Cyberpunk 2077 clothes clipping not appearing 1

Cyberpunk 2077 Clothes Clipping | How to fix outfits clipping or not appearing

Cyberpunk 2077 has launched with a number of bugs, one of them being issues with clothes clipping or just not appearing at all. This can be as mild as V’s back slightly clipping through a shirt or jacket, or as bad as having a whole beard or head of hair sticking through gear. Fortunately, there’s a quick fix for most of these glitches, but some will require patching.

How to fix clothes clipping or not appearing in Cyberpunk 2077


Players can fix the mildest cases of clothes clipping in Cyberpunk 2077 by simply unequipping and reequipping the gear. Sometimes, after a cutscene or fast traveling, V’s clothes just don’t make the transition. When this occurs, players will still have the item equipped, and get the stat boosts from it, but it won’t physically appear in-game or in the inventory. It sometimes take two or three rounds of unequipping and requipping, but it’ll eventually reappear.

The above method can sometimes help the issue with V’s body clipping through clothes in Cyberpunk 2077 as well. Sometimes the game doesn’t despawn hair when players put on a hat or facial accessory, and unequipping and reequipping will usually fix it.

Some clothing that clips in the game currently is just plain broken. The day one patch solved some of the more significant clothes clipping cases, but players are still reporting issues with some items. As a rule of thumb, if putting a piece of gear on and off a few times doesn’t fix the clipping, it’s going to need a patch.

Unfortunately, with how the game emphasizes stats over fashion, players will often have no choice but to wear a glitched piece of clothing until they find a stronger one. Nothing is more disappointing than crafting or buying an awesome item and seeing that it’s visually broken once V puts it on.

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