/_//_/_,_/_, /_,_/_//_/
Description: A standard 9mm handgun.
Leon starts his main adventure equipped with this weapon. The handgun is the
"middle-of-the-road" weapon throughout the game. The exclusive upgrade allows
for a higher rate of headshots regardless of the amount of damage already dealt
to an enemy!
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 1.0 Firing Speed: 0.47
Reload Speed: 1.73 Capacity: 10
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.2 | 7000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 1.4 | 10000 | Chapter 2-1 | Lake Merchant Shop |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 1.6 | 15000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 1.8 | 18000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 2.0 | 20000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.47 | 4000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.87 | 10000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firing Speed Upgrades |
| Firing Speed | Lv 2 | 0.40 | 5000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Firing Speed | Lv 3 | 0.33 | 12000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 13 | 4000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 16 | 6000 | Chapter 2-1 | Lake Merchant Shop |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 19 | 8000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 22 | 10000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 25 | 12000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases the chance of critical headshots by 5 times |
| Price: 57000 | Chapter: Chapter 4-3 | Area: Path to the Ruins |
___ _____
/ _ ___ ___/ / _
/ , _/ -_) _ /_, /
Description: A powerful 9mm handgun.
This is the most powerful handgun that Leon will get in the game. With power
comes a loss of aiming however as the aiming is shaky when Leon aims. A stock
can be purchased to remedy that however. The exclusive upgrade makes this gun
take off 6.5 damage. 6.5 damage per shot for a handgun goes a long way once
Leon reaches the island!
Extra peripheral(s): Stock (Red9)
Starting Stats
Firepower: 1.6 Firing Speed: 0.53
Reload Speed: 2.37 Capacity: 8
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.3 | 15000 | Chapter 2-2 | Secret Tunnel |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 2.1 | 20000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 2.5 | 24000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 3.0 | 28000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 3.7 | 45000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.20 | 6000 | Chapter 2-2 | Secret Tunnel |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.67 | 10000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Firing Speed Upgrades |
| Firing Speed | Lv 2 | 0.47 | 10000 | Chapter 2-2 | Secret Tunnel |
| Firing Speed | Lv 3 | 0.40 | 15000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 10 | 6000 | Chapter 2-2 | Secret Tunnel |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 12 | 8000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 15 | 12000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 18 | 18000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 22 | 22000 | Chapter 4-4 | Tower (top) |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases firepower ----------------------------------------> | MAX | 6.5 |
| Price: 80000 | Chapter: Chapter 4-4 | Area: Castle Dock |
___ _ __
/ _ __ _____ (_)__ / / ___ ____
/ ___/ // / _ / (_-</ _ / -_) __/
/_/ _,_/_//_/_/___/_//_/__/_/
Description: This 9mm handgun will blast a hole through two enemies!
This weapon is given to Leon from the merchant for shooting all the blue
medallions at the farm and in the churchyard. Shoot all the medallions to get
an extra firepower upgrade along with it. It's the weakest handgun that Leon
will have access to. The main kicker with this handgun is that it can shoot
through enemy shields as well as multiple (2) enemies in a group. The
exclusive upgrade allows it to shoot through up to 5 enemies, basically a whole
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 0.9 Firing Speed: 0.47
Reload Speed: 1.70 Capacity: 10
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.1 | 10000 | Chapter 1-3 | * Merchant Shop |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 1.3 | 15000 | Chapter 2-2 | Secret Tunnel |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 1.5 | 20000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 1.7 | 25000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 1.9 | 35000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.47 | 8000 | Chapter 1-3 | * Merchant Shop |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.83 | 18000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Firing Speed Upgrades |
| Firing Speed | Lv 2 | 0.40 | 10000 | Chapter 1-3 | * Merchant Shop |
| Firing Speed | Lv 3 | 0.33 | 20000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 13 | 8000 | Chapter 1-3 | * Merchant Shop |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 16 | 10000 | Chapter 2-2 | Secret Tunnel |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 20 | 15000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 24 | 18000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 28 | 24000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Ammo penetrates up to 5 bodies |
| Price: 40000 | Chapter: Chapter 4-4 | Area: Castle Dock |
___ __ __ __ _ __
/ _ )/ /__ _____/ /__/ /____ _(_) /
/ _ / / _ `/ __/ '_/ __/ _ `/ / /
Description: A 9mm handgun with superior handling.
This handgun is the most powerful handgun until the Red9 receives its exclusive
upgrade. It has a decent firing speed, reload animation, and capacity so it's
really just as good as the Red9. The exclusive upgrade allows it take off 4.5
damage compared to the Red9's 6.5 damage, but the Blacktail can hold up to 35
bullets compared to the Red9's 22, so which do you value most, capacity or
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 1.6 Firing Speed: 0.47
Reload Speed: 1.70 Capacity: 13
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.8 | 15000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 3.0 | 18000 | Chapter 3-3 | Bedroom |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 2.3 | 24000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 2.7 | 30000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 3.2 | 40000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.47 | 8000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.83 | 15000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Firing Speed Upgrades |
| Firing Speed | Lv 2 | 0.40 | 10000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firing Speed | Lv 3 | 0.27 | 20000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 18 | 8000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 21 | 10000 | Chapter 3-3 | Bedroom |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 25 | 15000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 30 | 20000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 35 | 25000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases firepower ----------------------------------------> | MAX | 4.5 |
| Price: 80000 | Chapter: Chapter 4-4 | Area: Castle Dock |
__ ___ __ _ __ __
/ |/ /__ _/ /_(_) /__/ /__ _
/ /|_/ / _ `/ __/ / / _ / _ `/
/_/ /_/_,_/__/_/_/_,_/_,_/
Description: A 9mm handgun with Burst-Fire capability.
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 1.5 Firing Speed: 0.47
Reload Speed: 1.73 Capacity: 15
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 1.7 | 15000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 1.9 | 17000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 2.1 | 20000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 2.3 | 25000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 2.5 | 35000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.47 | 6000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.87 | 15000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 18 | 7000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 21 | 10000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 24 | 12000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 27 | 16000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 30 | 20000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Infinite capacity ------------------------------------------> | MAX | 100 |
| Price: 35000 | Chapter: -------------- | Area: ---------------------- |
___ __ ___ __ __ _____
/ _ )_______ / /_____ ___ / _ )__ __/ /_/ /____ ____/ _/ /_ __
/ _ / __/ _ / '_/ -_) _ / _ / // / __/ __/ -_) __/ _/ / // /
/____/_/ ___/_/___/_//_/ /____/_,_/__/__/__/_/ /_//_/_, /
Description: A very powerful .45 magnum revolver. This will make anyone's day.
This is the first magnum weapon that Leon receives and it really is the best if
you upgrade it fully. The Broken Butterfly has a very slow reload animation at
first but it can be upgraded to take less time later in the game. That reload
animation is very satisfying mind you. The Broken Butterfly's exclusive
upgrade allows it to take off a whopping 50.0 damage making it the most
powerful normal weapon in the game besides the rocket launcher and the
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 13.0 Firing Speed: 0.70
Reload Speed: 3.67 Capacity: 6
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 15.0 | 25000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 17.0 | 30000 | Chapter 3-3 | Bedroom |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 20.0 | 35000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 24.0 | 50000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 28.0 | 70000 | Chapter 5-3 | Cave Entrance |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 3.00 | 15000 | Chapter 3-3 | Bedroom |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 2.33 | 20000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 8 | 15000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 10 | 20000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 12 | 25000 | Chapter 5-1 | Path to the Facility |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases firepower ----------------------------------------> | MAX | 50.0 |
| Price: 150000 | Chapter: Chapter 5-3 | Area: Camp |
__ ___ ____ ____
/ //_(_) / /__ ___/_ /
/ ,< / / / / -_) __// /
/_/|_/_/_/_/__/_/ /_/
Description: A very stable yet powerful .45 magnum.
The Killer7 is the most powerful magnum until the Broken Butterfly receives its
exclusive upgrade. It has a fairly fast reload animation and already starts
out with a very good damage rate that the Broken Butterfly must be powered up
to obtain. This weapon has no exclusive upgrade.
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 25.0 Firing Speed: 0.70
Reload Speed: 1.83 Capacity: 7
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 30.0 | 62000 | Chapter 5-1 | Artillery Room |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 35.0 | 78000 | Chapter 5-3 | Cave Entrance |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.53 | 20000 | Chapter 5-1 | Artillery Room |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 0.93 | 30000 | Chapter 5-3 | Cave Entrance |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 10 | 30000 | Chapter 5-1 | Artillery Room |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 14 | 40000 | Chapter 5-3 | Cave Entrance |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| None |
__ __ __
/ // /__ ____ ___/ /______ ____ ___ ___ ___
/ _ / _ `/ _ / _ / __/ _ `/ _ / _ / _ / _
Description: This is a .50 magnum. Need we say more?
Beat all the Mercenaries with a five star ranking for every character and the
merchant will sell this in Leon's game (a bonus game). This is the ultimate
magnum that will kill just about any boss with one or two hits. The gun
requires it's own type of ammo which will be found in random objects or from
enemy drops while the gun is in Leon's inventory.
It's exclusive upgrade increases the damage to 99.9 and gives it unlimited
ammo. Leon can still reload the gun by flicking the remote even when it has
unlimited ammo if you want to look cool for a few seconds.
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 30.0 Firing Speed: 1.17
Reload Speed: 3.67 Capacity: 3
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 35.0 | 40000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 40.0 | 50000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 45.0 | 70000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 50.0 | 90000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 60.0 | 120000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.87 | 25000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.83 | 50000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 4 | 15000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 5 | 20000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 6 | 25000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 8 | 35000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 10 | 50000 | ----------- | --------------------- |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Infinite bullets -------------------------------------------> | MAX | --- |
| increases firepower ----------------------------------------> | MAX | 99.9 |
| Price: 200000 | Chapter: -------------- | Area: ---------------------- |
______ __
/ __/ / ___ / /____ ___ _____
_ / _ / _ / __/ _ `/ // / _
/___/_//_/___/__/_, /_,_/_//_/
Description: A 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. Don't leave home without it.
Leon finds this in the middle house on the north side of the village when he
first arrives in Pueblo Village. It is the weakest shotgun in the game, but
it's exclusive allows for the same damage on long distance foes as if they were
up close. The only bad aspect of this exclusive is that the Riot Gun already
does this.
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 4.0 Firing Speed: 1.53
Reload Speed: 3.03 Capacity: 6
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 4.5 | 15000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 5.0 | 20000 | Chapter 1-3 | Lake Merchant Shop |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 6.0 | 20000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 7.0 | 30000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Room |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 8.0 | 40000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.43 | 7000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.67 | 15000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 8 | 8000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 10 | 10000 | Chapter 1-3 | Lake Merchant Shop |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 12 | 12000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 15 | 15000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Room |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 18 | 20000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases destructive power for long distance attacks |
| Price: 40000 | Chapter: Chapter 4-4 | Area: Castle Dock |
___ _ __ _____
/ _ (_)__ / /_ / ___/_ _____
/ , _/ / _ / __/ / (_ / // / _
/_/|_/_/___/__/ ___/_,_/_//_/
Description: This pump-action shotgun is effective even at long distances!
By the time Leon arrives at the castle, he will have access to this shotgun.
Leon holds the riot gun against his upper body so the aim usually feels better
than the other shotguns and this gun will allow him to damage enemies at
greater distances unlike the other (well, before exclusive upgrades). The
exclusive upgrade for this gun allows it to take off 10.0 damage. The Striker
can take off a max damage of 12.0, but remember that it cannot maintain that
damage at a great distance.
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 5.0 Firing Speed: 1.53
Reload Speed: 3.03 Capacity: 7
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 5.5 | 20000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 6.0 | 24000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Exterior |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 6.5 | 28000 | Chapter 3-3 | Bedroom |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 7.0 | 32000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 8.0 | 50000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.43 | 7000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.67 | 20000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 9 | 10000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 11 | 12000 | Chapter 3-3 | Bedroom |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 13 | 15000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 15 | 20000 | Chapter 4-2 | Merchant Cave |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 17 | 25000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases firepower ----------------------------------------> | MAX | 10.0 |
| Price: 120000 | Chapter: Chapter 4-4 | Area: Castle Dock |
______ _ __
/ __/ /_____(_) /_____ ____
_ / __/ __/ / '_/ -_) __/
/___/__/_/ /_/_/___/_/
Description: Equipped with the advantage of wide-shot, it enables faster firing
than a standard shotgun
This shotgun takes up the least inventory space out of all the shotguns. Its
exclusive allows it hold a maximum capacity of 99, so this basically holds your
entire inventory of shotgun shells at that point. This weapon is for people
that don't like to reload often and those that want to save inventory space as
much as possible.
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 6.0 Firing Speed: 1.10
Reload Speed: 3.00 Capacity: 12
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 7.0 | 25000 | Chapter 4-1 | Bottom of the Pit |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 8.0 | 28000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 9.0 | 32000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 10.0 | 32000 | Chapter 5-1 | Path to the Facility |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 12.0 | 32000 | Chapter 5-1 | Artillery Room |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.40 | 8000 | Chapter 4-1 | Bottom of the Pit |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.67 | 15000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 14 | 10000 | Chapter 4-1 | Bottom of the Pit |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 16 | 12000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 20 | 16000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 24 | 18000 | Chapter 5-1 | Path to the Facility |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 28 | 25000 | Chapter 5-1 | Artillery Room |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases capacity -----------------------------------------> | MAX | 99 |
| Price: 60000 | Chapter: Chapter 5-1 | Area: Artillery Room |
___ _ _____
/ _ (_) _/ /__
/ , _/ / _/ / -_)
Description: A .223 caliber bolt action rifle.
This is the first rifle that Leon has access to in the game. It takes up the
least amount of inventory space when compared to the other rifle. Leon must
manually eject the shell of the bullet after firing every shot. The rifle's
exclusive upgrade allows for a whopping firepower of 30 so it basically becomes
a magnum with a scope at that stage.
Extra peripheral(s): Scope (Rifle)
Infrared Scope
Starting Stats
Firepower: 4.0 Firing Speed: 2.73
Reload Speed: 4.00 Capacity: 5
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 5.0 | 10000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 6.0 | 12000 | Chapter 2-1 | Lake Merchant Shop |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 8.0 | 20000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 10.0 | 25000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 12.0 | 35000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 3.23 | 8000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 2.33 | 18000 | Chapter 2-1 | Lake Merchant Shop |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 7 | 6000 | Chapter 1-2 | Storage Building |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 9 | 8000 | Chapter 2-1 | Lake Merchant Shop |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 12 | 12000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 15 | 18000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 18 | 25000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases firepower ----------------------------------------> | MAX | 30.0 |
| Price: 80000 | Chapter: Chapter 4-3 | Area: Path to the Ruins |
__ __
___ _ _____ / / _ __
/ _ (_) _/ /__ / / ___ ___ __ _ (_) ___ ___ __/ /____
/ , _/ / _/ / -_) (_-</ -_) ' / / /---- / _ `/ // / __/ _ / /
/_/|_/_/_//_/__/ _/___/__/_/_/_/_/ ----/ _,_/_,_/__/___//_/
Description: A .223 caliber rifle capable of firing faster than the standard
This rifle can be bought once Leon makes it to the castle and, besides the
exclusive damage upgrade with the normal rifle and the less inventory space
that it takes, this is the best rifle that can be bought in the main game. It
doesn't require Leon to eject out a shell, so he can fire at the normal firing
speed until he has to reload. The scope also zooms a bit further than the
normal rifle.
Extra peripheral(s): Scope (semi-auto rifle)
Infrared Scope
Starting Stats
Firepower: 7.0 Firing Speed: 1.83
Reload Speed: 2.33 Capacity: 10
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 8.0 | 15000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 9.0 | 18000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 11.0 | 24000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Room |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 13.0 | 30000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 15.0 | 40000 | Chapter 5-1 | Path to the Facility |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.90 | 9000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.33 | 18000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Room |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 12 | 10000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 14 | 12000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 17 | 15000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Room |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 20 | 20000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 24 | 25000 | Chapter 5-1 | Path to the Facility |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases firing speed -------------------------------------> | MAX | 0.80 |
| Price: 80000 | Chapter: Chapter 5-1 | Area: Path to the Facility |
________ ______
/_ __/ |/ / _
/ / / /|_/ / ___/
/_/ /_/ /_/_/
Description: A fully-automatic machine pistol. Fires custom 9mm's.
This is the only rapid fire weapon that can be found in the normal game without
unlocking any of the bonus weapons. It is very useful and can be used in place
of the handgun. It is excellent for close crowds when you have not shotgun or
just want to stun every enemy then run. The cursor for the TMP will shake
until a stock is bought for it. With the stock, the aiming is precise just
like with a handgun.
