Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

                  Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
              FAQ By: Goh_Billy ([email protected])
                             Version #: 2.7


      1. Legend
      2. System
      3. Characters
         3.1  Ryu
         3.2  Edmond Honda
         3.3  Blanka
         3.4  Guile
         3.5  Balrog
         3.6  Ken Masters 
         3.7  Chun-Li 
         3.8  Zangief 
         3.9  Dhalsim
         3.10 Sagat
         3.11 Vega
         3.12 Thunder Hawk
         3.13 Fei Long
         3.14 Dee Jay
         3.15 Cammy
         3.16 Mike Bison
         3.17 Akuma
      4. Misc. And Easter Eggs
         4.1  Fight/Play Akuma 
         4.2  Achievements
      5. Conclusion
         5.1  What's Missing/Needed
         5.2  Credits
1. Legend

  ub  u  uf        f - Forward        LP - Light Punch     P - Any Punch
     | /          b - Back           MP - Medium Punch    K - Any Kick
  b--   --f        u - Up             HP - Heavy Punch     + - And  
    / |           d - Down           LK - Light Kick      / - Or  
  db  d  df                           MK - Medium Kick     , - Then 
                                      HK - Heavy Kick

 qcf - quarter circle forward (d, df, f)
 qcb - quarter circle back (d, db, b)
 hcf - half circle forward (b, db, d, df, f)
 hcb - half circle back (f, df, d, db, b)

2. System

Standard Throw/Hold  f/b + HP close               refer to the character's 
                                                    movelist for an expansive
                                                    list of their throws/holds
Throw Soften         f/b + MP/HP/MK/HK just       this works on both ground and
                       as you are being thrown      air throws; this does not
                                                    work on holds
Hold Recovery        shake joystick and tap P     this only works on holds (ie
                       and K rapidly                Blanka's Wild Fang)

Block High           b
Block Low            db                           will not block overheads
Dizzy Recovery       shake joystick and tap P
                       and K rapidly when 

Super                refer to the character's     the Super Meter must be full
                       movelist for the             to perform the character's 
                       particular motion            super; the Super Meter
                                                    fills after performing
                                                    special moves or when a
                                                    normal/command move strikes
                                                    the opponent (blocked or 
                                                    not); the Super Meter's
                                                    status does NOT transfer to
                                                    the next round 

3. Characters

* 3.1 Ryu                                                                     *
LP - White costume w/ Red headband         
MP - Gray costume w/ Blue headband               
HP - Light Blue costume w/ Gray headband       
LK - Orange costume w/ Blue headband                  
MK - Blue costume w/ Red headband
HK - Green costume w/ Yellow headband
Start - Brown costume w/ Dark Gray headband
Hold P - Black costume w/ Yellow headband   
Hold K - Dark Green costume w/ Red headband

Seoi Nage            f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Tomoe Nage           f/b + MK/HK close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Moves
Air Uppercut         ub/uf, MP                    this will cause 2 hits if
                                                    connected to an air
                                                    opponent; if you connect
                                                    this to an air opponent,
                                                    you can follow after them
                                                    with another Air Uppercut
                                                    to juggle them; you can
                                                    also try striking them
                                                    with a Shinkuu Hadou Ken
                                                    after a successful Air
Shin Kick            LK close                     must be blocked low by
                                                    every character EXCEPT
Axe Kick             HK close                     2 hits

Command Moves
Sakotsu Wari         f + MP                       can hit twice with both hits
                                                    being overheads    
Hatobi Kudaki        f + HP

Special Moves
Hadou Ken            qcf + P                      LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast;
                                                    will collide with other 
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Fire Hadou Ken       hcf + P                      LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast;
                                                    will collide with other
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process;
                                                    fireball stuns from far
                                                    away and knocks opponent
                                                    down when up close
Shouryuu Ken         f, d, df + P                 LP=short, MP=medium, HP=far
Fake Hadou Ken       qcf + LK
Tatsumaki Kyaku      qcb + K                      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long
Air Tatsumaki Kyaku  qcb + K in air               LK=1 spin, MK=few spins,
                                                    HK=many spins

Shinkuu Hadou Ken    qcf, qcf + P                 will absorb other projectiles

* 3.2 Edmond Honda                                                            *
LP - Blue costume w/ Red face paint        
MP - Pink costume w/ Blue face paint                 
HP - Orange costume w/ Green face paint         
LK - Green costume w/ Pink face paint                    
MK - Light Brown costume w/ Green face paint
HK - Gray costume w/ Red face paint
Start - Light Gray costume w/ Blue face paint
Hold P - Purple costume w/ Purple face paint 
Hold K - Yellow costume w/ Red face paint

Tawara Nage          f/b + MP close               f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Saba Ori             f/b + HP close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more squeezes
Sekkan Kyaku         f/b + HK close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more knee

Basic Moves
Butt Drop            ub/uf, LK                    overhead 
Rising Snap          HK close                     2 hits
Kuuchuu Harite       u, HP, then guide move       overhead
                       with b and f

