Fallout 3 Skill/Equipment/Collectible Guide

  FFFFFFFFF      A      LLL        LLL           OOO     UUU   UUU  TTTTTTTTT
  FFF         AAA AAA   LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFF        AAA   AAA  LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFF        AAA   AAA  LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFFFFF     AAAAAAAAA  LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFFFFF     AAAAAAAAA  LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFFFFF     AAA   AAA  LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFF        AAA   AAA  LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFF        AAA   AAA  LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFF        AAA   AAA  LLL        LLL        OOO   OOO  UUU   UUU     TTT
  FFF        AAA   AAA  LLLLLLLLL  LLLLLLLLL     OOO        UUU        TTT


FALLOUT 3 Comprehensive Guide

Author: ShadowsDieAway
        Mike Merin
Email: TeamObsessed at hotmail dot com
       (if you want to email me, replace at with @ and dot with .
       this is so bots do not send me any unwanted emails)

Website: www.RBFgaming.com

Would you kindly visit our site

FAQ first posted on 10/31/08
11/01/08: Radio Stations, Behemoths Locations added
11/02/08: Zones added


This is a list of just about everything useful in the Fallout 3 universe.
It includes collectibles, weapons, armor, statistics, perks, followers,
basically everything you need to help you survive the Wasteland.

********READ FIRST********

For the collectibles and the unique items, the format of those sections contain:
the Type, Zone, Latitude/Longitude, Location, and Specifics about the location.

On the map, there is a latitude and longitude, and the way the map is set up:
if you look on the edges on the map, there are 51 ticks on each end, going from
-30 to 20 for the Latitude, and -20 to 30 for the Longitude.

For each location, there is a specific zone number that goes along with the
location's name, which is located on Fallout's official maps, however, I think
that finding the lat/lon is easier since you can calculate where you are and
what direction you need to go. Please use my map to pinpoint the locations.

To find a certain section you want, just search for the Roman Numeral in the
brackets. As an example, for the Vault-Tec Bobbleheads, search: [4.V]

Please use the zones secion (part 5) in tandem with my Fallout 3 map.


Table of Contents:

Part 1: Skills, Stats, Perks, Karma, and Experience

[1.I] Skill names and attributes
[1.II] Leveling Charts and Perks
[1.III] Attributes, Perks and Skills Explanations
[1.IV] Quest-Related Perks
[1.V] What Karma Does
[1.VI] Experience Points and Leveling Up with Karma
[1.VII] Gaining Experience Points

Part 2: Followers and Enemies

[2.I] The Followers
[2.II] Bestiary
[2.III] Super Mutant Behemoths

Part 3: Weapons, Armor and Items

[3.I] Checklist
[3.II] Weapons
[3.III] Clothing
[3.IV] Items, Alcohol and Chems
[3.V] Unique Items

Part 4: Collectibles

[4.I] Fat Men
[4.II] Fat Man: Mini-Nukes
[4.III] Holotapes: Keller and The Replicated Man
[4.IV] Schematics for Custom Weapons
[4.V] Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
[4.VI] Radio Stations

Part 5: Zones

[5.I] The Zones and Their Locations


Part 1: Skills, Stats, Perks, Karma, and Experience


In Fallout, there are 7 types of skills you can level up in the game, along with
what abilities come with each upgrade. Every skill has 10 levels, and with each
level comes a different modifier to your base abilities. Also, leveling up
certain skills to different levels gains you certain perks. It is called the
"Special" system.

   Endurance          All spell out:
   Charisma           S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

I also included what role Karma has in the Fallout world and how it affects
yourself and the people around you, as well as how to level up to get the perks.


[1.I] Skill Names and Attributes


Skill Name         Attribute Affected       Skills Modified

1. Agility         Action Points            Small Guns, Sneak
2. Charisma        Disposition              Barter, Speech
3. Endurance       Health, Resistances      Big Guns, Unarmed
4. Intelligence    Skill Points per Level   Medicine, Repair, Science
5, Luck            Critical Chance          All Skills
6. Perception      Compass Markers          Energy Weapons, Explosives, Lockpick
7. Strength        Carry Weight             Melee Weapons


[1.II] Leveling Charts and Perks


These charts will have the abilities and attributes gained at each level, and
for the perk charts, they will label each perk gained, along with what your
minimum level of your character as well as the minimum level of the specific
skill needed to gain that ability.


         Agility - A measure of your quickness and dexterity. Agility affects
                   your total number of Action Points, which are used to
                   perform specialized combat actions in V.A.T.S mode (use AP
                   to attack enemies until your AP run out).


Abilities affected: Small Guns, Sneak

   Level    Action Points       Skill Modifiers (%)

     1           67             Small Guns +2, Sneak +2
     2           69             Small Guns +4, Sneak +4
     3           71             Small Guns +6, Sneak +6
     4           73             Small Guns +8, Sneak +8
     5           75             Small Guns +10, Sneak +10
     6           77             Small Guns +12, Sneak +12
     7           79             Small Guns +14, Sneak +14
     8           81             Small Guns +16, Sneak +16
     9           83             Small Guns +18, Sneak +18
     10          85             Small Guns +20, Sneak +20

   Perks          Minimum Agility Needed     Level Available

   Gun Nut                  4                      2
   Thief                    4                      2
   Silent Running           6                      12
   Sniper                   6                      12
   Light Step               6                      14
   Action Boy               6                      16


         Charisma - Your overall attractiveness and likeability. Having a high
                    Charisma will improve people's disposition toward you,
                    although it can't overcome a particularly high or low Karma.


Abilities affected: Barter, Speech, Disposition

   Level         Skill Modifiers (%)

     1           Barter +2, Speech +2
     2           Barter +4, Speech +4
     3           Barter +6, Speech +6
     4           Barter +8, Speech +8
     5           Barter +10, Speech +10
     6           Barter +12, Speech +12
     7           Barter +14, Speech +14
     8           Barter +16, Speech +16
     9           Barter +18, Speech +18
     10          Barter +20, Speech +20

   Perks          Minimum Charisma Needed    Level Available

   Scoundrel                4                      4
   Child at Heart           4                      4
   Impartial Meditation     5                      8
   Animal Friend            6                      10
   Master Trader            6                      14


         Endurance - Your health and overall physical fitness. The higher your
                     Endurance, the better your Health, Poison Resistance and
                     Radiation Resistance are.


Abilities affected: Poison Resistance, Radiation Resistance, Big Guns, Unarmed

   Level    Initial Health      Skill Modifiers (%)

     1           120            Big Guns +2, Unarmed +2, PR 0, RR 0
     2           140            Big Guns +4, Unarmed +4, PR 5%, RR 2%
     3           160            Big Guns +6, Unarmed +6, PR 10%, RR 4%
     4           180            Big Guns +8, Unarmed +8, PR 15%, RR 6%
     5           200            Big Guns +10, Unarmed +10, PR 20%, RR 8%
     6           220            Big Guns +12, Unarmed +12, PR 25%, RR 10%
     7           240            Big Guns +14, Unarmed +14, PR 30%, RR 12%
     8           260            Big Guns +16, Unarmed +16, PR 35%, RR 14%
     9           280            Big Guns +18, Unarmed +18, PR 40%, RR 16%
     10          300            Big Guns +20, Unarmed +20, PR 45%, RR 18%

   Perks          Minimum Endurance Needed     Level Available

   Toughness                5                      6
   Lead Belly               5                      6
   Strong Back              5                      8
   Bad Resistance           5                      8
   Size Matters             5                      8
   Life Giver               6                      12
   Solar Powered            7                      20


         Intelligence - Measures your basic intellect, curiosity in the world,
                        and adeptness at critical thinking. The higher your
                        Intelligence, the more skill points you can distribute
                        when you level up.

*note* this is the skill you should level up first if you want big bonuses later


Abilities affected: Medicine, Repair, Science, Skill Points per Level Up

   Level    Skill Points        Skill Modifiers (%)

     1           11             Medicine +2, Repair +2, Science +2
     2           12             Medicine +4, Repair +4, Science +4
     3           13             Medicine +6, Repair +6, Science +6
     4           14             Medicine +8, Repair +8, Science +8
     5           15             Medicine +10, Repair +10, Science +10
     6           16             Medicine +12, Repair +12, Science +12
     7           17             Medicine +14, Repair +14, Science +14
     8           18             Medicine +16, Repair +16, Science +16
     9           19             Medicine +18, Repair +18, Science +18
     10          20             Medicine +20, Repair +20, Science +20

   Perks          Minimum Intelligence Needed     Level Available

   Swift Learner            4                         2
   Gun Nut                  4                         2
   Daddy's Boy              4                         2
   Educated                 4                         4
   Entomologist             4                         4

   Comprehension            4                         4
   Nerd Rage!               5                         10
   Computer Whiz            7                         18


         Luck - Affects every other skill; raising your Luck raises all of your
                skill values by a small amount. Having a high Luck will also
                improve your chance of a critical hit.


Abilities affected: Critical Hit Chance

   Level         Skill Modifiers (%)

     1           Critical 1%, All Skills +1
     2           Critical 2%, All Skills +1
     3           Critical 3%, All Skills +2
     4           Critical 4%, All Skills +2
     5           Critical 5%, All Skills +3
     6           Critical 6%, All Skills +3
     7           Critical 7%, All Skills +4
     8           Critical 8%, All Skills +4
     9           Critical 9%, All Skills +5
     10          Critical 10%, All Skills +5

   Perks          Minimum Luck Needed    Level Available

   Fortune Finder           5                   6
   Scrounger                5                   8
   Finesse                  6                   10
   Mysterious Stranger      6                   10
   Better Criticals         6                   16


         Perception - Determines how well you use your five senses, and also
                      pertains to an almost superhuman "sixth sense." The higher
                      your Perception, the sooner the compass markings appear
                      on your compass to indicate a threat.


Abilities affected: Detecting Enemies, Energy Weapons, Explosives, Lockpicking

   Level         Skill Modifiers (%)

     1           Energy Weapons +2, Explosives +2, Lockpick +2
     2           Energy Weapons +4, Explosives +4, Lockpick +4
     3           Energy Weapons +6, Explosives +6, Lockpick +6
     4           Energy Weapons +8, Explosives +8, Lockpick +8
     5           Energy Weapons +10, Explosives +10, Lockpick +10
     6           Energy Weapons +12, Explosives +12, Lockpick +12
     7           Energy Weapons +14, Explosives +14, Lockpick +14
     8           Energy Weapons +16, Explosives +16, Lockpick +16
     9           Energy Weapons +18, Explosives +18, Lockpick +18
     10          Energy Weapons +20, Explosives +20, Lockpick +20

   Perks          Minimum Perception Needed    Level Available

   Thief                    4                        2
   Sniper                   6                        12
   Light Step               6                        14
   Contract Killer          6                        14
   Lawbringer               6                        14
   Better Criticals         6                        16
   Infiltrator              7                        18


         Strength - A measure of your raw physical strength. It determines how
                    much you can carry, and the extra damage done in unarmed


Abilities affected: Melee Weapons, Carry Weight

   Level    Carry Weight (LBS)   Melee Damage (HP)    Skill Modifiers (%)

     1           160                  0.5             Melee Weapons +2
     2           170                  1               Melee Weapons +4
     3           180                  1.5             Melee Weapons +6
     4           190                  2               Melee Weapons +8
     5           200                  2.5             Melee Weapons +10
     6           210                  3               Melee Weapons +12
     7           220                  3.5             Melee Weapons +14
     8           230                  4               Melee Weapons +16
     9           240                  4.5             Melee Weapons +18
     10          250                  5               Melee Weapons +20

   Perks          Minimum Strength Needed     Level Available

   Little Leaguer           4                      2
   Iron Fist                4                      4
   Strong Back              5                      8


[1.III] Attributes, Perks and Skills Explanations


Here's the perks list, in order of what level your character has to be in order
to gain the perk. Certain perks have multiple ranks, which you can level up.


                                            Level 2 Perks

Intense Training

   Ranks: 10
   Requirements: none

      A great perk if there's no other perk that you like, since you can put a
      single point into any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. abilities. Use this to buff
      a certain stat or balance them out. It's also good if you're just short
      of a requirement for getting another perk (your endurance is 5 but you
      need 6 for the Life Giver perk).

Black Widow/Lady Killer

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      BW is for female players, LK is for male players. Inflicts an extra 10%
      damage to all NPCs of the opposite gender and gains access to special
      dialog options with them.

Daddy's Boy/Daddy's Girl

   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Intelligence 4+

      Gain an additional 5% to both Science and Medicine skills.

         Rank 1: +5 Science skill increase, +5 Medicine skill increase
         Rank 2: +10 Science skill increase, +10 Medicine skill increase
         Rank 3: +15 Science skill increase, +15 Medicine skill increase

Gun Nut

   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Agility 4+, Intelligence 4+

      Gain an additional 5% to both Small Guns and Repair skills.

         Rank 1: +5 Small Guns skill increase, +5 Repair skill increase
         Rank 2: +10 Small Guns skill increase, +10 Repair skill increase
         Rank 3: +15 Small Guns skill increase, +15 Repair skill increase

Little Leaguer

   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Strength 4+

      Gain an additional 5% to both Melee and Explosives skills.

         Rank 1: +5 Melee skill increase, +5 Explosives skill increase
         Rank 2: +10 Melee skill increase, +10 Explosives skill increase
         Rank 3: +15 Melee skill increase, +15 Explosives skill increase

Swift Learner

   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Intelligence 4+

      Gain an additional 10% experience points whenever they are earned.

         Rank 1: Experience +10%
         Rank 2: Experience +20%
         Rank 3: Experience +30%


   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Agility 4+, Perception 4+

      Gain a one-time bonus of 5% bonus to the Sneak and Lockpick skills.

         Rank 1: +5 Sneak skill increase, +5 Lockpick skill increase
         Rank 2: +10 Sneak skill increase, +10 Lockpick skill increase
         Rank 3: +15 Sneak skill increase, +15 Lockpick skill increase

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                                            Level 4 Perks

Child at Heart

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Charisma 4+

      More likely to receive a friendly greeting when dealing with children,
      and opens more dialogue options when dealing with them.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Intelligence 4+

      Gain one additional Skill point bonus when reading Skill Books. There are
      324 total books, a possible of 648 skill points rather than 324, a must
      have. There are 13 different skills, with 25 books for each skill (with
      the exception of Barter that has 24 books).


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Intelligence 4+

      Gain +3 more skill points every time you advance in level (you should take
      this at Level 4).


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Intelligence 4+, Science 40+

      Inflict an additional 50% damage every time you attack an insect.

Iron Fist

   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Strength 4+

      Inflict an additional 5 points of Unarmed damage.

         Rank 1: +5 Unarmed damage 
         Rank 2: +10 Unarmed damage
         Rank 3: +15 Unarmed damage


   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Charisma 4+

      Gain an additional 5% to both Speech and Barter skills.

         Rank 1: +5 Speech skill increase, +5 Barter skill increase
         Rank 2: +10 Speech skill increase, +10 Barter skill increase
         Rank 3: +15 Speech skill increase, +15 Barter skill increase

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                            Level 6 Perks

Bloody Mess

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Inflict an extra 5% damage with any weapon to any opponent, and explode
      them spectacularly upon death.

Demolition Expert

   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Explosives 50+

      Mines, Grenades and Missile Launcher inflicts +20% damage

         Rank 1: +20% damage
         Rank 2: +40% damage
         Rank 3: +60% damage

Fortune Finder

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Luck 5+

      Gain a keen sense of locating Nuka-Cola Caps.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: None

      Gain a 25% better chance to hit in V.A.T.S. with any one-handed ranged

Lead Belly

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Endurance 5+

      Take 50% less radiation poisoning when drinking from an irradiated water


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Endurance 5+

      Gain +10 to overall Damage Resistance (max of 85).

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                                            Level 8 Perks


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Gain a 25% better chance to hit in V.A.T.S. with any rifle.

Impartial Meditation

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Charisma 5+

      Gain an extra 30% to Speech as long as you maintain a neutral Karma.

Rad Resistance

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Endurance 5+

      Gain an extra 25% to Radiation Resistance.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Luck 5+

      Grants more access to ammunition from safes, desks, cabinets, etc.

Size Matters

   Ranks: 3
   Requirements: Endurance 5+

      Gain +15 to the Big Guns skill.

         Rank 1: Big Guns +15
         Rank 2: Big Guns +30
         Rank 3: Big Guns +45

Strong Back

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Strength 5+, Endurance 5+

      Carry 50 more pounds of equipment.

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                                            Level 10 Perks

Animal Friend

   Ranks: 2
   Requirements: Charisma 6+

      Never have to worry about being attacked by an animal.

         Rank 1: Animals won't attack unless provoked
         Rank 2: Animals attack your non-animal enemies.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Luck 6+

      Have a higher chance to score a critical hit in combat by 5%.