Extra peripheral(s): Stock (TMP)
Starting Stats
Firepower: 0.4 Firing Speed: 0.10
Reload Speed: 2.37 Capacity: 30
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 0.5 | 7000 | Chapter 1-3 | Secret Tunnel |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 0.6 | 14000 | Chapter 2-2 | Secret Tunnel |
| Firepower | Lv 4 | 0.8 | 18000 | Chapter 3-1 | Castle Entrance |
| Firepower | Lv 5 | 1.0 | 24000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Firepower | Lv 6 | 1.2 | 35000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Room |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 1.93 | 5000 | Chapter 1-3 | Secret Tunnel |
| Reload Speed | Lv 3 | 1.17 | 15000 | Chapter 3-1 | Main Hall |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 50 | 7000 | Chapter 1-3 | Secret Tunnel |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 100 | 15000 | Chapter 2-2 | Secret Tunnel |
| Capacity | Lv 4 | 150 | 20000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Room |
| Capacity | Lv 5 | 200 | 25000 | Chapter 4-3 | Path to the Ruins |
| Capacity | Lv 6 | 250 | 35000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Increases firepower ----------------------------------------> | MAX | 1.8 |
| Price: 100000 | Chapter: Chapter 4-4 | Area: Castle Dock |
__ ____ ________
/ |/ (_)__ ___ /_ __/ / _______ _ _____ ____
/ /|_/ / / _ / -_) / / / _ / __/ _ |/|/ / -_) __/
/_/ /_/_/_//_/__/ /_/ /_//_/_/ ___/__,__/__/_/
Description: This weapon fires custom "mines" that attach to objects and
detonate after a period of time.
Ever played Resident Evil 3: Nemesis? The Mine Thrower is a very fun weapon to
use. It fires out explosive mines that will stick inside of a target and
detonate in about 3 seconds. The mines have about the same destructive power
as a hand grenade once they explode. The Mine Thrower's ammo is mine darts
which can be found in breakable objects and from enemy drops while the Mine
Thrower is in Leon's inventory. Its exclusive upgrade allows the mines to home
in on targets.
Extra peripheral(s): Scope (Mine Thrower)
Starting Stats
Firepower: 2.0 Firing Speed: 1.33
Reload Speed: 3.43 Capacity: 5
| Firepower Upgrades |
| Firepower | Lv 2 | 4.0 | 25000 | Chapter 3-3 | Bedroom |
| Firepower | Lv 3 | 6.0 | 45000 | Chapter 4-2 | Merchant Cave |
| Reload Speed Upgrades |
| Reload Speed | Lv 2 | 2.57 | 18000 | Chapter 4-1 | Merchant Hall |
| Capacity Upgrades |
| Capacity | Lv 2 | 7 | 25000 | Chapter 3-3 | Bedroom |
| Capacity | Lv 3 | 10 | 40000 | Chapter 4-4 | Castle Dock |
| Exclusive Upgrade |
| Adds "homing" and increases blast radius |
| Price: 30000 | Chapter: Chapter 5-1 | Path to the Facility |
_______ _ ______ _ __
/ ___/ / (_)______ ____ ____ /_ __/_ _____ ___ _ ______(_) /____ ____
/ /__/ _ / / __/ _ `/ _ `/ _ / / / // / _ / -_) |/|/ / __/ / __/ -_) __/
___/_//_/_/__/_,_/_, /___/ /_/ _, / .__/__/|__,__/_/ /_/__/__/_/
/___/ /___/_/
Description: This machinegun is outfitted with a powerful .45 caliber magazine.
This gun has an infinite supply of ammo. Try to reload while Leon has the
Gangster outfit on for some hidden animation. See the Extras section for more
details on this hidden animation.
Extra peripheral(s): None
Starting Stats
Firepower: 10.0 Firing Speed: 0.10
Reload Speed: 2.83 Capacity: ---
___ __ __ __ __
/ _ ___ ____/ /_____ / /_ / / ___ ___ _____ ____/ / ___ ____
/ , _/ _ / __/ '_/ -_) __/ / /__/ _ `/ // / _ / __/ _ / -_) __/
/_/|_|___/__/_/___/__/ /____/_,_/_,_/_//_/__/_//_/__/_/
Description: Do major damage to any target. (Single fire)
Extra peripheral(s): None
____ _ __
/ __/__ ___ ____(_)__ _/ /
_ / _ / -_) __/ / _ `/ /
/___/ .__/__/__/_/_,_/_/
___ __ __ __ __
/ _ ___ ____/ /_____ / /_ / / ___ ___ _____ ____/ / ___ ____
/ , _/ _ / __/ '_/ -_) __/ / /__/ _ `/ // / _ / __/ _ / -_) __/
/_/|_|___/__/_/___/__/ /____/_,_/_,_/_//_/__/_//_/__/_/
Description: A rocket launcher that fires a special rocket. A perfect weapon
to exterminate the boss.
This is NOT sold by the merchant. Ada throws this weapon to Leon to deliver
the finishing blow to the final boss of the game. It can be kept and saved for
a bonus game. It has a value of 30000 PTAS when sold to the merchant.
Extra peripheral(s): None
____ ____ _ __ __ __
/ _/__ / _(_)__ (_) /____ / / ___ ___ _____ ____/ / ___ ____
_/ // _ / _/ / _ / / __/ -_) / /__/ _ `/ // / _ / __/ _ / -_) __/
/___/_//_/_//_/_//_/_/__/__/ /____/_,_/_,_/_//_/__/_//_/__/_/
Description: The ultimate rocket launcher! Fire away!
Infinite Ammo. Ultimate damage. Need I say more.
Extra peripheral(s): None
___ ___ __ __________
/ _ / _ / / / / < /_ |
/ ___/ / , _/ / /___ /_ _/ / __/
/_/ (_)_/|_(_)____(_) /_//_/____/
Description: Use the charge attack to decimate all surrounding enemies with
this supremely powerful laser weapon!
While not fully charged, this weapon will only stun an enemy, but charge it all
the way up and the laser will shoot out in several directions and home in on
any sign of life or breakable object in the area.
Extra peripheral(s): None
Weapons in Separate Ways cannot be upgraded.
___ __ __ __ _ __
/ _ )/ /__ _____/ /__/ /____ _(_) /
/ _ / / _ `/ __/ '_/ __/ _ `/ / /
Description: A 9mm handgun with superior handling.
Firepower: 2.0 Firing Speed: 0.27
Reload Speed: 1.47 Capacity: 21
Extra peripheral(s): None
Price: 24600
First Available: Starting weapon and first merchant meeting in Chapter 1.
______ __
/ __/ / ___ / /____ ___ _____
_ / _ / _ / __/ _ `/ // / _
/___/_//_/___/__/_, /_,_/_//_/
Description: A standard pump action shotgun.
This shotgun resembles Leon's shotgun used in Resident Evil 2 except it has a
handle on pump.
Firepower: 5.0 Firing Speed: 1.53
Reload Speed: 1.53 Capacity: 12
Extra peripheral(s): None
Price: 21440
First Available: Starting weapon and first merchant meeting in Chapter 1.
________ ______
/_ __/ |/ / _
/ / / /|_/ / ___/
/_/ /_/ /_/_/
Description: A fully-automatic machine pistol. Fires custom 9mm's.
Firepower: 1.2 Firing Speed: 0.10
Reload Speed: 1.93 Capacity: 100
Extra peripheral(s): None
Price: 12800
First Available: First merchant meeting in Chapter 1.
__ __
___ _ _____ / / _ __
/ _ (_) _/ /__ / / ___ ___ __ _ (_) ___ ___ __/ /____
/ , _/ / _/ / -_) (_-</ -_) ' / / /---- / _ `/ // / __/ _ / /
/_/|_/_/_//_/__/ _/___/__/_/_/_/_/ ----/ _,_/_,_/__/___//_/
Description: A .223 caliber rifle capable of firing faster than the standard
Firepower: 15.0 Firing Speed: 1.83
Reload Speed: 1.90 Capacity: 12
Extra peripheral(s): Scope (semi-auto rifle)
Price: 35600
First Available: First merchant meeting in Chapter 1.
_______ _ ______ _ __
/ ___/ / (_)______ ____ ____ /_ __/_ _____ ___ _ ______(_) /____ ____
/ /__/ _ / / __/ _ `/ _ `/ _ / / / // / _ / -_) |/|/ / __/ / __/ -_) __/
___/_//_/_/__/_,_/_, /___/ /_/ _, / .__/__/|__,__/_/ /_/__/__/_/
/___/ /___/_/
Description: This machinegun is outfitted with a powerful .45 caliber magazine.
Firepower: 10.0 Firing Speed: 0.10
Reload Speed: 2.83 Capacity: ---
Extra peripheral(s): None
Price: 300000
First Available: Once Assignment Ada is completed it is available from the
merchant in the Separate Ways bonus game.
/ _ )___ _ _____ ___ _____
/ _ / _ |/|/ / _ `/ // / _
/____/___/__,__/_, /_,_/_//_/
Description: A standard issue pistol-style crossbow.
Firepower: 16.6 Firing Speed: 2.43
Reload Speed: 2.00 Capacity: 1
Extra peripheral(s): None
Price: 70000
First Available: First merchant meeting in Chapter 3.
== | ================================================================= | ==
| __ __ ___ __ __ _ __ _____ __ __ |
// // /__/__ / __ /__/ /_ /__ _ /__/ _ //
// / /_ / // / / /_ / / //_ / // / //_ //
// / // //__/ _ / /___//__/ / / _ / _ // /_//__ _ //
// / /__// _/____/__/_ /_/ _// _/____/__/ __/ //
| T H E M E R C E N A R I E S W A L K T H R O U G H |
== | ================================================================= | ==
The Mercenaries mode is unlocked by completing the main game of RE4 (Leon's
game). The mode allows the player to choose from four stages and the main
objective is to kill as many enemies as possible and string together kills as
much as possible.
Grab the time bonuses scattered throughout each stage then start killing the
enemies. Pick up combo bonus pickups to receive extra points for killing
enemies in a row. There are a total of five playable characters in this mode
that can be unlocked by completing each stage with at least a four star
ranking. Leon is the starting character.
Approach each stage with an aggressive attitude and your one-man or one-woman
army shall triumph - ie. "This is where we fight and this is where they die!"
| I am accepting strategies for The Mercenaries mode, so if you have any |
| useful strategies that you would like to share with your fellow games then |
| email me about it and I'll post it here. |
| |
| berserker_kev(at)yahoo.com |
| |
| I will take them all for myself and you shall receive no credit. |
| I kid. I kid. |
__ __ __ __
/ / ___ ___ ___ / //_/__ ___ ___ ___ ___/ /_ __
/ /__/ -_) _ / _ / ,< / -_) _ / _ / -_) _ / // /
/____/__/___/_//_/ /_/|_|__/_//_/_//_/__/_,_/_, /
"Freeze. I said freeze!"
-- Life amount: 8 bars
-- Inventory
Firepower: 2.7 Firing Speed: 0.40
Reload Speed: 1.47 Capacity: 21
Riot Gun
Firepower: 7.0 Firing Speed: 1.53
Reload Speed: 1.67 Capacity: 13
30 Handgun Ammo
10 Shotgun Ammo
1 First Aid Spray
-- Special Attacks:
Shot in head ---> Kick
Leon performs a roundhouse.
Shot in knee ---> Kick (Ganados) or Suplex (Zealots or Soldier Ganados)
Leon performs a straight kick to his kneeling foe OR Leon grabs the enemy and
suplexes his foe.
-- About Leon
Leon can be the hardest character to score the most points with because his
weapon variety calls for close encounters. His only means of long distance
attacks, for the most part, is through his handgun, which doesn't pack that
much power. It is best to focus on close range or mid-range attacks with the
riot gun and use the handgun and Leon's special attacks to your advantage while
fighting multiple enemies.
Stick to the Blacktail handgun for any long range attacks since the riot gun is
extremely weak for distant attacks and basically a waste of ammo. Always go
for vital areas (head) when shooting from long range and try to keep the
pressure on your long range foe with multiple shots at a time instead of
constant precision aiming.
In order to play Leon effectively, (a) special attacks must be used in
conjunction with handgun fire, especially for crowd control with the handgun,
(b) his riot gun needs to be used only for close or mid-range encounters - aim
for the head - and (c) Leon needs to stay moving most of the time since his
arsenal beckons close range use. Any extra grenades should be savored for the
most extreme moments!
___ __ _ __
/ _ |___/ /__ _ | | /| / /__ ___ ___ _
/ __ / _ / _ `/ | |/ |/ / _ / _ / _ `/
/_/ |__,_/_,_/ |__/|__/___/_//_/_, /
"It looks like we have the upper hand here."
-- How to unlock: Get a four star ranking or greater on the Pueblo Village
-- Life Amount: 6 and 1/2 bars
-- Inventory
Firepower: 1.9 Firing Speed: 0.33
Reload Speed: 0.33 Capacity: 20
Firepower: 1.0 Firing Speed: 0.10
Reload Speed: 1.93 Capacity: 100
Semi-Auto Rifle
Firepower: 15.0 Firing Speed: 0.80
Reload Speed: 1.90 Capacity: 12
Scope (equipped to Semi-Auto Rifle)
30 Handgun Ammo
100 TMP Ammo
5 Rifle Ammo
3 Incendiary Grenades
1 First Aid Spray
-- Special Attacks
Shot in head ---> Fan Kick
Ada hops toward the enemy with a jumping roundhouse.
Shot in knee ---> Back Kick
Ada kicks straight ahead and knocks down the kneeling enemy.
-- About Ada
Ada has a very balanced inventory with weapons that can take out foes from any
range. Her main weakness is her low life. She cannot afford to get hit that
much at all. Her special attacks are just about the same as Leon's special
attacks so they can be used for crowd control with a handgun or TMP as well.
Her main source of power comes from her rifle (semi-auto), which is a good
close range and long range weapon. Make sure that the area is clear, or at
least the enemies around are far away, when attempting to shoot precisely. The
rifle will shoot through multiple foes, so be sure to keep that in mind when a
crowd of enemies are approaching.
The TMP is a good source of moderate power and is capable of spamming damage
during a crowd fight. One effective way to use the TMP is for a quick stun -
shoot an enemy in the head or leg then follow up with a special attack. Her
TMP is also a good choice for a close crowd of enemies. Hold down the A button
and wave the Wii-mote to stun them all quickly for a fast getaway. Her
Punisher can shoot through multiple enemies and shields, though that aspect is
really not that useful thanks to its low damage rate. Use the Punisher for
shooting open objects for the most part.
In order to play Ada effectively, (a) use her rifle for heavy damage, distant
attacks, or crowds, (b) use the TMP to spam damage on a single foe, for quick
stuns, and for very close crowds, and (c) use the handgun for blasting open
objects and quick stuns.
__ __ __ __
__ / /__ _____/ /__ / //_/______ ___ _____ ___ ____
/ // / _ `/ __/ '_/ / ,< / __/ _ `/ // (_-</ -_) __/
___/_,_/__/_/_ /_/|_/_/ _,_/_,_/___/__/_/
"Witness the power!"
-- How to unlock: Get a four star or greater ranking on the Castle stage.
-- Life Amount: 10 bars (full life)
-- Inventory
20 Arrows
10 Arrows
3 Flash Grenades
1 First Aid Spray
-- Special Attacks
Shot in head ---> Kick
Krauser steps forward with a double roundhouse.
Shot in knee ---> Knee
Krauser grabs the enemy's head and knees them. This will usually crush the
head of his opponent. It will not instantly kill a chainsaw Ganado.
-- About Krauser
Krauser is the most unique of the five characters in that he relies on only one
exclusive bow. His bow is very powerful and will usually defeat any normal
enemy with one shot. Always try to aim for the head! Even though his weapon
is not good for a group of enemies, he has other means for crowd control. His
flash grenades can be used for groups of enemies along with his special
attacks. His double roundhouse is extremely powerful allowing him to heavily
damage multiple foes with each kick. His only long range attack is his bow,
but with its power and the precise Wii-mote aiming, that shouldn't be a
His usefulness does not stop there however - he also an instant kill special
attack that can be activate whenever his right arm starts to glow. Press the +
button when his arm is glowing to make him hunch over and reveal his mutated
arm. Wait for a whole crowd, or even one powerful enemy, to move in front of
him then press the A button to make Krauser lunge forward and kill whatever is
in front of him. Everything that crosses his immediate path at that time dies.
In order to play Krauser effectively, (a) use his bow for all single enemy
attacks (normal or powerful) and try to aim for the head, (b) throw a flash
grenade and take advantage of his special attacks for crowd control, (c) use
his arm attack against crowds or for an immediate powerful enemy kill.
__ ____ ___ ____ __
/ // / / / / |/ / //_/
/ _ / /_/ / / ,<
*neck twist*
-- How to unlock: Get a four star or greater ranking on the Island stage.