Command Moves
Flying Sumo Press    ub/uf, d + MK                overhead
Low Palm             d + MP                       the following characters must
                                                    block this low: Blanka,
                                                    Cammy, Dee Jay, Dhalsim,
                                                    Fei Long, Guile, T. Hawk,
                                                    and Zangief
Double Palm Attack   d + HP                       2 hits
Shiko Geri           b + MK close
Hiza Geri            f + MK close
Harai Geri           b/f + HK                     must be blocked low

Special Moves
Super Zutsuki        Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=short and will absorb 
                       f + P                        projectiles, MP=medium,
Super Hyakkan Otoshi Charge d for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far;
                       u + K                        the butt drop portion is an
Ooichou Nage         hcb + P close                unblockable; you have the
                                                    ability to "store" the 
                                                    Ooichou Nage command (to do
                                                    this, perform the hcb 
                                                    motion, and continue to 
                                                    hold b/ub/db); as long as
                                                    you continue to hold
                                                    b/ub/db, you will continue
                                                    to "store" the command
                                                    (pressing P anytime after
                                                    this will activate the
                                                    Ooichou Nage if you are
                                                    within range)
Hyakuretsu Harite    tap P rapidly                LP=stationary with slow 
                                                    slaps, MP=short with medium
                                                    slaps, HP=far with fast

Oni Musou            Charge b for 2 seconds,      absorbs projectiles
                       f, b, f + P                  

* 3.3 Blanka                                                                  *
LP - Green skin w/ Orange hair and Brown shorts        
MP - Light Blue skin w/ Gold hair and Bronze shorts          
HP - Gold skin w/ Blue hair and Dark Blue shorts          
LK - Dark Gray skin w/ Red hair and Dark Red shorts              
MK - Orange skin w/ Green hair and Dark Green shorts
HK - Pale Cream skin w/ Light Green hair and Green shorts
Start - Teal skin w/ Green hair and Dark Green shorts
Hold P - Brown skin w/ Gray hair and Black shorts
Hold K - Flax skin w/ Light Red hair and Red shorts

Wild Fang            f/b + HP close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more bites

Basic Move
Hop Knee             MK close                     2 hits

Command Moves
Low Swipe            d + LP                       must be blocked low
Rock Crush           b/f + MP close               the move is actually 2 hits
                                                    with the second hit needing
                                                    to be blocked low
Amazon River Run     df + HP                      must be blocked low

Special Moves
Electric Thunder     tap P rapidly                LP=slow "bobs", MP=medium 
                                                    "bobs", HP=fast "bobs"
Rolling Attack       Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
                       f + P                        
Backstep Rolling     Charge b for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long
                       f + K                       
Vertical Rolling     Charge d for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far
                       u + K                       
Surprise Forward     f + LP+LK/MP+MK/HP+HK  /     can pass through opponent if
                       f + all three kicks          done close
Surprise Back        b + LP+LK/MP+MK/HP+HK  /
                       b + all three kicks          

Ground Shave Rolling Charge b for 2 seconds,      if the opponent runs into
                       f, b, f + P (hold P          Blanka's delay roll, he
                       to delay)                    will automatically perform
                                                    the rest of the super

* 3.4 Guile                                                                   *
LP - Green costume                              
MP - Brown costume                               
HP - Blue costume
LK - Red costume
MK - Dark Gray costume
HK - Mustard costume
Start - Light Gray costume
Hold P - Pink costume   
Hold K - Blue-Gray costume

Shoulder Toss        f/b + MP close               f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Suplex               f/b + HP close               f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Flying Mayor         any direction except u +     if d/df/f/uf is used,
                       HP close in air              opponent will end up in
                                                    front of Guile; if db/b/ub
                                                    is used, opponent will end
                                                    up behind Guile
Flying Buster Drop   any direction except u +     if d/df/f/uf is used,
                       HK close in air              opponent will end up behind
                                                    Guile; if db/b/ub is used,
                                                    opponent will end up in
                                                    front of Guile

Basic Move
Heavy Stub Kick      HK far

Command Moves
Spinning Knuckle     f + HP
Knee Bazooka         b/f + LK
Rolling Sobat        f + MK
Rolling Sobat Back   b + MK
Reverse Spin Kick    f + HK                       overhead
Double Sweep         d + HK                       both parts must be blocked

Special Moves
Sonic Boom           Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast;
                       f + P                        will collide with other
                                                    projectiles as both will
                                                    be "destroyed" in the
Somersault Kick      Charge d for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=very
                       u + K                        far

Double Somer. Kick   Charge db for 2 seconds,
                       qcf, uf + K  /  Charge
                       db for 2 seconds, df,
                       db, ub/u/uf + K

* 3.5 Balrog                                                                  *
LP - Blue costume w/ Red gloves       
MP - Yellow costume w/ Orange gloves                  
HP - Orange costume w/ Green gloves             
LK - Green costume w/ Red gloves                         
MK - Red costume w/ Black gloves
HK - Purple costume w/ Red gloves
Start - Brown costume w/ Red gloves
Hold P - Dark Blue costume w/ Magenta gloves 
Hold K - Dark Gray costume w/ Red gloves

Head Bomber          f/b + HP close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more 
Basic Move
Impact Punch         u, HP, then guide move       overhead
                       with b and f

