Space Siege FAQ/Walkthrough

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                                 Space Siege (PC)
                Written by ChaosDemon (chaosdemonN[at]gmail[dot]com)
                                   Version 1.00
                        Last updated on November 13, 2008


|#!|               ---  T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S  ---              |#!|
      1] - Introduction...........................................[IN00]
      2] - Game Basics............................................[GB00]
      3] - Walkthrough............................................[WK00]
           3.01] Intruders........................................[WK01]
           3.02] Crew Quarters B..................................[WK02]
           3.03] Crew Reaction....................................[WK03]
           3.04] Medical Center Delta.............................[WK04]
           3.05] Oxygen Supplementation...........................[WK05]
           3.06] Atrium...........................................[WK06]
           3.07] Medical Center Delta (2).........................[WK07]
           3.08] Life Support: Waste..............................[WK08]
           3.09] Life Support: Atmosphere.........................[WK09]
           3.10] Transit Center...................................[WK10]
           3.11] Colonist Quarters................................[WK11]
           3.12] Coldsleep B......................................[WK12]
           3.13] Coldsleep A......................................[WK13]
           3.14] Hold B...........................................[WK14]
           3.15] Engine Maintenance...............................[WK15]
           3.16] Officer Quarters.................................[WK16]
           3.17] Bridge...........................................[WK17]
           3.18] Astrogation......................................[WK18]
           3.19] Ship Int Maintenance.............................[WK19]
           3.20] Hold C...........................................[WK20]
           3.21] Transit Center (2)...............................[WK21]
           3.22] Shuttle Bay......................................[WK22]
           3.23] Ship Exterior Maintenance........................[WK23]
           3.24] Gantry...........................................[WK24]
           3.25] Ares Engine Control..............................[WK25]
           3.26] Flash Engine Control.............................[WK26]
           3.27] Zeus Engine Control..............................[WK27]
           3.28] Shuttle Control..................................[WK28]
           3.29] Central Computing................................[WK29]
      4] - Cybernetic Locations...................................[CB00]
      5] - Weapons Locations......................................[WP00]
      6] - Abilities..............................................[AB00]
      7] - Credits................................................[CR00]
      8] - Legal Disclaimer.......................................[LD00]

|#!|                    ---  I N T R O D U C T I O N   ---        [IT00]  |#!|
Hello and welcome to my Space Siege FAQ/Walkthrough! Despite this game not
receiving very good reviews, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Most
of the criticism was centered around the gameplay aspect of the game, and I can
understand that. Personally, however, I got really addicted to DoTA (Custom Map
on Warcraft III), and found Space Siege to be a very fun experience. On the one
hand, you don't get addicted that it affects your school work, and on the
other, it's still pretty fun.

Gameplay aside, I have to say that Space Siege features an extremely engrossing
story. The plot is full of twists that you probably won't see coming, and the
voice acting is just fantastic. In fact, the story in this game rivals that of
many console FPS shooters released today! For those who enjoy playing games
like DoTA, I think you are going to enjoy Space Siege as well.

It also presents a very propelling theme about humanity's increasingly
dependency on technology without even thinking twice. It's definitely something
to ponder on a boring afternoon... But that's about as far as I'll go with that
without spoiling the good stuff!

As for the content in this FAQ, you are going to find a full beginning to end
walkthrough. I have not included any plot spoilers in there. However, I still
wouldn't recommend reading beyond your current point in the game. I have also
included some fairly basic, but very important, gameplay principles. Within the
next update I will add the rest of the sections so stay tuned for those!

|#!|                  ---  V E R S I O N  H I S T O R Y  ---      [VH00]  |#!|
[ Version 1.00 - November 13, 2008 ] - I finally got around to finishing this
FAQ. The last time I worked on it was on October 18th. Anyway, it's not done
per se; I've got the complete walkthrough up and the Game Basics section up as
well. I will add the Cybernetic Locations, Weapons Locations, and Abilities in
the next update. Until then, everybody!

|#!|                    ---  G A M E  B A S I C S  ---            [GB00]  |#!|

[ Always collect upgrades ]
Upgrades are going to be the basis of beefing up your character. Every time you
click on a Toolbox, usually some Upgrade Materials will pop out. Or if you kill
an enemy, they will also leave behind Upgrade Materials. Once you collect a
fair number of them, you can use them on the Workbench (in the Aid Station) to
upgrade your weapons construct Health Packs, improve your Health, Armor, etc. I
should note that it's much faster to press the Z Button to collect all upgrades
than it is to left-click on them individually.

[ Cybernetics ]
At the heart of Space Siege is the ability to upgrade your character using
Cybernetics. There are two possible gameplay endings in this game that depend
on whether you choose to use Cybergenics or not. But for safety spoilers, I
will not go into much more detail. There really aren't any differences in
plot,instead you will receive a bonus reward if you complete the game with 100%
Humanity intact. You can check your humanity percentage by bringing up the
character window. You should have no problem completing the game staying 100%
Human, but by avoiding Cybergenics you kind of miss out on an aspect of fun
gameplay, because Cybernetics make you very powerful. You should decide what
will make the game more fun for you and go with that.

[ HR-V ]
HR-V is your back-up for the majority of the game. It will offer support fire
for you as long as it's still alive. You will be able to receive its assistance
shortly after procuring its two parts in the Story (see walkthrough for more).
You can upgrade it in the Work Bench, as well as assign some of your skill
points to make it stronger. Every time you lose one, you can make another one
in the Manufactory (scattered throughout the game, usually close to an Aid
Station). However, you will be able to replenish its health by hitting F4 (at a
cost of a little energy) and it will also have its HP restored at a Health

[ Use Aid Stations to your advantage ]
If you are engaging a group of enemies right near an Aid Station, always try
and lure the enemies to your Health Module. From here you are pretty much
invincible, unless you are extremely careless. The same applies if you are
fighting an enemy kind-of near an Aid Station, but not close enough to lure
them to it. You shouldn't be worried about dying if you are close to an Aid
Station because you will just respawn there if you die (and the enemies that
you have killed will remain dead). Obviously this wouldn't really apply if you
are fighting basic enemies.

[ Fight smart ]
When you are involved in a massive battle, it is ideal that you aim for the
weaker enemies first. The underlying logic is quite simple: certain enemies can
be called "tanks" (can take a lot of damage before dying), and if you aim for
these types of enemies, you allow all the weaker enemies to open fire on you
while the strong one takes all the gun fire. It is very probable that you might
end up dying before you can take down the tank (usually a "Veteran" Kerak).
This makes it ideal that you aim for the weaker ones first.

[ Use the Dodge Button ]
When you're fighting a big group of Kerak, whether it'd be melee or ranged, it
is very important that you don't get into the habit of standing still while
fighting. You should always be dodging away from their gun fire and also
looking to separate the distance between you and melee fighters. The Kerak's
timing is very simple to pick up, most of them will make one attack, pause a
bit, and then resume their attack. What you want to do is to dodge during their
attacks, and answer back with your shots when they are pausing.

[ Spam Shard Storm ]
Shard Storm is by far the most powerful spell in your possession. Not only does
it deal very high damage, but it also deals "splash" damage (attack that
affects all enemies within a certain range). Remember that you regain Energy
with every enemy that you attack, and this includes Shard Storm. This
essentially means that you can use your Shard Storm repeatedly if you are
dealing with constant waves of enemies. Never hesitate to use your Shard Storm
because it can really turn the tide of the battle in your favour with one press
of the button.

[ Focus your upgrades ]
When you're upgrading at the Work Bench, it goes without saying that it is
important to focus on one or two categories and maximize those first.
Personally, I prefer to upgrade the damage first, and HP/Armor after that.
Regardless of what you pick, always focus on that category until it's maxed out
before going to a second category.

|#!|                   ---  W A L K T H R O U G H  ---            [WK00]  |#!|

|#!|                     ---  I n t r u d e r s  ---              [WK01]  |#!|
It won't take long for the action to pick up. You will find yourself standing
on top of the staircase staring down a bunch of Kerak that have invaded your
ship. The Kerak are going to be pouring through the door to your right. You
can pretty much stay put and keep blasting them with your primary weapon. You
willhave plenty of support fire so you probably don't have much to worry about
here. After you've cleared out the Kerak, you can pick up the upgrades if you
wish. When you're ready, proceed straight ahead and through the door.

Following the brief sequence, follow the catwalk to the end of the hallway and
head through the door. Switch to your MagBlade and target the barrell. You
should knock it on to the crates causing a brief explosion, and you will find
some Upgrades in the debris. At this point, some Kerak will be making their
wayinto the room so it's best to switch back to your Assault Rifle and start
blasting them. Two Kerak will make their way at you first, followed by a bunch
of Swarmers. Keep your distance and do your best to take them out. After you've
done so, head over to Jake standing on the lift and left-click on the Control
Panel to head upwards.

Right away you should see some Health packs scattered on the floor ahead. Pick
those up as well as the Upgrade Materials. Now take a right and left-click on
to the door. Head right through and some Kerak will be pouncing towards you. I
would switch back  to the MagBlade and fight them from Melee because you won't
be able to take them out with your Assault Rifle before they get close enough
to hurt you. Clear out the Kerak and head down the stairs towards the door to
the next room.

Proceed on the catwalk and get your Assault Rifle ready. Two Kerak will run
towards you, you can take them out from afar. Continue ahead and two more will
come out. This time, switch to melee and eliminate them. Head over to the next
room and collect the Health Pack to the left. Left-click on the door, also to
the left and head over to the next room. In the next hallway, some more enemies
will be coming at you. Take care of them and proceed to the next room. Stay in
melee mode because there are some Swarmers here. After taking care of them,
take the stairs up to the next area.

