free V-Bucks

Fortnite | Are free V-Bucks real?

Are Fortnite free V-Bucks real? We’re all tempted by the coolest Fortnite skins, but they can be pretty expensive. As such, free V-Bucks deals seem like a real winner. Can you actually trust the free V-Bucks promotions, though? In this guide, we cover if free Fortnite V-Bucks are legit or a scam.

Are free Fortnite V-Bucks real?

free V-Bucks

No, advertisements claiming to offer free Fortnite V-Bucks are rarely (if ever) real. A majority of supposed free V-Bucks promotions are, in fact, malicious scams. Disappointing as it might be, you should avoid websites offering free Fortnite currency for your own security.

There are instances of influencers and websites running legitimate V-Bucks giveaways, but free V-Bucks code generators should be avoided. These websites are illegitimate — using them is a security risk and could also violate the Epic Games Terms of Service, resulting in an account ban.

Since Fortnite isn’t a pay-to-win game and the items you intend to buy using V-Bucks are purely cosmetic, it really isn’t worth the risk. Although it’s expensive, you’ll need to purchase V-Bucks legitimately in order to get any skins that you can’t live without via the Item Shop.

Fortnite | Are free V-Bucks real?

  • No, a majority of websites advertising free Fortnite V-Bucks are not legit.
  • Using free Fortnite V-Bucks code generators can present a security risk.
  • It can also breach the Fortnite Terms of Service, resulting in a ban.
  • Some Fortnite V-Buck giveaways are real, though will always come from reputable sources.

Similar to buying a League of Legends account, while seeking free V-Bucks might seem harmless on the surface, it rarely ends well. Again, we’d recommend that you steer well clear and absorb the cost of any in-game purchases you want to make in Fortnite.

For more on Fortnite, check out the latest patch notes to see what’s new.

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