Command Move

Special Moves
Dash Straight        Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
                       f + P                        
Dash Upper           Charge b for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long
                       f + K                        
Buffalo Headbutt     Charge d for 2 seconds,      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=far;
                       u + P                        can go through some 
Turn Punch           Charge two punches or two    the longer the charge, the
                       kicks, release               more damage and range when
                                                    released; since the Turn
                                                    Punch can be charged with
                                                    two kicks or two punches,
                                                    it is possible to charge
                                                    for 2 Turn Punches at the
                                                    same time; Charge for:
                                                       1-2 seconds = Level 1
                                                       3-4 seconds = Level 2
                                                       5-8 seconds = Level 3
                                                       9-17 seconds = Level 4
                                                       18-24 seconds = Level 5
                                                       25-32 seconds = Level 6
                                                       33-39 seconds = Level 7
                                                       40+ seconds = Final
Dash Ground Straight Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long;
                       df + P                       must be blocked low
Dash Ground Upper    Charge b for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long;
                       df + K                       unlike the regular Dash
                                                    Upper, this knocks the
                                                    opponent down

Crazy Buffalo        Charge b for 2 seconds,      hold K or press K during
                       f, b, f + P                  super to change the Dash
                                                    Straights to Dash Uppers;
                                                    even if K is held or
                                                    pressed, the first and last
                                                    punch will always be a Dash
Crazy Bufalo Upper   Charge b for 2 seconds,      hold K or press K during
                       f, b, f + K                  super to change the Dash
                                                    Straights to Dash Uppers;
                                                    even if K is held or
                                                    pressed the first punch
                                                    will always be a Dash Upper
                                                    while the last punch will 
                                                    always be a Dash Straight

* 3.6 Ken Masters                                                             *
LP - Red costume                             
MP - Dark Gray costume                          
HP - Purple costume
LK - Bright Green costume
MK - Teal costume
HK - Beige costume
Start - Yellow costume
Hold P - White costume  
Hold K - Brown costume

Seoi Nage            f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Tsukami Hiza Geri    f/b + MK close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more knee
Jigoku Guruma        f/b + HK close               f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Jigoku Fuusha        any direction except u +     if you throw from a ub/u jump
                       HK close in air              then the opponent will end
                                                    up behind Ken; if you throw
                                                    from a uf jump then the
                                                    opponent will end up in
                                                    front of Ken  

Basic Moves
Stretch Kick         ub/uf, MK                    good for crossing up 
                                                    opponent; overhead
Shin Kick            LK                           must be blocked low
Swipe Kick           HK
Command Move

Special Moves
Hadou Ken            qcf + P                      LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast;
                                                    will collide with other
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Shouryuu Ken         f, d, df + LP/MP             LP=short, MP=far
Fire Shouryuu Ken    f, d, df + HP                if you hit an air opponent
                                                    with this, you have the
                                                    ability to juggle them
Tatsumaki Kyaku      qcb + K                      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long
Air Tatsumaki Kyaku  qcb + K in air               LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long
Nata Otoshi Geri     qcf + LK
  Inazuma Kak. Wari  hold K from previous input   overhead
Kama Barai Geri      qcf + MK
  Inazuma Kak. Wari  hold K from previous input   overhead
Oosoto Mawashi Geri  qcf + HK                     kick knocks opponent down
  Inazuma Kak. Wari  hold K from previous input   overhead

Shouryuu Reppa       qcf, qcf + P

* 3.7 Chun-Li                                                                 *
LP - Blue costume                      
MP - Red costume                                
HP - Silver costume
LK - Dark Gray costume
MK - Gold costume
HK - Forest Green costume
Start - Pink costume
Hold P - Light Blue costume
Hold K - Green costume 

Koshuu Tou           f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Ryuusei Raku         any direction except u +     if df/f/uf is used,
                       HP close in air              opponent will end up in 
                                                    front of Chun-Li; if 
                                                    d/db/b/ub is used, opponent
                                                    will end up behind Chun-Li
Basic Moves
Triangle Jump        jump towards wall, then
Air Kouhou K. Kyaku  u, HK                        this is NOT an overhead; 
                                                    knocks opponent down
Command Moves
Yousou Kyaku         d + MK in air                can perform another air 
                                                    attack after move; overhead
Kaku Kyaku Raku      df + HK

Special Moves
Kikou Ken            Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=long, MP=medium, HP=short;
                       f + P                        will collide with other
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Hyakuretsu Kyaku     tap K rapidly                LK=slow kicks, MK=medium 
                                                    kicks, HK=fast kicks
Tenshou Kyaku        Charge d for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium,  HK=far;
                       u + K                        can juggle with another
                                                    Tenshou Kyaku if successful
                                                    with the first one (up to
                                                    3 hits)
Spinning Bird Hop    Charge b for 2 seconds,      if you hit the opponent with
                       f + K                        this while they are in air,
                                                    you can juggle with the
                                                    Tenshou Kyaku for more 
Short Spinning Bird  Charge db/df for 2 seconds,  delay the last part of the
                       u + K                        command to have Chun-Li
                                                    perform the move slightly
                                                    higher off the ground
Spinning Bird Kick   Charge db/df for 2 seconds,  delay the last part of the
                       uf + K                       command to have Chun-Li
                                                    perform the move slightly
                                                    higher off the ground
Spining Bird Retreat Charge db/df for 2 seconds,  delay the last part of the
                       ub + K                       command to have Chun-Li
                                                    perform the move slightly
                                                    higher off the ground
Air Spinning B. Kick Charge b for 2 seconds,      try performing the Charge d,
                       f + K in air / Charge        u + K motion after a Yousou
                       d for 2 seconds, u + K       Kyaku
                       in air