-- Life Amount: 7 bars
-- Inventory
Custom TMP
Firepower: 1.0 Firing Speed: 0.10
Reload Speed: 1.17 Capacity: 100
50 TMP Ammo
3 Hand Grenades
1 First Aid Spray
-- Special Attacks
Shot in head ---> Neck Breaker
HUNK lunges forward and grabs the enemy's head then breaks his foe's neck.
This is always an instant kill!
Shot in knee ---> Kick
HUNK performs a punt kick on the kneeling enemy.
-- About HUNK
Wow, with only a TMP and 3 Grenades this guy must suck, right? The answer: No
- no he doesn't. The letters in this man's name are capitalized for a purpose!
All joking aside, HUNK is the most fun character that can be used in The
Mercenaries mode. His custom TMP comes with a stock attached already and is
useful at any range! He will get hand grenade pickups at a steady rate so they
can be thrown as if he was running from a SWAT team. His hand grenades are the
main source of massive damage for him; of course, spamming the TMP works just
as well sometimes. HUNK does not have a knife, so all breakable objects must
be shot.
His staggering special attack is the most visually impressive kill known to man
and it will kill anything that it can be performed on, even a Ganado with a
chainsaw (ONLY in the village!). Like the other characters, HUNK is completely
invincible during that satisfying animation so feel free to use it often. Run
up to an enemy with the TMP equipped, aim for the head, tap the A button, then
neck break as the foe staggers. It is possible to take out a whole crowd with
HUNK by taking advantage of his invincibility during a neck break and literally
use it to move around in a crowd on an insane killing spree - shoot, neck
break, shoot, neck break, shoot, neck break, repeat. Keep in mind that the
animation will consume precious time from the clock so don't completely overuse
His only real flaw is when he needs to reload since he doesn't have another
weapon to switch to, so make sure to reload in safe places or keep a grenade
handy for when his TMP starts to run low.
In order to play HUNK effectively, (a) use his TMP for all shooting purposes
(close range or long range) but be sure to keep an eye on the current clip, (b)
use grenades for multiple foes and powerful foes - don't worry about saving
them - (c) take advantage of his instant kill neck breaker for powerful enemies
or for amusement purposes.
___ ____ __ _ __ __
/ _ | / / / ___ ____/ /_ | | /| / /__ ___ / /_____ ____
/ __ |/ / _ / -_) __/ __/ | |/ |/ / -_|_-</ '_/ -_) __/
/_/ |_/_/_.__/__/_/ __/ |__/|__/__/___/_/___/_/
"Oh, little fishy, come see my hook."
-- How to unlock: Get a four star or greater ranking on the Waterworld stage.
-- Life amount: 8 bars
-- Inventory
Firepower: 2.0 Firing Speed: 0.33
Reload Speed: 0.87 Capacity: 25
Firepower: 30.0 Firing Speed: 0.70
Reload Speed: 1.53 Capacity: 10
Semi-Auto Rifle
Firepower: 15.0 Firing Speed: 0.80
Reload Speed: 1.90 Capacity: 24
Silencer (equipped to handgun)
4 Hand Grenades
3 Flash Grenades
1 Incendiary Grenade
1 First Aid Spray
-- Special Attacks
Shot in head ---> Thrust Punch
Wesker slides forward with a powerful straight punch.
Shot in knee ---> Chikyo Chagi
Wesker holds his leg into the air and brings his foot down upon on the enemy
with a heavy stomp. This will splatter the head of many normal enemies except
when they wear an iron mask.
-- About Wesker
Wesker comes equipped for all purposes - close range, medium range, and long
range - so it should be easy to beat any stage with him right? Not exactly.
He does start out with a quite an assortment of weapons, but you'll have to
constantly change your main weapon because of his lack of ammo and inventory
space. His inventory can crowd up quickly thanks to the assortment that he
starts out with. Like HUNK, Wesker does not have a knife, so all breakable
objects must be shot.
It's really good to start off by cleaning out some of his inventory to make
room for some ammo. Get rid of the Silencer. There is no reason to sneak
around these stages with stealth. We are on a mission to kill and we have a
time limit for that body count, so, in essence, we want to be LOUD and we want
to be HEARD all throughout the stages! Throw some of those grenades at the
beginning - there is no need to conserve them all. Wesker does not find many
grenades, but he still needs to clear out his inventory for some ammo.
Wesker's game is much like Ada's, but he can use his Killer7 for extreme
damage. While playing Wesker, keep in mind that the Killer7 makes up for his
lack of a shotgun - just pull it out and fire if enemies ever start to gang up
a bunch. Use his rifle for far crowds and his handgun for blasting open
objects and stunning enemies. Both of his special attacks are useful but his
stomp attack (kneeling enemy) is his best move since it usually is an instant
kill that can take down multiple foes. Stun an enemy and use either of
Wesker's special attacks (mainly the stomp though) for close crowd control.
In order to play Wesker effectively, (a) clean out his inventory at the
beginning (detach and drop the Silencer), (b) use his Killer7 for powerful
foes, his rifle for crowds and long distance foes, and his handgun for stunning
opponents, (c) take advantage of his stomping special attacks for some quick
multiple deaths and close crowds or use the Killer7 for crowds.
UPDATE: About the Silencer, it does increase Wesker's chance for a heashot by
5x, so you may want to hang on to it. It really all depends on how you want to
play. If you mainly use his Chikyo Chagi overhead stomp a bunch then I would
just drop it, but if you favor headshots then you might want to keep it!
- The map of the area shows the locations of all time bonuses. Use it!
- Do not hit barrels with a knife unless you are totally without ammo. Shoot
barrels with a handgun. In the case of Krauser, his knife works the best for
destroying breakable objects.
- Play each stage a few times before attempting a 5 star run and make sure to
know where all time pickups are at.
- Go for the heads of most enemies while shooting.
- Take advantage of special attacks when the enemies are stunned from hitting
them in the head or knees. Some special attacks are one hit kills.
- Drop all unnecessary items to gain inventory space (ie: Ada - scope, Wesker
- silencer).
- Focus on more powerful enemies every time that they appear.
- Consider tossing hand grenades in all directions once time is almost up,
especially if you happen to be on a high platform.
Pueblo Village is much like it was in the game when Leon first entered the
village but there are many new areas to explore now. Most notably, the barn on
the west side is now open. The back room of the house across from the shotgun
house has a window to the side as well which can be used for immediate access
to the back room. Besides normal villager Ganados, the roars of chainsaws will
sound eventually and chainsaw Ganados will appear in pairs.
-- Main Strategy
Run around the village and pick up all the time bonuses and any ammo or healing
items that can be found. Once all of the time bonuses are collected, run to
the barn on the west side of the village and enter it. Climb up the ladder
then kick the ladder down. Many Ganados should follow. Wait until a bunch of
them pile up then grab the combo bonus from the chest at the top and shoot the
explosive red barrel below to finish most of them. Take out the stragglers
then shoot the rest of the Ganados as they enter the barn. Make sure to keep
the ladder kicked down or at least stand by it and shoot them as they try to
climb up the ladder.
When the Ganados stop entering the barn, jump down and exit the barn. Run over
to one of the Ganados and shoot. One of them will yell out and all of them
will start to attack again, so run back into the barn and continue to shoot the
Ganados as they come after your character. There will almost always be a point
where the Ganados will stop entering the barn, so be prepared to exit when they
start to slow down.
The characters will start out in a random location in the village so it pays to
know the village well when playing this area.
-- Leon
Use the handgun or shotgun while collecting the time bonuses - really the
shotgun works the best since it will likely kill the Ganados in a few hits.
Once Leon gets onto the high platform of the barn the handgun will really be
his best weapon followed by the shotgun for when the Ganados are right
underneath him.
-- Ada
Use the handgun and TMP while collecting the time bonuses and try to shoot the
Ganados in the face or the knees in order to get special attacks on them.
Once Ada gets on the high platform of the barn either weapon will work well.
Use the rifle mainly for the chainsaw Ganados and Plagas heads.
-- Krauser
Use the bow while collecting the time bonuses and aim for the heads of the
Ganados especially when they appear in a group. Krauser's double roundhouse
packs quite a punch on any nearby Ganados. Don't be afraid to use his special
attack at any time since it basically becomes useless while he is in the barn.
While in the barn, use the bow and any grenades (red or green) that Krauser
might have from the high platform. When Krauser has to exit the barn to get
the Ganados attention again, let a lot of them gang up then use his special arm
to take down a whole row of them.
The TMP will work fine while collecting the time bonuses. Try to not put too
much emphasis on neck breaks since they will stall HUNK for too long and cause
precious time to slip away. For the most part, only use neck breaks on the
chainsaw Ganados - it's an instant kill no matter how much life they have left.
While in the barn, HUNK's TMP and assortment of grenades will allow you to get
some major combos on the enemies below. Use the explosive barrel first then
start to use grenades when the Ganados start to pile up.
-- Wesker
The handgun is really Wesker's best weapon while collecting the time bonuses.
The Killer7 is a waste for normal Ganados and the rifle takes too much time.
Aim for the legs for the most part when using the handgun since his stomp will
likely kill each Ganado (and surrounding Ganados) instantly.
Use either the handgun or the rifle while in the barn. Wesker will most likely
have some grenades so don't be afraid to throw those. Save the Killer7 for
chainsaw Ganados. Shoot them down with the Killer7 and keep shooting them to
kill them quickly.
This is a redone stage of the first outside castle area where Leon first runs
into the Zealots. Unlike other stages, your character will ALWAYS start in the
same room - in this case, the cannon room. Zealots will be the main enemies in
this area and they come with all weapons - scythes, maces, shields, crossbows.
Oh, and did I mention that Garradors will show up after enough Zealots have
been killed? Yeah, and they're just as deadly as they were in the main game.
-- Main Strategy
For this stage, try to get to the top outer section of the castle as soon as
possible, but be sure to pick up all time bonuses and combo bonuses along the
way. It is possible to get to the top of the castle before the Garradors start
to show up if your character moves quickly enough. They get stuck on the
bottom floor!
Stand with your character's back to one of the corners of the top outer section
of the castle and be prepared for the incoming Zealots. Make sure to keep an
eye all around you since they will jump down from the castle walls. The most
important method for getting a five star ranking here is to chain kill combos
as much as possible. Literally wound an enemy then leave him on the ground if
no other Zealots are in the area. When your combo meter is about to expire,
shoot the wounded Zealot to keep it going.
| It's fairly basic for all characters. Use their power weapon when their |
| back is exposed and it will take them down QUICKLY. An important thing to |
| remember is that if you do not move and he is in your sights, he will often |
| walk around and even in opposite directions to you! For Characters with a |
| sniper or a power weapon THAT is your chance, because you'll be at a safe |
| distance for any and most repercussions. |
| |
| For Leon you have two options, 1) Wait for him and use either handgun or |
| shotgun (handgun is recommended for longer distances, it may seem obvious |
| but sometimes people do strange things) and 2) Use your grenades to expose |
| his back and run up and shotgun. This is highly risky and expensive on your |
| resources and is only recommended if you and/or the Garrador is surrounded. |
| HUNK is basically stay still and shoot ONCE on his back, you may use your |
| grenades as they are more plentiful. |
-- Leon
Leon has the toughest time out of all the rest of the characters for this
stage. The handgun will help out the most toward the end of this stage. Start
out with the handgun then switch to the shotgun when entering the bottom floor
of the castle or when a whole crowd is after Leon. Stick with the shotgun for
the most part while trying to reach the top of the castle.
Once Leon reaches the outer walls, use grenades to clear out the Zealot groups
then run over to one of the corners. The handgun really comes in handy here
since it is long range. Shoot the far off Zealots with the handgun and the
closer Zealots with the shotgun. Make sure to use the handgun to wound a
Zealot (go for the legs) when no other Zealots are around and blast them
quickly when the combo meter starts to die. Keep the handgun loaded at all
times and keep the shotgun at least halfway loaded.
Leon may have to result to circling the outer castle walls in order to catch
the Zealots' attention since it can be hard to keep a combo built up thanks to
his lack of a decent long range weapon.
-- Ada
Use the handgun or TMP and go for the heads of the Zealots while running to the
top floor of the castle. Only pull out the rifle for shielded Zealots or when
there is an annoying Zealot with a crossbow nearby.
At the top of the castle, use a mixture of the handgun, TMP, and the rifle.
The rifle works the best for quick distant kills (always aim for the head).
Ada can actually defeat some of the Zealots on the walkway in the background so
be sure to take advantage of this when her combo meter is almost dead.
-- Krauser
The bow works great for reaching the top. Take advantage of Krauser's flash
grenades as well since he will be able to perform his double roundhouse on his
blinded foes. Use his special arm attack whenever there is a crowd near him.
Krauser can actually stay on the bottom floor and allow the Garradors to enter
the area since he can kill them with one arm attack. Don't stay too long
though since you'll need to collect time bonuses.
Krauser's bow works well for short and long range so he shouldn't have much of
a problem at the top. Be sure to keep him well stocked with ammo. Krauser
tends to run out of ammo fast, so pick up arrows from the dead bodies
constantly. As always, try to go for the head of your foes.
HUNK's TMP works well for reaching the top. Don't be afraid to use hand
grenades at any time, even at the very beginning!
HUNK's TMP is good for either short or long range so he won't have much of a
problem when he reaches the top. Try to use hand grenades if you start to get
a wealth of them since HUNK tends to receive them at a steady pace. Use a neck
breaker for some added entertainment for when the coast is clear.
-- Wesker
Use Wesker's handgun on the way to the top and switch to his rifle for the
shielded Zealots. Don't worry too much about conserving magnum ammo for this
stage since there are no real big enemies unless you allow the Garradors to
follow after Wesker. Shoot the Garradors in the face with the Killer7 to make
them turn then shoot them in their back Plagas - there is no time to play hide-
and-seek with them.
At the top of the castle switch between all of Wesker's weapons, but you'll
mainly want to rely on the rifle and Killer7. Use the Killer7 for quick kills
when the combo meter is about to expire.
This is the enemy camp that Leon and Mike (helicopter pilot) fought through.
Like the village it has a few new areas spread around such as the platform to
the left at the start of the camp. Soldier Ganados and chain gun Ganados
(J.J.) will appear throughout this area. Tunnels and trenches are spread
throughout this battleground.
-- Main Strategy
There really isn't too much of a strategy for this stage. The best way to
approach this stage is to run and shoot all the time while collecting time and
combo bonuses. Don't take refuge in one place for too long. When a chain gun
Ganado appears and starts to fire take cover in a tunnel or behind some sort of
wall. Try to lead him close then shoot him. The problem comes when he appears
along with several other Ganados. Use grenades at the point. Always pressure
him when trying to kill him and do not left up.
-- Leon
Like usual, Leon will have the hardest time out of all the characters. He will
have to run directly toward any chain Ganado and shoot him close range riot gun
shots. Use a mix of the handgun and shotgun while fighting the Ganados and be
sure to take advantage of any explosive barrels in the area.
-- Ada
Ada has the worst health out of all characters, which can really go against her
in this stage since it is so easy to get hit with chain gun fire. Make sure to
duck into the tunnels when the chain gun Ganado approaches. Use the rifle to
shoot him in the head and throw grenades if you have them. Use the TMP mixed
with the handgun for the normal soldiers Ganados.
-- Krauser
Krauser won't have too much of a problem here. His arrows will stun the chain
gun Ganado and he will also have his very useful arm attack to instantly kill
the chain Ganado along with groups of other soldiers Ganados. Try to avoid big
crowds when you only have arrows as weapons and use flash grenades along with
Krauser's double roundhouse when needed (for a crowd).
Save HUNK's grenades for when the chain gun Ganado appears then throw them at
him and spam him with TMP fire while he is stunned. HUNK's TMP and numerous
grenades should help out quite a bit for this stage.
-- Wesker
Wesker's Killer7 will easily bring down the chain gun Ganado in a few shots.
Make sure to advantage of Wesker's stomp attack (aim for knees) to take out
several Ganados with just the handgun. His rifle is useful for groups and of
course he starts out with plenty of hand grenades.
Waterworld is a whole new stage exclusive to The Mercenaries mode. The middle
of the area is composed of many high platform and the sides have long buildings
that the player can take shelter in. Soldier Ganados are the main enemies in
this stage.
Once the roar of a chainsaw is heard though, you'd best look around and find
the new chainsaw Ganado. Oh, this is not your average male chainsaw Ganado
like the ones found in the village - oh, no. This hulking beast comes toward
your character with incredible speed while swinging his double-bladed chainsaw
like a madman! Be sure to watch for him whenever the sound of a chainsaw is
head - if not, then that one time you stop to reload may be your last. Many
fans like to refer to this enemy as Super Salvador.
