CheatsMaking Money Fast
Go to void system, harvest void crystals ($400/ea)
Raiding - Tips
Running away is not always an option. When running low on health, kill them faster. Or you really do die.
Raiding - Easy
Be careful who you attack to retrieve loot! making enemies out of any of the four nations will make your life miserable. Remember that, when you can, stick out of big firefights, and generally tackle pirates in groups of 2 or 3.
Raiding - Moderate
When you get to parts where you are able to enter the Void Sector, empty your cargo holdof useless clutter and venture in! Void Crystals and Void Organs can sell for a lot of money. Be careful, if you do not have a khador drive, you may very well die when trying to reach far off wormholes.Related: Galaxy on Fire 2 Video
Raiding - Difficult
A rather luck - based way of farming money. Making an enemy of a nation by attacking their freighters will generally give you a lot of money, but will cause their ships to attack you! Sometimes, cargo can give you up to 50t oftransplants, bringing in a good 40k or so.A good scanner and probably a kingfisher will be useful while you dodge plasma bullets.
Trading - Tips
Compression is very useful. If you ever lay your hands on the blueprintsof the black hole, make it. With 100% compression, it'll save you a lot of space. Don't get ripped off! When approaching aliens in the lounge, always make sure to check the current price of the goods you buy off them. More often than not, you lose money.
Trading - Easy
Starting off with around 30k or 40k of money, buy around 100t+ of a product in its cheapest system. To confirm where it is the cheapest, go to the info button on the item. After purchasing a bulk of the item, go to the system where it costs the most, approach the most technologically advanced orleast technologically advanced station, depending on your product. Then sell. Repeat.
Trading - Moderate
Liquor is often a valuable commodity. Stock up on every kind, and approach various people in Space Lounges. Some people offer 40k for 12t of booze!
Trading - Difficult
With a minimum of 100k credits and a khador drive to start this, approach a Vossk sector or any sectors around those. find a station with a high amount (100k+) of either: Transplants, Luxury, Rare Plants, or Organs. Find the cheapest station for the most effectiveness. Buy as much as you can. For Organs, head off to Wolf-Reiser to sell. For transplants, luxury, and rare plants, usually Eanya. Repeat. And by a lot of crystals for the Khador drive, usually located at Bumeta and Augmenta.
Galaxy on Fire 2
Galaxy on Fire 2 #1
Galaxy on Fire 2 #2
Galaxy on Fire 2 #3
Galaxy on Fire 2 #4
Galaxy on Fire 2 #5