Senretsu Kyaku       Charge b for 2 seconds,      you have the ability to
                       f, b, f + K                  "store" the charge (to do
                                                    this, perform the 
                                                    directional portion of the
                                                    super, but when you get to
                                                    last f, hold it); as long
                                                    as you continue to hold f
                                                    or uf you will continue to
                                                    "store" the charge 
                                                    (pressing K anytime after
                                                    this will activate the
                                                    super); can usually add a
                                                    Tenshou Kyaku immediately
                                                    after the super to juggle
                                                    for extra damage

* 3.8 Zangief                                                                 *
LP - Red costume                           
MP - Green-Blue costume                        
HP - Teal costume
LK - Light Gray costume
MK - Yellow costume
HK - Green costume
Start - Blue costume
Hold P - Orange costume
Hold K - Black costume

Piledriver           f/b + MP close               the direction that's pressed
                                                    after the throw is
                                                    activated will determine
                                                    where Zangief leaps during
                                                    the Piledriver; for 
                                                    example, activating the 
                                                    Piledriver with f + MP 
                                                    close and then holding f
                                                    will cause Zangief to jump
                                                    forward with the 
                                                    Piledriver; in contrast,
                                                    activating the throw with 
                                                    f + MP close and holding b
                                                    immediately will cause
                                                    Zangief to jump back during
                                                    the Piledriver
Iron Claw            f/b + HP close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more face 
Stomach Claw         db/d/df + MP/HP close        shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more stomach
Brain Buster         f/b + MK close               
Kamitsuki            f/b + HK close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more face
Kuuchuu Deadly Drive any direction except u +     if d/df/f/uf is used,
                       MP/HP close in air           opponent will end up in
                                                    front of Zangief; if 
                                                    db/b/ub is used, opponent
                                                    will end up behind Zangief
Kuuchuu Leg Throw    any direction except u +     if d/df/f/uf is used,
                       MK/HK close in air           opponent will end up in
                                                    front of Zangief; if
                                                    db/b/ub is used, opponent
                                                    will end up behind Zangief

Basic Moves
Shin Kick            LK far                       must be blocked low
Roundhouse Tumble    HK close                     2 hits
Command Moves
Flying Body Press    ub/uf, d + HP                overhead
Double Knee Drop     ub/uf, d + LK/MK             overhead
Kuuchuu Headbutt     u, u + MP/HP
Headbutt             f + HP

Special Moves
Double Lariat        MP+MK/HP+HK  /  press all    will pass through projectiles
                       three punches,  then
                       use b and f to guide        
Quick Double Lariat  LP+LK  /  press all three    will pass through projectiles
                       kicks, then use b and f
                       to guide         
Banishing Flat       qcf + P                      will absorb projectiles
Spinning Piledriver  hcf, b + P  /  hcb,          connects close; unblockable
                       f + P  / 360 + P          
Atomic Suplex        hcf + K close  /  hcb + K    unblockable
                       close  /  360 + K close  
Flying Powerbomb     hcf + K far  / hcb + K       Zangief will walk forward to
                       far  /  360 + K far          grab the opponent; he must
                                                    grab them in order to
                                                    perform the entire move;
                                                    the grab is unblockable

Final Atomic Buster  hcf, hcf, b + P close  /     unblockable
                       hcb, hcb, f + P close      

* 3.9 Dhalsim                                                                 *
LP - Yellow costume w/ Light Brown skin and Red face paint  
MP - Orange costume w/ Blue-Gray skin and Pink face paint 
HP - Gray costume w/ Tan skin and Dark Gray face paint  
LK - Green costume w/ Black skin and Yellow face paint
MK - Beige costume w/ Brown skin and Gray face paint
HK - Blue costume w/ Gray skin and Red face paint
Start - Yellow costume w/ Pale Blue skin and Pink face paint
Hold P - Teal costume w/ Gold skin and Red face paint 
Hold K - Purple costume w/ Light Gray skin and Blue face paint

Yoga Smash           f/b + MP close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more punches
Yoga Throw           f/b + HP close               f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Moves
Stretch Punch        MP
Double Punch Stretch HP
Stretch Kick         MK
Stretch Roundhouse   HK
Extend Jump Kick     LK/MK in air                 LK=weak, MK=strong; overhead
Air S. Roundhouse    HK in air                    is unable to be used as an
Down Stretch Punch   u, LP                        overhead
Straight Stretch P.  ub/uf, MP                    is unable to be used as an
Diagonal Stretch P.  ub/uf, LP or u, MP or        LP=weak, MP=medium,
                       HP in air                    HP=strong; overhead