Here and Now

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Grants you an additional experience level.

Mister Sandman

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Sneak 60+

      Can instantly kill any adult human you encounter while they're sleeping.

Mysterious Stranger

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Luck 6+

      During V.A.T.S. a mysterious stranger sometimes appears and kills an
      opponent. If the opponent has less than 150 points of health, there is
      a 10% chance that the mysterious stranger will show up and finish him off.

Nerd Rage!

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Intelligence 5+, Science 50+

      When your health drops to 20% or less, your Strength is raised to 10, and
      you gain +50  to Damage Resistance.

Night Person

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Gain +2 to Intelligence and +2 to Perception when the sun is down, which
      is between 6PM and 6AM in the game (use the Pip-Boy's Clock for the time).

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                                            Level 12 Perks


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Can feed on corpses to regain health (must be Sneaking to do so). However,
      every time you feed, you lose Karma. For each corpse: Health +25, Karma -1

Fast Metabolism

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Receive 20% more healing when using a Stimpak.

Life Giver

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Endurance 6+

      Gain an additional 30 Health.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Explosives 60+

      Inflict 50% more damage with fire-based weapons.

Robotics Expert

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Science 50+

      Gain 25% damage against any robot. Also, if you Sneak up on a robot, you
      can permanently shut down that robot.

Silent Running

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Agility 6+, Sneak 50+

      Speed no longer factors into a successful Sneak attempt. You also gain
      +10% to Sneak.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Perception 6+, Agility 6+

      Increases your chance of getting a headshot by 25% in V.A.T.S. mode.

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                                            Level 14 Perks

Adamantium Skeleton

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Your limbs receive only 50% of the damage they normally would.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Medicine 60%+

      Any Chems you take last twice as long.

Contract Killer

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      You can loot an ear from the corpse of any good character, and sell it
      to an "evil" vendor for Caps (5 Caps per ear).


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Science 60%+, Medicine 60%+

      Instantly adds +10% to Damage Resistance, Poison Resistance, Radiation
      Resistance, and the Energy Weapons skill.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Can loot a finger from the corpse of any defeated evil character and
      sell it to a "good" vendor for Caps (5 Caps per finger).

Light Step

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Agility 6+, Perception 6+

      Never set off enemy Mines or Traps.

Master Trader

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Charisma 6+, Barter 60+

      Prices of all bought items from vendors are reduced by 25%.

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                                            Level 16 Perks

Action Boy/Action Girl

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Agility 6+

      Gain an additional 25 Action Points that can be used in V.A.T.S.

Better Criticals

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Perception 6+, Luck 6+

      Critical hits do 50% more damage.

Chem Resistant

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Medicine 60+

      You are 50% less likely to get addicted to Chems.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Allows you to select a fourth skill to be a "Tag skill", which instantly
      raises it by 15 points.

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                                            Level 18 Perks

Computer Whiz

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Intelligence 7+, Science 70%+

      Receive a special bonus whenever hacking a computer. If you are locked
      out of a computer, you can attempt to hack it one more time.

Concentrated Fire

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Small Guns 60+, Energy Weapons 60+

      Gain an automatic +5% chance to hit a body part, and when that body part
      is targeted again, your hit chances are further increased.

         Targeting 1st time: normal %
         Targeting 2nd time: +5%
         Targeting 3rd time: +10%     etc.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Perception 7+, Lockpick 70+

      Gain a special bonus whenever you pick a lock. If a lock is broken, and
      can't normally be picked again, you can attempt to pick it one more time.

Paralyzing Palm

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Unarmed 70+

      Can access a special unarmed V.A.T.S. palm strike, which paralyzes the
      opponent for 30 seconds. Must be completely unarmed to perform, but can
      have Brass Knuckles or a Deathclaw equipped. Note: equipping yourself
      after the palm strike does not un-paralyze them.

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                                            Level 20 Perks


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Every Primary Location on your World Map is revealed, and you can Fast
      Travel to it.


   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Sneak 80+, Melee Weapons 80+

      When attacking with either Melee or Unarmed, you gain a +15% critical
      chance on every strike, and criticals do 25% more damage than normal.

Grim Reaper's Sprint

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: none

      Slaying a target in V.A.T.S. mode restores all your Action Points when
      you exit.

Solar Powered

   Ranks: 1
   Requirements: Endurance +7

      Gain an additional 2 points of strength when in direct sunlight, and you
      slowly regain Health.


[1.IV] Quest-Related Perks


This is a list of all perks gained once you've succeeded or failed in a quest.

The format looks like this:

Perk Name: Quest Title



*note* All these have 1 rank.


                                           Main Quests:

Power Armor Training: Picking up the Trail

   Learn the subtleties of Power Armor maneuvering from Paladin Gunny at the

      You are now skilled in Power Armor, and can wear the following Armor
      types: Outcast Power Armor, Brotherhood Recon Armor, Brotherhood Power
      Armor, Enclave Power Armor, Tesla Armor, and any unique variants of these

                                           Miscellaneous Quests:

Dream Crusher: The Wasteland Survival Guide

   Convince Moira Brown to stop writing her survival guide

      No high-minded ideal or frivolous dream can stand before your cold,
      unfeeling logic. The road to Hell may be paved with good intentions, but
      the express lane is paved with ruthless efficiency.

      -Enemy attackers' critical hit chances are reduced by 50%
      -You get a 30% discount on Moira's trade items.

Rad Limb Healing: The Wasteland Survival Guide

   Achieve critical rad poisoning during one of your research chapter field

      Something Moira did during the operation changed you. When suffering from
      advanced radiation poisoning (600+), crippled limbs automatically

Junior Survivor: The Wasteland Survival Guide

   Complete fewer than 5 bonus objectives in this quest. Answer Moira's
   questions in one of five different ways to obtain one of the five different
   variants to this perk. You gain +2% Poison Resistance and +2% Radiation
   Resistance in every answer, and extra for these answers:

      Standard: +5 Health      
      Smart: +2 Medicine, +2 Science
      Tough: +2 Damage Resistance
      Sly: +2 Sneak, +2 Speech
      Snide: +1% Critical Chance

Survivor Expert: The Wasteland Survival Guide

   Complete between 5 and 8 bonus objectives in this quest. Answer Moira's
   questions in one of five different ways to obtain one of the five different
   variants to this perk. You gain +4% Poison Resistance and +4% Radiation
   Resistance in every answer, and extra for these answers:

      Standard: +10 Health      
      Smart: +4 Medicine, +4 Science
      Tough: +4 Damage Resistance
      Sly: +4 Sneak, +4 Speech
      Snide: +2% Critical Chance

Survivor Guru: The Wasteland Survival Guide

   Complete 9 or more bonus objectives in this quest. Answer Moira's questions
   in one of five different ways to obtain one of the five different variants
   to this perk. You gain +6% Poison Resistance and +6% Radiation Resistance
   in every answer, and extra for these answers:

      Standard: +15 Health      
      Smart: +6 Medicine, +6 Science
      Tough: +6 Damage Resistance
      Sly: +6 Sneak, +6 Speech
      Snide: +3% Critical Chance

Ant Might: Those!

   Choose this from Doctor Lesko upon successful completion of this quest.

      Your body has been genetically enhanced with the strength and flame
      resistance of the Grayditch Fire Ants! Your Strength has increased by
      1 and you are now 25% resistant to fire.

Ant Sight: Those!

   Choose this from Doctor Lesko upon successful completion of this quest.

      Your body has been genetically enhanced with the perception and flame
      resistance of the Grayditch Fire Ants! Your Perception has increased
      by 1 and you are now 25% resistant to fire.

Wired Reflexes: The Replicated Man

   Rewarded by Doctor Zimmer for siding with him during this quest.

      Advanced technology from the Commonwealth has increased your reaction
      speed, giving you a higher chance to hit in a V.A.T.S. Your chance to hit
      is now 10% higher.

Hematophagy: Blood Ties

   Learn the ways of the Family under the tutelage of Vance.

      Allows you to regain 20 Health (instead of 1) by consuming Blood Packs.

Barkskin: Oasis

   Shoot an exposed heart in an underground cavern so it sprays on you.

      You've been infected by Harold's strain of F.E.V. and your skin is now as
      hard as a tree bark. Your Damage Resistance is now +10 and Endurance is +1


[1.V] What Karma Does


    Karma does four things to you:

1. Modifies the reactions and dialogue options of certain individuals you meet.
2. Determines what locations you can access.
3. If you are either Very Good or Very Evil, you can be attacked by enemies
   that are on the opposite side of the Karma spectrum.
4. Determines the type of ending you receive.

There are achievements for reaching level 8, 14, and 20 with either Good,
Neutral or Evil Karma, AKA you must do three playthroughs to get all of them.
Now that necessarily isn't a bad thing as there's so much to do in this
universe and the game changes completely depending on your Karma, especially the
type of ending you receive.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    What happens when you have Evil Karma (-250 Karma or less):

Have access to Paradise Falls and its services
Have the ability to hire two evil followers: Jericho and Clover
Easier Speech with evil characters
General characters you talk to may react to you during conversations.

    What happens when you have Neutral Karma (-250 to +250):

Have the ability to hire two neutral followers: Butch and Sergeant RL-3
Raiders will always attack you
Will never be attacked by a "good" or "evil" hit squad

    What happens when you have Good Karma (+250 Karma or more):

Have the ability to hire two good followers: Fawkes and Star Paladin Cross
More difficult Speech with evil characters
General characters you talk to may react to you during conversations.
Raiders will always attack you
Have access to gifts given by good characters (Caps, Ammo, Food, etc.)

As for what the Karma Values are:

-1000 to -750   Very Evil
-749  to -250   Evil
-249  to +249   Neutral
+250  to +749   Good
+750  to +1000  Very Good

You begin with 0 Karma; -1,000 is "True Evil" and +1,000 is "Absolute Saint"
You can't check your Karma values, but can only see what it is by your "title,"
which you can check in section [VI] Experience Points and Leveling Up with
Karma. As for what actually effects your Karma:

Negative Karma Effect:

-5   - Stealing from a Neutral or Good character (per item)
-25  - Murdering a Neutral or Good creature
-50  - Performing an evil action in a Freeform Quest
-100 - Murdering a Neutral or Good character

Neutral Karma Effect:

0    - Killing an Evil character/creature

Positive Karma Effect:

+"x" - Donating Caps to any church, where the more you donate, the better Karma
+50  - Performing a good action in a Freeform Quest
+100 - Killing a Very Evil character/creature


[1.VI] Experience Points and Leveling Up with Karma


Here's the characters titles for each level.

|Lvl |   XP  |     Evil Karma      |    Neutral Karma     |     Good Karma     |
|  1 |     0 | Vault Delinquent    | Vault Dweller        | Vault Guardian     |
|  2 |   200 | Vault Outlaw        | Vault Renegade       | Vault Martyr       |
|  3 |   550 | Opportunist         | Seeker               | Sentinel           |
|  4 |  1050 | Plunderer           | Wanderer             | Defender           |
|  5 |  1700 | Fat Cat             | Citizen              | Dignitary          |
|  6 |  2500 | Marauder            | Adventurer           | Peacekeeper        |
|  7 |  3450 | Pirate              | Vagabond             | Ranger             |
|  8 |  4550 | Reaver              | Mercenary            | Protector          |
|  9 |  5800 | Urban Invader       | Urban Ranger         | Urban Avenger      |
| 10 |  7200 | Ne'er-do-well       | Observer             | Exemplar           |
| 11 |  8750 | Capital Crimelord   | Capital Councilor    | Capital Crusader   |
| 12 | 10450 | Defiler             | Keeper               | Paladin            |
| 13 | 12300 | Vault Boogeyman     | Vault Descendant     | Vault Legend       |
| 14 | 14300 | Harbinger of War    | Pinnacle of Survival | Ambasador of Peace |
| 15 | 16450 | Urban Superstition  | Urban Myth           | Urban Legend       |
| 16 | 18750 | Villain             | Strider              | Hero               |
| 17 | 21200 | Fiend               | Beholder             | Paragon            |
| 18 | 23800 | Wasteland Destroyer | Wasteland Watcher    | Wasteland Savior   |
| 19 | 26550 | Evil Incarnate      | Super-Human          | Saint              |
| 20 | 29450 | Scourge of Humanity | Paradigm of Humanity | Last, Best Hope    |

Again, when you reach levels 8, 14, and 20 with a certain Karma type, you'll get
an achievement based on what that is (the achievement name is also your title).


[1.VII] Gaining Experience Points


  When you gain XP, it will appear on your HUD, and you may view your total XP
in your Pip-Boy screen. You can go from level 1 to level 20. Here are the things
you can do to get XP:

Completing Main Quests
Completing Miscellaneous Quests
Completing Freeform Quests
Locating Map Markers
Killing enemies and NPCs
Picking Locks
Hacking Computers
Completing a Speech Challenge

Going through them all: there are 17 Miscellaneous Quests, and you'll gain
around 300 XP from each for a total of 5,100 XP. From the Main quests, you'll
gain a total of 7,700 XP with this rundown:

|           Quest             | XP Given|
| Baby Steps                  |      0  |
| Growing Up Fast             |      0  |
| Future Imperfect            |      0  |
| Escape!                     |    300  |
| Following in His Footsteps  |    200  |
| Galaxy News Radio           |    400  |
| Scientific Pursuits         |    500  |
| Tranquility Lane            |    600  |
| The Waters of Life          |    700  |
| Picking up the Trail        |    800  |
| Rescue from Paradise        |    900  |
| Finding the Garden of Eden  |  1,000  |
| The American Dream          |  1,100  |
| Take It Back!               |  1,200  |

These are the Miscellaneous Quests (300 XP each upon completion):

Agatha's Song
Big Trouble in Big Town
Blood Ties
Head of State
Reilly's Rangers
Stealing Independence
Strictly Business
Tenpenny Tower
The Nuka-Cola Challenge
The Power of the Atom
The Replicated Man
The Superhuman Gambit
The Wasteland Survival Guide
Trouble on the Homefront
You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head

With Freeform Quests, you gain a very small amount of XP, and most likely will
gain that same amount of XP by killing a few enemies.

Locating Map Markers hooks you 10 XP per location, which tallies up very well.

Killing enemies nets you from 1 XP up to 50 XP per normal enemy. As for picking
Locks, hacking Computers, and completing Speech Challenges:

| Action Difficulty | XP |
|    Very Easy      |  0 |
|    Easy           | 10 |
|    Average        | 20 |
|    Hard           | 30 |
|    Very Hard      | 50 |

This also applies for enemies, with Very Easy enemies gaining 1XP rather than 0.
There are also experience point bonuses, such as:

Higher Difficulty Bonus
Well-Rested Bonus
Swift Learner Bonus

Setting the game to a higher difficulty gives you more XP for how hard the game
gets, which is a multiple of a certain amount per base XP. The Well-Rested bonus
gives you +10% XP for 12 hours after you sleep in a bed. And finally, the Swift
Learner perk gives you a permanent 10% XP increase (20% and 30% if you level up
the perk).


Part 2: Followers and Enemies


In the Fallout world, you'll come across a slew of characters, friends and foes,
good and evil, and any mix of any type. In this part, you'll find those who will
follow you around, those you will fight, and where you'll find five of the
biggest enemies to take on.


[2.I] The Followers


There are 8 total followers that have the potential to, well, follow you. They
act as your bodyguard, support you, help you in fights, scavenge for items, and
can use your weapons/armor/items to help you out. Basically, they have some very
good uses and can help you get through the game easier. You can have one
follower at a time, so if you hire a second follower, the other one will leave.

There are 6 followers that follow you based on your Karma (2 for Evil, 2 for
Neutral, and 2 for Good), one follower for buying his contract, and another
follower for finding "him" (you'll see).

[2.I.a] The Followers
[2.I.b] What to do to get them
[2.I.c] Special tricks you can use them for


[2.I.a] The Followers

                              Evil Followers:


  He's a Raider, and a combat veteran, who mopes around Megaton whining about
  the "good 'ol days of killing." He also likes the lightly threaten the patrons
  of Moriarty's Saloon. He's a good help in combat and will work well with you
  when you decide to take people out for fun.


  She's a near-brainwashed companion of Eulogy Jones. For those who have seen
  Firefly know exactly what companion means in this type of universe. She
  resides in Paradise Falls, which means you must be evil to even see what she
  looks like. She'll do anything for you, including helping you get past any
  threat, and fighting for your cause.

                              Neutral Followers:


  That's right, the snot-nosed kid that you grew up with in Vault 101 gets to
  give you the name of "Butch" in a sense. Mr. Serpent King of the Tunnel 
  Snakes himself will join up with you and for once, fight side by side with
  you for a change rather than just cause trouble.

Sergeant RL-3

  He looks a lot like Andy the robot from Vault 101, with the exception that
  RL-3 is a combat marvel. He's a soldier who, though is a robot, has some
  conscience and because of that, will do what you want only if you're neither
  good nor evil.