-- Main Strategy
Basically, you need to run through the area and collect all the time bonuses
while shooting anything that gets in your way. After all time bonuses have
been collected, start shooting Ganados. Find the combo bonus then shoot some
more. Once the roar of the chainsaw is head, take all attention off of killing
the Ganados and try to find the location of the large chainsaw Ganado. Once he
is found, get very far away and shoot him from a distance. Lead him into
explosive barrels, throw grenades, shoot him with distant weapon attacks, but
DO NOT get close to him. Keep in mind that a flash grenade will stun him just
all other enemies.
He jumps onto buildings faster that your player can climb a ladder, so if he is
behind your character and you climb a building, he may just beat you to the top
and cut your head off right as you get off the ladder. One of the best ways to
put some distance between him and you is to swing from the zipline found on the
rooftop of one of the buildings. He will run toward the middle of the rooftop
and jump down then come for your character once again, but this will give you
time to shoot him. I don't care if you have to use the handgun - SHOOT HIM
-- Leon
Leon has the toughest time of all the character, as usual! Shoot the Ganados
with a mixture of the handgun and the shotgun - mainly the shotgun. Save up a
bunch of handgun bullets for when the chainsaw Ganado appears. Once the
chainsaw Ganado finally does appear then run and shoot him with the handgun.
Lead him by explosive barrels and shoot the barrel, throw grenades at him if
Leon has any. Be wary of using the riot gun! That can be a death sentence if
you're aiming is off, unless Leon gets lucky enough to get a stunning hit from
up close.
| Run from Super Salvador and make sure to reach a secluded area where no |
| Ganados are around. Equip the riot gun then turn to face Super Salvador |
| and shoot him in the head when he reaches about mid-distance and this will |
| stun him. Keep shooting him in the head and each head shot will stun him. |
| He will go down in 6 shots or less. Keep in mind that these shots MUST be |
| accurate. |
| |
| This works best if you've isolated yourself and him from everyone else - |
| such as the very top of the Waterworld level or on top of the building on |
| the far east of the map where the zipline is (not the building with the |
| hole in the roof). If you've played it enough you'll see that not many |
| Ganados spawn there making it a very mono e mono battle which is what you |
| need. |
-- Ada
Shoot the soldier Ganados with the TMP and handgun. Once Mr. Chainsaw shows up
then get some distance between the two of you and shoot him with the rifle.
The rifle will take him down quite fast.
-- Krauser
Krauser doesn't have too much of a problem at all. Use his arrows for soldier
Ganados (head shots) then save his arm attack for the chainsaw Ganado. Yes,
the arm will even kill this enemy in one hit, but make sure to ready the attack
before he gets to close. He's faster than you might think!
HUNK's TMP works well for the soldier Ganados and the chainsaw Ganado. Throw
grenades at the chainsaw Ganado while running then shoot him with TMP shots
from a distance. No, you can't break his neck.
-- Wesker
Wesker's Killer7 will make short work of the chainsaw Ganados so he has nothing
to fear from them. Use his rifle for crowds and try to get a few stomps on the
soldier Ganados by aiming at their knees.
== | ================================================================= | ==
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| T R E A S U R E L I S T |
== | ================================================================= | ==
The many treasures found throughout Leon's game and Ada's game (Separate Ways)
are listed in this section. The Treasure List is a list of all the treasures
located in the corresponding mode along with a brief description as to their
location. Check the Treasure Location Guide for each mode to find a full list
of all the areas along with the treasures they contain. Read on for some fine
pickins' stranga'!
This section is based off of my two treasure FAQs up on IGN and other sites:
http://faqs.ign.com/articles/798/798589p1.html (Resident Evil 4 - Leon's game)
http://faqs.ign.com/articles/798/798621p1.html (Separate Ways - Ada's game)
Main Treasures
-- Amber Ring (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2-1
Location: Waterfall
-- Antique Pipe (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-3
Location: Swamp
-- Beerstein (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-1
Location: Farm
Combines with: Red Cateye, Green Catseye, Yellow Catseye
-- Red Catseye (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-1
Location: Booby Trap Path
Combines with: Beerstein
-- Green Catseye (3,000 PTAS
Chapter: 1-3
Location: Churchyard
Combines with: Beerstein
-- Yellow Catseye (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2-3
Location: Lift Control Area
Combine with: Beerstein
Beerstein w/(G,Y,R) (20,000 PTAS)
-- Brass Pocket Watch (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-2, 5-1
Location: Path to the Chief's House, Stairwell Hallway
-- Butterfly Lamp (4,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-2, 4-1
Location: Sewer Control Room, Hall of Broken Windows
Combined with: Green Eye, Red Eye, Blue Eye
-- Green Eye (1,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-2, 4-1, 4-2
Location: Sewers, Room with Novistador Nest, Novistador Cave
Extra Info: Kill the Novistadors and they will randomly drop this
Combined with: Butterfly Lamp
-- Red Eye (1,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-2, 4-1, 4-2
Location: Sewers, Room with Novistador Nest, Novistador Cave
Extra Info: Kill the Novistadors and they will randomly drop this
Combined with: Butterfly Lamp
-- Blue Eye (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-2, 4-1, 4-2
Location: Sewers, Room with Novistador Nest, Novistador Cave
Extra Info: Kill the Novistadors and they will randomly drop this
Combined with: Butterfly Lamp
Butterfly Lamp w/(R,G,B) (32,000 PTAS)
-- Crown (9,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 4-1
Location: Bottom of the Pit
Combined with: Crown Jewel, Royal Insignia
-- Crown Jewel (11,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 4-1
Location: Water Control Room
Extra Info: Defeat Verdugo
Combined with: Crown
-- Royal Insignia (13,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 4-2
Location: Novistador Cave
Combined with: Crown
Salazar Family Crown (48,000 PTAS)
-- Dirty Brass Pocket Watch (1,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-2
Location: Path to the Chief's House
Extra Info: If it falls into the Dirty Water
-- Dirty Pearl Pendant (1,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-1
Location: Farm
Extra Info: If it falls into the Dirty Water
-- Elegant Chessboard (13,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 4-1
Location: Spiked Ceiling Room (in the Storage Room afterwards)
-- Elegant Headdress (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-3, 5-3
Location: Secret Tunnel, Throne Room
-- Elegant Mask (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-2, 3-2
Location: Inside the Facility, Main Hall
Combined with: Green Gem, Red Gem, Purple Gem
-- Green Gem (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2-1, 3-1
Location: Lake Merchant Shop, Entrance Hall
Combined with: Elegant Mask
-- Red Gem (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2-3, 3-2
Location: Left Path (Ganado Path), Garden Maze
Combined with: Elegant Mask
-- Purple Gem (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2-3, 4-1
Location: Right Path (El Gigante Path), Painting Hall
Combined with: Elegant Mask
Elegant Mask w/(R,G,P) (20,000 PTAS)
-- Elegant Perfume Bottle (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 4-1
Location: Second Castle Exterior
-- Emerald (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 5-1 and onward
Location: several
-- Gold Bangle (8,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-1, 4-1, 4-4
Location: Castle Exterior, Outside the Tower, Tower
Extra Info: Kill the masked monk (Outside the Tower)
-- Gold Bangle w/Pearls (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-3
Location: Path to the Lake
Extra Info: Shoot the bird nest along the path
-- Golden Lynx (15,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 5-1
Location: Path to the Facility
Combined with: Red Stone of Faith, Green Stone of Judgment, Blue Stone of
-- Red Stone of Faith (3,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 5-1
Location: Outside the Monitor Room
Combined with: Golden Lynx
-- Green Stone of Judgment (3,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 5-2
Location: Room with Cages
Combined with: Golden Lynx
-- Blue Stone of Treason (3,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 5-3
Location: Camp
Combined with: Golden Lynx
Golden Lynx w/(R,G,B) (35,000 PTAS)
-- Hourglass w/gold décor (12,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-3
Location: Cage Trap Room
-- Illuminados Pendant (12,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-2, 4-1
Location: Main Hall (second floor), Lava Room
-- Mirror w/Pearls & Rubies (12,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-3
Location: Bedroom
-- Pearl Pendant (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-1, 5-4
Location: Farm, Island Ruins
-- Ruby (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-1, 2-3
Location: Pueblo Village, Left Path (Ganado Path)
-- Spinel (2,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-1 to 2-3
Location: several
-- Staff of Royalty (20,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 4-3
Location: Underground Maze
-- Velvet Blue (2,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-1 to 4-4
Location: several
Extra Treasures
-- Black Bass (750 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-2, 1-3, 2-1
Location: Inside the Facility, Merchant Shop, Path to the Lake, Lakeside with
-- Black Bass (L) (2,300 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-2, 1-3, 2-1
Location: Inside the Facility, Merchant Shop, Path to the Lake, Lakeside with
-- Broken Butterfly w/full ammo (19,000 PTAS) (-500 PTAS per shot fired)
Chapter: 4-1
Location: Second Castle Exterior
-- Gold Chicken Egg (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-1
Location: Farm
Extra Info: Chickens lay these at random. Exit and reenter the area for more
-- Punisher w/full ammo (10,000 PTAS) (-50 PTAS per shot fired)
Chapter: 1-3
Location: Merchant Shop
Extra Info: Shoot at least 10 of the blue medallions in the Farm and the
Churchyard and the merchant will give this away for free.
-- Punisher w/firepower upgrade and full ammo (15,000 PTAS) (-50 PTAS per shot
Chapter: 1-3
Location: Merchant Shop
Extra Info: Shoot all 15 of the blue medallions in the Farm and the Churchyard
and the merchant will give this away for free.
-- Rocket Launcher (15,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3-3
Location: Double-Sided Room
-- Shotgun w/full ammo (10,000 PTAS) (-120 PTAS per shot fired)
Chapter: 1-1
Location: Pueblo Village
-- Special Rocket Launcher (30,000 PTAS)
Chapter: Final
Location: Construction
Extra Info: Ada will throw this to Leon once he has taken down most of
Saddler's life. Grab the Special Rocket Launcher and defeat Saddler without
-- Yellow Herb (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: many
Location: several
Combined with: Red Herb, Green Herb
-- Yellow and Green Herb Mixture (4,5000 PTAS)
-- Yellow and Red Herb Mixture (5,000 PTAS)
-- Yellow, Green, and Red Herb Mixture (10,000 PTAS)
This list contains every treasure (money, valuable item, treasure) found in
Leon's game. I do not list the pesetas that you find in breakable object,
because they are usually random amounts that will vary for each playthrough.
There is a checklist in parentheses below each area that highlights all the
treasures in that area. The items surrounded with "** **" are treasures listed
on the treasure map.
Use this along with the walkthrough of Leon's game for the best experience.
Chapter 1-1
-- Woods --
Extra PTAS + Spinel - Shoot the crows along the path that leads up to the
cabin. Shoot the furthest crow on the ground for the Spinel.
Extra PTAS - Shoot the crows that are outside the shed with the typewriter -
the crow on the right always leaves a Hand Grenade.
(Spinel x 1)
-- Pueblo Village --
Red Ruby - Kill the chainsaw guy that is guarding the exit gates to Pueblo
Village. He will only be around before the bell sounds and before you go into
the house with the shotgun.
1,000 PTAS - Upstairs in the house with the shotgun, on a table.
1,000 PTAS - On a bed behind a door with a padlock in the house, across from
the house with the shotgun.
10,000 PTAS - After going into the house with the shotgun kill the second
chainsaw guy that comes after you.
Spinel - On the roof of the house that contains the shotgun. Bust through the
second story window on the right after coming up the stairs, and make your way
to the other side of the roof.
Yellow Herb - In the box behind the barn (with the cow).
(Red Ruby x 1, Spinel x 1, Yellow Herb x 1 , 12,000 PTAS)
-- Farm --
Pearl Pendant - Hanging on the roof of the well next to the typewriter. Shoot
the small piece of wood holding up the lid, then shoot the pendant. If you
shoot the pendant while the lid is open you will only get the dirty pendant.
Spinel - (1) First cabinet in the second barn. (2) Break the box in the small
building next to the large gate that cannot be open yet.
1,000 PTAS - Second cabinet in the second barn.
Beerstein - Go up the ladder to the second floor of the second barn. Jump out
the window to the left, and jump down the first drop-off in front of you. Turn
to the right and break the wooden box.
(** Beerstein x 1 **, Pearl Pendant x 1, Spinel x 2, 1,000 PTAS)
-- Booby Trapped Path --
Spinel - (1)(2) On the ceiling of the tunnel. (3) In the wooden box on the
shelf in the building to the left upon exiting the tunnel.
Red Catseye - Shoot the bird's nest in the tree to the right of the house with
the shuffling sound.
1,000 PTAS - Check the cabinet across from the typewriter.
1,000 PTAS - On the table of the second room with C4 in the house with the
shuffling sound.
(** Red Catseye x 1 **, Spinel x 3, 2,000 PTAS)
Chapter 1-2
-- Mountain Village --
Yellow Herb - Open the locker on the right inside of the small north-east
(Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Inside the Facility --
Spinel - In the room with all the bear traps, open the doors to the fireplace
near the end.
Elegant Mask - Right after exiting the room with bear traps, destroy the boards
that are barricading the window to the left. Hop through the window and it
will be to the left.
1,000 PTAS - Before leaving the building, jump down into the water and the
pesetas will be in the back.
Large black bass and many small black bass (x4) - Jump down in the water and
shoot them.
(** Elegant Mask x 1 **, Spinel x 1, Large black bass x 1, Small black bass x
4, 1,000 PTAS)
-- Path to the Chief's House --
Brass Pocket Watch - After you climb out of the well, it is to the left.
Remember, shoot the piece of wood and then shoot the item.
Extra PTAS - Shoot the crows.
(Brass Pocket Watch x 1)
-- Chief Mendez's House --
1,000 PTAS - Open the closet next to the bed.
(1,000 PTAS)
Chapter 1-3
-- Chief Mendez's House --
1,000 PTAS - In a cabinet, on the bottom floor next to a bookcase.
(1,000 PTAS)
-- Path Leading to Pueblo Village --
Ruby - Kill the chainsaw guy.
Spinel - Shoot the bird's nest in the big tree along the path leading up to the
small building.
(Ruby x 1, Spinel x 1)
-- Insignia Building --
Spinel - Shoot the lantern before going down the ladder.
(Spinel x 1)
-- Secret Tunnel --
Spinel - (1) Shoot the lantern above the puddle, and then look at the ceiling.
(2) On the ceiling next to the first Spinel.
Elegant Headdress - On the ceiling as well, but you will need to turn around
once you cross the puddle to see it.
(** Elegant Headdress x 1 **, Spinel x 2)
-- Churchyard --
Extra PTAS - Shoot the crows.
Green Catseye - Solve the puzzle in the back of the church.
(** Green Catseye x 1 **)
-- Holding Area --
Extra PTAS/Items - Shoot the crows.
Spinel - (1) Inside the first shed. (2) To the left in a wagon.
(Spinel x 2)
-- Merchant Shop --
Punisher - Shoot over 10 blue medallions and the merchant will give it to you
for free.
Punisher w/firepower upgrade - Shoot all the blue medallions and the merchant
will give it to you for free.
Note: The Punisher will be listed under the "Buy" category as 0 PTAS.
(Punisher x 1 or Punisher w/firepower upgrade x 1)
-- Swamp --
Spinel - After outrunning the boulder, turn around and look up on the side of
the mountain.
Antique Pipe - Once you reach the part where the bridge drops off into the
water, jump into the water and walk alongside the right of the bridge in front
of you until you reach an area of land with a single tree. Shoot the bird's
nest up in the tree.
(** Antique Pipe x 1 **, Spinel x 1)
-- Path to the Lake --
Gold Bangle w/Pearls - Take the right path and shoot the bird's nest at the top
of the second tree.
Yellow Herb - Break the wooden box on the table in the first shed.
(** Gold Bangle w/Pearls x 1 **, Yellow Herb x 1)
Chapter 2-1
-- Lakeside with Cabin --
Black Bass - In the water at the dock. Shoot them from the dock, and then use
the boat to drive over and collect them or you can use the boat's spears to
throw at the fish.
(Black Bass x ?)
-- Lake Merchant Shop -- (look for the blue torches in the water)
Spinel - After pushing the third crate, look off to the left and shoot the
hanging torch. You will have to collect the Spinel after going back down the
Green Gem - Break the wooden barrel and push the crate on the left. Break the
next two barrels and go up the ladder. Push the next two crates and break the
(** Green Gem x 1 **, Spinel x 1)
-- Waterfall --
5,000 PTAS - Kill the Plagas-headed Ganado.
Spinel - After going down the rope, look up and to the left to see it on the
side of the mountain.
Amber Ring - On top of the wooden structure right in front of the waterfall,
next to the area where you shoot the third crate.
(** Amber Ring x 1 **, Spinel x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Secret Cave Behind Waterfall --
Spinel - Destroy the torch next to the door.
(Spinel x 1)
-- Holding Area (El Gigante Fight) --
15,000 PTAS - Kill the El Gigante.
