Steam Achievements
- BEST OF THE BEST - Upgrade 25 units Level 3 in a single game
- BIG SPENDER - Buy 1,000 Cubemen
- CARETAKER - Move a unit into a Healing Station with less than 10% health
- COLD BLOODED - Kill 10,000 Units
- COMMANDER - Buy 4,000 Cubemen
- CREATOR - Publish a level online
- CROWD CONTROL - Kill 500 Mobs
- DASTARDLY - Sell a unit that has less than 10% health
- DEEP POCKETS - Earn 10,000 Cubes
- DEFENDER - CLASSIC - Play a Classic Defense game on every 3 Sprockets level
- DEFENDER - LTD CUBES - Play a Ltd Cubes Defense game on every 3 Sprockets level
- DEFENDER - LTD MEN - Complete a Ltd Men Defense game on every 3 Sprockets level
- DEFENDER - ROCKETS - Play a Rockets Defense game on every 3 Sprockets level
- DREAM TEAM - Upgrade 35 units to Level 3 in a single game
- EARLY BIRD - Catch a Package before it hits the ground
- HERO - Kill 25,000 Mobs
- INVESTED - Purchase 500 upgrades
- LANDGRAB - Complete a 6 player game of Territory with over 50% of the map
- LEADER - Buy 2,000 Cubemen
- LONG DISTANCE CALLER - Purchase 10 Sid's over a single game
- LOOSE CHANGE - Earn 5,000 Cubes
- MASTER DEFENDER - Earn a Platinum medal in any mode on every 3 Sprockets level
- MASTER TRAVELLER - Earn every World Traveller achievement
- MONEYBAGS - Earn 15,000 Cubes
- NEMESIS - Kill 1,250 Units
- OPEN SEASON - Kill 1,000 Mobs
- OUTRANKED - Win any game without buying a Grill
- PLAN B - Move a unit into a Teleporter with less than 10% health
- RECRUITER - Buy 250 Cubemen
- RELENTLESS - Kill 500 Units
- RUTHLESS - Kill 200 Units
- SAMPLER - Play a game on another Player's level
- SELF-SUFFICIENT - Play a multi-player game on another Player's level
- SHOPAHOLIC - Buy 500 Cubemen
- SOLE SURVIVOR - Win a game with one surviving unit
- SPLASH DAMAGE - Kill 5,000 Mobs
- SURPRISE! - Use 15 Milo's in a single game
- TACTICIAN - Kill 5,000 Units
- THE BEST - Upgrade 15 units to Level 3 in a single game
- VETERAN - Kill 10,000 Mobs
- WORLD TRAVELLER - CTF - Complete a CTF game on every 3 Sprockets level
- WORLD TRAVELLER - DEFENSE - Complete a Defense game on every 3 Sprockets level
- WORLD TRAVELLER - RESCUE - Complete a Rescue game on every 3 Sprockets level
- WORLD TRAVELLER - SKIRMISH - Complete a Skirmish game on every 3 Sprockets level
- WORLD TRAVELLER - TERRITORY - Complete a Territory game on every 3 Sprockets level
- YOU'VE GOT MAIL - Collect one of each type of Package in a single game