Be ready because two Kerak will come at you quickly. Take care of them and take
a left down the hall. At the end of the hall here are some Impact Grenades and
a Health Pack. Fire at the barrell and procure the two items. Head through the
nearby door when you're ready. Directly to your left are a few more items.
Don't forget to blast the Service Bot from afar. Proceed deeper into this room
towards the Engine Room door. You can save your game/recover some health here
if you want. Otherwise, take the stairs down.

Once you reach the floor here three Kerak should come charging into the room.
The best way to handle them is two melee the two blue ones first, then head up
the stairs and finish off the last one with your assault rifle. Don't forget
about the Health Module if you run low on health. When you're ready, head
through into the next room. Don't forget to procure all the Health Packs and
the Impact Grenades in here.

Before continuing on to the next door, take note of the fact that it's
radioactive. What you have to do in here is "sync" each computer by left-
clicking on it. This is why you have all these health packs because your health
metre is going to rapidly decrease as long as you're inside. There is one
computer as soon as you enter the room, one up the stairs, and one in the far
end of the room. All right, so now that you know approximately where they are,
head through the door and immediately sync the computer ahead of you. Take a
left, down the catwalk and up the immediate stairs. Don't forget about the
Health Pack along the way. Head down the opposite stairs and you should see the
final room on the wall on the far end. Left-click this one and immediately exit
the room.

Head back over to the Health Module to replenish your health and save your
game. Now head back towards through this stage and meet Jake in the hallway.
Run behind him backwards through this stage and take the lead when he stops.
Soon you will reach the final cutscene before your big rendezvous with the

All right, so you're left all alone to fend off the Kerak here. You can begin
by simply using your Assault Rifle and your Impact Grenades (Hotkey 4) to keep
them at bay. If you find that you are getting in some trouble, don't be afraid
to give up ground and head down the stairs to the lower level. You need only to
survive for maybe a minute or two before the train comes. Once it does, left-
click on one of the doors and click "Yes" to leave the area and complete the

|#!|                 ---  C r e w  Q u a r t e r s  B  ---        [WK02]  |#!|
You begin this second mission in the circular sleeping chamber. There's nothing
for you in here so leave the room through the ramp on the northern part of the
chamber. In the next hallway you'll find two Health Packs to your right.
There's also a Data Pad directly infront, and if you click it you'll hear a
little message. Anyway, continue straight through to the next hallway and take
a left.

In the next hallway here take another left down the long hallway to find the
next door. You will be greeted by some swarmers in the next room. If you
haven't noticed, you don't have your Assault Rifle or your Impact Grenades, so
you'll have to use your MagBlade to clean house here. After you've done so,
stick to the left to the corner and you'll find another Data Pad. Take a left
through the nearby opening here to procure the Health Pack in this room. Leave
this room now and follow the arrow to the catwalk outside.

Take a right here and prepare yourself for a swarm of, well... Swarmers. Take
care of these and continue down the catwalk in this direction. There's another
Data Pad on the ground. Short after the Data Pad is a hatch door to the right.
You'll find a Heath Pack here, as well as some Upgrades in the Toolbox. Head
back outside when you're finished. Continue down the catwalk and get ready for
the two Kerak and the Swarmers to charge towards you. It's a good idea to use
the Shard Storm in this situation. The Swarmers will be killed on on impact,
and the Kerak will be retreating. Chase them down and finish them off with a
slash to each of them. Head to the end of the catwalk to the next room.

Be on your toes because a bunch of Swarmers will attack you as soon as you
enter. You should be able to take care of them without doing any damage if you
are fast though. Once you've do so, follow this straight path to the Toolboxes
in the corner for some Upgrade Materials. Don't hit the Pressure Cannistesr
because if you do they will explode and the explosive barrell will also explode
dealing you a lot of damage (trust me, I know). Anyway, head down the short
stairs to the area where the Data Pad is. Continue up the large stairs to the
next room. Take a left to go to the Health Module, where you can save your

There's also a Workbench here, where you will be able to upgrade your traits
(if only we could do this in real life? >_>). After procuring all those Upgrade
Materials from fallen enemies and the Toolboxes alike, you should have around
200 by now. Go ahead and upgrade all the abilities that you want(only the
abilities that are "white" are upgradable, depending how your Material count).
Personally, I like to focus on damage, but you can't really go wrong with any
of the ugprades here. Leave this room when you are finished and continue down
the hallway. Take a left when prompted and get ready for a fight. Once again, I
would use the Shard Storm to immediately clear out the Swarmers and deal
siginficant damage to the Kerak as well. Finish them off and grab the Sub-
Machine Guns. In the two rooms to the left and right are some Health Packs and
some Upgrade Materials as well. Head through the hatch door to the next

There's a hatch door with some Upgrade Materials to your immediate left.
There's another one directly ahead. To the left of that door is a room with a
Health Pack and some Swarmers. If you already have Full Health and 4 Health
Packs, don't bother going to that one. Anyway, follow the arrow down the
hallway. Some Kerak will attack you here, but they shouldn't give you too many
problems. Continue through the door and you will find a few more Kerak in the
distance at first. Equip your Sub-Machine Guns and open fire on the red one
first. It'll take more fire than usual to take it down (as you probably already
know). Head down the stairs and take a left to the Health Module. Follow the
arrow to the next hallway after recovering your health.

Get ready for a pretty big fight here. There's also this explosive rolling
barrell rolling around, so you should look to blow it up before engaging them.
If you're lucky you might be able to deal some significant damage to the Kerak
already. If not, just finish them off with Shard Storm or melee strikes. Now
you have to follow the blue arrow to the left and through the red door to the
next stage.

|#!|                   ---  C r e w  R e a c t i o n  ---         [WK03]  |#!|
Begin this mission by moving on to the catwalk and taking a left. You should
see another bot there, so use your Sub-Machine Guns to take it out. Its
explosion should cause the Toolbox to reveal the Upgrade Materials it was
holding. Go over there and procure the valuable items, then continue down the
catwalk deeper into this stage.

It won't be long until two Kerak melee Warriors make their way on to the
screen. Use your Sub-Machine Guns to pick them off before they have an
opportunity to even get within range to attack. Make a right into the room they
came out of to pick up some more Upgrade Materials. Continue down the catwalk
and soon you will receive a transmission from one of the characters. Just keep
a straight path down this pathwalk until you hit the red door. Go on through to
the next area.

Get ready for a pretty big fight here. Two Armoured Keraks will attack you in
two separate waves. The melee Armoured Kerak has the ability to "maim" you,
effectively, it will cause you to momentarily cease firing. At this point
you can still attack with your Shard Storm. It's best to switch to MagBlade to
fight the melee attackers because it deals more damage. Otherwise, you can
retreat backwards (with Sprint, Hotkey 0) to create some separation before
resuming your attack with Sub-Machine Gun. After you clear out the first melee
wave, the next wave will have one Armoured Gunner, and two melee attackers.
Focus your fire on the Armoured Gunner first, as it poses the biggest threat to
you. Don't be afraid to use a Health Pack if you have to.

After you've taken care of the Kerak, fire some bullets at the explosive in the
corner of the room. It will reveal some Upgrade Materials upon its combustion.
Grab them and proceed straight down this hallway, ignoring the staircase
leading downwards. There's another explosive here that will earn you some
Upgrade Materials if you fire at it. Now you should see three doors. To the
left is the familar Health Module, go over there to save your game. You can
also do some upgrades if you so desire. The red door is locked, so head through
the only other door available to you for now.

There are some Swarmers in the far end of this room. You can blast them from
afar, or you can wait for them to get close and use the Shard Storm if you want
to go the flashy route. Either way, head through the door at the end of this
hall to get into the next hallway. Head through this door as well to the next

A brief fire fight is going to ensue here, as three Gunners await your
entrance. Take care of them and destroy any explosives you want in this room to
create some more Upgrade Materials to collect. Proceed deeper into this area to
find a lift that will bring you to the lower level. To your right, just a bit
ahead is another Health Module. Pay that a visit and head through the door on
the other side. Grab some of the Upgrade Materials here. A few melee Kerak
should attack you following this so be ready.

Continue down the hall and you will see a Toolbox in an alcove to your left.
Its technically a "trap", because if you open it up, a bunch of Swarmers will
descend upon you. One Shard Storm is enough to wipe them clean and give you a
bunch of Upgrade Materials in the process. It's entirely up to you. Otherwise,
just keep proceeding down this hallway and head up the stairs. Brace yourself
for a big fight.

The name of the scum this time around is Veteran Hunter. It's going to be
pretty hard to bring down. Begin by going right for the horns and setting off a
Shard Storm in the vincinity of the Kerak. This should deal a significant
amount of damage to the melee Kerak as well. Finish off the Veteran Warrior
with your MagBlade. Be sure to collect the Upgrade Materials the Veteran
Warrior leaves behind, because it's worth a lot. There's another Toolbox with
Upgrade Materials on the left wall of this room, so collect those.

Continue deeper into this room and you will find a door. Go through if you want
to fight a few Swarmers and collect the extra Upgrade Materials. There are also
some Toolboxes in here as well. Otherwise, you can just continue down the
stairs to the lower area. Continue down this hallway and ignore the door to
your right. There are just some Kerak in there for you to pick up extra Upgrade
Materials if you want. Otherwise, just go straight ahead and up the stairs at
the end of the hall.

There's going to be another big fight here. Switch to MagBlade, get real close
to the Kerak and set off two Shard Storms. Finish off the Warriors before
taking out the Gunners. Go deeper into this hallway now and ignore the doors
initially. When you see the green symbol on the ground that signifies a Health
Module, turn in to recover some HP and save your game.

