Divinity II – The Dragon Knight Saga Xbox360 Cheats


Achievement Description
A Dragon Stone's Throw Away (5) You have used the Dragon Stone.
Adrift (30) You have found Michael's raft.
All Aboard! (20) You finished Farglow. Happy hunting!
Bounty Hunter (40) You have brought to justice all of Rivellon's most wanted criminals.
Bunny Bagger (30) You have killed the Killer Bunny.
Castle Crasher (40) You have destroyed all of Damian's Flying Fortresses.
Cave In (25) You have found Adah and Mahalath's secret cave.
Chicken Out (25) You have killed Casper.
Dim Lights, Dark City (25) You have discovered Aleroth.
Dragon Ho! (25) You have found a true Dragon: the Patriarch.
Ego Raccoonis (25) You gave Valeri a raccoon rune.
Enchanté (5) You have enchanted an item.
Family Fortune (30) You have read the mind of the three Gremory siblings.
First Class Fireman (15) You salvaged everything Claire asked you from the fire.
Gaining Power (5) You have leveled up. Congratulations!
Hold the Key (15) You have obtained the key to the Maxos Temple.
I Trained a Pet (25) You have resurrected Ygerna.
Lovis Lore-Master (25) You correctly answered all of the questions about Lord Lovis.
Master Brewer (5) You have created a potion.
Mater Studiorum (5) You have made use of your skills trainer.
Mirror, Mirror (5) You have made use of an illusionist's services.
Off the Leash (5) You have summoned your creature.
On the Run (5) You have sent one of your runners on a mission.
Parental Approval (10) You convinced Anne to leave Tom. Poor Tom
Past the Gates (25) You have reached the Hall of Echoes.
Path of the Pious (25) You have gained entry to the Maxos Temple.
Peeping Tom (5) You have read someone's mind.
Pillar of Strength (40) You have upgraded all your Battle Tower platforms to their maximal potential.
Prince Charming (5) You have charmed an item.
Saint or Satan (20) You have shown you are either utterly good or evil in Bellegar's cave.
Shape of the Dragon (5) You have morphed into a Dragon.
She Never Saw It Coming (25) You scared away the fortune teller.
Shielded (25) You have obtained the shield that will protect you in the Hall of Echoes.
Shop Till You Drop (5) You have traded with someone.
Spell-Struck (25) You have found the spell that will reveal the Hall of Echoes.
Suit Up! (25) You collected all the parts of an armor set.
The Damned One (10) You met Damian.
The Dragon Roars (25) You have destroyed Damian's armada and successfully protected your Battle Tower.
The Feral Fjords (10) You have discovered the Orobas Fjords.
The Great Escape (20) You have made it out of the Maxos Temple.
The Maxos Baedeker (20) You have found the book that will lead you to the Hall of Echoes.
The Sigil, the Seal (25) You have found the seal that will open the gate to the Hall of Echoes.
Turn a Blind Eye (10) You have cured blindness.
You're Going to Die, Charlie (5) You have killed Charlie the goblin.

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