Command Moves
Drill Zutsuki        d + HP in air
Drill Kick           d + K in air                 LK=far, MK=medium, HK=short
                                                    with steepest angle
Chop                 b + LP
Open Palm Uppercut   b + MP
Yoga Headbutt        b + HP
Short Punch          db + P                       LP=weak, MP=medium, HP=strong
Low Stretch Punch    d + P                        LP=weak, MP=medium, 
                                                    HP=strong; must be blocked
Stretch Punt         f + LK
High Kick            b + MK
Strong Knee          b + HK
Low Front Kick       db + LK                      must be blocked low
Short Kick           db + MK/HK                   MK=weak, HK=strong; must be
                                                    blocked low
Slide                d + K                        LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long
                                                    and will knock opponent
                                                    down; must be blocked low

Special Moves
Yoga Fire            qcf + P                      LP=slow and stuns opponent,
                                                    MP=medium and knocks
                                                    opponent down, HP=fast and
                                                    knocks opponent down; will
                                                    collide with other 
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Yoga Flame           qcb + P                      LP=short time period, 
                                                    MP=medium time period, 
                                                    HP=long time period; 
                                                    absorbs projectiles
Yoga Teleport Zenpou f, d, df + two punches       this move will make Dhalsim
                       or two kicks                 teleport behind the
                                                    opponent; if you are very
                                                    close to the opponent, you
                                                    will teleport behind them a
                                                    considerable distance (with
                                                    the three kick version
                                                    having a longer teleport
                                                    distance than the three
                                                    punch counterpart); it is
                                                    possible, depending on
                                                    where Dhalsim and his
                                                    opponent are located, to
                                                    teleport stationary or
                                                    backwards instead of behind
                                                    the opponent
Yoga Teleport Kouhou b, d, db + two punches       if all three punches are
                       or two kicks                 used, Dhalsim will teleport
                                                    about a sweep distance in
                                                    front of the opponent; if
                                                    all three kicks are used,
                                                    Dhalsim will teleport about
                                                    two sweep distances in
                                                    front of the opponent
Yoga Blast           qcb + K                      LK=short time period and low,
                                                     MP=medium time period and
                                                     medium height, HP=long
                                                     time period and reaches
                                                     high up

Yoga Inferno         hcb, hcb + P                 will absorb projectiles

* 3.10 Sagat                                                                  *
LP - Purple costume w/ Red trim
MP - Red costume w/ Green trim                       
HP - White costume w/ Red trim                   
LK - Purple costume w/ White trim                      
MK - Green costume w/ Orange trim
HK - Gray-Blue costume w/ Blue trim
Start - Dark Gray costume w/ Gray trim
Hold P - Bright Green costume w/ Yellow-Orange trim  
Hold K - Yellow costume w/ Black trim

Tiger Carry          f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Moves
Shin Kick            LK close                     the move is actually two hits
                                                    with both hits needing to
                                                    be blocked low by every
                                                    character EXCEPT Balrog
Snap Mid             MK close                     2 hits

Command Move

Special Moves
Tiger Shot           qcf + P                      LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast;
                                                    will collide with other
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Tiger Uppercut       f, d, df + P                 LP=short, MP=medium, HP=far
Ground Tiger Shot    qcf + K                      LK=slow, MK=medium, HK=fast;
                                                    must be blocked low; will
                                                    collide with other 
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Tiger Knee Crush     f, d, df + K                 LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far;
                                                    you can juggle with another
                                                    Tiger Knee Crush if you
                                                    connect this

Tiger Genocide       qcf, qcf + P

* 3.11 Vega                                                                   *
LP - Purple costume w/ Red-Orange sash   
MP - Green costume w/ Yellow sash                    
HP - Black costume w/ Green sash                
LK - Red costume w/ Black sash                          
MK - Pink costume w/ Orange sash
HK - Blue costume w/ Purple sash
Start - Light Gray costume w/ Black sash
Hold P - Brown costume w/ Red sash 
Hold K - Mustard costume w/ Blue sash

Rainbow Suplex       f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Stardust Drop        any direction except u +     if d/df/f/uf is used,
                       MP/HP close in air           opponent will end up in 
                                                    front of Vega; if db/b/ub
                                                    is used, opponent will end
                                                    up behind Vega    

Basic Move
Triangle Jump        jump towards wall, then

Command Move
Slide                d + HK                       must be blocked low

Special Moves
Rolling C. Flash     Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=1 roll, MP=2 rolls, MP=3
                       f + P                        rolls
Sky High Claw        Charge d for 2 seconds,      the LP version flies across
                       ub/u/uf + P                  the screen higher off the
                                                    ground; using uf will make
                                                    Vega jump from the wall in
                                                    front of him, while using
                                                    ub willmake Vega jump off
                                                    the wall behind him; if u
                                                    is used, Vega will jump off
                                                    the wall closest to him
Wall Bounce          Charge d for 2 seconds,      using uf will make Vega jump
                       ub/u/uf + K, use b or f      from the wall in front of
                       to guide                     him, while using ub will
                                                    make Vega jump off the wall
                                                    behind him; if u is used,
                                                    Vega will jump off the wall
                                                    closest to him; using b/f
                                                    will guide Vega's descent
  Barcelona Attack   P                            overhead
  Dive Fake          K
  Izuna Drop         any direction + P when       if ub/b/db is used, opponent
                       close                        will end up behind Vega; if
                                                    any other direction is used
                                                    opponent will end up in 
                                                    front of Vega; unblockable
Backflip             MP+MK  /  HP+HK  /  press    invulnerable for a short 
                       all three punches            while
Short Backflip       LP+LK  /  press all          invulnerable for a short 
                       three kicks                  while
Scarlet Terror       Charge db for 2 seconds,     LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far
                       f + K                       

