star wars battlefront 2 stuck on loading screen

How to fix Star Wars Battlefront 2 stuck on loading screen PC

A Star Wars Battlefront 2 error causes the game to get stuck on the loading screen on PC. This issue has prohibited players from being able to access the game, which was recently made free on the Epic Games Store. Fortunately, there is a solution for the Battlefront 2 stuck on loading screen bug.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 stuck on loading screen fix

star wars battlefront 2 stuck on loading screen fix

In order to fix this bug, users must navigate to the Star Wars Battlefront 2‘s files and delete them. These files are temporary and generated once you load the game up again, so they won’t affect your saved game or your stats in Battlefront 2‘s multiplayer mode.

In order to easily find the files, follow these steps:

  • Search ‘Star Wars Battlefront II’ in the Windows search bar
  • Click on the folder
  • Delete files ‘CrashDumps,’ ‘RimeTemp,’ ‘Screenshots,’ and ‘settings’
  • Relaunch Star Wars Battlefront 2

After deleting these files and restarting the game, it should work as intended.

However, if this still doesn’t resolve the issue, then an alternate method will require you to write the game’s boot options. To do this, go to the settings folder located in the ‘Star Wars Battlefront II’ folder, then click the ‘BootOptions’ text file. Select Notepad to edit the file, then replace the text with the following:

GstRender.EnableDx12 0

GstRender.FullscreenEnabled 0

GstRender.FullscreenRefreshRate 60.000000

GstRender.FullscreenScreen 0

GstRender.ResolutionHeight 1080

GstRender.ResolutionWidth 1920

GstRender.WindowBordersEnable 1

Save the file, then relaunch Star Wars Battlefront 2. Altering its boot options should ensure that it now makes it past the loading screen and you can go back to playing the latest Epic Games free release.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 has not been without its issues since launching on EGS. The influx of new players has caused it to be hit by an outage and two separate error codes, while players have also found themselves struggling with getting the game to work on Origin through the Epic Games Store.

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