Now go up the nearby stairs to reach the next area. There's a bot here so be
sure to take it out. Keep to the right side of this room and head up the huge
ramp to the upper level. You'll find another bot here. Take a right here and
proceed to the far end. You will encounter a few more bots along the way but it
shouldn't be anything alarming. At the far end here is a huge Toolbox with a
bunch of Upgrade Materials, so it's definitely worth collecting. Now head back
down the big ramp and take a right towards the lift.

Stay put on the lift and open fire on the Swarmers from here. There are two
waves so don't move until you take both waves out. Continue deeper into this
level toward the Health Packs. Stock up your Health and head through the door
to your right.

A huge fight is going to ensue here. Equip your strongest weapon (depending
which one you've been focusing your upgrades on), and get ready to fight. For
me it was the MagBlade. Wait until the Cyber get close before unleashing some
Shard Storms. There's one big menancing one, and it is going to be able tank a
lot of damage, so be persistent on it. It's best to take out the weaker ones
before going for the big muffin. Once you clear out the Cyber, you will receive
2 new skill points. Collect the Upgrade Materials and follow Gina to the red
door that will lead you to the next mission.

|#!|            ---  M e d i c a l  C e n t e r  D e l t a  --    [WK04]  |#!|
All right, let's not waste any time here. Just move straight down the hallway
to the door and go through. Follow Gina across the bridge to the other side of
the room. Take the left through the next hatch. In the next room walk down to
the carpet and Gina will make a run up the stairs to the left. Follow her over
and she'll tell you that she'll be staying put while you explore for a while.
Up the stairs to the right of the locked door on the carpet level is a Health
Module where you can save your game and do some upgrades.

Anyway, it's time to head out the door you came through and back to the
hallway. The door directly ahead should be open now. Walk down the stairs and
goto the broken Robot in the corner of this room. Gina will message you now and
tell you she's opened another door. So let's leave this room and head back to
the room with the carpet, where Gina is. The locked door near the Health Module
will now be open. Head through and take an immediate right the hatch here. Head
down the stairs and collect the Hodgson's Parts. Now you have to return to
Gina's location. Following the brief cut scene you will receive 2 more skill

You will notice that you now have a little backup of your own. Take a look at
its commands (through the F1 buttons). All right, now head back down on the
carpet and go back through the door to the left. This time take a left in the
hallway and go straight down to the locked door at the end. Take a left on the
catwalk here at the end of it is a small hallway. There are some Upgrade
Materials near the stack of crates. Head through the nearby door here to
complete this mission.

|#!|        ---  O x y g e n  S u p p l m e m e n t a t i o n  -- [WK05]  |#!|
All right, begin this one by going straight through to the door on the other
side of the room. Head down the stairs here and get ready for a fight. Switch
to MagBlade mode and get right into the thick of the action. You will also have
some support this time so that will be awesome. Take a left down this hall now
and a few more enemies will engage you. They shouldn't give you any problems
though. There's another Health Module room here so save your progress and heal

If you want to take the chance to pick up some Upgrade Materials and fight a
bunch of Kerak, enter the door directly across from the Health Module room.
It's entirely worth it because if you get in trouble (which you probably won't)
you can just run back to the Health Module to recover your health. One of the
Kerak in here will also drop a Health Pack, but don't use it because there's a
Health Module is right across the hall.

Anyway, when you're ready proceed deeper into down this hallway and you will
come across a few more Kerak. After you move past the dead bodies, you should
see an opening to the right. Go in here and grab the Impact Grenades from the
Weapons Cache. If you want to go deeper into this room there are a bunch of
Kerak here that will drop a bunch of Upgrade Materials. It's definitely worth
it if you want to bulk up. Otherwise, you can continue down this hallway.

You will soon reach another door to the right, where, as you guessed it, some
Kerak will be waiting for you. You should definitely engage this bunch, because
there's also a Sonic Blaster in here, which is a powerful weapon (definitely a
step up from the Sub-Machine Guns). So, take care of the Kerak in here and pick
up your new weapon.

Then, head back to the hallway and continue down to where the Health Module is.
There is a small group of Kerak waiting outside. If you get into trouble, just
book it into the Health Module. Just across the hallway of the Health Module is
a room with a bunch of Kerak, and a Toolbox of Upgrade Materials as well. It's
entirely up to you if you want to fight them or not, but to me, why not? I
mean, you have the Health Module right across the hall.

All right, when you're ready continue down the hallway and you will see a hatch
pretty soon to your right. I wouldn't recommend going in, because all there is
are some Kerak. Instead, keep going down the hallway to fight the Kerak with a
Veteran Warrior. Use your Sonic Blaster and do clean house. If you want to go
back to the hatch and fight the Kerak, go ahead -- but you will probably have
to use a Health Pack. If not, head through the door the Kerak you just killed
were blocking and then through the red door to the next mission.

|#!|                          ---  A t r i u m   ---              [WK06]  |#!|
I want to take this opportunity to stress a quick point. From here on in, you
should be focusing on upgrading your Sonic Blaster. Its damage is greater than
the MagBlade and it has better range, so it's definitely worth it. It's by far
the best weapon you have at the moment.

All right, so for this mission, begin by heading deeper into the stage by first
making a right then sticking to the left. Gina warns you have a strong
presence. You won't notice very much at first, but keep going and soon the
Kerak will come pouring in. For the first wave, see if you can blow up the
explosive crate with the Kerak nearby to take them out instantly. Use your
Sonic Blaster and clear out the next wave as well. Don't be afraid to get close
and hit them with your Shard Storm. You also have your Impact Grenades so don't
forget about those.

After you've cleared out the second wave, continue ahead and you will find two
much needed (I reckon) Health Packs in the corner of the room. Procure those
and use one if you have to, because you will be dealing with a Veteran Warrior
shortly. When you're ready to fight, go on to the platform outside and make
your way towards the Kerak. Open up a few shots from afar. Throw some Impact
Grenades to deal some damage. Once the two small Kerak are done, give up some
ground and try to lure the Veteran Warrior close to the Fuel Barrell. Keep
moving back until it's right beside it, then blow up the crate to deal some
significant damage.

After that fight, keep following the platform ahead. It won't be long until you
come up to another wave. They should be cake, though. Keep going down this
platform and you will have to deal with a few more waves of Kerak. Don't try
anything fancy like exploding any crates on the upcoming waves, because they
are weak and it will only take a few shots to take them. Just take them out
with a few shots from your Sonic Blaster. Keep proceeding ahead until you reach
the next area.

Take an immediate right into the Health Module. If you attract any attention,
just fight the Kerak from inside there. You are literally invincible if you do
so, because as soon as your health goes low just hop into the chamber to
recover your HP. When you're ready, head over to the lift and activate the
Control Panel to descend to the lower level.

A bunch of Karek are going to converage on your position rather quickly. Don't
panic -- instead, let them to do so and bunch themselves up. Once they are
close to you, activate your Shard Storm and finish off the Warriors. You can
pretty much Shard Storm a few times and clean up the Warriors with your Sonic
Blaster to take care of this wave easily. Don't forget to procure the Upgrade
Materials in the corner, behind the lift.

Proceed directly ahead into the open area. You are going to be dealing with
some pretty big waves. Don't forget to use the Dodge Button to avoid damage
from their fire. If you get into trouble and have no more Health packs, retreat
back to the lift and get back to the Health Module. Spam your Grenades and your
Shard Storm to survive this attack.

After you've taken care of them, proceed across the open field and take a right
when you reach the dark area. You should be able to see a bunch of land mines
now, with some Swarmers as well, so just dodge through them and roll ahead.
Keep going in this direction and you will find a lift, and a Health Module in
the corner (I bet you were happy to hear about that). Save your game here and
head to the upper level using the lift.

Head towards the nearby opening to your left (away from the trees). Keep going
straight ahead in this direction. A wave of Kerak will attack you here but you
should be able to handle them very easily. Keep going straight ahead and you
will soon see another lift. Take it to go to the upper level.

In this room there are a bunch of Gunners and an Armoured Gunner as well. It
makes sense to first take down all the Gunners before going after the Armoured
Gunner. When you're ready go over there and open fire. Charge towards them
until they are all within range of your Shard Storm. Activate your spell but
don't panic and set it off too early when you're out of range. Don't forget to
use your dodge button. After you finished the last one off, continue ahead
through the opening to your right.

This next room doesn't have any Kerak but don't get too comfortable, because
there are some automatic defences set up here. There are three along the walls,
one to the left, one to the right and one directly ahead. Focus your fire on
the one to the right first and remember to keep using the dodge button. It's
best to throw an Impact Grenade at it because the explosion should set off a
bunch of Fuel Barrells that will blow up the rest of them. Procure the Health
Packs and Upgrade Materials in this room and continue ahead to the next area,
the rendezvous point with Dr. DeSoto. He's going to talk about giving you
cybergenetic parts and such. For more information on those, refer to the Game
Basics section.

Prepare for a big fight here. A Veteran Warrior will crash your meeting with a
bunch of other Kerak. Use your grenades and your Shard Storm. As always, focus
on bringing down the weaker Kerak before going for the Veteran Warrior. Keep
dodging and use your Health Packs if you need to. After you defeated the last
Veteran Warrior, head through the door the Kerak busted open. Take a left down
this hallway and take note of the proximity mines. You can get past them
undamaged if you use the dodge button and roll forwards. Go through this door
to complete the mission.

|#!|            ---  M e d i c a l  C e n t e r  D e l t a  --    [WK07]  |#!|
Looks like you're back in Medical Center Delta for the second time. All right,
to your left hidden behind the crates is a Weapon Cache with Impact Grenades.
If you want them, blast the crate in the front. When you're ready, head through
the door directly ahead. Head right to the lift to get to the upper level.