                              Good Followers:


  He's your typical Mr. Giant: a towering guy with muscles galore and a presence
  that might make people run away, but in reality he's a very nice guy to be
  around. That, and when you're in battle, his giant hammer does the talking,
  but you know, that's just on the side. He's a super-mutant, and despite his
  cherub-like demeanor, he likes destruction quite a bit, and will love any
  chance to destroy your enemies.

Star Paladin Cross

  She's a Citadel warrior who only sides with Good and those who believe in
  doing things in the name of justice. She's an old family friend who is a
  goddess in combat. As long as you keep your honor, she will fight with you.

                              Other Followers:


  Not your normal follower as you are human and he... isn't. He's a Ghoul whose
  name is signed on a contract with someone in the Underworld, which is ironic
  since Charon is the name of the mythical Ferryman of Souls for Hades. Once
  you get him, he can be your best chance for taking on enemies as he'll fight
  for you no matter what your Karma is. Oh, and there's also the fact that he
  seems to be an all-around killing machine that will finish the job at all


  As with Charon, Dogmeat's not human, but is a little bit more normal to have
  as a follower, as he's "Man's Best Friend." Dogmeat the dog, who is, sorry for
  the pun, a beast when it comes to attacking other people. He's your best bet
  for tearing apart raiders, and especially useful for when you want him to find
  you items, including items that restore health. Even better, no matter if
  you're Evil, Neutral, or Good, he'll remain loyal to you. Also, even if you
  have another follower, you can have Dogmeat as a second follower, 2-for-1! As
  a note, if you send him out for something and it seems like he's lost, just go
  to the Vault 101 entrance and he'll be waiting for you.


[2.I.b] What to do to get them



  Karma: Evil
  Location: Megaton (zone 8.03)
  Requirement: Talk him into resuming his previous career as a warmonger. You
               must give him 1,000 Caps to recruit him.
  Summary: The very high cost to get him might make him not a good choice for a
           companion; he's alright in battle, just not 1,000 Caps good.


  Karma: Evil
  Location: Paradise Falls (zone 2.08)
  Requirement: Speak to Eulogy Jones and he'll offer to sell Clover to you.
  Summary: She is an absolute maniac in battle and will rip your enemies to
           shreds. Get her ASAP.


  Karma: Neutral
  Location: Rivet City (zone 9.15)
  Requirement: Assuming that you didn't go through with your urge to kill him in
               Vault 101, you'll find him during the Miscellaneous Quest:
               Trouble On The Homefront. Make sure he's alive, the Overseer is
               not in power (either stepped down or dead), and you've sabotaged
               the Vault, go to the Muddy Rudder bar in Rivet City and convince
               him (shouldn't be hard at all) to join you.
  Summary: He's alright in battle; basically more of a "nostalgic" feel to fight
           with as he's the one you grew up with.

Sergeant RL-3

  Karma: Neutral
  Location: Wasteland near RobCo Factory (near zone 7.10)
  Requirement: There's a traveling robot salesman named Mister Tinker (or Tinker
               Joe) that's roaming the Wastelands near the RobCo Factory that
               you can buy him from.
  Summary: He's pretty good in combat and will take a lot of damage so you won't
           have to. Also, he's very accurate.


  Karma: Good
  Location: Vault 87 (zone 4.06)
  Requirement: He won't join you immediately, but after you visit Vault 87,
               he'll be waiting for you.
  Summary: Very, very good in battle. He'll take out enemies quickly and you
           can have fun sitting back and watching him have his "fun."

Star Paladin Cross

  Karma: Good
  Location: The Citadel (zone 9.11)
  Requirement: Speak to her and she'll agree to accompany you on a detachment
               mission as long as you keep your Good Karma.
  Summary: She's alright, a good fighter, but since you have Good Karma, it'd
           be better to have Fawkes as your follower.


  Karma: Any
  Location: Museum of History: Underworld (zone 17.07B)
  Requirement: This is a Freeform Quest: Hired Help. Go to the Ninth Circle, and
               Ahzrukhal will be there with his bodyguard Charon. You can do one
               of two things to get his contract. First, you can buy his
               contract for 2,000 Caps (1,000 if you're skilled in Bartering).
               Second, you can agree to kill one of Ahzrukhal's rivals named
               Greta, who is located in Carol's place.
  Summary: Definitely a great get. He's an all-around killing machine that is
           very good at killing your enemies. Plus he looks awesome.


  Karma: Any
  Location: NNE of Megaton in the Scrapyard (6.03)
  Requirement: From Megaton, go north past the river and you'll find the Meresti
               Trainyard. From there go east and you'll find a Scrapyard guarded
               by Raiders. He'll be there mourning his previous master. Approach
               him and he'll join you.
  Summary: Get him get him get him. Aside from the fact that you can have him as
           a second follower, he's great in combat against other humans, as
           would be expected from an attack dog. Also, him scavenging for items
           is a huge plus.


[2.I.c] Special tricks you can use them for


Other than what is mentioned above, there are a few other special "perks" to
having followers around.

You can use your follower to tag on some of your baggage. That's right, use his
or her or its strength to your advantage by giving the follower some of your
inventory! Don't worry, they won't steal it from you, after all you're their
master in a way. If you're getting close to being "over-encumbered," then shed
some of that encumbrance onto your follower. This is especially useful if you
want to go out looting and want to rake in a heavier profit.

If you can't wear Power Armor yet and don't have enough skill points, then just
give it to your follower to wear! It makes sure that your follower can help you
for a longer time, and because s/he's wearing it, it literally lightens your
load and just like explained above, will let you have more stuff in your


[2.II] Bestiary


There are an extensive amount of enemies in the game. Here are the different
factions, and who are a part of them.

[2.II.a] The Factions
[2.II.b] Enemy List


***Coming Soon***


[2.III] Super Mutant Behemoths


There are a total of 5 Super Mutant Behemoths that you have to take down, well,
have to in the sense of getting an achievement. Here's where they're located:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Zone:      7.04
   Lat/Lon:   -18/-07
   Location:  Evergreen Mills
   Specifics: He's outside in a cage above the Slave Pens; not hard to miss
              considering his size. You can shoot him down while he's stuck in
              the cage, or let him out and fight him on the battlefield. That
              is, after he goes on a rampage against some Raiders first.

   Zone:      8.A
   Lat/Lon:   -13/-04
   Location:  Galaxy News Radio Plaza
   Specifics: After completing Mini-Encounter 004: Searching for Cheryl, search
              for a container or shoping cart cage. Be careful, because as soon
              as you take out the teddy bear, the Behemoth will be charging
              down a hill directly behind you.

   Zone:      10.F
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Galaxy News Radio Plaza
   Specifics: During Main Quest: Galaxy News Radio, you'll battle this one
              alongside the Brotherhood of Steel in the Plaza.

   Zone:      13.03
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Takoma Motors Auto Shop
   Specifics: In the parking lot in front of the Factory. Make sure that you're
              alone when you fight the Behemoth as there are other Super Mutants
              in the area that can make your fight a whole lot harder.

   Zone:      17.14
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Capitol Building West Entrance
   Specifics: Follow the Talon mercenaries, either by trailing them or killing
              and following the bodies, and you'll end up in a huge circular
              room. There will be a few more Talon mercenaries trying to battle
              it and failing; feel free to finish the job.


Part 3: Weapons, Armor and Items


This is a list of all weapons, armor, and items in the Fallout universe.

For the Weapons section:

  Value: price sold for
  Weight: in lbs
  Clip: how much in your magazine
  Ammo: what type of ammo the gun takes
  AP: Action Points (used in V.A.T.S.)
  Damage: damage given per bullet/shot/etc.
  Auto: automatic fire
  Rate of Fire: self-explanatory
  Spread: the size of the firing zone
  Critical % Multiplier: the multiplies your chance of getting a critical hit
  Critical Damage: how much damage is added on if there is a critical hit
  Specifics: if the weapon does something special
  Rarity: if the weapon is unique or not

For the Clothing section:

  Health: how much more health the outfit gives you
  DR: damage resistance, how much damage the outfit takes away
  Effects: what specialties the clothing has

For the Items, Alcohol and Chems section:

  Quest: if the item is obtained through a quest
  Addiction: if there is a chance of getting addicted to the item

Note that all weapons and armor show their damage/resistance as their base
stats, which is if they're at 100% condition, and is also before your skills
affect them (big guns, strength, etc.).


[3.I] Checklist



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Big Guns

  Burnmaster Flamer
  Gatling Laser
  Vengeance Gatling Laser
  Eugene Minigun
  Fat Man
  Experimental MIRV Fatman
  Missile Launcher
  Miss Launcher Missile Launcher

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Energy Weapons

  Alien Blaster
  Firelance Alien Blaster
  Laser Pistol
  Colonel Autumn's Laser Pistol
  Protectron's Gaze Laser Pistol
  Smuggler's End Laser Pistol
  Plasma Pistol
  Laser Rifle
  Wazer Wifle Laser Rifle
  Plasma Rifle
  A3-21's Plasma Rifle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Frag Grenade
  Plasma Grenade
  Pulse Grenade
  Frag Mine
  Plasma Mine
  Pulse Mine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Melee Weapons

  Police Baton
  Chinese Officer's Sword
  Vampire's Edge Chinese Officer's Sword
  Combat Knife
  Occam's Razor Combat Knife
  Stabhappy Combat Knife
  Lead Pipe
  Jack Ripper
  Rolling Pin
  Ant's Sting Knife
  Butch's Toothpick Switchblade
  Tire Iron
  Highwayman's Friend Tire Iron
  Repellent Stick
  Baseball Bat
  Nail Board
  Board of Education Nail Board
  Pool Cue
  The Break Pool Cue
  The Tenderizer Sledgehammer
  Super Sledge
  Fawkes' Super Sledge

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Small Guns

  10mm Pistol
  Colonel Autumn's 10mm Pistol
  Silenced 10mm Pistol
  10mm Submachine Gun
  Sydney's 10mm Ultra SMG
  .32 Pistol
  Scoped .44 Magnum
  Blackhawk Scoped .44 Magnum
  Chinese Pistol
  Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol
  Sawed-Off Shotgun
  The Kneecapper Sawed-Off Shotgun
  Chinese Assault Rifle
  Xuanlong Assault Rifle
  Assault Rifle
  BB GUn
  Combat Shotgun
  The Terrible Shotgun
  Hunting Rifle
  Ol' Painless Hunting Rifle
  Lincoln's Repeater
  Sniper Rifle
  Reservist's Rifle Sniper Rifle
  Victory Rifle Sniper Rifle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Unarmed Weapons

  Brass Knuckles
  Power Fist
  Fisto! Power Fist
  The Shocker Power Fist
  Spiked Knuckles
  Plunkett's Valid Points Spiked Knuckles

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Custom Weapons

  Rock-It Launcher
  Bottlecap Mine
  Dart Gun
  Railway Rifle
  Deathclaw Gauntlet



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Advanced Radiation Suit
  Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit
  Combat Armor
  Combat Armor, Talon
  Enclave Power Armor
  Leather Armor
  Linden's Outcast Power Armor
  Mercenary Adventurer Outfit
  Mercenary Charmer Outfit
  Mercenary Cruiser Outfit
  Mercenary Grunt Outfit
  Mercenary Troublemaker Outfit
  Mercenary Veteran Outfit
  Metal Armor
  Outcast Recon Armor
  Power Armor
  Prototype Medic Power Armor
  Radiation Suit
  Raider Armor, Badlands
  Raider Armor, Blastmaster
  Raider Armor, Painspike
  Raider Armor, Sadist
  Ranger Battle Armor
  Recon Armor
  Rivet City Security Armor
  T-51b Power Armor
  Tenpenny Security Uniform
  Tesla Armor
  The AntAgonizer's Costume
  The Mechanist's Costume
  Vault 101 Security Armor
  Wanderer's Leather Armor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Boogeyman's Hood
  Combat Helmet
  Combat Helmet, Talon
  Crow's Eyebot Helmet
  Enclave Power Helmet
  Eyebot Helmet
  Hockey Mask
  Ledoux's Hockey Mask
  Metal Helmet
  Motorcycle Helmet
  Outcast Recon Helmet
  Power Helmet
  Raider Helmet, Archlight
  Raider Helmet, Blastmaster
  Raider Helmet, Psycho-Tic
  Raider Helmet, Wastehound
  Ranger Battle Helmet
  Recon Armor Helmet
  Rivet City Security Helmet
  T-51b Power Helmet
  Tenpenny Security Helmet
  Tesla Helmet
  The AntAgonizer's Helmet
  The Mechanist's Helmet
  Torcher's Mask
  Vault 101 Security Helmet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Brahmin-Skin Outfit
  Brotherhood Scribe Robe
  Chinese Jumpsuit
  Colonel Autumn's Uniform
  Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit
  Dirty Pre-War Businesswear
  Dirty Pre-War Casualwear
  Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit
  Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear
  Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit
  Elder Lyons' Robe
  Enclave Officer Uniform
  Enclave Scientist Outfit
  Environment Suit
  Eulogy Jones' Suit
  Grimy Pre-War Businesswear
  Handyman Jumpsuit
  Lab Technician Outfit
  Lesko's Lab Coat
  Maple's Garb
  Modified Utility Jumpsuit
  Naughty Nightwear
  Negligee (1)
  Negligee (2)
  Oasis Robe
  Oasis Villager Robe
  Pre-War Casualwear
  Pre-War Parkstroller
  Pre-War Relaxedwear
  Pre-War Spring Outfit
  Red Racer Jumpsuit
  Red's Jumpsuit
  Regulator Duster
  RobCo Jumpsuit
  Roving Trader Outfit
  Scientist Outfit
  Sheriff's Duster
  Tenpenny's Suit
  The Surgeon's Lab Coat
  Tunnel Snake Outfit
  Vance's Longcoat Outfit
  Vault Jumpsuit
  Vault Lab Uniform
  Vault Utility Jumpsuit
  Wasteland Doctor Fatigues
  Wasteland Settler Outfit
  Wasteland Surgeon Outfit
  Wasteland Wanderer Outfit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Ballcap with Glasses
  Biker Goggles
  Button's Wig
  Chinese Commando Hat
  Enclave Officer Hat
  Eulogy Jones' Hat
  Ghoul Mask
  Lincoln's Hat
  Lucky Shades
  Makeshift Gas Mask
  Oasis Druid Head
  Poplar's Hood
  Pre-War Baseball Cap
  Pre-War Bonnet
  Pre-War Hat
  Red's Bandana
  Roving Trader Hat
  Shady Hat
  Sheriff's Hat
  Stormchaser Hat
  Surgical Mask
  Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap
  Three Dog's Head Wrap


                                     Items, Alcohol and Chems

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Ant Meat
  Ant Nectar
  Blamco Mac and Cheese
  Bloatify Meat
  Blood Pack
  Brahmin Steak
  Cave Fungus
  Crispy Squirrel Bits
  Crunchy Mutfruit
  Dandy Boy Apples
  Dirty Water
  Dog Meat
  Fancy Lads Snack Cakes
  Fire Ant Nectar
  Fresh Apple
  Fresh Carrot
  Fresh Pear
  Fresh Potato
  Gum Drops
  Hatchling Mirelurk Meat
  Human Flesh
  Ice Cold Nuka-Cola
  Iguana Bits
  Iguana on a Stick
  Junk Food
  Mirelurk Cakes
  Mirelurk Meat
  Miss. Quantum Pie
  Mole Rat Meat
  Mole Rat Wonder Meat
  Nuka-Cola Quantum
  Nukalurk Meat
  Pork N' Beans
  Potato Crisps
  Purified Water
  Radroach Meat
  Salisbury Steak
  Softshell Mirelurk Meat
  Squirrel on a Stick
  Squirrel Stew
  Strange Meat
  Strange Meat Pie
  Sugar Bombs
  Yoo Guai Meat
  YumYum Deviled Eggs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Ant Queen Pheromones
  Mentats, Berry
  Mentats, Grape
  Mentats, Orange
  Stealth Boy


[3.II] Weapons


                                     Big Guns


    Value:        500
    Weight:       15
    Clip:         60
    Ammo:         Flamer Fuel
    AP:           50
    Damage:       16
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 8
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   4
    Crit. Damage: 1
    Specifics:    Sets enemies on fire
    Rarity:       -

  Burnmaster Flamer

    Value:        500
    Weight:       15
    Clip:         60
    Ammo:         Flamer Fuel
    AP:           50
    Damage:       24
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 8
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   4
    Crit. Damage: 1
    Specifics:    Sets enemies on fire
    Rarity:       Unique

  Gatling Laser

    Value:        2000
    Weight:       18
    Clip:         240
    Ammo:         Electron Charge Pack
    AP:           30
    Damage:       8
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 20
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 6
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Vengeance Gatling Laser

