Jagged Alliance: Crossfire PC Cheats

Steam Achievements

  • Bloody Snow - Retrieve the suitcase
  • Bullet Sponge - Revive a dying militia recruit
  • Business Partners - Unlock the trader Dodo
  • Dead man walking - Revive a single mercenary over 20 times in a single playtrough
  • Economist - Make 200000 $ via your daily income during several playthroughs
  • Field Experience - Gain 30 Level ups with one or more mercenaries during several playthroughs
  • Frankenstein - Total damage taken by one or more mercenaries during several playthroughs is passes 1000000 hitpoint
  • German Weapons - Recruit Dariush
  • Godlike - Liberate the Temple on hard difficulty before Day 5
  • Hired Loyalty - Reach a total amount of 1000 days in service with all mercs across several playthroughs
  • Khanpaa Warrior - Recruit Roshan
  • Mule - Have a single mercenary in your service for over 10 days without ever killing anyone
  • My wife can wait - Recruit Jamshed
  • One man army - Have a single mercenary kill over 200 enemies in a single playtrough
  • Peacemaker - Liberate Khanpaa
  • Resupply - Receive 10 shipments from Bobby Ray througout a single playthrough
  • Self reliance - Witness miltia defend their home against an enemy squad without your help on the worldmap
  • Showdown Temple - Kill Jurijen
  • Tactician - Liberate Khadwan with tactical mode ON before Day 3
  • True Believer - Retrieve the relics
  • Warhero - Have one mercenary reach level 10
  • Warrior Within - Recruit Shenyen
Upcoming Releases
Embark on an inspiring mission of human connection beyond the UCA. Sam — with companions by his side — sets out on a new journey to save humanity from extinction. Join them as they traverse a world beset by otherworldly enemies, obstacles and a haunting question: should we have connected?
Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first person space combat and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers (known as Star Citizen), and a branching single-player game (known as Squadron 42). The game will also feature VR support.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.
Damnview: Built From Nothing is a simulation sandbox game about occidental culture and its different social classes. Immerse yourself into a decadent urban sprawl, all while working precarious jobs where you will either be absorbed into the system, or cast out of society’s machine. Damnview: Built From Nothing is a game about despair, the hostility of capitalism, and the need…