Two Cyber will come attack you right away. They'll open with Impact Grenades,
so dodge forward and hit them with a Shard Storm. The automatic defences will
also be attacking you again. If you are running low on health, run into the
hallway and into the Aid Room directly ahead to save/recover. Just stay close
to the Health Module and recover your HP whenever you get into trouble.
Continue into the next room to the left and there will be a few more Cyber in
here. You should be able to dispatch of them pretty easily but watch out for
the Cyber Grandier, which has a lot of armour and deals a bit more damage.

After you've taken care of them, head up the stairs and you will find two more
turrets. You can throw an Impact Grenade, but you can also just run straight
through the door. There should be two Cyber waiting for you on the other side
so dispose of them and take a left straight down the long hallway. You will
reach a Health Module here so you go ahead and save your game. Continue down
the hallway and 4 Cyber will charge at you. Take care of them and take a left.

At this point the big cahuna, aka the Elite Cyber Warrior will engage you, with
a few more Cyber. Begin by throwing some Impact Grenades at them. This should
help clear out some of the Cyber. The Elite will be a little tougher. It's got
a hell a lot of armour, but the good news is his main attack is melee. Don't
get too close to where they are, but instead focus on staying close to your
Health Module. Lure them towards you by running backwards. You should be able
to get a few shots on the Elite Warrior as he's making his way towards you.
Watch out for his grenades, though. You should be fine as long as you keep
running backwards to your Health Module.

Now that you've taken care of them, take the stairs down, where two turrets
will immediately open fire on you. The best way to handle them is to use your
Impact Grenades. After you've taken care of them, run directly ahead to the
other side of the room. To your right is a large fight with some Cyber. Pick up
the Napalm Rail Gun II for your HR-V. After you've taken care of the Cyber here
and picked up the weapon, leave this room and run to the door across to meet
Jake Henderson.

Now you've explored this part of the area, head back to the arrow below the big
stairs and take a right down this long hallway. Turn left into the door when
you are able to. After taking out the two Cyber in here you should see an
Assault Rifle and a wheel chair. Pick both of these up and head back to Jake.
He will now be mobile, and he will tell you to follow him.

Follow him back to the long hallway and he will stop right outside the door.
You'll have to left-click on the door to get him to continue. Keep clicking on
doors when he stops and following him until you reach back to where Gina and
DeSota are. There are no more enemies to deal with so it should be straight
forward all the way to the rendezvous point. After the short debriefing, leave
this room through the door on your right. Then, take another right in the
hallway and through the door to the lift. Once you make it to the lower level,
head through the door to conclude the mission.

|#!|              ---  L i f e  S u p p o r t : W a s t e  ---    [WK08]  |#!|
Begin this level by going through the opening and emerging on the large
catwalk. You will quickly notice a bunch of land mines directly ahead to your
left, and the ones to your right as well. There are also a group of Kerak
directly ahead, to the right a bit. Take note of the Fuel Barrells to your
right. Lure the Kerak close to those and blow them up. It's usually easier to
switch to your Assault Rifle/Sub-Machine Gun when you're doing this. The Kerak
might even blow it up themselves. Throw some Impact Grenades to the Proximity
Mines to your left, to set them off. Left-click on the Corpse to learn the Fire
Trap ability.

There's a wave of Kerak guarding the Upgrade Materials to your right. You can
engage them if you want, but it's optional. There's also a First Aid Station
here, but saving here is again totally optional. When you're ready, head over
to the lift close to the Corpse to descend to the lower level.

After descending to the lower level take note of the group of Kerak to your
right. You can open with some Impact Grenades or get close for a Shard Storm.
Either will suffice. There will be an Armoured Fighter as well, but you can
take it out without too many problems. Watch out for his stunning blow though.
After you've defeated them, take head over to the lift and activate it.

Head over to the Aid Station/Health Module to your left and save your game
here. You will notice that the path to the right is broken, so you will have to
go to the left. Continue along here for a while and watch out for the two
proximity mines on the railings. They shouldn't give you any problems if you
run straight through though. There is a pretty big group of Kerak waiting for
you shortly after that. The main threat is an Armoured Warrior, but you've
dealt with it before. If you need to recover your health afterwards head back
to the Health Module. Continue ahead and watch out for the bunch of proxmity
mines. These can really do damage to your HR-V so try to set them off from a
distance with your Assault Rifle or Impact Grenade before continuing to the

You will now meet Frank Murphy. After a brief conversation what seems like
never ending Swarmers will descend upon you with your keister in mind. Don't
worry though, you can pretty much handle them with a never ending cycle of
Shard Storm and cleaning up with your Sonic Blaster. Don't forget to pick up
the Fire Traps. Follow Frank through the doors to complete the mission.

|#!|        ---  L i f e  S u p p o r t : A t m o s p h e r e  ---  [WK09]|#!|
Let's begin by heading over to the right and saving your game at the Health
Module. Continue down the hall and some Swarmers will attack you. Frank is
waiting for you on the lift to your right. If you want some bonus Upgrade
Materials, and to find a Data Pad, blast the crates blocking the door to your
left. There's a Manufactory there as well. Otherwise, head over to Frank and
activate the lift.

After descending down to the lower level, you will be greeted by a large wave
of Swarmers, Explosive Swarmers, and a Veteran Swarmer. Explosive Swarmers are
nasty little buggers so watch out for their explosions after they die. You can
probably handle this wave by spamming your Shard Storm and cleaning up with
Sonic Blaster though. Head over to Frank when you're ready.

In this next hallway, follow Frank to the right and head through the door.
Frank will take another right and then stop. Continue going in this direction
and a big wave of Kerak will await your presence. Open up with some Impact
Grenades spamming and cleaning up the weaker ones first. Use your Shard Storm
if you have to. The Armoured Kerak is nothing that you haven't dealt with, and
if you've been upgrading your Sonic Blaster you should have no problems
bringing it down. It deals a lot of damage as well though, so dodge out of its
attacks whenever possible. Head through the nearby door to the next area.

There's a much needed Health Module to your left. Frank will be waiting for you
at the door up ahead. A single Kerak will descend upon you so retreat right
away because the two proximity mines will deal big damage to you if you stay
put. Blast the Kerak and continue through. A bunch of Swarmers will attack you
now, including some Explosive Swarmers. Go back to the Health Module if you
need to.

When you're ready, take the catwalk to your left and continue ahead. A small
wave will attack you, but as long as you take out the weaker ones first you
should have no problems. Shortly after that some Swarmers will attack you as
well, but it's the basic type so don't worry about them. Continue ahead to the
door to the next room. Run straight ahead and prepare yourself for a pretty big
fight coming up. Open by spamming your Impact Grenades. A Fire Trap here might
come in useful. Be smart and focus your fire on the weak Kerak before going
after the Veteran Warrior. Use your Health Packs if you need to.

Now head through the door they were defending and you'll see a bunch of bots.
Equip your Assault Rifle and clean them up. The Sonic Blaster is a little too
slow for this job IMO, but it's still possible. Follow Frank over to the door
down the stairs.

In this next room, make a full sprint to the Health Module to your left and
just engage the Swarmers from in here. Clean them up, head back outside and
take a left deeper into this area. There should be another wave here. I
recommend that you fight them by constantly running backwards and luring them
towards you. Try to do some damage to the Explosive Swarmers and finish them
off so their explosion will deal some damage to their own. There aren't any
significant fighters in this wave so finish them and continue following the
path to the door.

The next area finds you on a bridge of sorts. Begin by cleaning out the
Swarmers. Don't be scared of the proximity mines if you don't have an HR-V with
you, because you can just run across and "dodge button" over them. Finish off
the two hunters at the end of the bridge and continue through. Take a right to
the door and you find that it's locked. Frank will need some time before he's
able to open it up. A bunch of Swarmers, Explosive Swarmers and a Veteran
Swarmer will attempt to be your coup de grace. If you die here it's not a big
deal because Frank will continue to work on the door while you respawn at the
nearby Health Module. Either way, head through the door when it's open to
complete the mission.

|#!|                  ---  T r a n s i t  C e n t e r  ---        [WK10]  |#!|
Begin by procuring the nearby Health Packs and heading down the stairs. A bunch
of bots here will open fire on you so clear them out. These guys are pretty
powerful but the Harrier Bots are the weaker ones so take them out first. Don't
forget about the Health Packs in the corner to the left. Head over the ramp to
your right when you're ready.

Note the 6 bots waiting for you below. Instead of engaging the old fashioned
way, set three fire traps that you acquired earlier and they will come running
towards you. Back up and let the traps go to work. Collect the Health Pack one
of them leaves behind if you need it. Continue down the ramp now. Proceed ahead
slowly because a pretty big wave of bots will be waiting for you at the end.
Once again, use your Fire Traps and keep moving backwards. There's no way will
be able to engage them normally without burning a bunch of health packs. The
Harrier Bot will be launching missiles at you, so always dodge out of the way
of those.

After you clear them out, proceed ahead until you hear the robot noises again.
These are the Explosive Drones which are similar to Infested Terran for those
who've played Starcraft before. It's time to retreat all the way back to the
ramp on the other side. Stand on the ramp such that you have the high ground
and are staring down at the Explosive Drones approaching you. You should be
able to pick them off easily from here. Now, let's continue ahead. Now that
you've cleared your mind, it's time to go after the root of the problem. You
need to take out those big bots that are dispensing the Explosive Drones. The
best way is to spam some Impact Grenades on them first before dealing the
finishing blows with your Sonic Blaster. All the while you need to watch out
for the Explosive Drones. This battle will really test your reflexes.

