Dishonored Blueprint Upgrades

The Royal Physician

Folded Galvani Resin - Upgraded Boot Stealth

Early in the mission, look inside a warehouse on the left side of the canal, in the first bridge area to find the blueprint.

Sokolov's Formula - Piero can create Health Elixir

It is inside the Greenhouse in Sokolov's mansion, which can be accessed from Sokolov's workshop through the library.

The Flooded District

Bonded Galvani Weave - Improved Armor

Search the chests in Daud's office to find the blueprint. You will need Daud's key to reach the chest containing it.

Folded Galvani Resin - Upgraded Boot Stealth

Search Daud's office for an unlocked chest with the blueprint.

Incandescent Paste - Fire Bolts

The blueprint is in the lower level cellar near the tunnel's exit.

Small-Scale Combustion Refinement - Explosive Bullets

In the Central Rail Station, look inside the crashed train car to find the blueprint.

Spiked Grenade Housing - Sticky Grenade

Enter the building filled with armed criminals, and search the wrecked hallway to find the blueprint.

Return To The Tower

Small-Scale Combustion Refinement - Explosive Bullets

The blueprint is in the General's office in the Dunwall Tower interior area, which is one of the four central offices up the stairs.

Lady Boyle's Last Party

Spiked Grenade Housing - Sticky Grenade

Before entering Boyle's mansion, locate the guard station at the gate near the entrance. The blueprint is inside on the guard's desk.

House Of Pleasure

Incandescent Paste: Fire Bolts

Go back to the Distillery, and use the valve-controlled door to reach the blueprint.

Lens Magnification - Upgrade: Improved Lens Magnification

It is located in Griff's Pawnshop, but you first must rescue Griff from the building to the right of the first Wall Of Light in Mission 2. Save him from the bandits to be able to purchase the blueprint from him.

High Overseer Campbell

Bonded Galvani Weave: Improved Armor

The blueprint is in the workshop inside a safe, which is in the backyard behind the Overseer's mansion. The key to the safe is on a nearby workbench.

Lens Magnification

It is located in Griff's Pawnshop, but you first must rescue Griff from the building to the right of the first Wall Of Light in Mission 2. Save him from the thugs to be able to purchase the blueprint from him.

Sokolov's Formula: Piero can create Health Elixir

It is located in Griff's Pawnshop, but you first must rescue Griff from the building to the right of the first Wall Of Light in Mission 2. Save him from the bandits to be able to purchase the blueprint from him.
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