Super Wall Bounce    Charge db for 2 seconds,     using uf will make Vega jump
                       df, db, ub/u/uf + K,         from the wall in front of
                       use b or f to guide          him, while using ub will
                                                    make Vega jump off the wall
                                                    behind him; if u is used,
                                                    Vega will jump off the wall
                                                    closest to him; using b/f
                                                    will guide Vega's descent
  Barcelona Attack   P                            overhead; does not consume
                                                    the Super Meter
  Dive Fake          K
  Rolling Izuna D.   any direction + P when       if ub/b/db is used, opponent
                       close                        will end up behind Vega; if
                                                    any other direction is used
                                                    opponent will end up in 
                                                    front of Vega; unblockable

* 3.12 Thunder Hawk                                                           *
LP - Blue costume    
MP - Light Gray costume                         
HP - Green costume
LK - Pink costume
MK - Orange-Red costume
HK - Gray costume
Start - Dark Gold costume
Hold P - Maroon costume 
Hold K - Cream costume

One Hand Toss        f/b + MP close               f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Hanging Three        f/b + HP close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more chokes
Elbow Massacre       f/b + HK close               shake joystick and tap P and
                                                    K rapidly for more elbow 

Basic Move
Eagle Chop           HP close                     2 hits

Command Moves
Heavy Shoulder       ub/uf, d + MP                overhead
Heavy Body Press     ub/uf, d + HP                overhead
Thrust Beak          b/f + LP
Low Chop             d + HP                       the move is actually two hits
                                                    with the second hit needing
                                                    to be blocked low by every 
                                                    character EXCEPT Balrog
Double Sweep         d + HK                       both parts must be blocked

Special Moves
Tomahawk Buster      f, d, df + P                 LP=short, MP=medium, HP=far
Mexican Typhoon      hcf, b + P  /  hcb,          connects close; unblockable
                       f + P  /  360 + P close  
Condor Dive          LP+LK/MP+MK/HP+HK in         once T. Hawk starts to 
                     air  /  all three              descend from his jump, this
                     punches in air                 special move will not be
                                                    able to be activated

Double Typhoon      hcf, hcf, b + P close  /      unblockable
                      hcb, hcb, f + P close  /
                      720 + P close  

* 3.13 Fei Long                                                               *
LP - Dark Gray costume                             
MP - Purple costume                             
HP - Green costume
LK - Light Blue costume
MK - Orange costume
HK - Silver costume
Start - Dark Gold costume
Hold P - Blue costume   
Hold K - Red costume

Gankai Hou           f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Ryuushu Kai          f/b + MK/HK close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Ryuushu Raku         any direction except u +     if you throw from a u/uf jump
                       MP/HP close in air           then the opponent will end
                                                    up in front of Fei Long; if
                                                    you throw from a ub jump
                                                    then the opponent will end
                                                    up behind Fei Long     
Basic Move
Snap Roundhouse      HK close                     2 hits

Command Moves
Double Palm Thrust   d + HP                       must be blocked low by every
                                                    character EXCEPT Balrog and
                                                    M. Bison
Engeki Shuu          f + HK
Chokka Rakushou      b + MK                       overhead
Chokka Raku. Leap    f + MK                       overhead

Special Moves
Rekka Ken            qcf + P                      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
  Second Charge      qcf + P                      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
    Finish           qcf + P                      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
Rekkuu Kyaku         qcf + K                      LK=short and can go through
                                                    most projectiles (not 
                                                    Sagat's high Tiger Shot), 
                                                    MK=medium, HK=long; 
                                                    overhead; if you land this
                                                    on an air opponent, you can
                                                    follow with a Shien Kyaku
                                                    or another Rekkuu Kyaku to
                                                    juggle (up to 4 hits), and
                                                    you can also try juggling
                                                    with the Rekka Shin Ken
Shien Kyaku          b, d, db + K                 LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far

Rekka Shin Ken       qcf, qcf + P

* 3.14 Dee Jay                                                                *
LP - Orange costume                            
MP - Blue costume                                
HP - Dark Green costume
LK - Neon Green costume
MK - Lavender costume
HK - Beige costume
Start - Dark Gray costume
Hold P - Yellow costume 
Hold K - Purple costume

Funky Shout Throw    f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Monkey Flip          f/b + MK/HK close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Basic Moves
Punch Beat           HP close                     2 hits
Push Kick            MK far                       2 hits
Shin Kick            LK far                       must be blocked low by every
                                                    character EXCEPT Balrog and
                                                    M. Bison

Command Moves
Knee Shot            ub/uf, d + LK                overhead
Quick Trip           d + MK                       must be blocked low
Slide                d + HK                       must be blocked low