After you've cleared them out, there's a Manufactory to your left if you need
it. Otherwise, head up the stairs. Watch out for the land mines here. Just
sprint past them and continue ahead. At the top of the stairs is a much needed
Health Module I reckon. Go over there and perform the upgrades/save your game
as required. Now let's continue onwards.

Straight ahead is a Toolbox with Upgrade Materials. Go there if you want,
otherwise, continue ahead up the stairs to the right. Keep going up the stairs
to the right and you will soon reach a bunch of crates with a Data Pad on the
floor. The door is to your left, but don't go ahead yet. Some bots are hiding
in the crates. Throw some Impact Grenades and blow up the crates stacked neatly
near the door. After you clear these out, it's a good idea to go back to the
Health Module if you are low on health because another big fight awaits through
the door.

Begin by taking out the Sentinel and Harrier Bots here. The Dispensing Bots are
a pain, but they are also tanks, so leave them last. Collect the Force Beam
Rifle at the end of this room to receive a weapon upgrade for HR-V. You also
receive the Power Shot (F5 by default) spell for your troubles. Head over to
the lift and after the long ride, continue ahead. Use your Health Pack and
Repair spell if you need to because a big fight awaits you on the other side.
Go back to the Health Module if you need to.

Head through the door and a bunch of bots will engage you on this side of the
room first. Take aim for any of the weaker bots (Sentinel/Harrier) first. Don't
be afraid to spam your Shard Storm. Blow up some crates to see if you can get
lucky and deal some much-needed splash damage. You'll notice that there is
another group of bots lined up against the wall waiting for you. Before
engaging them, make sure you press F4 to recover some health for HR-V. It's
ideal to spam your Shard Storm when you're engaging those bots. Go through the
door after you've cleared out all the bots in this room.

You'll find yourself on a bridge again, with some Fuel Barrells in the middle
and two Harrier Bots guarding the door on the other side. Don't bother trying
anything fancy here, just go up to them and blast them with your Sonic Blaster.
It should take 2 shots each to take down each bot. Step through the door and
immediately turn your attention to the two Laser Turrets on the other side.
Continue straight down this hallway and you'll find a few more Laser Turrets.
Don't be afraid to use your Shard Storm to finish them off quickly. Head
through the door here.

In the next room, make a full sprint to the Health Module to your left. Fight
the Enforcer Bot from here. Don't just stand inside the Health Module but stand
right beside it so you can keep running inside to replenish your health/energy.
You should just keep spamming your Shard Storm and recovering your energy to
take it out. It is possible to die here, but only if you are very, very
careless. After you defeated it, there are still some Harrier Bots and a
Harrier Grandier to take care of. The bots should of course be no problem but
the Grandier is tough as nails. The best way is to spam your Shard Storm and
hope for some critical hits. You might die a few times here, but luckily the
Health Module is right there. After you defeated them, left-click on the big
computer on the far end of this room, where the bots were standing to activate
a brief cinematic.

After the cut scene, head through the door and go down the stairs. Take care of
the bots here and click on the Transit Car. Select the red area on the map,
Colonist Quarters, to complete the mission.

|#!|                ---  C o l o n i s t  Q u a r t e r s  ---    [WK11]  |#!|
Begin this stage by heading up the stairs and grabbing the two nearby Health
Packs. Remember to use your Skill Points if you haven't already. Move past that
first door because it's locked and on to the catwalk. Continue along here and
you will soon come to a wave of Kerak. A Shard Storm followed by a few Sonic
Blaster shots should be enough to bring them down. You can also use those Fuel
Barrells to set off an explosion or two to help you out. Either way, finish
them off and continue through the doors.

A single Assault Rhino will attack you here. It looks really tough, but there's
only one of them. Spam your Shard Storm to defeat it. Try to dodge away from it
if you can as well because it attacks from melee range. Your HR-V support fire
is pretty useful here as well. Anyway, take it out and continue through the

Here's another big wave of Kerak. Soften them up with Impact Grenades first.
Get in close and hit them with a Shard Storm if you can. If you are feeling
like you won't be able to win this fight, there's a Health Module at the very
end of the catwalk, but note that it's very far and another wave of Swarmers
will engage you along the way. You should be able to win this fight, but you
might need to use a Health pack at the end of it.

Continue downt he catwalk and turn into the first door that you can to grab
some Stun Bombs. Head back out and continue all the way down to the end of the
catwalk for the Health Module. A group of Swarmers will start attacking you,
but if you spam the Shard Storm you should be fine. Make your way to the Health
Module to save your game and heal up.

All right now let's head back on to the catwalk and turn left at the level
markers through the doors. There are two Assault Rhinos in this room with a few
Swarmers. Watch out for its charging ability that make its move towards you at
a very high speed. Ideally, the best way to beat Assault Rhinos is to keep
moving back and staying out of its range and blasting it. Run to your Health
Module if you need to. In this room is the Repeater Rifle II. This weapon is
for the HR-V. When you're ready, prepare deeper into this room for a huge fight
with the Kerak.

One Veteran Warrior will come at you with a bunch of Slayers. As always, take
out all the Slayers first. Make sure to keep out of range from the Veteran
Warrior, because it is a melee attacker. If your HR-V gets stationary in an
exchange with the Veteran Warrior, back up and hit the F3 key to get it to
return to your side. Go back to the Health Module if you need it. The Veteran
Warrior will drop a Health Pack. When you're ready head through the door.

This next room is very heavily guarded. Initially, a single Assault Rhino will
charge at you. You should be able to handle it without too much trouble. As you
get closer to where the door is though, a bunch of Stalkers and another Assault
Rhino will start attacking. It is ideal for you to be retreat mode when this
happens, because they are attacking from the high ground at first, giving them
a distinct advantage. Back up, and make them come down to the floor. Use your
Shard Storm if you get them in range. Don't forget to use your Fire Traps as

After you clear this big wave out, collect all the Upgrade Materials. There are
some located in the crates surrounding the room as well. It is also noteworthy
up the short stairs to your right, is the Cyborg Corpse. Left-click on it to
receive the Cybernetic Arm. If you wish to install it, click on the Cyber
Installation Unit nearby. Whenever you're ready, head through the door at the
end of the room.

You will notice some land mines guarding the door. If you throw a single Impact
Grenade on them it will set off the mines, and allow you to left-click on the
door. Once you do so, an alarm will go off and a huge fight will ensue. This is
going to be a tough fight. Spam your Shard Storm whenever you can. Retreat back
to the other room and pick off some of them as they run towards you. Use your
Fire Traps to deal some big damage to them. It is important to be constantly
dodging and not staying still. After you clear these ones out, head through the
door they were guarding and on to the bridge.

Two Stalkers will await you on the other side, but they should be of no
concerns. After you head through the door a pretty big fight will ensue. As
always, use your Dodge Button to constantly move out of fire and keep away from
the melee attackers. There's a Data Pad on the table if you want to speculate.
Otherwise, keep moving ahead and you will find a big stairs going downwards.
There are also a bunch of Swarmers awaiting you at the bottom. Begin by
throwing a bunch of Fire Traps and making them come up. This should take out
heaps of them at one time. There are some Ranged Swarmers here as well, but
they do limited damage. Continue down the stairs after you've taken care of
them. Go down one more set of stairs and you will find a much-needed Health
Module. After you've done everything, head through the next door.

You will now find yourself back outside. Take the path on the right and
continue ahead. Some Swarmers will descend upon you but you should be able to
take care of them easily. Keep moving ahead on this catwalk and you will soon
see a door. Some mid-tier fighters will start attacking you now. Just dodge
them a few times and open fire with your Sonic Blaster. After taking care of
these, head through the door.

Now you will be on the top level and some Kerak will be awaiting you at the
bottom. If you get in trouble while engaging these ones, run past them and head
through the door to find a Health Module to your right. Some Swarmers will
attack you in the next room as well. After you've handled everything, continue
through the door opposite of the Aid Station.

Grab some Upgrade Materials directly ahead if you want. There also another box
of them in the door to your left. Proceed to the lift when you're ready. Go
straight ahead on the catwalk you are on and you will find a group of Kerak.
Take them out. Use some Impact Grenades for some success. Head through the next
door now and another wave of enemies will engage you. The one to watch out for
is the Assault Rhino. Keep moving back and setting a lot of Fire Traps. After
you've taken care of them, proceed ahead to the second Bulkhead and left-click
on it. After this one is activated there is only one more to go.

Proceed ahead a bit and you will find the floor is absolutely covered with
proximity mines or Fire Traps. Don't worry though, a Fire Trap or Impact
Grenade of your own will be enough to set off a whole bunch of them to allow
you through to the final Bulk Head. Now you have to walk across them over to
the Health Module on the other side. The best way to do it is to keep dodging
forward. Save your game and proceed through the nearby door (you should know
how to handle the electroplasma mines).

You will now be back where you started. Head down to the Transit Car and click
on the Coldsleep B to complete the mission.

|#!|                    ---  C o l d s l e e p  B  ---            [WK12]  |#!|
Begin by heading up the stairs and through the door. Head right over to the
lift and descend to the lower level. There are some mines here, but you know
how to handle those by now. Head through the door and take out the Kerak below.
There's a Health Module on the wall to your left so save your game and do your
upgrades there.

Head through the door on the wall to the left of the Health Module to the next
area. A small fight will ensue here. Finish it and proceed along the catwalk to
the door at the end of the room. There's a Manufactory and Data Pad here as

In this next room, fight off the three initial Kerak and head straight for the
lift. Don't worry about the Swarmers, just hit the Control Panel to ascend and
hit your Shard Storm once to take care of any Swarmers that decided to stay on
the lift. In this next level, there will be a lone Ranged Swarmer awaiting your
presence. There's a Toolbox here as well. When you're ready, proceed through
the opening to the AC Control Room 1.