1,000 PTAS - (1) In the first shack. (2) In the second shack.
Spinel - (1) In the first shack. (2) In the third shack.
Yellow Herb - On the wheelbarrow along the northwest side.
Note: If El Gigante manages to destroy the shacks before the items are
collected, only one item will be left in the rubble in the Gamecube version.
(Spinel x 2, Yellow Herb x 1, 17,000 PTAS)
-- Church --
3,000 PTAS - Next to the altar.
(3,000 PTAS)
Chapter 2-2
-- Church -- (go back inside after the cutscene)
5,000 PTAS - Kill the monk on the left.
(5,000 PTAS)
-- Churchyard (Night) --
1,100 PTAS - In a bird's nest in the tree next to the church.
Spinel - Near the end of the path in a bird's nest up in a tree.
1,000 PTAS - Look for another bird nest just a little ways past the above
(Spinel x 1, 2,100 PTAS)
-- Insignia Building (night) --
Spinel - Shoot the lantern next to the ladder once again.
(Spinel x 1)
-- Pueblo Village (night) --
Spinel - Go up the ladder in the tower next to the insignia house.
* All wooden boxes and barrels have respawned in the village.
(Spinel x 1)
-- Farm (night) --
* All wooden boxes and barrels have respawned.
-- Cabin --
Yellow Herb - On the wooden chest by the front door
(Yellow Herb x 1)
Chapter 2-3
Note: For the next two areas, both ways can be taken, but you must backtrack
from the first area that you take back to the second.
-- El Gigante (right) Path --
1,000 PTAS - (1) In the first small building. (2) In the second small building.
(3) In the second small building.
Spinel - (1) In the first small building. (2) In the second small building. (3)
In the second small building.
Purple Gem - On top of a bucket that is hanging over the shed that contains the
old key.
Note: In order to get the items in the building, El Gigante must not destroy
(** Purple Gem x 1 **, Spinel x 3, 3,000 PTAS)
-- Ganado (left) Path --
Ruby - Kill the chainsaw lady with the red chainsaw.
Red Gem - After using the camp key, go through the door on the right side (it's
kind of hard to see at times). Destroy the boards on the window to the left
and jump through it. Follow the path until you reach some barrels.
(** Red Gem x 1 **, Ruby x 1)
-- Lift Control Area --
Yellow Catseye - After getting off the lift, go down the left path at the
bottom of the stairs, and it will be in a treasure chest at the end.
(** Yellow Catseye x 1 **)
-- Barn (Mendez boss fight) --
30,000 PTAS - Kill Mendez
Spinel - Shoot the red barrel.
Yellow Herb - On one of the second floor east windows.
(Spinel x 1, Yellow Herb x 1, 30,000 PTAS)
-- Path to the Castle --
5,500 PTAS - Destroy the vehicle and check the wreckage.
Velvet Blue - Shoot the second wooden barrel.
(Velvet Blue x 1, 5,500 PTAS)
Chapter 3-1
-- Castle Entrance --
5,000 PTAS - In a treasure behind the building that the merchant is in.
Spinel - In a barrel beside the stairs.
(Spinel x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Castle Exterior (w/catapults) --
Spinel - (1) In the debris of the structure that is destroyed by the first
fireball. (2) Destroy the torch near the exit (red door). (thanks to R Y series
Velvet Blue - (1) Up a little ways from the first spinel, and to the left.
Kill the two monks and it is in the room with the cannon. (2) In the small
building across the bridge once you have gone up the stairs. There is a monk
with a scythe in the building.
Gold Bangle - On the left side of the small building containing a velvet blue.
Yellow Herb - Open the small treasure chest on the shelf inside the small
(** Gold Bangle x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 2, Spinel x 2, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Sword Room --
2,000 PTAS - In the cabinet on the floor beside the entrance.
1,800 PTAS - On a table upstairs.
4,500 PTAS - Kill the red monk.
Spinel - In a wooden box on a shelf.
(Spinel x 1, 8,300 PTAS)
-- Outside the Castle Gates --
Spinel - In a barrel in the first building.
2,500 PTAS - In the cabinet in the first building.
Velvet Blue - In a barrel next to the treasure chest with the castle gate key
(Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1, 2,500 PTAS)
-- Entrance Hall (first Salazar encounter) --
Velvet Blue - Destroy the vase on the far left, in the room where you first
meet Salazar.
Green Gem - In the area where you first meet Salazar, face the decoration
puzzle, turn around, and then look up.
(** Green Gem x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 1)
-- Prison Hall --
Yellow Herb - In the barrel to the right of the file on the wall.
5,000 PTAS - Check the picture of Lord Saddler on the right wall.
15,000 PTAS - Kill the Garrador in the prison.
(Yellow Herb x 1, 20,000 PTAS)
-- Hall of Water --
Velvet Blue - Small vase on the right upon entering the hall.
4,500 PTAS - Kill the red monk
2,000 PTAS - On the table against the right wall.
5,500 PTAS - Kill the second red monk that comes down the stairs after the
stairs have been lowered. I believe Ashley has to use the crank in order to
make the monks attack you.
(Velvet Blue x 1, 12,000 PTAS)
-- Main Hall --
Spinel - (1) On the eye in the back of the first statue that is hanging upside-
down. (2) After shooting the statue, turn to the left, and open the cabinet
against the wall. (thanks to foosiew)
(Spinel x 2)
Chapter 3-2
-- Sewers (Deeper in the Sewers, Sewer Control Room) --
Velvet Blue - (1) After the first bug creature, jump down into the shallow
water ahead and two more insects will attack you. The item is flashing in the
water on the right. (2) After the water has been drained, kick down the gate
below, and it is to the left of the stairs in the water.
Butterfly Lamp - Inside a treasure chest, in the room with the valve handle.
Yellow Herb - In the second cell to the right, near the body.
(** Butterfly Lamp x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 2, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Pendulum Room --
Velvet Blue - After dodging all the pendulums, it is up the small stairway on
the right.
Spinel - Go up the ladder after the pendulums, and it is in one of the wooden
(Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1)
-- Main Hall (Second Floor) --
Spinel - (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) Kill all the monks below you on the
first floor. One rocket from the rocket launcher is a guaranteed hit for
killing them all. Grenades work well too, but it's not guaranteed to kill the
whole crowd. Jump down the ladder to finish off the survivors if you use a
Illuminados Pendant - Kill the red monk.
Velvet Blue - After swinging to the other side via the chandelier, destroy the
vases on the left.
Elegant Mask - After swinging across on the second chandelier, break the glass
on the case to the left, and open the treasure chest.
(** Elegant Mask x 1 **, Illuminados Pendant x 1, Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 10)
-- Painting Room (Chain Gun Room) --
Velvet Blue - small vase on the right.
1,000 PTAS (x4) - second floor on some shelves.
(Velvet Blue x 1, 4,000 PTAS)
-- The Gallery --
Spinel - After opening the door to the gallery, shoot the shiny deer's eye
(very nostalgic).
(Spinel x 1)
-- The Big Gallery --
Spinel - Go up the stairs, and it is on the right side lying in a chair.
Yellow Herb - When entering the area, go through the door on the right and move
up the stairs to find this in a corner of the floor above.
(Spinel x 1, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Dark Hall (and Second Castle Exterior) --
Spinel - (1) Above the second door on the left. (2) In the fountain. (3) In the
Velvet Blue - (1) In the fountain. (2) In the fountain.
Extra PTAS - Kill the three crows at the fountain.
* Try to shoot the crows that fly in the air and they will drop some extra
PTAS. I would only recommend this in the Wii version.
(Velvet Blue x 2, Spinel x 3)
-- Garden Maze --
Velvet Blue - Second wooden barrel, upon entering the garden.
Spinel - After going through the main gate to the garden, bust through the gate
on the right. Follow the path, and make another right, then follow that path
to the end.
Red Gem - Stand right next to the left side of the cage with the single dog.
Take the first left up ahead. Follow the path until it splits, and then take
the first left once again, and the red jewel will be in the treasure chest at
the end of the path.
Yellow Herb - In the southwest section of the garden near a gate.
(** Red Gem x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1, Yellow Herb x 1)
Chapter 3-3
-- Bedroom --
Spinel - (1) Break the vase to the right of the bed. (2) On the ceiling above
the bed. (Thanks to SolidSnake X)
Mirror w/Pearls and Rubies - Open the cabinet right across from the doorway
that leads to the merchant.
(** Mirror w/Pearls and Rubies x 1 **, Spinel x 2)
-- Storage Room (Right Side of the Dining Room) --
5,000 PTAS - Check the cabinet to the left upon entering the room.
Spinel - Break the wooden crates near the door with the padlock.
(Spinel x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Cage Trap Room --
Hourglass w/gold decor - Open the chest in the middle.
15,000 PTAS - Kill the Garrador.
(** Hourglass w/gold decor **, 15,000 PTAS)
-- Double-Sided Room --
Velvet Blue - Break the vase next to the rocket launcher case.
1,800 PTAS - On the table just before reaching the rocket launcher.
Rocket Launcher - In the glass case.
(Rocket Launcher x 1, Velvet Blue x 1, 1,800 PTAS)
-- Merchant Corridor --
Spinel - Break the vase right before the merchant.
(Spinel x 1)
Chapter 3-4
-- Second Floor Walkway (Ashley held captive below) --
Spinel - Break the vase across from where you entered the room.
5,000 PTAS - Check behind the picture of Saddler.
(Spinel x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Guest Room (with Ashley) --
Spinel - (1) On the left side of the desk to your left upon entering. (2) In a
drawer on the desk to the right in the room with the second monk.
Yellow Herb - Walk over to the left side of the first room and this will be
against the north wall.
2,500 PTAS - Open the cabinet against the far wall to the left of the bed.
(Spinel x 2, Yellow Herb x 1, 2,500 PTAS)
-- Dark Storage Room --
1,800 PTAS - Open the cabinet next to door on the left, past the gates.
Velvet Blue - On the table to the right of the above.
(Velvet Blue x 1, 1,800 PTAS)
-- Dark Knight Hall --
Spinel - (1) Straight ahead from where you enter, on top of the cupboards to
the side. (2) In a cabinet to the right of the Salazar Family Insignia.
Gold Bangle - Across from the doorway in a chest, after the block puzzle is
(** Gold Bangle x 1 **, Spinel x 2)
-- Salazar Family Room (w/turn dais) --
Spinel - Lying on top of a desk across from the blue door.
Velvet Blue - Open the drawer of the desk to the right upon entering the room.
1,800 & 1,500 PTAS - On a table, to the right after going up the ladder.
(Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1, 3,300 PTAS)
Chapter 4-1
Now that you have Ashley back, she can help you get an item that you missed
earlier. Backtrack to the...
-- Second Castle Exterior --
5,000 PTAS, Elegant Perfume Bottle, Broken Butterfly - Go to the locked door
beside the fountain and use the "piggyback" command in front of the window.
The items are inside in treasure chests.
Now go back to the room where you started this chapter...
(** Elegant Perfume Bottle x 1 **, Broken Butterfly, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Cart Room --
Velvet Blue - Break the vases on the right.
Spinel - After exiting the cart, break the vases on the left side.
(Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1)
-- Lava Room --
5,000 PTAS - Kill the first monk controlling the flame dragon, and a chest will
appear next to the cage in the middle.
Illuminados Pendant - Kill the second monk controlling the flame dragon, and
another chest will appear next to the cage in the middle.
(Illuminados Pendant x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Entrance Hall (Beyond Insignia Puzzle) --
5,000 PTAS - Before exiting the room, go up the staircases to the right. Now,
check behind the picture of Sadler.
(5,000 PTAS)
-- Second Cart Room --
Spinel - Before getting on the trolley, look to the right and hop over the
railing. Break the vase. (thanks to VincentVX73)
Velvet Blue - After getting off the trolley, break the vase on the left.
5,000 PTAS - Behind the painting next to the vase the velvet blue is in.
(Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Painting Hall (Grail Puzzle Area) --
Spinel - (1) At the end of the left hall, open the cabinet on the left. (2) On
the first statue in the hall with the flapping curtains. (3) On the fourth
Purple Gem - On the second statue.
Velvet Blue - On the third statue.
Yellow Herb - Lying on the end of the table in the right hall.
(** Purple Gem x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 3, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Knight Room --
6,500 PTAS (x3) - Dropped from each of the last three knights.
(19,500 PTAS)
-- Spiked Ceiling Room (and beyond) --
Spinel - After saving Ashley from the drilling vehicle, break the box to the
Velvet Blue - In the wooden barrel across from the box.
Elegant Chessboard - Open the cabinet next to the 2 wooden barrels.
(** Elegant Chessboard x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1)
-- Hall of Broken Windows --
Velvet Blue - In one of the vases to the right.
1,800 PTAS - In the first cabinet.
2,800 PTAS - In the second cabinet.
Butterfly Lamp - Jump out of the window at the end of the hall and climb the
ladder on the balcony. Follow the path to the end until you reach a treasure
(** Butterfly Lamp x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 1, 4,600 PTAS)
-- Room with Novistador Nest --
Assortment of Red Eyes, Blue Eyes, and Green Eyes - Blast all the Novistador's
and destroy the nest (the nest takes about 15 handgun bullets).
-- Outside the Tower --
Spinel - Destroy the first torch on the left.
Velvet Blue - In the first wooden barrel.
(Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1)
-- Outside the Tower (Drawbridge Leading Away from the Tower) --
Gold Bangle - Kill the lead monk with the mask.
(Gold Bangle x 1)
-- Second Main Hall --
15,000 PTAS - Kill the first Garrador.
15,000 PTAS - Kill the second Garrador.
(30,000 PTAS)
-- Stairs to Salazar's Throne --
Spinel - (1) On the left statue. (2) On the right statue.
(Spinel x 2)
-- Bottom of the Pit --
Velvet Blue - On the ground, next to one of the impaled monks.
Crown - In the hand of the dead monk leaning against the wall.
Yellow Herb - Northwest end near a fallen Zealot and the merchant.
(** Crown x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 1, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Waterway (up the ladder) --
Velvet Blue - In the first pipe on the left.
Spinel - In the fourth pipe.
(Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 1)
-- Water Control Room (Verdugo fight) --
Crown Jewel - Kill Verdugo.
(** Crown Jewel x 1 **)
Chapter 4-2
-- Merchant Cave --
Spinel - Break the wooden barrels to the right.
(Spinel x 1)
-- Mining Area --
Velvet Blue - (1) In the first mine cart next to the two villagers. (2) After
jumping down the ladder at the end of the tunnel, look in the mine cart next to
the lever.
2,800 PTAS - On top of a box to the right.
5,000 PTAS - Behind the circuit breaker.
10,000 PTAS - Kill the chainsaw guy on the way back from activating the circuit
(Velvet Blue x 2, 17,800 PTAS)
-- Lava Pit --
15,000 PTAS (x2) - Defeat each El Gigante. If an El Gigante is dropped in the
lava you will need to exit then reenter the room to get the PTAS.
* If you are playing the PS2 or Wii version, you will have to beat both El
Gigantes without knocking them into the lava to collect the full 30,000 PTAS.
Apparently the glitch was fixed in the PS2 and Wii versions.
(30,000 PTAS)
-- Novistador Cave --
Blue, Green, Red Eyes - Defeat the Novistadors.
Royal Insignia - On the pedestal at the end of the tunnel.
(** Royal Insignia x 1 **)
Chapter 4-3
-- Path to the Ruins --
Spinel - (1) Shoot the bird's nest on the north side of the large middle tree
in this area. (2) On a table, to the right of the first two villagers.
2,200 PTAS - To the left of the first two villagers.
Velvet Blue - To the right of the fire, in a well.
1,800 PTAS - To the right of the fire, behind the wall.
(Velvet Blue x 1, Spinel x 2, 4,000 PTAS)
-- Underground Maze --
Velvet Blue - (1) In the first wooden box in the tunnel to the left. (2) On
the ground to the right of the stairs leading into the maze. (3) On the ground,
near some rocks on the right side of the maze.
Staff of Royalty - Open the tomb down the stairs at the beginning of the maze.
Yellow Herb - Destroy the single barrel in the top room of the building with
the Key to the Mine.
10,000 PTAS - Kill the first chainsaw guy.
10,000 PTAS - Kill the second chainsaw guy.
(** Staff of Royalty x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 3, Yellow Herb x 1, 20,000 PTAS)
-- Room with Ceiling Spikes --
Extra PTAS (x3) - Open the tomb.
-- Sand Pit --
Spinel - (1) Almost directly across from the stairs against the wall. (2) Right
in front of the door where the dirt is falling (not against the wall;in the
middle). Look for the "Take" option for the second Spinel since it cannot be
seen otherwise.
Velvet Blue - Go down the steps and break the first wooden crate to the right.
(Spinel x 2, Velvet Blue x 1)
-- Mine --
10,000 PTAS - Kill the first chainsaw guy.