Special Moves
Air Slasher          Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast;
                       f + P                        will collide with other
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Machine Gun Upper    Charge d for 2 seconds,      tapping P will produce more 
                       u + P, then tap P            punches; absorbs 
Rolling Sobat        Charge b for 2 seconds,      LK=only first part comes out
                       f + K                        with short distance, 
                                                    MK=medium, HK=long
Jackknife Maximum    Charge d for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far;
                       u + K                        if you connect a MK/HK 
                                                    Jackknife Maximum, you can
                                                    juggle another MK/HK
                                                    Jackknife Maximum directly
                                                    after (up to 3 hits) or you
                                                    can try juggling with the
                                                    Sobat Carnival

Sobat Carnival       Charge b for 2 seconds,      can usually add a MK/HK
                       f, b, f + K                  Jackknife Maximum 
                                                    immediately after the super
                                                    to juggle for extra damage

* 3.15 Cammy                                                                  *
LP - Green costume w/ Red trim       
MP - Blue-Silver costume w/ Pink trim                 
HP - Pink costume w/ Red trim                    
LK - Light Teal costume w/ Orange trim                  
MK - Teal costume w/ Red trim
HK - Dark Gray costume w/ Red trim
Start - Purple costume w/ Pink trim
Hold P - Green-Blue costume w/ Red trim   
Hold K - Green-Blue costume w/ Pink trim

Hooligan Suplex      f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Frankensteiner       f/b + MK/HK close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown
Flying Neck Hunt     any direction except u +     if d/df/f/uf is used,
                       MP/HP close in air           opponent will end up in
                                                    front of Cammy; if db/b/ub
                                                    is used, opponent will end
                                                    up behind Cammy
Air Frankensteiner   any direction except u +     if d/df/f/uf is used, 
                       MK/HK close in air           opponent will end up behind
                                                    Cammy; if db/b/ub is used, 
                                                    opponent will end up in 
                                                    front of Cammy

Basic Move

Command Moves
Weak Low Punch       d + LP                       the following characters must
                                                    block this low: Blanka,
                                                    Cammy, Dee Jay, Dhalsim,
                                                    Fei Long, Guile, T. Hawk,
                                                    and Zangief
Medium Low Punch     d + MP                       the following characters must
                                                    block this low: Blanka,
                                                    Cammy, Dee Jay, Dhalsim,
                                                    Fei Long, Guile, T. Hawk,
                                                    and Zangief

Special Moves
Spiral Arrow         qcf + K                      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long
Cannon Spike         f, d, df + K                 LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far
Axle Spin Knuckle    qcb + P                      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long;
                                                    the start up can go through
                                                    most fireballs (not Sagat's
                                                    high Tiger Shot)
Hooligan Combination qcf + P                      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=far
  Hooligan Cancel    K
  Razor Edge Slicer  do nothing                   must be blocked low
  Fatal Leg Twister  b/f + K near opponent's      unblockable
                       head or when near
                       crouching opponent
  Cross Scissors P.  b/f + K near opponent's      unblockable
                       waist or when near
                       opponent in air

Spin Drive Smasher   qcf, qcf + K

* 3.16 Mike Bison                                                             *
LP - Red costume w/ Silver trim                
MP - Green costume w/ Orange trim                    
HP - Gray costume w/ Red trim                    
LK - Blue-Green costume w/ Red trim                      
MK - Brown costume w/ Gray trim
HK - Pink costume w/ Light Green trim
Start - Dark Gray costume w/ Silver trim
Hold P - Blue costume w/ Gold trim  
Hold K - Light Brown costume w/ Peach trim

Deadly Throw         f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where 
                                                    opponent is thrown

Basic Move
Death Attack         ub/uf, MP, MP                both punches are overheads;
                                                    if you connect this to an 
                                                    air opponent, you can
                                                    follow after them with
                                                    another Death Attack to
                                                    juggle them (you can do
                                                    this until you rack up 3 
                                                    hits); both parts will
                                                    juggle air opponents so you
                                                    can get somewhat creative
                                                    on getting the 3 hits; you
                                                    can also try juggling with
                                                    Bison's Knee Press 
                                                    Nightmare after a 
                                                    successful Death Attack

Command Moves
Fake Slide           df + HK
Slide                d + HK                       must be blocked low

Special Moves
Psycho Crusher       Charge b for 2 seconds,      LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long
                       f + P                        
Double Knee Press    Charge b for 2 seconds,      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long
                       f + K                       
Head Stomp           Charge d for 2 seconds,      overhead; using b/f after the
                       u + K, then b or f           Head Stomp is performed
                       after head stomp to          will determine how Bison
                       guide                        will descend after jumping
                                                    off the opponent
  Skull Diver        P                            overhead
Fake Head Stomp      Charge d for 2 seconds,      using ub will cause Bison to
                       ub/u/uf + P                  jump backwards; using uf
                                                    will cause Bison to jump
                                                    forward more (and sometimes
                                                    at a greater speed) then if
                                                    you use u
  Devil Reverse      P, use b or f to guide       using b/f will guide Bison's 

Knee Press Nightmare Charge b for 2 seconds,
                       f, b, f + K


 --To select Akuma in Training or Versus, highlight E. Honda and press up.--
   -----To select Akuma in Arcade Mode, highlight Guile and press up.-----

* 3.17 Akuma                                                                  *
P (Arcade Mode) or P/K (All Other Modes) - Black costume w/ Red hair
K (Arcade Mode) or Hold P+K (All Other Modes)- Dark Gray costume w/ White hair

