What Time Is the Fortnite Rocket Launching

Fortnite Missile Launch: What Time Is the Fortnite Rocket Launching?

What time is the Fortnite rocket launching?” is quickly becoming the most common question asked by the game’s community. The Fortnite missile launch event is acting as a nice distraction from the delayed Playground mode, giving players something else to talk about. Easter eggs are always a cause for discussion amongst the community, and today’s Fortnite rocket launch has been anticipated for quite some time. Epic Games has finally acknowledged the launching of a missile with an in-game message.

Fortnite Missile Launch: What Time Is the Fortnite Rocket Launching?

The Fortnite missile launch time has been revealed by an in-game message that pops up when the game is first launched. (If you skipped over the message, don’t worry, as you can get it to reappear by clicking the “News” tab.) The message reads: “Blast Off! – Get in-match on Saturday by 10:30 a.m. PT / 1:30 p.m. ET / 7:30 p.m. CET and look to the sky. It only happens once!”

Those are the times that players need to be in-game to see the rocket launch. As explained in the message, this event only happens once, so ensure that you’ve loaded into the game by then.

Fortnite Missile Launch: What Is the Fortnite Blast Off Event?

What Time Is the Fortnite Rocket Launching

The Fortnite Blast Off event is the rocket finally blasting off. This can be watched live in-game by loading into a round at the above time. The rocket is currently located at Snobby Shores, so you’ll want to make sure you’re looking in that direction once the timer ends.

It’s not yet clear what will happen once the rocket launches. Players are speculating the destruction of different areas of the map, while others expect the rocket to launch successfully and soar onwards to space. We won’t have to wait long to discover what exactly the Fortnite missile launch means for the game.

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