10,000 PTAS - Kill the second chainsaw guy.
Extra PTAS (x12) - After the mine carts, check near the skull and ribs to the
left in the room with the stone of sacrifice. This is near the skull. Look
for "Take" to appear on the screen and keep pressing the action button for a
total of 12 times.
* If you are playing the PS2 version, there will no bones on the ground to
signify the proper place to stand for the Extra PTAS. Look to the left as you
enter the room with the stone of sacrifice, and check slightly to the left of
the left pillar that is in the wall. This is much harder to get in the PS2
version since there is no skull to signify where to stand. The bones are there
in both the Gamecube and Wii version.
(20,000 PTAS)
Chapter 4-4
-- Salazar Statue Room --
Velvet Blue - (1) Second vase on the right when you first enter the area. (2)
In a vase on the other side of the statue, second floor.
5,000 PTAS - Kill the red monk.
Spinel - In a vase on the third floor on the side you start out from. (statue's
(Velvet Blue x 2, Spinel x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Tower --
5,500 PTAS - Kill the monk with the ram skull mask. After you make it up to
the barrel switch he will appear at the bottom of the tower.
Gold Bangle - Right before the small elevator that leads up to Salazar is a
drop-off to the right with a chest.
Yellow Herb - Move around the far side of the stack of crates to the left to
find this in a small treasure chest. This is at the bottom of the tower.
(** Gold Bangle x 1 **, Yellow Herb x 1, 5,500 PTAS)
-- Ceremony Room (Salazar Boss Fight) --
50,000 PTAS - Beat Salazar.
(50,000 PTAS)
-- Castle Dock (with Merchant) --
Spinel - Break the wooden box.
(Spinel x 1)
Chapter 5-1
-- Island Shore (and Enemy Camp) --
Emerald - Take the left path, climb to the top and break the boxes.
15,000 PTAS - Kill the guy with the chain gun (JJ).
(Emerald x 1, 15,000 PTAS)
-- Path to the Facility --
Emerald - On a box to the right at the starting.
Golden Lynx - Look inside the cave that is next to where the searchlight is
shining. Shoot the red barrel down one of the corridors inside. Climb up the
ledges behind the hidden entrance that the barrel will make when it explodes.
There is a treasure chest on top of the ledge.
(** Golden Lynx x 1 **, Emerald x 1)
-- Front Hall (inside the Facility) --
2,000 PTAS - Open the locker to the left.
(2,000 PTAS)
-- Outside the Monitor Room --
Red Stone of Faith - Go down the stairs and open the metal case at the bottom.
Yellow Herb - Enter the small room on the right side of the basement (northeast
side) and break the barrel on the right.
(** Red Stone of Faith x 1 **, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Monitor Room --
5,000 PTAS - Open the locker behind you after the cutscene.
(5,000 PTAS)
-- Artillery Room --
Emerald - In one of the drawers right next to the large door with enemies
behind it.
(Emerald x 1)
-- Stairwell Hallway (first floor) --
Brass Pocket Watch - In the wooden box next to the typewriter.
(Brass Pocket Watch x 1)
-- Stairwell Hallway (second floor) --
Emerald - Across from the door to the freezer in a metal case.
5,000 PTAS - Kill the Regenerator.
5,000 PTAS - Kill the Regenerator.
(Emerald x 1, 10,000 PTAS)
-- Operating Room --
Emerald - In the small room where the Regenerator is lying down, break the
glass to the side.
5,000 PTAS - Kill the Regenerator.
(Emerald x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Freezer --
5,000 PTAS - Kill the Regenerator.
(5,000 PTAS)
-- Waste Disposal Area --
Emerald - Inside the left dumpster against the far wall.
(Emerald x 1)
-- Surveillance Room --
Yellow Herb - On a table in the back of the Surveillance Room.
(Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Testing Room (First Iron Maiden encounter) --
Emerald - Break the glass on the smaller tubes (4 in a row) and check them.
(Emerald x 1)
-- Control Tower --
Extra Items and PTAS amounts - Kill the crows when you first enter this area.
One of them has a whopping 5,000 PTAS.
(5,000 PTAS + random amounts)
Chapter 5-2
-- Bottom of the Waste Disposal --
20,000 PTAS (x2) - Kill the Iron Maidens.
(40,000 PTAS)
-- Corridor (Hall with Shutters) --
Yellow Herb - Near some pipes on the wall across from the red door at the end
of the corridor.
5,000 PTAS (x2) - Kill the Regenerators
(Yellow Herb x 1, 10,000 PTAS)
-- Room with Cages (after Bulldozer Ride) --
5,000 PTAS - In the cabinet to the right.
Green Stone of Judgment - In the metal case next to the merchant.
(** Green Stone of Judgment x 1 **)
Chapter 5-3
-- Dark Altar Room --
5,000 PTAS - To the left of the stairs.
(5,000 PTAS)
-- Dark Stairwell (before Boiler Room) --
Emerald - Break the middle left window glass (look up). (thanks to William Lee)
(Emerald x 1)
-- Boiler Room --
Extra PTAS - Check the locker inside the office (up the stairs).
-- Storage Room (on the right of the Boiler Room) --
3,000 PTAS - On top of a box in the back
(3,000 PTAS)
-- Catwalk Area (knife fight) --
3,000 PTAS - In the far corner across from the entrance door.
(3,000 PTAS)
-- Throne Room --
Emerald - On the chair.
Elegant Headdress - Stand in front of the chair, turn around, and look up.
(** Elegant Headdress x 1 **, Emerald x 1)
-- Cave Entrance --
Emerald - Under the stairs at the beginning.
(Emerald x 1)
-- Cave --
Yellow Herb - Walk through the hole in the fence to the left and it is lying on
a crate inside.
(Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Deeper in the Cave ("It" boss battle) --
50,000 PTAS - Kill "It"
(50,000 PTAS)
-- Camp --
Yellow Herb - Lying along the dead end path beside the tent.
3,000 PTAS - Break the box on the table to the right in the tent right before
jumping into the hole.
Emerald - After going into the hole below the tent look up and it will be
shining on the ceiling.
Blue Stone of Treason - Inside the tunnel there is a small path to the right
and this will be lying on some boxes at the end.
5,000 PTAS - Right before getting to the merchant at the end of the tunnel,
there is a path to the left with two wooden boxes at the end. Break the one on
the left.
(** Blue Stone of Treason x 1 **, Emerald x 1, Yellow Herb x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- Ruins (northwest) --
Yellow Herb - Through the doorway to the left right after talking with Krauser.
(Yellow Herb x 1)
Chapter 5-4
-- Soldier Ganado Camp --
Yellow Herb - Break the barrel outside the tunnel (where the second chain gun
starts to fire).
15,000 PTAS - Kill the guy with the chain gun (JJ).
5,000 PTAS - In the tent on the left, below the second switch. Break the
wooden barrel.
(Yellow Herb x 1, 20,000 PTAS)
-- Entrance to the Island Ruins --
Emerald - (1) On top of the pedestal against the wall after going up the
stairs. (2) Near the top of the first pedestal along the path that leads to the
(Emerald x 2)
-- Island Ruins --
Pearl Pendant - Look on top of the tomb behind the ladder.
(** Pearl Pendant x 1 **)
-- Island Prison --
Yellow Herb - On a chair, at the end of the west corridor.
5,000 PTAS - Kill the Regenerator.
(Yellow Herb x 1, 5,000 PTAS)
-- In Front of the Lab --
Yellow Herb - Inside the right locker in the west building.
15,000 PTAS - Kill the enemy with the chain gun (JJ).
5,000 PTAS - In the building where you use the keycard, open the metal case on
the table.
(Yellow Herb x 1, 20,000 PTAS)
-- Merchant Area --
5,000 PTAS (x2) - Take the path on the right after entering this area and break
both of the barrels.
(10,000 PTAS)
-- Experiment Room --
Yellow Herb - Near the table by the exit door.
(Yellow Herb x 1)
Final Chapter
Note: Make sure to sell any unneeded items to the merchant before the final
boss fight. Remember, you will need to make room for the special rocket
launcher in your inventory.
-- Construction Site (Final Boss fight) --
100,000 PTAS - Kill the final boss.
Special Rocket Launcher - Do not use the special rocket launcher on the final
boss. Kill him without it and save it for your next game so you can sell it to
the merchant.
(Special Rocket Launcher x 1, 100,000 PTAS)
-- Beerstein (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2
Location: Booby Trap Path
Combines with: Red Cateye, Green Catseye, Yellow Catseye
-- Red Catseye (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2
Location: Path to the Barn
Combines with: Beerstein
-- Green Catseye (3,000 PTAS
Chapter: 2
Location: Lift Control Area
Combines with: Beerstein
-- Yellow Catseye (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2
Location: Right (El Gigante) Path
Combine with: Beerstein
Beerstein w/(G,Y,R) (20,000 PTAS)
Brass Pocket Watch (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2
Location: Path to the Chief's House
-- Butterfly Lamp (4,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 5
Location: Exterior of Saddler's Laboratory
Combined with: Green Eye, Red Eye, Blue Eye
-- Green Eye (1,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 5
Location: Island Prison
Combined with: Butterfly Lamp
-- Red Eye (1,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 5
Location: Entrance to the Island Ruins
Combined with: Butterfly Lamp
-- Blue Eye (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 5
Location: Soldier Ganado Camp
Combined with: Butterfly Lamp
Butterfly Lamp w/(R,G,B) (32,000 PTAS)
Dirty Brass Pocket Watch (1,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2
Location: Path to Chief's House
Extra Info: If it falls into the dirty water
Elegant Chessboard (13,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3
Location: Double-Sided Room
-- Elegant Mask (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1
Location: Pueblo Village
Combined with: Green Gem, Red Gem, Purple Gem
-- Green Gem (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1
Location: Secret Tunnel
Combined with: Elegant Mask
-- Red Gem (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1
Location: Churchyard
Combined with: Elegant Mask
-- Purple Gem (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1
Location: Church
Combined with: Elegant Mask
Elegant Mask w/(R,G,P) (20,000 PTAS)
Elegant Perfume Bottle (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3
Location: Bedroom
Gold Bangle (8,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 2
Location: Farm
Gold Bangle w/Pearls (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 3
Location: Garden Maze
-- Golden Lynx (15,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 4
Location: Tunnel
Combined with: Red Stone of Faith, Green Stone of Judgment, Blue Stone of
-- Red Stone of Faith (3,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 4
Location: Room with Cages
Combined with: Golden Lynx
-- Green Stone of Judgment (3,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 4
Location: Industrial Area
Combined with: Golden Lynx
-- Blue Stone of Treason (3,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 4
Location: Boiler Room
Combined with: Golden Lynx
Golden Lynx w/(R,G,B) (35,000 PTAS)
Ruby (10,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2, 3
Location: Path to Pueblo Village, Cage Trap Room
Extra Info: Kill the chainsaw Ganado, kill the Garrador
Spinel (2,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 1-3
Location: several
Velvet Blue (2,500 PTAS)
Chapter: 4-5
Location: several
Extra Treasures
Blacktail (12,300 PTAS) (-50 PTAS per shot fired)
Chapter: 1
Location: Ada's starting weapon
Bowgun (35,000 PTAS) (worth the same amount when empty)
Bowgun Bolts (2,500 PTAS per bolt) (each pickup has three bolts most of the
Chapter: 3 and above
Location: several
Gold Chicken Egg (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: 2
Location: Chief Mendez's House
Shotgun w/full ammo (10,720 PTAS) (-120 PTAS per shot fired)
Chapter: 1
Location: Ada's starting weapon
TMP (6,400 PTAS) (-20 PTAS per shot fired)
Yellow Herb (3,000 PTAS)
Chapter: all
Location: several
Yellow and Green Herb Mixture (4,500 PTAS)
Yellow and Red Herb Mixture (5,000 PTAS)
Yellow, Green, and Red Herb Mixture (10,000 PTAS)
This list contains every treasure (money, valuable item, treasure) found in
Ada's game. I do not list the pesetas that you find in breakable object,
because they are usually random amounts that will vary for each playthrough.
There is a checklist in parentheses below each area that highlights all the
treasures in that area. The items surrounded with "** **" are treasures listed
on the treasure map.
Use this along with the walkthrough of Ada's game (Separate Ways) for the best
Chapter 1
-- Pueblo Village --
* For this area, you can stay and shoot villagers for as long as you want.
There is an endless onslaught of them. You may reach a point to where they
seem to stop coming, but soon another wave will arrive from nowhere. Stay and
kill to your heart's content...or at least long enough to collect all the
valuable treasures. Once the insignia door is entered, there is no going back.
Elegant Mask - On a bed behind a padlocked door, inside the house that is
across from the house containing Leon's shotgun (same house where the insignia
key appears on the roof).
Spinel - (1) On the roof of the house that contains Leon's shotgun. Bust
through the second story window on the right after coming up the stairs, and
make your way to the other side of the roof. (2) At the west exit of Pueblo
Village, to the right near the door. (3) At the northeast exit to Pueblo
Village, to the left near the door.
Yellow Herb - In the box, behind the stable.
1,000 PTAS - Upstairs in the house with Leon's shotgun, on a table.
(** Elegant Mask x 1 **, Spinel x 3, Yellow Herb x 1, 1,000 PTAS)
-- Secret Tunnel (Under Insignia House) --
Green Gem - Inside the box in the middle of the tunnel.
(** Green Gem x 1 **)
-- Churchyard --
* Make sure to get the items in the first two bird's nests in the first few
trees and the one in front of the church. There is another bird's nest in a
tree in front of the church that contains a green herb also.
Extra PTAS - Shoot the three crows on the gravestones.
Red Gem - Lying on top of the middle gravestone in the graveyard.
Yellow Herb - Inside the small building on a box lying on the shelf.
3,000 PTAS - Kill the chainsaw lady at the end of the bridge.
(** Red Gem x 1 **, Yellow Herb x 1, 3,000 PTAS)
-- Church --
Purple Gem - As you enter, it is to the right, on the floor next to the window.
The wall sticks out a bit to slightly conceal it.
(** Purple Gem x 1 **)
Chapter 2
-- Chief Mendez's House --
* Make sure to go to the area on the west side of Mendez's House for some extra
pickups and treasures. You cannot backtrack to this area on your second trip
to the house.
1,000 PTAS - Inside the wooden closet beside the merchant.
2,000 PTAS - Inside the cabinet below the Saddler picture in the second floor
Gold Chicken Egg - Inside the oven downstairs.
250 PTAS - Downstairs inside the cabinet next to the bookcase.
(Gold Chicken Egg x 1, 3,250 PTAS)
-- Path to the Chief's House --
Extra PTAS - Shoot the three crows down the path.
Spinel - Break the box inside the building.
Brass Pocket Watch - Beside the building, above the well. Shoot the board
first, then shoot the watch or else it will get dirty.
(** Brass Pocket Watch x 1 **, Spinel x 1)
-- Path to Pueblo Village --
* Make sure to shoot the two bird's nests in the trees along the path for some
extra pickups.
Ruby - Kill the chainsaw guy.
(Ruby x 1)
-- Pueblo Village --
* All boxes have respawned from the last chapter. A few more item pickups are
added as well. No new treasures.
-- Farm --
Spinel - (1) Above the well, next to the small building with the typewriter.
Shoot the board, then shoot the Spinel. If the Spinel falls into the dirty
water, Ada will refuse to pick it up. (2) Stand to the right of the front of
the first barn (face the barn), and use Ada's grappling hook to get to the top
for this one.
1,000 PTAS - Check the cabinet near the back entrance in the second barn.
Gold Bangle - After climbing up the ladder and hopping out the window of the
second barn, drop off the area directly ahead (between the wooden boards) and
break the box to the character's right. (this is the same place where the
Beerstein is located in Leon's game)
(** Gold Bangle x 1 **, Spinel x 2, 1,000 PTAS)
-- Booby Trap Path --
Beerstein - Go a little ways past the overhead bridge, next to the remnants of
a fence off to the left side, and it will give you the option to grapple once
you turn around. Once on top of the bridge, the Beerstein will be on your left
in the barrel. Please note that you CANNOT grapple up to the bridge on the way
back if you miss this the first time.
Spinel - (1) Inside the bird's nest in front of the big house where Luis was
kept. This is where the Red Gem is located in Leon's game (2) As you are
facing the outside of the big house, look for the wooden box to the right side
of the house.
(** Beerstein x 1 **, Spinel x 2)
-- Farm (revisit) --
Spinel - To the left on the raised area of land before you exit the area.
300 PTAS - On the table, right beside the typewriter.
(Spinel x 1, 300 PTAS)
-- Lift Control Area --
Green Catseye - Inside the treasure chest in the back of the tunnel right after
Ada wakes up.
Yellow Herb - Open the locker to the left once you walk inside the control room
(this will be to the merchant's right).