    Value:        2400
    Weight:       18
    Clip:         240
    Ammo:         Electron Charge Pack
    AP:           30
    Damage:       11
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 20
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 12
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique


    Value:        1000
    Weight:       18
    Clip:         240
    Ammo:         5mm Round
    AP:           30
    Damage:       5
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 20
    Spread:       2
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 5
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Eugene Minigun

    Value:        1500
    Weight:       18
    Clip:         240
    Ammo:         5mm Round
    AP:           30
    Damage:       7
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 20
    Spread:       2
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 7
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Fat Man

    Value:        1000
    Weight:       30
    Clip:         1
    Ammo:         Mini Nuke
    AP:           65
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 4.5
    Spread:       2
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Collectible

  Experimental MIRV Fatman

    Value:        2500
    Weight:       30
    Clip:         8
    Ammo:         Mini Nuke
    AP:           65
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 4.5
    Spread:       13
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    Launches multiple nukes simultaneously
    Rarity:       Unique

  Missile Launcher

    Value:        500
    Weight:       20
    Clip:         1
    Ammo:         Missile
    AP:           55
    Damage:       20
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 5.5
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Miss Launcher Missile Launcher

    Value:        400
    Weight:       15
    Clip:         1
    Ammo:         Missile
    AP:           55
    Damage:       20
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 5.5
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    Missiles arc like a grenade, explodes after three seconds
    Rarity:       Unique

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                     Energy Weapons

  Alien Blaster

    Value:        500
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         10
    Ammo:         Alien Power Cell
    AP:           20
    Damage:       100
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 3
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 40
    Specifics:    Chance to Disintegrate on death
    Rarity:       -

  Firelance Alien Blaster

    Value:        750
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         10
    Ammo:         Alien Power Cell
    AP:           20
    Damage:       80
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 3
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   3
    Crit. Damage: 40
    Specifics:    Chance to Disintegrate on death
    Rarity:       Unique

  Laser Pistol

    Value:        320
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         30
    Ammo:         Energy Cell
    AP:           17
    Damage:       12
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 6
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   1.5
    Crit. Damage: 12
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Colonel Autumn's Laser Pistol

    Value:        420
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         20
    Ammo:         Energy Cell
    AP:           0
    Damage:       15
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 6
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   1.5
    Crit. Damage: 18
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Protectron's Gaze Laser Pistol

    Value:        320
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         20
    Ammo:         Energy Cell
    AP:           17
    Damage:       24
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 3
    Spread:       2.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 24
    Specifics:    Fires two shots at once
    Rarity:       Unique

  Smuggler's End Laser Pistol

    Value:        450
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         30
    Ammo:         Energy Cell
    AP:           17
    Damage:       18
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 6
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   1.5
    Crit. Damage: 18
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique


    Value:        500
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         5
    Ammo:         Mesmetron Power Cell
    AP:           65
    Damage:       1
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 1
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 0
    Specifics:    Weapon and ammo from Grouse at Paradise Falls
    Rarity:       Unique

  Plasma Pistol

    Value:        360
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         16
    Ammo:         Energy Cell
    AP:           21
    Damage:       25
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 3
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 25
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Laser Rifle

    Value:        1000
    Weight:       8
    Clip:         24
    Ammo:         Micro Fusion Cell
    AP:           17
    Damage:       23
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 2
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   1.5
    Crit. Damage: 22
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Wazer Wifle Laser Rifle

    Value:        900
    Weight:       8
    Clip:         30
    Ammo:         Micro Fusion Cell
    AP:           17
    Damage:       28
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 2
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   1.5
    Crit. Damage: 28
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Plasma Rifle

    Value:        1800
    Weight:       8
    Clip:         12
    Ammo:         Micro Fusion Cell
    AP:           25
    Damage:       45
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 4
    Spread:       0.2
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 44
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  A3-21's Plasma Rifle

    Value:        2200
    Weight:       8
    Clip:         12
    Ammo:         Micro Fusion Cell
    AP:           25
    Damage:       50
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 4
    Spread:       0.2
    Critical %:   2.5
    Crit. Damage: 50
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Frag Grenade

    Value:        25
    Weight:       0.5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           24
    Damage:       100
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    20 foot radius
    Rarity:       -

  Plasma Grenade

    Value:        50
    Weight:       0.5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           24
    Damage:       150
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    20 foot radius
    Rarity:       -

  Pulse Grenade

    Value:        40
    Weight:       0.5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           24
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    20 foot radius, 200 damage to robots, 8 second disable
    Rarity:       -

  Frag Mine

    Value:        25
    Weight:       0.5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           35
    Damage:       100
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    20 foot radius
    Rarity:       -

  Plasma Mine

    Value:        50
    Weight:       0.5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           35
    Damage:       150
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    20 foot radius
    Rarity:       -

  Pulse Mine

    Value:        40
    Weight:       0.5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           35
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    20 foot radius, 200 damage to robots, 8 second disable
    Rarity:       -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                     Melee Weapons

  Police Baton

    Value:        70
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           25
    Damage:       4
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 4
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Chinese Officer's Sword

    Value:        75
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           28
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 15
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Vampire's Edge Chinese Officer's Sword

    Value:        400
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           28
    Damage:       15
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   3
    Crit. Damage: 20
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Combat Knife

    Value:        50
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           17
    Damage:       7
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   3
    Crit. Damage: 13
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Occam's Razor Combat Knife

    Value:        65
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           17
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   3
    Crit. Damage: 13
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Stabhappy Combat Knife

    Value:        65
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           17
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   4
    Crit. Damage: 15
    Specifics:    Slightly more damage to limbs
    Rarity:       Unique

  Lead Pipe

    Value:        75
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           24
    Damage:       9
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 18
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -


    Value:        100
    Weight:       6
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           65
    Damage:       30
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Jack Ripper

    Value:        200
    Weight:       6
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           65
    Damage:       30
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 15
    Specifics:    50% extra limb damage
    Rarity:       Unique

  Rolling Pin

    Value:        10
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           24
    Damage:       3
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -


    Value:        20
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           20
    Damage:       4
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 4
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Ant's Sting Knife

    Value:        30
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           20
    Damage:       4
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 4
    Specifics:    Poisons enemies, 40 damage every 10 seconds
    Rarity:       Unique


    Value:        35
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           18
    Damage:       5
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 9
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Butch's Toothpick Switchblade

    Value:        50
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           18
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   2.5
    Crit. Damage: 13
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Tire Iron

    Value:        40
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           27
    Damage:       6
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 6
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Highwayman's Friend Tire Iron

    Value:        75
    Weight:       5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           27
    Damage:       10
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 10
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Repellent Stick

    Value:        120
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           40
    Damage:       1
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    Explodes Mole Rats after 5 seconds
    Rarity:       -

  Baseball Bat

    Value:        55
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           25
    Damage:       9
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 9
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Nail Board

    Value:        30
    Weight:       4
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           27
    Damage:       8
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Board of Education Nail Board

    Value:        60
    Weight:       4
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           27
    Damage:       12
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 12
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Pool Cue

    Value:        15
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           27
    Damage:       3
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  The Break Pool Cue

    Value:        50
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           27
    Damage:       6
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 6
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique


    Value:        130
    Weight:       12
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           38
    Damage:       20
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 10
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  The Tenderizer Sledgehammer

    Value:        230
    Weight:       12
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           38
    Damage:       30
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 15
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Super Sledge

    Value:        180
    Weight:       20
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           38
    Damage:       25
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 25
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Fawkes' Super Sledge

    Value:        300
    Weight:       18
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           38
    Damage:       32
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 32
    Specifics:    Attacks faster than regular Sledgehammer
    Rarity:       Unique

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                     Small Guns

  10mm Pistol

    Value:        225
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         12
    Ammo:         10mm Round
    AP:           17
    Damage:       9
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 6
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 9
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Colonel Autumn's 10mm Pistol

    Value:        325
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         12
    Ammo:         10mm Round
    AP:           17
    Damage:       13
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 6
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 13
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Silenced 10mm Pistol

    Value:        250
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         12
    Ammo:         10mm Round
    AP:           21
    Damage:       8
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 6
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 5
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  10mm Submachine Gun

    Value:        330
    Weight:       5
    Clip:         30
    Ammo:         10mm Round
    AP:           20
    Damage:       7
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 10
    Spread:       1.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 7
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Sydney's 10mm Ultra SMG

    Value:        430
    Weight:       5
    Clip:         50
    Ammo:         10mm Round
    AP:           20
    Damage:       9
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 10
    Spread:       1.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 9
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  .32 Pistol

    Value:        110
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         5
    Ammo:         .32 Caliber Round
    AP:           20
    Damage:       6
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 6
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 6
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Scoped .44 Magnum

    Value:        300
    Weight:       4
    Clip:         6
    Ammo:         .44 Round, Magnum
    AP:           32
    Damage:       35
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 2.25
    Spread:       0.3
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 35
    Specifics:    Scoped
    Rarity:       -

  Blackhawk Scoped .44 Magnum

    Value:        500
    Weight:       4
    Clip:         6
    Ammo:         .44 Round, Magnum
    AP:           32
    Damage:       55
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 2.25
    Spread:       0.3
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 45
    Specifics:    Scoped
    Rarity:       Unique

  Chinese Pistol

    Value:        190
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         10
    Ammo:         10mm Round
    AP:           17
    Damage:       4
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 6
    Spread:       1
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 4
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol

    Value:        290
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         10
    Ammo:         10mm Round
    AP:           17
    Damage:       4
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 4.5
    Spread:       1
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 4
    Specifics:    Chance of setting enemies on fire
    Rarity:       Unique

  Sawed-Off Shotgun

    Value:        150
    Weight:       4
    Clip:         2
    Ammo:         Shotgun Shell
    AP:           37
    Damage:       50
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 2.25
    Spread:       7
    Critical %:   N/A
    Crit. Damage: -
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  The Kneecapper Sawed-Off Shotgun

    Value:        350
    Weight:       5
    Clip:         2
    Ammo:         Shotgun Shell
    AP:           37
    Damage:       75
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 1.9
    Spread:       4
    Critical %:   N/A
    Crit. Damage: -
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Chinese Assault Rifle

    Value:        500
    Weight:       7
    Clip:         24
    Ammo:         5.56mm Round
    AP:           23
    Damage:       11
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 8
    Spread:       1.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 10
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Xuanlong Assault Rifle

    Value:        400
    Weight:       7
    Clip:         36
    Ammo:         5.56mm Round
    AP:           23
    Damage:       12
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 8
    Spread:       1.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 12
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Assault Rifle

    Value:        300
    Weight:       7
    Clip:         24
    Ammo:         5.56mm Round
    AP:           23
    Damage:       8
    Auto:         Yes
    Rate of Fire: 8
    Spread:       1.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 8
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  BB GUn

    Value:        36
    Weight:       2
    Clip:         100
    Ammo:         BB
    AP:           28
    Damage:       4
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 0.75
    Spread:       0.5
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 4
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Combat Shotgun

    Value:        200
    Weight:       7
    Clip:         12
    Ammo:         Shotgun Shell
    AP:           27
    Damage:       55
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 1.5
    Spread:       3
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 27
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  The Terrible Shotgun

    Value:        250
    Weight:       10
    Clip:         12
    Ammo:         Shotgun Shell
    AP:           27
    Damage:       80
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 1.5
    Spread:       6
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 40
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Hunting Rifle

    Value:        150
    Weight:       6
    Clip:         5
    Ammo:         .32 Caliber Rifle
    AP:           25
    Damage:       25
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 0.75
    Spread:       0.3
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 25
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Ol' Painless Hunting Rifle

    Value:        250
    Weight:       6
    Clip:         5
    Ammo:         .32 Caliber Rifle
    AP:           23
    Damage:       30
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 1.1
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 30
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  Lincoln's Repeater

    Value:        500
    Weight:       5
    Clip:         15
    Ammo:         .44 Round, Magnum
    AP:           25
    Damage:       50
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 0.75
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 50
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Sniper Rifle

    Value:        300
    Weight:       10
    Clip:         5
    Ammo:         .308 Caliber Round
    AP:           38
    Damage:       40
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 1
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   5
    Crit. Damage: 40
    Specifics:    Scoped
    Rarity:       -

  Reservist's Rifle Sniper Rifle

    Value:        500
    Weight:       10
    Clip:         3
    Ammo:         .308 Caliber Round
    AP:           32
    Damage:       40
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 1.6
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   5
    Crit. Damage: 40
    Specifics:    Scoped
    Rarity:       Unique

  Victory Rifle Sniper Rifle

    Value:        450
    Weight:       10
    Clip:         5
    Ammo:         .308 Caliber Round
    AP:           38
    Damage:       40
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 1
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   3
    Crit. Damage: 40
    Specifics:    Scoped, knocks enemy down on critical hit
    Rarity:       Unique

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                     Unarmed Weapons

  Brass Knuckles

    Value:        20
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           18
    Damage:       6
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 6
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Power Fist

    Value:        100
    Weight:       6
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           28
    Damage:       20
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 20
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Fisto! Power Fist

    Value:        100
    Weight:       6
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           25
    Damage:       25
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1.5
    Crit. Damage: 25
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

  The Shocker Power Fist

    Value:        150
    Weight:       6
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           25
    Damage:       20
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 20
    Specifics:    Additional 25 damage to robots
    Rarity:       Unique

  Spiked Knuckles

    Value:        25
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           19
    Damage:       9
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 9
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -

  Plunkett's Valid Points Spiked Knuckles

    Value:        30
    Weight:       1
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           15
    Damage:       12
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       -
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 12
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       Unique

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                     Custom Weapons

  Rock-It Launcher

    Value:        200
    Weight:       8
    Clip:         12
    Ammo:         Misc. objects
    AP:           32
    Damage:       50
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 3.33
    Spread:       1
    Critical %:   1
    Crit. Damage: 25
    Specifics:    Big Guns
    Rarity:       -


    Value:        50
    Weight:       0.5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           24
    Damage:       500
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    20 foot radius, Radiation and Fire

  Bottlecap Mine

    Value:        75
    Weight:       0.5
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           35
    Damage:       500
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       1
    Critical %:   0
    Crit. Damage: N/A
    Specifics:    -
    Rarity:       -


    Value:        200
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           28
    Damage:       35
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   2
    Crit. Damage: 24
    Specifics:    Melee Weapon, Ignites target
    Rarity:       -

  Dart Gun

    Value:        500
    Weight:       3
    Clip:         1
    Ammo:         Dart
    AP:           25
    Damage:       6
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 8.33
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   2.5
    Crit. Damage: 12
    Specifics:    Small Guns, Poison: 64 damage per 8 seconds & cripples legs
    Rarity:       -

  Railway Rifle

    Value:        200
    Weight:       9
    Clip:         8
    Ammo:         Railway Spikes
    AP:           24
    Damage:       30
    Auto:         No
    Rate of Fire: 2
    Spread:       0.75
    Critical %:   3
    Crit. Damage: 30
    Specifics:    Small Guns
    Rarity:       -

  Deathclaw Gauntlet

    Value:        150
    Weight:       10
    Clip:         -
    Ammo:         -
    AP:           26
    Damage:       20
    Auto:         -
    Rate of Fire: -
    Spread:       0
    Critical %:   5
    Crit. Damage: 30
    Specifics:    Unarmed weapon, Ignores damage resistance from armor
    Rarity:       -


[3.III] Clothing



  Advanced Radiation Suit

    Value:   100
    Powered: N
    Weight:  7
    Health:  25
    DR:      8
    Effects: Rad Resistance +40%

  Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit

    Value:   180
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  100
    DR:      12
    Effects: Energy Weapons +5, Small Guns +5

  Combat Armor

    Value:   390
    Powered: N
    Weight:  25
    Health:  400
    DR:      32
    Effects: -

  Combat Armor, Talon

    Value:   275
    Powered: N
    Weight:  25
    Health:  300
    DR:      28
    Effects: -

  Enclave Power Armor

    Value:   780
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  45
    Health:  1200
    DR:      40
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +15%, Agility -1, Strength +1

  Leather Armor

    Value:   160
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  150
    DR:      24
    Effects: -

  Linden's Outcast Power Armor

    Value:   740
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  45
    Health:  1000
    DR:      40
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +10%, Agility -1, Strength +1, Big Guns +5

  Mercenary Adventurer Outfit

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  8
    Health:  100
    DR:      12
    Effects: Small Guns +2, Melee Weapons +2

  Mercenary Charmer Outfit

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  8
    Health:  100
    DR:      12
    Effects: Small Guns +2, Melee Weapons +2

  Mercenary Cruiser Outfit

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  8
    Health:  100
    DR:      12
    Effects: Small Guns +2, Melee Weapons +2

  Mercenary Grunt Outfit

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  8
    Health:  100
    DR:      12
    Effects: Small Guns +2, Melee Weapons +2

  Mercenary Troublemaker Outfit

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  8
    Health:  100
    DR:      12
    Effects: Small Guns +2, Melee Weapons +2

