Cheat Codes
You must have download the free expansion pack for the following codes to work. Go to 'Options' and check the 'Cheat Keys' button to 'On'. Then press the following keys to unlock the corresponding effect. Using these cheats will lower your score to zero.
Ctrl M - Adds $1000
Ctrl O - Add Anomaly
Ctrl B - Battleship
Ctrl T - Teleport
Ctrl U - Clear Fog of War
Ctrl C - Clone Selected Ship
Ctrl Y - Create Colony Ship
Ctrl V - Create Random Ship
Ctrl E - Decreases Morality
Ctrl G - Increases Morality
Ctrl H - Heals ship, restores Move Points
Ctrl L - Assign ALL the worlds and Resources to major races
Ctrl A - Adds Hit Points, Move Points, Attack and Defense Points
Ctrl P - Increase the class of the Planets in the selected Star System
Ctrl J - ALL Human Colonies complete their Social and Military Projects
Ctrl S - Research current Tech (press the 'Shift' key to research ALL Techs except Final Frontier)
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.