(** Green Catseye x 1 **, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Path to the Barn --
Red Catseye - Outside the barn on the right.
Yellow Herb - Outside the barn on the right.
(** Red Catseye x 1 **, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Village Exit --
Spinel - Lying on the ground next to the gates that lead to Salazar's castle.
1,000 PTAS - Lying on top of the trash can in the building with the typewriter.
(Spinel x 1, 1,000 PTAS)
-- Right (El Gigante) Path --
Yellow Catseye - Just a little ways past the wooden entrance there is a grapple
point that will lead you to this and a First Aid Spray that are inside barrels.
There is also another grapple point to the left of this one further down the
Spinel - On the ground right before you get to the group of small buildings.
10,000 PTAS - Kill El Gigante.
(** Yellow Catseye x 1 **, Spinel x 1, 10,000 PTAS)
Chapter 3
-- Garden Maze --
(the directions start from the beginning of this maze (where Ada starts))
Bowgun Bolts - On the fountain behind the merchant.
3,000 PTAS - (1) Kill the first red monk. (turn right before going over the
first bridge) (2) Kill the second red monk (go across the first bridge and turn
left to eventually meet him). (3) Kill the third red monk. (Go across the first
bridge, and turn right. When you reach the cage, go down the path straight
ahead and take the second right, followed by another right, and another
immediate right.) (4) Kill the fourth red monk (Go across the first bridge, and
turn right. When you reach the cage, go down the path straight ahead and take
the second right, followed by another right. Follow the path, and then take a
left at the split to find him). (5) Kill the fifth red monk (he will be
guarding the doors at the beginning (or end for Ada) of the maze).
Yellow Herb - Go across the first bridge, and turn right. When you reach the
cage, go down the path straight ahead and take the third right.
Gold Bangle w/Pearls - Go across the first bridge, and turn right. When you
reach the cage go down the path straight ahead and take the second right,
followed by a left. Go up the bridge to get the treasure.
(** Gold Bangle w/Pearls **, Yellow Herb x 1, Bowgun Bolts x 1, 15,000 PTAS)
-- Second Castle Exterior --
* Check the door to the locked room, then move back and grapple to the top
window on the side. You must check the door first to get the grapple icon.
Yellow Herb - Inside the second small left chest to the left in the locked
3,000 PTAS - Kill the red monk in the locked room.
(Yellow Herb x 1, 3,000 PTAS)
-- Dark Hall --
3,000 PTAS - (1) Kill the first red monk (He may come though the blue door
after you). (2) Kill the second red monk in the back of the hall.
(6,000 PTAS)
-- Storage Room --
150 PTAS - Open the cabinet across from the merchant.
(150 PTAS)
-- Dining Room --
3,000 PTAS - Kill the red monk in the hall.
(3,000 PTAS)
-- Bedroom --
Elegant Perfume Bottle - Walk to either side of the bed and look up on the
ceiling above the bed. Shoot the bottle hanging overhead. A Spinel was here
in Leon's game.
Bowgun Bolts - In the room to the right of the bed, inside the wooden closet on
the far wall.
(** Elegant Perfume Bottle x 1 **, Bowgun Bolts)
-- Cage Trap Room --
Ruby - Kill the Garrador.
Bowgun Bolts - Check the hall with the painting off to the side - this is the
painting with the winglass that Leon shoots in his game. They will be on the
floor at the end near the counter (other side of the counter).
(Ruby x 1, Bowgun Bolts x 1)
-- Double-Sided Room --
Elegant Chessboard - Jump to the bottom floor and look behind the last pillar
that holds up the narrow bridge.
(all the rest of this is in the next hall past the door at the end of the
Spinel - Break the pot on the table off to the right in the hall up the stairs.
* Shoot the Flash Grenade on the ceiling of the alcove where the merchant is
usually at in Leon's game - not a treasure, but it is very well hidden.
(** Elegant Chessboard x 1 **, Spinel x 1)
-- Second Floor Walkway --
* All the pots in this room do not contain items, so it is worthless to break
Chapter 4
-- Tunnel --
Velvet Blue - On the concrete as you exit from the storage room back into the
* When exiting the storage room, look to the right and grapple up to the pipes.
BE SURE to watch for the big soldier in the pipe. The pipe will lead you to:
Yellow Herb - As you land from the drop-off look behind you.
Golden Lynx - Through the door of the room you fall to.
Bowgun Bolts - On the box across from the Lynx. This is your way out. Climb
the box then climb the next box to get back over the destroyed truck.
(** Golden Lynx x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 1, Yellow Herb x 1, Bowgun Bolts x 1)
-- Battleship Hangar --
* For this part, DO NOT go after the items until you have taken down the chain
guns and rocket launchers on the battleship during both waves of them.
Bowgun Bolts - Lying on one of the boxes in the back of some large metal crates
in front of the ladder. There is a small opening to the right that will lead
to this box.
Velvet Blue - When you go up the ladder, it will be in the back of the metal
walkway next to the breakable wooden boxes.
(Velvet Blue x 1, Bowgun Bolts x 1)
-- Platforms (after battleship sinks) --
Bowgun Bolts - In the treasure chest on the boxes to the right.
(Bowgun Bolts x 1)
-- Industrial Area --
Velvet Blue - After the first drop-off, it will be below the catwalk (that Ada
can grapple to) on a box.
Green Stone of Judgment - After getting the Velvet Blue, grapple onto the above
catwalk and climb the ladder. It will be up the stairs to the right on the
Yellow Herb - At the next small drop-off after the above, it will be next to
some boxes across from the locked door.
(** Green Stone of Judgment **, Velvet Blue x 1, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Dark Altar Room --
* Don't venture over to the furnace room just yet. Make sure to backtrack
through the double doors for some extra pickups.
Bowgun Bolts - To the left of the stairs.
(Bowgun Bolts x 1)
-- Room with Cages --
Red Stone of Faith - Inside the metal case.
Bowgun Bolts - In the left cabinet in the back. The other cabinet has a
(** Red Stone of Faith x 1 **, Bowgun Bolts x 1)
-- Wreckage --
Yellow Herb - In the room with the wrecked bulldozer, to the right as you
(Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Boiler Room --
Blue Stone of Treason - Shoot the windows up above as you go down the first set
of stairs. Look up. It's in the middle section.
1,100 PTAS - Check the locker in the upstairs office.
(** Blue Stone of Treason x 1 **, 1,100 PTAS)
-- Catwalk Area (Leon and Krauser fight) --
Velvet Blue - Beyond the grapple point. Make sure to get this before
(Velvet Blue x 1)
Chapter 5
-- Soldier Ganado Camp --
Velvet Blue - (1) In the breakable wooden barrel, next to the grapple point at
the beginning. (2) After the Ganado fire trap building, go down the stairs and
drop off to the area with the tents and it will be in the left tent.
Bowgun Bolts - (1) On top of the area where the first chain gun guy (JJ) jumps
down from. Grapple up to it. (2) Across from the left switch near the end.
Blue Eye - On top of the area where the first chain gun guy (JJ) jumps down
from. Grapple to it. It will be inside of a barrel on the left. You will
have to look for the "Take" option while next to the barrel since the treasure
is basically invisible. Very well hidden. It can be seen if you aim downward
and look inside the barrel.
Yellow Herb - (1) Next to the bridge and across from a ladder. (2) Across from
the tents described in the second Velvet Blue location.
4,000 PTAS - (1) Beat the chain gun guy (JJ) guarding the right switch of the
main gate. (2) Beat the chain gun guy (JJ) guarding the left switch of the main
(** Blue Eye x 1 **, Velvet Blue x 2, Bowgun Bolts x 2, Yellow Herb x 2, 8,000
-- Entrance to the Island Ruins --
Yellow Herb - In the barrel down the blocked off entrance.
Red Eye - On top of the first pillar (look up and shoot it) down the path that
leads to the exit.
(** Red Eye x 1 **, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- Island Ruins --
Bowgun Bolts - On the pedestal behind the ladder.
(Bowgun Bolts x 1)
-- Island Prison --
Yellow Herb - Check in the back of the hidden hallway across from the merchant.
The entrance is to the right of the entrance to the cells.
Green Eye - Inside the second cell to the right.
(** Green Eye x 1 **, Yellow Herb x 1)
-- In front of the Lab (Krauser Fight) --
* There are tons of ammo and health pickups on each platform. Make sure to
collect all the items on each one before wearing down Krauser since Ada will
immediately grapple to the next platform when Krauser jumps away.
Bowgun Bolts - Along with the other pickups after the first grapple.
(Bowgun Bolts x 1)
-- Exterior of Saddler's Laboratory --
Butterfly Lamp - Around the left corner, directly after grappling from the
Krauser fight.
(** Butterfly Lamp x 1 **)
-- Saddler's Laboratory (Saddler Fight) --
* There are tons of items spread around the room for this fight. Be sure to
drop to the bottom floor and collect them all.
Bowgun Bolts - Run straight ahead from the starting place and they will be
waiting on a box.
(Bowgun Bolts x 1)
== | ================================================================= | ==
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| U N L O C K A B L E S & E X T R A S |
== | ================================================================= | ==
Unlockables and Extras for all modes of Resident Evil 4 are located in this
section. Some of the items are nothing more than just easter eggs that are
merely placed in the game for show. A few are arguably just environmental
additions, but I consider them special, so they are listed here and will remain
here for all eternity.
-- Leon and Ashley Extra Outfit #1
(RPD uniform and pink and white outfit)
Complete the main game.
-- Leon and Ashley Extra Outfit #2
(Gangster and Knight armor outfit)
Complete Separate Ways.
-- Chicago Typewriter (in Leon's game)
Complete Separate Ways and the merchant will sell it for 1000000 pesetas in the
bonus game of the Leon's main game on any difficulty.
-- Chicago Typewriter (in Separate Ways)
Complete Assignment Ada and the merchant will sell it for 300000 pesetas in the
bonus game of Separate Ways.
-- Infinite Rocket Launcher
Complete the main game and the merchant will sell it for 1000000 pesetas in the
bonus game of Leon's main game on any difficulty.
-- Matilda
Complete the main game and the merchant will have it for sale.
-- Handcannon
Achieve a five star ranking on all four stages with all five character in The
Mercenaries. Every character must have completed all four stages with a five
star ranking. The merchant will offer this weapon for free in any bonus game
(normal or professional) of Leon's main game.
-- P.R.L. 412 (Plagas Removal Laser)
Complete the main game on Professional difficulty and the merchant will hand it
over free on any bonus game (normal or professional) of Leon's main game.
-- Bonus Game [Leon's Game] (Clear game file)
Complete the main mode of RE4 and save the clear file when given the chance to
start from the beginning with all weapons and upgrades.
-- Bonus Game [Separate Ways - Ada's Game] (Clear game file)
Complete Separate Ways and save the clear file when given the chance to start
from the beginning with all weapons and upgrades.
-- Bonus
- Bonus Video
Default unlockable (NA and JP only)
- Credits
Complete the main game.
-- Separate Ways
Complete the main game.
-- Assignment Ada
Complete the main game.
-- The Mercenaries
Complete the main game.
-- Movie Browser
Complete the main game.
-- Movie Browser (Separate Ways section)
Complete Separate Ways.
-- Ada's Report
- Report #1
Complete Chapter 1 of Separate Ways
- Report #2
Complete Chapter 2 of Separate Ways
- Report #3
Complete Chapter 3 of Separate Ways
- Report #4
Complete Chapter 4 of Separate Ways
- Report #5
Complete Chapter 5 of Separate Ways (this report is not played in the
actual Separate Ways mode)
At certain part of the main game (Leon's game), the merchant will have a blue
door beside him that leads to a shooting gallery.
There are altogether four shooting games that can be played - Game A, Game B,
Game C, and Game D.
-- Rapid-fire
-- Sniping
Game A - Main Hall (Chapter 3-1)
Game B - Painting Hall (Chapter 4-1)
Game C - Merchant Cave (Chapter 4-2)
Game D - Artillery Room (Chapter 5-1)
Male Ganado (in head) = 100 pts
Female Ganado (in head) = 200 pts
Any Ganado (body) = 50 pts
Ashley = -1000pts
* Salazar Head = 500 pts
* Appears in the very back of the shooting range after five Ganados have been
shot in a row without missing.
Each game requires that you meet three objectives with both rapid-fire guns and
sniping guns for a total of six objectives per game. It is possible to receive
all six bottle caps without switching weapons if you keep scoring above the
objective 3 point amount.
Objective 1 - Score 2000 points or more
Objective 2 - Score 3000 points or more
Objective 3 - Score 4000 points or more
A total of 24 bottle caps can be won along with a certain amount of pesetas for
finishing each game.
-- Bottle Caps
Ashley Graham
Bella Sisters
Don Diego
Don Estabon
Don Jose
Don Manuel
Don Pedro
Dr. Salvador
Leader Zealot
Leon with Handgun
Leon with Rocket Launcher
Lean with Shotgun
Luis Sera
Soldier with dynamite
Soldier with hammer
Soldier with stun rod
Zealot with Bowgun
Zealot with Scythe
Zealot with Shield
-- Pesetas Amounts
Game A - 15000 PTAS
Game B - 25000 PTAS
Game C - 35000 PTAS
Game D - 50000 PTAS
Once all the objectives are complete for both sets of weapons in a game, talk
to the merchant and select "End Game" to receive the extra peseta amount. The
bottle caps will appear in the inventory under "Treasures" as you accomplish
each objective.
Select the following weapons to buy to get the merchant to comment on your
-- Buy the Red9
"Ahh... A choice of an avid gun collector. It's a nice gun stranger."
-- Buy the Punisher (BUY, do not get free)
"A wise choice mate. Its ammo will penetrate just about anything."
-- Buy the Rocket Launcher, Infinite Rocket Launcher, or Chicago Typewriter
"Stranger. Stranger. Now that's a weapon."
-- Buy the Broken Butterfly
"I see you got an eye for things. Guns not just about shootin'. It's about
reloadin'. You'll know what I'm talkin' about."
-- Buy the Mine Thrower
"Not only will you need cash but you'll need guts to buy that weapon."
-- Buy the Matilda
"An awesome choice stranger. It's got a 3 round rapid-fire capability.
Although it uses up ammo rather quickly."
-- Buy the Handcannon
"Stranger. What you need that for? Going huntin' an elephant?"
-- Alternate Title Screen
Complete the main game.
Title Screen Controls:
D-pad Left: pan to the left
D-pad Right: pan to the right
-- Somersault and Barrel Roll on Jet-Ski
In the final area where Leon and Ashley are on a jet-ski, press and hold the
following buttons BEFORE attempting a jump from one of the three ramps:
Wii-mote: Hold the C button + Z button
Classic : Hold the L button + R button
Gamecube: Hold the L button + R button
Leon will perform a somersault in the air on the first ramp and perform a
barrel roll while jumping from the last two ramps.
-- Perverted Leon
While Ashley is with Leon, tell her to wait on some high platform then get
below her and try to tilt the camera so that it looks up her skirt. Climbing a
ladder while Ashley is on a high platform is one of the best ways to get this
Note: This can only be done while Ashley is wearing her normal outfit.
-- Leon's Backache Animation
While Ashley is in her Knight Armor costume, Leon will grab his back every time
that he catches Ashley when she jumps from a high platform.
-- Indestructible Ashley
While Ashley is in her Knight Armor costume, she is completely immune to harm.
Try to shoot her and bullets will do no harm, nor flame grenade, hand grenades,
lamps, explosive barrels, or even rocket launchers! With this outfit, an enemy
cannot steal her away either since she is too heavy for them to lift. Tell
Ashley to wait near explosive barrels while enemies pile up!
El Gigante? He'll drop her since she is so heavy then come for
Bear Traps? She'll get stuck in them but they won't harm her.
Plagas Heads? No effect. She even immune to a head bite.
Truck before the castle? It will run over her and knock her upwards but do no
damage in the process.
Fireballs at the castle? They will only knock her down.
The cannon's blast? Again, it will only knock her down.
When you play with her? She is totally invincible. If a Zealot grabs her, she
will automatically kick it off.
The drill machine? Goes right through her.
The Chicago Typewriter Really gives her armor a good shaking but no damage
or the Handcannon? is lost. It's quite hilarious and must be seen at
least once.
-- Adjusting Leon's hat
Have Leon in his gangster outfit then purchase the Chicago Typewriter. Aim
with the Chicago Typewriter (hold B) then shake the Wii-mote as if you are
reloading to have him grab his hat. Do this four times in a row and on the
fourth time Leon will throw his hat into the air then grab it as it falls and
strike a pose. Save the final pose for when Leon takes out a whole room of
-- Special Chicago Typewriter Pose
Have Leon in his gangster outfit then equip the Chicago Typewriter and look at
him on the right side of the screen. Smooth Leon.