  Mercenary Veteran Outfit

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  8
    Health:  100
    DR:      12
    Effects: Small Guns +2, Melee Weapons +2

  Metal Armor

    Value:   460
    Powered: N
    Weight:  30
    Health:  500
    DR:      36
    Effects: Agility -1

  Outcast Recon Armor

    Value:   180
    Powered: N
    Weight:  20
    Health:  400
    DR:      28
    Effects: Sneak +5

  Power Armor

    Value:   740
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  45
    Health:  1000
    DR:      40
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +10%, Agility -2, Strength +2

  Prototype Medic Power Armor

    Value:   1000
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  45
    Health:  1000
    DR:      40
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +25%, Agility -1, Dispenses Med-X

  Radiation Suit

    Value:   60
    Powered: N
    Weight:  5
    Health:  15
    DR:      6
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +30%

  Raider Armor, Badlands

    Value:   180
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  100
    DR:      16
    Effects: -

  Raider Armor, Blastmaster

    Value:   180
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  100
    DR:      16
    Effects: -

  Raider Armor, Painspike

    Value:   180
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  100
    DR:      16
    Effects: -

  Raider Armor, Sadist

    Value:   180
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  100
    DR:      16
    Effects: -

  Ranger Battle Armor

    Value:   430
    Powered: N
    Weight:  27
    Health:  1100
    DR:      39
    Effects: Small Guns +10, AP +5, Luck +1

  Recon Armor

    Value:   180
    Powered: N
    Weight:  20
    Health:  400
    DR:      28
    Effects: Sneak +5

  Rivet City Security Armor

    Value:   330
    Powered: N
    Weight:  20
    Health:  100
    DR:      24
    Effects: Small Guns +5

  T-51b Power Armor

    Value:   1000
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  40
    Health:  2000
    DR:      50
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +25

  Tenpenny Security Uniform

    Value:   180
    Powered: N
    Weight:  20
    Health:  100
    DR:      24
    Effects: Small Guns +5

  Tesla Armor

    Value:   820
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  45
    Health:  1500
    DR:      43
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +20%, Energy Weapons +10

  The AntAgonizer's Costume

    Value:   120
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  100
    DR:      20
    Effects: Agility +1, Charisma -1

  The Mechanist's Costume

    Value:   30
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  100
    DR:      20
    Effects: Endurance +1, Charisma -1

  Vault 101 Security Armor

    Value:   70
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  100
    DR:      12
    Effects: -

  Wanderer's Leather Armor

    Value:   160
    Powered: N
    Weight:  15
    Health:  150
    DR:      24
    Effects: Small Guns +10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Boogeyman's Hood

    Value:   110
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  100
    DR:      8
    Effects: -

  Combat Helmet

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  50
    DR:      5
    Effects: -

  Combat Helmet, Talon

    Value:   60
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  40
    DR:      4
    Effects: -

  Crow's Eyebot Helmet

    Value:   20
    Powered: N
    Weight:  10
    Health:  25
    DR:      5
    Effects: Perception +1

  Enclave Power Helmet

    Value:   110
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  5
    Health:  75
    DR:      9
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +5%, Charisma -1

  Eyebot Helmet

    Value:   20
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  25
    DR:      5
    Effects: -

  Hockey Mask

    Value:   10
    Powered: N
    Weight:  1
    Health:  15
    DR:      3
    Effects: Unarmed +5

  Ledoux's Hockey Mask

    Value:   100
    Powered: N
    Weight:  1
    Health:  25
    DR:      4
    Effects: AP +25

  Metal Helmet

    Value:   70
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  50
    DR:      5
    Effects: -

  Motorcycle Helmet

    Value:   6
    Powered: N
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      5
    Effects: -

  Outcast Recon Helmet

    Value:   40
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  40
    DR:      4
    Effects: Perception +1

  Power Helmet

    Value:   110
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  5
    Health:  75
    DR:      8
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +3

  Raider Helmet, Archlight

    Value:   20
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  15
    DR:      2
    Effects: -

  Raider Helmet, Blastmaster

    Value:   20
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  15
    DR:      2
    Effects: Explosives +5, Big Guns +5

  Raider Helmet, Psycho-Tic

    Value:   20
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  15
    DR:      2
    Effects: -

  Raider Helmet, Wastehound

    Value:   20
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  15
    DR:      2
    Effects: -

  Ranger Battle Helmet

    Value:   60
    Powered: N
    Weight:  5
    Health:  50
    DR:      6
    Effects: -

  Recon Armor Helmet

    Value:   40
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  40
    DR:      4
    Effects: -

  Rivet City Security Helmet

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  25
    DR:      4
    Effects: -

  T-51b Power Helmet

    Value:   120
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  4
    Health:  100
    DR:      10
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +8%, Charisma +1

  Tenpenny Security Helmet

    Value:   50
    Powered: N
    Weight:  1
    Health:  25
    DR:      4
    Effects: -

  Tesla Helmet

    Value:   120
    Powered: Y
    Weight:  5
    Health:  100
    DR:      9
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +5%, Charisma -1

  The AntAgonizer's Helmet

    Value:   60
    Powered: N
    Weight:  5
    Health:  50
    DR:      6
    Effects: -

  The Mechanist's Helmet

    Value:   60
    Powered: N
    Weight:  5
    Health:  50
    DR:      6
    Effects: -

  Torcher's Mask

    Value:   20
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  15
    DR:      2
    Effects: Explosives +5, Big Guns +5

  Vault 101 Security Helmet

    Value:   30
    Powered: N
    Weight:  3
    Health:  25
    DR:      3
    Effects: -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                         *note* none of these are powered

  Brahmin-Skin Outfit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Endurance +1, Agility +1

  Brotherhood Scribe Robe

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: -

  Chinese Jumpsuit

    Value:   10
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      6
    Effects: Small Guns +5

  Colonel Autumn's Uniform

    Value:   12
    Weight:  3
    Health:  100
    DR:      10
    Effects: Energy Weapons +5, Small Guns +5

  Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  50
    DR:      6
    Effects: Small Guns +5

  Dirty Pre-War Businesswear

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Speech +5

  Dirty Pre-War Casualwear

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Agility +1

  Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit

    Value:   5
    Weight:  10
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Agility +1

  Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear

    Value:   6
    Weight:  5
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Agility +1

  Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit

    Value:   5
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Agility +1

  Elder Lyons' Robe

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: -

  Enclave Officer Uniform

    Value:   8
    Weight:  3
    Health:  100
    DR:      5
    Effects: Energy Weapons +5, Small Guns +5

  Enclave Scientist Outfit

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Science +5

  Environment Suit

    Value:   100
    Weight:  5
    Health:  25
    DR:      6
    Effects: Radiation Resistance +30%, Medicine +5

  Eulogy Jones' Suit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  3
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Charisma +1

  Grimy Pre-War Businesswear

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Speech +5

  Handyman Jumpsuit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Repair +5

  Lab Technician Outfit

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Science +5

  Lesko's Lab Coat

    Value:   10
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      5
    Effects: Science +10, Radiation Resistance +20%

  Maple's Garb

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      4
    Effects: Perception +1, Agility +1

  Modified Utility Jumpsuit

    Value:   30
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      1
    Effects: Repair +5, Radiation Resistance +10, Luck +1

  Naughty Nightwear

    Value:   30
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      1
    Effects: Charisma +1, Luck +1, Speech +10

  Negligee (1)

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      1
    Effects: Charisma +1

  Negligee (2)

    Value:   10
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      1
    Effects: Charisma +1

  Oasis Robe

    Value:   30
    Weight:  3
    Health:  100
    DR:      4
    Effects: -

  Oasis Villager Robe

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      4
    Effects: -

  Pre-War Casualwear

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Agility +1

  Pre-War Parkstroller

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Agility +1

  Pre-War Relaxedwear

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Agility +1

  Pre-War Spring Outfit

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Agility +1

  Red Racer Jumpsuit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Repair +5

  Red's Jumpsuit

    Value:   40
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Small Guns +5

  Regulator Duster

    Value:   70
    Weight:  3
    Health:  150
    DR:      10
    Effects: Small Guns +5, Charisma +1

  RobCo Jumpsuit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Repair +5

  Roving Trader Outfit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Barter +5

  Scientist Outfit

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Science +5

  Sheriff's Duster

    Value:   35
    Weight:  3
    Health:  150
    DR:      5
    Effects: Small Guns +5, Charisma +1

  Tenpenny's Suit

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: -

  The Surgeon's Lab Coat

    Value:   30
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Science +5, Medicine +10

  Tunnel Snake Outfit

    Value:   8
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      4
    Effects: Melee Weapons +5

  Vance's Longcoat Outfit

    Value:   100
    Weight:  4
    Health:  100
    DR:      10
    Effects: Small Guns +2, Melee Weapons +2

  Vault Jumpsuit

    Value:   10
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      1
    Effects: Repair +5, Lockpick +5

  Vault Lab Uniform

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Science +5

  Vault Utility Jumpsuit

    Value:   10
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      1
    Effects: Repair +5, Lockpick +5

  Wasteland Doctor Fatigues

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Medicine +5

  Wasteland Settler Outfit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Endurance +1, Agility +1

  Wasteland Surgeon Outfit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Medicine +5

  Wasteland Wanderer Outfit

    Value:   6
    Weight:  2
    Health:  100
    DR:      2
    Effects: Endurance +1, Agility +1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                         *note* none of these are powered

  Ballcap with Glasses

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      1
    Effects: Perception +1


    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      2
    Effects: Perception +1

  Biker Goggles

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      1
    Effects: -

  Button's Wig

    Value:   20
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      1
    Effects: Speech +10, Barter +5, Intelligence +1, Perception -1

  Chinese Commando Hat

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  15
    DR:      1
    Effects: Perception +1

  Enclave Officer Hat

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  15
    DR:      1
    Effects: Energy Weapons +5

  Eulogy Jones' Hat

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  15
    DR:      1
    Effects: Charisma +1

  Ghoul Mask

    Value:   50
    Weight:  1
    Health:  100
    DR:      3
    Effects: Causes Feral Ghouls to ignore you

  Lincoln's Hat

    Value:   40
    Weight:  1
    Health:  50
    DR:      1
    Effects: Speech +5, Intelligence +1

  Lucky Shades

    Value:   40
    Weight:  1
    Health:  150
    DR:      1
    Effects: Luck +1

  Makeshift Gas Mask

    Value:   40
    Weight:  2
    Health:  25
    DR:      3
    Effects: -

  Oasis Druid Head

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      2
    Effects: -

  Poplar's Hood

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  25
    DR:      2
    Effects: Agility +1, Sneak +10

  Pre-War Baseball Cap

    Value:   8
    Weight:  1
    Health:  15
    DR:      1
    Effects: Perception +1

  Pre-War Bonnet

    Value:   8
    Weight:  1
    Health:  15
    DR:      1
    Effects: Perception +1

  Pre-War Hat

    Value:   8
    Weight:  1
    Health:  15
    DR:      1
    Effects: Perception +1

  Red's Bandana

    Value:   30
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      2
    Effects: Perception +1

  Roving Trader Hat

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      1
    Effects: Barter +5

  Shady Hat

    Value:   40
    Powered: 1
    Weight:  50
    Health:  1
    DR:      Sneak +5, Perception +1

  Sheriff's Hat

    Value:   35
    Weight:  1
    Health:  40
    DR:      1
    Effects: Perception +1

  Stormchaser Hat

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      1
    Effects: Perception +1

  Surgical Mask

    Value:   6
    Weight:  1
    Health:  10
    DR:      1
    Effects: Medicine +5, Poison Resistance +5%, Radiation Resistance +5%

  Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap

    Value:   60
    Weight:  1
    Health:  15
    DR:      1
    Effects: Melee Weapons +5, Explosives +5, Melee Damage +5

  Three Dog's Head Wrap

    Value:   200
    Weight:  0
    Health:  15
    DR:      2
    Effects: Charisma +1, Luck +1


[3.IV] Items, Alcohol and Chems

*note* many items have been left outside and collected radiation, and therefore
       when you eat them you will gain a little bit of exposure which you can
       track on your Pip-Boy. The effects are:

0:     No effect
200:   Endurance -1
400:   Endurance -2, Agility -1
600:   Endurance -3, Agility -2, Strength -1
800:   Endurance -3, Agility -2, Strength -2
1,000: Instant Death

Under "Effects," Rads are the amount of exposure added

Also, if there is an addiction, you will get withdrawal after a certain time and
that will affect your stats. You can take an addictive Chem twice before there's
a chance that you can get addicted, but you'll then have to wait 30 hours before
you can take that Chem without having a chance of getting addicted.

With Alcohol, there is always a 5% chance of addiction, and Scotch, Whiskey and
Vodka always has a 10% chance of addiction.

You can always cure addiction (and radiation) by going to a doctor.



  Ant Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      4
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Ant Nectar

    Weight:    0.25
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Intelligence +2, Charisma +2, Strength +4, lasts 4 minutes

  Blamco Mac and Cheese

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Bloatify Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      4
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Blood Pack

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +1 (+20 if you complete the Blood Ties Quest)

  Brahmin Steak

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      1
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +1, Rads +1

  Cave Fungus

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      50
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +10


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Crispy Squirrel Bits

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Crunchy Mutfruit

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Dandy Boy Apples

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Dirty Water

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      10
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +10, Rads +6

  Dog Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      4
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Fancy Lads Snack Cakes

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Fire Ant Nectar

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Agility +4, Intelligence -3, Fire Resistance +25%, lasts 2 mins.

  Fresh Apple

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +10

  Fresh Carrot

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +10

  Fresh Pear

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +10

  Fresh Potato

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +10

  Gum Drops

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      2
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +1, Rads +1

  Hatchling Mirelurk Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      4
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Human Flesh

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      0
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +25, Rads +10

  Ice Cold Nuka-Cola

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +20, Rads +3

  Iguana Bits

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Iguana on a Stick

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Junk Food

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Mirelurk Cakes

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Mirelurk Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +20, Rads +3

  Miss. Quantum Pie

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Strength +1, Intelligence -1, AP +20, Rads +5, lasts 4 minutes

  Mole Rat Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      4
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Mole Rat Wonder Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +20, Rads +3


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +10, Rads +3

  Nuka-Cola Quantum

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      30
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   AP +20, Rads +10, lasts 4 minutes

  Nukalurk Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      7
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +20, Rads +5, AP +10, lasts 4 minutes

  Pork N' Beans

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Potato Crisps

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Purified Water

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +20

  Radroach Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      4
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Salisbury Steak

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Softshell Mirelurk Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      30
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +3, Rads +3

  Squirrel on a Stick

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Squirrel Stew

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Strange Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      2
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Strange Meat Pie

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      2
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Sugar Bombs

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

  Yoo Guai Meat

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      30
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +10, Rads +10, Damage +10%, lasts 2 minutes

  YumYum Deviled Eggs

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      5
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health +5, Rads +3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



    Weight:    1
    Cost:      2
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Intelligence -1, Strength +1, Charisma +1, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      10
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Intelligence -1, Strength +1, Charisma +1, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Intelligence -1, Strength +1, Charisma +1, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      10
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Intelligence -1, Strength +1, Charisma +1, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    1
    Cost:      10
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Intelligence -1, Strength +1, Charisma +1, lasts 4 minutes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Ant Queen Pheromones

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      75
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Charisma +3, Intelligence -3, Perception -3, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Strength +2, Endurance +3, Health +60, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   AP +30, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Intelligence +5, Perception +5, lasts 4 minutes

  Mentats, Berry

    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Intelligence +5, lasts 4 minutes

  Mentats, Grape

    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Charisma +5, lasts 4 minutes

  Mentats, Orange

    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Perception +5, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Damage Resistance +25, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   Damage +25%, lasts 4 minutes


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Restore Rads +50


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      20
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Radiation Resistance +25%

  Stealth Boy

    Weight:    1
    Cost:      100
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Stealth Field, Sneak +100, lasts 2 minutes


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      25
    Quest:     No
    Addiction: No
    Effects:   Health or Limb Condition +30


    Weight:    0
    Cost:      50
    Quest:     Yes
    Addiction: Yes
    Effects:   AP +40, lasts 4 minutes


[3.V] Unique Items


This is a list of all 89 unique items you can obtain in Fallout 3. Note that
these items are part of the weapons/armor/items list above, and are not
additional to that list; they just detail which items are unique and where to
find all of them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[3.V.a] Item Checklist
[3.V.b] Item locations