You will have to deal with a pretty big fight after you enter. They are all
mid-tier enemies though and shouldn't give you too many problems. There are
plenty of Upgrade Materials along the wall on the left. All right, after taking
care of the Kerak, take a right and you should see a set of stairs going
towards your screen, so to speak. Ignore this one, but continue to the other
set of stairs on this side of the room. Head up the initial set of stairs then
take a left and continue ahead. You should see the computer now. Three Slayers
will descend upon you but they should be no problem. Left-click on the
computer. One down, two to go. There's a Toolbox here as well.

Down it's time to go down the stairs and back to the main level. Head through
the door with the mines in front of it. There will be some Kerak that will
engage you here. Take care of them and head to the lift to ascend to the upper
level. If you are running low on health here, run right past the enemies
through the opening and to the Health Module. Save your game and continue down
the hallway past the electroplasma mines.

A group of enemies will attack you right outside of the next door. Take care of
them and proceed through. A big wave of Slayers will engage you here. They
really bunch up so rush up to them and Shard Storm them two times to dispose of
them quickly. Keep going deeper into this room. There's a Weapon Cache to the
right of the door at the end of this room.

The next room holds a group of Stalkers. They should be relatively easy to
bring down though. Do so and continue on. Keep proceeding ahead and you will
soon reach a bridge. Advance forwards on this bridge and some Swarmers will
start attacking you. Set off a Shard Storm to take care of them, as well as the
bot. Now it's time to head on through to the next area.

Take care of the enemies here and pick up the Gun Sentries ability to your
right. Head up the stairs on the other side of the room when you're ready. A
group of enemies await you at the top of the stairs. They should be of no
concerns though. If you start to get into trouble, run backwards and set some
Fire Traps for them to trip over. Or, if you think you can make it, run past
them to the Health Module. There is another group of enemies right outside the
Health Module though, so be careful of those.

When you're ready, proceed through the door and to the lift. There's a Weapon
Cache in the red area if you want it. Ignore the Swarmers here. On the bottom
level, go right through the opening. Three Kerak will attempt to intercept you,
but they shouldn't be able to do much damage to you. Take a right in the next
room and head up the stairs. Take another right and continue in this direction.
A group of Kerak will drop on you so take them all out. Activate the second
computer when you're finished. One more to go. Instead of going ahead, turn
around and head in the direction you came from. This is because a group of
Kerak (including a Veteran Warrior) await you in the forward direction, and
it's a fight you can avoid. So head down the stairs and proceed across the room
towards AC Control Room 3.

Clear out the 3 Slayers and make your way to the lift. Head down into the
red hallway now and take out the Stalker, Slayer and Armoured Slayer. There's
the Force Field Beam Rifle II to the left, by a computer. Continue through the
door when you are ready. Immediately, two Swarmers will engage you. A single
Shard Storm will dispose of them. Go on through the room and get ready for
a pretty big exchange led by an Assault Rhino. I hope you have a Health Pack
because the next fight, up the stairs is going to be pretty big as well.
Take out this wave and continue up the stairs. A bunch of Stalkers will descend
on you now. Take them out and continue on to the grand finale led by a Veteran
Slayer. If you think you might not survive this fight, try running past them
towards the computer and activating it.

When you're finished, run down the stairs and to the door with the mines
in front of it. Go through the next door after that as well, and take a left
on to the mine-filled catwalk. Continue down the stairs and to the Transit
Car to conclude the mission.

|#!|                    ---  C o l d s l e e p  A  ---            [WK13]  |#!|
Head up the stairs and through the door. Take care of this basic wave of
enemies and don't forget to procure the Health Pack. Go into the next room
and run straight ahead through the door. Dispose of this big wave of Kerak and
then down to the door below. Continue along and a big wave of Swarmers will
converge on your position, followed by a bunch of Slayers and Stalkers. Take
them out with a few well-placed Shard Storms. Go on through the door at the end
of the room and continue thruogh to the lift. Take care of the disturbances
along the way.

Take the lift up and go through. Take care of the Cyber forces in this room.
There's going to be a lot of them so try to use your Shard Storm and dodge
button whenever you can. Dispose of all the enemies on this level and grab the
parts. Next, go back to the lift and head up one more level. Proceed down this
hallway and listen to the brief conversation between Seth and Henderson. Go
through the doors and take a left to the Healing Station when you see it. Make
sure the Kerak follow you in as well. With any luck, all the other Kerak will
fight you in the Healing Station as well, including the Veteran Slayer, who is
one your targets. You should be well-accustomed to fighting in a Healing
Station by now.

Finish off the big Veteran Slayer (it will take a while to bring down) to
complete your first objective. Save your game now and head back to the lift and
up another level. Proceed through down the next few hallways and through the
door. Prepare for a huge fight here. You can choose to avoid it you don't want
the Cybernetic Spine and a bunch of upgrade materials. If you are going to
engage, I recommend that you take out the Laser Turrets first. Either way,
you'll need to get back on to the lift and head up another level. Head through
the door here and prepare for another fight. This one is going to test your
skills. Your main target is the Veteran Swarmer. Try to get the Kerak nice and
bunched up to use your Shard Storm. Take out the Veteran Swarmer to chalk up
another one for the good guys.

Head back to the lift now and go up another level. Head over to the Healing
Station to save your game. If you don't want some extra Upgrades, just head
back to the lift and up to the next floor. In this floor, you will find the
Napalm Rail Gun II. It is entirely optional whether to grab it or not. Whatever
you decide, go back to the lift and head up yet another level. This level just
has some Cyber enemies so if you aren't interested, head up to the final level
and proceed down the hallway. Sprint straight through the door that is blocked
by some crates. There are also mines on the floor for good measure. Continue
through this door and the next few hallways until you reach the next room.

A huge fight is already taking place and there are confused people all around.
Your target is the Veteran Hunter in the left side of this room. Use your Shard
Storm whenever possible to bring down a bunch of them at the same time. Once
you defeat the third Veteran Kerak fighter, your objective is complete. Head
through the door to the Transit Terminal and make your way to the elevator to
descend all the way down. Continue down to the door you will notice that you
are back where you started from. Take a right the rest of the way and head down
the stairs to the Transit Car. Select Medical Center Delta to conclude the

Medical Center Delta
Once you get off the car, head up the stairs and go through the door on the
right. Continue down this hallway and take a right when you can. Go down the
stairs and look for Gina and the others on the right hand side in this room.
Once you find her you will receive 2 skill points. Following the brief
conversation, head back through the Atrium exit and straight down the hallway
to the Transit Car. Head to Hold B to officially conclude this mission.

|#!|                         ---  H o l d  B  ---                 [WK14]  |#!|
Go up the stairs and head through the upcoming doors. Head down the catwalk to
your right and you'll eventually find an Aid Station. Save your game here and
go back outside. Take a right again and continue along this direction. A big
wave of Cybernetic Freaks will soon open fire on you. Continue past them if
you'd like to find the first Corpse. Click on it and immediately head on to the
lift and down to the lower level.

Turn left and just keep going in this direction. You'll soon find a lift to go
up. Do so, and pick up the Frag Rifle. Now it's time to head back to the
catwalk where the Aid Station is. If you want, you can just die to end up back
there quickly. However you do it, you'll have to go through the door to the
right of the Aid Station. Continue down the hallway and you should soon see
another Corpse. Click on it to earn a new ability. Continue down the hallway
now. Run straight down when you emerge on another catwalk.You'll soon reach the
Aid Station at the end. Click the Corpse and immediately go into the Aid
Station. Engage the Cybernetic Forces from here.

Descend to the bottom level. This area is so big that it'll be pretty difficult
for me to explain where to go. Instead, just hit the M Button on your keyboard
and make your way towards the primary target. You are going to be facing some
pretty big resistance, so be ready for them. Make your way to the door on this
level and head through. Just keep sprinting directly ahead and you'll soon find
the Corpse you're looking for, so click it. You'll have to make your way back
to the Transit Car now. It just might be easier to die again. You'll end up at
the second Aid Station. Now just leave the room and sprint back to the Transit
Car. Select Medical Center Delta again and go talk to DeSoto. Watch the brief
cut scene, then make your way back to the Transit Car and go to Engine

|#!|               ---  E n g i n e  M a i n t e n a n c e  ---   [WK15]  |#!|
Head up the stairs and watch out for the mines. There's a brief exchange
waiting for you at the top here. Watch out for the tank. It has a defensive
shield that might give you some trouble. It'll help if you use your Shard
Storm, of course. After taking care of these enemies, head north a bit and then
take a right. Look for the opening in this area and you'll have to engage a few
more bots. Proceed to the door and make your way to the Aid Station terminal.
Now head through the door to the right of the Aid Station.

There will be a few more enemies waiting for you. Just take care of them and
continue. Next, turn right and make your way to the Freight Elevator. Instead
of going up, take a left and to the pile of crates. Shoot the explosive crate
to blow up all of them. Proceed deeper into this area and make your way to the
Computer. Give it a left-click and now make your way back to the elevator you
ignored earlier. Go up and sprint to the other end of the room to find the next
elevator. Go up on this one as well. Make your way through the door and down
the stairs. You can heal if you want. You are almost done, though, so it's
really kind of unncessary.

Go down to the door now and head through. Activate the Control Panel to call
the elevator. Go down to where you are started. Take a right and down the big
stairs to the Transit Car. Pick Officer Quarters to conclude the mission.

|#!|                 ---  O f f i c e r  Q u a r t e r s  ---     [WK16]  |#!|
Head up the stairs and make your way follow the arrow towards the Officer
Quarters. Take care of the 4 enemies that intercept you and make your way to
the Aid Station. Next, turn to the right and down the hallway. Go through this
door and sprint down the hallway to find the next one. Look for the elevator to
make your way down. Head through the door and take out the two Cyber troops.
Then take a left and through the next opening.

