Crucible voice chat

When is Crucible getting voice chat?

It’s safe to say that the launch of Amazon Games’ Crucible didn’t go too well, with many noting that it is missing key features for online games, including voice chat. Is there Crucible voice chat? Read through this guide to find out if you can use voice chat in-game or not. When is Crucible getting voice chat? Read on to find out when the game should get the (somewhat) industry-standard option added.

Is there Crucible Voice Chat?

Crucible voice chat

Bizarrely, there is no Crucible voice chat. While this omission is less notable in some online games, Crucible is a team-based online shooter. As of writing, you cannot chat with your friends or teammates through the game. A strange one, for sure. Of course, just because there is no voice chat in the game right now, it doesn’t mean the feature won’t be added later on.

ALSO: Amazon’s new game Crucible falls flat on launch

When is Crucible getting voice chat?

While there is no voice chat currently in Crucible, the developers, of course, could add the feature in via a future game update. Unfortunately, we don’t know when voice chat will be added to Crucible. Without any kind of official word on the missing feature, it’s difficult to say when it could be added to the game. Hopefully, though, we’ll see Crucible voice chat added sooner rather than later. Asking for it on official social media pages and the like could see it happen more quickly than it would otherwise.

While a lack of voice chat in-game can make it difficult to speak to those teammates you don’t know, there are still old-fashioned ways of speaking with friends while playing. Of course, we’re talking about using your phone. You can always use your phone or apps such as Discord to talk to your friends while playing Crucible. Just make sure you have unlimited minutes if using your phone. We don’t want you racking up gargantuan mobile bills just to better strategize your Crucible wins.

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