[3.V.a] Checklist

1. Crow's Eyebot Helmet
2. Stabhappy Combat Knife
3. Firelance Alien Blaster
4. T-51b Power Armor
5. T-51b Power Helmet
6. Vengeance Gatling Laser
7. Jack Ripper
8. Reservist's Rifle Sniper Rifle
9. Linden's Outcast Power Armor
10. Maple's Garb
11. Poplar's Hood
12. Bear Charm
13. BOard of Education Nail Board
14. Mesmetron
15. Vault 77 Jumpsuit
16. The Break Pool Cue
17. Eulogy Jones' Hat
18. Eulogy Jones' Suit
19. Boogeyman's Hood
20. Fisto! Power Fist
21. Soil Stradivarius
22. Prototype Medic Power Armor
23. Ol' Painless Hunting Rifle
24. Torcher's Helmet
25. Fawkes' Super Sledge
26. Wazer Wifle Laser Rifle
27. Occam's Razor Combat Knife
28. Victory Rifle Sniper Rifle
29. Vance's Longcoat Outfit
30. Vampire's Edge Chinese Officer's Sword
31. Blackhawk Scaped .44 Magnum
32. Red's Bandana
33. Timebomb's Lucky 8-Ball
34. Makeshift Gas Mask
35. Makeshift Gas Mask
36. Xuanlong Assault Rifle
37. Wanderer's Leather Armor
38. Ant's Stink Knife
39. The AntAgonizer's Costume
40. The AntAgonizer's Helmet
41. Highwayman's Friend Tire Iron
42. The Mechanist's Costume
43. The Mechanist's Helmet
44. Protection's Gaze Laser Pistol
45. Experimental MIRV Fat Man
46. The Terrible Shotgun
47. The Kneecapper Sawed-Off Shotgun
48. Ghoul Mask
49. Lucky Shades
50. Butch's Toothpick Switchblade
51. Sheriff's Duster
52. Sheriff's Hat
53. Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit
54. Shady Hat
55. Miss Launcher Missile Launcher
56. Goalie Ledoux's Hockey Mask
57. Giant Teddy Bear
58. The Surgeon's Lab Coat
59. The Tenderizer Sledgehammer
60. Elder Lyons' Robe
61. Smuggler's End Laser Pistol
62. Colonel Autum's 10mm Pistol
63. Colonel Autum's Laser Pistol
64. Colonel Autum's Uniform
65. A3-21's Plasma Rifle
66. Three Dog's Head Wrap
67. Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap
68. Plunkett's Valid Points Spiked Knuckles
69. Lincoln's Diary
70. Action Abe Action Figure
71. Lincoln's Hat
72. John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster
73. Civil War Draft Poster
74. Lincoln Memorial Poster
75. Lincoln's Voice
76. Lincoln's Repeater
77. Antique Lincoln Coin Collection
78. Bill of Rights
79. Magna Carta
80. Button's Wig
81. Declaration of Independence
82. [Fake] Declaration of Independence
83. Sydney's 10mm Ultra SMG
84. Ranger Battle Armor
85. Eugene Minigun
86. Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol
87. Lesko's Lab Coat
88. Burnmaster Flamer
89. The Shocker Power Fist


[3.V.b] Item Locations

     The format of this section will be as such:

     Type, Zone, Latitude/Longitude, Location, and Specifics about the location.
     On the map, there is a latitude and longitude, and for each location, there
     is a specific zone number that goes along with the location's name, AKA:
     Vault 106 is located in zone 5, section 12, so it is designated as 5.12.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. Crow's Eyebot Helmet

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      0.00
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
   Specifics: Freeform Quest: Merchant Empire. Reward from Crow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2. Stabhappy Combat Knife

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      0.21
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Mini-Encounter
   Specifics: Any encounter involving Raiders; this might be dropped

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. Firelance Alien Blaster

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      0.17
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Mini-Encounter
   Specifics: Falls from the sky, after unknown explosion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4. T-51b Power Armor

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      1.04
   Lat/Lon:   -17/26
   Location:  Fort Constantine
   Specifics: Bomb storage, experimental chamber

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5. T-51b Power Helmet

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      1.04
   Lat/Lon:   -17/26
   Location:  Fort Constantine
   Specifics: Bomb storage, experimental chamber

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6. Vengeance Gatling Laser

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      1.07
   Lat/Lon:   -22/20
   Location:  Deathclaw Sanctuary
   Specifics: Innermost chamber, in blood grotto

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7. Jack Ripper

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      1.07
   Lat/Lon:   -22/20
   Location:  Deathclaw Sanctuary
   Specifics: On the dead Enclave Soldier

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8. Reservist's Rifle Sniper Rifle

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      1.08
   Lat/Lon:   -19/19
   Location:  Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel
   Specifics: Carried by the Drifter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9. Linden's Outcast Power Armor

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      2.01
   Lat/Lon:   -03/28
   Location:  Oasis
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Oasis. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10. Maple's Garb

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      2.01
   Lat/Lon:   -03/28
   Location:  Oasis
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Oasis. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11. Poplar's Hood

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      2.01
   Lat/Lon:   -03/28
   Location:  Oasis
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Oasis. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

12. Bear Charm

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      2.01
   Lat/Lon:   -03/28
   Location:  Oasis
   Specifics: Freeform Quest: Yew Got a New Friend. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

13. BOard of Education Nail Board

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      2.04
   Lat/Lon:   00/26
   Location:  Clifftop Shacks
   Specifics: Inside one of the shacks next to a nightstand; a skeleton's arm
              is outstretched for it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

14. Mesmetron

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise falls
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Strickly Business; given by Grouse

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

15. Vault 77 Jumpsuit

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise falls
   Specifics: Located in the barracks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

16. The Break Pool Cue

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise falls
   Specifics: On the pool table by the roasting Brahmin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17. Eulogy Jones' Hat

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise falls
   Specifics: On a table, inside Eulogy's Pad

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18. Eulogy Jones' Suit

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise falls
   Specifics: Worn by Eulogy Jones

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19. Boogeyman's Hood

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise falls
   Specifics: Freeform Quest: The Kid-Kidnapper. Reward from Eulogy Jones

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

20. Fisto! Power Fist

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      2.09
   Lat/Lon:   02/17
   Location:  MDPL-13 Power Station
   Specifics: Foreman's office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

21. Soil Stradivarius

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      3.01
   Lat/Lon:   08/27
   Location:  Vault 92
   Specifics: Sound testing, in the sealed recording studio

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

22. Prototype Medic Power Armor

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      3.02
   Lat/Lon:   10/26
   Location:  Old Olney
   Specifics: On the body of the dead Brotherhood of Steel Initiate.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

23. Ol' Painless Hunting Rifle

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      3.03
   Lat/Lon:   19/27
   Location:  The Republic of Dave
   Specifics: Carried by Dave

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

24. Torcher's Helmet

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      4.03
   Lat/Lon:   -17/10
   Location:  MDPL Mass Relay Station
   Specifics: Carried by Torcher

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

25. Fawkes' Super Sledge

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      4.06
   Lat/Lon:   -28/06
   Location:  Vault 87
   Specifics: Carried by Fawkes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

26. Wazer Wifle Laser Rifle

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      4.08
   Lat/Lon:   -26/02
   Location:  Little Lamplight
   Specifics: Freeform Quest: Biwwy's Wazer Wifle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

27. Occam's Razor Combat Knife

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      4.11
   Lat/Lon:   -18/-01
   Location:  Fort Bannister
   Specifics: Taken from Commander Jabsco

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

28. Victory Rifle Sniper Rifle

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      4.E
   Lat/Lon:   -23/08
   Location:  Abandoned Shack
   Specifics: In the shack locker, north of the Rockbreaker's Gas Station

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

29. Vance's Longcoat Outfit

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      5.05
   Lat/Lon:   -01/07
   Location:  Meresti Trainyard
   Specifics: Worn by Vance, leader of the Family

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

30. Vampire's Edge Chinese Officer's Sword

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      5.05
   Lat/Lon:   -01/07
   Location:  Meresti Trainyard
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Blood Ties: inside Vance's sword cabinet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

31. Blackhawk Scaped .44 Magnum

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      5.06
   Lat/Lon:   01/08
   Location:  Agatha's House
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Agatha's Song. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

32. Red's Bandana

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      5.10
   Lat/Lon:   -04/03
   Location:  Big Town
   Specifics: Worn by Red

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33. Timebomb's Lucky 8-Ball

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      5.10
   Lat/Lon:   -04/03
   Location:  Big Town
   Specifics: Given by Timebomb if you heal him and complete Miscellaneous
              Quest: Big Trouble in Big Town

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34. Makeshift Gas Mask

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      5.12
   Lat/Lon:   -09/01
   Location:  Vault 106
   Specifics: Science Labs, in the small room across the hallway from the
              larger server room

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

35. Makeshift Gas Mask

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      5.12
   Lat/Lon:   -09/01
   Location:  Vault 106
   Specifics: Science Labs, on the west end in a small connecting room near the
              cave section.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

36. Xuanlong Assault Rifle

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      5.13
   Lat/Lon:   -10/-03
   Location:  Jury Street Metro Station
   Specifics: On the body of Prime, in the diner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

37. Wanderer's Leather Armor

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      5.A
   Lat/Lon:   -13/12
   Location:  Wrecked Vehicles
   Specifics: On a Wanderer, just north of the wrecked vehicles

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

38. Ant's Stink Knife

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      6.01
   Lat/Lon:   17/12
   Location:  AntAgonizer's Lair
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Superhuman Gambit. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

39. The AntAgonizer's Costume

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      6.01
   Lat/Lon:   17/12
   Location:  AntAgonizer's Lair
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Superhuman Gambit. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

40. The AntAgonizer's Helmet

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      6.01
   Lat/Lon:   17/12
   Location:  AntAgonizer's Lair
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Superhuman Gambit. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

41. Highwayman's Friend Tire Iron

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      6.02
   Lat/Lon:   18/11
   Location:  Canterbury Commons
   Specifics: In the garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

42. The Mechanist's Costume

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      6.02
   Lat/Lon:   18/11
   Location:  Canterbury Commons
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Superhuman Gambit. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

43. The Mechanist's Helmet

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      6.02
   Lat/Lon:   18/11
   Location:  Canterbury Commons
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Superhuman Gambit. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

44. Protection's Gaze Laser Pistol

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      6.02
   Lat/Lon:   18/11
   Location:  Canterbury Commons
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Superhuman Gambit. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

45. Experimental MIRV Fat Man

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      6.11
   Lat/Lon:   18/-03
   Location:  National Guard Depot
   Specifics: Armory and Bunker: Inside armory, on table with Mini-Nukes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

46. The Terrible Shotgun

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      7.04
   Lat/Lon:   -18/-07
   Location:  Evergreen Mills
   Specifics: Bazaar, carried by Jack

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47. The Kneecapper Sawed-Off Shotgun

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      7.05
   Lat/Lon:   -26/-11
   Location:  Girdershade
   Specifics: Carried by Ronald Laren

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

48. Ghoul Mask

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      7.14
   Lat/Lon:   -16/-17
   Location:  Tenpenny Tower
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Tenpenny Tower. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

49. Lucky Shades

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      7.R
   Lat/Lon:   -18/-20
   Location:  Lucky's Grocer
   Specifics: Inside the store

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

50. Butch's Toothpick Switchblade

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      8.01
   Lat/Lon:   -04/-04
   Location:  Vault 101
   Specifics: On the body of Butch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

51. Sheriff's Duster

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Worn by Sheriff Lucas Simms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

52. Sheriff's Hat

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Worn by Sheriff Lucas Simms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

53. Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Wasteland Survival Guide. Reward from

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

54. Shady Hat

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Craterside Supplies: Awarded by Moira Brown. Miscellaneous Quest:
              The Wasteland Survival Guide

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

55. Miss Launcher Missile Launcher

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      8.04
   Lat/Lon:   -03-13
   Location:  Fort Independence
   Specifics: Small southwest room on the lower level, adjacent to the high
              galley area

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

56. Goalie Ledoux's Hockey Mask

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      8.08
   Lat/Lon:   02/-15
   Location:  Red Racer Factory
   Specifics: Just outside the factory, worn by the mercenary; accessed during
              Freeform Quest: Just for the Taste of It

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

57. Giant Teddy Bear

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      8.08
   Lat/Lon:   02/-15
   Location:  Red Racer Factory
   Specifics: Factory floor, souther conveyor belt room, riding tricycle,
              suspended from ceiling.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

58. The Surgeon's Lab Coat

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      8.08
   Lat/Lon:   02/-15
   Location:  Red Racer Factory
   Specifics: Worn by the Surgeon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

59. The Tenderizer Sledgehammer

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      9.06
   Lat/Lon:   10/-07
   Location:  Anchorage Memorial
   Specifics: Service entrance, sewers utility door. Repair or use Anchorage
              Stash Key to open

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

60. Elder Lyons' Robe

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      9.11
   Lat/Lon:   08/-14
   Location:  The Citadel
   Specifics: Worn by Elder Lyons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

61. Smuggler's End Laser Pistol

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      9.11
   Lat/Lon:   08/-14
   Location:  The Citadel
   Specifics: B-Ring, in Elder Lyon's safe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

62. Colonel Autum's 10mm Pistol

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      9.14
   Lat/Lon:   13/-17
   Location:  Jefferson Memorial
   Specifics: Main Quest: Take it Back! Rotunda, during final attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

63. Colonel Autum's Laser Pistol

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      9.14
   Lat/Lon:   13/-17
   Location:  Jefferson Memorial
   Specifics: Main Quest: Take it Back! Rotunda, during final attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

64. Colonel Autum's Uniform

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      9.14
   Lat/Lon:   13/-17
   Location:  Jefferson Memorial
   Specifics: Main Quest: Take it Back! Rotunda, during final attack 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

65. A3-21's Plasma Rifle

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Replicated Man. Reward from Harkness

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

66. Three Dog's Head Wrap

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      10.03
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Galaxy News Radio
   Specifics: Worn by Three Dog

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

67. Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      13.02
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  NiftyThrifty
   Specifics: On hat-stand inside the store

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

68. Plunkett's Valid Points Spiked Knuckles

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      16.03
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Arlington House
   Specifics: Carried by Junders Plunkett

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

69. Lincoln's Diary

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History
   Specifics: Lower halls, upper floor, on a wrecked display (west)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

70. Action Abe Action Figure

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History
   Specifics: Offices, southwest armory, on a desk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

71. Lincoln's Hat

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History 
   Specifics: Offices, among the large rubble pile in the northwest room

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

72. John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History
   Specifics: Offices, southwest corner of archives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

73. Civil War Draft Poster

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History
   Specifics: Offices, southeast corner of archives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

74. Lincoln Memorial Poster

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History  
   Specifics: Offices, during Miscellaneous Quest: Head of State, on wall above
              upper floor desk in archives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

75. Lincoln's Voice

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History  
   Specifics: Offices, on upper floor desk in archives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

76. Lincoln's Repeater

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History
   Specifics: Offices, rear archives area, inside display case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

77. Antique Lincoln Coin Collection

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History
   Specifics: Offices, west library room, on bookcase

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

78. Bill of Rights

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      7.11
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  National Archives
   Specifics: Archives Secure Wing East, inside Secure Vault #1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

79. Magna Carta

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      7.11
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  National Archives
   Specifics: Archives Secure Wing East, inside Secure Vault #2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

80. Button's Wig

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      7.11
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  National Archives
   Specifics: Worn by Button Gwinett

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

81. Declaration of Independence

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      7.11
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  National Archives
   Specifics: Archives Secure Wing East, inside Button's Secure Vault

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

82. [Fake] Declaration of Independence

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      7.11
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  National Archives
   Specifics: Archives Secure Wing East, given by Button once Freeform Quest:
              An Ink to the Past is complete

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

83. Sydney's 10mm Ultra SMG

   Type:      Other
   Zone:      7.11
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  National Archives
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Stealing Independence. Carried by Sydney

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

84. Ranger Battle Armor

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      18.05
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Reilly's Rangers Compound
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Reilly's Rangers. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

85. Eugene Minigun

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      18.05
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Reilly's Rangers Compound
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Reilly's Rangers. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

86. Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      19.06
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  L.O.B. Enterprises
   Specifics: East Wing, inside case in CEO's office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

87. Lesko's Lab Coat

   Type:      Outfit
   Zone:      U16.A
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Marigold Station
   Specifics: Worn by Doctor Lesko

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

88. Burnmaster Flamer

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      U17.B
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Franklin Metro Utility
   Specifics: Irradiated and gutted subway car

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

89. The Shocker Power Fist

   Type:      Weapon
   Zone:      U19
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Flooded Metro
   Specifics: Inside the trap-filled storage chamber


Part 4: Collectibles and Followers


This is a list of the collectible items found in Fallout 3. So far I have 5
different types of collectibles, including the Bobbleheads which you need for an
achievement. Note that all lists are in order of what zone they appear in.


