Debug mode cheats
To enable cheats navigate to your Demigod folder (usually found here: My DocumentsMy GamesGas Powered GamesDemigod) and open the Game.prefs file with notepad. Edit the file by adding this line: "debug = { enable_debug_facilities = true }" at the top, above the "profile = {". Now save the file and then right click on the file icon, to select proporties. Select the reda only box and you are now able to use the following cheats. Warning: some cheats may also receive the cheat effect.
Code | Effect |
CTRL+ALT+B | 999.999 Gold (1Million) |
CTRL+SHIFT+C | Copy Unit / Structure |
Minus | Decrease game speed |
ALT+N | God Mode |
Plus | Increase game speed |
ALT+F | Instant level up to 20 |
CTRL+K | Kill selected unit |
CTRL+SHIFT+V | Paste Unit / Structure |
CTRL+ALT+Z | Reveal Map |
ALT+F2 | Spawn any unit |
ALT+T | Teleport selected unit |
ALT+A | Toggle Opponent AI (untested) |
ALT+V | Wireframe mode |