Seoi Nage            f/b + MP/HP close            f and b determine where
                                                     opponent is thrown
Tomoe Nage           f/b + MK/HK close            f and b determine where
                                                     opponent is thrown

Basic Moves
Shin Kick            LK                           must be blocked low
Axe Kick             HK close                     2 hits
Command Move

Special Moves
Gou Hadou Ken        qcf + P                      LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast
                                                    and knocks down opponent
                                                    when close; will collide
                                                    with other projectiles as
                                                    both will be "destroyed" in
                                                    the process
Zankuu Hadou Ken     qcf + P in air               LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast;
                                                    will collide with other
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Instant Zankuu H. K. qcf, uf + P                  LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast;
                                                    will collide with other
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Shakunetsu Hadou Ken qcb + P                      LP=slow and stuns opponent,
                                                    MP=medium with 2 hits and
                                                    knocks opponent down, 
                                                    HP=fast with 3 hits and
                                                    knocks opponent down; will
                                                    collide with other 
                                                    projectiles as both will be
                                                    "destroyed" in the process
Gou Shouryuu Ken     f, d, df + P                 LP=short, MP=medium, HP=far
Tatsumaki Kyaku      qcb + K                      LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long;
                                                    if you connect the MK/HK
                                                    versions, you can juggle
                                                    with another MK/HK 
                                                    Tatsumaki Kyaku or with a
                                                    Gou Shouryuu Ken (up to 3
Air Tatsumaki Kyaku  qcb + K in air               LK=1 spin, MK=few spins, 
                                                    HK=many spins; if you
                                                    connect the MK/HK versions,
                                                    you can juggle with another
                                                    MK/HK Tatsumaki Kyaku or
                                                    with a Gou Shouryuu Ken (up
                                                    to 3 hits)
Ashura Sen. Zenpou   f, d, df + two punches       using all three punches
                       or two kicks                 shifts Akuma further
                                                    forward than if using all
                                                    three kicks; invulnerable
                                                    for a short while
Ashura Sen. Kouhou   b, d, db + two punches       using all three punches
                       or two kicks                 shifts Akuma further back
                                                    than if using all three
                                                    kicks; invulnerable for a
                                                    short while

Raging Demon         LP, LP, f, LK, HP            dash in must connect to 
                                                    perform the entire super;
                                                    dash in is unblockable

4. Misc. And Easter Eggs

* 4.1 Fight/Play Akuma *

Fight Akuma:
*Get at least 3 perfects with no continues in a 1 player game.  If done right
 your last opponent will be Akuma instead of M. Bison.

Play As Akuma:
*If you are in Training or Versus Mode, highlight E. Honda at the character 
 select screen and press up.
*If you are in Arcade mode, highlight Guile at the character select screen and
 press up.

* 4.2 Achievements *

|            Achievement           |          How To Unlock        |  Points  |
| Playing To Win                   | Win 100 Ranked Matches online | 30       |
| Master Of All Things             | Win with every character in an| 30       |
|                                  | online Ranked Match.          |          |
| Sheng Long Is In Another Castle  | Beat Akuma in Arcade Mode     | 25       |
| Vanquish The Computer            | Beat Arcade Mode              | 20       |
| SF 20th Anniversary!             | Win 20 Ranked Matches online  | 20       |
| Blinding Speed                   | Defeat an opponent in under   | 15       |
|                                  | 15 seconds in single player   |          |
|                                  | Arcade Mode                   |          |
| Combomaniac                      | Perform a combo of 7 hits or  | 15       |
|                                  | more (*1)                     |          |
| Here Comes A New Challenger      | Play 5 Ranked Matches online  | 10       |
| Training For Perfection          | 5 Perfect rounds in Arcade    | 10       |
|                                  | Mode (any difficulty level, no|          |
|                                  | challengers)                  |          |
| Super Finisher                   | Get one Super Finish in Arcade| 10       |
|                                  | Mode                          |          |
| Sagat's Scar                     | Defeat Sagat with Ryu's fierce| 10       |
|                                  | (HP) Shoryuken                |          |
| Throwing Is Cheap                | Throw your opponent ten times | 5        |
|                                  | in a single game (*2)         |          |

*1: There are tons of ways to do this.  An easy way to get this achievement is
    to use Classic Mode Chun-Li.  Perform her Senretsu Kyaku super (Charge b,
    f, b, f + K), and finish the super off with the HK version of her Tenshou
    Kyaku (Charge d, u + HK).  This achievement must be done in either Arcade
    or Versus Mode.  It will NOT unlock if done in Training Mode.

*2: Throw your opponent 10 times during a match.  If you are short your goal
    and you are about to finish off your opponent, lose the round, and continue
    to go for throws on the next round.  The amount of throws is accumulated
    during the entire match, so even throws done on a lost round will count
    toward the overall goal. 

5. Conclusion

5.1 What's Missing/Needed
-Clean up and corrections
-If you have anything to add, any corrections I need to make, please email me
at [email protected].  Credit will be given for your contribution.

5.2 Credits
-Backbone Entertainment
-punisherbv for the method of selecting Akuma's second color
-RoyalFlush for Honda's super details
-And me for writing this FAQ
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