Take care of the enemies in here and make your way to the stairs in the
northeast corner. Watch out for the Laser Turrets that suddenly spring up. Go
up the stairs and head through the door. Now take a right down the long
catwalk. Turn right when you see the door. Go inside to find the first set of
keys. Get back on the catwalk and sprint straight down, don't stop until you
see the healing station. Heal up and then proceed through the nearby door on
the right.

Go to the northwest corner in the next room to find the elevator. Descend to
the lower level and immediately sprint into the door where the enemies came
from. Continue down this hallway and look for the stairs to the right of the
door. Sprint straight up and through the crates. Turn left down another catwalk
now. Turn left when you see the opening that leads to the stairs. Go down and
then take another left. Go thruogh the big catwalk here and go through the
door. Then, take a right. You should see two small doors in the corner of this
room. Go through the one on the right to find the final set of keys. Go back
across the big catwalk and to the Aid Station. Save your game and make all of
your Upgrades. A big battle is going to take place soon.

Go straight down and towards the bridge. When you see the land mines to the
left, take that direction and go to the door at the end of the hall. This
battle is going to be a long and tough one.

Boss Battle: Commander Vargas
Vargas' shells are going to leave behind some incineration. This means that
they will burn you. It is very important to not stay still. Use your Shard
Storm and every other ability that you have. The Grenades and Fire Traps will
come in handy. He will also have some reinforcements when he's about to die,
which are more of an annoyance than anything. I should note that unlike other
battles, when you die you will not have the benefit of saving the damage done
to Vargas. So every time you die in this fight you will have to start over
again. However, just keep moving and hitting him with your projectiles and you
should be fine. Hope for some critical hits. Defeat him to activiate the short
sequence afterwards.

Grab the rocket launcher he leaves behind and head straight back up the lift.
Sprint directly ahead now, towards the Bridge. Go up the stairs and take a
left. Go through the door on the far left and head through the Bulkhead to
conclude the mission.

|#!|                         ---  B r i d g e  ---                [WK17]  |#!|
Go down the stairs and keep going in this direction. Head down another set of
stairs and you should soon see a door. Head through and save your game at the
Aid Station. Proceed back out and go down the hall. Take a right down the
stairs when you see them. Just move past the door and continue down the hallway
to the right. Go straight down this hallway and leave through the door. Left
click on the computer outside to upload the viruses.

Continue down the catwalk now and you should see yet another door. Just go
through and save our game to the right. Continue down the stairs and youèll
have to deal with another wave of enemies. Take care of them and take a right.
Ignore the first door and go straight down this hallway. You'll find the door
to complete the mission shortly after.

|#!|                    ---  A s t r o g a t i o n    ---         [WK18]  |#!|
Head straight through the door and take a right to the Aid Station. Some Cyber
troops will open fire on you, but just ignore them for now. Engage the troops
in the the Aid Station and take them out. Once the coast is clear, leave the
Aid Station and take a right down to the main computer. Left-click on it to
activate a brief cut scene and to conclude the mission. Man, talk about a short
mission, huh?

|#!|            ---  S h i p  I n t  M a i n t e n a n c e  ---   [WK19]  |#!|
All right, you are only task in this mission is to escape. You can also hunt
for the Cybernetic parts in this area if you'd like. Begin by procuring the
Cybernetic Chest sitting in this room. If you want to use it, head over to the
Cynberinstallation Unit in the corner. Otheriwse, leave this room through the
opening. You can save your game in the Aid Station ahead as well. When you're
ready, head up the stairs.

A big wave of enemies await you now. Bring them down and just sprint straight
ahead until you hit the wall. Make right here and go up the stairs. Continue
down into the next room. There are a bunch of Harrier bots in here but they
shouldn't be of a concern. Take a right and continue down this room in this
direction until you see the big staircase leading upwards.

Take care of the two Laser Turrets at the top of the stairs. Continue forward
to the Aid Station and save your game. Then, take a right down the hall and
continue in this direction for a while. You'll have to deal with several waves
of bots along the way. The most significant of them being the Harrier Grandier.
You should still be able to handle them with relatively ease though, using the
basic combat principles.

Soon you will see a door on the left. Go through and take a right. A bunch of
Sentinel Bots await you here, but a few well-timed Shard Storms followed by an
attack from your primary weapon should do the trick. Keep going through hallway
and enter the door. Sprint across the catwalk, don't worry though, because
there are no enemies. At the end of this catwalk is another door, of course.
Just help yourself through.

A huge wave of bots await on you on this end. Take care of them, and take a
left. Another big fight here. Dispose of the bots and continue through the
door. Continue along this catwalk and make your way to the elevator. Descend to
the lower level and sprint to the Aid Station. Save your game and sprint
straight across towards the stairs leading downwards. You will now find out the
Transit system is offline.

That's OK, go back to your aid station and take the lift right beside it (the
one on the left, going to Hold C). Dodge over the mines and continue along. A
final wave of bots await you. Bring them down and then proceed through the
nearby door. Make your way to the Bulkhead to proceed to Hold C and conclude
this mission.

|#!|                         ---  H o l d  C  ---                 [WK20]  |#!|
Sprint directly ahead to the door behind the mines. Next, turn up the next few
set of stairs to the right. Some Cyber troops await you at the top. Take care
of them and go on to the catwalk beside it. Take care of the enemies you
encounter here and go through the hallway on the right. Ignore your temptation
to turn left for the next few seconds, because there is nothing there. Just
stick on your main path.

Soon you will arrive at a fight led by a Decimater. At this point, make a left
towards the computers. You'll find an HR-V flamethrower in the corner, very
cool. Dismantle your enemies and then head down the big stairs. Now continue
along and you should soon see the Aid Station. Save your game here and proceed
down the catwalk.

When you encounter the wave of enemies led by the Sergeant Trooper, just take
them down the usual way and take a right through the next two doors. Watch out
for the mines, they are hidden. If you sprint straight through the door they
should be no problem, though. In the next room, another door is in the opposite
direction. Some Harrier Bots are blocking you though. Try to lead some of the
bots on to the mines to take care of them easier. When you're ready, go through
the door.

There's a Cybernetic Machine Gun awaiting you. It won't be possible to use this
if you are 100% Human, however. Grab it and take a right. Proceed in this
direction for a little while and another wave of enemies will open an attack on
you. This squad will be led by a Veteran Marksman, a very dangerous opponent.
Take out as many of the weaker ones as you can so you can clear a path to the
Aid Station a little further. Engage the Veteran Marksman from in here.

Yet another group of Cyber troops, this time headed by Juggernaut, await you
down the catwalk. Lead them back to the Aid Station and engage them from there.
Next, make sure you're healed up and continue down this catwalk. After what
seems like forever, you will encounter some more Cyber forces with a Decimator.
Take care of them and go through the Bulkhead to the Transit Center and
conclude this mission.

|#!|                  ---  T r a n s i t  C e n t e r  ---        [WK21]  |#!|
Begin by sprinting straight down the hallway and to the elevator. Take a left
down the catwalk and just continue until you see the next elevator. There will
be no enemies yet. When you reach the bottom, take a left and engage your first
group of enemies. Dismantle them and head up the stairs. A Harrier Grandier and
some cronies are looking to make a run at you. Just take care of them and
continue down the stairs.

Go straight down the next ramp and prepare for a pretty long battle. Dispose of
these enemies and make your way to the elevator on the far end of this room.
Once you reach the top some heavy artillery are going to open fire on you. Try
to lure them to the toxic waste cans and blow them up that way. After taking
care of these guys, proceed to the stairs on the right and continue ahead to
the Transit Control Room.

Save the game immediately to your left. When you're ready, head up the stairs
to the right. Go through the door and just sprint ahead in the next few
hallways. There are no enemies here. When you do reach the enemies though, you
can either fight them or immediately go on the elevator to the right. Once you
reach the lower level, pick up the weapon for HR-V: a Mark 3 Repeater Rifle.
Take care of the enemies on this level and get back on to the elevator. Go down
the stairs leading to the Transit Control Room now. Go through the door.

Finish the enemies in this computer room and left click on the computer. Now
head back up the stairs. Go down the elevator again and through the door. Make
a right on the catwalk and continue down until you see the Transit Car. Select
Medical Center Delta.

Medical Center Delta
Open your attack on all the enemies in the MCD area where you usually meet
DeSoto and Gina. Following the brief cut scene, pick up the Fusion Beam Rifle,
go to the Transit Car and select the Shuttle Bay to conclude the mission.

|#!|                     ---  S h u t t l e  B a y  ---           [WK22]  |#!|
Head up the stairs and go through the door. The door on the right will suddenly
open and a bunch of enemies will pour through. Take care of them and head down
the stairs. A bunch of Swarmers will now descend on you. They aren't really
worth commenting on though because you know how to take care of them by now.
Dispose of them and head through the door. Sprint straight across and go up the
elevator. Take a right and go straight ahead on this catwalk. Do not turn left.
Soon you will be able to go down the stairs.

To the right is an Aid Station and big wave of enemies. You can do the usual
and fight them inside the station if you'd like. When you're ready, get back on
the stairs and follow the green arrow to the Freighter Berth. Keep sprinting
ahead on the catwalk and don't turn right back down the stairs. Instead, keep
going straight ahead and turn left, following the arrow again.

When the Swarmers drop on you, continue going and take a right. You should be
able to see the stairs leading downwards soon. The stairs are quite long and at
the end of them some Hybrid Swarmers will drop. Take care of them and continue
down to the lower level. Take care of the large wave of enemies in the centre
of the area. Now click on the body to complete the first objective.