[4.I] Fat Men


This is a list of all 9 Fat Men. These are very deadly weapons that helps repair
your main weapon, or can be sold for 1,000 Caps each. Note that the Unique
"Experimental MIRV" is not listed here.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


   Zone:      0.51
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Dead Guy, Fat Man
   Specifics: A randomly found Wastelander with a Fat Man and Mini-Nuke


   Zone:      1.04
   Lat/Lon:   -17/26
   Location:  Fort Constantine
   Specifics: Bomb storage, experimental Chamber on table, near two Mini-Nukes


   Zone:      3.02
   Lat/Lon:   10/26
   Location:  Old Olney
   Specifics: Olney Sewers, southeastern safe storage room (the bloody
              sleeping quarters)


   Zone:      4.11
   Lat/Lon:   -18/-01
   Location:  Fort Bannister
   Specifics: Fort Bannister Man, locked [Average] storage room


   Zone:      5.01
   Lat/Lon:   -02/13
   Location:  Germantown Police Headquarters
   Specifics: Basement, in small storage room [Average] near firing range


   Zone:      7.04
   Lat/Lon:   -18/-07
   Location:  Evergreen Mills
   Specifics: Foundry, inside locked storage room [Average]


   Zone:      10.03
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Galaxy News Radio
   Specifics: Exterior plaza, on the body of the fallen Brotherhood Knight


   Zone:      15.02
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  White House Utility Tunnel
   Specifics: White House crater, on concrete "island"


   Zone:      17.14
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Capitol Building West Entrance
   Specifics: Rotunda, on body of Talon Company Merc during Behemoth battle


[4.II] Fat Man: Mini-Nukes


This is a list of all 71 Mini-Nukes that help you out greatly in combat.

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   Zone:      0.00
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
   Specifics: Sold by Lucky Harith


   Zone:      0.01
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Searching for Cheryl
   Specifics: On the Behemoth corpse once you locate and fight it, near the
              Super Mutant Camp [8.A]


   Zone:      0.25
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: The Long Ranger
   Specifics: Near the Irradiated Metro [9.12] on Ranger, once Miscellaneous
              Quest: Reilly's Rangers is complete


   Zone:      0.51
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Fat Man
   Specifics: A randomly found Wastelander with a Fat Man and Mini-Nuke


   Zone:      1.04
   Lat/Lon:   -17/26
   Location:  Fort Constantine
   Specifics: Bomb storage, experimental chamber on table, near Fat Man


   Zone:      1.04
   Lat/Lon:   -17/26
   Location:  Fort Constantine
   Specifics: Bomb storage, experimental chamber on table, near Fat Man


   Zone:      1.04
   Lat/Lon:   -17/26
   Location:  Fort Constantine
   Specifics: Bomb storage, upstairs office, on table


   Zone:      1.07
   Lat/Lon:   -22/20
   Location:  Deathclaw Sanctuary
   Specifics: Deathclaw Sanctuary, initial chamber, next to corpse pile


   Zone:      1.A
   Lat/Lon:   -24/25
   Location:  Raider Wharf
   Specifics: Base of bookcase, on the wharf


   Zone:      1.D
   Lat/Lon:   -26/20
   Location:  Jackknifed Truck (on Freeway)
   Specifics: Back of container truck, on table


   Zone:      1.E
   Lat/Lon:   -25/21
   Location:  Overlooked Raider Shack
   Specifics: Shack, in the bathtub


   Zone:      1.E
   Lat/Lon:   -25/21
   Location:  Overlooked Raider Shack
   Specifics: Rude skeleton, in the lone bathtub northeast of shack


   Zone:      2.01
   Lat/Lon:   -03/28
   Location:  Oasis
   Specifics: Sunken caverns, underwater in grotto


   Zone:      2.02
   Lat/Lon:   -13/25
   Location:  SatCom Array NN-03d
   Specifics: On Super Mutant mannequin, on top of the upper satellite dish


   Zone:      2.02
   Lat/Lon:   -13/25
   Location:  SatCom Array NN-03d
   Specifics: On Super Mutant mannequin, on top of the upper satellite dish


   Zone:      3.02
   Lat/Lon:   10/-26
   Location:  Old Olney
   Specifics: Olney Sewers, generator room, behind storage closet door [Very


   Zone:      3.D
   Lat/Lon:   06/27
   Location:  Ruinied Farmstead
   Specifics: Barn: on shelf inside the open tool cabinet


   Zone:      3.L
   Lat/Lon:   08/16
   Location:  The Roach King
   Specifics: Inside his "rocket throne"


   Zone:      4.02
   Lat/Lon:   -21/10
   Location:  Five Axles Rest Stop
   Specifics: Inside one of the truck containers


   Zone:      4.04
   Lat/Lon:   -26/09
   Location:  Broadcast Tower KT8
   Specifics: Drainage Chamber, under floor hatch, where Remnant skeletons lie


   Zone:      4.10
   Lat/Lon:   -14/03
   Location:  VAPL-58 Power Station
   Specifics: Interior. Look up, it's on top of the light fixture near the door


   Zone:      4.11
   Lat/Lon:   -18/-01
   Location:  Fort Bannister
   Specifics: Fort Bannister Main, locked [Average] storage room


   Zone:      4.J
   Lat/Lon:   -18/06
   Location:  Wasteland Gypsy Village
   Specifics: Inside the shack with tree stump left of the door


   Zone:      4.K
   Lat/Lon:   -14/05
   Location:  Wastelander Pylon
   Specifics: Among the items at the base of the pylon


   Zone:      5.03
   Lat/Lon:   -07/07
   Location:  Hamilton's Hideaway
   Specifics: Inside locked cell gate, part of Freeform Quest: Caching in with
              Three Dog


   Zone:      5.04
   Lat/Lon:   -04/09
   Location:  Hallowed Moors Cemetary
   Specifics: On the table with the ham radio


   Zone:      5.05
   Lat/Lon:   -01/07
   Location:  Meresti Trainyard
   Specifics: Metro Station(interior), lower mezzanine, northeast corner, on the
              inaccessible elevated platform roof, above the Work Bench


   Zone:      5.06
   Lat/Lon:   01/08
   Location:  Agatha's House
   Specifics: Inside Agatha's Locked Ammo Box


   Zone:      5.12
   Lat/Lon:   -09/01
   Location:  Vault 106
   Specifics: Science Labs, security vault


   Zone:      5.13
   Lat/Lon:   -10/-03
   Location:  Jury Street Metro Station
   Specifics: Gold Ribbon Grocers. Freeform Quest: Rube's Gold Ribbon


   Zone:      5.A
   Lat/Lon:   -13/12
   Location:  Wrecked Vehicles
   Specifics: Raider's Jetty north of vehicles


   Zone:      6.07
   Lat/Lon:   05/03
   Location:  Bethesda Ruins
   Specifics: Bethesda Offices West, top floor, under the cluster of tiny crates
              by the chest freezer


   Zone:      6.07
   Lat/Lon:   05/03
   Location:  Bethesda Ruins
   Specifics: Bethesda offices East, the room just inside the exit to the
              exterior balcony, to the north between the to filing cabinets, on
              a rubble pile


   Zone:      6.07
   Lat/Lon:   05/03
   Location:  Bethesda Ruins
   Specifics: Bethesda Underworks, storeroom with the pillar, under the tiny
              crate next to the Nuka-Cola Quantum on the shelf


   Zone:      6.11
   Lat/Lon:   18/-03
   Location:  National Guard Depot
   Specifics: Armory and bunker, inside armory, on the table with Fat Man


   Zone:      6.11
   Lat/Lon:   18/-03
   Location:  National Guard Depot
   Specifics: Armory and bunker, inside armory, on the table with Fat Man


   Zone:      6.11
   Lat/Lon:   18/-03
   Location:  National Guard Depot
   Specifics: Armory and bunker, inside armory, on the table with Fat Man


   Zone:      6.11
   Lat/Lon:   18/-03
   Location:  National Guard Depot
   Specifics: Armory and bunker, inside armory, on the table with Fat Man


   Zone:      6.11
   Lat/Lon:   18/-03
   Location:  National Guard Depot
   Specifics: Armory and bunker, inside armory, on the table with Fat Man


   Zone:      6.P
   Lat/Lon:   16/02
   Location:  Jackknifed Truck (under Monorail)
   Specifics: Inside tipped-over container of truck


   Zone:      6.AA
   Lat/Lon:   11/-03
   Location:  Super Mutant Bonfire
   Specifics: On the concrete ground, near the Health and Ammo stash


   Zone:      E6.07
   Lat/Lon:   09/-03
   Location:  Enclave Camp
   Specifics: Sometimes located with or on the Enclave troops dropped on the
              bridge by a Vertibird


   Zone:      7.06
   Lat/Lon:   -23/-14
   Location:  VAPL-66 Power Station
   Specifics: Interior, on the floor to the side of the desk


   Zone:      7.08
   Lat/Lon:   -15/-12
   Location:  VAPL-84 Power Station
   Specifics: In the container truck, outside


   Zone:      7.14
   Lat/Lon:   -16/-17
   Location:  Tenpenny Tower
   Specifics: Dashwood's Safe, Freeform Quest: A Manhandled Manservant


   Zone:      7.E
   Lat/Lon:   -14/-06
   Location:  Ruined Chapel
   Specifics: By the pulpit


   Zone:      7.M
   Lat/Lon:   -20/-13
   Location:  Drainage Chamber
   Specifics: Trap-filled, underground office


   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Craterside Supplies, awarded by Moira Brown, Miscellaneous Quest:
              The Wasteland Survival Guide


   Zone:      8.04
   Lat/Lon:   -06/-13
   Location:  Fort Independence
   Specifics: Lower level, outcast weapons room [Hard door]


   Zone:      8.04
   Lat/Lon:   -06/-13
   Location:  Fort Independence
   Specifics: Lower level, outcast weapons room [Hard door]


   Zone:      8.06
   Lat/Lon:   -10/-17
   Location:  Cliffside Cavern
   Specifics: Raider Outpost, inside the tank


   Zone:      8.E
   Lat/Lon:   -06/-04
   Location:  Ruined Farmhouse
   Specifics: Shelf at the rear of the building


   Zone:      9.01
   Lat/Lon:   04/-04
   Location:  Super-Duper Mart
   Specifics: Inside locked storage room


   Zone:      9.1
   Lat/Lon:   04/-11
   Location:  Outpost
   Specifics: On a shelf, near a gun cabinet


   Zone:      10.03
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Galaxy News Radio
   Specifics: Exterior plaza, on the body of the fallen Brotherhood Knight


   Zone:      13.03
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Auto Shop
   Specifics: Exterior parking lot, on the body of the fallen Behemoth


   Zone:      14.08
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  La Mansion Beauregard Lobby
   Specifics: Lobby, on the pool table


   Zone:      15.02
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  White House Utility Vehicle
   Specifics: White House crater, on concrete "island"


   Zone:      15.02
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  White House Utility Vehicle
   Specifics: White House crater, on concrete "island"


   Zone:      15.02
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  White House Utility Vehicle
   Specifics: White House crater, on concrete "island"


   Zone:      17.11
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  The National Archives
   Specifics: Archives sub-basement, tunnel junction, through gate [Very Hard]


   Zone:      17.14
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Capitol Building West Enterance
   Specifics: Rotunda, on body of Talon Company Merc during Behemoth battle


   Zone:      17.14
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Capitol Building West Enterance
   Specifics: Rotunda, on body of the fallen Behemoth


   Zone:      17.14
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Capitol Building West Enterance
   Specifics: Rotunda, weapon cache against the wall


   Zone:      18F
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Explosive Alley
   Specifics: Part of the explosive trap set up by the lunatic preacher


   Zone:      18F
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Explosive Alley
   Specifics: Part of the explosive trap set up by the lunatic preacher


   Zone:      18F
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Explosive Alley
   Specifics: Part of the explosive trap set up by the lunatic preacher


   Zone:      18F
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Explosive Alley
   Specifics: Part of the explosive trap set up by the lunatic preacher


   Zone:      18F
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Explosive Alley
   Specifics: Part of the explosive trap set up by the lunatic preacher


   Zone:      19.06
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  L.O.B. Enterprises
   Specifics: East Wing, on top of the light fixture in the CEO's bathroom


   Zone:      U17.B
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Franklin Metro Utility
   Specifics: Flooded end tunnel, underwater


[4.III] Holotapes: Keller and The Replicated Man


This is a list of all 24 Keller and Replicated Man Holotapes. These help you in
the Replicated Man quest, and discover more of what happened in the world of
Fallout 3. Note that if a tape is in a someone's house, office, Clinic etc.,
they might be on the person in question instead.

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Keller Holotapes


   Zone:      3.07
   Lat/Lon:   13/20
   Location:  Grisley Diner
   Specifics: On a desk in the back yard, by the ruined concrete wall


   Zone:      4.E
   Lat/Lon:   -23/08
   Location:  Abandoned Shack
   Specifics: Inside the abandoned shack, with other debris


   Zone:      4.K
   Lat/Lon:   -14/05
   Location:  Wastelander Pylon
   Specifics: On a low bookase with other assorted junk


   Zone:      5.04
   Lat/Lon:   -04/09
   Location:  Hallowed Moors Cemetary
   Specifics: On the pulpit, along with Skill Book


   Zone:      9.G
   Lat/Lon:   10/-06
   Location:  Military Tent and Truck Defenses
   Specifics: Inside the tent with the Super Mutant captive

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Replicated Man Holotapes


   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise Falls
   Specifics: Cutter's Clinic


   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise Falls
   Specifics: On the floor by Grouse's sandbags


   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise Falls
   Specifics: Inside Eulogy's Pad


   Zone:      4.08
   Lat/Lon:   -26/02
   Location:  Little Lamplight
   Specifics: Lucy's Clinic


   Zone:      4.08
   Lat/Lon:   -26/02
   Location:  Little Lamplight 
   Specifics: Knick Knack's Store


   Zone:      5.10
   Lat/Lon:   -04/03
   Location:  Big Town
   Specifics: In Red's Clinic


   Zone:      7.14
   Lat/Lon:   -16/-17
   Location:  Tenpenny Tower
   Specifics: Doctor Banfield's Clinic


   Zone:      7.14
   Lat/Lon:   -16/-17
   Location:  Tenpenny Tower
   Specifics: Herbert Dashwood's room


   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Moira Brown's Craterside Supply Store


   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Doc Church's Clinic


   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Manya's residence


   Zone:      9.11
   Lat/Lon:   08/-14
   Location:  The Citadel
   Specifics: Scribe Bowditch's area


   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: Doctor Preston's Clinic


   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: Sister's room


   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: Father Clifford's Church


   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: Seagrave Holmes' Room


   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History (Underworld)
   Specifics: Winthrop's room


   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History (Underworld)
   Specifics: Doctor Barrow's Chop Shop


   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History (Underworld)
   Specifics: Tulip's Underworld Outfitters


[4.IV] Schematics for Custom Weapons


This is a list of all 23 schematics to create the seven custom weapons.
Basically, the more components you have when making a weapon, the stronger
they'll become. To use the schematics, find a Work Bench and the components
listed in the schematic, then put them together to make a better weapon! When
you upgrade a weapon with a Schematic and you have another schematic, the new
one will now say "v.2". Here's what the Schematics do (other than better damage)

1 Schematic: Condition is 50% of your Repair skill
2 Schematics: Condition is equal to your Repair skill
3 Schematics: Condition is 125% of your Repair skill (up to 100%)

As for what you need to fully upgrade each weapon:

  Bottlecap Mine

    Bottle Caps (10)
    Cherry Bomb
    Lunch Box
    Sensor Module

  Dart Gun

    Paint Gun
    Radscorpion Poison Gland
    Surgical Tubing
    Toy Car

  Deathclaw Gauntlet

    Deathclaw Hand
    Leather Belt
    Medical Brace


    Abraxo Cleaner
    Nuka-Cola Quantum (1)
    Tin Can

  Railway Rifle

    Fission Battery
    Pressure Cooker
    Steam Gauge Assembly

  Rock-It Launcher

    Firehose Nozzle
    Leaf Blower
    Vacuum Cleaner


    Lawnmower Blade
    Motorcycle Gas Tank
    Motorcycle Handbrake
    Pilot Light

Now for where the Schematics are located:

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1. #1 Rock-It Launcher

   Zone:      0.00
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
   Specifics: Sold by Crazy Wolfgang

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2. #1 Nuka Grenade

   Zone:      0.00
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
   Specifics: Sold by Doc Hoff

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. #1 Shishkebab

   Zone:      0.00
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
   Specifics: Sold by Lucky Harith

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4. #1 Deathclaw Gauntlet

   Zone:      0.13
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Mini-Encounter: Wounded Deathclaw
   Specifics: On wounded Wastelander

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5. #1 Dart Gun

   Zone:      1.02
   Lat/Lon:   -27/25
   Location:  MDPL-05 Power Station
   Specifics: On ground, near skeleton

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6. #2 Shishkebab

   Zone:      1.B
   Lat/Lon:   -14/25
   Location:  Brotherhood Outcast Shack
   Specifics: On a table, near a Work Bench, close to SatCom Array NN-03d

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7. #1 Railway Rifle

   Zone:      2.09
   Lat/Lon:   02/17
   Location:  MDPL-13 Power Station
   Specifics: Inside, on Work Bench

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8. #2 Dart Gun

   Zone:      3.10
   Lat/Lon:   13/15
   Location:  Temple of the Union
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Head of State. Possible reward (usually given
              at 17.01 Lincoln Memorial)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9. #1 Bottlecap Mine

   Zone:      4.08
   Lat/Lon:   -26/02
   Location:  Little Lamplight
   Specifics: Sold by Knick Knock

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10. #3 Shichkebab

   Zone:      5.05
   Lat/Lon:   -01/07
   Location:  Meresti Trainyard
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Blood Ties. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11. #2 Nuka Grenade

   Zone:      7.05
   Lat/Lon:   -26/-11
   Location:  Girdershade
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Nuka-Cola Challenge. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

12. #2 Bottlecap Mine

   Zone:      7.07
   Lat/Lon:   -22/-12
   Location:  Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop
   Specifics: On the Work Bench, inside the shack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

13. #2 Deathclaw Gauntlet

   Zone:      7.09
   Lat/Lon:   -27/-15
   Location:  F. Scott Key Trail & Campground
   Specifics: In the caravan, in the picnic area

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

14. #3 Dart Gun

   Zone:      7.14
   Lat/Lon:   -16/-17
   Location:  Tenpenny Tower
   Specifics: Sold by Lydia Montenegro

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

15. #3 Bottlecap Mine

   Zone:      7.14
   Lat/Lon:   -16/-17  
   Location:  Tenpenny Tower
   Specifics: Freeform Quest: A Manhandled Manservant. Inside Dashwood's Safe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

16. #2 Rock-It Launcher

   Zone:      8.01
   Lat/Lon:   -04/-04
   Location:  Vault 101
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Trouble on the Homefront. Behind your
              mother's favorite Bible verse plaque [Average].

