Fracture Achievements List


Unlockable                                      How to Unlock
All Your Base Are Belong to Us (15) Win 50 Break-In Games.
ALM-37 "Deep Freeze" Specialist (15) Cumulative 25 kills of people frozen by the ALM-37 "Deep Freeze."
Bangalore Specialist (15) Cumulative 50 kills with the Bangalore.
Battle-Hardened (15) Awarded for completing 500 multiplayer games.
Battle-Tested (15) Awarded for completing 100 multiplayer games.
Beware falling objects (30) Kill an enemy using the Stomp Augmentation.
Black Widow Specialist (15) Cumulative 50 kills with the Black Widow.
Bulldog Specialist (15) Cumulative 50 kills with the Bulldog.
Catapult Specialist (15) Cumulative 50 kills with the Catapult.
Clap On/Clap Off (25) Successfully used a TD switch for the first time in single player.
Collect 35 Data Cells (35) Collect 35 data cells.
Collect a Data Cell (5) Collect a data cell.
Collect all 100 Data Cells (60) Collect all 100 data cells.
Combat Engineer (25) Successfully raise/lower a bridge for the first time in single player.
Complete Act 1 (20) Complete Act 1.
Complete Act 1 on Hardcore (20) Complete Act 1 on Hardcore.
Complete Act 2 (25) Complete Act 2.
Complete Act 2 on Hardcore (25) Complete Act 2 on Hardcore.
Complete Act 3 (30) Complete Act 3.
Complete Act 3 on Hardcore (30) Complete Act 3 on Hardcore.
Complete the Tutorial (20) Complete the Tutorial.
Corporal (15) Awarded for completing 250 multiplayer games.
Dead Aim (15) Accumulate 25 headshots kills.
Deathrace 2161 (15) Cumulative 25 kills running over enemies with the TDV-1.
Demolition Expert (15) Awarded for completing 1500 multiplayer games.
Dragon's Breath Specialist (15) Cumulative 25 kills with the Dragon's Breath.
Gold Plated Shovel (15) Win 50 Excavation games.
Han Shoots First (25) Kill an enemy by using TD and forcing them into the beam in single player.
Inductee (15) Awarded for completing one multiplayer game.
Invader Specialist (15) Cumulative 50 kills with the Invader.
It's Good to be King (15) Win 50 Kingmaker games.
Lodestone Specialist (15) Cumulative 25 kills with the Lodestone.
Mole Mine Specialist (15) Cumulative 25 kills with Mole Mines.
Open Sesame (25) Successfully open a physics or hinged gate for the first time in single player.
Pacifican SMG Specialist (15) Cumulative 50 kills with the Pacifican SMG.
President of Pacifica (25) Cumulative 100 Pacifican Wins.
President of the USA (25) Accumulate 100 Alliance Wins.
Private (15) Awarded for completing 10 multiplayer games.
Pugilist (15) Melee kill 10 enemies in a row.
Raptor Specialist (15) Cumulative 50 kills with the Raptor.
Rhino Specialist (15) Cumulative 25 kills with the Rhino.
Scorpion Sniper Rifle Specialist (15) Cumulative 25 kills with the Scorpion Sniper Rifle.
ST-4 Torpedo Launcher Specialist (15) Cumulative 50 kills with the ST-4 Torpedo Launcher.
Standard Bearer (15) Win 50 CTF Games.
Super Soldier (30) Acquire All Augmentations in the Game.
Use the Force … Field (25) Kill someone by forcing them into a shield.
Von Helsing (25) Crush an enemy to death with a spike.
Welcome to the Suck (15) Kill 5 or more enemies with a single Vortex Grenade.
What Goes Up (25) Kill 5 Hydras while they're in mid-air.
Zapp! (25) Successfully block (or unblock) an energy beam for the first time in single player.
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