* Keep checking the inventory while Leon is equipped with the Chicago
Typewriter and you might catch a rare glimpse of him adjusting his hat on the
inventory screen. I think this pose is completely random. He doesn't do it
that often.
-- Attack of the Killer Cows
Attack a cow a few times, preferably with the knife, and stand in front of him.
The cow will headbutt Leon with it's head. This takes off about 1 bar of
health. The cow cannot kill Leon though. Now if we could just make a cow fall
on Ashley like the falling cows in the Earthworm Jim games...
-- Ashley rooting for Leon
At the Lift Control Area, keep your eye on Ashley every time that Leon shoots
an enemy off of a lift on the other side. Notice how she gestures with her arm
for every time that Leon knocks an enemy off of a forthcoming lift. You got
one, Leon!
-- Egg Pose
Equip an egg in "The Mercenaries" or in a regular game to see a special pose of
the character with egg in hand on the inventory screen. "Equip" is the egg's
second option once selected. Each character's pose is the same for all egg
-- Hitting Enemies with Eggs
As already mentioned, an egg can be equipped through the second option after
selecting it. An enemy can be hit with an egg and it will splatter on them but
not do any damage. Hit an enemy in the face with an egg and it will stun
him/her. Run up to the stumbling enemy for a special attack prompt like
normal. Think you can kill an enemy with egg tosses and physical attacks? It
can be done! I prefer using brown eggs myself.
Leon can stock up on eggs in the Farm area right outside Pueblo Village through
random egg drops from chickens. Exit and reenter the Farm in order to have the
chickens lay more eggs!
-- Large Spiders
In the Booby Trap Area where the Ganados throw dynamite near the beginning of
the game, the small building to the left (after stepping out of the tunnel
contains three large spiders that can be shot. Shooting them will make them
-- Beetles
So far, there are three beetles located in the trees around the main game and
Separate Ways. They can be found in any of these modes. These beetles cannot
be hit. They will fly away if Leon or Ada shoots at them. The Wii-mote will
rumble as if they can be shot.
Beetle #1
In the Trap Area, right before entering the tunnel to go to the area where
Ganados throw dynamite, walk back up the path after escaping the boulder then
move back down the path and find the tree below the overhead bridge. The
beetle is on the side of the tree that is facing Leon as he moves down the
path. This one can actually be hit with a knife.
Beetle #2
Right outside the barn (the entrance) where Leon fights Chief Mendez, the
beetle is on the north side of the middle portion of the tree. Do not get too
close or you will scare it off. It blends in with the tree bark extremely well
since it is nighttime. It should be there after the barn catches on fire also.
It's easier to remember in Ada's game (Separate Ways) since there is no real
boss fight in the barn.
Beetle #3
After exiting the Novistador cave via the lift that Leon upwards, move past the
merchant in the small building and run toward the tree in the middle of the
path. Look up on the southwest side of the tree and this beetle is next to a
branch that extends toward the destroyed buildings up ahead. He is near the
middle of the tree, so look up. This tree has a bird nest in it. Obviously,
Ada cannot find this one since she doesn't run through this area.
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All the information that doesn't fit into any other sections is thrown down
here. It's pretty much all the boring stuff that readers don't care to scan
over. Like for instance copyright information, special thanks, version
history, some background information on the writer, stuff like that -
Wait. What?
(Q) How do I play with a Gamecube controller?
(A) Plug the Gamecube controller into the top of the Wii system, turn on the
game, detach any peripheral that is plugged into the remote (Nunchuk, classic
controller), then the Gamecube controller will function.
(Q) Why does my nunchuk sometimes lose all of its function while I'm in the
middle of the game?
(A) This happens to me every now and then as well.
First of all, make sure that the batteries aren't dead - there is no warning
when they die, all control is just suddenly lost.
Second, if there is a big source of light that is hitting the sensor on the
Wii-mote then that may cause it to lose it's signal.
Third, your wrist might be detaching the plug-in for the nunchuk enough to make
it unplug slightly. This is my main problem. I suppose I get too wild while
playing RE4...
(Q) Is there any way to get the laser targeting back? This targeting cursor
doesn't look natural...
(A) Play with either a Gamecube controller or a classic controller to have the
laser reappear. The cursor will disappear when the Wii-mote is not used.
(Q) Do the on-screen button icons change when a different controller beside the
Wii-mote is used?
(A) Yes, the classic controller buttons are displayed for both the classic
controller and Gamecube when an on-screen button prompt appears.
(Q) Is there any way to reconfigure the classic controller settings?
(A) No. Either learn to like it or use one of the other methods of play.
(Q) Is there any way to delete an individual save without deleting the main
(A) No. Individual saves cannot be deleted from the main file. Save over them
or just ignore useless files.
(Q) Why can't I start Professional mode with all my weapon upgrades?
(A) You have to start a new game when first starting Professional mode, so all
the upgrades that were obtained on a previous normal save will not carry over.
Be sure to save your Professional mode bonus game once Professional mode is
(Q) I accidentally saved over my bonus game! OMG! Did I just lose everything?
(A) All your unlocked modes are still available. The unlocked weapons require
a bonus game save - they're still unlocked, but you'll have to beat the game
again to obtain them.
(Q) Can I use my unlocked weapons on any mode? For instance, can I unlock the
P.R.L. 412 on Professional and use it on normal mode?
(A) Yes. Just make sure to keep a bonus game saved for each difficulty.
(Q) I accidentally killed the merchant... by swinging my Wii-mote violently in
frustration... Leon slashed him. Can I revive him?
(A) The merchant is dead in that area. Reload a prior save. You need to watch
how you swing that thing of yours.
(Q) I have heard that the cutscenes are not prerendered this time, so does that
mean the Leon appears with his unlockable outfits in the cutscenes?
(A) For the RPD uniform yes, but for the gangster outfit, no. The gangster
outfit displays Leon in his degraded PS2 character model, so apparently it was
decided to showcase him in his normal outfit during all the cutscenes while
that outfit is worn. There are a few (very few) cutscenes that will show him
in his gangster outfit, and all radio cutscenes will show him in that outfit.
(Q) Berserker, what is your favorite Resident Evil and why?
(A) Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. The story, the setting, the graphics, the
camera angles, the characters (most of them). Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is an
extremely close second.
(Q) What are the Action Replay codes for the Gamecube version of RE4?
(A) Well, even though this FAQ is for RE4: Wii Edition... here you go:
All the codes that I have found on the net are posted ^there. There's also
codes listed for the other GC RE's (RE2, 3, and CVX)
And I don't have any codes for PS2 or Wii version, so don't ask!
(Q) What survival horror games would you recommend?
(A) Again, these are survival horror, not action horror (like RE4).
Resident Evil series (0, 1, 2, 3, CVX, Outbreak File #1 and #2, maybe Survivor
or Dead Aim, and possibly Survivor 2 Code Veronica if you
live in Europe, still haven't played that one)
Silent Hill series (1, 2, 3, 4; freaky, freaky stuff that gets under your
Fatal Frame series (I, II, III; out of all survival horrors, these have
scared me the most, this series is very underrated)
Haunting Ground (a very epic survival horror and overall underrated game)
Eternal Darkness (an extremely underrated game, it's more action packed
than most survival horrors, this needs to be in every
Nintendo fan's collection)
Siren (frustrating controls and gameplay but one hell of a
creepy atmosphere and story, Europe got Forbidden Siren 2,
North America didn't...)
Rule of Rose (this game has a very good story [sadistic and cruel], but
the gameplay isn't all that great, it can actually get
pretty boring at times, but it's worth it for the story
Kuon (creepy but it's short, very short)
Dino Crisis (it's a survival horror with dinosaurs, this game can get
very hard, I prefer Dino Crisis 2)
Illbleed (It's hard to categorize this horror/comedy game, if you
have a Dreamcast then be sure to try it)
Here's a few action horror games:
Dead Rising (this is my dream game come to life, produced by the same
genius that brought us Shadow of Rome, this was actually
supposed to be Shadow of Rome 2 according to a 1up.com
interview with Keiji Inafune)
Dino Crisis 2 (this game is pure fun and very addicting, the gameplay is
nothing like the survival horror first game, don't get
Dino Crisis 3 - just pretend that disaster never happened
and let us await Dino Crisis 4)
Dino Stalker (this is an action shooter that takes place in the Dino
Crisis universe, it is my favorite out of the Survivor
games, definitely worth a pickup, in Japan it is referred
to as Gun Survivor 3)
The Suffering (plenty of jumpy (cheap) scares, the first game had some
good horror atmosphere, haven't played the sequel)
(Q) Are there any games with Resident Evil cameos?
(A) Here's some that I know of:
Marvel VS Capcom 2 - Jill is a playable character
Under the Skin - Raccoon City is one of the stages. The stage has Jill,
Carlos, Nemesis, and a town full of zombies. This is a
very fun game!
Pocket Fighter - Chun-Li wears Jill's outfit during one of her combos.
Trick'N Snowboarder - Leon, Claire, and a cop zombie are hidden characters.
I think RE characters appear in some of the card games made by either Capcom or
SNK also. Email me if you know which one(s). I'd like to know myself.
This document Copyright 2007 - 2008 Kevin Hall (Berserker)
Resident Evil 4 Copyright 2007 Capcom Ltd.
This document is for private and personal use only. Do not try to sell this
document for profit. This is a free document and should remain free. Do not
try to reproduce this document in any way, shape, or form. Do not alter this
FAQ in any way. Use of this guide on any other web site, besides the sites
that have contacted me, or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
If you want to use this FAQ on your site, then contact me for permission first.
This FAQ can only be found on a few sites as of now and I am keeping a list of
those sites. Contact me if you want to use it.
- my parents.
- Ceej from GameFAQs, Stephen from IGN FAQs, Chris and Peter from Cheat
Happens, Dennis from Supercheats, and the neoseeker FAQ staff for always
accepting my guides.
- Capcom for the Resident Evil series.
- http://network-science.de/ascii/ for the ASCII art.
- Kain Vermillion for helping me to correct several mistakes. Thanks bunches
good sir!
- Webapprentice for the Striker correction and item drops.
- megamanep0 for the Garrador tip.
- mikelpowl for some more corrections. Thanks a lot!
Version 1.0 - (August 20, 2007) - Oh, my word. Is this guide actually done!?
It has been worked on for quite a while ever since RE4: Wii Edition's release
date, so yeah, you could say it has been in development for quite a while.
I really think the intro to this guide is too corny but I couldn't think of a
better one, so there you go. Proofread up to Chapter 3-1. There is a
possibility of some file and dialogue transcripts in future updates - still
deciding if this is worthwhile or not.
Version 1.1 - (August 22, 2007) - Corrected a few errors and added a few extra
details to the walkthrough for Leon. Proofread up to Chapter 4-1. If you find
any errors (typos, mistakes) in any part of the walkthrough before Chapter 4-1
of Leon's game then an email about it would be most appreciated. I still
haven't proofread over the rest of the guide, so yeah, I'm sure plenty of
mistakes are found below that portion. ;)
Version 1.15 - (August 24, 2007) - Proofread up to Chapter 4-2. A whole
chapter - big deal huh? Well, Chapter 4-1 is pretty long mind you! I'm
starting to notice that I make a tons of mistakes in a first draft. :|
Version 1.2 - (August 27, 2007) - Added a few tips for the Mercenaries section.
Email me some extra tips if you have them. Corrected a few typos here and
there in different sections of the guide - I sometimes catch them while
randomly scrolling through. Proofread up to Chapter 4-4. A chapter a day
keeps the typos at bay.
Version 1.3 - (September 3, 2007) - Some extra questions were added to the
"Frequently Asked Questions" section. Proofread up to Chapter 5-2. Added a
few additional items pickups and corrected a few errors based on a another
playthrough of Separate Ways and corrected some more based on a reader's
helpful emails.
Version 1.3 - (September 7, 2007) - No version change since I merely proofread
up to Chapter 5-3. I really hate proofreading, can't you tell with how long
the proofreading process is taking me?
Version 1.4 - (September 14, 2007) - Proofread up to Chapter 5-4 and corrected
a minor error associated with the Striker weapon thanks to a reader. Thanks
Version 1.4 - (September 20, 2007 - Proofread the remainder of the main game
Version 1.4 - (October 5, 2007) - Added a few minor item drops, a few bits of
info about the shooting gallery game, and a small technique for the Cage Trap
Room area in the castle.
Version 1.5 - (December 18, 2007) - Proofread up to Chapter 3 for the Separate
Ways guide. Added an update about the Silencer for Wesker in his Mercenaries
strategy. Big thanks to the reader that informed me about the 5x headshot
effect with the Silencer accessory.
Version 1.6 - (December 27, 2007) - Not much of an update, so I'm not changing
the version number. An extra method for disposing of the Ganados at the
Waterfall Area was added to Chapter 2-1, and I changed the "Extra Info" for the
crossbow Zealots in the Hall of Water area in Chapter 3-1 since they are not
random. Big thanks to the readers that contributed to those two sections.
Proofread up to Chapter 4 of Separate Ways. Maybe I'll be done proofreading by
the time Resident Evil 5 is released!
Version 1.6 - (January 8, 2008) - Proofread up to Chapter 5 of Separate Ways.
Version 1.7 - (January 16, 2008) - Added a note about using incendiary grenades
on U3 as well as flash grenades on him. Added a mention of how Krauser can
grab Leon from behind during their duel in the ruins. Added some extremely
helpful tips to the Chief Mendez boss battles along with a tip for the Cage
Trap Room (method c) and a humorous tip for the Spiked Ceiling Room. A "Bosses
fear the rocket launcher" tip under General Tips in the Basics section was also
thrown in. Finished proofreading Separate Ways and Assignment Ada!
I can be reached at my email address, which is > berserker_kev(at)yahoo.com <,
so please contact me if you have any questions, comments, etc. Replace the
(at) with @. I don't mind receiving emails at all. All I ask is for you to
try to make the email decent. I realize that some people do not speak perfect
English or cannot type that well, so that doesn't really matter to me, but all
that I ask is that you try to make it readable. If you found this walkthrough
helpful, an email would be most appreciated.
Well, my name is Kevin. I'm 27 years old (as of March 2007) and reside in the
US (Mississippi). I've been an avid player of video games ever since I first
got an Atari 2600 back when I was 6 years old. I've tried to escape into many
other hobbies but always wind up back to square one with video games. My
favorite gaming series is Resident Evil by far, then second would be
Castlevania. Playing just about any survival horror is a major high point in
my gaming experience.
A few of my other interests include horror movies, anime, and I'm a complete
message board junkie. You can find me at Artic Nightfall (Berserker) or the
Resident Evil or Castlevania IGN message boards (berserker_kev) from time to
time. I'm also a big fan of viewing artwork, though I can't draw myself. Even
though I can't draw, I try to be a creative person through writing, and
hopefully that reflects in my guides. My dream is to be a professional
walkthrough writer, but until then I will continue to publish guides for free
on GameFAQs and the various other gaming sites.
For any other info about me, please see my FAQ Writer of the Month interview at
-- Berserker's Blog.
My own site with game reviews, discussions of my guides (some), and random
thoughts about video games. Feel free to post up some comments on the blog. I
don't bite... well not that much... and not too viciously...
-- My other work can be found at both IGN and GameFAQs.
http://users.ign.com/about/berserker_kev (IGN)
http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/21400.html (GameFAQs)
Yeah, you know the ones that I'm talking about. Resident Evil gained quite a
numerous fanbase just from the release of Resident Evil 4. The bad part about
this is that many of the new Resident Evil fans have not experienced the
greatness of the original series.
If you're a new fan that has yet to experience the original games then I highly
recommend that you go out and hunt down Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil (REmake
and possibly Deadly Silence for DS), Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis,
and Resident Evil: Code Veronica - maybe the two Resident Evil: Outbreaks too -
and immerse yourself in the fantastic world of survival horror that first gave
birth to the series. I would recommend playing Resident Evil 0 at least after
finishing Resident Evil 2 - it may be a prequel but there are key characters
that appear in RE and RE2 that the player should be familiar with when playing
RE0. Keep in mind that the control scheme is the same as RE4, it's just that
the camera isn't behind the character most of the time.
If you want more survival horror then check out the much underrated Fatal Frame
series or Silent Hill series. If you want more action like RE4 then try Shadow
of Rome and Dead Rising - maybe Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams as well.
This is a list of HTML guides with pics that I have done for Cheat Happens. If
you like my work in my FAQs found around the various gaming sites then you will
find that these guides are similar.
--> Lost Planet
A frozen wasteland. An alien menace. An extreme soldier. The battlefield is
--> God Hand
Have Fist Will Travel!
--> Dead Rising
Freelance photojournalist Frank West + a mall full of zombies + tons of
stores where anything and everything is a weapon = the scoop of a lifetime!
--> Tomb Raider: Legend
Lady Croft's next big adventure crosses multiple platforms and delivers on all!
--> Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
"Come, and I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard..."
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Thank you for reading!
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Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.