What are the comic book quiz answers in The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC?

The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC | Comic book quiz answers

If you weren’t paying attention, you may be asking what the comic book quiz answers are in The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC. These questions quiz you on the Archibald Excelsior comics you’ve been picking up for the Dialogue Between Dead Men side mission (here’s how to find them). So what are these answers? You’re going to have to answer them for one of the best Science Weapons in the game since this guide also will also tell you how to get the P.E.T. weapon, which will help you with the Special P.E.T. Benefits trophy or achievement.

The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC | Comic book quiz answers

What are the comic book quiz answers in The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC?

The answers are hidden in the menu in the comics you found. However, it would be easier to use this guide. Once you get to the secret hideout (which is on the above map if you can’t find it), you’ll get some questions. Here are the quiz answers (which will be in bold) for the Dialogue Between Dead Men quest:

  • In issue #1, The Plague of the Manti-Men, what was the name of the Manti-Mastermind’s second-in-command whom Archibald defeated in hand-to-claw combat?
    • [Sissak Sassafrass, Spindle Knight of Olympus]
  • In issue #2, Attack of the Crystal Canids, what improvised weapon did our illustrious leader, Archibald Excelsior, use to exterminate King Alpha?
    • [His best friend, Frankie Gat the Living Gun]
  • In issue #3, Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Sprats, Agent Buff Hardman foiled Archibald’s heroic plan to liberate the underground metropolis of Hephaestus from the Sprat Pack by doing what?
    • [Tricking Archibald with his dastardly Mind Control Ray!]
  • In issue #4, The Colossus Beneath Tartarus, how did Archibald ignite his signature weapon, the P.E.T., and put the titular giant down for good?
    • [With a bold of lightning from above!]

What are the comic book quiz answers in The Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC?

Once you answers all of those questions correctly, you will gain access to their lair, which is full of booze but an incredible weapon, the aforementioned P.E.T. This melee club can kill enemies quickly, making this mission one of the best ones in the expansion.

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