Go back up the stairs now and run all the way back to where you'll see the 2nd
green sign. Head down the stairs here and you should arrive at the elevator.
Don't go down, instead, run across and follow the blue arrow to the Transit
Terminal. Right straight down this catwalk and you should soon see a set of
stairs leading downwards. Keep going down and you should soon see another
elevator. Take this one down and sprint to the right, following the blue arrow.

Go through the opening and up the stairs now. Go outside to the catwalk and
make your way down to the Transit Car. Select Ship Exterior Maintenance to
conclude the mission.

|#!|            ---  S h i p  E x t  M a i n t e n a n c e  ---   [WK23]  |#!|
This is a very small stage. Your goal is simple -- to kill as many Kerak
Hybrids as you can. So let's get this party started, why don't we. Go up the
stairs and head through the door. The first wave here is led by an Elite
Defender. Bring them down and continue down the hallway. Go straight down for a
while and turn left into the Aid Station when you see it. Do some upgrades and
such if you need to. When you're ready, go back outside to the main hallway.

Go through the door at the end of the hall and take the elevator down to
initiate a brief cut scene and a boss fight.

Boss Battle: Warlord
I hope you're ready for a battle of attrition. This is going to really test
your skills. The Warlord has a lot of armour and he also has a lot of
reinforcements. I hope you have been upgrading your Rocket Launcher because its
range is going to be very useful. Begin by trying to distance yourself as much
as possible. Open fire on all the weaker forces if you can. Watch out for its
attack when it stuns you and pulls you closer. Take this opportunity to drop
some Shard Storms. Do your best to maximize the distance because your advantage
is going to be using the Rocket Launcher. Spam as many Grenades and Fire Traps
as you have, because they are going to be helpful. Deadly bash is pretty good
as well.

After you defeat the Warlord, finishing cut scene will ensue. Now head straight
through the big opening and click on the Corpse. Following the brief
conversation, take the elevator to the upper level and click the computer to
activiate another cut scene. Now go through the door. You can find the
Cybernetic Brain in the corner to the right if you want it. There are also 4
Health packs in this room, so hit the Z button to grab them all at once. Head
through the door on the other end of the room to conclude the mission.

|#!|                         ---  G a n t r y  ---                [WK24]  |#!|
Begin by sprinting straight ahead across this room. It's going to take a while
and you are going to encounter some resistance. Just persist through it though
and you should soon arrive at the elevator. Take it down to the lower level.
Now head on the conveyor lift and just hang tight for a bit. When it stops head
down the ramp to the right and take out the enemies you encounter.  Go all the
way down to the Communications Array and click it. One down.

Continue down a little bit and you will find the second Communications Array.
Continue along the catwalk and go up the stairs. It won't be long until you see
the 3rd Communications Array in the distance. Left click it and get on the
conveyor belt. When you get off, continue up the stairs and take a left towards
the 4th Communications Array. Go past the 4th Communications Array now and down
the long catwalk.

At the end of the catwalk is another weapon for your HR-V. Grab it and take a
right to the elevator. Go up and make your way to 5th and final Communications
Array. Left-click it and click on the door back to Medical Center Delta. Make
your way back to the control room to initiate a brief cut scene. Watch the
enusing relavations (I think you have an idea of what happened), and come back.

For the purposes of this walkthrough, just press No. Now leave, go back to the
Transit Car and pick Ares Engine Control to conclude the mission.

|#!|             ---  A r e s  E n g i n e  C o n t r o l  ---    [WK25]  |#!|
Head up the stairs and go through the door. Go through the next hallways until
the bots start attacking you. In the next room, head down the stairs and take a
left down to the next hallway. A big wave of enemies will start attacking now,
but nothing you haven't seen before. Ignore the upcoming doors and just keep
proceed ahead until you hit the Aid Station. Go through and save your game.

Now go back outside and go down the stairs. Watch out for the mines on the
walls. Some more bots await you at the bottom. Take care of them and go right
down the hallway. Another big wave awaits you at the end of next hallway. Watch
out for the stunning attacks. Take care of them and go on to the large catwalk
behind them.

Sprint straight ahead on the catwalk and take elevator all the way down. Go
through the nearby door. Some Sentinel Bots will engage you now. Take care of
them and head down the ramp. Sprint past the fan and make a right into the
Engine Room. Be ready for a fight. Immediately take out the Laser Turrets and
sweep through the rest of the room. There's an Aid Station in the northeast

Next, head through the nearby door and closer to the Engine Room. Take a right
and proceed down this catwalk. Ignore the stairs. Head through the door at the
end of this room. Take care of all the Maintenance Bots in here and proceed
ahead a bit. Take a right to the door when you are able to. Turn left on the
catwalk now and continue in this direction. Save your game at the Aid Station.
Now go through the door to the left. Proceed deeper in this room and bring down
the Cybers. After you dispose of them head up the stairs to rendezvous with the
MCD squad.

There's still more to do. Go down the stairs and make a right through the door
towards the Flash Engine Room. Now continue through the door and down the
catwalk. Ignore the door to the left. Instead, continue down this long hallway
to the door at the end of it. Go through the door and now on to the bridge.
Make your way into the room with the computers and take a left. Continue down
the stairs until you reach the Bulkhead. Continue through to conclude the

|#!|              ---  F l a s h  E n g i n e  C o n t r o l  --- [WK26]  |#!|
Begin by going through the door, then take a right and down the stairs. Take a
left down here now and turn right towards the mines when you see them. Stick on
the right now and take care of the big Decimators. Now, proceed through the
door towards the Flash Engine room. Go down the catwalk here and take a left.
Go through the door here to rendezvous with the rest of the MCD squad. Now
continue down the catwalk.

Take a left towards the Transit Terminal when you see the door. There's an Aid
Station to your right now. Save your game and head to the stairs in the
northwest corner of the room. Continue down the catwalk and make your way to
the Transit Car. Select the Zeus Engine Control to conclude the mission.

|#!|             ---  Z e u s  E n g i n e  C o n t r o l  ---    [WK27]  |#!|
Head up the stairs and head through the door. Go down the next hallway and
enter the door at the end of it. Take a left towards the door now. Take a bit
of time to relax while there aren't any enemies. It won't last long, though.
There are some enemies that await you now. Dispose of them and continue along
the catwalk. Now take a left through the door and through the next one as well.
Some Juggernaut Mark IIs await you now. The best way to handle them is to just
book it the elevator and go on up. It will be a long ride up so if any of the
Juggernauts manage to stay it gives you a chance to bring them down.

Turn around and head through the door towards the Engine Room. Go down this
hallway and head through the next door as well. Proceed ahead a bit along the
catwalk and take a left. There's an Aid Station room to the right. When you're
ready, continue ahead across the catwalk and through the door. Take care of the
bots here. Now take a left down the catwalk for a bit and take a right when you
see the path. Continue straight down and dismantle the Disamators. Once you
reach the end of the catwalk you will find DeSoto.

Following the brief cut scene, the stage is set for your confrontation against
Henderson. Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet. Turn around and sprint down
the catwalk. Take a right when you are able to. Continue through the door now.
Proceed down the catwalk and take a left through the next door as well. Proceed
down the hallway towards the crates and take a right. Click on the door and
proceed to Shuttle Control.

|#!|                ---  S h u t t l e  C o n t r o l   ---       [WK28]  |#!|
Take a right down the stairs here and go on the catwalk to the left. Proceed up
the stairs and save your game in the Aid Station to your left. Now continue
through the door. Go across the long catwalk now and take the elevator to
initiate the brief cut scene and the confrontation you have been waiting for.

Final Battle: Jake Henderson
Jake drops in, barely looking like the Jake that you knew. He will open fire on
you with his primary weapon. It isn't too difficult to dodge this. Just keep
dodging for a bit, and soon he will attack you with another manuever. He'll
start spraying a bunch of explosives at you. Surprisingly, this isn't going to
beoo tough of a fight. His primary attack is going to hurt, but he only fires
it once every second or so. Take a bit to get his timing down. Fire at him with
your strongest weapon when he stands there doing nothing.

When he yells, "Eat on these!" He is going to launch the land mines on to the
arena. After a while they are going to be pretty tough. It'll take him a bit to
fill up the hole arena, but it will still make it more difficult to avoid him.
Once you get his timing down it should be smooth flying from there. Try to take
him down before he can fill up too much of the arena with mines.

After you bring down about half of his health, he's going to jump down. Just
take the elevator down and continue your attack. The same thing applies: dodge
his attacks and blast him for a second while he stands still. When he starts
launching his homing missiles at you, be very, very careful. He'll only use the
missiles when he has shield up, so just around the arena when he does so. You
should be able to avoid them that way. Once you finish him, watch the cut scene
and collect the Upgrade Materials. Don't forget to break the crate as well and
collect the materials in there.

Next, head down the elevator and go through the door. Go through to Central
Computing to conclude the mission.

|#!|               ---  C e n t r a l  C o m p u t i n g  ---     [WK29]  |#!|
Go straight through and into the Central Computing Room. Go around and left-
click on the three computers to deactivate them and to shut down PILOT once and
for all. Congratulations, you have beaten the game! Watch the final cut scenes
and go grab a soda, or something.

***If you are wondering what happens if you chose to side with PILOT***

A: Nothing, really. In the final battle against Jake Henderson, he will tell
you that he wants to be the boss now, instead of what he says if you said No to
siding with him.

|#!|                        ---  C R E D I T S  ---               [CR00]  |#!|
SBAllen: For posting this FAQ.

|#!|                 ---  L E G A L  D I S C L A I M E R  ---     [LD00]  |#!|
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