Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures PC Cheats


Battle of Umbara CWA Codes

Clone Wars codes only work once.

Cwagift10 - Free membership (New accounts only)

Secretmission - C-3PO

Mcplaycwa - RA-7

trudooku - Count Dooku Gear

Cwapowerboost - 300 Boost Points

Jetpack01 - Speeder Bike

Free Jedi Membership for 3 months

cwajedi232 - gives a players 3 months free membership

cwaweapon122 - Unlocks free double lightsabers to use

cwasurprise200 - Gives you extra 1000 station cash


Glitching on Courscant

There are two ways you can glitch on Courscant. The first way is at the house in the jedi temple buy 3 floors (does not matter what type). Then make a ramp up to the celing and stand still on the last one then click rotate and jump at the same time. If you do it correctly you will be one the roof. Another way is at the other house on courscant go right by one of the lights and stand still. Then put something at a angle up wards (while standing still) then it should bring you on top of the roof and then you are glitching. If you jump of the building then you have two go back to your house and start all over.


Get lots of credits fast

If You want fast and a lot of credits find the blue balls, the golden balls or You can play a mini game. Mini games are better. Choose republic defender as it gives lots of money or daily spin. The golden and blue balls gives you 100,000 credits and republic cash!

Upcoming Releases
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