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17. #3 Rock-It Launcher

   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Craterside Supplies, sold by Moira Brown

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18. #4 Bottlecap Mine

   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Craterside Supplies, awarded by Moira Brown. Miscellaneous Quest:
              The Wasteland Survival Guide

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19. #3 Nuka Grenade

   Zone:      8.06
   Lat/Lon:   -10/-17
   Location:  Cliffside Cavern
   Specifics: Hidden inside the Yoo Guai Cave, follow the left wall, drop down,
              and look for the rock surrounded by skeletons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

20. #4 Rock-It Launcher

   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: In the bridge tower third-floor armory [Very Hard]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

21. #3 Deathclaw Gauntlet

   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: Freeform Quest: Council Seat. Possible reward (from Bannon)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

22. #2 Railway Rifle

   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Stealing Independance. Possible reward
              (from Abraham Washington)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

23. #3 Railway Rifle

   Zone:      17.07
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Museum of History Entrance
   Specifics: Underworld Outfitters, sold by Tulip


[4.V] Vault-Tec Bobbleheads


This is a list of all 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads in order to get the achievement.
Also, they add to your stats and skills. Basically, the Bobbleheads of the 7
Primary Stats (Strength, Perception, etc.) give you one more point to those
stats. The Bobbleheads of the 13 Skills add 10% to each skill.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. Energy Weapons

   Zone:      1.01
   Lat/Lon:   -28/28
   Location:  Raven Rock
   Specifics: Raven Rock Level 2, colonel Autumn's quarters, on table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2. Big Guns

   Zone:      1.04
   Lat/Lon:   -17/26
   Location:  Fort Constantine
   Specifics: CO quarters, inside open safe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. Endurance

   Zone:      1.07
   Lat/Lon:   -22/20
   Location:  Deathclaw Sanctuary
   Specifics: Deathclaw Sanctuary, initial chamber, next to corpse pile

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4. Explosives

   Zone:      1.11
   Lat/Lon:   -17/18
   Location:  WKML Broadcast Station
   Specifics: Sealed Cistern, next to ham radio

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5. Speech

   Zone:      2.08
   Lat/Lon:   -09/16
   Location:  Paradise Falls
   Specifics: Eulogy's Pad, on table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6. Perception

   Zone:      3.03
   Lat/Lon:   19/27
   Location:  The Republic of Dave
   Specifics: Museum of Dave, bookcase

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7. Agility

   Zone:      3.06
   Lat/Lon:   07/21
   Location:  Greener Pastures Disposal Site
   Specifics: Office, on table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8. Repair

   Zone:      5.07
   Lat/Lon:   -11/06
   Location:  Arefu
   Specifics: Evan King's House, on table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9. Science

   Zone:      5.12
   Lat/Lon:   -09/01
   Location:  Vault 106
   Specifics: Vault 106 living quarters, medical bay eastern wall, on shelves

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10. Charisma

   Zone:      6.06
   Lat/Lon:   18/06
   Location:  Vault 108
   Specifics: Vault 108 Cloning Lab, on table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11. Lockpick

   Zone:      6.07
   Lat/Lon:   05/03
   Location:  Bethesda Ruins
   Specifics: Bethesda Offices East, top floor, on desk in central room

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

12. Small Guns

   Zone:      6.11
   Lat/Lon:   18/-03
   Location:  National Guard Depot
   Specifics: National Guard Armory, shelf in equipment storage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

13. Sneak

   Zone:      7.01
   Lat/Lon:   -28/-04
   Location:  Yoo Guai Tunnel
   Specifics: Yoo Guai Den, on metal crate, eastern area of central cavern.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

14. Barter

   Zone:      7.04
   Lat/Lon:   -18/-07
   Location:  Evergreen Mills
   Specifics: Bazaar, Jack's northeast alcove; top right shelf behind the Work

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

15. Melee Weapons

   Zone:      7.11
   Lat/Lon:   -26/-18
   Location:  Dunwich Building
   Specifics: Virulent Underchambers, mall maintenance room

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

16. Unarmed

   Zone:      7.C
   Lat/Lon:   -26/-07
   Location:  Rockopolis
   Specifics: Rockopolis, next to Argyle's body

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17. Medicine

   Zone:      8.01
   Lat/Lon:   -04/-04
   Location:  Vault 101
   Specifics: Vault 101, Dad's clinic table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18. Strength

   Zone:      8.03
   Lat/Lon:   -01/-06
   Location:  Megaton
   Specifics: Lucas Simms' house, sheriff's bedroom on table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19. Intelligence

   Zone:      9.15
   Lat/Lon:   18/-17
   Location:  Rivet City
   Specifics: Science Lab, on table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

20. Luck

   Zone:      16.03
   Lat/Lon:   N/A
   Location:  Arlington House
   Specifics: Arlington house, cellar shelves


[4.VI] Radio Stations


Not really a collectible, however, they are tracked in your Pip-Boy. Roaming
around the wastelands just listening to the music and entertainment that they
provide is just as much fun as searching for new towns, and when you unlock more
radio stations, you'll have a bunch more stuff to listen to in all the corners
of the wasteland.

Remember, your Pip-Boy plays these radio stations, so if you're trying to stay
hidden and steal or do something mischevious and not get caught, turn it off.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chinese Radio Beacon

  Zone: 0.16
  Lat/Lon: N/A
  Location: Downed Chinese Pilot
  Specifics: A random encounter, you'll find a skeleton of a Chinese pilot.

Recon Craft Theta Beacon

  Zone: 2.G
  Lat/Lon: 03/22
  Location: Crashed Anomaly
  Specifics: North of the MDPL-13 Power Station, emits garbled speech. You'll
             find a house with something crashed straight through it. That
             something is an Alien spacecraft; search it for an Alien Blaster!

Agatha's Station

  Zone: 5.06
  Lat/Lon: 01/08
  Location: Agatha's House
  Specifics: Complete the Miscellaneous Quest: Agatha's Song to hear this
             broadcast along the entire Wasteland.

Vault 101 Emergency Frequency

  Zone: 8.01
  Lat/Lon: -04/-04
  Location: Vault 101
  Specifics: Mostly offline, but during Miscellaneous Quest: Trouble on the
             Homefront, a signal will emerge...

Galaxy News Radio

  Zone: 10.03
  Lat/Lon: N/A
  Location: Galaxy News Radio
  Specifics: You'll get this during the Main Quest: Following in his Footsteps.
             The signal can be increased in the next part of the quest.

Ranger Emergency Frequency

  Zone: 12.08
  Lat/Lon: N/A
  Location: The Statesman Hotel
  Specifics: You can hear the signal in the Metro Junction and Freedom Street
             Station (Vernon Square Station). This is involved with the
             Miscellaneous Quest: Reilly's Rangers.

People's Republic of America Radio

  Zone: 16.05
  Lat/Lon: N/A
  Location: Mama Dolce's Processed Foods
  Specifics: This is a Chinese Propaganda station from near the D.C. area.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There are also 9 Radio Tower Signals. Each of these emits some sort of signal
that lets you find another hidden place on the map that's nearby. This section
will contain, in addition to the signals above, what type of Radio Signal the
tower broadcasts, as well as where it is triangulating that signal.

  Zone: 1.06
  Lat/Lon: -23/20
  Location: Broadcast Tower KB5
  Radio Signal: Alfa Lima
  Specifics: Mast is on top of a large hill, emits morse code
  Triangulation: Drainage Channel (zone 1.G, Lat/Lon: -22/20)

  Zone: 1.11
  Lat/Lon: -17/18
  Location: WKML Broadcast Station
  Radio Signal: Kilo Bravo
  Specifics: Switch on the generators inside the tower
  Triangulation: Sealed Cistern

  Zone: 2.06
  Lat/Lon: -04/24
  Location: Broadcast Tower LP8
  Radio Signal: Echo Foxtrot
  Specifics: Southwest of the monorail, near Paradise Falls.
  Triangulation: Sealed Cistern, just below and slightly to the NE

  Zone: 3.08
  Lat/Lon: 15/20
  Location: Relay Tower KX-B8-11
  Radio Signal: Oscar Zulu
  Specifics: Emits a frantic message from Bob Anderstein
  Triangulation: Drainage Chamber (zone 3.K, Lat/Lon: 16/19)

  Zone: 4.04
  Lat/Lon: -26/09
  Location: Broadcast Tower KT8
  Radio Signal: Sierra Romeo
  Specifics: Watch out for attacks from Super Mutants, emits morse code
  Triangulation: Drainage Chamber, Sewer Entrance (zone 4.B, Lat/Lon: -26/10)

  Zone: 6.G
  Lat/Lon: 16/07
  Location: Radio Mast Yankee Bravo
  Radio Signal: Yankee Bravo
  Specifics: SW of Canterbury Commons, emits murmerings and growls.
  Triangulation: Drainage Channel to the WSW

  Zone: 7.A
  Lat/Lon: -24/-04
  Location: Broadcast Tower PN
  Radio Signal: Papa November
  Specifics: Nort from Smith Casey's Garage
  Triangulation: Drainage Chamber (zone 4.R, Lat/Lon: -24/-03)

  Zone: 7.L
  Lat/Lon: -20/-13
  Location: Broadcast Tower SV
  Radio Signal: Sierra Victor
  Specifics: On top of a rocky hillside, watch for gaps in the ground
  Triangulation: Drainage Chamber (zone 7.M, same latitude) just to the SE

  Zone: 8.B
  Lat/Lon: -11/-05
  Location: Radio Mast Oscar Tango and Hamlet
  Radio Signal: Oscar Tango
  Specifics: Southern part of Jury Street, watch for Raider attacks
  Triangulation: Drainage Chamber (zone 8.C, Lat/Lon: -11/-04)


[5.I] The Zones and Their Locations


For the map, here are the zones and their primary locations.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Zone 1: Northwest Territories
    01. Raven Rock
    02. MDPL-05 Power Station
    03. SatCom Array NW-05a
    04. Fort Constantine
    05. SatCom Array NW-07c
    06. Broadcast Tower KB5
    07. Deathclaw Sanctuary
    08. Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel
    09. Mason Dixon Salvage
    10. Mount Mabel Campground
    11. WKML Broadcast Station
    12. The Silver Lining Drive-In
    13. Drowned Devil’s Crossing
    14. Abandoned Car Fort
    15. Faded Pomp Estates
    16. Roosevelt Academy

Zone 2: Northern Mountains
    01. Oasis
    02. SatCom Array NN-03d
    03. MDPL-21 Power Station
    04. Clifftop Shacks
    05. Montgomery County Reservoir
    06. Broadcast Tower LP8
    07. Reclining Groves Resort Homes
    08. Paradise Falls
    09. MDPL-13 Power Station

Zone 3: Northeast Territories
    01. Vault 92
    02. Old Olney
    03. The Republic of Dave
    04. Chaste Acres Dairy Farm
    05. MDPL-16 Power Station
    06. Greener Pastures Disposal Site
    07. Grisly Diner
    08. Relay Tower Kx-B8-11
    09. Minefield
    10. Temple of the Union

Zone 4: Irradiated Western Plains
    01. Shalebridge
    02. Five Axles Rest Stop
    03. MDPL Mass Relay Station
    04. Broadcast Tower KT8
    05. Rockbreaker’s Last Gas
    06. Vault 87
    07. Everglow National Campground
    08. Little Lamplight
    09. Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal
    10. VAPL-58 Power Station
    11. Fort Bannister

Zone 5: Central Plains and Potomac
    01. Germantown Police Headquarters
    02. Northwest Seneca Station
    03. Hamilton’s Hideaway
    04. Hallowed Moors Cemetery
    05. Meresti Trainyard
    06. Agatha’s House
    07. Arefu
    08. Fordham Flash Memorial Field
    09. Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema
    10. Big Town
    11. Kaelyn’s Bed & Breakfast
    12. Vault 106
    13. Jury Street Metro Station
    14. Springvale School

Zone 6: Eastern Hills and D.C. Outskirts
    01. AntAgonizer’s Lair
    02. Canterbury Commons
    03. Scrapyard
    04. Wheaton Armory
    05. Corvega Factory
    06. Vault 108
    07. Bethesda Ruins
    08. Chryslus Building
    09. Rock Creek Caverns
    10. Friendship Heights Metro Station
    11. National Guard Depot

Zone 7: Southwest Territories
    01. Yoo Guai Tunnels
    02. Charnel House
    03. Smith Casey’s Garage
    04. Evergreen Mills
    05. Girdershade
    06. VAPL-66 Power Station
    07. Jacko’s Pop & Gas Stop
    08. VAPL-84 Power Station
    09. F. Scott Key Trail & Campground
    10. RobCo Facility
    11. Dunwich Building
    12. Warrington Trainyard
    13. Warrington Station
    14. Tenpenny Tower

Zone 8: Southern Plains
    01. Vault 101
    02. Springvale
    03. Megaton
    04. Fort Independence
    05. Fairfax Ruins
    06. Cliffside Cavern
    07. Andale
    08. Red Racer Factory
    09. The Overlook Drive-In
    10. Nuka-Cola Plant

Zone 9: Exterior D.C. Metropolitan Ruins
    01. Super-Duper Mart
    02. Farragut West Metro Station
    03. Sewer Waystation
    04. Wilhelm’s Wharf
    05. Flooded Metro
    06. Anchorage Memorial
    07. Tepid Sewers
    08. Dukov’s Place
    09. Grayditch
    10. Marigold Station
    11. The Citadel
    12. Irradiated Metro
    13. Alexandria Arms
    14. Jefferson memorial
    15. Rivet City
    16. Anacostia Crossing
    17. Flooded Metro
    18. Arlington Library

Zones 10-21: Interior
Z10: D.C. Metropolitan Ruins
Z11: Dupont Circle
Z12: Vernon Square
Z13: Takoma Park
Z14: Georgetown
Z15: Pennsylvania Avenue
Z16: Arlington National Cemetary
Z17: The Mall
Z18: Seward Square
Z19: Falls Church
Z20: Mason District
Z21: L’Enfant Plaza


        Special Thanks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tracy Lovett (Tarthus, GameFAQs) for help with the Schematics
Will (adlibrium) for finding the mistake with the Comprehension perk
Adam for finding the mistakes with the Action Boy and Finesse perks
Mike Mirkin for noticing a missing perk on the list
Martin (DigitalOverride) for help with the WKML Radio Tower Signal

        Closing Stuff

I hope you found this guide useful.


           _____ __              __
          / ___// /_  ____  ____/ /_____      _______
          __ / __ / __ / __  / __  | /| / / ___/
         ___/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / |/ |/ /___ 
        /____/_/ /_/_________/____/|__/|__/_____/
           ___  _
          / _ (_)__     ______      ________   __
         / // / / _    / __  | /| / / __  | / /
        / // / /  __/  / /_/ / |/ |/ / /_/ / |/ /
       /____/_/___/   _______/|__/_____   /
                                           /  /


This guide is free for distribution, but please don't leave out this part of the
  guide where credit is due, thank you and enjoy!
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